Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily about Sep 6 2017

I've got some clips today of our linemen doing some drills but I also had to

share with the kids a little quick lesson that I got this weekend from some

old players let me show you the next clip these are our jerseys and I had a

an ex-player his son he's having an opportunity to play in the NFL and he

said something so profound it's like when you worry more about playing hard

for the name on your Jersey instead of what number you have you're gonna get to

where you want to go! Play hard for the name on your Jersey don't worry about

the number your play your play your effort the way you practice the way you

perform in the games will get you and your number remembered when you remember

to play and practice for the name on the shirt to support the rest of your group

thanks for listening and enjoy the clips like share subscribe comment and punch

that thumbs up button have a good one will catch you on the next!

For more infomation >> Don't Worry About Your Jersey Number, Play For The Name! San Pedro JV Football Vlog 2017 - Duration: 1:51.


ABQ Mayoral Race: Candidates talk about minimum wage - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> ABQ Mayoral Race: Candidates talk about minimum wage - Duration: 1:29.



hello war fighters war is hell I just got done playing the laws of war DLC and

the remnants of war many campaign for ARMA 3 and I went into this with a very

different mindset than most people and I wanted to make a video about it so

rather than going into this thinking oh gee I wonder how great this is which you

know I definitely have opinions on what I thought of the DLC I went in here from

the mindset that this can really tell us a lot about what we will see from ARMA

in the future the reason why is that this was put together by a new studio in

Amsterdam and so for an organization like Bohemia Interactive when a studio

is probably putting together a new product they probably want to keep their

eye on what's going on and make sure it stays in line with what they envision

ARMA should be and also set them up for success in the future so this had a lot

of people looking at it from within the company so there's a lot you can get out

of this about the culture the mindset everything that we can expect from harm

in the future so with that in mind this video is the top three things the laws

of war DLC tells us about the future of ARMA

number three the single-player experience matters and this was really

good to see there's posts I see on Reddit pretty frequently especially when

ARMA goes on sale and says hey I'm new to ARMA what are some great

single-player missions that are out there or I've gone through play the

campaign what else is there I know a lot of stuff we see like on YouTube and

other places is a lot of multiplayer experience whether it's ARMA life Milson

groups going on playing king of the hill whatever it might be there's a big

multiplayer focus sure but what was good to see is that this new studio and

Amsterdam was focusing on the single-player experience - not

everybody's got a group not everybody wants to be in a group and so to kind of

open up to the whole community is great to see this investment with Apex we saw

a continuation of an investment in multiplayer with the campaign being coop

being able to play online with your friends whatever it may be but the fact

that this is single-player i think really says a lot i'm not gonna go too

deep of course into the campaign because i don't want to spoil anything but it

does take place in oreo castro which is the city on Altis and primarily you play

as a person named nathan McDade who is a member of an organization called adapt

which is supposed to help civilians in war-torn areas you're going through a

story talking about a whole bunch of different events that took place within

the past 15 months following a guy named Marcus and his brother for a good

portion of it so it does focus on one individual again that was really great

to see that the single-player experience matters in this DLC and I think we'll

still see that be a focus with ARMA in the future and not just focusing on a


for number two storytelling would be a major focus of Parma in

we see this in a number of different areas from the laws of war deals one of

the biggest things is some changes that are made to the editor and some of the

objects that are available for you to put into your missions for example in

the editor some of the things that were added was being able to change how

buildings are as far as their condition like are they destroyed our doors open

just small things like that that really in the grand scheme may not seem like

too much but those cosmetic things really help you be able to tell a story

it doesn't obviously enhance gameplay it's not like a new weapon or anything

like that it just changes to the environment that of course used to then

be able to tell the story another thing when you think of like objects like

there's wads of money that you can add now leaflets you know the new van

ambulance the whole idea faction which is added to

civilians I mean that's not something that you're going to isn't the most part

go out and play ads but you're gonna set that up in some of your missions to be

able to help tell the story and so when you see those things added to it that's

a big part of it and the number one thing we can learn about the future of

ARMA based off of the laws of war DLC is that ARMA will in no means ever be a

casual game now by that I mean you look at a lot of the first-person shooters or

just other games that are out there and it's all focused on the combat you know

kill the death the ratio of matters but actually in this DLC we saw that

fighting was actually pretty minimal you know I don't think that there was really

well actually I can think of one time now where there was like rifleman 200

meters northwest you know type of thing that's not something that you would hear

that much because it was more about telling a story the time that there was

combat max it was to advance that story and so the

whole tone of this dlc was actually something that I have not seen in

another game of this type of war like in the shooter or a military simulator it

made you remember that war is not all fun and games when you're talking about

land mines what did he do to people as I mentioned earlier it was the focus of

Oreo Castro and what happened during the war in that one city so it was a lot

more personal and so in many respects during a military simulator game playing

through an anti war scenario again not something that you're going to find in a

lot of other games that are out there this also introduced a few things though

to the game things that I would not have anticipated would be something that that

armor would introduce but again I think it goes to show like the seriousness of

this and how it does want to kind of serious type of game the addition of

cluster bombs new types of landmines there's so many things that are added to

it that doesn't make you just run and done if that makes sense like you have

to be strategic there's consequences for the things that you do both good and bad

and just talking about warning in general I think was a very interesting

take on which really made me ending up liking this DLC sure this is not like

other DLCs that you find out there where it's like hang new maps new weapons I

had stuff like that this didn't add nearly as much as you

know like eight packs or something like that in the past but I think it again

really does go to show that ARMA and Bohemia Interactive are really

proceeding in a direction that I think is refreshing I think it's good and I

think will help maintain the stability of ARMA in the future making sure that

you stay true to what warfare is when you're making a military simulator I

think it's key to success and is really one of the big drives for a lot of

people who play this game you know we don't we don't want like another Call of

Duty or another battlefield I mean ARMA is very unique and distinct and if

you're gonna play this game I mean you're gonna take it very seriously

there's a big learning curve to it but you also have to have some type of

investment in the game something that pulls you in there I think the realism

factor of laws of war DLC and just ARMA in general is one of those things that's

going to help it survive way into the future so that's gonna be it here for

this video again the top three things that the laws of war DLC can tell us

about the future of ARMA as I mentioned headed off in the right direction I love

it I hope you guys get this I mean not only is it a good DLC but it goes to

help out a great cause as the International Committee of the Red Cross

actually gets I think half of the net revenue or something like that from this

so even purchasing it goes to a good cause it's gonna help a lot of people

but that's gonna be here for this episode feel free to subscribe if you

have not already you can follow me on twitter at underscore at war as hell you

can follow me on facebook by searching Morris held gaming and of course there's

the patreon that goes to help this channel water itself but you don't

have to worry because warfighters I've got your six

For more infomation >> 😀 THE TOP 3 THINGS THE LAWS OF WAR DLC TELLS US ABOUT THE FUTURE OF AMRA - Duration: 8:09.


Meghan Markle Opens Up About Relationship With Prince Harry - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle Opens Up About Relationship With Prince Harry - Duration: 0:13.


How About The Fridge Comes To You, Instead? - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> How About The Fridge Comes To You, Instead? - Duration: 0:30.


Meghan Markle Opens Up About Relationship Prince Harry - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle Opens Up About Relationship Prince Harry - Duration: 0:13.


The SADDEST Things About Shania Twain's Life! - Duration: 9:24.

The 13 Saddest Things About Shania Twain's Life


A Tough Childhood- Growing up, the singer lived in Timmins, Ontario with her mother,

stepfather, and three younger siblings.

Twain's parents faced financial issues as they struggled to get by and there was insufficient

food to feed the family.

Twain mentioned that living in poverty would result in the family to make most of what

they have.

This included eating dry bread, brown sugar, and boiled milk; a dish they called goulash.

She also recalled a time during winter when she was forced to wear bread bags to keep

her feet warm since her parents could not afford to get her snow boots.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, she stated she remembered feeling envious of her school

mates who ate roast beef sandwiches and apple slices during lunch time when she only had

mustard and mayonnaise in her sandwich.

She went to say that she knew asking for a bite to eat from the other student's lunch

would further humiliate her more.

Even though she never felt brave enough to ask her friends for some food, she said she

never regretted her childhood.


Abusive Home Life- As a young child, Twain witnessed abuse at home.

Her mother battled depression, and her mom and the whole family felt the emotional and

physical abuse by her stepfather Jerry for years.

The singer recalled a time when she watched her stepfather ram her mother's head into

the toilet over and over which caused her to become unconscious.

Twain was so scared, thinking that he killed her.

She stated that particular incident caused her to go into shock as she honestly believed

her mother died right before her eyes.

Aside from abusing her mother, her stepfather also mistreated her.

Despite the kindness, he taught her; he was verbally and sexually abusive.

When Twain was 11 years old, she finally found the courage to stand up to her stepfather

and ran up behind him with a chair and threw it against up.

But before she got a chance to escape, he punched her in the jaw.

Twain did not reveal her living situation to the school's authorities as she feared

this would lead to them tearing her family apart.

Within time, she was able to persuade her mother to run away with her siblings to a

shelter for a short while before her mom eventually went back to her stepdad.


Conquering her fears- According to the "queen of country pop," she stated that if it was

based on her decisions, she wouldn't have never become a country singer.

Twain's mother supported and encouraged her daughter's singer career.

The country superstar told ABC News that she would have let her fear consume her and backed

away from singing entirely without the assistance as being the center of attention isn't something

she's comfortable with.

From the age of eight, Twain started singing at bars to earn money so she could help her


During this time, she made twenty bucks from midnight, and 1 am for the remaining customers

after the bar closed down.

Even though she conveyed a disapproval for singing in the bar, she truly thought that

this was her way expressing herself.

She stated that she loved music and had a deep passion for it which helped her survive.


Her first song- The singing sensation penned her first songs when she was just ten years


Her first songs include "Is Love a Rose" and "Just like the Storybooks," which

were inspirations from fairytales.

She revealed that writing songs were completely different from performing them because it

was like documenting art.

However not all her songs were cheerful and uplifting.

One of her songs titled, "Mama Won't You Come Out to Play," was about having hope

for her mother.

Growing up Twain's mom isolated herself from the family.

She stated that her mother lived in isolation and didn't have the boldness to break free

and face life, which prompted her to write that song to invite her mom to come out of

her shell.


Two Time Tragedy - In an unexpected tragedy, both of Twain's parents were killed when

she was 21 years old.

Her parents were on the road when their car struck a fully loaded logging truck.

Without a mother or a father, Twain raised her younger siblings.

But despite the tragic loss of her parents, she grew ambitious and landed a solid job

singing show tunes at a resort near her home.

The steady job provided her family with a secure upbringing.

She eventually bought a house, a truck and settled in.

But after her siblings grew up and moved out, the singer found herself alone.

Twain then decided to turn her focus to her singing career.

Her talent and drive eventually landed her into a successful singer, so this does go

to show that there is some light at the end of the tunnel.


Cheating Spouse- Twain met her first husband record producer Robert "Mutt" Lange early

in her career.

The two collaborated ideas and opinions on Twain's album and he gave her the confidence

when it came to writing material for her songs.

Their friendship bloomed into something more, and they got married in 1993.

It seemed like their marriage was meant to last until they dropped a bombshell.

In 2008, a spokesperson announced the pair was splitting after Lange cheated on Twain

with Marie-Anne Thiebaud who was Twain's best friend.

The singer stated her heartbreak and separation took a toll on her life.

She said that when your husband leaves you for your best friend, your self-esteem can

take a big hit.

During the separation, she cried a lot and even took five baths a day.

She even begged Marie-Anne to leave Lange in an email.

However, Twain soon found comfort in the arms of her ex-best friend's former husband Frederic

Thiebaud and if anyone knew what she was going through, it was him.

The two got married in Puerto Rico back in 2011 .


Dysphonia- During her separation with her ex-husband, she developed dysphonia.

It is a physiological and physical disorder that doesn't allow her to sing properly.

When she sings the muscles constrict the voice box which prevents air from flowing correctly.

Twain struggled to regain her powerful singing voice and expressed that writing a book and

her reality show helped her voice herself.

Thanks to therapy, Twain was able to perform again and she came back with a slightly different

voice than before.

While fans were quick to notice her deeper voice, Twain herself was still adjusting to

the changes.

She eventually came to accept that she was a different singer and has made peace that

her new voice was here to say.

Despite an emotional obstacle, she stated that she has learned just to keep pushing



Panic attack- Being betrayed by your husband or best friend is the worst pain imaginable,

but both of them together is even more horrific.

The pain that Twain suffered through caused her physical and mental anguish.

She even recounted a time when she confronted her former friend who triggered a panic attack

when it came time to see her.

The singer stated that during this time she wasn't able to completely express how she

truly felt due to her high level of anxiety but merely told her that she was a terrible


Even after Twain pleaded for an explanation about the affair, she never got details or

closure from her ex-husband and ex-best friend.

Even though, she is happily married now she states that she does not keep in contact with

Marie-Anne and will never forgive either of them.


Fertility Issues- Despite a happy ending, early into her second marriage the singer

struggled to have a baby.

While Twain and her husband have kids from their former marriages, they knew they wanted

to keep at least trying to have a baby of their own.

At the time the singer was 45 years old and understood that conceiving would be difficult

at her age.

They sought different options which included acupuncture, fertility drugs, medication and

vitamins with no avail.

Frustrated and close to hopelessness, the singer even considered a surrogate as a possible


Even though she has stepdaughter, a friend stated she would still love the idea of having

her own daughter.

A close source of the couple reveals that no matter what choice they decide, she knows

it'll make them both happy since she just loves being a mom.


Long Lost Father-When Twain was two years old, her mother and father split.

Her stepfather came into the picture shortly after and she never got a chance to be with

her biological father.

She revealed to ABC News that she eventually reached out to him after the birth of her


Twain stated that her father is someone she wants to reintroduce back into her life and

that it was a compelling moment.

She also wanted her son to get to know his grandfather.

Twain also mentioned that he was surprised that he reached out to her as well, citing

him a humble but charming man.


Stalkerish Behavior- Back in 2011, former surgeon Giovanni Palumbo finally admitted

to stalking the country songbird after he continually harassed her.

Several instances included sending her dozens of unwanted love letters and appearing at

her grandmother's funeral.

A psychiatric test deemed Palumbo had narcissistic personality disorder and bipolar disorder.

During his hearing, he was kept in jail, and Palumbo said he would undergo any treatment

plan given by the court and he would no longer try to contact Twain.

Despite all this, he managed to say that he still thought Twain was a wonderful person.


Final Farewell- After announcing a retirement from performing back in 2004, she surprised

many fans when she released news of a farewell tour called Rock This Country.

Started in June 2015, she hit 48 cities across the country, including destinations like Nashville,

Fresno, and Miami.

The tour concluded in late October of that year.

Her sudden goodbye led many fans to be saddened, but they were also anxious to nab a ticket

to see the famous songstress.

With a string of battles that she faced, many fans understood her to need to settle down.

But her tour did not disappoint as she performed over 72 shows in North America that grossed

over $69 million dollars.


Temporary Hiatus- Due to personal relationships and health issues, the iconic singer had a

burden on her shoulder and had remained out of the spotlight for awhile.

But Twain had eager fans flocking to purchase tickets for her final tour.

But shortly after, the singer delivered another surprising announcement in February 2017 that

she is coming back with another album!

It's been more than ten years since Twain has released an album, so fans are more than

excited to see her in the works!

Even though touring is out of the question at the moment, she says writing songs is therapeutic

for her and has helped her immensely to move on emotionally.

Twain is an amazing example that through all the hardships and downfalls a person can face,

you can still come out on top!

For more infomation >> The SADDEST Things About Shania Twain's Life! - Duration: 9:24.


BWI President and CEO Gary Hobbs talks about Prosperity Heights - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> BWI President and CEO Gary Hobbs talks about Prosperity Heights - Duration: 2:33.


Song for Kids About Honey Bees (Waggle Dance) - Duration: 2:17.

I used to be afraid of bees but now I want to protect them.

Bees have five eyes they can use

I think that is super news

But honey bees are it for me

They do a waggle dance for free

They go buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzzz

Fly up high towards home they dive

Get real snug in their beehives

Honey bees are it for me

Live and work the biggest colony

They do a waggle dance for free

They go buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

Sticky nectar from flowers galore

Bumble's always looking for more

Still, honey bees are it for me

Together they work combs of honey

Live and work the biggest colony

They do a waggle dance for free

They go buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz

[the remaining lyrics are all buzz]

For more infomation >> Song for Kids About Honey Bees (Waggle Dance) - Duration: 2:17.


All About 11:11 - What is the meaning of 11 11? - Duration: 6:24.

All About 11:11

What is the meaning of 11 11?

There is a global 11 11 phenomenon that is perplexing many individuals in regard to numerical synchronicities and in

particular, the number and the meaning behind 11:11.

From teenagers to senior citizens, these synchronistic numbers seem to appear on a daily basis.

What does 1111 mean?

For example, you might be putting gas in your car and when you're done,

you'll notice that you put exactly 11.11 gallons in your car.

Or you might be at the checkout line in a store and the cashier gives you $11.11 in change.

As you're going home, you might notice a license plate with the numbers 1111 on it.

This happens most often when looking at the clock.

We've all seemingly had this experience: You just happen to look at the clock and it's 11:11 am or pm.

It's not like you are constantly waiting for this magical number to appear, it just does.

From an esoteric standpoint, 11:11 appears to be something that is genetically coded within our "junk" DNA as a cue to

spiritually awaken.

What does 11:11 mean?

16 Meanings for 11:11

11:11 is subjective to the interpreter and to the interpretation.

In other words, YOUR interpretation is the only interpretation that matters!

Here are the many interpretations of 11:11.

11:11 Awareness: The first thing you should pay attention to when you see a synchronistic number is what you're either

doing or thinking at that particular moment.

You should also be cognizant of your surroundings, such as the song that you're currently listening to or even

something as simple as the rays of sunshine coming in through your window.

11:11 Gateway or Portal: 11:11 is the doorway between two worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional


Angelic Humans: According to George Barnard, 11:11 is "the calling card for beings that are half angels and half


Angels and Spirit Guides: Your guardian angel or spirit guide is trying to connect with you.

Balance: Your life is either gaining or becoming more in balance when you see 11:11.

This might also be an affirmation that your life is in complete balance as well.

Binary DNA Code: The brain is like a computer, which relies on binary codes (1's and 0's).

In this premise, 11:11 is the binary code that awakens your dormant (junk) DNA.

Digital Time Code: This theory encapsulates several theories within the same premise.

11:11 unlocks your DNA and opens the subconscious mind through physically seeing these digital numbers and

re-remembering why your brain was coded to remember the importance of 11:11.

DNA Activation: The number 11 represents twin strands of DNA, so for some people,

this is a sign of a DNA activation or upgrade.

Edgar Cayce: As I mentioned in a previous article, Edgar Cayce was quoted as saying,

"The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One- One; Oneness of God, oneness of man's relation,

oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!" Edgar may have meant,

"The first lesson for six months should be 11:11."

Fibonacci Sequence: The first two numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence are 1,1.

The Fibonacci Sequence is basically tied into Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio of Creation,

so this number would represent an end to physical reality as we know it.

Global Consciousness: When you see 11:11, you feel connected with the Universe and everyone else who is currently

experiencing this phenomenon.

You completely understand what "we are all one" means.

Make a Wish: Many teens are playing the 11:11pm game without really even knowing the significance behind 11:11.

If they notice that it's 11:11pm, they make a wish.

Is it possible that these children are indigos and 11:11 represents an awakening code for them?

Numerology: The number 11 is a Master Number and represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals,

intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame,

refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.

Spiritual Purpose: 11:11 presents you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual purpose for being here.

Synchronicity: Your life has become total balance and the lesson you need to learn will appear before you.

"When the pupil is ready, the master appears".

Wake Up Call: 11:11 signifies your spiritual awakening, as this number seems to be predominantly noticed by those who

have begun their spiritual journeys.

It may also be seen as a code to unlock your subconscious mind.

Most likely, you are reading this article because you have also experienced the 11:11 phenomena.

If you haven't experienced 11:11, then chances are, you will in the near future.

What is it really about?

"Time " will tell.

For more infomation >> All About 11:11 - What is the meaning of 11 11? - Duration: 6:24.


Broncos Wives Talk About Life Off The Field - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Broncos Wives Talk About Life Off The Field - Duration: 3:02.


Kentuckians Worried About Irma - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Kentuckians Worried About Irma - Duration: 0:55.


Locals Worried About Relatives In Irma's Path - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Locals Worried About Relatives In Irma's Path - Duration: 2:34.


Talking about... Florin Andone, RC Deportivo player - Duration: 3:59.

"Florin Andone represents the hard work, energy, desire and excitement of this club in attack."

"And is our team's goalscorer. He has to be a fundamental piece of our squad this season."

"Andone is an important player, and fundamental for the team's play."

"He helps us a lot bringing the ball out, and also scores goals which is the important thing."

"Above all he's explosive and makes big sacrifices."

"A player who fights"

"And who is very fast."

"He's a very combative player who never gives up on a ball."

"He's very hard working and is consistent."

"He is a great outlet for our play."

"He tries again and again and never gives up."

"He misses and he gets back up."

"I think he's a very complete player."

"I'm irritating, very irritating. Both on the pitch and off it."

"He's a very simple person. He's a really good guy. He's a teammate."

"He's always trying to improve and help the team. I think that he's as good a player as he is a person."

"He's a very good kid and very fun on and off the pitch."

"He's a very fun guy, and is always joking around in the dressing room."

"He always tries to create a good atmosphere and is always willing to play and be of use to the team."

"I think that I'm a friendly person and a good teammate."

For more infomation >> Talking about... Florin Andone, RC Deportivo player - Duration: 3:59.


Upstate DACA student concerned about future - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Upstate DACA student concerned about future - Duration: 3:29.


Juror speaks about mistrial in boy's hit and run - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Juror speaks about mistrial in boy's hit and run - Duration: 2:40.


It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - Duration: 22:06.

For more infomation >> It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - Duration: 22:06.


Neighbors complain about the COW! Life in the village - Duration: 6:08.

all you see is fiction

how do you live here?

Hello! my neighbor is calling me, my cow is beating her cow

I'm going to save

drove past, she was walking with a bull

while I have time, I'll tell you what's going on

yesterday bought 18 turkeys

at a very good price

a woman on a farm breeding ostriches

What age?

1 year

that's how they grow in a year

chicks bought?


is it for beauty?

while yes, I plan to sell chicks

and you can eat this meat?

of course. very tasty meat


I already have a line of customers .. everyone wants to try the eggs

this woman also breeds goats

it's Czech, it's Alpine, and there's Nubian

about 35 liters of milk per day from 16 goats, says that it is very profitable .... 3 liters of goat milk almost 10 dollars

Here I see my cow

standing horns scratch .... this is a cow

Ryabovka you have nothing to do?

Why do you pester her?

right neighbor cow

let's go to! there are already calls on your behalf!

hello .... the police?

does not want to leave a new girlfriend

let's go home

You did not see anyone like that before?

we have the same calf

on the asphalt as a horse clicks

tied a bull to a chain

constantly gnaws rope ....

How so?

sucks a rope and it breaks

he has a birthday today

3 months

measured his weight

1 month 75 kg, 2 month 110, 3 month 134

this is how this line looks like

by the looks of not so big

Here he is famously on the young grass, and there behind me my cow walks

love to scratch

what is it set up here? is the center of Moscow, the Kremlin

traffic jams are sensitive, 3 times the traffic light has turned green, and I'm still at the same place

trolley buses blocked everything. how do you live here?

For more infomation >> Neighbors complain about the COW! Life in the village - Duration: 6:08.


15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management Book Summary - Duration: 15:28.

why millionaires don't use to-do lists how you can identify your real

priorities and what you can learn from 239 entrepreneurs about time management

these are just a few key takeaways that I'll be covering in the book 15 secrets

successful people know about time management in my productivity and

self-development book review series I've mentioned it so many times before our

lives are just bombarded by things that want to steal our time smartphones

social media the people that work trying to bug you checking your emails text

messages whatsapp's and it's a constant flood of distractions of little things

trying to steal a lot of time and time we don't get back this book covers a

bunch of stuff like avoiding to-do lists finding your MIT and multitasking the

first point I want to cover in this book is the ability to protect your most

valuable asset which is your time there are tons of cheesy phrases about time

like time is money lost time is never found again and they

all have an element of truth in them the time is valuable and you should do

everything you can within your power to avoid wasting it at all costs so one

trick in this book is learning how to say no no no no basically it's avoiding

those people that constantly ask all of you have you got a minute have you got a

minute obviously we all have a minute but we

only have 1440 a day so are you going to waste it on those people that just want

to steal your time the author introduces a concept called that MIT and basically

this stands for the most important task it's suggested that you basically create

an MIT for every day of the week and you have an MIT for that week and an MIT for

that month now once you've confirmed what your MIT

s are you start formulating a plan to get

those done your MIT is basically something that moves you forward in your

life towards your desired outcome so to combine the last point of saying no with

your MIT it suggested that you say no to pretty much everything that doesn't

align with your MIT s and just focus on them the book also mentions the 80/20

principle which I've spoken about in past videos but in this book you're

suggested to focus on the 20% of things that you're good at and only focus on

them and these are the basic ideas to protect your time now the next point I

want to cover would be focusing on delegation top achievers don't try and

do everything by themselves the people that are real masters of time management

focus on delegating tasks that are not suited to them there are three criteria

that are suggested when it comes to deciding what to delegate the first one

is how important is the task how urgent is the task and are you the only person

that can do the task well basically if it's not urgent and you're not the only

person that can do it well then it's something that can be delegated again as

many of these delegation tasks of your plate as fast as possible it's going to

help you focus on your MIT s and get them done as soon as possible

however if the task is important or urgent and can only be done by you you

need to attack it in a organized fashion and your thoughts gests three ways to

manage your time to get this done so the first one if you knowing if you've seen

a few of my things you'll know that I don't necessarily agree with the

avoiding of to-do lists personally I'm extremely strict with what items get on

my to-do list and in my private groups I actually teach people to use three

separate to-do lists but we're not gonna go into that here now the author

mentions that most people have lists with bunches of items that never get

done this is where I actually totally agree most of my private shoes

how well they had to do lists that were completely filled with fluff busy tasks

that don't actually contribute to their big picture goals and there's usually a

bunch of stuff that could be easily delegated to other people

the second point about minimal meetings I definitely agree with everything in

the meeting should be kept crucial and to the point and there should never be a

meeting without a specific agenda also its mentions an idea that I like a lot

that people in the meeting should be standing because nobody's going to enjoy

a meeting or gonna want to hang around and draw out a meeting where everyone's

standing everyone's gonna want to get it done as quickly as possible

so this minimizes the amount of fluff and mucking around in the usual kind of

meetings lastly the minimal email engagement

point the author makes is quite interesting I also find this one very

difficult to do so it suggested that you basically check your emails three times

a day but only for twenty one minutes at a time so that's just over an hour a day

of spent looking and replying to emails the author suggests that anything you

received in the last 48 hours should be replied and dealt with today and then

archived completely up site for easy retrieval later on however there are

some people myself included that's at some point in time you may need to spend

a whole day just organizing that inbox to get it to a point where you can only

spend twenty-one minutes three times a day just cleaning it out and keeping it

in box zero the next point is going back to pen and paper

now as a technology hermit I do like to have my life

in the clouds but there is something special about having things down on

paper for instance when I have a large project that I haven't started yet or a

task that is a little bit overwhelming at first I usually go to pen and paper

and start sketching out the big picture just to figure out what I need to do and

get it all out heads on paper basically just having

something as a way to capture every single thought that is worth taking note

of is gonna be the difference between success and kind of drifting through

life it's mention that there could be a

million dollar idea in your notebook and if you haven't got a way to capture

those things then it's going to fall through the net and never be seen again

there's also some brief mention about productivity time management and health

and fitness in terms of energy levels something I found quite interesting and

I'll be diving into much deeper later on in the year but basically it mentions

that you should track the times of day that you find yourself having an energy

slump and when that happens you should immediately stop working on your MIT s

morning routines are also covered in the book as well and I am a strong believer

that morning routines when they're consistent you can set you up for

success so doing something that makes you strong first thing in the morning

like stretching exercise people like having their green smoothies eating a

bunch of good foods like blueberries or something is going to boost you

throughout the day starting strong in the morning gives you a strong day that

leads onto a strong week a strong month and if consistent are strong here I'll

put a link in the description below for my morning routine course which will

take you step-by-step on how to actually create your power morning routine and

how to stay consistent this book also mentions working in nineteen minute

pulses now this is also mentioned in the book review for deep work and it's

something that I stick to myself after each 90-minute pulse you take a break

you go for a walk or you take some kind of refreshing activity like eating or

going outside just get some fresh air this behavior will keep you alert and

it'll manage your focus a lot better the last point to wrap things up is standing

on the shoulders of giants the book basically has advice from seven

billionaires other high achievers like athletes and entrepreneurs and all of it

around their time management behavior now even though everyone's quite unique

in their approach there are some patterns that seem to emerge throughout

the book the billionaires all basically agreed that maintenance should be kept

to a minimal which has already been covered and the various high achievers

all stressed strategies to avoid multitasking at all costs

so although the some people do pride themselves on their ability to multitask

there are quite a few studies and reasons why it's not a good idea so

maybe if you do more tasks you should avoid that at all costs as well now to

wrap this up this book was a fantastic read I definitely recommend it and the

point made about the 1440 minutes in a day was something that stuck with me

quite deeply actually I made a note behind my desk with number one four four

zero just to remind me that our time is limited and in order to sort of master

our lives we need to be we need to guards how we use our time so those

minutes are very very important so basically learn to focus learn to

delegate and manage your energy levels and in no time you'll be well on your

way to completing your mi t--'s before you go imagine this scenario what if you

had super clear clarity on exactly what you need to do next in life to move the

needle whether its side hustles or side businesses studying or just getting

things done what if you knew how to enter flow state so you could focus for

long uninterrupted periods of time what if you were suddenly someone that was no

longer so easily distracted by things like social media smartphones all of

those annoying things the chlorine for your attention what if you were able to

suddenly tap into motivation control it on-demand sound like a

stretch I used to think so too until I developed a system that can do all of

this and more and that's what I'm gonna share with you right now

see I know exactly what it's like to not be able to get motivated or get started

working on those goals and those dreams that we spend all day thinking about

those things that you know would give you an awesome life if you could just

get started and I speak to so many people every day that feel guilty or

they filter down because all they do is procrastinate and they feel lazy but

it's not laziness that's the problem it's just that we've been lied to about

motivation you don't need motivation to get started

on these big dreams and big goals that you know are going to change your life

you're just lacking a failed proof system they guaranteed to keep you on

track and this is something I've been working on for about six years okay

so teaching the system getting feedback refining it tweaking it and repeat in

that process month of the month and year of the year and it's finally at a point

where I can confidently say that I can bring in anyone anyone that feels stuck

anyone that feels lost or is battling internal friction anybody with chronic

procrastination anyone the knows they can achieve so much more if they could

just prioritize get started and remain focused and it's now at a point where I

know I can guarantee you massive personal results and growth it's a

system that doesn't just teach you but it literally rewires your thinking so

how to beat procrastination so you can finally get started working on those

goals how to find your flow state so you can focus for long periods of time how

to identify long and short term goals that are going to provide you with

massive leverage later in life how to avoid distractions so you're no longer

so easily interrupted we your deep work basically how to become

your own personal success coach keep yourself accountable and become an

action taking beast now if you'd like me to help you implement any of those

behavioral traits I'd be delighted here's how we'll do it I open up about

five slots a week to work one-on-one with people just like you on their

productivity to help you double triple maybe even quadruple your results

there's no charge it's absolutely free and it takes about 60 to 90 minutes for

us to get through this process first we'll get on the phone we'll go over

your current situation and we'll figure out where we can leverage your time to

get the biggest results and once we have those raw materials I can help you come

up with a step-by-step strategic plan of action but this is not for everyone okay

if you want a quick fix and you're not willing to put in any work whatsoever

this is not for you however if you can follow instructions and you're massively

ambitious but you don't know where to get started then we can talk here's what

I want you to do next if you meet the criteria and you would

like me to help you implement these tried and tested methods of productivity

I'll happily set aside some time to speak with you but time is a factor okay

I have to limit how many free sessions I give away each week because of the

amount of time needed to help you improve your results so its first come

first serve it's almost impossible for me to work with more than a handful of

people at any one time so if you think this opportunity is right for you

there's a link below that will lead you to my 30 second question now to make

sure we're a good fit for each other I want to fill that out now and look

forward to speaking with you


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