Namaste friends welcome back to Sangeeta's Kreations. If you're new here please make
sure to subscribe my channel for latest updates and hit double button for
notifications. The Indian festival of Diwali also referred to as a festival of
lights Diwali is quickly approaching
so here I come with five beautiful Newspaper Diyas
for making this Diwali more special just you need few materials and your
imaginations. Take newspaper and fold it this way and cut it with cutter. Place
barbecue stick at the end of the newspaper
corner and then roll it at the end apply small amount of glue and roll it twist
it and take it out now roll the tube this way on barbecue stick keep rolling
now here apply glue and insert another tube into it keep on rolling at the end
apply glue paste it and attach cloth pin make two of same size now take
another tube and roll it on any bigger object apply glue and roll it this way
at the end again apply glue and take it out slowly so now you have to round
coils with the same size and one big round coil we are going to make this way
so it's ready to start take one round coil
slowly push from the center with thumb and make the shape as shown apply hot glue
and paste this way
now take glue plus water with proportion to 2:1 and apply all over it and let
it dry color it as per to your choice now for the second diya take tube and
roll it this way as shown apply glue and paste it take it out so for this diya
we will be needing two round coil of same size and one big round coil and one
small round paste them as shown
apply a blue coat and later color as per to your choice now for 3rd diya for this you
will need 2 small round coil and 1 big round take one small coil and make the
shape as shown now same with second round coil attached them as shown an
apply glue and color it as per to your likes for fourth Diya style you need 4
round coil of the same size make shape as shown
apply hot glue and paste it make shape with remaining round coil apply glue in
this center and paste a thin piece of paper as shown and attach it as shown
apply coat of glue and later when it dry color it as you like now for the fifth
dia you will be needing seven small coil one medium size and two little bigger
size same way make shape for both the coil now attach all small coil as shown
take tube and roll it all over as shown
now attach them apply coat of glue after it dry apply color as per to your choice
so all your Diyas are ready isn't it looking beautiful light your home with
this five-diyas decoration ideas this Diwali hope this video was very helpful
please give a big thumbs up and do comment below
happy Diwali and do let me know what would you love to watch in my coming
videos thank you for watching see you soon till then namaste
For more infomation >> How to make newspaper diya stand - Diwali Special - DIY - Sangeetas Kreations - Duration: 6:17.-------------------------------------------
How To make money in college - Duration: 5:09.
How to make extra money in college
Whats good wealthbulderz its yah boy DeVaughn back again with another
video and today we are talking about
how to make extra money
in college
When your a college student things can really suck
Your eating bullshit all day
Your professors could be a drab and your parents aren't really the most
financially savvy people So its not like your in college with a silver
spoon in your mouth
Welcome to the real world player This is what 95% of people are going throuugh
while in college But why are they?
It seems to me while being in college or being of college age
Your life could be so much easier if you just stepped out your comfort zone
And did something about your finances.
I know I make it sound easy with a vauge statement like that
but its really that easy.
The thing is I'm not going to just give you some empty inspirational
thought on how your college life sucks and you can make it better.
I want to actually show you how to make it better
with making more then just extra money in college
Cause extra money in college is like getting some bullshit
part time job at Fed ex... no disrespect to my college students doing this
but this is not going to really put you on the road to financial security
I'm going Show you how you can really make extra money in college
without selling your soul Or asking your parents to take out a 2nd mortgage
just to finance this business.
Its a very simple method Click the link below to find out more.
Its my FREE Ebook The Wealhbuilderz Six Figure Formula
To Making Money Online In this book
I break down how you can use social media sites like this one
and make more money then you can think of all online.
I literally give you a blueprint to success online
which will in turn create time freedom for you
to be able to do your college thing without having
to worry so much about money
Also subscribe to my youtube channel and like this video.
Do remember Wealthbuilderz Make More
Save More Build More
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How To Use Flying Machine Clash Royale (503) 606-6201 Discord Call ILEICES#2238 - Duration: 2:14:32.
Ashley Black Guru explains how to FasciaBlast "cellulite" (Subtítulos en español) - Duration: 3:35.
How To Play Megalovania On Piano EASY Piano Tutorial Synthesia SLOW Undertale Songs - Duration: 12:24.
How To Play Megalovania On Piano EASY Piano Tutorial Synthesia SLOW Undertale Songs
Welcome to The Ruby Piano, your home for
your home for easy piano tutorials. I'm Kay
and in today's video we're going to learn how to play
Megalovania on the piano EASY from video game Undertale Roblox.
We're going to focus on the introduction.
I'm going to show you an easy way to play it, and if it's easy for you you can add some extra stuff to it
and I'll show you that too.
but you don't have to add anything your ready to do. Ok? First I'm going to show you how it goes.
And just really quick I'm going to show you an add on. If we double the left hand it sounds really cool.
Again, you don't have to learn it this way. I just wanted to show you what it sounded like.
So that's what it sounds like if you add a little more to it and make if faster.
which you don't have to do because right now we're going to learn how to do it super easy.
I'm going to show you how to do it. The right hand does most of the melody.
But if it's kind of hard for you to shift back and forth like that you can kind of cheat and use the left hand
you don't have to. If it's easy for you or harder for you I'm going to let you pick
what you want to do. Whatever's best for you is great for me.
First off we're going to number our fingers because it makes it easier for me to teach. One, Two, three, four, and five.
And left hand one, two, three, four, and five.
So we're going to go finger One, thumb D and finger five is going to his this D.
So it's going to go D D D A.
and like putting finger Four on that A right there.
So let's try that out we're going to do D D D A
How To Drawing Cars 3 Bob Sterling Coloring Pages For Kids How To Painting Bob Sterling Funny - Duration: 12:00.
How To Drawing Cars 3 Bob Sterling Coloring Pages For Kids How To Painting Bob Sterling Funny
The Physics of Sound How and Why Sound Heals - Duration: 15:14.
The Physics of Sound: How and Why Sound Heals
The following is excerpted from The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness
by Jonathan Goldman and Andi Goldman.
An examination of the majority of spiritual paths and religions on this planet reveals
an overriding belief that sound was the primary force of creation.
Examples of this come from the Old Testament (�And God said, �Let there be Light��)
and the New Testament (�In the beginning was the Word�).
It comes from many other traditions � Egyptian, Hopi, Mayan, Polynesian, and more � which
all have creation myths that invoke the power of sound.
It is said in the Hindu spiritual path that �Nada Brahman� � everything is sound.
A female voice mandala made visible by a CymaScope
Even from a Western scientific perspective, we talk about the �Big Bang,� signifying
that the creation of the universe was somehow sonic in origin.
Modern scientists, like our ancient mystics, tell us that everything is in a state of vibration,
from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom to planets in distant galaxies
spinning around their suns.
From the very tiny to the very large, everything vibrates.
As many of our modern physicists understand, energy and matter are interrelated.
Thus, if all forms of energy are putting out a vibration, all that energy can be considered
sound, whether we can hear it or not.
Sound is energy that travels as a wave.
The wave enters our ears and travels through our auditory pathways into our brain, ultimately
affecting our breathing, heart rate, and nervous system.
We experience this wavelike energy primarily as a phenomenon that we hear.
However, these waves also pass into our body, affecting us on a cellular level.
Sounds are measured in cycles per second, or frequency, as measured in hertz (Hz).
Slow-moving waves of sound create deep tones.
A sound with a frequency of 60 Hz, for example, is very bassy and low.
A sound with fast waves, such as 1,000 cycles per second, would be a relatively trebly and
The lowest note on a piano has a frequency of about 24 Hz, and the highest note is around
5,000 Hz.
Our range of hearing extends from around 16 Hz to around 16,000 Hz (or sometimes higher
� young children, for example, can hear upwards of 18,000 Hz or more).
However, just because we can�t hear something doesn�t mean a sound isn�t being created.
As an example, our friends in the ocean, the dolphins, can project and receive frequencies
upwards of 180,000 Hz � that�s more than ten times our best range of hearing.
Sounds with a frequency below the human level of hearing are called infrasound; sounds with
a frequency above the human level of hearing are called ultrasound.
Knowing that all matter vibrates, we can move on to explore the idea that every object � including
every organ, bone, and tissue in our body � has resonance, or a natural vibratory
There�s been much speculation on how to determine the natural frequencies of a healthy
Some find that they are within the audible sonic range (between 16 Hz and 16,000 Hz).
Others find that they fall well below this audible range or, like ultrasound, far above
When the body is healthy and balanced, these vibrations are in harmony with each other.
When the body is imbalanced, it is in a state of dissonance � the resonant qualities of
its constituent parts are in disharmony.
One of the most extraordinary demonstrations of the effects of sound and resonance was
conducted by a visionary Swiss doctor named Hans Jenny.
Dr. Jenny�s seminal work titled Cymatics (a Greek word that means �wave form�),
whose first volume was published in 1967, showed the effects that sound waves have upon
different types of material, including water, pastes, and other liquids.
Dr. Jenny placed these substances on a steel plate and vibrated the plate with a crystal
oscillator, which produced an exact frequency, and then he photographed the effects.
He photographed liquid plastic (a material similar to Silly Putty) that formed into an
object resembling a sea anemone, and lycopodium dust (a material similar to talcum powder)
that took on shapes resembling the cells of the body.
Some of his most amazing photos were of water, which took on astonishing geometric forms,
depending upon the vibrational frequency that was used.
Dr. Jenny�s work demonstrates the extraordinary power of vibration � that is, sound � to
create form.
While the structures and forms he created with sound were not living creatures, many
of them certainly look as though they were.
You can almost imagine that, with a �divine� sound coming from a sacred source, in the
beginning the Word could indeed create life.
What is equally important with regard to Dr. Jenny�s experiments is that the effects
are repeatable.
If you take the same substance and expose it to the same frequency that Dr. Jenny used,
you will get the same result.
This consistent structuring � a certain vibration leads to a certain form � is a
manifestation of resonance.
If the vibration changes, the structure changes in concert with it.
Several people have carried on Dr. Jenny�s work in the twenty-first century, including
Alexander Lauterwasser of Germany and John Stuart Reid of England.
The following are two photos taken by Reid showing the beautiful geometric forms that
water took on when vibrated by two diverse frequencies on a CymaScope, a device similar
to Dr. Jenny�s.
When you think about the fact that the human body is mostly made of water, it�s easy
to realize how powerful the effects of sound can be upon us.
The voice of author Jonathan Goldman rendered as a visual pattern by a CymaScope
Let�s now examine two different (almost diametrically opposed) ways in which sound
can be used for healing.
Both involve the concept of resonance.
How Sound Can Heal: Method One
For this first method of healing with sound, let�s visualize a healthy body like an orchestra
that is playing all together in balance and harmony.
Let�s call this music the �symphony of the self.�
Using this metaphor of the body as an orchestra, what happens when the second violin player
loses his sheet music?
Pretty soon that violin player might begin to play the wrong notes and the wrong rhythm.
Usually, in a very short amount of time, the rest of the string section begins to sound
In fact, as this dissonance develops, you�ll begin to notice that there�s something wrong
with the entire orchestra.
It just doesn�t sound right.
This is akin to a part of our body vibrating out of its healthy -resonance�it�s vibrating
out of tune and out of ease, and we then say that this part of our body is diseased (dis-eased).
One of the basic principles of using sound as a healing modality is to restore the part
of the body that is diseased back into a state of healthy resonance.
It is very much like getting the sheet music back to that string player.
It seems appropriate at this time to honor Dr. Peter Guy Manners, one of Jonathan�s
mentors and one of the great pioneers in the field of sound therapy.
Dr. Manners passed away at the turn of this century, but he had been engaged in the research
and practice of sound healing since the 1950s.
His work focused on finding the correct frequencies to restore healthy resonance to different
parts of the body for different conditions.
He created the �Cymatic Instrument� (now known by other names), which had the ability
to project over six hundred different combinations of frequencies (which he called �commutations�)
in order to strengthen an imbalanced portion of our anatomy.
Due to some legal issues, his work (and his instrument) was not as well known at the time
as it perhaps could have been.
However, today trained practitioners in the field of sound healing readily employ numerous
devices based upon the work of Dr. Manners, with remarkable healing benefit.
Although we have been introduced to many different types of instruments designed for sound healing,
our preferred instrument is one that doesn�t require electricity or batteries, has an owner�s
manual that�s really simple to use, and is free.
This instrument is, of course, our own voice.
And it�s what we�ve been teaching for dozens of years.
Please note: we are not talking about using the voice in a musical fashion such as singing�that�s
We�re not talking about getting up in front of an audience and singing �Strangers in
the Night� or whatever song turns you on.
Here, in relation to sound specifically utilized for healing, we�re talking about the concept
of entrainment.
The term entrainment comes from physics, and it describes the way in which the vibrations
of one object can affect the vibrations of another object.
Through entrainment, we can synchronize or harmonize one vibration with another.
For example, we can use our own voice to vocalize a tone through humming that can entrain vibrations
in other parts of our bodies, bringing them into a state of balance.
There are many ways to use entrainment for sound healing.
At a basic level, you can use vibration � humming � to restore the natural resonance of an
organ or system.
When an organ begins to vibrate out of its natural frequency, its energy becomes blocked.
The organ then becomes vulnerable to potential imbalances � deterioration, disease, viruses,
bacteria, and so on.
When we reinforce its natural frequency, the organ�s resonance is restored, it regains
its energy, the intruder energy that was causing damage ceases to exist, and the organ is restored
to health.
You might also use different rhythms to influence bodily pulses, such as our heartbeat, respiration,
and brainwaves.
Or you can use sounds that are slightly out of tune, called �beat frequencies,� which
can be applied in a specific manner to influence brain waves.
We will discuss some of these uses of entrainment later in this book.
How Sound Can Heal: Method Two
With this second method, sound is used in an opposite manner.
Instead of focusing on the organ and reinforcing its healthy, natural vibratory state, this
method focuses on the intruder � that pathogen or energy that is causing harm to the organ.
You can find videos of people shattering wine glasses with their voices on YouTube.
Even such reputable shows as the Discovery Channel�s MythBusters have recorded the
When a singer is able to match the resonance of the wine glass with his or her voice with
great amplitude (volume), the glass begins to vibrate and ultimately shatters.
This ability of sound to disintegrate matter has been known for a long time.
Remember the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho in the Old Testament?
Joshua and his men blew horns and gave a great shout and the walls crumbled.
With sufficient amplitude, sound is powerful enough to cause any object to shatter when
its resonant frequency matches that of the object.
This second approach to sound healing focuses on using sound to disintegrate whatever pathogen,
malignancy, or energy is causing harm to the body.
In the early 1930s, a scientist named Royal Rife invented an instrument that was said
to be able to shatter cancer cells and their pathogenic precursors (he believed that all
cancers were caused by bacteria and/or viruses) with high-frequency vibrations.
He developed a microscope that allowed him to observe these pathogens, and then he worked
with high-frequency vibrations to find the correct frequencies for destroying them.
Whether his treatment of those with cancer still holds true or not, his work with high-frequency
sound was incredible.
Recently, we were sent a link to a video for a TEDx Talk by Professor Anthony Holland,
a musician-scientist at Skidmore College, discussing his work shattering cancer cells
and bacteria with high-frequency vibrations.
Among other things, the video has some astonishing visuals of this phenomenon occurring.* It
truly demonstrates the power of sound to heal.
Many of us are familiar with the use of high-frequency sound, called ultrasound, to construct images
of babies in utero.
These ultrasonic frequencies are also often used to disintegrate kidney stones.
The possibilities don�t stop there.
For example, Jeff Elias, M.D., of the University of Virginia�s medical school is using ultrasound
to treat Parkinson-like tremors.
We first heard of his work on the national nightly news.
Dr. Elias was treating an elderly woman with such bad shaking from tremors that she could
not write her name with any sort of legibility.
Using an fMRI to view her brain, Dr. Elias trained a beam of highly focused sound energy
on the area of the brain where damage had occurred.
The procedure lasted less than a minute.
About ten minutes later, the woman was asked to sign her name, and her script was lovely
and legible.
Any surgery to address the woman�s tremors would have been extensive, and recovery would
have taken close to six months.
In contrast, the ultrasound treatment was brief and noninvasive, and the woman�s recovery
time was almost instantaneous.
It was astonishing.
The reporter covering the story asked Dr. Elias what other conditions might be treated
with sound.
He suggested that there were many different possibilities.
What is perhaps most significant about the work of Professor Holland and Dr. Elias is
that it has been filmed, which vividly validates the power of sound to heal and transform.
How to Download Paid Apps for free on iPhone ( without any jailbreak or PC needed) 2017 - Duration: 1:04.
How to replace feed rollers scanner/document feeder in xerox machine. - Duration: 3:19.
hey what's up guys my name is razak and I'm back with another exciting video in
this session we're going to talk about some of the common problems that cause a
paper jam in document feeder which is single pass document handler we call it
simply SPDH I will also show you how to replace an nudger roller a retard
roller and feed roller which comes in place each time and you scan a
document handler you can also clean these rollers with moist cotton cloth
slightly damp and water
so I'll simply show you how to remove this one in an easy way you can remove
it by yourself I'll put the part number link in the description so you can order
online from Xerox directly using that link so you just grab and grab it like
that and then just pull it towards the left
hand side get it out from the rollers which are holding them up you can just
be careful pull it out it's a spring there you go pull it out inside while
removing so these are the rollers you can replace and even you can anyone you
can clean it with a moist cloth a cotton cloth like that so this is how you can
put it back again just just follow the procedure in a reverse form just lightly
push it into the position that it was before and press it should be
that's it
please like and subscribe if you find it really helpful and you can
comment in below to let me know what you need a service on so I'll make a
follow-up video because I don't have much videos in my repository I'm slowly
trying to build up the repository and once I have repaired all the machine
parts then you can search for right now you can comment and you can pass your
messages comment all those kind of things and I
will make a follow-up video for you this will be very helpful as I am just
beginning to make these videos and if you like my channel do subscribe so I'll
be glad and I'll be presenting most of the series to you so this is me
Razak once again see you in the next session
How to Draw a Cute Pumpkin ♥ Halloween Drawings - Duration: 1:46.
in this video, I'll teach you to paint a pumpkin
How to mine Decred - Using Windows CPU ( CPUminer ) - Duration: 4:34.
Decred - How to mine decred on Windows(CPU)
This video will demonstrate how to create an account at suprnova pool and how to mine decred using the CPU of a computer running Windows.
Follow me on steemit: @Virtualcoin
Open your browser, access the suprnova website and create a new account.(Link in the description)
Download the software: CPUMINER
Create a folder called C:\Miner and extract the CPUMINER package in this folder.
Open the notepad and create a batch script called start.bat, here is the script command:
REMEMBER to replace my account virtualcoin.decred for your account and password.
How to create cardboard and shopping bag wall hanging diy wall decor | diy decor | Creative Diy Art - Duration: 11:11.
How to create cardboard and shopping bag wall hanging diy wall decor | diy decor | Creative Diy Art
How to create cardboard and shopping bag wall hanging diy wall decor | diy decor | Creative Diy Art
How to create cardboard and shopping bag wall hanging diy wall decor | diy decor | Creative Diy Art
How to Create a Profile Picture Frame Campaign in Facebook 2017/create facebook frame officeially/ - Duration: 6:05.
Solution Express20
Solution Express20
Top 10 Methods For Skin Whitening With Potato | How To Get Fair Skin At Home With Potato - Duration: 3:33.
THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT Skin Whitening TODAY I WILL TELL YOU Skin Whitening Home Remedies AND how to get fair skin at home I WILL ALSO TELL YOU HOW TO whiten skin naturally T HROUGH THIS METHOD whiten your skin THROUGH THIS METHOD YOU WILL KNOW how to get
white skin YOU WILL ALSO KNOW how to get fair skin TODAY I WILL TELL YOU fair skin tips AND beauty tips TODAY I WILL TELL YOU HOW TO MAKE A skin whitening mask THIS VIDEO IS ALSO ABOUT Skin whitening treatment YOU CAN LEARN skin
lightening METHODS IN THIS VIDEO THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT permanent skin whitening POTATO METHOD YOU CAN whiten your skin permanently BY potato skin whitening METHOD IN THIS VIDEO I WILL TELL YOU HOW
TO MAKE A potato face mask YourHealth YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO DO potato facial USING potato face mask AND peel off mask HOW WILL KNOW how to facial AND HOW TO skin care AND HOW TO DO at home facial FINALLY I WILL TELL YOU white skin tips
How to install vray 3.6 for 3ds max 2015 - 2018 | Cài vray 3.6 cho 3dmax 2015 | All Windows - Duration: 8:17.
Link download Vray 3.6 below description of Video
Before installing, Please exit all App of Autodesk
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How to make a robot | Windmill power bot | Tutorial to make a windmill robot - Duration: 16:11.
Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more videos!
Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more videos!
How to Catch A Cheater - Pokemon Edition - Duration: 2:59.
Ryan school murder: Accused Ashok showed CBI how he killed Pradyuman Thakur, sources say - Duration: 3:33.
Ryan school murder: Accused Ashok showed CBI how he killed Pradyuman Thakur, sources say
A CBI team today brought Pradyuman Thakur's alleged murderer, 42-year-old bus conductor Ashok Kumar, to Ryan International School. Sources in the agency said Ashok recreated the entire crime scene inside the bathroom.
A seven-member team of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has reconstructed the crime scene in the Pradyuman murder case.
The investigative team brought the alleged murderer, 42-year-old bus conductor Ashok Kumar, and a gardener, Harpal, to Ryan International School, where the murder took place.
CBI sources said Ashok recreated the entire crime scene inside the bathroom.
The central agency took over the investigation of Pradyuman's murder on Friday, after the ML Khattar-led Haryana government asked it to. Deputy Superintendent of Police, Ajay Kumar Bassi (CBI) leads the team.
Pradyuman was brutally killed on September 8. His father wants that date to be Students' Safety Day.
HOW WAS ASHOK KILLED? The CBI team travelled to Ryan International School today - their second visit in two days - to gather more evidence in the case.
Ashok was taken inside the bathroom where he allegedly killed Pradyuman. The CBI officers asked Ashok to say where and how he was standing, and where Pradyuman was when he was murdered.
The CBI also made Ashok re-enact the killing. Top sources in CBI told India Today that this recreation of the murder scene will help the agency authenticate and verify Ashok's claims.
The investigative agency also noted down the escape route Ashok took.
On Saturday, 12 CBI officers spent the entire day at Ryan International. CBI sources said the team, comprised of forensic experts, collected additional evidence from the crime scene that would be crucial during further investigation.
The central agency has registered a case of murder under Section 302 (murder) of the IPC, 25 of the Arms Act, 12 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and 75 of the Juvenile Justice Act read with section 34 of IPC.
WHAT IS THE CBI LOOKING FOR? Haryana Police have alleged that Ashok Kumar killed Pradyuman with a knife after the child resisted an attempt to sexually assault him. However, the post-mortem report ruled out any sexual assault attempt by the accused.
Pradyuman's father Varun Chand Thakur is suspicious of the police's theory, and believes there's more to it. Varun Thakur suspects the school administration was trying to manipulate evidence and destroy clues.
CCTV FOOTAGE TO BE RE-EXAMINED The CBI will re-examine all CCTV footage recovered from Ryan International School, to uncover more clues. One camera recorded Pradyuman and Ashok on the day of the murder.
Meanwhile, a three-member Special Investigation Team (SIT) has pointed out severe security lapses in the daily management and functioning of Ryan International School.
Are you concerned about Genetically Modified Foods? Here�s (GMOs Revealed) a great documentary
that addresses many of the questions and concerns most people have today.
In March 2014, scientists from Indiana University announced that they had conducted research
to examine the operations of the fruit fly genome �in greater detail than ever before
possible� and had identified �thousands of new genes, transcripts and proteins.�
Their results indicated that the fly�s genome is �far more complex than previously suspected
and suggests that the same will be true of the genomes of other higher organisms.�
Of the approximately 1,500 new genes that were discovered, 536 of them were found within
areas that were previously assumed to be gene-free zones. Furthermore, when the flies were subjected
to stresses, small changes in expression level at thousands of genes occurred, and four newly
modelled genes were expressed altogether differently.
Why is this important? Because it reveals how little we know about this planet and the
organisms dwelling on it, yet also how much we think we know. This kind of hubris is found
within all areas of human knowledge, but particularly when it comes to science.
Another great example that I�ve used before is when the populace first realized that the
Earth wasn�t flat. Another is a statement made by physicist Lord Kelvin, who stated
in 1900 that �there is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains
is more and more precise measurement.� This assertion was shattered only five years later
when Einstein published his paper on special relativity.
When it comes to our genes, and the genes of other organisms, we really do know next
to nothing. Unfortunately, proponents of the biotech industry (Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta,
etc.) claim otherwise, and have developed multiple, flawed assumptions that undergird
agricultural bioengineering.
The information presented in this article comes from a variety of different sources,
but my primary sourceis Steven Druker, a public interest attorney and the Executive Director
of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity. He initiated a lawsuit in 1998 that forced the U.S. Food
and Drug (FDA) to release its files on genetically engineered foods, and recently published a
book about it, which has received dozens of rave reviews from the world�s most accredited
scientists in the field. I draw primarily from his book for this article.
�This incisive and insightful book is truly outstanding. Not only is it well reasoned
and scientifically solid, it�s a pleasure to read � and a must-read. Through its masterful
marshalling of facts, it dispels the cloud of disinformation that has misled people into
believing that GE foods have been adequately tested and don�t entail abnormal risk.�
� David Schubert, PhD, molecular biologist and Head of Cellular Neurobiology, Salk Institute
for Biological Studies.
Natural Genetic Modification Versus Human Induced Genetic Modification
Biotech proponents have an unshakable faith in their GE crops, and these corporations
also hold major sway over mainstream media outlets, and close relationships with government
agencies like the FDA. Indeed, several high level industry employees have also held positions
at these institutions. One example is the FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods, Michael
Taylor, who is also Monsanto�s former Vice President for Public Policy. While at the
FDA, he was instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto�s genetically engineered bovine
growth hormone.
Druker outlines in his book how the commercialization of genetically engineered foods was enabled
by the fraudulent behaviour of these government agencies, and how this actually violates explicit
mandates for federal food safety law. The evidence shows that the �FDA�s falsehoods
have been abundantly supplemented with falsehoods disseminated by eminent scientists and scientific
institutions, and the entire GE food venture.�
This is why it�s so amazing to see so many scientists within the field supporting the
dissemination of truth, and bringing the falsehoods to light. So if you still think this type
of thing is a conspiracy theory, we now have the documents as well as the science, which
stands on its own, to show that something is terribly wrong here.
Joseph Cummins, Ph.D. and Professor Emeritus of Genetics at Western University in London,
Ontario, believes that Druker�s book is a �landmark� and that �it should be
required reading in every university biology course.�
There are several presumptions on which the bioengineering venture was based, and one
of them is that natural breeding is more random and unruly than bioengineering. The standard
argument holds that genetic modification has been occurring for thousands of years, and
what we do now is simply that process sped up and made better.
Key Presumptions on Which the Bioengineering Venture Was Based
Genetic engineering is based on the presumption that the genome is just a linear system, where
the action of a single gene will not impact the action of other genes, or disrupt their
normal function.
In 2007, the New York Times published an article outlining how �the presumption that genes
operate independently has been institutionalized since 1976, when the first biotech company
was founded. In fact, it is the economic and regulatory foundation on which the entire
biotechnology industry is built.�
Basically, genes are viewed as autonomous, adding to the whole without acting holistically
because they don�t express their proteins in a closely coordinated matter. Another assumption
used to justify genetic engineering is that genes aren�t organized in a specific way,
that the sequence in which they occur is meaningless From this point of view, a gene would function
normally if it were relocated to a different chromosome or came from a neighbouring gene.
Quite a big assumption, don�t you think? Giorgio Bernardi, a biologist at the University
of Rome III who specialized in the study of genome evolution, calls this perspective a
�bean-bag view of the genome� because it regards the genes as �randomly distributed.�
Druker explains:
Together, these two assumptions supported the belief that a chunk of recombinant DNA
could be put into a plan�s genome without inducing disturbance � because if the behavior
of the native genes was largely uncoordinated and their arrangement was irrelevant, there
would be no important patterns that could be perturbed by such insertions. Accordingly,
they engendered confidence in the precision of genetic engineering, because they implied
that the outcome of a gene insertion would be exactly what the bioengineers expected.
How could biotech proponents push the idea that the target organism would continue to
function just as it had before, and that the change would be limited to the new trait endowed
by the inserted gene? How can it simply be assumed that this would not alter any of the
organism�s other qualities?
These presumptions still underly genetic engineering today. The example of the fly above serves
well here. In the New York Times article cited earlier, the author noted that �genes appear
to operate in a complex network,� and states that �evidence of a networked genome shatters
the scientific basis for virtually every official risk assessment of today�s commercial biotech
products, from genetically engineered crops to pharmaceuticals.�
Molecular geneticist Michael Antoniou, who testified at New Zealand�s Royal Commission
in 2001, notes that agricultural bioengineering �was based on the understanding of genetics
we had 15 years ago, about genes being isolated little units that work independently of each
other.� He also presented evidence showing that genes actually �work as an integrated
whole of families.�
Despite the grave possibility that these presumptions are indeed wrong, they still form the backbone
of genetic engineering today.
Antoniou himself was even selected to represent multiple nongovernmental organizations to
present precaution reasons to the UK�s GM Review Panel, and a plethora of studies that
clearly justify it. Despite his presentation, and many others�, the 11 other scientists
on the panel, who were biotech proponents, dismissed these studies and continued to argue
that it makes absolutely no difference how genes are arranged.
How can a scientist make such a statement?
What do we have as a result? As Druker says:
Such disregard, denial, or avoidance in regard to the evidence was essential for maintaining
faith in the venture, because its predictability and safety have always relied on the genome
being largely disjointed; and the more the genome instead appears to function as a tightly
coordinated system, the more potentially disruptive and unpredictable are the interventions of
the bioengineers.
Geneticist, activist, and environmentalist David Suzuki weighed in on this very subject
a few years ago in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC):
By slipping it into our food without our knowledge, without any indication that there are genetically
modified organisms in our food, we are now unwittingly part of a massive experiment.
. . . Essentially, the FDA has said that genetically modified organisms, or food, are basically
not much different from regular food, and so they�ll be treated in the same way. The
problem is this: Geneticists follow the inheritance of genes, in what we call a vertical fashion
. . . [but] what biotechnology allows us to do is to take this organism, and move it,
what we call horizontally, into a totally unrelated species. Now, David Suzuki doesn�t
normally mate with a carrot plant and exchange genes. What biotechnology allows us to do
is to switch genes from one to the other, without regard for the biological constraints.
. . . It�s very very bad science. We assume that the principals governing the inheritance
of genes vertically applies when you move genes laterally or horizontally. There�s
absolutely no reason to make that conclusion.
More Differences
This is a common argument made by GE-food proponents, and commonly used whenever an
expert brings up a challenge to the technology�s safety. For example, David Schubert, PhD,
a molecular biologist and the Head of Cellular Neurobiology at the Salk Institute for Biological
Studies, commented in Nature Biotechnology that there was mounting evidence that the
insertion of even one gene into a cell�s DNA alters the expression patters of genes
throughout the entire cell. He said facts like this one, among many others, �cast
doubt on the soundness of agricultural bioengineering � and entail the conclusion that it �is
not a safe option.� �
Predictably, when a professor and a laboratory director of one of the world�s most prestigious
scientific institutions makes a comment like this, there�s going to be a response. This
time it came in the form of a letter, published by 18 biologists at respected universities
and institutions, stating that Dr. Schubert failed to properly consider �the genetic
realities.� The main reality he allegedly failed to recognize is that the natural method
of plant breeding is inherently more random than bioengineering.
A portion of the letter reads as following:
We do not take issue with Schubert�s basic contention that unintended genetic and metabolic
events can take place. The reality is that �unintentional consequences� are much
more likely to occur in nature than in biotechnology because nature relies on the unintentional
consequences of blind random genetic mutation and rearrangement to produce adaptive phenotypic
results, whereas GM technology employs precise, specific, and rationally designed genetic
modification toward a specific engineering goal.
In his book, Steven Druker offers the following counterargument: �This letter thus reveals
how strongly the GE food venture relies on the presumption that the natural process driving
biological development are intrinsically more disorderly and risk-bearing than the genetic
interventions instigated by the human mind. And it confirms that this belief forms the
ideological bedrock on which the venture rests.�
In fact, a report published in 2004 by the National Academy of Sciences couldn�t uphold
�even the more modest notion that bioengineering and natural breeding pose the same risks.�
The panel that produced the report ranked various modes of plant breeding in terms of
their disposition to produce unintended effects. They were forced to acknowledge that bioengineering
produces far greater effects than pollen-based sexual reproduction. Despite this fact, they
still insisted that this does not mean a difference in risks.
Druker says in response:
Thus, there�s no rational way to reconcile the fact that natural breeding is less disruptive
and more predictable than bioengineering with the claim that it poses equal or greater risk,
which is why the admission in the 2004 report is a rarity � and why biotech proponents
almost always ignore or deny that fact and instead assert that natural breeding is more
disorderly and unpredictable.
According to the biotech industry, natural plant breeding could actually result in crops
that are dangerous to human consumption, which is why we should be grateful for genetic engineering.
For example, in the same NAS report mentioned above, they portrayed what are known as �jumping
genes� as more randomly mobile and threatening, but failed to recognize, as Druker points
out, that although these entities do not pose risks within natural pollen based breeding,
when bioengineering is employed they do because that process alone �tends to stir them up
and get them jumping.�
When it comes to sexual reproduction, it�s yet another area where biotech proponents
state that it�s a random phenomenon, despite the fact that we now know that it�s not
random, and that there are multiple factors that can and do influence the genetics of
life. Genetic engineering, be it human induced or naturally occurring, requires a genetic
�rearragnement,� a recombination of DNA. The difference between the artificial way
and the natural way is that the natural way does not disrupt the entire organism, as was
discussed a little earlier in the article and touched upon in the Suzuki quote above.
As Druker explains:
This natural form of recombination occurs during the formation of gametes (the sperm
and egg cells). It includes a step called crossover in which two partner chromosomes
break at corresponding points and then exchange complementary sections of DNA; and every time
a gamete is produced, every set of paired chromosomes engages in it. In this way, all
the chromosomes end up with genes from both parents instead of from only one. However,
all the genes are preserved, as is the sequences in which they�re positioned. The only changes
are in the relationships between aleles. . . . So this natural recombination augments diversity
while maintaining stability. And without it, except for the occasional favorable mutation,
the composition of chromosomes would stay the same from generation to generation, and
genetic diversity would grow at far too sluggish a pace.
He goes on to mention how natural recombination preserves the order of the genes, and is predictable
in the way it cuts DNA. The entire process displays a great deal of order.
Despite this fact, scientists who support GE state, as in, for example, the 2004 NAS
report, that �genetic engineering methods are considered by some to be more precise
than conventional breeding methods because only known and precisely characterized genes
are transferred.� They use the idea that the randomness and unpredictability of natural
engineering make bioengineering safer.
Yet, as Druker so brilliantly captures:
This misleading tactic fixates on the predictability of the plant�s specific agronomic traits;
and it portrays traditional breeding as less predictable than bioengineering because undesired
attributes are often transferred along with the one that is desired. However, those who
employ this ploy don�t acknowledge that if both parents are safe to eat, the unwanted
traits hardly ever pose risk to human health. Rather, they�re undesirable for reasons
irrelevant to risk (such as aesthetic appearance or seed size), and breeders must then perform
back-crossing to eliminate them while retaining the trait they want. However, although the
inclusion of unwanted traits entails more work, it does not increase attendant risks.
Therefore, while breeders can�t fully predict what traits will appear, they can confidently
predict that the resulting plant will be safe to eat.
This is why the GE stance on natural modification is so flawed and misleading.
Druker goes on:
Although it describes the sexual reproduction of food-yielding plants as a messy and risky
affair that involves the transfer of �thousands of unknown genes with unknown function,�
we actually know quite a lot about those genes. And what we know is far more important than
what we don�t know. We know that they�re all where they�re supposed to be, and that
they�re arranged in an orderly fashion. And we know that during the essential process
in which some of them are traded between partnered chromosomes in order to promote the diversity
that strengthens the species, their orderly arrangement is marvelously maintained. Most
important, we know that their functions mesh to form an exquisitely efficient system that
generates and sustains a plant that regularly provides us with wholesome food.
This sharply contrasts with genetic engineering.
As you can see, comparing natural modification to biotech modification is not an easy process,
and this isn�t even the tip of the iceberg. Research shows that it�s not natural modification
that�s more random and risky, but biotech genetic modification:
The inserted cassettes are haphazardly wedged into the cell�s DNA, they create unpredictable
disruptions at the site of insertion, the overall process induces hundreds of mutations
throughout the DNA molecule, the activity of the inserted cassettes can create multiple
imbalances, and the resultant plant cannot be deemed safe without undergoing a battery
of rigorous tests that has yet to be applied to any engineered crop.
How to Schedule Whatsapp Message on android - Duration: 2:25.
in this video I will show you how we can Schedule whatsapp messages
welcome to our learn in a minute video series where we can learn about computer
internet applications in just a minute so today I will show you a simple way to
Schedule your whatsapp messages Schedule messages really helpful to send
daily good morning or good night messages anniversary messages or some
messages that needs to be sent on a particular time so to Schedule your
whatsapp message you will have to install this application called schedule
for whatsapp from the Google Play Store I'll provide this application link in
the description box down below so after installing this application just open it
just click on this then you need to grant accessibility permission to this
application so just click on OK and click on whatsapp scheduler then click
here to grant permission then just click on OK now go back to the application
and click on this plus icon to start Scheduling messages here you can choose
to send group messages or messages to the particular contact just click on
this to select group or a contact I'll just quickly select mine now choose your
date and time according to yourself select message frequency type like if it
is a good morning message so select daily or if it is an anniversary message
then click on yearly and type your message down here and click on create to
save the scheduled message now your message has been successfully scheduled
and it will be sent on its given time that's it guys for this video if you
like this video do hit the like button down below and if you haven't subscribed
to our channel yet to hit the subscribe button down below that's it for this
video and I'll see you on my next one
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