Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily about Sep 26 2017

Marc Anthony isn't afraid to cause a little uproar on Twitter over a cause that he's

passionate about.

The singer Tweeted out against President Donald Trump after the Commander in Chief disputed

NFL players for kneeling during the national anthem.

Anthony Tweeted, "Mr. President shut the F up about the NFL…

Do something about our people in need in Puerto Rico.

We are American citizens too."

Us Magazine points out that the Tweet has been liked more than 120,000 times, and of

course refers to Hurricane Maria, which completely devastated the island population, leaving

the country without power and at least 16 people dead.

President Trump, however, focused on the more than 100 players that kneeled during the national

anthem in protest, and made comments about wanting them "fired."

Anthony's ex-wife, Jennifer Lopez, has already done her part to help Puerto Rico, donating

$1 million dollars to relief efforts.

For more infomation >> Marc Anthony Tells President Trump to 'Shut Up' About NFL, and Focus on Puerto Rico | Splash TV - Duration: 1:10.


Motivation found in a Jelly Roll Song / I thought about Quitting College / I'm not as smart - Duration: 12:44.

yo yo yo what up what's good II with is CPA strength strongest CPA in Florida

you know what it is check me out you can google me I got an

accounting playlist I'm teaching the world over accounting dca alert it's

amazing where I'm at where I came from I wanted to give you a story here an

inspirational story it was from that song it's a jelly-roll song it's gonna

be an inspirational story about when I was in my sixth semester back school

when I started back at 31 it was my third semester at FAU I had just stopped

running in them streets and I had put all my focus on getting my college

degree at this time when this song gave me the motivation to keep going let me

give you the lead up to it so it was my I did three three semesters at Barnard

College started in August of 2008 I'm starting at August 2009 I started at FAU

Florida Laennec University I warned the NC State because they'd be because I

have a cousin that goes there and they make Florida State so I

represent for family and friends what a wolf pack so I was going I started FAU

2009 summer terms so maybe so about is my third semester for you it was like

July July of 2010 I just I just wrote to stop stop running on the streets put my

full focus on school I had in the spring I took tax one I had done pretty I done

okay at that people were saying oh it's hard it's hard and I had done pretty

good I managed like a be like an 87 average was pretty good for me then that

summer I took a federal tax part two when it was a three-hour Thursday night

three three hours at night I had this test coming up I was fourth to G I was

fourth of July so is summer 2010 summer 2010 FAU was a lot harder studying

then BCC so a time I got to federal text - it was a really hard class once a week

Thursday night I remember I studied 4 nights so I thought that was a lot first

of all that is not a lot to study 4 nights for a college test for a test

that you're that you don't ace and if you don't ace it you need to spend more

time on it if you ace it then maybe you need to spend a little less time on it

that's just the way it is anyways I spent four whole days I thought oh yeah

yeah so I took the test hard test I believe it was the second test not so

much important I think the first test I didn't do so hot on so the second test I

wanted to really study hard for anyways took the test whatever took till next

time to class to get the test back and I had given it what I thought was a lot at

that point I really didn't study that hard or know what studying was but at

that point I thought I did I got like a 65 which was close to the class average

the teacher curved at 10 points to a 75 so his passing and I can remember

getting in my car driving home and having those and I had a this was 2010 I

had a green 1996 Civic I feel you I went to the Boca campus I was up there glades

road on 95 on 95 so somewhere between glades road and Atlantic the glades road

in Auckland my 10-mile stretch I started having all these negative thoughts

coming my head like you know what the fuck what the fuck are you doing bro why

did you think you could do this and you just fucking and you just said you just

abandon the fucking streets you know I'm saying you really weren't you really

want to shoot at them either I mean you really weren't doing all that making

all that much money and you just threw that away for this shit over here and

you can't even do this right like you are a fucking loser piece of shit and

all the negative stuff started going through my head that is kind of

simultaneously at the same time like one of my very favorite artists Jelly Roll

pop my favorite artists there's a period of like 2009 through 2011 where I didn't

really listen to anything but jelly roll that's it

I was hitting home so I was hitting them streets I was whipping around my little

1996 Civic just just whipping and listen enjoy your I was it man so let's see so

he came out with during the same time that I took this test and was studying

for this test he came out with go AB for gambler on a white boy for his classic

series now if you're still listening you know that's where I blank my classic

series I do a lot of my stuff a lot of Jelly Roll just kind of as an homage to

him he's like my favorite artist and I mean that's what's in my brain because I

listen to him a lot anyways his classic series that's his last installment to go

out for so he hasn't made a game 101.5 yet

anyways I listen to some of the hottest I had a CD as well to that a CD player I

would burn it i buy i support my fridge I have my favorite artists on iTunes so

I have I put it on my bio not iTunes have it on my laptop burn a disc take

the disc put all this work right and I thought this was hella advanced and then

take the disc and put it on my car so I'd be I'd be riding around you know

right around the city bumping the jelly bump the new go out before as I've

warned it's so bad and I you know I get stuck on those couple hot songs you know

couple hot songs and uh anyways Jelly Roll world goes around it was a later

song in the album leg I think I was gonna so let's take maybe a twenty song

album or eighteen song album this world goes round is a jelly roll off the

game out of white boy for album world song world goes around at the end and

I'll link it I'll link this song in description and we'll play back again a

couple seconds but yeah it was it was going the Saudi ah--this IDI was playing

and so then it came the other thing I might had you know a song or two when I

was just like just what I was like all these negative thoughts in my head like

why the fuck did you think you could change and then comes this song I'll

link in description below but it's got the Lili style she's a female vocalist

and she does a lot of stuff with joy roll that's right there nealy sounds

also and he used to roll with high relish crushes on this song too and I

mean this song just hit me like

so anyway so that was so I just hit me and I was just like that was like a

moment where everything was telling me to go to go get a pack you know to get

back in the game man like fuck this shit like I'm like before this song came on I

was in my car driving home like thinking I fucked up bad like fuck this shit like

I'm not smart I'm not as smart as these other people I don't know what the fuck

I was thinking trying to be a fucking CPA trying to get an accounting degree

this whole shit stupid and then this song came on in I don't know what it did

just gave me the goose bumps and the first verse the first verse is like an

overdose and I'm like nah mental and and this was heavy in the rocks of sent days

the blue days 2010 and stuff and lots of people was dying and South Florida from

the rocks assets they made a bunch of and and I didn't get away from it

unscathed either I had I had a habit of that of course too because I'm a fucking

junkie but so that was the first verse I was like oh I don't want that and then

and then it's just like you know all the haters around you and stuff and don't

worry about him just stay grounded and I don't know it just hit me and just a

song came out at a perfect time for me to just sent it just centered me like no

other and so that leads me into something else where I understand I'm

trying to I live in a positive life like I certainly am like I don't have time

for any negativity anymore this was my month September 17 was a

month of positivity and now it's just gonna be the rest after this month is

over like positivity I'm not going back to the negative

bullshit I was just stupid and I wasn't having no fun in my life I'm having a

great time this month my life is fucking awesome right now I

love my fucking life I feel a little behind sometimes but I do like to myself

I put the stress on myself because I want to get out good content on behind

and everything so you might say well you know the music you put on like to begin

your videos this rap shit this crappy music it's not even fucking music as

negative talks about selling drugs and rims and girls and clothes and money and

hey man it's negative to you or it might be positive - I'm just saying it's

whatever to you to me to me it's what I'm going back to two thousand eight

nine ten eleven on this stuff like like there's only like five people if that

that that cared about me like you know and I love all those people still to

this day you know I mean maybe there's ten and fifteen but this the shit music

to you is what is is why I showcase it on my channel and stuff because it

motivates me and I love it and if it wasn't for this music it wasn't for this

song I don't know I might have veered off and freaking got a couple packs and

then I would have never got a college degree or they never got my CPA license

or never started a YouTube channel would've never changed the life of

thousands and thousands of people positively so I I wanted to just tell a

story because that was one of the points in my in my career my life trying to do

trying to do better with myself that I had a serious robot it had some serious

push back and I had some serious doubt you know what I did though I just kind

of I jumped I tried to go over the wall I couldn't do it so so you know what I

did I I didn't give up I just backed up I redoubled my efforts and I jumped

harder and I and I got that wall and I still didn't get up but then I thought I

mean I'm getting closer and I got over again

and I got over that you know I'm never gonna give up I don't want you to ever

give up trust me if you're trying to do anything big in life you will have

doubts you will have Sara you will have Syria you will have the serious self

doubts if you try to do anything big in life just keep on going keep on going it

is so rewarding when you finally break through and there's this inner peace

that I had right now that I know I fight through a bunch of things and I am where

I am now and I'm just going places I can feel and I can feel and everything's

building I'm getting nothing a positive energy from everyone and it feels

amazing so you're gonna have these times and it's okay man go sit down in the

corner and think how bad how bad

For more infomation >> Motivation found in a Jelly Roll Song / I thought about Quitting College / I'm not as smart - Duration: 12:44.


Talkin' With Joe: It's All About Dwyane's Decision - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Talkin' With Joe: It's All About Dwyane's Decision - Duration: 2:23.


All you need to know about chinese kung fu - Duration: 6:31.

Kung fu is awesome but people know so little about it well today I'll tell you

all about chinese kung fu

there's many different "gangs" of chinese kung fu its most famous are "shao lin"

"wu dang" and "e me" but there's also thousands of smaller gangs "kong tong" and

"wua shan" each of those gangs teaches a number of different fighting styles but

you can categorize all the fighting styles into two categories "wai jia" which

is the training of the muscle so that you can become stronger this category

includes "hu quan" fighting style which belongs to the "e me" gang. (quan means fist or punch)

"tie sha zhang" which belongs to shaolin gang

and pretty much all the other martial art styles

that you've seen or heard karate muay Thai, kickboxing, boxing, MMA fighting

that's all "wai jia" the second category of martial art is "nei jia" (this is where it gets interesting)

which is to use "qi (chi)" life energy to defeat the enemies we chinese believe that in

every person there is life energy except that some people don't know how to use it

but by practicing "nei jia" martial arts we begin to realize how to use the qi and

you can do amazing things with it. you can push a brick with it

light a fire

he's gathering the Chi on the newspaper which makes it sharp enough to cut the brick

it's also why this man is 108 years old and he can still walk and talk

it's why this person who can push a truck can't push the Tai Chi master

most of the Chinese martial art games uses a mix in between "wai jia" and "nei jia"

but the one which primarily focus on "nei jia" is "wu dang" gang within the gang there's three

well-known "nei jia" fighting styles, the famous "tai chi quan"

"xing yi quan"which is based on Tai Chi but have more attack power

and "ba gua zhang"

if you're really good at "xing yi quan" or "tai chi quan"

I'm talking about if you've at least practiced it for 30 or 40 years

you can punch someone and what may looks

like a normal punch will destroy their organs, a few days to a few weeks later

they will puke blood, in some cases they would die. in some sense this is kind of

like a slow poison, ever wondered why in Chinese martial art movies people always

puke blood? it's because the enemy's Chi has penetrated their body and destroyed their organs

the only non Chinese martial art that closely resembles "nei jia gong fu"

is BJJ.

god i'm lonely

some examples of the Chinese fighting styles that combine

"nei jia" and "wai jia" gong (kung) fu are... "rou quan"

"tie tou gong".

he's collecting the Chi on top of his head which protects his head from injury when he hits the metal

if Chinese martial art is so legendary why don't everyone study (practice) it

first of all most of the kick-ass fighting styles has already been lost what is left is only a

fraction of what was there before. the peak of Chinese martial art is probably

about 2,000 to 500 years ago. second of all it has a really steep

learning curve the same amount of time that can train you to become a world

champion at "muay thai" can only make you intermediate at "Tai Chi" if anything at all

stop staring at kim kardashian's ASS!!!!

specifically designed to develop Chi third of all nobody believed in this sh*t

anymore it's all true but it sounds like a fairy tale.

why do most of the kung fu masters look like you're Asian Daddy with a beer belly?

it's because unlike "wai jia" which deteriorates when the body gets old "nei jia" only gets better

as you ages which is why old people who have practice the art longer have an advantage

over young people also there's this important place near the stomach called

"dan tian". "nei jia" masters gather the Chi there frequently which gives them a beer belly

which is why the Chinese martial artists normally don't look like this

but look like this

overall are there fantasies in Chinese martial art movies


but can a "tai chi" master defeat an MMA (UFC) fighter?

Fu*k yeah!!!

this other person was supposed to be conor Mcgregor

For more infomation >> All you need to know about chinese kung fu - Duration: 6:31.


Sto-Rox School District Featured In Documentary About Technology In Schools - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Sto-Rox School District Featured In Documentary About Technology In Schools - Duration: 2:24.


Scorpion - I'm Not Happy About This - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Scorpion - I'm Not Happy About This - Duration: 3:12.


Youtube Video Editor - Youtube Video Editor Gone - Let's Talk About The Big Elephant In The Room ☑️ - Duration: 8:00.

hey how you doing it's Eddy and today I'm going to talk to

you about the demise of the YouTube video editor I searched for some videos

about it and people were upset it was a nice tool not so complicated it helped

you trim and make effects - it's dead you'll have to find another editing tool

in order to edit your videos but people don't talk about the big thing because

it's a big move and YouTube just minimized it: "we're just taking off the

video editor"... and nobody is addressing the big elephant that is in the room and

what is it? The video editor wasn't just an editing tool it was a database a

database of Creative Commons videos, you could take videos from there and use it

as your own and now, they're not gone the Creative Commons, you can make a search

filter by Creative Commons and you'll find them but it was so simple taking a

video and uploading it to your channel in a matter of five minutes... it renders

you know and we're not talking about it right? It's like the Library of Congress

has vanished and you're worried about a computer or something like that.

A database is gone! not completely gone but you can't upload as fast as you could if

you wish to use Creative Commons videos

what you have to do is... I'm reading it from the YouTube

help: "to find Creative Commons material to use in your videos filter your search

results by feature = Creative Commons you can send a private message

to the uploader if you find a video that is licensed as Creative Commons to ask

if they could share the original video file with you". That's quite a headache

and now let's talk about the reason that they did that. YouTube are not stupid

okay? The problem with that I think that there were too many "instant channels"

with this database you could have a functioning full-fledged functioning

channel in a matter of a week or so and people paid money to gurus that told

them: go to the video editor, find the videos that suits your niche, upload them,

monetize and make money. No more instant channels okay? and why is

that? It happened to me a couple of days before I saw two similar thumbnails, two

similar titles, it had the picture of Morgan Freeman - the lecture that you need

to hear something like that, different channels - same video it's not original

content it's okay it was okay to do that it's still okay to do it now

it's just recycling it's not a bad thing you could do it you can still do it but

you have to work for it you need to obtain the video file it's a big thing

and nobody talks about, a database is gone and don't complain

about an editing tool and you can find various editing softwares a lot of them

are free that can do better than this tool okay? so second reason why they did that

the first reason was YouTube wants more original content and they didn't like

the instant channels I think second reason is YouTube's facilitated this

thing there was a blue button: "create video" sorry, it's hot in here

create video and that's it now, YouTube wash their hands off it

you're on your own and they took a lot of weight off their backs with the

Content ID and Copyright strikes they will still do that but they just

narrowed it down so those two things... oh! I have a prediction that can happen or

not, it could happen if it will be played right. "Networks" the flourishment

of networks. A Network if you don't know a network is... these are companies, I'm

not affiliated with any network that keep an eye on new channels that start to make

money and they approach you, you can approach them it's two ways and in the

in the past they offered you a custom thumbnail now everybody can do it or the

changing of your homepage basically they took a cut of your Adsense revenue I

don't know the share because I was never affiliated or partnered with them they

gave you maybe free music okay? now if they play this right and they will offer

some creative commons videos, public domain videos to new channels

people may consider signing up with them I don't know why but you can. Oh! and they

can they can approach the video file owner instead of you, another service

that they can offer they can see a rise in the signing ups to them. okay

that was it yes I talked about it that's it I just had to talk about the elephant

that nobody addressed and it was stupid so go and check my website: F-IL-8-MARKETING.COM

always when I say: "com" the translation is: "calm" (spelling the word calm) C A L M

Diction! COM COM... dot com so

Like, Share, subscribe, comment that's it I think I said everything I had about this and see

you in the next video ok. Peace guys and women of course :)

For more infomation >> Youtube Video Editor - Youtube Video Editor Gone - Let's Talk About The Big Elephant In The Room ☑️ - Duration: 8:00.


LeBron James defends NFL protests: 'It's not about the disrespect of our flag' - Duration: 2:29.

LeBron James defends NFL protests: 'It's not about the disrespect of our flag'

For more infomation >> LeBron James defends NFL protests: 'It's not about the disrespect of our flag' - Duration: 2:29.


NIBIRU COMING? Is increase in earthquakes across globe sign Planet X is about to pass? - Duration: 4:00.

NIBIRU COMING? Is increase in earthquakes across globe sign Planet X is about to pass?

Armchair Planet Xperts claim there is a current increase in earthquake activity which they are blaming of the gravitational force of the mythical planetary system as it allegedly draws close.

One is UK-based conspiracy theorist Matt Rogers who posts his observations on Youtube Sky Watcher channel. In a video uploaded yesterday he claimed the signs of Nibirus arrival were evident.

He said: It is becoming stranger as we go though the days, months and years. we have this red haze. Here is the EQ 3D network earthquake chart for September 24, 2017.

In the area of Mexico there have been a lot of earthquakes, a lot of them are happening right now. We have a 5. 4, I mean it is getting stranger, not so long ago they were hit by a 7.

Now this is happening also around the globe - 5. 5s, look at this a 5. Everywhere now there are earthquakes that are building up around the Earth.

Ive been tracking this and watching the earthquake activity - here we have got a 5. 7 over in the Solomon Islands. It is absolutely getting a lot more stranger by the day.

Im keeping track of this, it is really important to study everything, everything is starting to build up now.

We see a lot of heavy activity and the magnitudes are increasing. a lot of people are still looking at mobile phones believing the lies in mainstream media and it is time to wake people up.

To all the sceptics saying there is nothing wrong, it is plain there is something going badly wrong now.

Although there has been an increase in earthquake activity, globally, geologists dismiss it is anything to do with other planets, but just part of the natural fluctuations the Earth always experiences.

Nibiru believers are convinced the rogue system is making its way from the outer solar system inwards, where it will wreak havoc on Earth as it passes at about four million miles away, but causes the poles to switch and great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The story was born in 1976, when writer Zecharia Sitchin claimed that two ancient Middle Eastern cultures – the Babylonians and Sumerians – told of a giant planet – Nibiru – that orbited the Sun every 3,600 years.

Genuine scientists say Nibiru does not exist. NASA scientist Dr David Morrison said: There is no credible evidence whatever for the existence of Nibiru. There are no pictures, no tracking, no astronomical observations.

I can quite specifically say how we know Planet X or Nibiru does not exist and does not threaten the Earth.

For more infomation >> NIBIRU COMING? Is increase in earthquakes across globe sign Planet X is about to pass? - Duration: 4:00.


Strong opinions about NFL protests - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Strong opinions about NFL protests - Duration: 5:33.


The Truth About Hunting - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> The Truth About Hunting - Duration: 8:09.


Safety razor vs straight razor | Let's talk about the differences! - Duration: 3:55.

subscribe my chenal

subscribe my chenal

subscribe my chenal

subscribe my chenal

subscribe my chenal

subscribe my chenal

For more infomation >> Safety razor vs straight razor | Let's talk about the differences! - Duration: 3:55.


'You see this in movies. This isn't real life,' woman says about finding baby by I-40 - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> 'You see this in movies. This isn't real life,' woman says about finding baby by I-40 - Duration: 1:19.


Bigg Boss Oviya Talked about 100th day of Bigg Boss Tamil - Duration: 1:50.

How are you all?

Thank you , Thank you So Much

I don't know what to speech,

Kollu Nedda Kokku Nedda, Kokku idda mudda kadda mudda

It's Amazing to see, Because your unconditional love, It is hard to see in this generation this much

They are loving me for my character

I feel so blessed and So Happy

I Love you

Love you so much, Seriously i mean it. i Love you so much

One Last Question

Do you still love Arav ?

When i have this many love, why i have to lave one person ? i love all of them

I Love you

Thank you so Much Oviya, Pleasure meeting you, you are a sweet heart

Always be like this. We also heard that you are getting more movie offers.

Do outstanding on those and get more space on our heart.

jest keep growing higher and higher

Thank you so much and thank you for being here for me. for your Patience

you can see me Bigg Boss Tamil 100th days program. Until that .. lots of kisses

For more infomation >> Bigg Boss Oviya Talked about 100th day of Bigg Boss Tamil - Duration: 1:50.


Lee Jong Hyun Talks About His Gruff "Girls' Generation 1979" Character And Dialect - Duration: 2:55.

Lee Jong Hyun Talks About His Gruff "Girls' Generation 1979" Character And Dialect

CNBLUEs Lee Jong Hyun recently talked about his character on Girls Generation 1979.

In the drama, Lee Jong Hyun plays Young Choon, a gruff young man with tsundere qualities who is actually more considerate than he looks.

Recently, in the drama, he started a love line with Chae Seo Jin who plays Hye Joo, the 1979 version of a moms friends daughter.

Lee Jong Hyun described his character as a real man from Gyeongsang Province. He added, Actually, Young Choon and I arent similar at all.

Were totally polar opposites. When talking about how Young Choon acts cold on the outside but cares for Hye Joo (who has a one-sided crush on him) more than anyone else, Lee Jong Hyun explained, I wanted to deliver that eras pure love and heart-fluttering feelings to the viewers..

Lee Jong Hyun, who is originally from Busan, showed joy about playing a character who talks with a dialect.

He said, I feel so refreshed.

I really wanted to [speak in a dialect] all this time.

I hope I can do it more in the future..

Girls Generation 1979 is a drama set in Daegu in the late 1970s and tells the nostalgic story of high school girls dealing with love and friendship.

It airs every Monday and Tuesday at 10 p.m.


You can watch episodes through the link below!.

For more infomation >> Lee Jong Hyun Talks About His Gruff "Girls' Generation 1979" Character And Dialect - Duration: 2:55.


Support Film about African American Football Pioneers - Duration: 1:32.

A few years ago I began producing and directing a documentary film

Through the Banks of the Red Cedar.

The film's about my father Gene Washington and his teammates at Michigan State who were

members of the first fully integrated college football team in America.

They challenged the status quo from 1963 to 1967, winning back to back National titles right at the peak

of the Civil Rights movement.

This gave way to the diversity we see on the field today.

The film even features some of my dad's legendary teammates from the Minnesota Vikings who continued

that fight for equality on and off the field.

We're in the final stages of post-production.

We've managed to put together a beautiful family film about how what happened 50 years

ago is still relevant today.

To get to the finish line though, we need your help.

Our goal is to raise $40K to cover finishing costs.

We've set up tax-deductible giving directly through our website

You'll also see instructions for how to make a donation by check there as well.

No donation is too big or too small.

We're this close to the finish line because everyday people like you who care about celebrating

the contributions of African American pioneers in the game.

Thank you so much for taking this journey with us.

For more infomation >> Support Film about African American Football Pioneers - Duration: 1:32.


PENTAGON's E'Dawn Talks About How He Became Friends With HyunA - Duration: 2:27.

PENTAGON's E'Dawn Talks About How He Became Friends With HyunA

PENTAGON member E'Dawn has shared some insights into how he became friends with HyunA!.

On September 25, E'Dawn sat down for an interview on V Live with… himself! The interview was part of a series entitled "Me and Me," where artists pretend to be interviewed by themselves.

When asked if it's true that he really likes physical affection, E'Dawn shared that he has since he was a kid.

"Did you really hug HyunA as soon as you saw her?" interviewer E'Dawn asked himself.

E'Dawn replied, "I said hello to her and hugged her, but she told me what she thought at the time later on.

She said she was like, 'Oh, what's up with him?'".

"I was like that to all the staff," he added.

"She said she saw that and thought that I was flirting..

When interviewer E'Dawn asked him how he became friends with HyunA, E'Dawn replied, "She's very shy, but I am too.

Maybe because she thought 'He seems even more shy than me,' she took really good care of me.".

"Now that we're comfortable with each other, I think our personalities are a good match," he added.

E'Dawn and HyunA are not only Cube Entertainment label mates and friends, they also promoted as the project group Triple H along with Hui earlier this year.

For more infomation >> PENTAGON's E'Dawn Talks About How He Became Friends With HyunA - Duration: 2:27.


Bergen asks Finance Minister Bill Morneau about the Liberal's Small Business Tax Increase - Duration: 2:22.

Mr. Speaker, this weekend over 98% of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce voted against

these Liberal tax increases. Business leaders across the country have real concerns and real

questions. What is the Minister of Finance's answer? He ignores them, because

he thinks they are tax cheats who are milking the system.

Why is the Minister of Finance ignoring legitimate concerns from reputable

business groups like the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in regard to his tax increases?

The Honourable Minister of Finance

Mr. Speaker, the short answer is I am not. What we are trying to do is make

sure that our system works. We are showing Canadians that, in fact, it encourages

right now wealthy Canadians to incorporate so they can pay a lower tax rate

than the middle class. What we are out doing is listening to Canadians.

But we are explaining that, frankly, 2% of these corporations hold 80%

of the past investment income, so that is really important for Canadians to know.

We know that helping middle-class small businesses to invest actively is critically important

for our economy. Having a tax system that is fair is also critically important.

We are going to serve those two goals.

Opposition House Leader

Mr. Speaker, this weekend it was clear he did not explain anything

to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and that is why it voted 98% against his tax increases.

Now Mr. Speaker, business leaders are seeing right through the hypocrisy of this Liberal tax increase.

You know why? Because wealthy people like the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance

and their companies will not be touched by this increase.

Now I'm going to give the Minister of Finance another chance.

Can he tell the House in what way Morneau Shepell will be affected by these tax increases, just one way?

The Honourable Minister of Finance

Mr. Speaker, they are trying to get at how the system works, and the way the system

works is it encourages wealthy people to incorporate to pay a lower rate

of tax than middle-class Canadians. That is not a system that makes sense.

We know that what needs to happen is to take a look at the system to make sure

that we deal with the kinds of things that give wealthy people an advantage

that grows as they get wealthier, that we deal with those so all Canadians have an opportunity to be successful.

That is what we are working toward and that will help our system to be fair for the long term.

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