Subscribe To Team Extreme!!!!
The Letter "Q" Is the Worst - Irrelevent Complaining - Duration: 2:44.Hey, what is up guys?
Welcome back to a brand new video.
I wanted to do something...
Like, I wanted to do one of those old style rants
where I just sit
and pretty much
put in no effort at all
and just talk about something
So, basically
Ok, let me tell you a story.
So, on Friday
That's right
I was actually
I was very sad
and I was very sick
And I got up
and I went to school
and I was very sad again
and I went to math class
And I had a quiz that day
And after I finished the quiz,
I stared at the whiteboard.
I just stared at it.
and I saw the letter "Q"
The "Q" in the quiz
And then I was starting to think.
How useless is this letter?
I mean, really!
The letter "Q"
is extremely useless
Ok, first of all.
It looks so dumb.
It looks like a deformed O
It looks like an "O" grew a tail or something.
That's the first thing I want to put out there.
Next, it is important to understand
what the letter "Q" does.
Basically, it makes the "kw" sound.
And you know what else makes the kw sound?
K W. It does the exact same thing.
Like, Kwik-E-Mart.
Or "Quick"
Or "queen"
Pretty much everything!
Now, yes. I understand.
Maybe this is why "Q"
the seventeenth letter of the alphanet
is the most useless letter
It's because of this one reason.
Because it
pretty much serves no purpose
It's also one of the least used letters.
If not,
the absolutely least used letter
in the
the entire alphabet.
And this is not a coincidence!
No, it's because it's extremely pointless
And, uh yeah. That's just
That's just
My little talk
about the letter "Q"
What do you think of this letter?
And have you had any experiences
figuring out what your least favorite letter is?
Let me know in the comments section below
And, uhh, yeah.
So, I really hope this video didn't turn out
like a complete piece of garbage.
Because, like. I am a bit sick.
So, I hope, like, that wasn't
Like, too obvious.
I'm gonna have a better video out
hopefully within a week
Probably less...
Considering my lack of life.
Uh, yeah.
Wellcome To My Channel - Duration: 0:32.I hope you guys enjoy the channel!!
Welcome To My Channel! - Duration: 0:43.(Intro Music)
Hello everybody I'm Mariogamer84.
Welcome to my channel.
On this channel, I'm gonna be doing
Mostly Minecraft
I think,
Uh.. This is my gaming channel
I'm gonna do other channels for different things
Like maybe skits,
and uh,
uh yeah.
anything else you guys
recommend in comments below, so
yeah I hope you like my channel uh..
recommend anything you want, if you want me to do something and um..
I'll try to get to it. So uh yeah.
See you in the first video I guess!
(Outro Music)
Back To School Supplies Haul 2017!! | Liv Filo - Duration: 6:06.I meant to say January 29th!!! Haha
Channel Trailer! USE SUBTITALS/CC - Duration: 0:53.Hey Guy's It's Random Man
And This Is My Channel
It's the first channel I've had
For YouTubing and
and I usually to Roblox Or Steam Videos
Or we just browse the web and
Look up stuff I don't know.
Its all in my head!
So please Subscribe and like my Videos
Once you watch them so,
So please share this with other people or maybe support my channel. Ya that would be a great help. Please do that.
Or do I don't know
probley just
do anything nice.
So please subscribe to my channel and like my video's!
Welcome to my Channel ♥ - Duration: 0:49.Hi!
Welcome to my channel!
My name is Chiyoko, though some people call me Ali.
Whichever you prefer is fine I guess.
Uh, I like to draw-
aaand play games,
mostly league of legends.
aaand I don't know I guess that's it.
I'm pretty boring.
I don't feel like subbing this anymore
I'm sorry my audio is soft lol
"Rollin" Dope Trap Beat Instrumental 2017 | Piano Type Beat | Rap Hiphop Drill | The Beat Channel - Duration: 4:44.BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON YOUNGFOREVERBEATS.COM (UNTAGGED & INSTANT DELIVERY)
How To Overcome Anxiety || Welcome to my Channel || By Ajay Bangey - Duration: 3:57.Have you got anything you want to say? NO!
This is the best sauce in the world
Whats going on YouTube its me AJ
Its five o'clock in the morning and im ready to the gym, scribe and then go work
Not really in that order
Time to start Scribing
So! Iv just finished my Scribing
Now im ready to go gym
Lets do this!
Right this is my first time vlogging in public
Im on some ghetto ass area
Dont know, It could be
Today, was an excellent leg session
Jonny feel embarrassed right now
But, you know what
Iv got to get through this man
Do you want to know how ghetto i am?
Look at this
Zero Bags
Your taking the bag that you did not pay for as well
Shit, My watch really looks good in this
Okay, Right! All jokes aside
Thank you for tuning into my channel today
and... Welcome to my world
Okay, Today! What im going to be talking to you about i about anxiety and depression
There are 6 million people in the UK alone, That suffer from anxiety and depression
40 Million in the US
My story is, When i first starting having panic attacks
It was a horrible experience, If i could explain it in words
its like a nightmare you cant wake up from
So if you have a loved one or friends, family that go through that, Trust me
Not Nice
Back in the days, When i first had my panic attack i felt like it was a nightmare i could not wake up from
and the worst thing is, is that you don't understand what is causing this to happen
The only movie that can relate to a panic attack
Is this movie clip right here
Its what we call an anxiety attack
i'll put the link of the movie down below
You know what, there are probably people out there right now, That are going through the same situation.
I want to help people to come out it
This is what my YouTube channel is
and i know there is alot of banter going on in the vlogs that sent
But there is a message i want to get clear
to people out there that are suffering, like i was
to get better
So you if you lot tips, to come out of it
please put it down in the comments below, Um, So this can help other people.
One of the main things, i want to say is that
Because, anxiety and depression are a negative.
I don't want these videos to be negative, i want them to be postive and funny
So you if you ever see me in a video
Being cocky lets just say, Just remember its just banter
Guys i just wanna say thank you for watching my channel,
Please subscribe or like this
so i can give you more tips on how to over come anxiety and depression
Bad Baby NAILS IN FINGER! Shasha & Shiloh Onyx Kids Creator Funny | cut my finger & cracked my nail - Duration: 3:47.hey guys look at this video too fishy
about what I mean like my guy but yeah
well I wonder they're right there are no
exams your store he owes much officer
Kelvin else now okay let's go cycle see
careful okay yeah yeah yeah my child I'm
not ready yes too bad
well not fast on one more time I think
I'll finally get in
hi you met every five haha my head is
the wow I'm anything here instrumental
good let me try get phil that's what
winning my picture or your pain like to
get on that very my pic
landline haha look on the bright side
effects now because you think you could
have done before like why you can flash
back you can come
yeah and it sounds like wait don't mind
about that so i can down the husband
you're going anywhere you like it are
now come on
Wow here let's see
back back wow I'm sorry for everything
everything not everything but just was
always course because the site that's it
i'm going to get back
now he'll be elsewhere just so i can we
play again again again
fingers or chicken fingers left a
comment down below and I hear your
answer making a wagon dr thanks guys
make sure other cancer prevention
[January 2017] Channel Update - Duration: 2:19.Hey guys, Red Oktoberfest here.
It's been a long time, very long for YouTube at least.
On Twitch I was active for longer, but even there I faltered.
A lot of things happened in December and January, and it doesn't help I can be a real lazy bastard.
I simply can't be arsed to do some things, but that doesn't mean I've been doing nothing.
I've been working on new art, as is apparent on the screen.
It's in 1440p and needless to say it's been taking a lot longer than anticipated.
A new colour scheme, a redesign of old art as well as some new ones.
There might be a new companion for the eagle and rider, maybe even two, but that depends on how far I get ahead.
I've also taken the time to learn new video editing software, namely Davinci Resolve.
However I am still looking at other software as well.
This would normally mean higher, better quality videos from now on...
If I had any ideas that is.
So what does this mean for my channel if I have no ideas? Why even make this video?
Well I plan to still stream and such, so there'd be highlights and that kind of thing.
I do want to make new videos though, as I do enjoy making them and editing them.
However for me it requires an idea I like, and a certain level of quality.
I really don't like how some of my previous videos turned out, and I don't want to repeat that mistake.
Back to streaming though, I am starting on Twitch again with a new Winter schedule.
Weekends from 7 to 9pm Pacific, 10 to 12pm for you Easterlings.
I plan to primarily stream a few games, maybe a Witcher trilogy playthrough so I can carry over my choices.
I also plan a day where I randomly select a game.
Maybe Monday, so I have further reason to dread that day.
Even more incase I draw a very bad game, like a Visual Novel, fuck...
I plan to start streaming on my new Winter schedule next week.
However Imay start a stream this weekend and Monday as tests.
In order to work out any problems with my set up, images, and so on.
If you're interested in where I go from here, I really recommend following me on Twitter @Red_Oktoberfest.
You can see it at the top left of the image.
There I post general news about my content, when I stream, post a video, and so on.
If you want to see more content, I really recommend subscribing and following me on Twitter to hear about new content as it comes out.
If you want to see content similar to mine, and see it now instead of later, go visit my friend kryptic.
Who uses a lowercase "k" for some damn reason and see what he has to offer.
I'll see you guys later.
Роберт Адамс. Собрание Сатсангов — Безмолвие - это высшее учение. (Аудиокнига Nikosho) - Duration: 41:35.-------------------------------------------
Мария и двое ненормальных - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
How to Hide Your YouTube Channel Subscribers Count In Hindi Urdu 2017 - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Mardana Kamzori ka ilaj | nuskha | Tips special thanks for 10000 subscribers in Urdu - Duration: 10:18.-------------------------------------------
A World of Trash | Crappy Skits 101 Channel Trailer - Duration: 2:14.The following videos are testimonials
of the channel Crappy Skits 101.
Dante: 17th century suicide.
Lara: Don't kill yourself yet!
Lara: Go to Crappy Skits 101, and you'll die faster!
Dante: What the [BLEEP]?
Roan: I was in the middle of killing myself when I found Crappy Skits 101!
Roan: ...and then I sunk the knife deeper into my heart.
*phone rings*
Lara: Hey, what do you want?
Caller: Dude, I think I found this YouTuber called Keemstar, and he's really bad.
Lara: Really? I'm gonna go to YouTube right now.
*keyboard clicks*
Lara: His name's Keemstar?
Caller: Yeah. Lara: Ok.
Lara: Are his videos really bad? Like stupid, or like, weird?
Lara: Okay.
Lara: What the [BLEEP]?
*Drama Alert video plays.*
Lara: What is this?
Lara: What have I found?
EAR RAPE IS OVER. *outro music plays.*
*tape rewinds.*
Lara: Oh my.
Lara: I broke... Oh.
Lara: NOOOOOOOO *voice cracks*
Lara: This bench was crappy anyways but NO. NO.
Lara: I had this ever since my childhood.
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