Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily channel Sep 1 2017

Hello there guys and girls,

welcome to another monthly channel update of mine.

Originally this update was supposed to be released in October.

But I really feel like this should be out in September already because I am angry as


Today I wanna talk about YouTube itself.

You know about the adpocalypse that happened a while back, some time in April?

Before all of this you could kinda calculate with a thousand views coming down to one dollar

in earnings.

That dropped massively with these changes.

For many creators the earnings halved.

Now, to me the revenue on YouTube isn't as important as it is to the guys and girls

living off of this platform.

Still, I find it very scary because we are now entering the realms of relentless censorship.

And before you wonder why I start this rant now, months after the adpocalypse started,

let me tell you why: The reason I'm talking about this is that near the end of August

YouTube added a new feature inside the video manager, showing you which of your videos

actually are not advertiser friendly.

And this just triggered me enough to make this channel update.

I found that around half the videos I created over the last years are now classified as

not advertiser friendly which directly correlates to the loss in revenue.

This just makes me wonder how do they even classify the content like this?

By the tags?

Because that would be super superficial.

They say in their guidelines that context is important in deciding if a video is eligible

for ads but how can they know the context if nobody, I repeat, nobody has ever seen

the video?

Right after upload a video gets automatically classified as ineligible for advertising so

it has to be the tags or something else.

So what I did is to just test it.

I uploaded the video "A Rich Man's Pleasure" and added the tags "bitch" and "bitch

cannon" in there because it says so in the video.

The context is satire.

So the point of the video isn't to actually be misogynistic, it's the exact opposite,

to make fun of rich people and misogynists.

But still, the video got flagged as not advertiser friendly.

Then I deleted the video and uploaded it again without including these two tags in there.

In fact, I used the same tags as in the video "The Truth About Chemtrails" which was

somehow advertiser friendly, despite it being a complete parody of all advertisements ever.

Still, "A Rich Man's Pleasure" was ineligible for advertising.

So how the fuck does the algorithm decide this shit?

Does the algorithm understand satire?

I don't think so because even most humans don't.

And how come that episodes 12 and 10 of Good Driving Bad Driving are eligible for ads while

episode 11 isn't?

I mean there are literally people being brutally run over by cars in every episode.

This just shows that YouTube does whatever it wants and the algorithm is seemingly random.

But of course there is this generous feature that lets you request a manual check of your


But who the hell is gonna do that?

Especially if you have dozens or even hundreds of videos.

And then how long is it gonna take YouTube to make these checks? week they say.

And here's the deal: You can only request a manual check of your video if it got a thousand

views within the last seven days.

This means you can't have your video checked before making it public.

Who thought of this???


This also means that if a bigger creator uploads a video and it gets flagged as not advertiser

friendly, he has to wait a whole week for the check.

By that time the bigger creators get a hundred thousand or more views.

YouTube is literally cheating them out of their money.

And small creators?

We don't even get a chance to apply for a manual check.

And if one of us is one day lucky enough that a not advertiser friendly video goes viral,

you get absolutely nothing for it?

Boom, one million views in a week and you're sitting there with fucking nothing?

They are punishing the people this platform was built upon!




Here's another fun part.


"We can typically process videos within 2 hours after upload, but bear in mind that

a video's classification may change later based on how viewers engage with your video."


So does that mean if someone has dedicated haters and they really know how to make a

community go sour, the haters can actually change the status of the video and make the

creator lose revenue?

Are you out of your mind?

I just think that this whole system is ridiculously superficial.

Not advertiser friendly?

For whom?

If I make gaming videos there shouldn't be an ad for Christina Aguileras new fragrance

because it's not the right target group anyways.

In which case it doesn't matter if I say fuck two more times so it's 46 fucks in

this fucked up rhyme.

I think YouTube should have the data power to place advertisements with a better targeting.

Why would a company that creates, say, gaming hardware like MSI or Nvidia be afraid of advertising

on a Battlefield 1 montage?

They shouldn't care if the creator cusses from time to time or if people get shot in

a first person shooter.

And if they do, they have no idea how the gaming culture works these days.

Let's look at it this way: What happened to the assumption of innocence?

By automatically classifying content as not advertiser friendly you are assuming that

a creator is doing something bad or immoral right from the start.

They are putting us on the same level as terrorists, who rightfully so shouldn't earn a single

buck via YouTube ads.

By which criteria the almighty algorithm gets triggered remains in the dark.

This is just wrong.

Plain wrong.

I'm gonna repeat it once again: For me YouTube is not about making money.

But there are many people who depend on this income.

They have built this career for many years.

Plus it's about the principle here.

And I just wanted to finally let off steam about this massive pile of bullshit.

Let me know what you think and I will reply for sure!

Thank you for listening to this rant and stay tuned, whanowa over

For more infomation >> Channel Update: YouTube Rant [September 2017] - Duration: 6:01.


Channel Update 2.0 | 10 K Views Special | Next Plan | #RelateTech - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Channel Update 2.0 | 10 K Views Special | Next Plan | #RelateTech - Duration: 4:57.


Bí Mật Người Thừa Kế Tập 51 - Trailer || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Bí Mật Người Thừa Kế Tập 51 - Trailer || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 3:24.


'금지옥엽' 나문희-송중기 재회에 시청자들 눈물 | #김정숙 Channel - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> '금지옥엽' 나문희-송중기 재회에 시청자들 눈물 | #김정숙 Channel - Duration: 2:36.


Bí Mật Người Thừa Kế Tập 52 - Trailer || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Bí Mật Người Thừa Kế Tập 52 - Trailer || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 3:22.


Wild Fire Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Wild Fire Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:25.


Disney Channel'a Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun ! - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> Disney Channel'a Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun ! - Duration: 0:10.


A Shift In Priorities - 2017 channel update - Duration: 1:27.

I don't want to make this video longer than it's supposed to be.

I decided to step down from YouTube, Steam and everything else.

The reason being is that I need to put more focus on my personal life along

with new school year starting off soon, and I somehow don't enjoy playing

Total War games anymore.

I think I need a pretty long break from gaming in order

to bring the joy back in the future.

I am not the first one to make such step in our community.

This decision wasn't an easy one to take, yet I am never

gonna make a content I forced myself to create.

Hopefully you guys understand my situation.

Channel is about to go into hibernation state.

I will still respond to comments from time to time, but don't expect new uploads


I've still got some interesting projects and ideas to realize, but without fresh mind

there's no point in trying to finish them off.

From this place, I also wanted to give you my thanks, everyone who was involved

in my activities.

I've had a great time working with you together.

Best of luck guys, take care.

It was a pleasure to be with you here.

Cyrus The Great

For more infomation >> A Shift In Priorities - 2017 channel update - Duration: 1:27.


Tulsan featured in Hallmark Channel show - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Tulsan featured in Hallmark Channel show - Duration: 2:34.


Top 5 Female Viewers On My Channel Sachin Goyal - Duration: 3:20.

Hello I am Sachin Goyal. Love to all viewers.

I am very thankful from my heart to viewers from whole world

who watched my videos and like them so much.

Today's special episode is dedicated to all female viewers of my channel.

Females have a very special quality that they forget about themselves

and give ultimate care to their whole family so that their whole family always stay happy and healthy.

I have seen that females always remain active despite all the difficulties.

They jump to help to solve problems of others by forgetting their own problems.

From where do you get this wonderful power?

I salute you all for this wonderful power you have.

I want to share Top 5 active females of my channel from all over the world till august 2017.

It was very much difficult for me to select those 5 names and it took few months to select the names.

And now I am going to share names of those 5 females.

First name is Mamta Garg.

She lives in Jaipur, India.

She is subscriber of my channel since its starting and she share my all videos widely.

By proffession she is Healthcare and Life insurance policy consultant.

She educate people about risk of health and life and gives them financial ideas

to overcome such health and life threatening conditions which impact whole family.

Second name is Sumira Bansal.

She is an Indian and lives in Dubai with her family.

She is also our subscriber since starting of channel.

You can learn from her that how to live life with smile during all struggles.

She says that, "We have to do everything on our own by keeping in mind the grace of God on ourselves

because nobody can do too much for us."

I want to tell her message to all viewers in my words that,

"Yes, we have to make a way for ourselves with self confidence and walk on it. It automatically make us successful."

Third name is Ivana Raymonda Van Der Veen of Netherlands.

She worked as an artist for one of the worlds biggest video hosting company VEVO.

Whole world know her. Her talent and life is an inspiration for others.

Fourth name is Bhakti Mhatre from Bombay.

She is one of the most active females on my channel.

She always thinks for betterment of others.

She say that, "Before criticizing, think about how hard the person has done to do that work.

If you can't do that hard work, please don't criticize."

It is really a very good message.

I want to send this great message to all people of the world so that people learn to work hard.

5th name is Meenu Gattani.

She lives in Jaipur, India.

I want to tell you one thing about her when she was young and doing studies.

In that age when youngesters do studies and fun, she started earning along with studies and started to help others financially.

Wow. wonderful. Still she is helping others in many ways.

Today's episode is a gift for all females of world.

Maintain your wonderful power, rather increase it further and set an example for the people of whole world.

All viewers your name can be selected in my next videos.

So hurry up and Subscribe me today and keep in touch with me.

Namaskar, Bye Bye, See you again.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Female Viewers On My Channel Sachin Goyal - Duration: 3:20.



rural life thailand homestead thai vlog

thai channel update

viewer subscriber offer shout out ebeggers trolls patreon

hi guys welcome to leigh and toons channel don't worry you are in the right place

it's not Thailand obviously I'm in the UK and I'm in a pokey seedy hotel

probably not so seedy but it is the Premier Inn working away I've been asked

by a few subscribers if I could do a a vlog from the UK seems a bit weird I

haven't got my wingman or my wingwoman tuned next to me but I thought it's

about time that we we had a chitchat about everything and clarified a lot of

things because we're getting so many comments on the channel I thought just

save a lot of time for me time and effort for me so this is for my benefit

so I don't have to keep on repeating myself in the comments and we've got

loads of updates coming up for you and loads of opportunities for you guys

subscribers viewers and other youtubers as well don't worry I'm not after your

money I am naughty begging that's another kettle of fish which we may

cover later anyway it is scripted but if you know me quite well already you'll

know that I won't have practiced I wrote this in the Chinese about an hour ago

and I can't even read it so it may not go as planned but well if you like the

channel then you'll be used to this and it might be it might be good viewing it

might not be but let the let's see how it goes right so I'm obviously in the UK

and what lays ahead for today is why I'm in the UK the dates and future dates for

the UK and really what can I say is there any future later on down the line

and we come back to the UK and if so and if so

other than that see I've written it somewhere see I even put scripted but I

I can't read it God helpers only one take you guys in the UK may have seen I

was a casualty whether oh bloody blaring about it all being done in one take but

they rehearsed I haven't rehearsed all those hard to believe that so channel

shoutouts I'm going to do this now I did start these a lot a long time ago

although our channel is only five month old after about a month I started doing

shoutouts when really it was just really to not sort of write increased traffic

to other sites because there were already big sites but there were sites

that had really helped me set up and give me not so much advice but just by

watching them I found it really beneficial and I'm not saying I'm a

copycat but you know I picked up a some valuable information there and we tried

to integrate a few of those bits and bobs into our channel so I'm more than

happy to share how those guys now the shout outs tonight please don't be

offended if you're one of our mates and we haven't given you a shower

I've only I've only listed five and therefore channels that I think are I

would say are on a level that that's totally wrong it's four channels that

are rural Thailand and sort of like playing off the same bat as is if that's

the right terminology I don't know it's just channels that I relate to and I

think if you like our channel I think you might like theirs but like I've

always said over there over the the first few five months of our channel if

you don't like the recommendations there's so many other channels available

out there and just just go and find them out and and go for it no problem at all

now our feelings so after those are the channel flowers and say there's only

five then I've got a once in a lifetime opportunity and again I'm not after any

money cheer yourselves for you viewers and subscribers after

that there's gonna be another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for other

YouTube channels so as long as you're not a Rodney or a a snake then there's

some really good opportunities for you in my opinion but I never ate them

afterwards and then after that it's gonna be sort of like get you up to

speed on what the future of the in tooms channel is gonna be about we're not

gonna be here forever that's for sure we're living what we're

doing but we have got plans for the future so it's just to give you a bit of

a heads up of what lies ahead and some you know potential opportunities not

just for us but but for you guys as well so that's what all lays ahead I was just

about to say cue the intro but I'm gonna say cue the intro and give feel the love

and send the love to my very good friend who has been the rock truck for this and

have given him a few shots before for Neil Harvey I'm giving him an extra

shout out today because he's a goner he's an Arsenal fan it's been well

publicized I'm a Liverpool fan and today we've just signed the Ox so thanks very

much Neil he's a lovely player and I'm sure it'll be sorely missed at the

Arsenal cue the intro

right then I'm not I'm not on the wine or the beer I'm on my black tee

I'm trying to detox ready to go back to c2 so we're gonna start off elaborating

on the UK so some of you subscribers have asked me to do a UK block and in

all honesty I've been trying to put it off because it this isn't my sort of

thing yeah my job is there's an instructor standing up in front of

people but I'm moving around and I'm laughing and joking and all that and I

know how commas are over is a bit of a Rodney but sitting in front of a little

cameras it is it is a little bit weird if you ask me that's normally for me and

the Misses if we're having a bit of a one-to-one but I'll try and get through

it so I can't read the writing Jesus yes I've been asked about my job as I said

I'm not gonna I wasn't gonna do any clips of me delivering a course showing

PowerPoint slides it bores me shitless so why why am I gonna put that on here

I'm not I'm not gonna do that but just to give you a bit of a background

I teach confined spaces and work in a high so I've been asked millions of

times I will always ask I'll always answer your comments and hopefully

appreciate I'm not copy and paste in my replies to you and the same for tuned

when we get asked to comment in in Thai everything is always replied to you in a

personal way we don't we don't bulk or what would you call it

I don't know it's not carpet-bombing but you know

what I mean we don't we don't copy and paste all this you know standard reply

thanks for your comment Cheers or that's all I know always put Cheers

but I'll always put your name just to let you know that I've read your comment

or tunes read your comment and we really appreciate that it's a massive massive

thing for us if you look if you look at the the amount of comments for our

videos regardless of how many views I don't care about views or subscribers

we've got three and a half million subscribers so I'm not bothered about I

may have over very saturated and we're not bothered about numbers but it's the

comments that count for us and we've tried to emphasize emphasized that over

five minutes it's I'd rather have I think I mentioned it before I'd rather

have five hundred or a thousand of attunes barmy army and I know Vince

you're number one I appreciate that mate TB TB a zero one day is yours forever

but you guys really input into the channel and it helps us develop the

channels like if this is loads of advice and you make us laugh and there and we

feel the love from you guys you know you wish as well where we cock it up you

give advice you know we're going to ignore you or maybe we'll take it on

board that's men men tune start but we do really appreciate every one I think

I've gone off with a bit of a tangent I'll try and get mantra it's one take

even with cue the intro or so they're still saying with my cup of tea trying

to read my notes so what else oh my god so I've been teaching working on eyes

and price basis for ten years it's mostly the the military side of things

and teaching them accordance with their their procedures are very very fortunate

I've been over the loads of places all over there

not just the UK but over the world and some places I can't even tell you about

it's great because I sound mysterious some of them oh my god it's it's not

glamorous at all you know some of the places that we have to stay the musky is

a bigger than a flippin bumblebee but you know I've been there

experienced it and it I think long term it's it's helped me as a human being to

be more rounded some some they did they disagree so a couple of years ago I

decided to go as a consultancy trainer having been same instructor as same

company for about eight years and when consultancy because turns dad

god bless him what a lovely bloke became terminally ill and Tim was living with

me in the UK for eight years and the time National Health Service isn't you

know as crack-tip as the UK dunno we slay off the UK but really guys were you

know we are spoil in comparison so Tim's always been very close to her dad lived

in two bits so we took the decision to move our plans forward with weren't

supposed to be moving to the to Thailand for when my youngest is 18 which is

January after that we were supposed to be going there we took the decision for

tuned to go back early move near to where a mom and dad will live in and

then help to take care of him which he which she did do and thank goodness she

did so after that there was no point in coming back to the UK so then I had gone

consultancy and then I was spending three months at a time in Thailand with

the long-term project being setting up a fishing park and that's what it's always

been about so it's been our dream for since the Year dot even when ting was in

the UK with me from right from the start we wanted to be on the farm we're crazy

about fishing we love animals we love working hard getting a hands dirty you

know just being out there and working all day and being absolutely chin strap

by the end of the day and a healthy tired that that's what

working hard but living the dream is foot me into no no no I'm always saying

living that when they look back now you know you're always saying living the

dream it honestly is is for us so we started off initially just renting a

couple of places and they never they never renewed our leases over six-month

leases and luckily a tiny little plot of land it's about third of an acre just

popped up in the village about three hundred yards away from Tim's mum and

dad so we took the plunge we bought it and when I say we threw up a house Italy

you think this house on the farm is throwing up you should have seen this

other one our mother so I don't know the build hasn't gone quite as well as we

hoped on the farm but this is the one incredible but tune oversaw the whole

thing and by hook or by crook we've got a little house and event it's

a lovely little house but it's not where we want to be it's a stopgap so the plan

was to sell this to help fund our build project on on the farm and where we live

it's out in the sticks but I've really struggled for the last year or so to to

sell the house we can't seem to get a really good wage that a wage but rental

income that we would be happy with with the investment to give you an idea I'm

not bullshitting we spend about 10 grand it's a two-bed detached house big

bungalow of a little shop at the front and it's walled all the way around with

the gate at the front I mean it's ridiculous you know it was built on the

shoestring and it's still a nice property but where we are that's like a

premium prophecy and I know most of you look at the channels and you look at the

properties there and then they're palatial in comparison and they would

probably be snapped up for two or three million no problem I saw a look on

Gordon tickles channel is made that was selling a property the other month

remember the price but it was a it was a ridiculously cheap price for a palace

we're doing a ridiculously cheap price for a house in an urban area and the

locals haven't gotten money so because of that we sort of look about 20 grand

sure and that's why I got to keep on coming back

so rather than keep on coming back every three months to see my kids to see that

they're members of my family my mother my sister and partly my brother-in-law

is a lovable ro it's just you know to to get a few quid in the pocket but because

we haven't been able to sell it to give me our boss a ring and thank God it

didn't burn my bridges yeah and the Dyer rang him and I said do you fancy you

know do you need any more work easier to tell you what perfect timing that's just

about to run for a size or another instructor give us some give us some

months that you can guarantee for a year so every month so four weeks in Thailand

like three weeks back in the UK four weeks inside and I've been doing that

for a nearly a year now so every three months initially then every month so

deep trains on both from thrombosis is as weightings weapon for me that's what

for my health for surfers blinded black I'm not looking for simple thing we

don't do that why not give me loads of sympathy because he's like that you know

he's very he's very sensitive sensitive boy but you know it's just something

that the main turn of ever had to do yeah we've got savings so I'm not going

to sit here and beg for money or anything stupid like that we don't want

to we don't want to spend our savings because for the first year of living on

the farm we're gonna make zero bar we haven't got our heads in the cloud we

know we're not gonna make any money you know we've got a digger like we've got a

you know that the bamboos gonna take ages and all those sorts of things so

we're gonna go ahead Xin that's for sure whether we do make any

money in the futures is irrelevant to us we're not gonna borrowing any money

we've got no debts apart from the motor out there and you know we're just happy

with our lot anyway starting to rank it's going with the next bit how much

longer am I going to work well quite a few of you will know that I've got two

more trips planned I was going to go to the Falklands and I was gonna have just

have one more I was just gonna stay here all the way through till the end of

November the Falklands trip fell through I'm happy because I'm just knackered

but it was just like making money and it would have been that it would knock a

month off my last work trip so that's fallen through so I'm going back this

Friday morning so at the moment is

Wednesday Wednesday evening so I'm going to upload a video tomorrow morning which

is our last one which is a super dark video which we you would have already

seen by now it's gonna get crap viewings is probably the worst quality-wise I've

ever seen or upload to rather and then after that a little upload this one I'm

going to upload this one on the Friday morning just before my brother-in-law

Pete picks me up he's the one with the ginger penis that looks like the bamboo

that thun cook last week apparently that's what my sister says so this will

be uploaded and I'll upload it just before he picks me up so I'll be over to

reply to a few comments while I'm at the airport after that so I might get loads

of slaying I wouldn't say that god I don't care I do okay so where was it

going tangent again I will be finishing my last work day will be the very start

of December and then that's it don't but the caveat is unless my old boss

offers me an outrageous amount of money he is half Scottish so the chances are

quite slim I know is short of instructors so maybe I talked to one guy

and you a lot of you and I'm Harry there comes a point where you just think

that's a lot of money I want to be here I want to be in Thailand I want this

lifestyle do I need that money we probably don't need that money but

working a month away or two months away a ridiculous wage we could build another

bungalow by the side of the lake so I'll be on I have my price you know so if he

matches it and if the boss says ok I tuned then we don't know in the future

but I'm pretty sure he's gonna say jog on me or on to the next one

Jesus is gonna be about a three-hour video one take though did guarantee it

right shout house but it starts out house ages and ages ago and when I watch

other people do shoutouts I cringe I hate them but when to do them

I like them so hard enough so let lets let's go with this honestly I'm not

pissed about two points but a cup of tea but I am passionate about showers minute

I know when I'm rambling cuz I'm getting hoarse now some of the shout house will

be four and I think only two of them will be four previous shout out so that

I've mentioned already okay now if you're not included in the showers

please please don't be offended well a couple of year I'll be really happy if

you are offended cuz a flippin hate you but that's it that's another thing wanes

with me on this let's not go there please don't the idea of the shower

house partly real appreciation for not just the content of these other channels

and the tips that I've picked up just by watching but I do really value the

content but on top of that I really appreciate the effort that goes into

vlogging and I know our I don't spend ages editing obviously I'm not going to

edit this you're gonna get exactly what what the Freak recorded unfortunately

for you but it takes a long long time a lot of effort just to put your camera on

you might say oh you're and just flick your camera on it's it's not like that

at all it's it's when you're new to it it's intrusive you know it and they you

cut until you've done it yourself you can't fully appreciate and I was talking

to one of the guys I'm gonna be sharing it with until you just develop press

that button to publish your video you do not know what's gonna happen are you

gonna get an absolute Konkani of abuse are you gonna get loads of thumbs up

loads of thumbs down are you gonna get zero views you gonna get a thousand

views you honestly excuse me you don't know how it's gonna go

and thankfully most of the time we're pleasantly surprised but sometimes it

doesn't go quite so well we were we've had our issues you know we've had a few

kerfuffles along the way and you take it on the chin but it is really really hard

I mean you gonna start talking about some of these guys they've got a lot of

subscribers and if you think just 1% to 2% never mind 10% of abusive or trolling

comments and all that sort of stuff it does or it can get you down I've turned

the corner it doesn't affect me now anyway let's get let's go on to it and

so the first one where is it I know it in my head there it is right there can't

even read my own again life in Thailand I'm pretty sure 95% of you guys know

life in Island can I just say that Paul was it

that when I first don't want it I never knew his name was Paul it very very

rarely gets on camera I think I've seen him on camera once maybe twice at the

most and for me this is the guy that I first watched on YouTube and when I've

been back in the UK it was like my not not my guilty pleasure it was missing my

wife I'm missing Thailand I'm missing the farm I'm missing the rural life and

this was my escapism and watch nearly every single of his every single video

his from start to finish and he'd been going years I was just one after the

other after the other after the other if I could just highlight two things

this bloke has the best man workshop I have ever seen him alive he's

constructed it nearly all himself if not all himself so he's done all the metal

work you know he does his weld a nice turn the block work I'm not sure if he

did the rendering thank God I didn't do it because it in my rendering his is

it's on a par with the rest of my DIY over the shelvings the shelving units is

just like show important to me it's beautiful but the money shot for me as

well as his little garden and it is quite small but what he's actually

squeezed in there is amazing and he does his little homestead you know war round

I love it but the money shot for me was his an its ounce that was his drainpipe

from the rain water so the downpipe that fill with off all the leaves and the

rubbish to the side it's absolutely brilliant so it's stuff like that is so

practical is very handy is obviously very experienced with that sort of sort

of stuff whereas I am NOT tunes more practical than I am as everyone knows

apparently my strengths are being a good listener and being since being a

sensitive boy so you know this bloke is is right up there

you know he keeps catfish he keeps chickens wild turkeys ducks he's doing a

whole lot he's got some goats as well he's from so much into what he's got

available and I think he's doing some fish tanks now as well it's got rice and

catfish in tanks we should be doing for years I think it's doing some frogs as

well so he's doing a little bit of everything

and I think his missus has got some rice farm I can relate with him as far as he

had a little fish stock pond which got poached so I'm I'm more than with him on

that one I will kill him if I find him and I will find it it's like taking I

will find you I will kill you well I know it is already but you won't kill

anyone well we right moving on to the next one where is it somewhere here I'll

briefly mentioned it before Gordon tickle now he sounds posh and

he's got a posh pad but believe you mean this is some quality view of guys for

those of you that don't already watch this this fella he's got a lovely plush

pad I don't know where I wasn't aware he's in China right somewhere around

there so it's got a lovely climate a lot of expats go for Chiang Mai Chiang Rai

you know you're getting a I know it still gets hot but you get the other you

know the other end of the scale as well whereas it's just hot or hot and wet or

hot and dry you know we're in camp and pet so there's a lot of expats in that

area but this bloke has got a really nice place but he's also doing the

homestead in style beside the things as well aquaponics oh

my god it's it's it's brilliant I don't fully understand it all I'm looking into

it I'm gonna poach some of his ideas I don't know I don't mind admitting when I

copycat someone not like some

and on top of that my favorite bit is his retreat up into the mountainside

with a it's got like a little dam set up in and it's gotten overflows like a

spillway going down into the like a ravine into the river the river floods

and there's all fish in the rice fields it's really really good viewing with his

sidekick Jeff and although is a blue nose

evidence supporter the blokes got some serious skills as far as it comes to

fish keeping so check it out and it's good view and some good humor on the air

as well and I mean take it for a given if I like a channel there's got to be

humor involved I mean I know my humors subjective and but some of these

channels they're a really good luck sometimes the video might not be that

much of a laugh but if you check out the comments oh my god it is it's a scream

but but the comment wise is even better to come I promise you okay now this


he wears socks and sandals so immediately you just think oh my god I'm

not going to check out this channel believe you me this bloke is an

Australian and is obviously quite well educated and less has pulled the wool

over my eyes and he analyzes everything a lot so

whenever I reply to him I have to think a lot I do respect this guy a great deal

as I do of all youtubers but I've caused a bit of a soft spot for Harry and Hui

now don't forget all these guys are on shower now there'll be a link in the

description if I remember no I promise it will get my shit together I will do

it okay now so far Harry is uploaded I think twelve twelve videos okay and

they're all slideshows and I've done one slideshow and I loved it

because they were my slides but they and and it was two Neil's music yeah Neil

the guna that just lost the office today remember I had it so to me I'll just

love the bits no I just love the bones of insiders tune it's the tune second

favorite video we do but it it didn't get in how many views they didn't get

that many likes well but whatever trust me

Harry's slideshows the music's great the timings great the edits in I can't zoom

in and out with with the limits off her old cup you get a slide and that's it it

is just how long you have it on there for but this bloke does some quality

stuff and he's in a rural location like all these channels is rural Thailand so

excuse the socks and sandals thankfully there's no there's no slides of those I

think he's gonna have about a week of not posting anything and I think I'm not

sure if he promised but he has intimated that there may be some video footage

coming up later on but get on there have a look post a comment he will definitely

reply and before you'll get on really well I did

give Harry a shout out as well as I did Gordon and life in Thailand many moons

ago but I gave Harry a shower at home when he was when I say judge just to

subscribe reviewer that is not condescending that's all but it didn't

really help him as far as his channel goes yeah I'm trying to spread the love

and later on you learn you'll understand why

now the next bloke you are going to love him or or hate him I personally love his

channel because he swears more than my wife time I've got he is oh I was in the

comment section I think it was earlier this morning before I went to work or

was it late last night it's all getting a bit blurry now there's so many

correspondence and yeah I think his comment was well at least I'm honest

and then another bloke and this was when he was ripped into me and another viewer

said I think you meant to say you were brutally honest and he rephrased easy I

would like to say that I'm more it's more tough love now this bloke he says

it how it is there's no there's no room there's no beating about the bush with

Wayne that's for sure but what I like about it other than that other than him

speaking his mind is it has the best goats in Thailand now life in China has

some great goes but these ghosts are the cutest things I've ever seen in my life

they can open it open the gates on their own and they've run down the road and

they laugh it but not laughing he probably can but the dog tries to

play with them as well and it is just hilarious he's a he's a mechanic you

know his ex foresees it's very practical it doesn't mind telling you when things

are cocked up you know you see so many you might have seen on some of your

comment replies to your comments there's so many channels that

I super sanitized you know nothing who's wrong everything's rosy everything oh

you know this is gray and editors there you know he's and he's not sure I was

telling you when it all goes horribly wrong you know as long a you know same

as some of these same years of chat it's about what you see here is these are

these five channels is when it goes wrong will show you so and I think

that's why either maybe that's what's appealing to you guys I don't know but

to Dan said to me when we started doing this it's real life if people don't like

it you can find another channel I think a phrase was something along those lines

so check his channel out now when you go there if you like it and you leave a

comment if just to let him know that you've come from our channel if you just

mention something along the lines that he dyes his hair and he rides a pink

bike I love you forever because he really likes that you know you'll feel

you'll feel the love right and then the last one number five on the

list now this will really really divide opinion this bloke it's not that

well-known on YouTube to say the least and I put here by YouTube guilty

pleasure okay I'll give you the name first because a car a membrane so it is

the double life of mixed mr. box now it's not easy to actually see one of his

videos and I'm not bought in it his videos self-destruct I'm not kidding

you so if you don't get that if you don't subscribe you don't know he's

posted it and then you click on this channel it's been there and it's gone

again okay so you need to subscribe and just trust give it a go

and when he poops it it is not for you just move on but before you move on just

have a look in the comment section below because when I first watched the first

episode and I came in way to other I've only watched two episodes and I love it

but I can't tell you why it's a cross between x-files Donnie Darko Clockwork

Orange and I do not know what I'm not saying the blokes disturbed but I just

love it I was absolutely asked him dear the week

or couple of weeks ago can you upload a back catalogue and he said of course I

can for $10 but I'll throw in a free t-shirt that's this that's the sort of

response you get hopefully he's gonna do more I think if we can apply a peer

group pressure I won't have to send him $10 any or any and he can start

uploading more it's brilliant absolutely brilliant but certainly I would say if I

had to hazard a guess probably 30% of people will love it it may be your

favorite channel over 70% of like me you need to get a grip what the hell did you

send us there for okay so check it out if you don't like it again move on so

that they were my five my five channel

YouTube channels for purely for rural or like I like lots of other channels I

don't get a lot of time to sort of like trawl through them that's not trolling

that's different we'll talk about trolleys later got some special bits for

you guys that are watching now so they're the ones that are really

concentrate on if time allows but sometimes I'll get back log and a

can't get throughout country to a popular base I don't have a lot of time

on my hands I do work full time when I'm back in the UK okay when I'm on the farm

it's not turn doing all the work she does 90% of it but I still do help out

from time to time where am I now okay what's it I've probably done about

five hours and I've only got through section whatever I really can't see

where okay now okay right then so the next section now this is it in my

opinion I think this is cutting edge but we are but I'm probably setting up

myself for an epic fail here now this is for viewers and subscribers and for

whoever has gone on to the channel me and to really really appreciate you guys

for comments and I've already said you know the amount of comments and

interaction and you guys talking to each other as well not just not just me and

so I haven't seen anything else like it is off the scale for as far as YouTube

goes from what I've seen certainly in our little little niche so my idea maybe

it's a crazy idea maybe it won't work maybe no more do this but is apparently

I found out last week we can set up a folder for all our viewers and

subscribers and anyone else to upload their video clips to us now what I'm

getting at is if we're you're obviously a you for you to comment

you're obviously got a YouTube channel and most of you guys haven't got videos

so our offer to you is do you fancy doing a three second a one-minute or

two-minute three-minute clip of who you are away from what you know certainly

what you like about the chat no but you know just who you know I'm

TBA 0-3 or something like that you know or my favorite video was did or I live

in I don't know Patsey or or Bangkok I live in Chiang

Rai Chiang Mai and did that in today or I'm gonna come and live here next year

and all all those sorts there whatever you want to say I'm gonna try and set

this is like a playlist folder for you and you upload it now initially don't

get concerned if you can't see it you'll see that you'll get given the link in

the description I parent you just click on it and it will let you upload your

little clip I'm gonna keep that folder

non-public initially because there are some not nice people on YouTube as I'm

sure you're all aware and we need to make sure that these people don't get

any air time so we're gonna crush the life out of those and everyone else

that's nice and happy and funny what I aim to do is try and do a compilation of

you all but once we've got enough - you know I did I take a bit at least three

or four minutes as a compilation if we get a lot more I might do a couple of

compilations let's just see how it goes once we do the compilation we'll publish

it as a live video so if you've never been on YouTube before there's your

three seconds or one minute of Fame and even if it suggests that a thumbs up and

just to say hi that would be great and it you know that's it's totally up to

you if it falls flat in his face that's that's fine but the level of interaction

that we've been getting our I just thought it would be nice tour for you

guys the opportunity to to have your say and because at the moment it's just your

little profile picture and you know and we tend to get to know year but it's

it's through texts but it would be nice to see you just just say something and

or just give us a quick pan around of where you are

even if it's in Arden Oh Canada or you know North Korea or anywhere or

Australia maybe okay so there's the offer find the link below if I remember

now the next one is before we're trying to spread the liver again for for

YouTube and they'll explain why later for other youtubers now this doesn't

have to be Laurel life Thailand okay so I've given

sharehouse before to whether youtubers in Thailand and a couple I think one

outside of Thailand so Steven being mold sir all those sorts of things if you

want to and this will be this will be a separate link to the one that I was just

talking about if you would like to upload your channel intros if you've got

one if you haven't try and come up with something I don't know let's try and cap

it off I don't know about three minutes or so and I won't fiddle with them okay

so if it's rubbish it's your own fault if it's great I'll still take the credit

for having it on so give your channel a plug and then that will be a list within

a playlist folder of you know just all these channels YouTube channels and if

people want to click on them that's great I'll give them a push later on so

yeah it's just as another thanks because a lot of guys a lot of sorry a lot of

people that take the time to wait invest their time and effort into commenting

and watching all our videos it's just another thank you to everyone and if you

can pick up a few subscribers and a few views then it's all good

the problem one one of the reasons I'm doing is I fully appreciate when you

start at YouTube it's a nightmare trying to get your videos out there it

is like pulling teeth so the first thing is keep uploading

keep loading keep uploaded but people still

have to click on it and getting your mum and your sister and your brother-in-law

I solve Alan I tried it I tried it it doesn't make any difference at all you

need constantly to be uploaded in Wednesday consonant you need every three

or four days or so but the main thing is get people watching your video so

there's the offer guys bang it on there it won't be public straight away because

I will not offer this to every single channel because there's some channels

that I've don't agree with okay so don't be scared bang it on there please please

don't take it personally if I delete it of course you will I would but you know

whatever bother do we Wayne you knows I'm gonna delete don't yet but he hasn't

got enough balls to put it on there anyway anyway what we doing next

oh that's led me quite nicely into trolls be beggars and copycats now tunes

made me say I love you all and I do in a perverse way I I quite like someone that

gets revved up talks out their ear because it's so easily highlighted and

if someone brings up a comment where I'm not saying the negative comment because

I most of his YouTube have got no problem with that at all now I always

give a lot of time and effort into commenting as tuned as so anything in

Tyre to reply to that anything in English I reply to it tune reads all the

tyre comments you know so there's there's total two hours at anything in

Thai I asked about it's trying for not whether a Google Translate which is a

bit dangerous but if it I'm not sure then I'll ask

so there's clothes there's total clarity from with me and to nan who's posting

what I think what kind of for tangent what was my train of thought

still one take I'm gonna get back on track maybe no it's gone

I won't cut it though honestly that's so embarrassing

no it's not it's real life isn't it so II beggars we're never gonna win bad

guys all right never ever and I'm not going to sit here

and Slater the channel yeah I've had a few opinions in the past but I'll just

pass care in now I don't agree with it but hey ho what I would like to say is

four channels that are don't physique like the flockers will always get my

respect in the sense that it takes a lot of effort a lot of time and effort and

the channels that get a lot of views but get a lot of flack I don't know you do

it I would be in it myself so I mean even if you get 5,000 views the video if

you're getting a hundred you know thumbs downs and negative comments and

slanderous and all that sort of thing I would just give up you know I'll just I

don't think I'd be able to cover that so you do get more respect in in that sense

but that's just that's as far as it goes if you want to send us a thousand pounds

we won't accept it unless you get something in return

and by the end of the video I'll tell you what you can get for a thousand

copycats it's a several of you guys and thank you

very much you've made us fully aware of other

channels copying us but let's be honest

you could probably copy me cuz I'll come over as a bit of a

fault but you can't copy to tune is a one-off so anyone that is trying to get

their wife to copy my wife crack on I have but it stands like stands out

like a sore thumb and please don't make it do it it's just so awkward right it's

really not nice yeah if you copy our content no problem at all

you know if you if you want to do fishing on the farm but the frogs you

wonder I don't know jump in a lake or whatever yeah go for

you that's Tamizh there's only so many things you can record and publish for

all time life and time and that's what I've tried to explain to some people

I've gone to great deaths and I've even post pinned the comment and my reply to

the top of the post when some moment you say you did the same thing over and over

again we live in rural Ireland we go fishing we work on the farm we're

building the house we go swimming with my go to a temple what else do we do we

don't do anything else that is our life now if you don't like it or maybe

getting a little bit bored I'm not sorry I'm thank God we thank you for watching

all the videos that you have done already but if it comes like we know

full well that when we do a fishing video the videos drop you've got to be

an absolute number Nazi to to not look at you I'm not gonna go into analytic

but just grab by your pure viewing figures and your thumbs up we know

deficient videos aren't as popular as the build videos we know now that if we

sit down when we talk seriously we get loads of interaction from you people

want and you know a lot of you guys want to know a little bit more about being

tuned and a background and our plans but at the end of the day we've always

promised from day one we would do an honest blog for our channel and all

those are the fives they own honest flog as well and that's why I give I'm not

sure about this double life a mystic box I really don't know about that but the

other four most certainly

yes I love all trolls ie beggars and copycats apparently I've also put a note

here Wayne I can hear you egging me on to mention the snake but believe you me

his time will come mate probably when we've been YouTube just before it'll be

both barrels May so where is it it's in the bank so first first page gone I

think I don't know there's only 18 pages to go though no bear with me it's not

that bad maybe is this could be our worst lay in over this video let's go

with it anyway um so leads it off for me bacon I'm now can they go into believe

it or not brace yourselves patron now patron is I can just hear the

cries already is where you get money to a youtuber okay and now don't turn off

don't skip this bit all right just just just listen because you won't have heard

this before I can guarantee now most patron is or most youtubers or

cell patron for trying to do what guys while they're trying to do they try to

get the money from you for what to buy their beers to carry on living the life

that they live and what honestly I mean I'm not on I suppose on questioning but

I'm not dissing you I'm questioning why are you giving to these people and

getting nothing in return what you getting in return if you give someone I

don't know 10 pounds 50 pounds 100 pounds if you're gonna send someone a

piece okay what you getting in return yeah is is that the feel-good factor

that you're helping sustain someone or are you actually getting something for

you something physical for your money I'm

looking at now this is only a possibility but it's been playing it's

going in my head and I've only been going through this from something I saw

on on YouTube last week and I thought perhaps patron has a place now bear with

me what about if you joined patron when you join patron you send money but by

doing that you actually save money so I only thought about this the other day

Laveau well crazy idea what about when we may in turn set a fishing lake and

we're still doing YouTube and you know that you're gonna come to us - I don't

have a day or two Fisher or a week fishing and that sort of thing

and you're gonna book say we'll save the website and there will be the price okay

if you're a patron and let's say and I'm just plucking figures in let's say let's

say it's one pound but if you're a patron when you book we will give you 20

pounds off or for your patron is a hundred bar but we will give you 500

bath I'm pretty sure whether only we would be the only patrons whatever you

call it offering to actually not give you money

back but actually save you money sounds like a crazy idea how could it possibly

work it makes perfect sense to me but then again I am a little bit special

okay so I'm just putting that out there maybe it's a possibility but maybe

that's not enough maybe some of you guys will never want to or never can come to

us in the future when we've got a fishing park and that's the main reason

that we've started this video channel you know we wanted to raise the profile

of we are where we are rough the beam track

with a nice were like real roar location away from the madding crowd you can hear

a pin drop apart from the odd toxic going past now and again and the odd

motorbike but if you wanted to get away from it all in our opinion that this is

the place to come if you love fishing that's great

we'll have a library we'll have books we'll have we'll have DVDs for you to

take out of our little library as well as books well have a Playstation for the

kids that you can have for a week or so a few days we'll have a pool table we'll

have a dart board we'll have karaoke I hope that it's just

tune singing a new guys because you really don't want me to start wrecking

the mic I can tell you the ace of spades after about five Leos will not go well

you know so if you do want to come so as you join patron I'm sure we could set

something up where you actually save money but for you guys that can't or

don't want to come to us I'm getting back on right now what about if we

offered you something the our video channel can't offer you and I've

mentioned it to a few of you guys before in the comments and and tuned hasn't

seen this video yeah she's watching at the same time as you tunes right in the

book a few years ago and she spent a long long time compiling all these bits

and bobs together and I don't know a lot of people's well nearly everyone's life

story story is really amazing but Tunes you could you could probably make a full

feature-length film of it so if she finishes that and it would be a lot a

lot of effort I don't know what percentage of the way that she's very

probably not not even half but it would need to be then translated

by me and her my English is totally pants would have to get it proofreading

corrected maybe it's something that we could look

at so you know if you were looking to come to the fishing lake and and you

were interesting that sort of thing and it maybe it's something that we could

introduce I'm not saying we're definitely doing it I'm just putting out

there I'm just looking for a bit of bit of feedback we're not looking to make

money off you guys we're looking to say a fishing like live in the middle of

nowhere and if you want to come that's great but we will charge you we you know

we're not on we're not minted you know it's there's a

few of you guys I would consider you know good friends but that we've never

met before but you seem to be at the same ilk and

yeah that might be on sort of like you know come over and we might come to

yours you might come to why ours and yeah that's great but at the end of the

day we've we've got to feed the animals we've got to feed the fish and those

sorts of things so what I'm getting at is if if we've got you as a viewer and

you want to come and visit us and if we could try and sell for him some improved

patron where he would actually save money I mean where else in Thailand

could you get accommodation and fishing and food and karaoke cheaper than a Thai

national boo pixie dust have you ever seen that before for Lance getting

charged less entire people in Thailand just think about that for a second I'll

leave you the repel so let us know what you reckon on that I can't say that

right so future plans

as far as vlogging goes after this one the next one after this and I'm not sure

when because i'll that now I'll be in Thailand then so I'm gonna publish this

just before leaving for Heathrow like I said and then when I get to Heathrow

when it gets a Bangkok Tunes me to me straight off the plane and we're getting

straight on the bus so she's going the night before we're getting straight on

the bus it normally takes me a couple of days to go over there in that time I'm

probably not going to be doing any recording whatsoever but when turns

watching a rubbish Thai TV sorry love Indian movie that's in it's in Thai with

entire was it an Indian and with the subtitles so that the subtitles aren't

in English and they're always doing rubbish races and I know I do not hate

her I'm trying to be a little bit on the Buddhist side it's not my cup of tea I

like to do my video edits in then so I'll be doing a compilation so we've

done two so far this seems are going to have quite well is what if I'm honest

this is one of the heaviest editing physica have to go through reams and

reams of previous videos that we've uploaded but what the end result I'll

just love them when we look back believe you me me and to look back at the videos

and we'll piss this out we are absolutely rolling around

laughing you know whether it's the dogs or me falling over or getting a sauce

token all I sort of think we just love it so we will do a compilation and then

we'll get back to video right now please remember when we're back on back in the

village our video Internet is amazingly slow we're doing it on mobile data so

it's snail pace so we have to knock down the resolution that we're recording that

and I have heavily compress every single file so

you'll also see the length of the videos chopped right down so this is probably

going to be 75 hours this video most of our videos are going to be are denoted

five or six minutes now future plans for videos I've got some wacky way out ideas

for some video footage that haven't ever seen in Thailand before and I hope you

appreciate I'm not gonna give you any hints over here because we have got

trolls from other sites that do copy cars so just you know just bear with us

but I want to I want to try and get those things in in this higher

definition as as possible so it might be spasmodic when we upload a video I'd

love to do it like a three minute video every single day sometimes it might

happen sometimes it might be one a week sometimes it might be three a week -

it's gonna be all over the shop so bear with us I know people like to get into

their routine I will try and post the same sort of time every day and that

will be when toons watching a rubbish Thai TV I'll probably get will probably

get barred from Thai YouTube money you can't really say too much about Thai

stuff can you but I do if we said about seven eight nine o'clock in Thailand you

know you look in six or seven hours prior to that in the UK America six or

seven hours the other way and in Europe an hour or two of the other I think

that's pretty much the ideal it's fine okay so regardless of what day were

uploading or public publishing and that'll be the sort of time that we're

gonna do I might it's difficult for me I might

try and put in the description but a lot of people don't read the descriptions

and that's why recently I've tried to post and pin my comment right to the top

soon as a publisher I'll put my comment on there and a lot of the time I'm just

copy and paste I'm sorry but I'm copy and pasting what put my description

because the idea behind that is because we get so much interaction on the

channels I'm answering the same question you know maybe 10 times on a video so

rather than me typing it out and copy and paste in if you can please look at

the the top pinned comment or the description it would really help us to

give you an idea if we get a hundred comments on a video so so if we get you

know I will probably get a thousand views if we get a hundred hundred 20

comments on that that tastes quite fair and there's at least a couple of hours

over two days that's a couple of hours easy and you'll appreciate because I'm

sure all of you about an in-depth reply for me than me or Tyrion or both of us

so look at the top in common and you probably get a lot of your answers from

that anything else yeah yeah pop it down there not a problem at all

so why also we've got planned I honestly don't know how long we will YouTube for

I told you about our initial plan was to raise awareness and start build up like

a potential audience that could equate into people coming to visitors in the

future and yeah I know a lot of you have already asked when we can come and visit

you did it today but until we got there until we've got the lake open which is

due to be start construction in next March when the final lot of rental

people are up side the bit in the middle which is a basin that's where the lakes

gonna be it's gonna be approximately a try leading that's about 10 rye as we

build up the sides and landscape round there so the last people that are

renting that area for rice at the moment currently that's in March so depending

on the rainy season if it comes when it's supposed to do we've got enough

time to get the lake dug if it comes early so this this year it was late it

becomes early next year honestly as soon as they put that first bucket in the the

water is already there so we won't be able to dig it next year if that is the

case if the rain gods are with us we can get it dug but we're not gonna just let

it fill up and then throw the fish in there and we're not gonna let people

fish it straight away what we're trying to do is create a jungle environment

it's gonna be a bamboo farm it's gonna be a bamboo jungle fishing park okay so

you're gonna be fishing in a jungle it's gonna be all rustic don't get me wrong

your bungalows are gonna be nice not as nice as Gordon tickles Pat's but they're

gonna be nice guys and a nice little restaurant a nice little showered area

to do it with a fire pit so you can barbecue you catch depending on with the

species of fish but what I'm getting has it we're not gonna open straightaway to

the public initially our plans when when we feel that the lake and the fish are

ready and all the plants are established then we may look at just opening

weekend's first of all so weekends for for Thai people for local people

it's gonna be priced I mean if you're into your fishing it's going to be

incredibly cheap compared to like gillum's

and boom some rain and all that forget those prices

it'll be nowhere near that but it won't be a 50 bar for your rod okay there's a

lot of time and effort some of you guys that have

fish fish stock ponds and all that love you you know we've been poached we've

had to restock the time and effort getting these fish up to monstrous sizes

it takes time you know it's and when they were stolen it was it just broke

her heart so we're about to start again to some degree so we won't compromise

you know on that so it might just be open Friday Saturday Sunday come over

the bar restaurant will be open they'll be cold Leos and Chang's and home tongs

and all that lot and they'll be drunken karaoke as well and they'll be somewhere

to stay now I think initially we're looking at maybe many permitted finances

permitting two bungalows to start with near the lake now remember we are in the

middle of nowhere there are snakes and scorpions and mosquitoes is not you know

all-singing all-dancing in the middle of the city it's it's it's real you know

out on this stick stuff now if you want to come and the two bungalows up like

maybe over go three I don't know how much that how far the money's going to

stretch at the moment maybe were fully booked maybe or not if we are fully

booked and we haven't sold a house in the village then you can rent the house

you know you can cook for yourselves or you can just come back down we can give

you your motorbike just turned up in the morning with your aunt no was getting

your breakfast and then get your rods again and but get back on the lake stay

all day get drunk again just top up sing on you karaoke and then we can even

drive you back if I'm not too drunk to maybe can take you back on your boat on

the motorbike and then back to the house up there if you can just stay on the

farm don't worry about security it's gonna be fenced we're gonna have a pack

of dogs on there you know spoon is the most intelligent ferocious dog I've ever

seen in my life Bambi should lick everyone to death plop ain't gonna it is

a good Barker but nothing else you know but there are gonna be other dogs

and they will be fine with you guys because you'll be introduced to them but

anyone else they're just gonna get the back ripped out if they come on the land

so don't worry about security on first aid train so if you get snake bite I'm

not saying I'm sucking the poison out but maybe we can get the tomb trained up

we've already thought about it you know for snake bites and that sort of thing

if it's not your cup of tea honestly don't even think about coming you'll

have to I'm not saying roughing you know there

will be mosquito nets and repellents and all those sorts of things but living out

there and holiday and out there you've got to be prepared for this sort of

thing and I wouldn't want to give anyone the wrong impression so it's wrong life

real Thailand if you still want to come but you not sure if you could handle

that come with your winter months come sort

of right November till January it's a little bit cooler it's super dry you

might even see a mosquito of the time okay so that might be an option as well

other than that I don't know really what else to let you know about we will be

setting up next year a website like we haven't really finalized that the name

of the places I'm back and around the idea of maybe sort of like bamboo like

fishing lake breeze or something along those lines let's get some input you

know if you've got some ideas the mo mat castaways and then some little Stoller

last year some some big some big lake in the tourist area so yeah if you can come

up with an idea so it's on a jungle theme

we've got what we're gonna have a lot of acres of bamboo and it's gonna be

fishing it's got accommodation it's got karaoke restaurant pull darts you know

if you think if someone pops in your head you could even put it on your

little video that you can upload for us into your little

viewer section okay so other than that I can't really think too much house will

do an old-school shout out some people that I've already shouted out before but

some people just make me piss myself laughing stinky polecat oh if it makes

you laugh just the name yeah it's terrible language terrible terrible

language you really need to have a word with yourself about that but oh my god

very funny Vince or mr. invincible 42 oh I can't

remember your name but yeah toons barmy army 0-1 yeah always quality oh my god

there's so many obviously Wayne makes me laugh Brad as

well Jesus there's so many of you but there's a lot of people that send as

well as taking the piss you know you give it a give as advice as well Jim as

well or always good I shouldn't have started this because I'm gonna miss out

about 500 people in England you didn't tell he didn't say no cuz I can I

already obviously I can only mention one or two on the little comments at the end

of the video so that's why don't feel aggrieved send us a little video to the

clip below to the to the link below and then you'll get your own three seconds

or 10 seconds of fame do it I think I think it'll be really really cool

and then shout out wise other than the viewers is and I've done it before but

my sister Sam I'm a brother-in-law Pete will help me stay in your house free of

charge now they bought a house but not moved

into it so they didn't get robbed while I was there that was for sure we all

know and without the scousers but I didn't

steal anything honest not that you can prove anyway and I was having an asthma

attack every night because the workouts in there before I moved in so thanks for

that I did have my blue inhaler did I nearly killed me off but I stayed for

free so I've saved a shedload of money a problem has probably saved me half a

bungalow my mum because I've secretly stayed at hers when I'm not supposed to

she's not out she's allowed to do that but she let me do it a couple of times

mum does move washing cooks for me everything she's a pillar of strength

when I'm depressed I'm oh I know I come over grumpy I'm a vicious anyway it's

just my style I'm happier I'm a happy clappy on the insides you would say when

I'm in the UK my glass is always half-empty I am depressed as hell to

give you an idea my favorite all-time program is grumpy old men I love that I

should be on that but it might be too grumpy for it emember master put up with

that she does

when she sees as entire litter she turns over every year generally speaking

she understands why and I know it's no excuse because I should be happy to back

back in the UK see my mom my sister my brother-in-law and my son and my

daughter although they're adults now and only normally get a call if they need

somebody that's not the joke I love them to bits they gray and absolutely great

kids but you know I should be happy into the UK but my heart is in Thailand in

Mattoon you know it's it's always been that way we've always wanted to live

there and come this December at the very latest that's that's it so I'm just I

feel like I'm trying to I'm falling over the line now I've got a lot left in the

tank you know but well I will get there and come December I'm not saying you'll

see a happy clappy vlogger that will never happen but you know I will be I

think we've talked about a few times with food that is tuned and leaves

utopia that is our dream like that is our fairy tale we've always thought we

would get there but we dreamed about getting there we hope that we'd get

there but to actually get there it's in touch and distance now it's an amazing

feeling Wayne's done it Gordon's done it Brad's

done it Paul's done it Harry's done it but what about mr. box but he's in

Thailand somewhere maybe I'm not even sure if he's in Thailand okay but you

know we've all gone through it to some degree and then when you get there

you've got all the stresses or the problems and that but believe you me it

is worth it you know some of you guys are just like by God Jesus this that

they don't like to is it just like you get in the mindset well whatever

yeah out I'll curse I'm swear but tomorrow's another day and you're just

it's the Thai way you know you just stiff upper lip and you just what was

his chances that happen I can't believe it happen but we'll carry on

I think Gordon said it once when there was a little old lady and she had corn

in the field will rice in the field or something and he got flood in it all

gosh got washed away and she's a poor lady

and the next thing pay someone else reset the re sowed the crop start again

don't winch get on with it and that's mean to like we do winch but then we get

on the last shout out and I'm gonna try not to get emotional about this because

Wayne will say get a grip mate don't with any of that girlie namby-pamby

stuff is and I know I'm guilty of not looking into the camera

but remember tune will be watching this same times you guys and this is a

hundred percent for tune my wife thank you thank you for remaining strong all

these years this work trip has been almost two months that's how many videos

we had to take move it we were getting a stockpile of about three videos a day

because we knew two months was coming up we knew that video the YouTube would

destroy our channel if we didn't keep posting so that's why we've stopped

particle two months is the longest that mean to have ever been away for I don't

know how many years we've done it so many years ago we've forgotten what it's

like and it's always hard when we leave it leave it leave each other mean to

live in each of his pockets I think about the hearts are on the video before

we don't have a huge amount of friends we've got a select few really really

close friends but me and Tony even went to was in the UK we used to go

everywhere and do everything together that's me into and that's our style

mainly because she's jealous and so am I so it's so hard to

be away from each of it toon has to be in the house alone and I

know she gets a lot of help from this certainly this time from a younger

nephew lek and a very very good friend POA as well and she looks after the

house we've got the little shop that she has to take care of we've got the

chickens we've got the dogs we've got the fish and topper that forgot the farm

as well and and toes she only had a couple of driving lessons so any stock

that she has to get he's done on the motorbike so I fully fully appreciate

and understand what you have to go through every time I'm back in the UK

and this time has been the hardest ever in my book I think maybe for you as well

and I just want to let you know not for much longer mrs. mrs. conk

Lumiere like now that Matt Mac thanks for watching guys and compilation next





MY NEW CAR IS BROKEN! :( (BMW M4 2018) - Duration: 19:11.

To start off the day

Look, what lizzie

just did she got my hair dryer and for some reason thought it would be funny to try and blow out the candle and the

fucking wax went everywhere

The wax is everywhere it was all over her face, too

But I thought I realize there's a lot

All right Lizzie come on get your dentures and let's go we gotta leave

It's not dentures it's Sarah invisalign for teeth

What's up guys? How you guys doing today? So we aren't actually about to be heading out the door right now

We need to go over to the BMW

Dealership once again the service department to get my car checked out now the reason

I'm going over there is because the other day

I got my break in service check for my car and after I got that I was supposed to be able to launch my car

And for some reason I literally tried everything and I cannot use launch control on my car

No idea what the issue is we're gonna bring it over there. Hopefully they can figure it out. They have to unlock it

Maybe I have no idea what's going on and then after we get that figured out?

I think we actually might be ended up going to the beach later on today, and it's beautiful out

So that should be awesome as well


Can I just say for a second that like this is the best this house is looking like I feel like yet Lizzie went on

a rampage with cleaning, and it looks great in here I

Mean we still get to get rid of these like boxes over here

But I mean other than that like this is clean if you guys have not yet seen yesterday's Youtube video

I actually ended up making a brand New YouTube channel

Now when I made that channel everybody keeps asking me if I'm gonna Stop vlogging no guys

I'm gonna continue to vlog every single day as well as livestream on that account for a couple hours every single day

So the live streams are pretty much just like vlogs except there's no cuts

And it's all just like real time natural if you guys leave comments

I can respond to your comments right then and there instead of having the wait, so make sure you head over and subscribe

I will put the link down below at the very top of the description check it out over there

I told you guys if we hit

500,000 subscribers within the first couple days of the account being made I'm gonna do something crazy for the blog

I'm still thinking about it. I told you guys to leave comments down below in the comment section

I'll be taking your

Suggestions and trying to figure out exactly what I'm gonna do in return for you guys helping me hit that number

But honestly guys from the bottom of my heart

I want to say thank you so much for always supporting me on everything

I do you guys give me so much support a daily basis, and I'm so grateful for it you have no idea

I know sometimes when people say that it might not really seem genuine

But I swear to God like I mean it from the bottom of my heart

But nothing me talking we got a head out videos with us now

Yo, he's like a little fluffball look at he's always trying to plate his

Thing now he's so excited to try and get on his elevator

Oh look at these veins girl and getting vascular the hard work at the gym is paying off

I'm so happy my body has been change like crazy recently

I'm eating way more now than I used to

Especially when it comes to the amount of intake of protein that I get every single day on a daily basis

And I'm also going way harder the gym recently then I probably have been

When I used to talk about going to the gym before you guys have seen me talk about the gym so much like how

Motivated we are to just go every single day and just get a good workout in and just try to better our body even Cody's

Trying to make a difference with his body, which is so awesome

And I give them a lot of props for that because it's not easy to lose weight like I notice it myself

I don't even have that much extra weight on me

But I do notice how hard it is to lose the weight that I have on me already so I mean

For anybody out there that puts their body through hell to try and better yourself. That's awesome a lot of props you guys

All right, so we're at BMW right now if they were actually gonna have somebody come down here

I'm gonna take the car out with them and show them. What's going on?

And how like my my launch control isn't working I've tried pretty much everything possible to get it to work in this car

I'm not sure if they changed it around in the newer models because this is a 2018 model

But everything that I've tried does not work, so we're gonna try and figure out how to launch control my car. All right?

So the technicians currently in my car. He's Gonna

Take it up right now

Even he got the car

And he has no idea why the launch control isn't working so he's gonna bring it up check out the computer

Maybe he can do something different to unlock it or maybe just didn't get unlock the first time so we're gonna see what happens I

Knew I wasn't dumb I knew I knew how to launch control and M4 I've done it before and I was getting so irritated

I was like. I swear if I come here and the guy lost controls my car first try

I am going to be so mad at myself

I'm gonna be so fucking pissed off, but he actually ended up not knowing why either, so that's good at least

I'm not the crazy wanted the ceo scratch you enough

Lizzie's always having him drink out of the water

But I can't find the pop-up holes and this works you guys would not believe this

But I actually woke up really early this morning. I woke up at like 7:30 a.m.

That I'm gonna pass it out again for like 30 minutes

But I got up actually got up today instead of passing out for hours and hours

After I woke up like I have been doing that I was pretty much out the door by 9:00 a.m.. Which is amazing?

I've been waking up so late recently and I'm tired of that

I feel like my days are so short when I do that though

I'm gonna try and set myself a goal to start waking up earlier every single day and lucy just saw them roll past with my

Car I think they're going outside right now 2:10 it out and see if they fixed it. Hey. There's my car so quick little update

Still nothing we have no idea what's going on, and this is so stupid like even if the technicians can figure it out

There's something wrong my car alright

So the only conclusion we've come down to is that the car has to be over?

1200 miles before I can launch my car even though I got the break-in serviced on under 1200 Hanley

It doesn't work, so we'll see what happens when I reach over that number

I'm currently at 934 miles so only a couple hundred more miles

And I should be good to go just for a final

Approval they had one of their head guys come out here and try it for themselves as well tried

Everything is not working. So we are Gonna try it at the 1200 Mile mark

If that doesn't work, then clearly there's something wrong with the car I

Love how he just sitting there chillin?

You're so sweet boy. Yes, I know watch it penny watch it


Wow, this is like Karate Charlie Nick

As I told you guys we released my brand new YouTube channel. It's called Lance210 live

I just released this channel, and you guys are going crazy hitting that subscribe button

I told you guys if we get 500,000 subscribers in the next couple of days. I'm gonna do something crazy

So make sure you go to the link down below and hit that subscribe button right now. Let's get it

Show me and Lizzy are actually about to jump in our very first live stream

Right now on that Youtube account we are going to be doing live truth, or dare is Gonna

Be pretty interesting Lizzie's like tired right now. I wake up this early

Just makes you taut, and we're tired so we also did go to sleep really late dude

Yeah, we didn't get much sleep, but let's do this. It's Gonna be awesome

So we are currently live-streaming everybody and the super chats talking right now

But me and Lizzy are doing truth or dare on this livestream, and Lizzy's very first there

Is that she has to eat a spoonful of salt?

Consume that much salt in One city

Yeah, I mean, just try your best try your best

It's we got some sea salt guys

So I'm trying to show the live stream to is a little tricky sea salt we got well. I got trash can here

Crop this up here. We go a spoonful lizzy. I'm trying

I want to waste all the salt into the trash can she's doing it. This is definitely a spoonful

is it

That's a spoonful

So good full of salt there like throw a little bit that way you guys can see it going into my mouth all right?

Lucy hates me

Do this for your live stream?

Okay, now it's my turn right after Lizzy's done. Washing out her mouth truth, or dare

Truth truth. Do you miss Lizzie's old hair color do I yes I like this hair color

But I also miss the other one, but it's weird because like when you have the other hair color

Sometimes like it's weird. I don't know I like when you change it up

But then I don't like I don't know about just buy a bunch of wigs no

I don't need to just go go back a blonde tell you

okay, so

Lizzie's got true. Somebody asks did you ever walk in on your parents having sex no no?

did I

last week so I don't think I did I think I almost did but

Okay, next up your turn in it. I'll do it there at this time, okay? Well

I already have a different guy so somebody comes

Oh, what is it? I dare you to put the o's polling in mouth yeah? Yo he was around on the dirtiest ground today. That's

Disgusting that's so nasty

Do it he's growling. He's like no. I'm gonna agree to this okay. Theo you're gonna have to hold it

This is an animal abuse and human abuse okay ready

Look at this

But that smell like salty, that's weird

Bizzy wants a dare a lot one I just have to pivot it. Yeah somebody said I dare you to live inside lance's nostril

I'm like I love you, but I don't love your nose nationals like go on nose nostril

No, you have to lick inside


But I changed it around to mine, so yes, you're it's your turn. That's it. They're

Ready you got like inside. My nose nostril. Is it this you got no lizzie can I teach you the truth?

No, you can't less you can't back out

This one that was job

No, you got to go in you got to go in

Just like barely though now she's like wetting my shoulder. You just oh

My gosh, I dare you to lick my armpit

yeah, it makes you like if I

Do a smooth full of pepper. I'm full of pepper. So you do salt my do pepper, okay, okay?

It's Gonna taste so bad. I know I

Know I couldn't do this all

Looked at them in tallinn. That's not good. Oh my gosh is on fire now. Oh, it's all fire alright

so for Lizzy's truth

It is would you rather give up lance?

Or theo I'd rather give up myself so at least you guys have each other because I could not I can't use

there's no, I you

Okay, so lizzy's dere was that she had to eat some dog food now. She has dog food in her hand right now

She's about to eat this

yummy, yummy

So me and Lizzy are currently getting ready to head out right now. We actually want to drive down to Hawaii

we're gonna take a trip over Hawaii today Gonna be pretty nice, but

We're not driving on why I wish you were gonna be so sick surprise

So we are actually going to be driving down to a beach right now. I really do want to go to Hawaii

I was just talking about this on the stream, but I've been wanting to go for the longest time down

I feel like we can't go to Hawaii because like we have all this stuff going on

But I think we might just make a decision just to go for a couple days get out of the house

I hate thank cooped up in this apartment all the time it drives me crazy

We're gonna try and have some fun today and also

Maybe plan a trip you go over to Hawaii in a couple days

They'll be pretty awesome Lizzy is currently ready to head out, but look at those guys. We're at 52 K on this channel

Thank you guys so much you guys are amazing

So we just ended up getting over to vegas me and lazier actually yeah, we're gonna Vegas. We're driving to Vegas right

Now we were driving to Hawaii. That's what I forgot. We just got over to venice

That's what I'm I'm not vegas started with a you know

Vagina what what?

We're gonna go over to get some food right now

We're getting Italian food and then after that we'll probably just end up walking around this area

We should also go to like 3rd street promenade. I'll be cool. It's a bunch of shops we've been there multiple times

Dambe that bag looks good on you. Yeah, you look so cute today

Not anytime. I was just today I'm kidding

I feel like whenever I say that that's what people think sometimes like if I'm like you look good today, like oh

I didn't look good any other day

Thank you Lizzy. See some she likes

Ya let me try it on

I'll put it on right now as funny as I was actually about two and then the people are looking right at me

So I'm a mouse

Mom's Sphaghetti knees weak arms are heavy

Ok now we're changing things up again. I feel like we did this a lot. We can never make up our mind, so

So where are we going right now?

Yeah, there was just a random penny chillin on our table. You not that mean get some good luck

Good luck yo, they always do this. It's so cool. They put sugar on top though constr

It's good. We're done eating now even though we got like the lunch portions. I still feel completely full

There's no helping when I got to dinner

I just always be gonna stop my gig after going out vo Ate all Lizzie's beauty blenders

So now she's gotta get a new one

He chews up. All my wires through that goes crazy sometimes he's amazing that other days is just so bad for no reason

There's no sad, whoa hold up there girl be doing bra

Okay, listen. I went off and I went like this right, and I didn't think it was Gonna

Be that big of a deal, and then I hit it like this


This soul

Where's my car?

My shit got told what a fuck is it. I don't know where it is

Maybe it's the opposite side, but it's looks familiar, okay?

We just walked around the entire parking garage and then up a flight and kept on the car. Okay now

We're both convinced that lizzy brought us to the wrong partner garage

Yeah, that's exactly what happened lizzy brought us to the entire wrong place. Okay? Now. We are definitely in the right. Thank God

my baby



Miss you

Moron Stewart Street Stewart's tree, they actually spell right

Dude, that's so funny


Let's let's give up rubbing and the needed that this is your one brother shit. Oh, that was so loud


Was honestly not expecting that I wasn't at all yo

I thought my car was loud, and then I heard that Camaro that is insane

I mean, it is the top-of-the-line Camaro?

It's a pretty expensive Camaro

But this guy has a lot of work done to his car like I've seen that car around and here's a lot of work done

To it that car is sick man. I did not expect it to vibrate that much

You have to feel it in first like the vibrations. We're just like three cars like shaking yeah

We got a bunch of merch because I've told you guys. I need it to restock on song so

You got more joggers

We got 210 pop Sockets fizzling down Myrtle Lincoln, Bio

You steal my socks we got the cowboy merch. Yeah, yeah

Guys go get your march link down below in the description much like a biome check it out over there

We got tons of cool stuff over there always releasing new products of course. I'll keep you guys updated on when they come out

I'm out of breath right now. I'm about to get a shower. You're right. Thanks. Chase you down the hallway

They don't know that you guys don't know why oh he's chasing me down the hall well

Just wait, just wait you guys will see in a couple of days. It's Gonna be funny

I'll let you guys know when that's going up new prank video. All right guys said it's gonna wrap up today's vlog

I hope you guys enjoyed if you did please hit that thumbs up button don't forget to turn on my post notifications

So you don't miss any new videos if you guys have not yet subscribed to my new live-streaming channel

Please do so I'm gonna go live on that account for one or two hours every single day

so you guys can pretty much see me outside of the vlogs without any edits to the videos link down by the very top of

Description check it out over there. Make sure to subscribe if you have it and other than that. I will see you guys tomorrow

Push if you guys are interested in any of our 210 merchandise make sure to click the link down below the very top of scription

Check it out over there

Make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on my post notifications

And if you haven't already make sure to check out yesterday's video as well

For more infomation >> MY NEW CAR IS BROKEN! :( (BMW M4 2018) - Duration: 19:11.


HunterDz's Channel Trailer - مرحبا بكم في قناتي - Duration: 0:26.







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For more infomation >> HunterDz's Channel Trailer - مرحبا بكم في قناتي - Duration: 0:26.


Haunted house monster truck | good guys finish last | ep#62 | good vs evil by Kids Channel - Duration: 40:51.

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For more infomation >> (চ্যানেল আই সংবাদ) Live Channel i tv News, 01 September 2017, Bangla News Today - Shadhin 24 - Duration: 22:14.


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For more infomation >> 김민지·최아라·송중기·이상엽, 한복 입고 새해 인사 | #김정숙 Channel - Duration: 3:17.


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Lance starts his own channel! - Duration: 1:12.



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