Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily about Sep 25 2017

Film Courage: Robin, what were some mistakes you made early on coming here [to Los Angeles]

and in your career that maybe weren't horrible mistakes but had you known, you wouldn't

have done.

Whether it was spending too much time thinking about this or that or whatever?

Robin Riker: Yeah…okay.

There was…at one of my early jobs was on [the TV show] Fantasy Island.

I was among a retinue of young women who were surrounding this older man, the guest star

of the show.

And so we broke for lunch and I had lines (this other woman didn't have lines).

But we were walking to lunch and she was a goddess!

She was so beautiful and very sweet and really lovely.

And we were just talking and I liked her right away and she started to tell me about her


And immediately I got this overwhelming sense of dread on her behalf…I mean I have chills

now even remembering it.

And she had been working at a Dairy Queen in Canada or something.

And he was older than she and he spotted her and he saw what she was and got her into Playboy

and she had a Playboy centerfold spot.

And the more she talked about him, the creepier I felt about this guy.

But I mean, we just met each other, what am I going to say about her husband?

I mean "You better watch out for him."

And then I learned that she was with my agency.

Then about a week or month later maybe, I'm walking with my agent to an audition and he

tells me that this woman just got a part in a major motion picture.

Now I have been a classically trained actress since I was two years old and she had just

blown into town.

Now she was a goddess.

I have to give you that and Hollywood eats that up.

But I was so jealous!

I couldn't believe it.

I was just churning with envy inside and resentment!

And it felt like…oh it was awful!

About two months after that I was going to New York, I had a play that I was taking to

New York that I wanted to shop it around a bit.

And I'm walking home and I see a headline you know 'Beauty Queen Slain!'

And I thought 'Oh it was some Miss New Jersey or something.'

I didn't pay any attention.

I called my agents to find out what was going on, if I should come in for something.

And they said "Oh, we're just so upset about Dorothy."

And I put on my best…I tried my best to care.

And I said "Oh really, why?"

And they said "Didn't you hear?

Her husband just shot her in the face and murdered her because she was drifting away

from him."

It was Dorothy Stratten who was the subject of the film STAR 80.

And even now…you see…I was so ashamed of myself for begrudging her one moment of

celebrity or joy because I had no idea what lay before her and I had no idea what she

went through to get that, to get there…to her moment in the sun.

And how dare I?

How dare I and that was…I was more affected by her death and what it called up in me then

I was when my own grandfather died because I was so ashamed of my jealousy.

Film Courage: Did you know I was actually going to bring that story up…I mean I have

chills right now.

I did not know you were going to go there.

I was going to bring up the Dorothy Stratten movie…

Robin Riker: Oh, my God.


Film Courage: This is so….I have chills right now and I was going to talk about that.

And I didn't even know…

Robin Riker: Wow!

So when I said the word "Dorothy" you went like [imitates deep breath] like that.

Film Courage: Yeah…it just hit me.

I have chills right now.

Robin Riker: Well that was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made and boy did it change


Film Courage: I remember seeing the movie and…yeah…it's very sad.

Robin Riker: And she was such a lovely girl.

She was such a genuinely sweet person, you know?

Film Courage: Yeah…I didn't know her but…

Robin Riker: She wasn't a climber.

She took advantage of the opportunities that came to her and so she should of and so would

we all!

Film Courage: Right.

We all would, that's the thing.

Robin Riker: And oh, that little bitter part of me…I just couldn't…

Film Courage: Well I think as younger women we're trained to be competitive in some

sense or maybe this town [Los Angeles]…I know we talked about this before.

Robin Riker: The culture of this town.

Film Courage: Right.

The culture of this town.

So I think (unfortunately) it's somewhat normal.

Being in grade school or whenever you can just remember feeling the same way toward

someone and I think being honest enough to talk about it is important.

I know Marc Maron is always bashed about his talk for being jealous toward something.

I actually think it's healthy that he's able to admit that, when I think a lot of

people feel it.

So you just happened to have an experience that is so powerful.

Most situations don't end up that way.


I was literally going to bring that up.

Robin Riker: Mind melt!

Film Courage: And for anyone who doesn't know the Dorothy Stratten story, I encourage

them to look it up just as a way to…

Robin Riker: As a little primer for what can happen.

Film Courage: And comparing outsides…or other people's outsides to our insides,

especially in this town and we never know.

Robin Riker: And when I said a primer of what can happen, I don't mean the result of what

happened to her.

But I just mean what can happen to you when you resent and bear jealousy and envy toward

someone who has nothing at all to do with you or your life or your trajectory in this


Film Courage: I think as time goes on and we go out for things (whatever our chosen

pursuit is) and we don't get them and we see other people get them, it's just natural

that it's going to happen and we're going to feel upset.

And I think to cycle through it and to be "Okay, I feel it and now I'm going to

let it go now."

Robin Riker: Exactly, feel it.

It's inhuman not to feel it.

We have to feel it.

But we don't have to live in it.

I mean feel it, live in it and be disappointed (it's disappointing).

But you live to bat another day, you know?

Film Courage: Wow.


That's quite a story.

Quite a story.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> A Story About Actor Jealousy (Biggest Regret In My Acting Career) by Robin Riker - Duration: 7:14.


Tell Me Something About Yourself | How to Crack Common Interview Questions - Duration: 3:12.

carry on this is varying from aasaanjobs and this video we're gonna talk about

one of the most common interview questions tell me something about

yourself. Now chances are that this is going to be

the first question you hear as soon as you sit down for your interview and it is

also one of the most critical ones as it decides whether you are going to land the job or not. So

in this video we decided to tell you the purpose behind why recruiters ask you

this question, what you should do and should not do while you prepare an

answer and we can also help you craft a perfect answer. let's get started. There

are certain guidelines that you need to follow while crafting the perfect answer

let me give you a few tips. Keep in mind that the interviewer has already seen

your resume so there is no need to repeat everything point by point and

remember the answer needs to be really short and crisp. You need to keep

everything under two minutes.So only go through your resume extremely briefly if you really

have to. Do not start talking about your personal

life, your parents and your siblings. The interviewer is really not interested

in where your parents work or how many siblings you have. That leaves a very bad

impression and we certainly wouldn't want that. Right? ...The real purpose behind

asking this question is to understand you more professionally. So let's keep that in mind.

Do include your professional story. By that I mean tell the interviewer about

your past experiences, the number of years you have worked

the major responsibilities accomplishments. You can say something

like I worked at company XYZ for an year as a junior marketing executive after

which I moved on to company ABC where I worked as a senior marketing exec for

two years. My major responsibilities included overseeing a team of three

people where we took care of paid marketing campaigns as well as search

engine optimization. You should also talk about your major accomplishments that

tells the interviewer how you were really valuable to the companies you

were in. But if you're a fresher it's a completely different ballgame. As

a fresher you need to be focusing more on your education and your

extracurriculars. What will be even more perfect is if you can somehow connect the job

you're applying to some of your extracurriculars. For eg, if you applied for the

role of a graphic designer it'll be great to have photo editing as

a curricular. Now moving onto the next tip.

You can also say something like "While working at company ABC, a major part of my role

included working with data and analytics which I believe I'm really

good at and is also of prime importance to this role that I'm applying for. What

this does is this leaves a tremendous impact on the interviewer and makes them

think that you are really well aware of your strenghts and what is required for

the role. With this we come to the end of this video. I hope you have everything you

need to prepare well for this answer now. If we were able to add some value to you

do hit the "LIKE" button, comment and let us know and also subscribe to our channel

because we'll be coming up with another video in which we will be tackling

another interview question. THANK YOU!!

For more infomation >> Tell Me Something About Yourself | How to Crack Common Interview Questions - Duration: 3:12.


Dimitri finds out about the big Laserboys announcement - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Dimitri finds out about the big Laserboys announcement - Duration: 1:00.





Soy Luna 2 | Nina thinks about Gastón (ep.74) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 1:27.

Seperated by the ocean, we will see the same sky.

And in the glow of the stars, our looks join.

Loving is looking in the same direction.

Although our paths will go the opposite.

What were you thinking about?

Is it necessary that I tell you?

I love what you posted.

It makes me happy that you will always be there.

When I look at the stars.

I will think about you a lot.

Me too. It's a long time before we have to say goodbye.

Yes, but every day, there will be less time.

I love you more every day.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 2 | Nina thinks about Gastón (ep.74) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 1:27.


Learning About Opposites Game for kids&toddlers - Duration: 3:17.

Learning About Opposites Game for kids&toddlers

For more infomation >> Learning About Opposites Game for kids&toddlers - Duration: 3:17.


MIKA - about #CasaMika (Eng sub) - Duration: 0:48.

I though about this Idea : All people return home @ evening

These hours - 9 pm till we're going to sleep - Are the most beautiful moments for everyone

Because we leave the word outside We can think about our days.. or weeks..

This Idea - about Home - I decided to bring it in TV

Miracle exists when 2 sides are present : Light & Darkness

We want to do it better this time. With sincere big & generous Heart. Like it was last year..

This is the only one Compass that we have To understand how we should do it this year.

For more infomation >> MIKA - about #CasaMika (Eng sub) - Duration: 0:48.


6 Amazing life hacks of technology about home materials/BORO CHELE - Duration: 5:14.

Solution Exprees

For more infomation >> 6 Amazing life hacks of technology about home materials/BORO CHELE - Duration: 5:14.



hey everyone today we're gonna have a little discussion about Drive cam and

I'm gonna tell you the truth about Drive cam everyone's told you how it doesn't

spy on you and all this does I've got a true story for you all right

company was founded in 1996 it's a privately held company and actually the

relay movement is light x okay now this story is about my conversation with lot

X because I called them because I had a fleet and so when I had some issues that

I was worried about I wanted to know the truth

all right okay I was with the company and I'm not saying your company does

anything like this but we aggregated a guy in the company that's a small

company next thing I know I'm getting all these phone calls from safety little

did I know that his wife worked in safety all right she's call him not she

but another girl's calling me over all kinds of things there piddly and I'm

like why are they bothering me I knew it my contracts that right now so I know my

rights because the Privacy Act was it was founded also in 1998 by the Reagan

administration that covers you even in your bunk or in your truck against all

kinds of intrusions kind of also ties in a little bit with the Mann Act and

pornographic material and stuff like that across state lines because who

knows what you're doing in your month right but anyway they called me all the

time finally the girl says we had some disturbing footage of you in the woods

she said what were you doing in the woods and I said what are you talking

about this is late January she said I'm looking at video from you

from November I said hang on right there what are you doing looking at video of

me at home well I can look at this video anytime I want I said no you can't

it's only four critical events she said well as long as you're with this company

I can look at your drive let's drop him anytime I want and I gonna tell me how

she wouldn't tell me how so I told her I said I'll tell you what I got a contract

here in my side door you better go read it because you're

messed up and you just crossed a boundary I said you have that your chief

safety officer called me back I said because we're gonna talk they never

called almost a year went by they never called matter of fact they left me alone

I could do I have his gold and after that I could do anything I wanted to do

two weeks later eight girls were fired from the Safety Department I wonder why

they contacted their attorney and he told them to clean house but in the

intern I contracted draft him and they told me the same spiel that everyone is

toad only a critical event the court will fix

it record no it records 24 hours a day and it's saved to the camp I said wait a

minute guy got a fleet here and I want to put Drive cams in my fleet what

happens if someone's at home on home time or I'm switching companies and you

know my truck might set somewhere for a month don't worry about that it's

recording all the time he said he said as the administrator over the Drive cam

for your company you will be issued a special code and with that special code

you can log in to the website and you can see everything that goes on on that

drive cam front and back if you're in the back with your ladylove and you

don't have the curtains pulled that's a solonius Act not an act but a bit of you

if someone watches that all right that's why they let eight girls go on the

Safety Department because they were all commitment felonies laughing at drivers

and everything else because I was in the office one day and they were laughing at

drivers I was like watching YouTube no Nate was watching

Drive cam it was their fun and games the administrator at the company who is too

busy and I understand that to go over their Drive cam videos when they have a

critical event had passed the code the code words to her first lieutenant who

was too busy to view videos so she had passed it to someone else so over the

years everyone in the Safety Department had the code to log in and watch drivers

everyone is telling you that draft cam is not recording you they don't know any

better but this is the truth this happened to me not say it's happening to

you this was a small company you know only 350 company drivers and another 200

you know lease operators and owner operators all of them didn't have any

dropcam's just the ones that had purchased or leased the truck from the

company so that is the truth about the spy cam that's in your trucks I don't

think everybody is using it against you but I won't have another one in my truck

after I left the company they enacted a program for their Drive cam if you

wanted to pay them 15 dollars a month they would then watch your Drive cam

otherwise they said they turned off access to the drivers side of the camera

and that their new trucks will no longer have a drive cam in them now I talked to

my attorney about this issue and he says it's a real good issue and we should

proceed forward with it I don't want to do that I don't I don't want to mess up

the company or anybody else there you know that's not what I do but it is

something to be aware of if you're in the in the in the back and your curtains

not closed and maybe you don't get a shower tonight so you're washing your

feet I feel legal it's a private part of your body that they're not supposed to

watch you wash you maybe washing something else or doing something else I

don't know what you're doing in your truck but I got a lady loving my truck

so you know what I'm doing maybe you got one too I've also heard of

drivers that lost their job because of their drive camp they were doing things

wrong like drinking and stuff like that but no one should have ever caught them

if they were on their own time now should they not saying they were right

but somebody was wrong for watching that's the truth about throughout camp

you don't got to believe it but it's truth thanks a lot

For more infomation >> THE TRUTH ABOUT DRIVECAM - Duration: 7:16.


Top 10 Lowest Paid Bollywood Actresses That You Didn't Know About | Bollywood Actresses Salary - Duration: 4:11.

Top 10 Lowest Paid Bollywood Actresses That You Didn't Know About | Bollywood Actresses salary

For more infomation >> Top 10 Lowest Paid Bollywood Actresses That You Didn't Know About | Bollywood Actresses Salary - Duration: 4:11.


NH residents worry about family members in Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> NH residents worry about family members in Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:26.


Sterling K. Brown: 'This Is Us' Season Premiere Has 'Big Clue' About Jack's Death | TODAY - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Sterling K. Brown: 'This Is Us' Season Premiere Has 'Big Clue' About Jack's Death | TODAY - Duration: 4:49.


Sterling K. Brown Talks About Season Premiere Of 'This Is Us' (And His Abs) | TODAY - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Sterling K. Brown Talks About Season Premiere Of 'This Is Us' (And His Abs) | TODAY - Duration: 4:38.


[어바웃미니]롯데타워 맛집탐방!!(lotte world tower)_about mini4(stellar) - Duration: 12:19.

For more infomation >> [어바웃미니]롯데타워 맛집탐방!!(lotte world tower)_about mini4(stellar) - Duration: 12:19.


TAG - All about me - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> TAG - All about me - Duration: 10:32.


The Red Army Choir (1948) - Song about Frunze (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:10.

We will never forget about the campaigns

Of the legendary glorious years,

We will never forget the Civil War years,

We will never forget the erstwhile victories.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went into battle for the native land.

The steppe was trembling underfoot,

Day and night there was fighting,

To storm strongholds of Whites in the Crimea

Frunze was leading his regiments.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went into battle for the native land.

Under the formidable Turkish bulwark

Frunze furiously attacked the enemy.

With the unprecedented crossing of Sivash,

The Bolsheviks entered the Crimea.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went into battle for the native land.

We will never forget the erstwhile campaigns,

We will never forget the victories days.

Glory of Frunze in the memory of the peoples

Will live like an eternal song.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went in the battle for the native land.

For more infomation >> The Red Army Choir (1948) - Song about Frunze (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:10.


Can you tell us about your experience with HSCT treatment? - Duration: 3:39.

So about that, maybe you can tell us a little bit more about your experience with the

treatment itself, how it felt for you, how are the side effects?

The treatment, outside the clinical trial, because the clinical trial does involve a

lot more effort and time and commitment, but in general

I went into the hospital for three weeks.

Before that, I'd probably need to be around the hospital for a week or two to get the

stem cells out of the blood, but then they harvest

the stem cells and then freeze them.

I was in the hospital for about three weeks, the first

week could have been, had chemotherapy every day and kind of chilling.

And then you get transplanted, it smells like corn, weirdly, it smells

like corn.

And then more side effects start happening.

For me, yeah, I got sick, I puked a few times, but nothing crazy.

I did actually pass out once.

I lost all control, pretty much, of my bodily functions, unfortunately, for a

few days.

That was a real kind of challenge, especially when you go to the bathroom and

you don't want to, and then the nurse cleans you up and then, like then, yeah, you're

in a mess and then she's got to clean up everything

all over again.

So that was a challenge.

For about three days I couldn't get out of bed, and

then once I started to recover – this is about the eighth, sixth or eighth day, something

in that range – I started to use my walker and going

around the hospital.

It's sobering when you're going round the hospital, because there are

other people in there going through transplants -

lymphoma, this is really common - and it was sobering to see other people and I didn't

know what they were ill with.

And then after the treatment then I had to stay within about – this

was after three weeks – I had to be within minutes of the hospital for the next two weeks,

because if an infection sets in, it can kill you really, really fast.

The doctor said you've got to stay right nearby and if you've got any

problems, come in, not be by yourself.

So someone was with me the entire time, which made it

a little challenging for grocery shopping, stuff like


But after that, I didn't have many side effects, the biggest side effects from the

treatment long term, there is a risk of blood transfusions in my future and I am sterile.

And then I also need to take Viagra now, I am

completely knocked out by this transplant.

But yeah, not too bad.

For more infomation >> Can you tell us about your experience with HSCT treatment? - Duration: 3:39.


Yoo Seon Ho Talks About Acting With Ahn Hyung Seob And Apink's Namjoo - Duration: 2:26.

Yoo Seon Ho Talks About Acting With Ahn Hyung Seob And Apink's Namjoo

Yoo Seon Ho, an idol trainee at Cube Entertainment, recently participated in a romantic pictorial.

For The Star magazine, Yoo Seon Ho transformed into a lovesick Romeo for the Romeo and Juliet concept photo shoot.

In the accompanying interview, he talked about his new web drama Mischievous Detectives (literal title).

About working with Apinks Namjoo and Ahn Hyung Seob, Yoo Seon Ho said, I dont really know how to [define] good chemistry because this is my first time acting, but we got along well.

I feel like we were always playing when we were shooting. He added with cute confidence that he thinks he might have a bit of leadership.

There was a lot of improvised acting and I had fun shooting while somewhat leading Ahn Hyung Seob in those occasions, he explained.

Yoo Seon Ho continued on to share his future goals.

I want to work and learn a lot like Im doing now, he said.

I want to be a multi-talented person whos capable of doing a lot of different things like the members of PENTAGON, who are also in Cube Entertainment..

Yoo Seon Hos full pictorial and interview can be seen in the October edition of The Star magazine.

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