Quiz: How much do you know about the Swedish Royal Children? - Duration: 1:21.What do you know about the Royal Family's little ones?
The oldest of the royal grandchildren is princess Estelle.
Question 1. How did Papa Prince Daniel describe his feelings after her birth?
"All over the place"
Question 2. What is the name of Princess Estelle's little brother?
Oscar Carl Olof
Question 3. What is the name of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia's first child?
Question 4. What did Prince Nicolas do for the most part of his christening?
Cried and yelled
Question 5. On 2015, Princess Leonore went to an audience with a prominent man. Who?
Pope Francis
Question 6. Where in Sweden is the royal christening water picked up?
Question 7. How many grandchildren will the king and queen have in autumn 2017?
6 grandchildren
GARAGE TALK about CAR WASH and TUNING of my GTI CLUBSPORT - Duration: 13:32.Hello my dear friends
from my garage today!
actually I just wanted to show you something
and that is
I had always the problem that the exhaust was very dirty on my GTI
and the pre-owner has never cleaned them before...
I tried a lot of different things to clean them
and somehow I couldn't clean them
so my father-in-law offered me his help
he said: "come here I want to show you something!"
yes my dog wants to attract attention
he showed me that he cleaned the exhaust pipe
but only one of them so you have that before and after effect
you can see the right one is very clean
and the left one isn't
very outstanding!
only problem is.. they are shiny again on the sides
but this evil dirt is not removeable
even my father-in-law failed to clean that
when you scratch over it you can feel that it is coked on it
no chance!
if you have any tips how to get this cleaned, please leave a comment below!
to compare both you have the clean one here
and this is the dirty one
it is really matte
and there is a lot of smut too
and if you wonder how that works, there is a grinding paste
from different brands, but I don't want to mention them
they all of sort of the same impact
that grinding paste is for steal and other kinds of metal
and it gets polished with a cloth
if the dirt is real bad like here you need some time to get it off
some viewers ask me what I use for cleaning the car
I am not a professional car cleaner. For that you should visit @83metoo. He does a lot better than I do
I am one of those who uses glass cleaner for everything
I clean stuff mostly with glass cleaner
if it's in the household or on the car, it doesn't matter
glass cleaner is my allround cleaner
Neverthelesse I bought some other products
I don't want to advertise certain products
I have now an insect cleaner that you spray on the front of the car
I have cleaned the car just yesterday
But I will show you a photo of how it looked after my Holidays
I was on Holidays where I drove 1.500km (~950 miles)
that is how the car looked like
so the car had a nice insect cementery on the front
I sprayed the insect cleaner on the front and let it there for a few seconds
but when I zoom in on the car you can see that there are still some flys left
same here. Don't know if you can see that..
like those blood spots from the flys
So I sprayed insect cleaner on the front of the car
What's up?
my body guard dogs. As you can see you cannot sneak in here
As I said I spray insect cleaner on it
hello Milo!
I let it operate and clean it with water
that cleaner is pretty aggressive so you should not let it operate for too long
after that I put auto-shampoo on it
and I clean everything with a sponge
the rough dirt should be cleaned already
because you should avoid to scratch the rough dirt on the car
otherwise you'll get scratches on the car
therefore you should rinse it with the pressure washer first
so first the insect cleaner and then the pressure washer to get rid of the rough dirt
then you take a sponge
and you fill up a bucket with car shampoo
and with water of course
then you wash the car with that
and then rinse it again
I have always problems with the rims
I clean the rims very extensive
and I even dry it with leather
but actually you don't dry it with leather nowadays. You take fabric or something similar
but there are always some dust left
so they are not getting real black again
and I also don't know how you can clean this in the back
so when you have tipps for that please leave a comment below!
oh and what I also love to do is
to make the tyres real black and when you take pictures of it
and you don't want the tyres to look dirty
there is a spray for your tyres
in my case I used a foam and I sprayed it onto the tyres
the tyres absorbs the foam within a minute
and then
the tyres are really shiny again
as you can see I didn't do it on the inside
hope you can see it
they are really shiney here and they look all black now
in case you have a photoshooting with your car you should try that!
I can recommend to do so
something that I'm really good in is to vacuum clean the car
I hate it when there are small crumbs on the seats
of course I forgot the keys now...
a car has to be clean, because a car is like a living room for me!
and you don't to have crumbs in your living room either
therefore I clean it frequently
So I vacuum clean the car and take dust cloth for the dashboard
to eliminate the dust
as I said: I'm not a professional car cleaner
but my cars look always clean
it doesn't matter where I go. I always have the dirtiest car
I need a car wash... disgusting!
it's getting annoying... I always attend to car events with very dirty cars
of course you can clean the car more effectively
but a car ais also an object of utility
and when I need like
4 hours to clean my car, which was normal in former times
I didn't want to drive the car anymore, because I knew it becomes dirty again
but I actually want to drive my car!
Therefore I try to clean my car in a very short period of time
and make it look clean at the same time
you should also clean the door sill panels
as we use to say: outside yay, inside nay
some people drive through the car wash and that's it
and then they open the door and you can see that they haven't cleaned the car properly
so please clean the door sill panels too otherwise the dirt will remain there forever
what else can I tell you?
as you might noticed in other videos, I will modify the GTI a little bit
first I will clean the left exhaust pipe of course
as you can see the height of the car is too high
and I'm still driving with all season tyres
I didn't put them on. They were mounted on the car when I bought it
the pre-owner of the car was a car rental company
it probably was a rental car
of course they mounted all-season tyres on the car. That's how those company do it
In my opinion it's stupid
I will replace them
and then the car should be lower with a sport-suspension
so that I can use the car in a sportier way
to use it on the Nordschleife maybe
I'm scared to drive it on the Nordschleife in this set up
I'm scared to drive fast with it, because it doesn't feel as good in corners as it should feel
so all-season tyres are not good at all for this purpose
all season tyres are good for regular drive, but not for driving fast
so please don't safe money and put those tyres on when you want to drive fast
okay, so I will put sport tyres on it. But no semi-slicks
just some tyres that have good grip on dry and wet roads
I also want to change the wheels of the car
those are a little bit too small
here we have 18" but I want 19" rims
usually this car comes with 19" AFAIK, but not this one
but this was a rental car so they used cheaper tyres
I actually like the design of the rims, so there are just a few ones that I like
If you have a look from distance, I think they look good on the car
when you have new tyres on the car you want to have some that look different
I leave this one for the winter
I love the OZ Ultraleggera rims, although most people have them on the Golf already
I like them too in black
of course there will be also an individual Sophia Calate design on the car
I have a cool design in my head already
that's gonna be on the car pretty soon!
something I can reveal is that the base color will remain white
I wanted a white car so that's why I've chosen a white one
so, the color remains white and I just want to add some sporty looking design onto the side of the car
my logo will be on it too
on the rear window and the side I will add the social media accounts
or maybe they will be here on this spot?
If you have some ideas please let me know
altough I have some planes for the car, but in case you have a better design, please leave a comment below!
The Porsche is waiting here for the next adventures
I think it feels lonely
that makes me sad, because we've had so many rainy days
and then you cannot use this car
it's actually clean too, just a few flys here and there
I don't want to drive it all the time in every weather condition
there weren't so many car events that I could take part in either
I was on Holiday and I'm working a lot at the moment
and therefore it's a poor little baby
soon I will drive it again
about the badges: I think I've told you in a different video what they are about
I'm collecting those
so you can see where the car has been to
those are the badges of Switzerland
from Austria and Slovenia or vice versa?
The car was in Italy too, but they don't have badges
But I like that. There are not so many cars like this with different badges
there will be also a new wrap on the car, maybe by the end of the year
I also have a design for that as well
but I think it will change like 10 times again
often I have a color or a design that I really like and 5 days later I think
this one is even better!
I have a color right now, but I'm not gonna tell you. This is a secret
so please be patient with it
I can tell you know that it will be something that you haven't seen before
or is at least very rare
and of course I will you show everything that happens with the car
when it gets a new wrap
and when the GTI gets a new wrap too!
I'm really looking forward to this
I'm gonna wrap up the video here, I've talked enough
thank you very much for watching!
if you like the video please don't forget to click on thumbs up
and if you haven't done it, please don't forget to subscribe to my channel
so that I can talk more with you
see you later!
10 Things Everyone Should Know About Reincarnation - Duration: 17:58.10 Things Everyone Should Know About Reincarnation
Around the world, many people—perhaps the majority overall—accept a belief in reincarnation as part of their religion.
Not many people in the West believe in it, though.
In fact, many scoff at the very idea and regard it as nonsense.
This is largely because in the West we are enamored with the benefits of scientific knowledge and increasingly
sceptical of the old religions—rightly so, in my view.
The knowledge science provides can be systematically checked to ensure that it is valid and reliable.
This is why it is of such great value.
But it is not necessarily the only source of knowledge that is valid and reliable.
Besides, what science can see is limited to that which is physical and objective.
Reality itself is not necessarily so limited.
If we limit our understanding of what reality can be to just what science can see, we are leaving ourselves half-blind.
A wealth of information is now available from a wide variety of sources which, despite their differences,
give surprisingly coherent and mearningful insights into the nature of the soul and its evolution.
Thanks to a combination of channelled teachings, insights from near-death experiences, reports of hypnotic regression,
transpersonal experiences induced by meditation, breath-work or psychoactive substances, after-death communications,
and even scientific research into children's spontaneous descriptions of their past lives,
it is now possible to put together a very clear picture of reincarnation.
Regardless of the medium (no pun intended), the message is consistent.
Whether one regards such information as factual knowledge or as loony nonsense depends upon one's openness to
non-physical sources of information.
Interestingly, in light of this accumulation of knowledge, we can now see that even within those Eastern cultures that
believe in reincarnation, many people's understanding of it is confused by all sorts of religious doctrines that are
just plain wrong.
So, here are ten things about reincarnation which I think are valid and reliable and which I believe everyone—East or
West—would benefit from knowing:
The soul exists.
The soul isn't just a myth or an illusion or a relic of pre-scientific superstition.
All human beings are a combination of physical, mortal body and non-physical, immortal soul.
Your soul is the absolute essence of you — the only true answer to the question,
"Who am I?" It is who you always are regardless of how you feel or what you believe or how you perceive yourself.
From the body's perspective, the soul is the conscious, animating life force within it.
From the soul's perspective, the body is a vehicle for inhabiting the physical world and experiencing physical
The soul is pure consciousness, pure energy, pure being.
It exists on a timeless, non-physical level of reality.
It is a piece of Spirit or God or Source, a spark of divine light and love, a fragment of absolute perfection.
The soul evolves.
All souls are on a mission to evolve (grow, develop) through their own experiences and efforts.
To evolve as a soul is to become increasingly self-aware and self-capable as a unique expression of Spirit.
By evolving, the soul changes in its level of beingness and consciousness,
from new-born innocence to greater and greater levels of love, power and wisdom.
In effect, that which is created rejoins the Creator — after eons of evolution.
The soul evolves most effectively in physical form.
Evolution of the soul comes about through individual experience and choice.
A soul evolves most effectively by facing and making choices as a separate individual, making choices big and small,
and experiencing the effects of each choice.
To do so, the soul incarnates — that is, the soul fuses with a physical body for a whole lifetime, from birth to death.
By doing so, the soul gets to experience being physically limited and physically separated from others and from
This is actually an illusion, a trick of the senses, as the soul itself is never really limited or separate.
But the illusion creates enough desire, fear and other pressures to cause the soul to experience conflicts and dilemmas
and to make choices.
It also puts the soul's own perceptions, feelings and decisions under the microscope, as it were.
The experiences and choices of a lifetime serve as lessons for the soul once the life is completed.
After death (the soul's exit from the physical realm), the soul and its guides review what happened during the life and
what lessons can be learned from it.
The soul not only reviews its own experiences and choices but also discovers the effects of its own choices on others
during the life.
For example, the decision to steal a sum of money at one point may have caused the victim significant hardship and
The soul learns that all choices have experiential consequences, not just for the self but for everyone involved.
The soul undergoes the full range of meaningful experiences and choices by reincarnating.
One lifetime is not enough to experience the whole gamut of life circumstances and to make all choices.
For example, the soul needs to experience life as both male and female; as both victim and perpetrator;
as both student and teacher…
Hence, the soul re-incarnates many times over in order to experience the full spectrum of life.
Being human again and again, each time with a different body, different life circumstances and different relationships,
enables the soul to experience the full range of possible perspectives and relationships and all the lessons that these
Through many different human experiences, the soul gradually becomes more self-aware,
gradually discovers more of its true capabilities (love, power, wisdom),
and gradually learns how to overcome the illusory limitations of being physical.
Generally, the soul learns best through a "compare and contrast" process, not through blind repetition.
Hence any given lifetime may be completely different in some way from the last one.
(From the soul's point of view, there is little value in repeating the same kind of life again and again — unless,
that is, there is a specific lesson within that lifestyle which has yet to be learned — in which case,
Groundhog Day is an excellent metaphor).
Each human lifetime is an opportunity to learn specific lessons.
One lifetime, for example, might focus on learning greater self-responsibility while the next might focus on being
kinder to others.
If in one lifetime the soul experiences being a man with a lot of power over women, say,
it would then be of value to contrast that with the experience of being a powerless woman.
The soul has no preference for one side of the equation or the other,
since both sides help draw out different aspects of the soul.
The soul has no nationality, creed, race or gender.
There is no such thing as a Jewish soul or a Chinese soul or whatever.
We are just souls, and as souls we are free to experience the whole variety of human cultures across the planet.
We choose our birth location, race and nationality to suit our purposes for any given lifetime.
Sometimes race and creed are a deliberate choice; at other times they are merely incidental to what the life is about.
Because the soul learns through a process of "compare and contrast", one who has just experienced a life as (say) an
Israeli soldier might decide to be (say) a Palestinian orphan in the next.
There is no such thing as a male soul or a female soul.
Gender is a biological phenomenon, not a spiritual one.
Human beings are of two sexes and so we have to choose which one to be before each life begins.
Because we want to experience, compare and contrast all possible perspectives,
we will choose to experience lives as both men and women.
We can be male or female as often as we please.
We can be male in one lifetime and female the next.
Or we can be male for ten lifetimes and female for the next fifty lifetimes.
It is all a matter of choice.
Even if we have a strong preference for one gender, we will still tend to incarnate as the other gender every now and
then, just to maintain a balanced perspective.
The soul sticks to one species at a time.
Contrary to certain teachings, the souls of human beings reincarnate only as human beings.
That's not to say we did not experience life in simpler life forms before that.
But at some point in our earlier evolution, we selected the human species as our vehicle of choice (no pun intended) to
evolve as self-aware individuals.
The soul's mission is to expand in consciousness, and there is no value for the soul already at the human level in
experiencing life at a "sub-human" level of consciousness.
There may be rare exceptions where a soul who is normally human experiments with being a dolphin, say,
but as a rule we do not return as insects or cows or blades of grass or what have you.
We are spiritual beings on a human journey, learning to be ourselves through human experiences,
human relationships and human choices.
Each lifetime is pre-planned.
Before taking birth, the soul (along with its guides in spirit) will decide what experiences and choices the life
should include.
The appropriate circumstances and relationships will be chosen and set up with the cooperation and agreement of other
souls who will be involved.
For example, let's say the soul wants to experience being compassionate towards children.
The soul may decide that the life to come should include its own childhood experience of abandonment by the mother.
This would help drive the personality in adult life to want to help abandoned children.
Another soul will then agree, out of love, to be the mother who abandons this soul in childhood.
Most major events in life are pre-planned: the birth, the family, the school, the relationships, the career and so on.
This includes deaths, accidents and illnesses.
There is, however, plenty of room for unplanned things to occur.
The choices we make on the ground matter far more than "destiny".
The body is also chosen by the soul before birth.
Souls are aware of which foetuses are viable and which are not, and which are going to be terminated before birth.
(Hence, abortion is not really 'murder'.)
Some lifetimes are explicitly set up for the soul to undergo a particular learning experience (such as being a teacher,
for example), while some are actually undertaken for the benefit of others' learning experiences.
For example, we might opt to live a life as a much-loved child who suddenly dies while still young,
purely in order to help another soul undergo the experience of tragic loss.
There is a law of karma…
… but it is not like many people think it is.
If soul A kills soul B in one lifetime, then in a later lifetime soul B will kill soul A. That is the effect of karma.
But karma is not (repeat not) about cosmic justice or divine retribution.
From the perspective of Spirit, there is no need for cosmic justice because there is no such thing as cosmic injustice.
Karma is really about learning through "entanglement".
If I do something in physical life that violates your free will, we become entangled.
We both feel the lack of equilibrium between us.
It's like we have become tied together by a rope.
The only way to restore equilibrium is to undo the entanglement—by having you violate my free will in a similar way.
That way, we both know from experience what it is like to be both the violator and the violated.
Souls tend to commit karmic acts in the early stages of their reincarnations when they have less experience of human
Typical karmic acts are: murder, rape, dismemberment, imprisonment, abandonment.
In all cases, one person imposes something on another against the other's will.
There is no karmic entanglement for acts that are accidental or not by choice.
Reincarnation has a beginning and an end.
Contrary to certain teachings, we are not tied to a wheel of endless death and rebirth,
to be saved only by renouncing the world and seeking spiritual liberation.
The whole journey of evolving through reincarnation begins with us at a certain level and ends once we reach another
It takes (typically) well over 100 lifetimes.
From first human life to last requires thousands of years, depending upon the availability of physical bodies.
In spirit, the whole path is clear to us and we know exactly what we are doing.
Each lifetime is a deliberate adventure and is undertaken out of love and a desire to evolve.
There is no urgency.
Contrary to what many teach on the subject, there is no urgency for us to become enlightened,
or to complete our reincarnational cycle.
It is not "better" to evolve quickly over a few lives than to evolve slowly over many lives.
Reincarnation is not a challenge to reach the end of evolution as quickly as possible.
We are not "caught" in the cycle of human death and rebirth.
The physical world is not a hell-hole to be climbed out of.
God is not wishing we would get a move on.
From the perspective of Spirit, there is no passage of time.
Time is just a perceptual phenomenon for us while in physical form.
Souls literally do not care how many thousands of years it takes to get from one level of reincarnation to another.
The passage of time in human terms is, to the soul, irrelevant.
A final word
I would also add one more correction to certain teachings: souls do not normally reincarnate instantly after death.
Usually there is a period of several years or decades between one life and the next, during which the soul recuperates,
considers the lessons learned from the last life and plans its next one.
It should come as no surprise to learn that we have had a past life, or even many past lives.
The only ones who haven't lived a previous life are those at the very beginning of the reincarnational cycle.
The only ones who aren't coming back after this life are those at the very end of the cycle.
Reincarnation is the norm for all human beings.
It is universal.
It is what we are all doing here.
Secret Audio Recordings: Sheriff Napier's candid conversation about AG probe - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
IU And Her Stylist Exchange Funny Comments About Her Fashion - Duration: 1:14.IU And Her Stylist Exchange Funny Comments About Her Fashion
Last weeks episode of JTBCs Hyoris Homestay showed a hilarious scene of Lee Hyori and shopping and.
Since the episode aired, a conversation between IU and her stylist has become popular on internet communities. On her personal Instagram, IUs stylist posted a screenshot from Hyoris Homestay where Lee Hyori said, Why are you buying that? to IU.
Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
The stylists post came with a caption that said, This is what I say to Ji Eun (IUs real name) when I see her buying clothes…Why did you buy this?… Interestingly, she does pull it off well. But….still…..
Then, IU added a comment to this post that said, But when I go to the airport, I think a lot about my outfits and dress properly so that my stylist wont be embarrassed.
«Поговорим По-честному» with Dr Dainis Ignatans - Episode #1 about Brexit and Studies in the UK - Duration: 58:17.-------------------------------------------
Lee Joon Confesses That He Has Never Been Deeply In Love Before And Talks About His Ideal Type - Duration: 2:39.Lee Joon Confesses That He Has Never Been Deeply In Love Before And Talks About His Ideal Type
In a recent interview, actor Lee Joon talked about being in love, marriage, and meeting his longstanding ideal type, Kim Yuna.
The actor talked about his own love life in a frank manner and said, Im 30 and, although I have had girlfriends, I regret not having dated anyone in a deep and meaningful way.
When I was a student, I had a lot of emotional ups and downs because of love and cried a lot because of love; however, as I got older and became an adult, my emotions became more subdued and now I dont really react to much.
I think Ive become that much more sensitive.. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
He continued, Besides when I act, I have not cried [since becoming an adult]. Life in the public social sphere is very fierce and, in order to survive, there are rules that need to be adhered to.
I think being in that sort of space has made me very sensitive.. Regarding love, Lee Joon admitted, I dont think Ive ever truly been in love before. Marriage seems like a very vague thing to me.
Ive always thought that I would marry someone that I would take a bullet for but I have yet to feel that, which is why Im trying to cultivate those kinds of emotions..
Lee Joons longstanding ideal type has been former professional figure skater Kim Yuna for years and the actor shared an amusing story about a time when he actually met her.
He said, During the Olympics a while ago, I ran into her and I realized how small I could become around people I truly like. At the time, I was with and [former] SISTAR member.
The two of them greeted [Kim Yuna] while I hid but then Jeong Jinwoon called me out, so I reluctantly greeted her and told her I was a fan before running away..
He continued, That was the first time I felt myself become so small. I liked her as a fan but I couldnt control my own emotions. I would like to become as cool and levelheaded as her.
I think that its best to have a levelheaded mindset in any and all situations…Shes younger than me but I think I have a lot to learn from her. I respect her greatly..
Meanwhile, Lee Joon also talked about and how hes open to after completing his military service.
Heli FAQ 2// My Top 6 Tips about SIM flying // Simone Zunterer - Duration: 17:11.Hello and welcome to a
new episode of Heli FAQ
I just wanted to say: Thank you for all the positive feedback
which I got for my first FAQ video
about motivation
There were so many people telling me their personal story
who told me "You´re talking 100% of me"
It means a lot to me
and I am really pleased that you all share your story with me
So thanks to all of you
Today we are talking about a different topic
its something I realize again and again when I am outside flying
People always ask me "Wow you are shure training like hell!"
"I am shure you fly a lot of simulator?"
And I then say "Mmmmh no, not really at the moment"
And I want to share my
Top 6 Tips about Simulator flying
My Tip #1
The first and biggest mistake you can do about SIM flying:
Not to use a simulator
I know lot of you say "Ah thats too boring for me"
"Its not fun and I dont find the motivation"
I can really relate to that and I have
a good tip for that later
So later in the video you will get a tip from me
what you can do to use your SIM time most efficent
we will talk about this later
But its really important that you use the sim
as well for these people who want to start flying
because at the beginning you dont have a clue how the controls work
so you go out and say
"It will work somehow and I am shure nothing will break"
You will be overwhelmed.
To fly a helicopter is really not easy and hard work
You have 4 controls that need to be in tune simultaneously
which correlate
So if you are not a person with gifted talent, which most of us aren´t
you will not be able to control the heli
and you will crash it
so also if a beginner asks me
"I want to start heli flying and I know I will stick with it"
"What should I get?" Then I say: "Get a good transmitter
which you can use later on also for other and bigger models
Get a 450size heli
maybe something slightly smaller or slightly bigger, but not too big
which flies pretty stable and precise
and get a good simulator"
And I dont mean any free crap out there
You can try the free test versions of the big sims
but BUY at the end the full version of a sim which has a good physics
you WILL need this sim for the rest of your heli career
I promise you!
You will need it for trying new manovers
maybe you want to try a flight to music
if you´re a Pro you want to
try if the choreography fits to the music
and you want to try it quickly without needing to drive to the field
You will aaaalways need a sim
When I started I didnt have a SIM
I learned everything without a SIM and I really regret it
because I needed so much longer to learn
basics. It took me about 4 years to learn
my first circles and loops
And without SIM I just could imagine how it will be controlled
If I would have had a SIM before I could
have been trying the basic movements
to know "This works and this is to avoid!"
I would have been much more successful, quicker and more secure while learning
So also if you are a beginner and
you need to first learn the stick movements and basic controls
and also if you are intermediate or pro
for learning new manovers
to try music choreographies, to try night flights
the opportunities are endless and you wont regret it
My tip #2: Try different simulators on the market
Not everyone likes the same sim
personal tastes are very different
some find sim x more realistic than sim y
Some say "Realflight" is the best
some tend to the "next"
some love "Heli-X"
some use "Reflex"
I dont know if it still exists "Aerofly"
There is "Phoenix" and "AccuRC"
There are sooooo many SIMs out there
and you will have to try out some of them to know what fits you best
nearly all sims have
test versions to download
and you can try them out
In the "next" for example you can fly 2min
then you have to reboot the SIM
but its enough to get a good impression and feeling
about the graphics, the performance
you will see if it works with your operating system
If you have like me a MAC
you´ll need WIN on a separate HDD or partition
or you get a SIM that works on MAC
which is in my case the "next"
it always depends on you and your preferences and goals
this is why you should try a bunch of SIMS
Don´t hesitate to contact the developer
if there is a possibility to get a test version
and then choose the one which fits you most
Tip #3
Try to use the transmitter
you are flying for your real models at the SIM
I fly Graupner
and I own for buddyboxing a mx-20 and mx-16
and I use those two
for sim flying at home
I know you will say
I fly a mz-24 in real life
but the mx and the mz are not THAT much difference in handling
but if I see the difference of some
plastic TX which some with a SIM
that is only for using at the PC
these TXs have a complete different size, shape, weight and handling
the sticks are a bit longer or shorter, maybe they move a bit harder
its just not the same feeling as with your real Tx
So you will need some time to get used to it
(everytime you fly SIM)
this is why I always recommend: Search for a SIM
doesnt matter if it needs a
Dongle or license number
try to find a SIM
where you can use your own Tx
I will show you quickly how it works with the "Phoenix"
Of course no software company wants
their software to get copied
this is why most of them use these so called Dongles
this one is for the Phoenix
This box is the so called Dongle
the USB plug goes into the PC
and this goes into
your Tx
The "next" for example
works with a license number authentification
I have here from Freakware (german shop)
a cool gadget which is called RX2SIM
As far as I know it works with every Tx
So you have here all the cables for each possible channel
and you simply connect it to a receiver
of you brand
in my case its a old GR-16 receiver
you simply plug in all the cables
And the good thing is: If I now fly SIM
I dont have a cable :)
So I can fly SIM
laying down or sitting on the sofa
and I dont need to watch out to pull out the cable with the Tx
So conclusion of #3: Use a SIM
where you can use your actual Tx
Tip #4
Dont make the mistake to use
the same heli in the SIM as you fly in real life
I know sooo many people who say
"I need that SIM"
"because it has the model X
which I also fly on my field"
"And I need to get this SIM because it has THIS model"
"It looks like my model"
"And if its the same it will fly like the real one for shure"
Many people believe that a SIM model
of a certain brand and size
will be acting like the real thing
well I can tell you that also in real life
two same heli models with
same electronics of two
different people will always fly different
because everyone is setting up his/her heli different
Some pilots would freak out when they would try my helis
and see what a slow piro rate I am flying
So dont trust it
I can tell you when I was
flying my Phoenix SIM back then
I was using a Trex 700 Nitro
and you all know that I am normally only flying electric machines
well "normally?" ... always ^^
but I was using the 700Nitro
so a different brand
a different size and also a Nitro machine
Oho?! Well thats because I tried
different models in the SIM and realized
that THIS model was flying the best and most realistic for me
so it FELT the best for ME
and thats what you will have to do: Try them all out!
and it doesnt matter what brand or size it is
if its 250, 380, 500, 700, 3blade, 2blade, electric, nitro....
it doesnt matter! Try them all out!
Try those which are pre-setup
and pick the one which feels for you the best and most close to your real one
and after that you can do small little setup improvements
but it doesnt make any sense
to pick the exact same model as you own
because in most cases you will get dissapointed
Tip #5
Dont make the mistake and
see the SIM as the ultimate precision tool
of course you can do that.
I think its a waste of time
Just simply because a SIM is never ever like the real thing
its not 100% reality
Some people make the mistake to say
"I am currently training manover XY"
"and I am training at the SIM until I can do it"
"until I can fly it with ultimate precision so it doesnt drift away"
"It needs to be 100% perfect before I try it in reality"
I personally wouldnt do that
because I know that I fly on the SIM
a bit different than normally
you all know that on the SIM you fly more freely
also my SIM heli is not
100% acting the same as my real model
I only use the SIM for
trying a new manover
so I see somewhere a new manover or transition
in a video and decide to try that myself
then I sit down, take my Tx
start the SIM and then I try...and try...
it will not work as intended but with the time
I will figure out how to control the manover
how can I start it, how can I exit it
this is also very important for you!
If you are for example flying a Funnel
its nice if you know how to get INTO it
and how to fly it, but what happens if something doesnt work as intended
what will you do if the tail spins out? Do you have an emergency exit manover?
For example: "If something happens I will do aileron left and elevator to the front"
I dont know, some kind of emergency procedure to catch the heli
I personally only use the SIM for
trying and learning new manovers
I fly it as long on the SIM
until I
can perform the manover 9 out of 10 times without crash
10 out of 10 is a bit utopic
So I practice until I can fly the manover
without concentrating on the actual stickmoves
I know how to get in, how to control the manover
without crashing and I know
how to get out of it if something doesnt work
without loosing a big amount of height
If you can do this, than you get out and try it
of course with much height (up there at the ISS)
then you can try it and you are safe
but I wouldnt recommend to focus too much on precision
I think you will loose the fun quite quickly
and in the end it flies in reality a bit different anyway
And know here comes my Tip #6
this is my ultimate tip
I give to people when talking on flightshows etc
but I thought I share it here with you
it is about MUSIC
Music and Motivation
What do I mean with this?
Many peope tell me "SIM flying is sooo boooring"
"I have to make myself sit down and start up the SIM"
" If I do then I just fly something but I dont train"
"I wanted to learn manover XY but..."
"at the end I was again just flying around withjout concept"
"then afterwards I am disspointed with myself"
"Then I have to sit down minimum 1 hour so its worth it"
Calm down! Of course the more often you
fly SIM the quicker you will learn
Out of my experience it is not
neccessarily better the longer you fly
I think 15min or even 10min
per day or maybe
2-3 times per week is enough
Now comes the big clue: I go to my PC and search for 3 songs
you can put thos into a playlist or whatever you like
choose 3 songs which
are not stressing you or distracting you
but which fit very good to flying
Then you switch on your SIM
and you decide 3 manovers to train today
lets say
Funnel, TicToc and Hurricane
Then after a short warm up you start the first song
a normal song will last about 3-4 min
and you will now use the COMPLETE time of this song
for practicing the first manover
you dont fly anything else during that time!
so you will have the mindset: "Okay as long as THIS song is playing"
(song maybe)
(Rolling Stones or whatever)
"as long as this is playing, as long will I try ONLY my TicTocs"
and it doesnt matter if you crash all the time, if they work or not
but you fly ONLY TicTocs during the first song
it will not get boring because you know
that your time for this manover is limited
and you only have to concetrate for that short amount of time
then there comes the next song
and during thos 3-4min you will ONLY fly your Funnels
and again it doesnt matter if you crash all the time
if you just start to learn it or if you already start to improve
these 3-4min will get used ONLY for that
and the same applies for the third song and the third manover
if the three songs are over you can say
"Okay I am done"
Set your Tx aside and switch off the PC
Then you will be done in 10min and you
really had a very effective, focused training
if you do this regularely you will improve so much!
and 10Min is really not much!
10min per day
you can loose by watching some YT channels
or looking just quickly into Netflix
or using them just quickly to get my training done
at the SIM and have satisfied feeling afterwards
well I think you all should have those 10min
and I really hope that this
3x3min tactics can maybe help you
to have a structured plan what to do
you have a limited time and good music
and you dont have the feeling you will have to sit there endlessly
and maybe you are so
into it after these 3x3min
maybe you make 15min out of it and keep flying?
and you can choose what
you would like to exercise during that time
I am doing my 3 manovers
and if I have time and feel like it
I leave the SIM running and fly some more minutes just for enjoyment
and it is not "bad" to just fly around without concept
I just think now and then we all need a bit
of structure and planning for the learning process of our brain
and i am shure you will notice a difference
even when not flying SIM daily
thats a big mistake many do, thinking they would have to fly EVERY SINGLE day
its enough if you have 2,3 days in between your sessions
sometimes even a week is ok, but you will definitely see improvements
the funny thing is: during the time you are not training your brain is re-wiring
and the next time you try it, it works even better
don´t over-train yourself, take your time
as I said you dont need to use the SIM every day
just use the bit of time you have with structure
So these were my Top 6 Tips about SIM flying
I hope there was something helpful in it
Please understand that I cannot
give any recommendations about which SIM to use and which not
First because I dont want to make anyone angry
(mentioning product A and maybe not B)
and also because everyone has other expectations about a SIM
and not all of you will find the same SIM suitiung him/her best
So try different SIMS
choose the one that fits most to your personal feeling and goals
use it but dont overtrain, just do it with structure
and you will notice a huge improvement
Let me know what you think, let me know your personal experience
maybe someone wants to try my Music-Strategy
I am looking forward to hear from you!
Bye bye!
Shania Twain Chats About Writing For Britney Spears - Duration: 2:57.Speaking of songwriting,
they gave you a round of applause earlier
before you arrived for writing the entire album yourself,
which is like-
[cheers and applause]
-not very common anymore.
Thank you.
But in the past, you used to write for other artists as well-
and one song that they may not know,
or maybe they know 'cause they're super-fans,
is you co-wrote Britney Spears'
"Don't Let Me Be the Last To Know".
Now that you both have had Vegas residencies
over the past few years, can you talk a little bit
about working with her in the past,
and maybe hanging out with her in Vegas, if you did at all?
Uh, we didn't work together on that song.
Um, and it was just a writing thing that I did on the side.
She was working with my ex-husband in the studio
and I got to say hello while she was in the studio
'cause it was at our home...
[laughter from audience]
And she, you know-
she was very sweet and um, it was a great experience
just to get know her on a really
just behind-the-scenes level a little bit.
And it was obviously an honor
to have her record some of my songwriting,
and I love writing for other people.
In fact, when I believed that
I was never gonna be able to sing again myself,
I thought, 'well, on the positive side'-
I mean there's no positive side to not being able to sing again,
but um, I was thinking I will get a lot of pleasure
writing for other singers and hearing other singers
sing the songs that I've written and I'll just keep writing
and I'll still be able to hear my music.
So, um, positive side to everything.
But yeah, Britney, yeah she did a beautiful song-
beautiful job with the song.
And she sang your song in Crossroads, too (chuckles).
Oh yeah!
So maybe a duet in the future. Who knows?
That's- yeah, I mean that would be cool.
[laughter from audience]
She's sweet, we're- yeah we're both blond,
maybe I'd have to go back to brunette,
so that we have a little bit of variety- diversity.
Is there someone that you would like to collaborate with?
Nick Jonas. I would love to sing with him.
[cheers and applause]
For one he's got an incredible voice,
and secondly he's just such a sweet person.
I like nice people.
And he's a nice person and very, very talented.
You know who I really love is Nicki Minaj.
[cheers and applause]
Okay, we need that!
I love her!
She's just so raw and vicious and amazing and...
Spotify needs to make this happen,
so somehow work your connections.
And Chris Stapleton.
[agreement from audience]
He is really awesome. Yeah, I love him.
And that's a good wide range, yeah.
The New Video Goldmine You NEED To Know About - DMW #44 - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
BOOKS ABOUT BOOKSHOPS! (What is your favourite one?) - Duration: 4:42.Hello everybody and welcome to The Paper Booklight, my name is Laura Munoz and
today's video is going to be really special
so the channel is one month old now
*Yoo hoo* And as I've said in other videos each month, I will pick a selection of themed
books so for this month, I have picked a really really really meta theme and
there's no better place for a bookworm than bookshops!
and that is what this video is going to be about
so for the first book I have picked a non fiction one
is "Weird things customers say in bookshops" by Jen Campbell
Published by Constable and Robinson and actually you can find it in
Spanish under the name of "Cosas raras que se oyen en las Librerías"
by MalPaso Ediciones
I have to say this book is pure gold especially if you
are a bookselle, like real for real
She's got another one, she's got a second
part it's called "More weird things that customers say in bookshops" I haven't
read it yet but I definitely will read it
and well, Jen Campbell is an author is
a booktuber one of my favourites, I have to say
she's got another one and it's called "The bookshop book"
and it's about bookshops
I really like Jen Campbell's channel I really recommend it
and also she was a Bookseller, so yeah *Joy Face*
one of the latest videos of hers was about LGTBQ+ literature
as a bookseller, I am discovering so many books that I did not know about beforehand and I'm
learning so much from her as well as the other booktubers it's worth the subscribe
and my first fiction pick is "Firmin" by Sam Savage, in the United
Kingdom is published by Orion and you actually can find it in Spanish under
the name of "Firmin, las aventuras de una alimaña urbana" published by Seix Barral
Omg, the plot is fantastic because it's the story of a rat that was
born in a bookshop but the thing is that he is starving, right? He's hungry and
starts chewing books
But the thing doesn't end there as he is chewing these books
he starts acquiring self consciousness
and the knowledge that is in those titles
so you will see like how he will struggle with the city , how will he
struggle with the gentrification: Because the bookshop is going to be bulldozed
and I think he is going to be really interesting to see how will he cope with this
so it's on my To Be Read List, and I'm going with the second one!
So my 2nd pick is "The Little Paris bookshop" by Nina George published by Abacus which
belongs to Little,Brown Book (Hachette)
you can find it in Spanish under a completely
different name, is published by De Bolsillo and it's called
"Sabor a Provenza, un viaje de vuelta a lo mejor de la vida"
which literally translates to "Taste
of Provence, a returning trip to the best of the life"
so this is the story of
Jean Perdu, he is a bookseller he's the owner of a really peculiar bookshop
He's got a really special gift and this is that he can read through
the customers and know exactly what they need
But the thing is he can't help himself and he can't get over of the love of his life
it's a really good story to be read this summer
and I really like the fact that he had a bookshop on a boat
because days later, some days later,
I've seen that there was this guy with a
bookshop in London which was based on a boat
I think his name is Paddy, I will leave you his link here and I really like the story
this would be the perfect book for those who like helping people
this is a book about new beginnings, finishing chapters on your life letting go
but all in a real light-hearted tone so I really really really recommend it
And my third - last but not the least - pick is
Lost for Words by Stephanie Butland I will leave you the cover here
I'm really thrilled to read this book, the cover is really nice I
loved it but also the fact that is set in a bookshop in York
And from what I've seen, I think this is a really good story to be read this summer because this is
not your typical character, indeed she's like a really atypical bookseller
haunted by her past and seeing how she copes with this and how she prefers
books to people makes me wonder like how will she cope with the different
situations that I have been read
So if you liked this video don't forget to subscribe,
give a thumbs up, have a look to my other videos and my social
media accounts and well, I would really like to know what are your favorite
books on bookshops! And see you next week
15 Things You Didn't Know About Daniel Franzese of Mean Girls | ELLE - Duration: 2:34.#1.
I am not really Damien!
I did not go to high school with you, and I'm gay but I'm functioning just fine.
Thank you.
My name is Daniel Francese, and these are 15 things that you do not know about me.
Relax, I got this.
I could sound just like pretty much any kind of dog.
Whether it's a small dog *barks* or a big dog *barks*
I scare the crap out of people.
I do a really sick Notorious B.I.G impression.
I love mootz-a-rell more than anything in the world.
I could eat mootz-a-rell for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I always have mootz-a-rell in my fridge, and it's not mozzarella...it's mootz-a-rell.
I am Co-Owner and Creative Director of a Big and Tall line called TheWinstonBox.com.
I make fashion for the big boys.
I speak American Sign Language.
For my performance in the movie "Bully," I won a High Time Stony Award, which is a working
bong...and yes I've used it.
RuPaul gave me a tip on how to pronounce my last name, perfectly.
I don't have my own air conditioner, I need to use my friend's AC.
Danny Francese.
I'm super passionate about musical theatre.
That's what I set out to do.
Movies and TV were an accident.
I want to be on Broadway.
It seems like an oxymoron, but I'm a queer Christian.
I think Jesus is awesome...his followers are sometimes a little nuts.
I'm engaged!
I met my boyfriend in Starbucks, and he became my fiancé in that same Starbucks.
I went in for a Grande Americano, but I left with a Venti Puerto Rican.
I only came out of the closet, in 2014.
I know that, that sounds weird but ever since, I've been doing stand up because I feel like
I can talk about myself authentically.
I used to be quiet, and now I can't shut up.
3 more?
Ok sorry, I'm bad at math.
I have a web series called "Shit Italian Mom's Say," where I play my mother...and then I
have another web series, with my mother, where all she does is talk in my ear and talk about
other things.
So I have a lot to do with Italian Moms.
My Dad, RJ Francese is a lounge singer in South Florida.
and last but not least, no sorry *laughs*
and #15. I was a bouncer in New York City for a
lot of years.
I'm a tough guy, but I'm a sucker for babies and puppies.
They're cute.
Random & Weird Facts About Me | doyouknowellie - Duration: 10:35.-------------------------------------------
10 Little Known Things About Precious Opal Giveaway - Duration: 2:02.Hi everyone, my name's Rose and I'm the founder of Cicely Cliff,
an ethical heirloom jewellery company
that specialises in bespoke custom pieces.
For the larger part of the last two years I have been living on a mine
in Western Queensland in Australia,
where I have been helping to mine, cut and polish
a precious stone known as OPAL.
Now, I won't lie, it was the rugged lifestyle
and the fiery landscapes that tempted me out
to Western Queensland in the first place
but it was the MAGICAL moments of discovering precious opal
deep underground and bringing it up to the light
of day for the first time EVER that made
me fall in love with this mystical stone...
And I think that you will too.
These are just a few of the different stones
which come out of that one particular mine and as you can see
there is a huge variety of different opals.
As you can also see they can then become the most incredible jewellery.
Opals have been around for thousands of years
and we have evidence of this dating back to the Greeks and Romans,
although it's very likely that this precious stone would have been
cherished a long time before then.
The word itself - "opal" - is actually derived
from the Sanskrit "upala", which means 'gem' or 'precious stone'.
Back in the Middle Ages, opal was actually known
for its medical healing properties,
some of which are still around today.
Now, you may think that you know a few things about opal
BUT, I bet that you will NEVER have heard ANY of the things
that I would like to show you today.
Here I have a booklet on 10 Little-Known Things About Precious Opal
and why this stone is the connoisseurs first choice for heirloom jewellery.
I am giving this as a FREE download to anybody who wants it
just because I think that these secrets are too cool not to share.
Now, if you would like a free copy of this book
then all you have to do is just press the blue button and
I will send you a download straight away.
This is Rose at Cicely Cliff, thank you so much for your time and
I hope you enjoy your free booklet!
EXO's Kai Shares A Scary Story About Riding In An Elevator With Broken Cables - Duration: 0:54.EXO's Kai Shares A Scary Story About Riding In An Elevator With Broken Cables
EXO member appeared on the second part of Star Golden Bell that aired on KBS 2TVs on August 31. On this episode, Kai shared a story about a dangerous elevator ride.
Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. Kai said, I got on an elevator and heard the sound of rats. Then suddenly, the elevator started to drop.
It turns out that it was the sound of the elevator cables breaking, not rats. I climbed up to the first floor and screamed for help.. Its a good thing he made it out safely!.
We Literally Need to Talk About This... - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
How Can I Ride In Sand...Without A Fatbike? | Ask GMBN Anything About Mountain Biking - Duration: 12:21.- Welcome to this weeks Ask, the Show,
where we try and answer all your questions about
mountain biking because we are two experts.
Well definitely one of them.
Right now I'm going to start off
with this question for you actually.
And it's from Shile
and they say,
can you do an interview with Neil?
One good video to talk about what happened
with your accident in the crash?
Everything what lead up to it?
And how you're doing and
some tips for recovery that's a good idea.
- Well I'm doing all right thanks.
Five weeks ago I crashed my road bike
into a car.
Went around the corner too fast
and I broke my ankle,
broke my jaw,
had bleeding on the brain,
knocked all my teeth in.
I got a gum thing on.
My ankle's doing good.
I can peddle a bike a little bit.
- You're waddling around very well.
- Getting on alright on my feet.
- But I think an in depth video about that
and talking about how it recovers is actually
a really good idea.
It's a good suggestion.
Something we could maybe do.
- I've had a few injuries.
Rehabbed my shoulder through lots of things in the gym
and I just started doing that with
It's an important thing to do when you get injured.
- Absolutely good question.
Fin High says,
can I put a BMX fork
on my downhill bike?
Wow that was a gear change.
- I would say it's probably not possible
and you probably shouldn't do it anyway.
- But you'd have to run a 20 inch wheel on the front.
- The downhill bikes 1 1/8 anyway.
I don't use BMX bikes are 1 1/8 to?
Maybe they are actually but don't do it.
- We've got to put a big why on the front of that.
Why would you?
- Maybe we should!
- Now you've got his interest.
What else we got?
- Paul Fritzell any tips on riding through sand
on a non plus or fat bike?
Also any tips for maintenance
after riding through sand?
- Well I'll tell you what.
I haven't got any tips on the maintenance.
I'm gonna let you do that.
But as far as riding through sand
momentum is key.
'Cause once you've lost it you're done.
You're getting nowhere.
- You have to lean back a little bit.
To try and keep the front wheel floating almost.
- That feeling it kinda just,
kinda glides across,
keep your weight back,
but that does make it quite hard to keep peddling.
It is hard to ride on sand.
- Any sand on your chain or in a bearing
is gonna absolutely wreck it.
So make sure you clean the bike afterwards I'd say.
- There's a race every year isn't there?
Where it starts on sand.
- There's one in the UK.
Bailon Beach is it called?
I think it is.
- Keep your weight back keep moving.
What about maintenance Neil?
What to do about maintaining bike of sand?
Just buy everything new?
- Born2befree so I'm a light fella
and rarely get pinch flats,
but does get fair amount of cactus punctures.
Not from the UK obviously.
Should I go full tubeless or should I go to slime tubes?
- A bit of support there in the tube is good,
but I don't know.
Something like that is it really...
- That's what it's designed for to be honest I think.
So definitely go tubeless.
And we've got a video on top five mistakes you'll make
when going tubeless
so watch that and don't make any of them.
- So another tubeless setup mistake that people often make
is not having a correct pump to get your
tubeless system inflated in the first place.
In an ideal world
you want to use a compressor.
Little bike shops have these
and you might have a friend that does.
The good thing about compressor
is you get constant flow of air
at a good rate.
So your tire's just going to pop out
into place first time.
The next best thing
is to have one of these sort of style pumps
that have got compressed
canister built into them.
Using the pump handle itself,
you're inflating this
and when you're ready you can actually release the air
all in one hit.
- Next question coming in from Supprozz says,
can I change
a larger wheel size e.g. 26 to 27.5
without changing the frame?
- I'd say no.
It's technically possible,
I've done it myself when 27.5 just came out.
I sought my Santa Cruz Bronson I think?
I made it 27.5 for a race
but the front tyre was very close to the fork.
So he could change the fork.
But most frames you'll be very close and tight to the rim.
So I wouldn't recommend it.
- Also you're gonna get into the bottom bracket issue.
- Geometry's can change.
- The ball and bracket drop or rise.
We haven't quite worked that one out have we?
That's a good one to bring up.
Owen Cooper says,
what's your favourite bikes?
- That's a great question.
- How would you answer that?
Favourite bike or favourite bike
as in downhill cross country?
- Mine changes all the time.
At the moment my favourite type of bike
is the cross country bike.
I really like going for long rides.
Some of the modern bikes with 120,
100 mil travel,
are really amazing bikes.
I can't believe how light and fast they are.
That's my favourite bike at the moment.
- I'm in love with downhill bikes.
There's a few out there I'm really lusting over.
- Is this the Whistler effect?
- Yeah it might be the Whistler effect.
It could be.
One of my favourite bikes of all time is a downhill bike
and it was the Honda that Greg Minnaar used to ride.
- I rode one of those!
I stole it off
I was a bit disappointed.
- Don't say that now.
Blake favourite bike?
Sender good answer.
Good answer nice.
- Mumma Of 2,
I rode my first race,
women's only on the weekend,
what tips do you have for recovery?
It was a three hour race
and I'd only ever ridden for two hours at most.
Felt dead but had a great day
with around 100 other women.
- I'm gonna say rest.
I always say rest.
Whether it's about injuries or recoveries,
make sure you do have the right amount of rest.
Neil anything else?
- The proper food after you finish.
So protein all that stuff is really important.
And then maybe
a gentle recovery ride.
That after can really help your legs
especially if you got sore legs.
- Recovery rides are really interesting one actually
because when your legs are sore you're thinking
they're asking you what to do is go for a ride.
Now I remember being at the end of a world cup
cross country race once.
Watching Alison Sydor,
I think she was three times world champion,
come over the finishing line.
She had just won the world cup
and you're thinking,
man she must be tired,
she went for an hour long recovery ride.
Immediately after the race.
That puts it into perspective.
That recovery ride's really important
and those top pros they use them all the time.
First thing they do is get on a bike
after they just won a race crazy!
Now if that's not information,
enough information about recovery rides,
then why don't you check out our video
about how to recover after a ride
and all the ways you can do it.
- Doing very little is what you need to do
sometimes to recover
and that's really important when it comes to
getting fitter and stronger.
While proper rest is important,
it's also good to get moving.
You're really looking for low effort when you're riding.
Just to get the legs spinning
and move away some of that lactic acid.
You're really looking for the lowest intensity possible.
So don't go hard on those climbs,
try and keep your heart rate down,
and don't go for more than about an hour.
- Kai Ho asks,
what do you do when you're not cycling?
- You know what?
When I'm not in the shed
or when I'm not out mountain biking
I do something really interesting,
I go hand biking.
- It's the same thing.
Hang out with family.
Got a little man at home so I like doing stuff with him.
I like tinkering with bikes.
I've got an old Murr bike in my garage
so I go in there and
spend hours messing around with bikes.
- It's a lot of bikes.
- A lot of bikes.
- Bikes really is generally
what we do.
Animatrix says I'm 15,
thinking of entering first race.
Good on you.
Do you think I should enter hardtail category
or my age group?
I've noticed a lot people in his age group have got
nice full-sus bikes and he doesn't know
if that's an unfair advantage.
- I did same thing.
I started racing when I was 15
on a hardtail.
Depends if it's downhill.
We don't know what type of racing it is actually.
If it's downhill,
yeah full-suspension bikes
are all gonna be a bit quick probably.
But I would say just jump in your age category.
It's great to learn on hardtail so just do that.
- Find your level.
Against other riders it's important.
- Djaddict13 can you make a video on how to clean
tubeless tyre sealant?
- I can't but you might be able to.
- I would say
best thing to do is,
if it gets on your bike or on your tyres,
if it dries out it really sticks to it.
So just wash it off.
Hose it off as soon as you can.
I actually use a brush as well
because like I said it makes it horrible.
Dirt sticks to that and it's horrible
so get off that as soon as you can.
- Marius Hilkert says,
how does a steeper or slacker seat angle effect the riding?
And what is better for for downhills
for riding with the saddle slammed?
- Doesn't really make any difference when you go downhill.
It's when you're seated climbing.
So a steeper seat angle
means you sit on top of the
And it's much nice as climb.
Soon you'll stood up it doesn't matter.
So if you're downhill it doesn't really
make much difference to be honest.
- And you slam that seat out of the way just to
give yourself more riding room.
- Sorry I've ruined the name.
Can you teach me how to nollie?
Do you know what nollie is?
- A nollie is a skateboard trick
and on a mountain bike a nollie is
the very same thing.
- It's a backwards bunny hop.
- It's a backwards bunny hop.
Back wheel up first,
front wheel follows.
- It's actually kinda easy
but we haven't done a video on that yet.
Blake's done a video on how to nose bonk
which is quite similar.
- It is actually.
'Cause you kind of
do that same motion,
maybe start there.
Maybe have a look at that one.
- Welcome to my class today.
I'm gonna teach you on how to nose press
or nose bonk out there on the trails.
(exciting music)
- Time for the quick-fire round.
Neil are you ready?
Right here we go then.
Darxide Pryor says,
do brakes need servicing aside from
replacing pads and bleeding?
Okay good answer.
Keanu Innis when is the next Dirtshed Show?
Louie Patrick Aquila says,
can you fit a 26 inch tyre and tube
to a 27.5 rim?
- A tube yes tyre no.
- Kashive Sahadeo says,
where are you all?
In England or the USA?
- England but we travel a lot.
- We get around.
Vaios M says,
my spd cleats squeaks.
What can he do?
- That would be the pedals.
Put a bit of chain lube on them.
- That's the way to go!
There is no rotation marks on my Dirty Dan,
is that right?
- I'll bet they're alright.
Just have to look a bit closer.
- I don't understand that question.
- I've never seen a tyre without rotation.
- And that is the end.
Oh it's a tyre!
I get it now.
I was wondering what the hell is this...
It's the end of the quick-fire round
let's get out of this while we can.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Now Neil we've got to help out Ian Whitehead
because he's been practising his bunny hops
over in Brisbane in Australia.
He's doing pretty good
but on this pile of logs he's trying to jump over
his front wheel is hitting,
his timing is a bit out,
the back wheel is clearing the logs,
but the front wheel is kind of kicking off the first log.
- It's a good slow-mo here.
Big pump that definitely works,
but if you look,
Ian stays quite central above the bike
so big through the bunny hop.
He's trying to move down like he did,
great big pump,
but then moving back
you want your hips to roll back.
That's gonna lift the front wheel.
And then you hit
It's that back to forward motion that you really need.
That's probably the most common mistake
I see with bunny hops.
I think you should put in another video on this soon.
Definitely try and get back
and then forward.
- And I'd also add,
actually doing quite a skillful bit
of riding there 'cause you're
knocking the front wheel off of those first logs,
as if you were gonna use them as a little ramp
but then bunny hop it.
Now if you wanted to do that
as a skill in its own right,
it's quite difficult.
Don't feel too bad.
It's not quite a bunny hop and it's not quite a jump.
Neil's advice would probably sort that out.
- Keep sending your videos to ask@gmbn.com.
We'll take a look.
- Thanks for watching this weeks show.
If you've got any questions then leave them
in the comments section down below
and we'll get on to them next week.
- I love this video it's great.
Try and answer people's questions.
- Yeah it's good fun.
If you want to see another video click over here
for bike park vs. natural,
a great video from Whistler.
- And another one from Whistler
click just here for
top five things not to do in a bike park.
- Give us a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already
by clicking on this logo.
- Absolutely and don't forget to
give us a thumbs up like.
- I didn't forget
- Oh did you?
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