All of us likely feel tired, unmotivated, and a little guilty from time to time, but
if these feelings persist for long periods of time, it becomes essential to make positive
changes in your life so as to avoid ongoing issues.
In the creativity book Thinkertoys, the advice is to contemplate the opposite of any given
problem in order to find a solution for said problem.
More specifically, by envisioning a solution to a problem, we are able to more easily realize
the first step that is required to set a lasting solution into motion.
For instance, if you've been wanting to start working out for thirty minutes each
day (but haven't been able to start), the solution to your problem likely involves push-ups.
Once you've realized and visualized this, it is easy to see that you can begin a long-term
solution to your problem simply by dropping to the floor and doing one push-up.
And once you've done one, there's a very good chance that you'll do a few more while
you're down there (why not?)—which could easily compel you to finish a whole workout
that same day or week, or soon after.
This exercise is great for your willpower, which is actually a limited resource; for
example, your willpower may not be strong enough take-on a whole workout up front, but
if you can will yourself to "just do one push-up," doing so may compel your body
and mind to support the idea of a complete workout after all.
This ideology involves forming positive habits, and according to Duke University, habits account
for approximately 45% of all of an individual's behaviour.
Changing your life with mini-habits.
Here's how you could get started: pick a habit or a problem that you'd like to change,
such as thinking positively, writing 500 words per day, or reading one novel per week, and
then break the problem down into manageable steps.
For example, you could start by thinking of one positive thought before getting out of
bed each morning, by writing 50 words each day, or by reading one chapter of a novel
each day.
As mentioned, just committing to these small, manageable tasks will give you the will to
achieve them, and sooner or later your body and mind will provide you with the extra energy
and willpower necessary to achieve much more.
Thinking along these lines, here follows a great top-10 daily mini-habits list that is
worth both your time and willpower:
Compliment at least one person
Think at least three positive thoughts
Meditate for at least one minute
Write down three things you're grateful for
Do a push-up
Write 100 words
Read one chapter of a book
Jog for one minute
Run for ten seconds
Drink three glasses of water
If this all sounds fairly simple, it's because it is!
But more importantly, it's efficient and effective, and most definitely worth trying.
By envisioning solutions and taking small steps to fulfill them, you really can transform
your life over time without adding extra stress and anxiety to it over the short-term.
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