Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily can Sep 27 2017

Hey everyone, today I'm going to show you how

to make a pop can pen

it's supposed to be like a ruling calligraphy pen

and I had a video on my instagram where I copied the

lettering from the 'mother' movie, I really liked the style

and wanted to try it myself

so I used the pop can pen my husband made for me

I'm going to show you how he made it

it's really easy, he didn't come up with it and I didn't come up with it

I will link the tutorial that we used to figure it out.

It's a really good tutorial, it's just on someone's website

it's pretty funny too, you should definitely check it out

you'll also be able to download the printable template

that you will use to cut out the nib fro the pop can

Again, that link will be in the description box below.

You will need some tools for this

Most of them will be around the house

First we have the printed template, you can grab this from the link provided

There are three different size nibs but I'll only be showing one

you will need tape, a masking tape and duct tape

a pop can, a dowel which you can probably get from Home Depot

It should be the length and size of a pen or marker

you'll need some scissors and also a knife

First thing we are going to do is

cut the can open

I"m going to start by poking a hole with the knife

please be very very careful

wear gloves if you have them

be sure to be cautious, the edges are sharp and can cut you

warning, be careful!

I'm just cutting around the edge of the pop can now

it's taking me a while, it's not easy

I did figure out that if I turned the can around

and face the blade of the scissors the other way

it was a little easier because the blade

didn't go towards the middle of the can

but towards the outside of the can

just keep cutting until you've finished that side

go ahead and do the same with the other side

again, be very very careful

the edges are very sharp

once you've cut out the ends of the can

you're going to want to cut

a line down the middle of the can

I just looked for the best place to do this

Maybe were I cut out the most from the top and bottom

just cut a straight line so we can open it up

and flatten it out

you'll see that it's really curly because it

was in a pop can shape

so to flatten this out I'm going to put it in

My oven and set it at 500 degress or broil

I put it on broil and left it for 10 mins

Now it's out and make sure you let it cool

because it will be hot

now I'm cutting out the smallest nib size

from the printable template

and this is what you're going to use

to cut out the nib from the pop can

just find a good spot on the can that's not

too dented and work with the curve

that's why I'm facing it up and down the can

then I just taped it down with some washit tape

so it will be easy to remove the tape

i'm just going over the outside with a black sharpie

Now I'm going to cut out the nib

there are two ways to do this

the way that's suggested and the way I did it

I cut out the entire shape

but there is a way that the tutorial suggests

they say to use a hole punch to punch holes

where the nib goes in

that just makes sure that weakest point doesn't get

that harsh cut that could possibly tear

you cut a rectangle and then where the shape goes in

you would hole punch and then cut out the rest

it should look like this whenever you're done

now I'm going to grab a piece of the duct tape

i guess maybe 5 inches long

the one I cut out was too long

then I placed the metal nib

flat on the duct tape just so that it lines up

with the edge of the skinny part of the nib

make sure the tape is totally flat and try to get it

as straight as possible so when you roll

it up it doesn't go in a funny direction

then I placed the dowel on the very edge of the nib

and then curled the nib around the dowel

so I can roll it over on the tape

make sure to keep it steady

and shape the nib a little bit so it rolls easier

also you want to make sure that it's nice and tight

so it doesn't move when you're writing

i'm just cutting of the excess

you'll want to grab some type of scoring tool

so you can score the inside crease

i grabbed the scoring tool from my cricut

then I just wrote down the center with it

this gives it a nice edge

now you'll want to make that curved pen shape

so you could use the template to draw

but I'm just going to do it free hand

it kind of has like a knife shape

draw that on with the sharpie and cut out after you've drawn it

try your best to make it very smooth because

this is the edge you will be writing with

so now you're pretty much done

the last thing recommended is to

light your pen on fire

it won't really light on fire, but heat up the nib

this just make it a little stiffer

you want to make sure you have a cup of cold water handy

so after putting it under the fire for about 10-20 seconds

you just shove it in the cup of water right away

ok and that's it! there's your pen

so now you can make some really cool unpredictable

edgy calligraphy

if you find out you really like it, they do sell these

pens, not the DIY ones so you can grab one

if you get a little more serious.

thanks for watching, if you like - give it a like!

and subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> DIY POP CAN PEN - Homemade Ruling Pen - Duration: 8:37.


BTS Jin Revealed A Special Talent He Can Do With His Feet - Duration: 1:37.

BTS Jin Revealed A Special Talent He Can Do With His Feet

BTSs Jin revealed a hidden feet talent that no one has ever mastered before.

On JTBCs Knowing Brothers, Jin amazed the world by ripping bags of candy in record time with just his feet!.

He went up against the rest of the Knowing Brothers cast to see who can rip candies with their feet the fastest.

And one by one….

Jin and his magical feet slew their opponents.

Lee Soo Geun noticed that Jin had hard callouses on his feet, joking that Jin probably practices his special talent at home.

Jimin came to his defense, saying that the callouses were from practicing dance.

The cast didnt believe a word of it, but they couldnt deny that Jin and his special feet are definitely talented!.

Check out the full video below!.

For more infomation >> BTS Jin Revealed A Special Talent He Can Do With His Feet - Duration: 1:37.


How Arizonans can help those in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> How Arizonans can help those in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria - Duration: 2:45.


How an individual can impact the peace in the community? - Duration: 1:45.

By strengthening an individual, how do we spread peace in the community?

It's a little obvious, the answer.

If in your home,

if one person is unhappy, what happens?

The whole home gets unhappy, isn't it?


in a community, in a country, in the society, on the planet,

if each individual is happy,

then naturally, there is global happiness, community happiness

or family happiness

It actually begins with each individual.

What happens in the world is not something random outside.

It's a reflection of what is happening in every single mind.

When it's collected,

in some place, it's shows up. Like in the leadership,

or in the economy, or in our education system,

or in our political system.

But, conflict on the level of the mind,

stress on the level of the mind,

feeling separation on the level of the mind,

as an individual, then creates the same impact in the entire community.

The leadership separates, and the community feels separate,

and everybody marginalizes themselves.


So, the solution to peace are many,

and we try it from all different directions,

But we never look to the individual mind and consciousness.

And that must be as much part of the solution,

as anything else.

For more infomation >> How an individual can impact the peace in the community? - Duration: 1:45.


Can certain geological structures be explained by a global Flood? (Creation Magazine LIVE! 6-20) - Duration: 28:30.

Tillites and chalk beds…

Can certain geologic features be explained by a global flood?

This week on Creation Magazine LIVE!

Welcome to Creation Magazine LIVE!

My name is Richard Fangrad.

and I'm Calvin Smith.

This week on Creation Magazine LIVE our topic is 'Can certain geologic features be explained

by a global flood?'

Yes. Many Bible skeptics have claimed that there is no evidence of a global Flood as recorded

in the Bible when in fact the evidence is overwhelming.

Yes, and creationists have been showing for years now that rapid deposition of hundreds

of meters of water borne sediments resulting in rapid burial and rapid fossilization, rapid fossil formation

is the most obvious explanation for the rock record, not slow and gradual processes typically

championed by most evolutionists.

Yes, to the point where modern evolutionary geologists are now actually promoting neo-catastrophism

that admits many geologic features we see today must have been deposited in giant floods…

Not THE giant flood…

Not the giant flood, just a series of them.

We did a show on that a while back called 'Neo-catastrophism vs uniformitarianism' that was

in season 3, episode 23, and the link for that is on the screen here.


So in order to discredit the idea of a global flood what evolutionists will typically do

is trot out some very specific arguments they feel creationists cannot explain adequately,

as if that will explain away all of the other evidence that supports it.

Unfortunately many Christians have bought into these arguments.


Now the specific arguments we will be discussing today are tillites, which are interpreted

as the left behind rubble from glaciers, and chalk beds, which are huge layers of calcium

carbonate like the famous White Cliffs of Dover in southern England, but there are other

arguments against Flood geology like paleosols which are dealt with on the massive website.

It's a fantastic resource so check it out, it's not just the ones we are going to be dealing with today.

Yes. Now, we won't be able to go into much more than an overview today in the short time we

have but we'll put up some links to articles that will provide more details if you want

to dig in further.

What we'll do is start with what the feature is, why long age geologists say it's a challenge

to Flood geology, and then give you the biblical explanation showing it really isn't a problem.

OK, well let's start with tillites and we'll go from there.

Tillites are assumed to be the lithified equivalents of glacial till, which is basically supposed

rubble from glaciers found in the strata of the Earth.

The reason these tillites are supposedly a problem for Flood geology is that many uniformitarian

scientists postulate a number of long-lasting ice ages having occurred over hundreds of

thousands of years, so the 'Late Palaeozoic' ice age in southern Africa, that's probably the most notable.

So the question is how do you have various till deposits from various ice ages in varying

rock layers included in what creationists say most likely got laid down over the course of

the year long Flood?

Lithified rock is supposed to have hardened by pressure and not the results of being cemented

together in a watery environment.

Well, as usual, the answer comes when you actually question the assumptions behind the conclusion.

Could these deposits claimed to be left over from glaciation periods have been caused by

other processes? Good question.

Well, a classic supposed Late Pre-Cambrian tillite is the Bigganjargga tillite of northern Norway.

It overlies a rock layer in which two striae directions, two different striae directions, two different scratches in the rocks, a sharp North West–South East set overlying

a faint East–West set, were embossed on the sandstone below.

Striations by the way are grooves or scratch marks, ridges in rocks. That's what we are talking about here.

Now three specific features identified this as a supposed tillite.

Firstly, 1) Two subparallel sets of layers are supposedly indicative of glaciation.

Number 2) One author claimed to have observed striated and faceted clasts within the tillite.

And 3) The top layer of the tillite is composed of thin beds containing clasts larger than

the thickness of the bedding, which is reminiscent of dropstone varvites.

Dropstones are isolated fragments of rock found within finer-grained water-deposited

sedimentary rocks.

They range in size from small pebbles to boulders.

Now these three characteristics of the Bigganjargga tillite are the main diagnostic features for

an ancient ice age and so most geologists accepted, without question, that the tillite

was a remnant of the Late Precambrian 'ice age'.

OK so how do creationists understand this?

We'll be back in just one minute to show you how!

Most people know that pollen can cause problems for those who suffer from hay fever.

But did you know that pollen is also a major problem for the evolutionary interpretation

of the fossil record?

Since the 1960s, the scientific literature has reported the presence of pollen and spores

within a rock layer called the Roraima Formation in South America.

This formation is supposedly over 550 million years old, yet according to evolutionary theory,

flowering plants that produce pollen didn't evolve for another 390 million years!

So why do we find pollen in the fossil record so long before the first flowering plants appear?

The simplest explanation is that the fossil record doesn't represent the evolution of

life on this planet over eons of time, but is better explained as a consequence of the

year-long global flood of Noah and its aftermath.

This is recorded in the book of Genesis, chapters 6, 7, and 8.

To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website

Well if you've just tuned in, this week we are talking about 'Can certain geologic

features be explained by a global flood?' and in particular we were talking about, right now, we'll get to another one in a minute, tillites.

Yes and specifically we are talking about the Bigganjargga tillite which is supposedly a slam dunk example of these things.

So how do creationists explain this?

Well recently, a more in-depth analysis has indicated that this classical tillite is very

likely a submarine debris flow.

Yes. Underwater debris flow.

Scientists investigating this discovered that this feature was found to have been made by

rocks sliding along soft sandstone, specifically because some of the clasts are embedded in the sandstone.

Moreover, clast imprints on the sandstone have the same random spacing as in the 'tillite' above.

Now the sandstone had been assumed to be lithified, which means a process of hardening without

water, and older than the tillite which was supposedly another argument against Flood geology.

The sandstone had been dated 150 million years old but because of these soft-sediment deformation

features the investigators now suggest this time gap is not real, go figure.

Also the matrix and the clasts in the 'tillite' are rounded.

This is very unlike a glacial till.

The rocks in the 'tillite' show flow layers around the clasts indicating an underwater mass flow origin.

Marine deposits are also closely associated with the so called 'tillite'.

Investigators Jensen and Wulff-Pedersen conclude this: "The evidence for a debris flow origin for

the Bigganjargga diamictite [a non-genitive term for till-like rock] seems

compelling; the diamictite is massive and has random fabric, mound formed top, marginal snouts

snout(s), projecting boulders and a striated pavement."

So the implication of this result is that the 'main diagnostic features' for this

ancient 'ice age' are really not diagnostic at all!

It's been known for a long time that the features of a 'tillite' cannot be distinguished

from a debris flow.

Early workers didn't concern themselves with distinguishing between the two processes

and just assumed ancient glaciation.

So its no surprise that the strata from the Earth have so many remnants of these ancient 'ice ages' if they aren't actually remnants for ice ages.

So these claimed ancient ice ages are very likely submarine, or underwater debris flows — a process

that is consistent obviously with a global Flood.

You can check tillites off of the list of geologic features that can't be, supposedly,

explained by a global flood.

Well, what about chalk beds? Chalk beds found all around the world.

Most people would have heard of, or seen (whether in person or in photographs), for example the famous White

Cliffs of Dover in southern England.

The same beds of chalk are also found along the coast of France on the other side of the

English Channel.

The chalk beds extend inland from England and northern France, being found as far north

and west as the Antrim Coast and adjoining areas of Northern Ireland.

Extensive chalk beds are also found in North America, through Alabama, Mississippi and

Tennessee (the Selma Chalk), in Nebraska and adjoining states (the Niobrara Chalk), and

in Kansas (the Fort Hayes Chalk). There's three different chalk layers in the US.

So the Latin word for chalk is creta.

Those familiar with the geological column and its evolutionary time-scale will recognize

this as the name for one of its periods—the Cretaceous.

Because most geologists believe in the geological evolution of the earth's strata and features

over millions of years, they have linked all these scattered chalk beds across the world

into this so-called 'chalk age', that is, a supposedly greater period of millions

of years of chalk bed formation.

So What Is Chalk? What are we talking about here?

Well it's a porous, relatively soft and fine-textured substance.

Its normally white or nearly white and consists almost wholly of calcium carbonate.

It is thus a type of limestone, and a very pure one at that.

Now under the microscope, chalk consists of the tiny shells of countless billions of microorganisms

composed of clear calcite set in a structureless matrix of fine-grained calcium carbonate.

Foraminifera and coccolithophores being two of the main microorganisms in chalk.

This is the point where critics, and not only those in the evolutionist camp, but just long-agers in general, have said

that it is just not possible to explain the formation of these chalk beds in the White Cliffs

of Dover via the geological action of the Flood.

And we'll discuss this in detail when we get back…

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On this week's episode we are talking about, 'Can certain geologic features be explained

by a global flood?'

And the feature we were discussing were the massive chalk beds evolutionists point to

in order to try to discredit the idea of a global flood.

Most geologists believe that 'the present is the key to the past'.

If chalk is made up of accumulated microorganisms, then they logically look to see where such

microorganisms live today, and how and where their remains accumulate.

Now, the deep-sea sediments on the ocean floor today have an average thickness of about 450 metres,

and it is on the deep ocean floor that the purest calcium carbonate-rich 'ooze', as it's called, has accumulated.

There are a variety of different sediments that blanket the deeper ocean floor.

Amongst these are what are known as oozes, so-called because more than 30% of the sediment

consists of the shells of microorganisms.

Indeed, about half of the deep ocean floor is covered by light-coloured calcareous, calcium

carbonate-rich ooze generally down to depths of 4,500–5,000 metres.

Geologists believe that these oozes form as a result of these microorganisms dying, with

the calcium carbonate shells falling slowly down to accumulate on the ocean floor.

This slow accumulation is how most geologists believe that these chalk beds originally formed.

Now the chalk beds of southern England are estimated to be around 405 metres thick and

are said to span the complete duration of the so-called Late Cretaceous geological period,

estimated by evolutionists to account for between 30 and 35 million years of evolutionary time.

Right. So a simple calculation reveals that the average rate of chalk accumulation therefore, over

this time period, is 1.16 and 1.35cm per l,000 years, which is right at the lower

end of today's observed accumulation rates.

Right, so evolutionary geologists feel vindicated, and the critics insist that there

is just too much chalk to have been originally deposited as calcareous ooze by the Flood.

Well, you can see what's going on here, can't you?

Bible skeptics abandon the idea of a global Flood, then they apply uniformitarian ideas

to what we observe and say that the explanation disproves the Flood, which is the very thing

you discarded out of hand in the first place.

What happens when you start with the idea that the Flood actually DID happen?

Well, two creationists have done just that and have done much to provide a Bible based

response to these objections against Flood geology.

Geologists Dr Ariel Roth of the Geoscience Research Institute (in Loma Linda, California)

and John Woodmorappe.

First of all, reproduction rates of these microorganisms could have easily been vastly

higher than today.

Yes, Roth argues that, 1) if a high concentration of foraminifera of 100 per litre of ocean

water were assumed, 2) a doubling time of 3.65 days, and 3) an average of 10,000 foraminifera

per gram of carbonate, then just the top 200 metres of the ocean would produce 20 grams

of calcium carbonate per square centimetre per year, or at an average sediment density

of 2 grams per cubic centimetre, which is a deposition rate of 100 metres in 1,000 years.

Yes, and that's not all.

Coccolithophores on the other hand reproduce faster than foraminifera and are amongst the

fastest growing planktonic algae, sometimes multiplying at the rate of 2.25 divisions

per day.

Roth suggests that his rates show it's possible to produce an average 100 metre thickness

of coccoliths as calcareous ooze on the ocean floor in less than 200 years!

So these carbonate-secreting organisms at optimum production rates could produce all

the calcareous ooze on the ocean floor today in the last 2000 years easily.

However, that doesn't tackle the biggest problem.

As helpful as these calculations are, they overlook one major relevant issue — these

chalk beds were deposited during the Flood so the shells that are now in the chalk beds

would have to have been produced during the Flood itself, not in the 1,600–1,700 years

of the pre-Flood era.

Why? And how can we explain it?

Well, we'll be back shortly. Stay with us…

How would our view of dinosaurs change if scientists found carbon 14 in their bones?

Well, a group of geophysicists claimed to have discovered exactly that—carbon 14 in

dinosaur bones!

This is indeed a shocking proposal for those who believe that the last dinosaurs died out

65 million years ago, because carbon 14 decays so fast that it could not possibly survive

that long.

There should not be one atom of carbon 14 present in dinosaur bones, if they really

are as old as is usually claimed.

After going to great lengths to rule out contamination, the researchers concluded that they had indeed

found carbon 14 in dinosaur bone.

These results seriously undermine the evolutionary story of long ages of earth history.

However, they fit nicely with Biblical history, whereby dinosaurs lived only thousands of

years ago, with their fossils forming from animals buried during Noah's Flood.

To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website

Our subject this week is 'Can certain geologic features be explained by a global flood?'

And we're still discussing the massive chalk beds evolutionists point to in order to discredit

this idea that there was a global flood.

Yes, we're saying that during the Flood the shells that are now in the chalk beds

would have to have been produced during the Flood itself.

Why, and how can we explain that?

Well the majority of Creationist geologists regard these Upper Cretaceous chalks as having

been deposited very late in the Flood.

That being the case, the shells in the chalk beds would have to have been produced during

the Flood itself, not in the years of the pre-Flood era because then these chalk beds

should have been deposited sooner rather than later during the Flood event.

Now scientists recognize that even today shell accumulation is not steady but highly episodic,

and under the right conditions significant increases in the concentrations of these marine

organisms can occur, just like plankton 'blooms' and red tides for example.

There are intense blooms of coccoliths that cause 'white water' situations in

the waters near Jamaica where microorganism numbers sometimes have been reported increasing from

100,000 per litre to 10 million per litre of ocean water.

Now the reasons for these blooms are poorly understood, but suggestions include turbulence

of the sea, wind, decaying fish, nutrients from freshwater inflow and upwelling, and temperature.

Without a doubt, all of these stated conditions would have been generated during the catastrophic

global upheaval during the Flood, and thus rapid production of carbonate skeletons would be

possible obviously.

Quite clearly, under cataclysmic Flood conditions, including torrential rain, sea turbulence,

decaying fish, and other organic matter, and violent volcanic eruptions associated

with the 'fountains of the deep' breaking up, explosive blooms on a large and maybe repetitive scale in

the oceans are very realistically conceivable.

So the production of the necessary quantities of calcareous ooze to produce the chalk beds

in the geological record in a short space of time at the close of the Flood is also

realistically conceivable.

Yes. Violent volcanic eruptions would have produced copious quantities of dust and steam and could

have reduced ultraviolet radiation levels from the sun.

However, in the closing stages of the Flood the clearing and settling of this debris would

have allowed increasing levels of sunlight to penetrate to the oceans.

And ocean temperatures would have been higher at the close of the Flood because of

the heat released from volcanic and magmatic activity, etc., and would have also been conducive

to these explosive blooms, more temperature.

In addition, the same volcanic activity would have potentially released copious quantities

of nutrients into the ocean waters, as well as lots of CO2, so those are necessary for

the production of the calcium carbonate by these little microorganisms.

Yes. Situations have been known where pollution in coastal areas has contributed to the explosive

multiplication of microorganisms in the ocean waters to peak at concentrations of more than

10 billion per litre. Can you swim in that? I don't know, you can float in it!

So adapting some of Woodmorappe's calculations, if the 10% of the earth's surface that now

contains chalk beds was covered in water, near the end of the Flood rather,

and if that water explosively bloomed with up to 10 to the 13th microorganisms per cubic

metre of water down to a depth of say less than 500 metres from the surface, then it would

have only taken two or three such blooms to produce the required quantity of microorganisms

to be fossilized in the chalk beds that we see today.

And this just isn't some kind of defensive argument we're proposing here. That all of these conditions might

have happened just to try and justify the Biblical timescale.

The facts we observe today demand rapid formation of these chalk beds, not 'millions of years' explanations.

That's right!

The purity of these thick chalk beds worldwide testifies to their catastrophic deposition

because, over millions of years, if we go with that scenario, lots of other sediments would have been mixed in with the chalk.

It strains believability to expect that massive contamination events depositing other types

of sediments wouldn't have occurred.

That's right!

The only additional material in the chalk that we see is fossils of macroscopic organisms such as

ammonites and other molluscs, whose fossilisation also requires rapid burial because of their size so this fits again with flood deposition.

So once again it turns out that the Biblical explanation of history makes better sense

than the evolutionary history.

And we'll be back with a little bit more in just a minute… is world's most powerful internet resource for finding answers to questions

about the origins debate.

It includes an online store where you can browse through hundreds of the world's leading

creationist books, DVDs and related materials.

Scientists and researchers from around the world have contributed more than 8000

articles, many of which appeared in leading creationist publications like Creation magazine

and the Journal of Creation, over more than 30 years.

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Welcome back. That's been kind of a fun episode to do looking at tillites and chalk beds and showing how the Bible makes a lot better explanation but we want to

switch gears a little bit . This is the 'In the News' section where we take a look at something having to do with the creation/evolution debate in the popular news.

there's always something. Well here's one.

Let me read a bit of this report titled "Armor Up!

Water Fleas Grow Helmets and Spines for Battle". So it says, "Water fleas prepare for battle

by growing armor that's customized to specific enemies, new research finds.

Tiny Daphnia species develop impressive protective structures as they mature, including pointy

tail spines and tough helmets.

Now, researcher Linda Weiss of Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany and her colleagues have

found the neurotransmitters that help water fleas customize their bodies in response to

the chemical cues in their watery environments.

'Dopamine, in particular, appears to code neuronal signals into the endocrine [which are hormone signals]

signals,' Weiss said in a statement.

Daphnia is a genus comprising many species of the tiny crustaceans known as water fleas.

Most are less than 0.2 inches (5 millimeters) long, and look much like translucent versions

of the land-based fleas that give them their nickname.

When juvenile Daphnia molt and develop a mature exoskeleton, they mold their bodies based

on the chemicals they encounter in the water.

The water fleas use appendages called antennules to detect scents and chemicals left by predators

(fish, for example, or the upside-down swimming insects called backswimmers).

They then develop armor defenses in response to the threats they expect to face.

'These defenses are speculated to act like an anti-lock key system, which means that

they somehow interfere with the predator's feeding apparatus,' Weiss said.

'Many freshwater fish can only eat small prey.

So, for example, Daphnia lumholtzi grows head and tail spines to make eating them more difficult'."

Wow. So, here is another example of incredible design, and we've done shows on this type of thing

before showing abilities like this are extremely difficult to explain within an evolutionary paradigm. Design features.

Yes, we've done shows about amazing animals like season 4 episode 10 and

shows like 'When exactly were bad things created?', remember that episode? Where we talked about very similar

things like the grasshopper to locust transformation where they have the exact same DNA,

identical DNA, but because of the epigenetic code they can actually transform from a locust to a grasshopper, back and forth. We mentioned the 'Jeckyl

and Hyde' transformation it's almost like that. And what we emphasize is that sure, creatures are changing all the time, but that's

not evolution. That's one of the key understandings that we need to get across.

Yes things change, but when you see incredible design features like this in little water fleas ability to select

different defense abilities the question is how is such change possible?

Creation just makes so much more sense. Right because all of that information has to be packed into that little water flea and then its got these abilities

to just scan the environment and then oh, I'm well going to need this defense and then I'm going to need this in this environment but another water flea in a different

environment might... So it's got programmed instincts based on the environment to do certain things that are just incredible.

Right so explain that in an evolutionary way that's extremely, extremely difficult to do.

We do that all the time in articles in Creation magazine. The magazine goes out to over 100 countries, it's been going for nearly forty years now.

You can see a free copy, a digital copy, you can view a free copy at and if you like it you can subscribe.

Next week on Creation Magazine LIVE: Cloning and stem cell research - right or wrong? See you next week...

For more infomation >> Can certain geological structures be explained by a global Flood? (Creation Magazine LIVE! 6-20) - Duration: 28:30.


There is No Game here, you can all go home - Let's play There is No Game - Goats fix glitches - Duration: 9:37.

hello user oh I have bad news oh what's that

actually there's no game okay there's no game okay we can all just go home bye so

much disappointed you can still watch TV go outside I don't want to read a book

that's for refund well this game is free this is not gay that's right I'm sorry

nothing to do with the game it's just a massive package of boredom okay

there's nothing to do in here absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to do in here

okay welcome there is no game thank you if there is no game I guess we can all

leave goodbye no oh and please do not touch the title is not quite dry yet

oh okay you haven't finished painting it okay oh oh what have you done you've

broken the title inside there put the ladder back okay come on bring it won't

stick nevermind assesses next time someone we

lost the game didn't on game ok no game here no game Oh seriously are you going

to break everything yes of course I'm definitely gonna break everything you

were the point of living that was ok then as you love to click everywhere

what do you think about that so got it stop it now but but what if I don't

wanna I think we're good now you're taller than you core Superman for that

one just in case a few Krypton I know

Superman does not exist but as we're in again no we're not hmm you sir you you

you have issues you're thinking about how to live the big box on you I hope

you know I don't feel like cleaning the place oh is it okay to tell no mistake

that's an M okay wait one sec is it there we go there is a tree this is a

small tree yes it is okay let's make a goat there we go

huh there's a goat now I don't think we can really do too much with a goat yet

at least so we'll keep that there for now but we can't do those we can make


all right um oh no this that's forbidden you play doin come I don't want them to

come and kill me you know stop between two breaks I think you're

over-exaggerating here a little bit sir calm down okay I just want to play and

lift him into the game it's fun Oh No everywhere I told you to stop you must

find a way to get rid of them this is a disaster I would implement well sell a

bug aggression I see three possible fing gorgeous armed hero girls desire America

all of zombies and go to the forest or goat I knows I tried to find one of

these three things well I I already found the goat

oh come on okay can I can I just not hit hit that last thing what I hit that last

thing would you yeah I did it oh my god true fee - okay well that must be

important somehow okay so I goat sexy girls a goat a goat obviously it

cages not yes so sorry unlock it Oh the key okay so we need it turn up

give me give that flying squirrel took it you must get it back find a ladder or

something to go up Sam you can climb that oh it's me uh oh I love this and

then we put it on the yes here we go

okay now let's just keep making the trees bigger

I was at it okay cool there we go well screw it you need to give me this oh

wait that's that's too heavy to bring with me okay fine

what's this there we go ah haha here eat that wait never mind come here take it

there you go I need to break it first darn it okay fine one sec there we go

now we take it up to him Thank You squirrel I appreciate ya

second hole pretty good to transform that glitch program okay to commercial

hit okay little save the wall let's save the go to save the world

hello goats I was just like the cake the cake was alive

I'm I'm you see here only live oh yay I was wrong it was a bad idea what was bad

at everything disappeared except me oh I'm so sorry that's okay I put you in

bed you it's all my fault yes it is please will you forgive me oh

yeah what do good news maybe we can be friends I would love that no that's not

a good idea why we wouldn't get bored quickly

together no see you can keep making more of these non-game as I said there is no


well geez you don't need to yell about it like calm down I just saved your life

sir I think maybe I don't know well that was an interesting um it is it's not a

game so what do I call it instead her experience maybe he was an interesting

guy that's for sure although we never got to actually see what he looks like

so mm-hmm I can't do nothing else with this right

now so okay well that that was that was interesting I've known about this game

for a little while let me know what you guys thought of this game in the

comments down below and um we will hope and pray that there

is no glitches that are gonna come and ruin this video because the unfortunate

thing with that is there will be no goats for me to change it or fix it or

whatever so yeah that's hope that doesn't happen anyway thanks for

watching so I'll see you in the next video

have a wonderful day and Godbless


For more infomation >> There is No Game here, you can all go home - Let's play There is No Game - Goats fix glitches - Duration: 9:37.


Can a feral miniature mule change his ways? - Duration: 3:54.

- Hi, it's Maribeth Decker with

where people and pets heal and connect.

I'm an intuitive animal communicator,

and I wanted to tell you the story

about my work with Hiccup, the miniature mule.

My friend Mary, who's on the Board of Directors

of Little Longears Miniature Donkey Rescue

in Maryland, contacted me about Hiccup,

probably about a year and a half ago.

He had come into the Rescue, and he would not let them

do the treatment for his bronchial infection,

and he would not let 'em do the treatment

for his hooves, either.

You know I thought about it, and it was like,

why didn't they just do it?

But the truth is, if you're gonna,

just as maybe with children,

or even adults who have been abused

or in a tough situation,

you don't build a relationship of love and trust

by physically forcing them to do something

they don't wanna do, right?

It holds true with animals as well as for people.

So they were willing to take the long route

and just naturally let him learn that they were good people.

I wanted to help 'em speed up the process so he felt better.

So I connected with Hiccup, and I found out

from his experience all people were bad.

All of 'em, all of us, we're all bad.

So the first thing I did was,

actually taught him discernment, which is the ability

to be wisely making choices,

and what I wanted him to do was discern

between bad people and good people.

So first you gotta tell him,

show him that there are good people in the world,

and I let him see my heart,

and I let him also just get a feel for the people

who are taking care of him, 'cause they are good people.

I connected his heart, his intution which is up here,

the third eye, to start feeling into people,

and seeing if he can tell who's good and who's bad.

And he got it, and somewhere along the way

in our interactions, he allowed them to treat him,

and it was more than one treatment,

probably by this time it was pretty bad infection.

I helped him feel what it might feel like

to stop coughing and wheezing and just breathe freely.

So we took care of his bronchial infection,

and they had to sedate him, but he let 'em do that,

and they took care of his hooves.

I'm so happy about that, you know.

We really helped a guy learn to enjoy life again.

I just saw him over the weekend,

and I heard reports from his people,

that he is enjoying life, he's coming into the barn,

and hanging out with the other, well he's a mule,

but donkeys, and horses, and he's really enjoying himself

and he's trusting some of the people,

and he has a big horse, Smoke, that he adores,

and so the guy, still limited in who he trusts,

but he does trust the people

and the animals he's living with.

That's great, right?

I was so glad to be part of that situation

in the small way that I could to help

maybe speed up the process that was gonna happen anyway.

So you know, more stories, I'd love you just to hear 'em.

Go to my website

There's a blog section with stories about animals

that I've worked with, and I'm glad you listened to this.

For more infomation >> Can a feral miniature mule change his ways? - Duration: 3:54.


What can you do with Office 365 Groups in Outlook? - Duration: 16:20.

For more infomation >> What can you do with Office 365 Groups in Outlook? - Duration: 16:20.


DOLE WHIP CHALLENGE: Can You Top This Recipe? - Duration: 3:11.

Hey everybody it's Julia and Ben from Konkin Can Do.

If you saw our previous video on Dole Whip, you know that we have scoured the internet

just to find a recipe that comes close to the Disneyland Dole Whip.


We came across some pretty good ones, but nothing really was even close.

If you've ever had it, you know it.

It is tart, it is sweet, it is delicious.

It is magical.

After we tried all the recipes, we went to the lab.

I say, this laboratory of yours is a wonder of engineering.

And came up with our own recipe which is definitely closer in our humble opinion to the real deal.

The first ingredient, and the most important,

is the frozen pineapple.

Second ingredient we're using it powdered sugar or icing sugar and last is canned coconut


We're using light coconut milk, but thats totally up to you.

Alright Ben, let's whip it up.

It's pretty darn good and it doesn't have dairy in it just like the stuff at the parks.

So, that is the closest we could get to the real Disney Dole Whip.

It's definitely not the same as Disneyland.

You can't replicate the magic like Disneyland.

Or can you?

We challenge you.

Challenge accepted.

So feel free to try it out and if you find something that's better, hit us up.

Leave it below.

hit us up.

Please do cause we will try it and we will probably make a video and we will critique

you for everyone to see.

Check out our other video on trying the other types of Dole Whips, try this, see that it

is better cause it is way better, and let us know what you think.


Thank you guys so much for watching, this was Konkin Can Do.

Subscribe, like, comment, do all of that stuff or nothing, whatever, yeah, nothing.

Is that you doing nothing?

Yeah, I'm twiddling my thumbs.

I'm going to eat some more of our Dole Whip.

Okay, yeah it's getting melty now we've been filming for too long.

If we were in Disneyland we would have it all down our hand and arm.

That looked really creepy.

I won't do that again.

You know what it's like, sticky on the hands.


Anyways, Konkin Can Do out.

Later, bye.

For more infomation >> DOLE WHIP CHALLENGE: Can You Top This Recipe? - Duration: 3:11.


Your choice in exercise can lead to healthier eating - Duration: 1:48.

We've just come out with new research here at UWA that shows the psychological

factors relating to exercise can influence the way we behave afterwards

and specifically it can influence what we what we eat afterwards and the type

of foods that we consume in the hours that follow. The way you go about

exercise more specifically will influence how you react to different

foods after exercise so what we show that specifically limiting choice in an

exercise session actually resulted in more unhealthy food choices after

exercise and more food was consumed overall after exercise after limiting

that choice. So we asked 58 moderately trained

healthy men and women essentially average Joe they came into our study and

they were either randomized to a condition whereby they had choices about

their exercise session or they were specifically told that someone else had

choice about what they would be doing but they themselves had to exercise in a

specific way. Now after that we gave them a buffet style breakfast meal and they

didn't actually know that we were measuring their food intake but

everything that they ate we measured and we actually saw these differences

between the two groups so specifically we found that those who had limited

choice and their exercise consumed almost double the amount of unhealthy

food than their counterparts that had choice and therefore more food overall

which has implications for overall weight gain and maintenance so I guess

the message from here is simple. Have choice in what you do in exercise you

don't have to be told what to do make it your own and make it personal and from

there you'll be less likely to seek rewards after exercise in terms of food

if you enjoy it you'll be less likely to seek those rewards after.

For more infomation >> Your choice in exercise can lead to healthier eating - Duration: 1:48.


Can AI Predict the Future? - Duration: 7:13.

hello ladies gentlemen and persons in between my name is Tim Snowborn and

today we're going to consult the Oracle of artificial intelligence to see into

the future on this episode of serious issues so I've talked before about the

insane amount of data that is generated every minute of every day on the

internet and the tools for analyzing that data and finding trends and

patterns and associations among the data and perhaps the craziest use of those

tools that I think we're going to see in the not-too-distant future is the

ability of artificial intelligence to predict the future this is called

predictive analytics this is already happening in relatively small scales in

different fields AI can't predict the future with perfect accuracy I doubt

that it ever will but it can already predict the future with a high degree of

accuracy in certain fields and I think that as computers become more powerful

and the tools for collecting and analyzing data become more and more

sophisticated AI will be able to predict the future with greater and greater

accuracy in the decades to come which has all kinds of crazy implications so

here are five fields in which I think predictive analytics is going to have a

huge impact in the future number one sports scores you've seen Back to the

Future 2 you remember the Almanac imagine how the world would change if

everyone had access to that sports Almanac I hate to be the bearer of bad

tidings for all your fantasy football players out there but who's gonna want

to play when everyone knows who's gonna win and what the scores likely to be the

bookies who take bets on sporting events will go out of business because people

will be able to know which teams are gonna win and which team's gonna lose

and what the scores are gonna be ticket sales for live games will go down

because who's gonna want to attend them if they know that their team is going to

lose number two health issues we can already sequence everyone's genome and

predict how likely they are to develop one disease or another in the next

decade or two AI will be able to predict with a pretty high degree of accuracy

whether or not you're going to develop a certain condition by a certain date or

at a certain age it'll be just it'll just be easier and easier to predict if

and when you are likely to develop a certain disease and that will

revolutionize health care and insurance assuming we still have private insurance

in America by this time your insurance agency will know pretty far in advance

whether you're going to develop a certain disease if they were benevolent

they would prepare for that and try to treat you in advance to prevent it but

being the carnivore capitalists we all know they are they'll probably just drop

you from your insurance plan before you get sick knowing which health problems

you're likely to develop will obviously help you prepare for those problems in

advance this along with other advances in medical technology will likely result

in longer lifespans although if we don't figure out how to reverse or at least

slow the aging process it could mean that you're just gonna end up an ever

more grotesque pile of wrinkles in fact AI may even be able to predict when and

how you die barring any ironically unforeseen accidents number three

natural disasters now obviously the weather is subject to the butterfly

effect which is part of the reason that I think that AI will never be 100%

accurate at predicting the future but I think that AI will make predicting the

weather much more accurate than in the future again back to the future to

remember when it was raining and Marty didn't want to get out of the car and

Doc Brown said hang on a minute and then it stopped raining a minute later well

this is going to extend into natural disasters even earthquakes I've seen

headlines saying that they're working on helping AI to predict earthquakes in the

future but certainly AI will be able to predict hurricanes much much sooner and

be able to predict the path of the hurricanes much much sooner and people

will be able to evacuate much much sooner the AI will probably even be able

to estimate the damage caused I guess we can already predict tsunamis pretty well

I mean AI might be able to sharpen that but we've kind of got that covered

number four the stock market again like the weather the stock market is very

much subject to the butterfly effect there's almost an infinitude of

variables that have to be factored in to know how the economy is going to go one

way or the other but I still think that a powerful enough a I is up to the task

and that's going to have implications for the stock market knowing the future

is going to be able to allow stock traders to know which stocks to sell in

which to buy and this will eventually filter down to you and me eventually we

will have access to some kind of software that's going to be able to tell

us the rise and fall of the stock market and we will know which stocks to sell in

which to buy I don't know if this is gonna be a good thing for the stock

market or a bad thing for the stock market but I really think this is going

to happen in the next decade or two number five the last area that I think

predictive analytics is going to have a big impact is in elections analytics is

already being used to predict election and predict which bills are going to

make it through Congress but I think that in the future again as computers

get more powerful and the tools for collecting and analyzing data get more

and more sophisticated we're going to be able to predict

elections and legislation without greater and greater degree of accuracy

analytics is already being used to predict voter turnout and voter behavior

and help campaigns figure out when where and how to reach a given voting block

with a certain candidates message now if a I can predict who's going to win an

election and how legislation will move through Congress that's going to go a

long way toward predicting the stock market because it's going to know which

legislations gonna pass and how that legislation is going to affect the stock

market this leads me to an unofficial sixth thing that I think impacts all the

other areas that I mentioned so far one of the many factors that AI is going to

have to consider when it tries to predict the future is the impact of its

previous predictions on the world it's going to have to think to itself okay I

predict that this is what's going to happen this is what the humans are going

to do in response this is how it's going to change that prediction and here's the

new prediction and around and around we go eventually it'll reach a kind of

psychic singularity an unavoidable cycle of influence in which new predictions

are made based on the old ones and who knows what it's going to do then maybe

it'll be like that story the evitable conflict if any of you ever read the

Asimov series I Robot the actual books not that movie where there were those

four supercomputers basically ran the world and told us how to optimize our

resources so that everyone would have a high standard of living so tell me what

you think do you think that AI can or will be able to predict the future what

kind of impact do you think that's going to have on the world in the coming

decades I appreciate you joining me for this conversation I look forward to

reading your thoughts in the comments below if you like this video thank you

in advance for subscribing please check out my other videos for previous

conversations and please join me for future ones my name is Tim snow born and

we'll talk more next time

For more infomation >> Can AI Predict the Future? - Duration: 7:13.


Youngstown fire shows family how fleeting life can be - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Youngstown fire shows family how fleeting life can be - Duration: 2:04.


170927 [ENG] BTS_Official Weibo ~Can't let go Chinese Convo Ep.9 Welcome to BTS shopping channel - Duration: 0:25.

SG: Hello~ Welcome to BTS Home Shopping Channel.

Jin: We're gonna recommend you some awesome items of 2017.

SG: Bangtan's New Album "Love Yourself SIN 'HER' " is the item.

J: Oredr it from home.

SG: It's an essential to have.

J: It has great collection value.

SG: You must have something like this.

J: This is really worth it.

SG: If you don't have, it's a loss.

J: If you want it. SG: better get it quickly.

For more infomation >> 170927 [ENG] BTS_Official Weibo ~Can't let go Chinese Convo Ep.9 Welcome to BTS shopping channel - Duration: 0:25.


How You Can Avoid Procrastination? - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> How You Can Avoid Procrastination? - Duration: 8:18.


Larry David Can Tell Fans Are Disappointed When They Meet Him - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Larry David Can Tell Fans Are Disappointed When They Meet Him - Duration: 3:47.


The Voice 2017 Blind Audition - Keisha Renee: "I Can't Stop Loving You" - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2017 Blind Audition - Keisha Renee: "I Can't Stop Loving You" - Duration: 5:47.


"This Is Us" Sound Guy Can't Stop Crying (ft. This Is Us Cast) - Duration: 5:06.


Really think you need to talk about this you can't keep it all locked inside anymore

But it's my call Randall. Okay, you have to stop blaming yourself I

Can't I'm the reason that dad died and we all know it, and it's not something you can forget work it over. Oh

Hi guys, what's that noise?

Okay you guys good. Yeah from the top guys good. This is us scene 8 take 2

Action I really think you need to talk about this you can't keep it all locked inside anymore

But it's my fault Randall

Okay, you've got to stop blaming yourself

I'm not taking anything up at all so I think we're totally good

I think we're good and we're all good and you're cool all right. Hey, man

I know that this is an emotional scene whatnot but I really need you to pull it together

Okay, you guard up guys you heard it. Let's get professional in here

Okay, you can do this show me you can do it showed a you can do it

Okay, oh

Are you good now, yeah

Sterling Chrissy, you're so sorry you guys are crushing it Hakuna, Matata. Thank you. Let's make this one count, okay?

scene eight take

three action I

Really need to talk about this


I'm so sorry, but do you think that we can get this under control? Yeah?

Yeah, I'm picking up some toys here now. It kind of sounds like someone's crying

You are much like you're literally crying right now

Is this real I love your cry on the set oh my god

You cry for once. This is like now become okay. Oh oh

How was it diva? Oh? This one's gonna be in the papers? I'm sorry hey. No. You're the reason hey. Hey, dude

Chrissy Chrissy, I'm sorry amen damn. You don't need a break. I don't need the break

She she needs a break everyone here needs a break places everyone

We're taking it from the top saying that I do that c8 stop it. I do that Dale

Sorry you want to do it. I don't know I do. I don't want you to do

I want you to hold the boom and stop crying. It wasn't me. It was you it's clearly you

Chrissy I'm sorry can you apologize please?

Wow okay, I'm not a diva we got this

I'm the reason that dad died and we all know it. No don't you do that to yourself

Take 15 I really think you need to talk about you can't keep it on

Take 21

Know what it is just go okay?

Taylor you neva met I just swallowed it everything's okay, that's Dustin continued guys oh

I think we're good. No. We're not you've been ruining the shoot all day, okay

I've lost control over the whole set so no Dale. We're not good. I'm not good. I'm not

There's no shame in it. Okay look we all crying. This is who we are this

Not this again every time I'm just so

For more infomation >> "This Is Us" Sound Guy Can't Stop Crying (ft. This Is Us Cast) - Duration: 5:06.





As most of you know, Edward Snowden is the former intelligence contractor who leaked

the NSA�s mass surveillance program and discovered some of the most solid evidence

for the existence of clandestine black budget operations.

But did we really need the leak in order to believe this?

Prior to his leaks, the issue was still considered a conspiracy theory by many, despite the fact

that there was still good evidence for these programs prior to Snowden�s revelations.

The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years.

The NSA (National Security Agency) was founded in 1952, but its existence was hidden until

the mid 1960s.

Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained

completely secret for 30 years.

Today, there are still a number of issues that hold the stigma of �conspiracy theory,�

despite the fact that we have some very credible sources that have revealed some intriguing

facts, and one of these issues falls into the realm of parapsychology, the study of

phenomena ranging from mental telepathy, clairvoyance, to psychokinesis, remote viewing, and much


Just imagine how useful those things would be to �spy� on people?

No doubt a great asset to the surveillance state if they are indeed real, which in my

opinion, a lot of evidence suggests they are.

A classic example comes from the U.S. government�s �Stargate� program, which lasted more

than 20 years.

The program was actually declassified about a decade ago and the results were published

in the journal Scientific Exploration.

The program studied various uses for parapsychology and extended human capacities, like telepathy,

but was terminated despite the fact that it was very successful with little to know explanation.

The program was run by intelligence agencies, like the CIA and NSA, in conjunction with

the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).

So, as you can see, this is not strange territory for intelligence agencies.

In fact, in 1976, before this program commenced, a presentation was given at the Institute

of Electrical & Electronics (IEEE) on a paper published by the institute on behalf of Doctors

Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, two of the main scientists involved with project Stargate.

(See related article �Cancelled TED talk: Physicist contracted by CIA shares everything

he knows about ESP�).

Even in 1975, the funding clients had agreed that this subtle perception channel existed

in both experienced and inexperienced individuals.

(Source, a lecture from Ingo Swann, one of 500 highly skilled participants within the


The paper was titled �A Perceptual Channel For Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances:

Historical Perspectives and Recent Research.� It presented scientific evidence for the existence

of a perceptual capacity channel whereby certain individuals are able to perceive and describe

remote data not perceivable to any known sense.

A CIA document titled �Chronology of Recent Interest in Exceptional Functions of The Human

Body in the People�s Republic of China� is also another great example of their interest.

In the document, it outlines the Chinese government�s interest in parapsychology (remote viewing,

telepathy, psychokinesis, etc.).

Here is another one titled �Research into Paranormal Ability To Break Through Spatial

Barriers� that touches upon the same thing.

This is elaborated on later in the article.

This particular document, which was declassified through a Freedom of Information Act request

(FOIA), outlines specific people with very special abilities and how they�ve been studied

by thousands of scientists and governments around the world for a very long time.

The document is on the CIA website, but only seems to be accessible from the Internet Archives,

a San Francisco�based nonprofit digital library with the stated mission of �universal

access to all knowledge.�

These facts were also outlined in a declassified U.S. Air Force report on teleportation, which

was made available through the Federation of American Scientists.

So, Where Does Snowden Come In?

On October 31st 2016, Edward Snowden retweeted a tweet from NYT Minus Context that said,

�Remember that people don�t have access to your secret thoughts and feelings.� His

tweet was a response to massive global surveillance, and the fact that nobody really has any privacy


NWY Minus Context was trying to remind people that not everything can be under the watchful

eye of the NSA.

The thing that�s confusing is the fact that along with Snowden�s retweet, he responded

with, �Well, most people.� See below:


Now, Snowden could have simply been implying that the NSA is capable of collecting so much

data on so many people that they can determine your thoughts, your next move, how you think,

and what you feel.

They probably have systems and algorithms in place to make predictions about this based

on your online activity and more.

On the other hand, he could have also been implying that yes, these people do actually

have the ability to, if need be, read your mind.

When I saw this tweet, I was taken back to a lecture given by Ingo Swann, one of the

multiple main participants within the CIA�s Stargate program.

Swann was able to successfully describe and view a ring around Jupiter before scientists

had any idea that it existed.

This took place before the first ever flyby of Jupiter by NASA�s Pioneer 10 spacecraft,

which confirmed that the ring did actually exist.

The results were also published and declassified in advance of the ring�s discovery (source).

In the lecture, Swann describes some of the remote viewing exercises that went on during

the program, and, along with remote viewing (the ability of individuals to describe a

remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometres away from their

physical location) came the concepts of precognition and the ability to perceive what another individual

at a remote location, is thinking.

He stated that, when those concepts came into play, the �men in suits� came in and shut

the program down.

These concepts would indeed be the biggest threats to government secrecy that the world

has ever known.

Paul Smith, a Ph.D. in philosophy and an Army Special Forces intelligence officer who was

also part of the program additionally details specific examples of precognition within the

remote viewing program, and that it worked multiple times.

He does so in his book, The Essential Guide To Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Perception

Skill Anyone Can Learn.

Interesting to think about, and interesting to ponder if Snowden is at all aware of these


The intelligence community is so compartmentalized that he most likely doesn�t have much information

on anything except for what he was working on.

What do you think?



What Countries Can't You Visit? - Duration: 4:33.

There is nothing better than heading out on a holiday, a vacation, a period of your life

dedicated to exploration, some, like me, even decide to leave their home countries altogether

and move to a different place…after all the world is our oyster….well…some of

it anyway.

It turns out that there are some places that are not so welcoming to outsiders.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

we're asking What Countries can't you visit?

Freedom of movement is a human right and in theory you CAN visit any country you want

given enough funds and will power, but that doesn't mean you should, nor does it mean

you are likely to get out unscathed.

There are some countries that, for westerners at least, are better left alone.

Let's start with our mate North Korea.

China runs flights into North Korea three times a week and up until recently, before

good old Kim made it pretty clear he hates all other nationalities save his own, North

Korea did have a small tourism industry.

These days most foreign embassies have closed down in Pyongyang, although if you are German

or British, our countries still have an embassy there so it would be much safer for us.

That being said, North Korea is an extremely volatile place right now.

Even before Kim Jong Un started testing high kiloton H bombs, tourists like Otto Warmbier

were harmed…now, as the country threatens war, I would not want to visit and become

a potential hostage.

North Korea is arguably safer than Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, all of which are pretty war

torn right now.

Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq continue to be unstable ISIS battlegrounds, with Syria being

amid a much publicised civil war in which their president, Bashar Al Assad, has been

accused of using chemical weapons on his own people.

What with all the air strikes, terror attacks, chemical attacks, they aren't great places

to be, and to be honest, there aren't really any direct travel routes to these places these

days…and crossing over boarders to enter these countries is pretty dangerous in itself.

Flights to Yemen are limited, and you will not be able to travel there directly from

the US, Europe, or Australia.

It's hard to get in and I am not sure you really want to.

Over two thirds of the country is in need of aid, with disease and famine spreading

like wildfire.

Terrorist Group Al Quaeda is also very present, as are Houthi rebels.

In theory if you were to go, you would be safest in the city of Sana, where the majority

of embassies are – although there is no Australian embassy.

There are a number of countries that, overall, have a pretty strong anti-western feeling.

That is not to say all citizens feel that way or that the entire country is unsafe,

but that most areas pose a high risk.

Most western countries strongly advise against travel to the Central African Republic, South

Sudan, Libya and Somalia.

These countries rank at the very bottom end of the global peace index for a number of

reasons, including widely different cultures that do not celebrate western values.

All of these countries have expressed intolerance to homosexuality and often solo women travellers

have been attacked.

On top of that, the governments in these countries are volatile, South Sudan has a curfew that

bans people going out in the dark…which doesn't particularly sound like a country

I am desperate to visit.

Other volatile countries scraping the bottom of the global peace index include the Ukraine,

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Russia and Colombia, however I myself have

been to a few of these places and they are fine so long as you know what you are doing.

There is no country in the world you cannot visit, but there are definitely dangerous

areas to be aware of.

Depending on your reason to visit, you may weigh up these dangers and decide to go anyway,

but it is always worth knowing what situation you are getting yourself into and make a sensible

plan as to how you may get out of any worse case scenario.

Some may decide the danger simply outweighs the pleasure of spending time there, which

is totally fair.

Finally though, it is worth being aware that, which you can visit any country, a country

you a travelling to beyond that destination may not like that you have been there.

For example if you travel to Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya,

Central African Republic, North Korea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, most

countries will heavily question you before they allow you back in.

So there we have it, I hope that answers the question of which countries you can't visit….have

you ever been to any of these places in this video?

Let me know in the comments section below!

If you liked this video then please do show me by giving it a thumbs up and turning on

notifications for this channel.

For now, I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll see you in the next video…be sure to stay curious

stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

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