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Follow Me Around: Playground of Giants | Fankfurt City | K-Pop Dance Contest & More - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
Let's Play Super Mario 3D World #13 - HOT RUN! - Duration: 20:01.hey everyone it's Van here again and today
I'm here with some more super mario 3d world
today we are starting with which block
runes and wherein world castle batch to
which is i believe the seventh world dad
is and today we're buying a coat if you
can't tell if you can tell that little
character in the corners toes
oh it's a level they say what is it
bird's-eye view level i get to the top
view that's what I'm trying to say i
don't know i couldn't think of the word
top view and I just that dumb or what
but whatever
welcome to cheating one-on-one
there we go Katie there's a kitty right
next to my recording equipment which is
ok I like that there's a cat right by me
I like cats I'm a cat person not a dog
person I used to be allergic to dogs
those weird kind of faded tho now
ok I was here that level is oh crap no
okay well I have this stop stop the real
got him a we go restart so it's nice to
not miss out on the green stars and
starlets cool
nevermind it's nothing up there you know
it's always good to check though
especially when it's common feat think
about their of course that happens to
meet me and only me
there we go okay up we go let's stay
here you stay
thank you there should be another one
there if we light up this entire room i
bet you there should be a bonus or not
that's okay too
what's up there there's something over
I don't know it looks like there was
something over there but i guess not
ok now we can just cheat again
when in doubt keep got it
ok next next one
yeah whenever there's an area like this
always look suspicious and there's
always going to be something there i'm
pretty sure we got us a close on to it
for we got to be trying it Louie which
awaited second I forgot that's the thing
and we missed our someone I'm almost
wondering if that one fire thing before
if we could have gotten something but
whatever what you're going to do huh
stay away from me
thank you there we go up top of flagpole
mr. stamp but I don't know where the
heck the state would have been that's ok
ok for your score that's a very nice
fire flower that guy had their i really
i really like it
I appreciate the effort okay we got a
mushroom house unlocked which is always
a good thing
um we have a fire flower store Joey do
so i'm not going to use that yet
I think I'm going to be trying i'm going
to try to be more strategic about where
i use the mushroom houses up Howard hot
running hot something something
spicy around
crappity gotten that point
no I got such a loser that just proves
my point
this is the right way now wow I suck at
I really do why why how'd i do that i
don't know how i'm asking you to do that
hey there we go okay you know what I
used to think of this is a really fun
level but dying those few times and it
took the fun out of it there but
oh my that's only my star there we go
let's go jump over the psychs jump over
the spikes again go this way because it
will be something special
holy crap holy crap we're trying to take
you where am i all the top one hundred
oh yeah let's do this I mean it's
already done
it's a dundeel already so dang i did it
was pretty awesome
I like that one quite like we get to
viewers there were no tsuki weeks in the
level so i just want to point that out
okay okay here okay there's this thing
is pretty house get this musics amp
happens to be another student's pretty
princess literally useless to me
I have no use for the Weaver stance like
at all I don't even know why I bother
I can't get up I don't know I i was
trying to figure out why could move but
you know I was kind of you know saving
Carolyn so for the Fallen know it it's
always this moment there's never time or
stop following there you go i feel that
would be good
a good combination of items to get there
three ok
boiling blue bully belt that sounds good
sweet let's go boiling Blueboy belt
bolts or whatever
ok so these things are going to just pop
out that's ok you should come over here
buddy here or i can just do this
that's kinda cheap that's also kind of
fun stuff
I think get me anything but point some
kind of disappointed disappointed my god
that was a bad pun but the thing is I
always thought of that on the spot i
should be ashamed making us all come on
trip i tried i thought i'm going to say
I tried
wow just wow ok let's do it this time
I bet you bet i got it i missed the
point already
oh no no no please thank you
and that was the first 12 so we have
missed anything I thought we did because
we made it kind of far for anything the
flag over there yet no there is a star
up there though
Oh what he regenerates shoot it drives
onto the course region right if you know
anything about Mario drive on three
gentlemen I should have known that
there's a stamp is gonna grab that top
seriously it was a second earlier please
tell me I can still get this yet
oh my god I'm getting close though
oh my god oh you okay please tell me
yeah it's going to be Third stock for
the first or second start my god I can't
talk to me thank you
ok now we gotta wait for the second
round of them to come because there's no
way I'm going to make that there we go
come on keep going Terry oh nice
we got this i believe in myself
you guys probably don't believe me but I
believe myself that's all that really
sounds I'm kidding you guys believe me
I'm sure out feed it right now so if I
was that automatically means you guys
don't believe I'm actually just noticing
i'm running faster as code
I mean obviously accessibility but it's
easier in this is level to run faster
well maybe not last level that maybe has
made it a bit more difficult thought for
this one running faster suitability but
I'm like still failing so I don't can't
imagine playing since any other
character maybe th would be better
because she can help her but sighs that
i'll come on
ok whatever that was kind of work that
actually going to be honest that was
also were thoughts
and mushroom anything else
now I look at in the pipe ago
you know me always going on those pipes
okay come on come on
so have to knock them all in like I
don't want to do that it's like them to
take awhile especially if they keep
doing this craft ok there goes one of
them bond to all come on all the three
got him there yo cool
oh that open i got i got this
no I tried whatever it just gives me
more point I really don't care but not
actually they keep track of if I guess
it's off or not but that's okay
that is indeed ok I tried
okay there we go nice
what's the next level
what is what is the next monstrosity we
call a level
oh one of these stupid things a stupid
boss battle their tools than this time
great let's do the rock guide first
rather do the rock guy done that level
ok brother blockades back i love these
names Jose just so creative and original
what he spends the office you could
ok come on one more one more in your
dead body and one more and I'm dead too
so i gotta be careful
oh oh my god oh no oh yeah huh not
God got him barely at the end but i
gotta pieces
okay that was close
nice got it I don't like you slapping my
like that you guys hear that probably
really close to my microphone so
probably you getting 68 seconds and i
think that was just about to be Mario
tapping I don't like neighbors huh
universe it could be a thing on the
switch which i'm ok with because things
like that happen things like Mario
gatherings happen and it's not okay you
know what Prince boy blockade is that
you know might as well do this guy to
over at it of and then we'll just do one
more level because why not Greek know
some stuff like time to die a time to
okay we got this
ok was not going to end maybe it will
become president but that's ok got crap
come on in you go
coming for you ok come on there's one
more i gotta get you one more time die
thank you okay we're gonna come out one
of these got five buddy
he said too bad for him he tried i was
going to try to spin around in circles
but whatever
that's ok i tried my best but I didn't
ok you need kill help that was totally
easy okay yeah look actually fairly easy
but I died one but that's ok ok whatever
one has the earlier number i'm going to
go for what everyone's supposed to be
done 624 sequential order or six this is
five right
yeah trick trap power oh no I know what
it is it's gonna be fun
I like this one a lot it's a good one
ok I gotta get ready to go for it
that's the thing this is one of the what
level you got to be extremely prepared
for it because you can die fairly easy
it's almost like a park or Mario level
i'm going to be a hundred percent honest
with you you gotta like it contends
version of parkour except is very
watered-down just fine by me
oh my god come on
is there anything of 100 shoots
there we go oh no come on
Oh Keith ok i was going to try to get
under the swamp but my Swan go4it area
oh no oh I thought of him die ok that's
ok let's go for it
I feel like I just yeah I did mr. star
but I don't know how it was supposed to
get it
that's what I told to get a key or
something like that
what's that little day that do anything
ok I'm not going to slide off always ok
that thing I was supposed to get all the
keys in here on the ceiling
thank you that one that's supposed to do
yep that's what I'm supposed to do okay
come on over guys don't kill me thank
you i'm going to do a trick it's going
to cool trick I tried it but I'm not
cool enough
oh no no no no stop stop stop this isn't
okay you've got to stop this is stopped
no no no no no I'm dead
I tried oh stop stop okay can we go here
where is the yes we gotta start there we
go that's good
ok let's party in we can do at this time
now I feel fairly confident that I can
do it
stop okay
there's any guy preventing me from doing
anything this time but that does happen
that's just great
that's fabulous you know what would make
this easier is probably killing more of
those guys before i actually have to go
down tomorrow meet you guys are you
kidding me are you kidding me
ok I killed all them independent is I
call I killed all them in advance this
time so i will have to deal with them on
my way down
I think that was trying to start at me
so I can just water we run out of here
with no problems
the only problem with this runs i didn't
get the star that's the only sad thing
but that's okay i'd rather actually beat
the level but not get the star
I mean I'd rather yeah I'd rather be the
level and not get the star then just
beat it to try it over and over again
attempting it start but there we go got
it who finally easy actually colonies
I'd I multiple times I don't even know
how many times too many that that's
probably a safe safe thing
ok cool
all a drainpipe let's see what Lee how
fun a drainpipe who how beautiful and we
go if the captain told level will do
that next time I don't feel like doing
another I don't feel like doing a
captain total right now because yeah
okay anyways guys thank y'all so much
for watching this video very much
appreciate it next time we will do
hammerhead read ram her head reef anyway
think guys all so much for watching this
very very much appreciated be sure to
subscribe new temperatures like at the
same rate for me for pointing toward an
audio source mr. below new super mario
new super mario 3d world episodes every
saturday should be sure to stay tuned
for those see I think that's not much
watching city of education as usual
Uncensored Hollywood Roundtable - Duration: 3:54.♪
[indistinct talking]
Hi, I'm Bill Jackson from Generic Hollywood Magazine.
Welcome to our studio executive roundtable.
We'll be talking to these Hollywood bigwigs and this token female exec about
what makes an award-winning film.
- Pieces of [bleep]. - What?
We look for the worst pieces of [bleep] people,
and the most horrible atrocities ever committed,
- and then we make movies about them. - Audiences eat that [bleep] up.
The press too. I mean, they call them press-tige dramas.
It's like the more depressing the story, the more dinero en el banco.
[stammering] Oh, where do you find inspiration?
War. We love war.
World War Three is going to be a goddamn goldmine.
War has the best stories.
We've got lovers on two different sides.
Blurred lines. What's right? What's wrong?
Newly bereaved wives all alone at home.
PTSD soldiers are coming home for like a bang.
The list goes on. All good stuff.
I mean there's something for everyone.
Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now, Zero Dark Thirty.
I mean, whenever you want a far out or critical or financial success,
you just make a movie about war.
I have a boner... just thinking
about how much money we're going make off an Aleppo movie.
Thank God for Aleppo and thank God for the Catholic Church.
[Bill] Okay, so does religion lead you to worthwhile projects?
- [giggling] What? No. - No?
The kid fiddling stuff paid for my beach house.
Ah-ho-ho, he's talking about that Spotlight money.
♪ That Spotlight money ♪
Well, 12 Years a Slave is paying for
12 years of my son's private school education, so...
- Overrated. - Excuse me?
Uh... I was just saying how there are people who
think that we're just making money off of people's struggles,
but we struggle too. Okay, look at me
I'm a Hollywood executive and a raging misogynist.
Think about how hard my life is.
One time I hired a female cinematographer.
- I was literally terrified. - It's a rookie mistake.
[Bill] Okay, so what are you doing next?
I just bought the rights of some chick story.
It's like Malala times a thousand.
I got a true story, Civil War, conjoined twins,
- but they're fighting for different sides. - Yawn!
I got this movie. It's sad as [bleep].
It's these children that have to eat their parents to stay alive.
Cannibal baby? Sexy. How does that taste?
Like $86 million dollars opening weekend. [giggles]
You're doing it all wrong!
As an animation executive, I craft films with cute animals.
It's not about profiting off of the hardships of others.
It's about emotionally manipulating children into
falling in love with your intellectual property.
I'm talking toys, theme parks, sequels.
We're a money-making steam engine baby.
Choo-choo! Ka-ching!
Well... I'm sick and tired of your [bleep, bleep]...
[overlapping yelling]
Can I get a new [bleep] latte?
I'll drag race you with my Prius!
- Keep your [bleep, bleep] out! - Do not take your [bleep] out.
[rumbling, crashing, gasping]
- Is everybody okay? - I think so.
[choking, car alarm]
[female survivor] There's been an earthquake.
I tried to save as many as I could.
- I'll give you 20K for your life story. - Uh, I'll give you a 100K. 100K!
- Do you want to meet Chris Pratt? Or [bleep] Brad Lightyear.
[overlapping bids]
- Drive my Lambo home. - 400K!
- I'll give you 8 Lambos! - I'll let you stay at my house for a week!
Get the popcorn poppin'.
Looks like we have a great earthquake movie to look forward to next summer.
[rumbling, gasping, yelling]
It's a sequel!
[shouting] I am about to go full rage
- on this [bleep] table! - Please don't.
60 SECOND VLOG PROTEST @ TRUMP TOWER: The Hypocrisy of Banning Foreign Scientists From the US - Duration: 0:58.Absolute chaos today as Donald Trump's executive order comes into effect with hundreds stranded
at airports or turned away at the border.
Obviously this is horrifying for a number of reasons, but as this is a
science channel, I want to talk about one particular case, the case of Seyed Saravi
- he's a cardiovascular researcher who was on his way to a fellowship at Harvard University,
when the executive order came into effect.
Now he's been told he's no longer welcome in the United States.
I should point out that the biggest killer of americans isn't terrorism - it is heart
disease - America needs the world - because the worlds best scientists, doctors and engineers
come here from every nation on earth.
When you tell the world's best they are no longer welcome that hurts America and that
hurts everybody.
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