Here are more of the dumbest things that millennials have done!
9 - Let's Throw Rocks
27 year old Jeremy Perkins was arrested when he was caught throwing rocks at cars while
standing above an abandoned building.
He had apparently smoked meth and thought "The Purge" was about to happen in real
Police confronted Perkins when they were called around noon on Saturday and found him throwing
bricks off the roof.
He continued to throw bricks even after police showed up, one of which landed five feet away
from an officer.
An officer said that Perkins mentioned there being a sniper 400 yards away.
Once Perkins was in police custody, he told authorities that he had done meth the night
before, leading him to climb a tree and eventually climbing on top of the building.
Someone had told him the purge was going down, which in case you guys have no clue, is a
reference to the 2013 horror movie where society had one night to commit any crime since all
criminal activity is legal.
Perkins told police that he believed people were trying to get him and that he was attempting
to protect himself.
When asked if he would have used a gun if he had one, Perkins said "yes."
Uhhhh…..I'll have what he's smoking?!
8 - Facebook Live Stream When you guys do anything illegal, the last
thing you'd want to do is have a camera around, right?
Well, not for this guy.
This drug dealer's home got raided by police moments after he started live streaming himself
flashing his wad of cash.
Breon Hollings was arrested, not for his livestreams, but for the handgun, ammunition, cr@ck cocaine,
oxy pills and other drug paraphernalia found in his TRAILER.
Just a piece of life advice.
At least make sure the place where you're living is how do I put it….a little fancier
before we put the cash up to our ear okay?
Hollings' video shows him flaunting his money and throwing it around and speaking
Shortly into his video he notices cops making their way into his place.
He tries to escape, but cops were able to apprehend him after they hurled smoke grenades
in his place before making their way in.
Possession of a weapon and ammunition by a convicted felon were the charges.
One criminal and safety expert said that it's likely the video could implicate him more
as he's unemployed and flashing money.
This guy's definitely not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree!
7 - No Snitching We've all heard of criminals not wanting
witnesses, and how they may even k1ll anyone who may have seen them.
I'd like to give a shoutout to this millennial genius for thinking of ramifications of someone
seeing him commit a crime.
But, this guy took it a step further.
He actually believed that three goldfish witness would rat him out for his robbery of the house
the goldfish were living in, so he decided to dispose of them so that there were no witnesses.
Seriously, I can't make this stuff up!!
The 16 year old teen was with two other teen accomplices, and all three have been charged
with burglary and animal cruelty.
It's too bad they didn't realize that goldfish only remember things for up to three
months... and even if they remember things for forever…….they can't talk!!!!
When the homeowners returned, they found their fish floating at the top of the tank, in ketchup,
mustard, and spices that the burglars added to their watery grave.
In addition to killing three fish, the teens stole various high priced items from the home
that was evacuated due to a fire.
6 - Just Why Though?
I know that none of you guys would ever do this.
I hope.
A 25 year old woman from South Carolina was arrested for leaving her 13 month old daughter
in a hot car as she went to get her hair done in an Atlanta suburb.
Although DiJanelle Fowler left the AC running, the car battery died and unfortunately, so
did her daughter.
Police believe her daughter had already died when she returned to the car.
Apparently, instead of calling the police, or a medical professional, Fowler called for
roadside assistance to jump her battery.
She then hid the baby from the person who helped jump her battery and decided to go
to the hospital and call 911.
The mother tried to claim that she passed out from some sort of medical condition, and
medical revealed later that her daughter died sooner than what Fowler was claiming.
The temperature in Dekalb County had reached a whopping 92 degrees Fahrenheit by 5 pm.
Unfortunately, kids dying in hot cars is a totally preventable problem.
In 2016, 39 children died that way, which was slightly less than the 49 who died in
Children that are aged 3 and under account for 87 percent of the kid de@ths in cars,
which is pretty logical if you think about it.
Fowler fled Atlanta after her daughter's death.
5 - Guy Tries To Open Door On Plane A Tampa man, excuse me, I meant Florida Man,
thought that he could just open the emergency exit door of Delta flight 129 in the middle
of a flight between Seattle and Beijing.
Joseph Daniel Hudek asked for a beer before takeoff, and didn't drink any more alcohol
during the flight.
He apparently exhibited no signs of being drunk.
After only being in the air about an hour, Hudek got up from his first class seat and
went into the bathroom.
Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Hudek rushed toward the emergency exit, grabbed
the handle and tried to open it!
Two flight attendants and a bunch of passengers pulled him off the door.
Fortunately for them, the exit door wouldn't have been able to have been opened anyways.
During the scuffle, Hudek punched a female crew member in the face and used a wine bottle
to hit another passenger over the head.
Another passenger tried to help but got hit many times by Hudek.
Things weren't really looking good for the good guys until a flight attendant hit Hudek
over the head with two wine bottles.
One bottle smashed open from the impact, and passengers held Hudek down while zip tying
The plane was able to turn back to Seattle.
He was arrested after the plane landed, and charged with one count of interference with
flight crew members.
He now faces 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
4 - Money Management "Advice" Adding more fuel to the fire that millennials
are complete idiots, Lauren Martin may have written the dumbest article on money ever
on Elite Daily.
The article, titled "If You Have Savings In your 20s, You're Doing Something Wrong,"
was meant to be advice to her peers, but to be h onest, it was so dumb, many people actually
thought it was a parody.
You guys wanna know how bad the article was?
Even Gawker called the article so stupid that they didn't believe it to be real.
Martin shared her philosophy on life and claimed to not need to save money.
She said she would rather live her life than be quote, "shackled by boring things like
a savings account."
In her rant, she claims to not having savings, but has no wants, but in the next sentence
she claims to spend money on clothes she doesn't need.
She goes on to talk about how she sacrificed soooooo much to save money by get this……...not
going out to clubs with her friends.
Can you guys feel the entitlement here yet?
She asks the all important question, "when did our 20s start to feel like our 40s?"
Basically, she may as well as written YOLO 400 times all over the article, because it
was all about not worrying about the future.
3 - Girls Crash Taking Selfie There are YouTube sensations, and then there
are just YouTube idiots.
The girls in this entry fall into the latter.
Two Iranian girls posted a video of their car accident they had while singing karaoke
and driving.
The video went viral, but not because the fans of the vid are laughing with them, but
it's because they're laughing at them.
A bunch of spoof videos hit YouTube parodying the video and making fun of the girls.
I'll give you guys the short version.
Basically the girls film themselves singing karaoke in the video, and when the girl who
was driving lets go of the steering wheel and stared straight into the camera to sing,
their car smashes into another car.
To be honest, I'm still incredulous at how people like this exist.
Both girls were taken to the hospital, and even in their pain, they uploaded the video
to YouTube.
The video went viral, prompting them to take a selfie in their hospital beds and uploading
it to social media, thinking people were actually worried about them.
With blood on one girl's face, and an IV in the other girl's hand, they posed for
the camera.
I guess, maybe it wasn't that dumb.
These girls are thirsty for any attention, whether it's negative or positive.
2 - Count Chocula
Vika Shapel found out the hard way that you have to be accountable for the things you
post online, such as painting half your face brown with chocolate.
It doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out that with today's political climate,
chocolate on the face is a big no no.
She and her friend received heavy backlash from their YouTube video where they covered
one side of their faces with chocolate as part of a social media game.
Basically, both the girls, with curly hair and brown eyes, decided to make a YouTube
video doing something they decided to call the Chocolate challenge.
They wanted their viewers to watch them transform their skin to a deep chocolate skin tone from
their quote, "pasty pale".
Viewers claim that the chocolate challenge was overtly racist, and berated them for doing
the video.
It's definitely an unintended consequence, because it left the girls making excuses for
their actions, and that's the dumb part, because they actually thought they could go
chocolate face without backlash!
1 - What a great pic!
They say criminals are either geniuses or they're complete morons.
To be honest the latter is always gonna be best for society, both for safety's sake
and entertainment value.
Somewhere in between, we've got 23 year old Levi Charles Reardon.
Reardon made four checks out to himself and cashed them at a grocery store, which led
to two outstanding arrest warrants for him.
However, this isn't even the dumbest thing he did.
He actually went online to the Facebook page of Cascade County Crime Stoppers and "Liked"
his mugshot that was posted, listing him as a most wanted suspect.
The non-profit even offered a $2,500 reward to the person who had information leading
to his arrest.
Much to Crime Stopper's surprise – Reardon responded to the post under his own name.
Needless to say, it didn't take police long to track him down.
Here's What's Next!
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