Color Cars 3 Spiderman Lightning McQueen and Minions / Disney Car 3 Nursery Rhymes Cartoon for Kids
Wrong-way DUI driver hits car head-on, police say - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
NEW Honda FiT 2018 First Drive Review | Honda FiT BEST Economic Car - Duration: 3:34.Honda FiT 2018 First Drive Review
Hot Wheels Car Review | Nissan Fairlady 2000 Yellow - Duration: 6:32.Hi, Welcome back to channel AToyZ
now we will do hot wheels review
this is one in a many hot wheels that famous on 2017
Fardly... (yup my mistake)
Fairlady 2000
this is quite famous (at last on my place)
if i not mistake this Fairlady have two color... this yellow
and the rest if i not got mistake is green color
this is it.. let see the detail
..Fairlady 2000..
Welcome to channel AtoyZ
okay let see from the back
this is the part number
Fairlady 2000
and this is logo for Legends of Speed
this is the license...
this is the front
this is the part no
22/ 365
i still don't get it what is use for
this is datsun mark
and this logo mark
Legends of Speeds
Fairlady 2000
i always remember game of throne if mention mylady...
have Datsun and Hot wheels logo on the back
have black velg
and gold color..
and also have Yokohama logo on here
Fairlady 2000
this is the bottom
Fairlady 2000 from 2016
made in Malaysia
this is from the front
have red stripe from the hood until back
i think is enough..
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Trap Music 2017 ☢ Best Of Trap Music Mix ☢ Car Music Mix - Duration: 32:55.-------------------------------------------
Crossing The Mexican Border With a Foreign Car | EP 02 | OVERLAND WAY - Duration: 12:22.-------------------------------------------
General Car Seat Guide | Which Car Seat Do I Use Next? - Duration: 9:56.So we get a lot of questions about car seats, which one to use, and which one do I use next
and when?
So in this video we are going to show you a progression of car seats and when to switch
from one to the other.
Now the progression that I recommend to all parents is to start with an Infant Car Seat,
then move into a Convertible, and then A Combination High-back and 5 Point Harness and then to
finish off with a Combination High-Back, No-Back Booster.
Now there will be a lot of information in this video, but if you still have questions
please send those to us and you can do that by commenting below or send us an email at
Please don't hesitate, this is the reason we do these videos is to help you get the
information that you need.
Now typically the first car seat that you're going to use with your child is going to be
an Infant Car Seat.
Now the biggest misconception is that you have to start with an Infant Car Seat.
You actually don't.
Most if not all Convertible Car Seats you can use to bring your child home from the
Now you do need to make sure you have the correct infant inserts in order to do that,
some of them are included some of them you have to get them as an additional accessory.
But you can start with this and it's a little bit more budget friendly and you can skip
the Infant Car Seat all together.
However you're loosing out on the convenience of an infant seat.
Now an Infant Car Seat is designed with a base and so the base is what you're going
to install in your car so that you can easily click in and out your infant seat and that's
just in case your baby falls asleep in the car, then you can just click them out and
carry them with you and it's easy to install every time.
Now this is also convenient because you can take your infant seat and click it into a
stroller creating a travel system.
Now you can't do that with a Convertible Car Seat.
That one's just going to stay in your car and you'll take the infant in and out.
Most, I want to say probably 95% of parents are going to start with an Infant Car Seat
because they want those convenience features.
Now an Infant Car Seat you'll use from birth up until the weight or height limit of the
Average is about 30 lbs and 32 inches.
Once they reach that limit you do have to go into a Convertible Car Seat.
Now having said that most parents will stop using an Infant Car Seat at about a year or
until your baby gets too heavy, you're not really carrying it anyway because it's not
convenient anymore.
Now there are some study's showing that it's actually beneficial to stop using this at
a year and start using a Convertible Car Seat regardless if they've reached that weight
limit or that height limit just because the Convertible Car Seat is going to keep them
Now when you're using this with an infant you do need to make sure that your using the
infant inserts that are included.
Typically those inserts are going to come out at about 10-11 lbs some of them are comfort
features so you do need to check with your car seat manual to see when those inserts
should be coming out.
Now this is a rear facing only seat.
DO NOT install an infant seat forward facing, it is not going to protect your child.
Also this handle there is a lot of confusion on whether you should keep it up or put it
down when you install and the reason for the confusion is it's different for every manufacturer
so you do need to check with your manual to see if they recommend it being up or down
or even if it matters.
Once your child reaches a year or you're not using the convenience features of an infant
car seat then you'll move into a convertible car sear.
Now the reason it's called convertible is because it does just that.
It converts from rear facing to forward facing.
Now when using it rear facing that's when you're going to use it with your little tiny
baby, make sure you're using the appropriate inserts and to take those out when it's appropriate.
Just read your manual to find out when that is.
Now one of the biggest questions is when do I switch from rear facing to forward facing?
This is probably the biggest safety tip that we can give you or the safety caution that
we can give you.
The minimum standard is 2 years AND 30 lbs.
So they need to be 2 years old and weigh 30 lbs in order to turn them forward facing.
Now best practice is even longer.
You want to reach the limits of the car seat.
So that's the weight limit OR the height limit.
Once they reach either of those then you do have to turn them forward facing.
Now some concerns that come up with keeping your child rear facing longer are #1, Leg
Is my child comfortable?
First of all, your child's going to get comfortable in any seat they're in.
They can put their legs straight up on the seat behind them.
They can crisscross them, they can tuck their feet up underneath their bum.
Another thing to consider is that a lot of people think that they're going to get a leg
injury because there is no leg room in there but that's a huge misconception.
It's actually very rare that they're going to get a leg injury because the crash forces
or the energy is traveling in the opposite direction.
So it's actually taking them further from the seat in the car.
Now if they did get a leg injury while that is sad that is less detrimental to their health
then a neck or spine injury.
Now once your forward facing you want to continue using your convertible car seat as long as
you can and reach those limits of the car seat.
Now average convertible car seat weight limit is about 65 lbs.
I would say that most people will keep their children in a convertible car seat until they're
about 5.
However you can go all the way up to those limits and the average 9 year old is 65 lbs.
So you can use this for quite a while and you do want to keep your child as safe as
possible so try to reach those limits of the car seat.
Now once you're ready to take your child out of the convertible seat you do have a couple
Now unfortunately most parents will go straight from a convertible car seat right into a high-back
or even a no back booster.
Just like this one.
Now that's not recommended now not only do they need to reach the height and weight limit
of a booster but they also have to have the maturity.
Now this is one thing that most parents don't know.
Is that in order to put your child in a booster they need to be able to sit in the seat properly,
properly harnessed every time even while sleeping.
Now if you can say that about your 5 year old go ahead and put them in a booster.
But I would say that's probably not the case.
That's where this seat comes in.
Now this is a combination high-back booster and 5 point harness.
The nice thing about it is it gives your child a little more room.
Say this one is getting a little bit squishy.
This one has a bigger seated space it also has a taller back so your child's going to
be a little bit more comfortable.
Now this is just forward facing.
So you don't have the option of going back and forth but you do still have this 5 point
harness and that's what's going to keep them contained in the event of a car accident.
Now once they reach the limits you can raise up the seat.
You can raise this all the way up.
Stop using the 5 point harness and then you can start using the seat belt of the car.
So you have a lot of flexibility with this one.
Now one thing to mention is seats like this seat or similar seats have a weight capacity
of 120 lbs.
So you really can use this until your child can sit directly on the vehicle seat.
If they reach the maturity level and they can appropriately use a booster we recommend
you going to a combination high-back/no-back booster as I showed you before you can actually
take the back off when it's appropriate.
Now the reason for the high-back or even a booster at all is really just to bring your
child up or bring the seat belt down so that it's right here at their shoulders so that's
less movement that your child does in the event of a car accident.
You want it to be snug on their hips as well as right here on their shoulders.
So you would use the high-back as long as you need to and then you can take this off
and use it just as a no back booster.
Now a lot of people will take the high-back off if it takes up too much room in their
car which is just fine as long as the seat belt is at an appropriate level.
Now when can you stop using a booster?
This is a really big question that a lot of people have.
I would say most if not 99% of parents are not using a booster long enough.
It's ok for your child to stop using a car seat all together when their bum is seated
on the seat, their back completely against the back of the car seat and their feet are
planted on the floor.
If they're seated just like that and the seat belt is right at their shoulder you don't
have to use a car seat anymore.
But until then please use a booster.
Now I'm a CPS tech that stands for Child Passenger Safety Technician.
So that just means I know a lot about car seats and honestly this is my ideal progression
of car seats this is what I personally use with my children to keep them safe.
Now all of these car seats can be purchased on our website where we price match,so why
not shop with us and they also ship for free!
Go to for more information.
Now if this was helpful for you I'm so glad!
This is a lot of information but I'm seeing a lot of these questions go out there so if
you enjoyed this video give us a like or even subscribe to our YouTube channel where you
can get more information.
Also follow up with our safety video to get more information on installing and harnessing
your child.
HE BOUGHT HER A NEW CAR!!! #12 - Duration: 24:42.-------------------------------------------
Superhero irl Baby Elsa Magic Car vs Frozen Elsa - Hulk Pinkgirl Superkids Disney Princess - Duration: 10:55.Superhero irl Baby Elsa Magic Car vs Frozen Elsa - Hulk Pinkgirl Superkids Disney Princess
Video: Police car pins woman to ground after chase involving Majestic Howard - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Carl's Car Wash | Carl Cleans a Fruit Truck, a Police Car and a Garbage Truck | Cartoon for kids - Duration: 15:28.Fruit delivery. Going up
Oh, it's too heavy
Oh, come on
I've got to get all of this fruit delivered
Just peachy My fruit is all mixed up
Look at this mess!
It's off to Carl's Car Wash
Mmm...Fran's apples sure are yummy
Looks like I'm down to my last one
Oh good. It's Fran's fruit truck
Just in time
Carl, old buddy There's been a fruit fiasco
What can you do about this mess?
Don't worry, I can get that fruit all sorted out
Let me find your vehicle
Big rig
Fruit truck
Sweet! Fruit truck
Hmm...let's see how messy the truck is
Well, there's a bunch of spots, but they're tiny
Is it a little messy?
Medium messy?
It's certainly not super duper messy
Yup, let's select a little messy
Let's take a look at this
Just what I thought, fruity!
Delectable fruit
Piping hot pea soup
Or delicious spaghetti?
I'm going to say, "Fruit"
That'll be 3 tokens, Fran
Here I go
What a treat, Carl My truck is all shiny
Have a nice juicy apple on me
That's not an apple, that's a tomato!
I better tell Fran
If I hurry, I might be able to "ketchup" with her
LRC| learn shapes & colors with little red car | educational video by Kids Channel - Duration: 43:38.We are shapes you can see us everywhere
I am a square i am a square you can see me everywhere
I have four side am, a square , I am, a square .
I am a circle i am a circle I go round and round and round
I have only one side I am a circle round and round
I am triangle triangle, I am a pointing little shape
I have three sides i am triangle triangle .
We are shapes you can see us everywhere
I am, a rectangle rectangle like a really long square
I have four sides i am rectangle rectangle .
I am a star I am a star in the sky so over far
I have five pointing arms . I am a star I am a star
I am a heart I am a heart I am so hurry and so smart
I am a really lovely shape . I am a card i am a card
I am a diamond I am a diamond you can see me on a ring
I am so shining I am so bright .I am a diamond, i am a diamond
We are shapes you can see us everywhere
We are shapes.
Police: Public Works Employee Dies After Being Struck By Car In Franconia Township - Duration: 0:17.-------------------------------------------
1 dead after tree falls on car in New London - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
If my pain doesn't develop until a few days after a car accident, do I still have an injury case? - Duration: 1:47.Hi i'm Mike Hancock with Hancock injury attorneys and today I want to answer a
question that a lot of my clients have when they initially come to consult with
me and that is after a car accident if I didn't have pain at the scene but
developed pain two or three days later do I still have a personal injury claim
to pursue the short answer is yes oftentimes and I'm basing this answer on
my 30 years of experience of representing people involved in these
types of injuries and my 30 years experience of taking depositions of
emergency room doctors orthopedic surgeons and neurologists and
neurosurgeons the medical evidence is clear you can sustain a sprain or strain
of your neck or back and not have immediate pain afterwards what happens
is as the inflammation process aggresses over the next two to three days
following the trauma you will stiffen up and you will develop pain and
limitations and that's when most of my clients who did not go to the emergency
room by ambulance first notice pain and even if that happens you still have a
valid personal injury claim one thing that is important is when you do have
that pain whether it's two days later three days later or five days later to
immediately seek medical attention if you have any questions give me a call at
the office I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have
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