Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily do Sep 25 2017

6 Things Controlling Personalities Do To Keep You Under Them

In simple explanation, controlling personality is when someone needs to have those around

them behave in certain ways, they like to control other people.

For most of us, we have come across situations where someone tells us not to do something.

Then, when asked why not, they respond with, "I don't want you to," or, "That's

not how it's done."

Controlling personalities stem from having codependency issues.

This means that they rely on their ability to control you so that they can feel safe

confident and secure.

However, by doing this, they ultimately end up making you feel like you have lost your

voice and your independence.

As a result, they have you under their thumb and they destroy your self-esteem.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 6 things controlling personalities do to keep

you under them.

Likewise, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!

No. 1.

They start out overly-loving, then intentionally create distance.

This is a subtle manipulation tactic that is easily overlooked, if you don't know

how to spot it.

Once you meet him or her, they will begin to create a rapid and intense closeness designed

to make you trust them and rely on their affection.

As soon as they think you truly believe they have feelings for you, they will start to

distance themselves, and their affections.

This tactic is designed to make you fall head-over-heels in love so quickly that when things slow down,

you are too far down the rabbit hole to escape.

You will notice that suddenly the compliments stop and it is you who is expected to run

all the errands, pay the bills, and more.

Relationships should be an equal exchange.

No. 2.

They are constantly criticizing everything you do.

Controlling people are never satisfied with what someone else is doing.

Even if they direct you step-by-step, you will somehow still be doing it incorrectly.

Whether it is the kind of music you listen to, they way you dress, the car you drive,

the kind of job you have…it's never good enough for them.

"You should've" is a repetitive phrase in their vocabulary.

No. 3.

They hate it when you ask, "why?"

People who are controlling hate to be questioned.

Their word is law.

Asking them to explain their motives, or reasons, will only frustrate them (and you).

This, of course is because their reasons and motives don't make sense.

They want you to conform to their control without question.

Doing otherwise will lead them to display acts of anger.

No. 4.

They use guilt to manipulate you.

"If you love me, you will…"

"I will be hurt if you don't…"

"You should want to…"

All of these are sayings controlling personalities use to manipulate you through guilt.

They will try to use your love and care for them to get what they want.

This is a horribly destructive pattern in toxic relationships of any kind, friendship,

workplace, spouse- and can result in permanent emotional damage.

No. 5.

They impose arbitrary rules on your life.

Of course they know what is best for everyone, all the time.

Controlling people have a set list of rules that everyone should abide by, and if they

don't, judgement soon follows.

Liz Ryan shares an example list of arbitrary rules with Forbes:

It's impolite to let voice mail messages go unanswered for more than a half-day.

Five minutes early to a meeting is on time.

On time is late!

It's rude to breastfeed in public, even with a blanket covering the baby.

If you don't have factual evidence for your argument, don't make it.

Opinions don't count.

It's unprofessional to [hug a co-worker who's just had a new grandbaby or question

a management decision or schedule a day off work just to relax]

Work isn't supposed to be fun; that's why they call it work.

Although these are just examples, it's highly likely that you have heard something similar

in your life before.

No. 6.

They will try to make you feel bad for being yourself.

Once you recognize these behaviours for what they are, and refuse to be swayed by controlling

personalities any longer, the controlling party will likely tell you how much you have


They rely on their words having power over you, and as soon as that comes to a screeching

halt, it's your fault.

How dare you show signs of independence after they tried so fervently to steal it away from


Change is good.

Especially when it comes to leaving or avoiding toxic people.

Never let anyone tell you that you should be who they tell you to be.

That decision is up to you entirely.

All in all, that's the 6 things controlling personalities do to keep you under them.

Really cool information isn't it.

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Things Controlling Personalities Do To Keep You Under Them - Duration: 5:41.


Final do campeonato piauiense infantil de vôlei - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Final do campeonato piauiense infantil de vôlei - Duration: 2:27.


Tasha and Bin Haneul - Tashaneul [Do Well For Me] - Duration: 4:46.

Tasha: When did Haneul become this pretty?

Tasha: She has a lot of charm

Tasha: Unnie likes her a lot, but she keeps pushing me away

Tasha: I just wanna touch her, cause she's so cute

Haneul: Fucking whining for no reason

First things first I'm the realest

Drop dick little hoe world fillet

And obsolete murder misses

I like to eat day old syphillises physics

This is where T bone spank you like this

Push it in Push it in Just like this

Haneul: Hold on bitch

Haneul: Can you not do this shit

Tasha: be professional

lmao Tashas fucking face

tasha: you know my heart right

Sorry Guys

For more infomation >> Tasha and Bin Haneul - Tashaneul [Do Well For Me] - Duration: 4:46.


Things To Do at Clearwater Beach in One Day - 2017 VLOG - Duration: 5:55.

We're in Clearwater Beach!

Look how pretty it is!

Whoo!!! Beautiful!

So we're gonna go check out the Clearwater Beach area

Yeah and then we're also gonna go check out Hulk Hogan's shop.

He's actually from Clearwater... is he from the Clearwater area?

Yup, he lives in Clearwater, so he's kind of a celebrity here.

Yeah, so we're gonna go check his shop out. And then what else are we gonna do?

Then we'll do some shopping, eating, then we're gonna go to the aquarium and check out Winter the dolphin.

Yay Winter!

For those of you who don't know Winter, he's actually the star of Dolphin's Tale, the movie.

and he's the only dolphin in the world that has a mechanical tail.

Yeah, really interesting story. He was rescued and he lost his tail,

so they rehabilitated him and also made a prosthetic tail for him. So, we're gonna go check him out!

Alright, well let's go!

So... we thought it was going to clear, but it started pouring.

It's pouring to the point where we have to hang out in a garage right now.

Yeah and I'm sure it'll calm down. Usually in Florida, it'll pour like this and then it'll go away in 20 minutes.

It usually clears up, so fingers crossed!

OMG... we're gonna try and make it to this restaurant!

Aaahhhhh! I'm not even under the umbrella! I'm gonna run.

Oh my gosh, now I'm so cold.

We're gonna get breakfast now. Since it's pouring outside, we're going to kill some time with breakfast.

At 'Another Broken Egg Cafe'. Not just 'Broken Egg Cafe', but 'Another Broken Egg Cafe'.

I like the cups. They're really cute. And they got local honey. That's good too.

We made it to Clearwater Aquarium. The first thing we come up on is ...

well, we took some pictures and then we came up on the animal hospital area.

and they do food prep here...

this is the sea turtle rehab area

there's the otter rehab back there.

So, it's pretty cool.


*dolphin whistle sounds*

It's a lot sharper than I thought.

Exactly why we have folks touch it to explore to see that sea life isn't what people think it is.

And it is an animal. It's actually moving right now if you look really close.

I see it... so it's alive.

That's how they actually pick shells up, cover their bodies. And we've actually seen them walk on walls.

Oh yeah, they're on the walls.

Yup, so they're pretty active little creatures.

See his tail? Now it's attached. Winter!

So we're gonna go a little bit exploring the shopping area of Clearwater.

Yup, we're on our way to the Hulk Hogan shop. Aaaahhhh! I don't know why my voice gets so excited.

Hahaha! I am kind of excited for it.

I'm curious to see what they have in there. He was a real icon.

Push the button, Candy.

That means we have the right away

Let's go!

It's Hulk Hogan! There's a rope around it!

Here it is, Hogan's Beach Shop.


Those are huge, those belts.

Candy bought something at the Hulk Hogan shop! What'd you buy?

I got some hiking gear.

Some hiking gear?

Gonna wear these bandanas.

Ohhhh yeaaaaah!

For when I'm hiking.

What does it say? Python Power.

Oh yes, we need some Python Power hahahaha!

For more infomation >> Things To Do at Clearwater Beach in One Day - 2017 VLOG - Duration: 5:55.


My version of youtube videos - Duration: 4:23.

Hey, youtube! It's me again

and today's video is a little different

I was thinking about some popular videos I usually watch on youtube

and I realized I could never make these videos, cause no one would watch them

cause they'd be something like this

"My morning routine"

Hi, guys! Today I'm gonna show you my everyday make up look

To do this look you only need two products

wich are a lipgloss and a lipstick in any shade you like

The first step is to fix your eyebrows

The second step should be a lip balm, but I lost mine

so instead I'll wear lipgloss, because If I don't my lips will be really dry

And the third and last step is the lipstick

As you can see this look is really easy to do, it takes less than a minute

and it's great for you who is super pale like me

and without any lipstick looks like you're already dead but still walking on earth

Hi, guys, today I decided to make a video I've watched many times on youtube

I don't know why

Wich is "What's in my bag?"

A lot of famous youtubers make this video showing what they carry in their bags everyday

so I'll show you what I have in my bag daily

The bag I use the most is this one

I bought it on Renner

I like it cause you can wear it with or without straps

I usually wear it without straps when I go to church at night

and with straps at any other occasion

Let's do this

The first item in my bag is an umbrella

cause it's always good to be prepared in case it rains

The next item in my bag is my wallet

cause you can't go out without i.d. and money

The next item is my cellphone cause nobody lives without it

There's also a lipstick that I always carry even though I never retouch it during the day

And a lot of random pieces of paper

That's it!

For this recipe you'll need a big mug

A spoon

powdered milk

soluble coffee

a little bit of suggar

If you wanna be healthy you can go without sugar, but I'm not that healthy, so I always add some

corn cracker or any other type you prefer

Add some hot water to the milk and coffee

Mix it all

After the coffee is ready, you just break the crackers into the mug

And there you have it! One of my favorite snacks that I eat almost everyday

Crackers in the coffee with milk

I hope you enjoyed the video and learned something new

I'll be back anytime soon to talk about anything. Bye!

"grab another toothpaste"

I forgot the phone

"The level of grace is unbelievable"

the lipstick

This video is gonna be crap

For more infomation >> My version of youtube videos - Duration: 4:23.


Soy Luna 2 odcinek 74 Ambar chce dołaczyć do Sliders by zniszczyc roller (tłumaczenie pl) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 2 odcinek 74 Ambar chce dołaczyć do Sliders by zniszczyc roller (tłumaczenie pl) - Duration: 2:07.


21 ways to live a better live #1 Do not Worry - Duration: 5:29.

Hello everyone! I'm Debora Spina and I'm here for the 21 days of how to make the

life better and Why make life better? Because I guess everyone has

these days that: I felt like this day did not go well, I didn't feel

good today or I'm upset with something that is happening every single day, and it is so

easy to change this mood. It is so easy to make our lives better, only for

little steps and some little things that we need to get used to practice every

single day. It is not something that is easy for me

I believe so it 's not easy for anyone! Before start it I wanna say that it's a

double challenge for me! One, because it is a challenge for myself to keep doing the

things that I am I gonna tell you, and two it is the first time that I'm

recording a video in English! Not that I have an accent, but it's okay! Let start! The

first video we are talking about don't worry

and it is something that is always in my mind! How don't worry? Because we are

always worried about every single thing all the time, and last year I was

studying... I start to study about Reiki and some of the things that I keep in my

mind until now... There's a lot of things but one of the things is a

say: Only for today I will not worry! If you stop to think about this if

you get this practice for your life then OK... I'm not gonna worry! Now that I don't

need to be responsible for something, but there's many ways to visualize things. OK, if

it's not gonna happen! It's not happening! It is boring me! What I am supposed to do to make

this something easier? How many ways do I have to figure it out this? Because think

with me... If you worry and usually we worry for such little things, so little things! Look

around us! Look how many blessings we have, and seriously: We are worried

because my neighbor was making noise in the morning

or my co-worker is not being nice with me, or just because my car is broken!

Seriously, look around us, look around the world how many great things need to

be done, and how many people are really in a hard situations of life and they are not

worrying. Have you ever met someone that doesn't have half that you have and this

person is happy? I have and I'm blessed for have these people around me because

they make me open my eyes about how I should not worry too! Worry is just

your view about the things! Tip one: tomorrow

or right now! Because, we are always waiting to start something tomorrow, on Monday

or on New Year's resolution! Right? No! Right now! The next five minutes, start your

first day without worry. And every single time that something happens

around you, that you think you will worry. Just stop! Think what you

can do about this, and move ahead! OK!? I think this tip can help you and can stay in your mind! Or

just repeat to yourself, whatever time you need: only for today I will not worry!

Only for today I will not worry! Actually, I have in my room in my bedroom

on top of my bed. I have some phrases and one of them is this one: Only for today

I will not worry! I don't think it is easy at all...

but seriously , if you start to do this your day gets much better, and you will improve

your life for sure! That is it for today. First video about don't worry! I hope you

guys enjoy it and if just in case you guys don't know me

I want you to please guess where am I from? This accent is familiar for you or not?

Because I live in America and a lot of people ask me where I am from and most of

them never guess right! OK, if you agree with me, disagree with me, have some new

ideas, or wanna listen to me

talk some about something different about this 21 first ways

challenge about how to make a life better. Please, subscribe, comment and let me know!

Ok? Thank you!

but why don't you!

For more infomation >> 21 ways to live a better live #1 Do not Worry - Duration: 5:29.


TOP-5 Nejlepších mobilů do 10 000 Kč - Duration: 1:19.

This video shows you the top 5 best smartphones up to 10000kc

For more infomation >> TOP-5 Nejlepších mobilů do 10 000 Kč - Duration: 1:19.


The Things I Do For You - Duration: 6:33.

and just like that what's up to the family of personal development we are at

Jamba Juice we were having lunch me and my sister and we were like thinking

about how we miss the way my mom's food was because we're not able to have that

anymore and you know we kept saying like oh I miss this dish I missed this dish

and then very like I think we should go visit our mom




just like that what's up so yeah we're here now

obviously I really had this desire to really push myself to go further I

believe that if you really want to do something or if you really want to make

something out of yourself or there's something that you really love this

could be a person this could be a thing this could be a hobby it's gonna be a

game I don't know it could be anything but you always make time for it

you always make time for a person... I got a strawberry energizer because I have a

lot of homework to do but back on that note.. if you really want to do something

if you really love something you will always find the time or make the time to

you know make it happen I think there's a lot of people who want

something but they're not willing to put in the effort or put in the work to

truly achieve that goal.. you know... what's the thing? without a goal you can't score

I'm getting all Casey Neistat... just being real you know it's back to what I was

saying I started this daily vlog of course

because their was an event.. (VEDA) but I think now that I've been doing it for more

than two months my desire to daily vlog has been something more deeper... I lost

someone very special to me so if you're very new.. if you're new.. this is a news!

you know I lost some really special to me during this whole event

I'm trying daily vlogging out and it's you know of course it's very

nerve-wracking it's traumatizing but at the same time you learn so much


Can I ask everyone to rise?

[All Rise]

& lets give a standing ovation

For the best performance

We've ever seen from a Mom

[All Applaud]


and I feel like there's not that many people on YouTube to really talk about

these kind of things.. I feel like there's a lot of great vloggers great youtubers

out there but they're not allowed or they don't allow their personal brand to

get in the way of you know this kind of stuff they don't want it to kind of mix

in with their brand because they're all about positivity which I am all about as

well but I think where I differ from most youtubers that I know and most of

vloggers I know is.. I'm just RAW.. you know I really include every single thing

in my life like I know there's a lot of things that people don't put on their

vlogs because of course it doesn't resonate with their audience but me I am

willing to sacrifice losing the audience that's into all happiness and all

fairytale stuff you know.. I'm... I like to keep it real ... like if I'm going through a

funeral like if my mom passed away like what happened.. I'm gonna vlog about it

because it happened and it's something that's dear to me you know I... I really

stopped vlogging for other people I think when I first started vlogging it

was for really attention and to make people think like I have such a happy

life and my life is so much better than theirs! I'm two months into

daily vlogging I realized that I'm just a normal person you know and I'd love to

put all of that relatability stuff into my vlogs because maybe you might need

this one day it might not mean anything to you now but I'm hoping and praying

that one day there will be somebody who just needs help maybe there's someone

who doesn't have another person there to guide them through a funeral..

through a loss and that's all I'm all about.. not specifically in that niche but more

about personal development because losing someone is oh man it ruins so

much about you you yourself go through some kind of death too but out of that

darkness comes someone else.. a NEW you and that's what this channel is all

about it's all about personal development it's

not just about mine it's especially about yours so please

consider subscribing I'm gonna get up out of here

my time is up so I'll see you in the next one

Peace Love God Bless

[Thank you for watching! Remember that it's not just about my Personal Development.. It's also about yours! Please consider Subscribing!]

For more infomation >> The Things I Do For You - Duration: 6:33.


Trump doing all he can do avoid nuclear war with North Korea: Mnuchin - Duration: 0:33.

A top U.S. official has assured that President Trump... does *not want a nuclear war with

North Korea.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Sunday that the administration is doing everything

it can... to make sure a war does not break out.

He did emphasize however,... that President Trump's number one priority,... is ensuring

the safety of the American people,... as well as those of its allies.

Mnuchin also condemned North Korea's recent provocations,... saying its nuclear test and

missile launches over Japanese airspace,... were unacceptable.

For more infomation >> Trump doing all he can do avoid nuclear war with North Korea: Mnuchin - Duration: 0:33.


Cantora Fergie esclarece razões do divórcio - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Cantora Fergie esclarece razões do divórcio - Duration: 3:05.


Do You Know Why Petrol & Diesel Are Not In GST||Petrol-Diesel price hike |||| - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Do You Know Why Petrol & Diesel Are Not In GST||Petrol-Diesel price hike |||| - Duration: 3:44.



For more infomation >> VAMOS CONVERSAR SEM FUGIR DO ASSUNTO? - Duration: 7:43.


Mix de Marketing: Elementos essenciais para conquistar o mercado na era do marketing 4.0 - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Mix de Marketing: Elementos essenciais para conquistar o mercado na era do marketing 4.0 - Duration: 8:01.


O PODER DO SUTIL - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> O PODER DO SUTIL - Duration: 1:38.


Jack Marshall Can't Do This Series Teaser - Duration: 0:14.


I'm here with

Jonathan David Marshall.

It's Jack.




It is Jack Marshall!

For more infomation >> Jack Marshall Can't Do This Series Teaser - Duration: 0:14.


Do you have any advice for people considering HSCT treatment? - Duration: 2:43.

Do you have any advice for people considering taking HSCT treatment now and hoping to

live longer?

Oh, one thing I would recommend is get your facts right.

On my website, I have in the forums areas dedicated just to

research on HSCT, and I don't editorialise much

there at all.

It also has my experience from day one, day two, year one, the whole thing.

And I cover it in great detail.

But I think the most valuable thing over there is I publish the

abstracts of every study that's been done on HSCT, and I continue to publish them.

So they go back to probably the year 2000 and you

can really get a good sense of what's out there.

I would say - and yeah, I will get flamed - don't

rely on a lot of these other websites out there.

There are some groups and they're very vocal and they're very excited about this treatment,

and that's fantastic, but they don't have their facts exactly right and it causes a

big problem with the researchers and they've even come

to me to complain, and they say hey, they get

about 60 or 70% of it right, but then they get 30% of it wrong.

So I would say, try and go to an unbiased source for information, look at

these research studies and come to your own conclusions, don't necessarily listen to

someone who says, I got it done six months ago and

I am cured and I feel great.

Well, I felt great at six months too, and I felt great at one year

and two years and four years.

You need to look a little bit farther down the line and take all

those great experiences with a grain of salt and make your own decisions.

That's what I would say.

For more infomation >> Do you have any advice for people considering HSCT treatment? - Duration: 2:43.


Pior trap do Biu - (Feat. Bill$, Homar, Go$ma) (Prod. By Bvnx Beats) (Lyric vídeo) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Pior trap do Biu - (Feat. Bill$, Homar, Go$ma) (Prod. By Bvnx Beats) (Lyric vídeo) - Duration: 2:43.




Jenelle Evans got married on Saturday, September 23, and unfortunately, the Teen Mom 2 star's

family was not in attendance.

Months after proclaiming that she would not be inviting her mother, Barbara Evans, to

the ceremony, a report has confirmed that in addition to Barbara Evans, the reality

star's siblings, Colin and Ashleigh, were also absent.

On September 24, The Ashley's Reality Roundup shared a report with readers in which they

confirmed that Barbara Evans had spent Saturday afternoon at the beach with one of her friends.

As the outlet revealed, Barbara Evans shared an image of herself enjoying the warm weather

and giving her fans and followers a thumbs up.

As for why Barbara Evans wasn't included in the ceremony, the Teen Mom 2 star told

Us Weekly magazine in August that she wasn't included because Barbara Evans hadn't given

her Jace in their custody battle earlier this year.

Instead, the decision was left up to the judge on their case, who decided that 8-year-old

Jace was better off with Barbara Evans.

Weeks prior, Barbara Evans had spoken to People magazine, revealing that it was quite painful

to learn that her reality star daughter was refusing to include her in her then-upcoming


Jenelle Evans and her husband began their romance at the end of 2015 after she split

from her middle child's father, Nathan Griffith.

As Teen Mom 2 fans will recall, Evans and Griffith split just months after becoming

engaged during a trip to St. Thomas in early 2015 and one year later, in August 2016, Evans

and Eason announced they were expecting their first child together.

Following Evans' daughter Ensley's birth in January 2017, she and Eason got engaged

during a hike in the mountains that was taped by MTV for Teen Mom 2.

In addition to Evans' two older children from previous relationships, Eason also shares

two children with two other women, including his daughter, Maryssa, and son, Kaden.

To see more of Jenelle Evans, her family, and her co-stars, including Leah Messer, Chelsea

Houska, Kailyn Lowry, and Briana DeJesus, tune into new episodes of Teen Mom 2 Season

8 on Monday nights at 9 p.m. on MTV.



How do I - Use Offline Build - Duration: 10:29.

In this short video we will discuss the offline build feature which allows you to build native

iOS & Android applications on a Mac without using the Codename One build servers.

This is a feature designed for enterprise Codename One subscribers!

It's a complex feature to use and requires enterprise level support.

However, once you install an offline builder you can keep using it even after your enterprise

subscription elapses.

In that sense it's more like shrink wrap software than a subscription service.

Offline build includes most of the translation functionality of the build servers, it doesn't

include the compilation stage.

As such the tool generates a native OS project that you then open in the native IDE either

xcode or Android Studio.

As such you don't need an internet connection at all when using this tool except during

the installation/update stages.

Once a version is installed it will keep working.

As I mentioned before we see the offline builder tool as a shrink wrapped packaged application.

That means you get ownership of a specific version of the builder as an enterprise user.

Notice that this ownership isn't transferable.

You won't get support or updates if you cancel the subscription, moving the builder

to a new machine won't be supported either.

The reason we think enterprise subscription is required is the complexity of offline building.

A lot of things can go wrong in the process and it has a few external dependencies that

are hard to support.

So we recommend using the online build system, internally at Codname One we rarely use offline

build as the build servers are often faster than our local machines!

The main reason we added offline build support is for government and institutions that due

to heavy regulation can't use the cloud.

In those industries this is the only option to get at least some of the benefits of Codename


Before we begin we have some tools we need installed, notice that while the Android build

should work on Windows our focus and testing has been on Macs as the iOS offline build

requires Macs and an installation of xcode.

Please check the developer guide for the exact versions of the tools as these change occasionally

as we move forward…

Currently xcode 7.3 is required but we are in the process of migrating to xcode 8 so

please verify these versions.

We need the Oracle JDK 8

Cocoapods allows us to install extensions in the iOS build

xcodeproj generates the xcode project in the iOS build

You need a current version of Android Studio and also the standard Android command line


Make sure to install all the extensions in the command line SDK

You need a standalone version of gradle which is currently 2.11, again check with us if

things don't work as expected.

You can install cocoapods and xcodeproj by typing these commands in your command prompt

in the Mac OS terminal.

Now that we have everything in place lets get started.

In Codename One Settings click on "Offline Builds".

I already have several builders installed but you would probably not.

You will notice each builder has a version and date.

A builder is a snapshot of our build server logic downloaded at a specific date.

You can use the Download button to download a new version of the builder, notice that

this will do nothing if there is no new version…

If there is a new version and you have an enterprise subscription it will open a download

UI and fetch the latest version of the builder.

Once downloaded the builder will be added automatically to the list of offline builders

you have installed in your system.

You can delete unused builders and also select a specific builder version that you want to

work with.

This allows you to target a fixed version of the build server and keep historical versions

for reference.

If you discover a regression you can revert to a specific version that works for you until

a fix is made.

When you download a new version it is implicitly selected.

Notice that you need to configure the location of the Android command line SDK and the location

of your gradle binary.

After all of this preparation lets build an Android version of this app we right click

the project and select Android Offline Build.

Running this command takes a few seconds and it will generate a native OS Android project

for us once the build completes successfully.

This is the project folder in the finder, the native OS project is under the build/and

directory under the name of the native OS project which in this case is the native Map.

One caveat to mention is that if we generate an offline build our previous offline build

in the folder will be deleted even if it's for a different platform.

If you need to keep this folder copy it to somewhere else…

We can now launch Android Studio and open the project folder in that location.

At this point things should be very familiar if you watches the include native sources


Notice that I cut this short a little, Android Studio is slow and takes time to load…

You will eventually see a gradle compilation error, we need to open the project preferences

to fix this.

Inside the preferences we need to select the build tools section and pick the current local

copy of gradle which I mentioned earlier.

Right now we need gradle 2.11 but again this could change so we check with our support

if this changes in the future.

Once the local gradle is configured you can just press OK and everything will update automatically.

You should now be able to run/build for device/emulator natively!

So lets move to iOS where everything should be just as familiar…

This time I'll select "iOS Debug Offline Build" .

This takes MUCH longer to complete and runs for minutes sometimes, one of the things it

does is run the app multiple times to grab the splash screen screenshots and then it

translates the bytecode to C and installs cocoapod libraries if you have such dependencies.

Notice that if you depend on cocoapods they might connect to the cocoapods site to download,

this is something you should be able to configure in the coacoapods toolchain.

Once compilation is done we can look again at the directory.

The directory is again similar to the include source results.

Under build/iphone you will see the dist directory where you can open the project.

Notice that the file you should open is the xcworkspace file and NOT the xcodeproj file!

Once you do that running and debugging should work but some users experience an odd caveat

where the simulator doesn't launch.

You can fix this by selecting "Edit Scheme" then selecting the run entry and making sure

your app is selected in the combo box for run.

Once all of that is in place everything should work as expected.

Thanks for watching, I hope you found this helpful

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