Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily have Sep 26 2017

Yo my name's Maddie G, I'm the OG MG and I'm here to show you how to have so much

swag that you'll explode.

Step One: Sunglasses.

Sunglasses are the key to swag.

They not only protect the outside world from discovering your vulnerabilities, but also

protects your eyes from the deadly UV rays from the Sun.

There's nothing more swag than keeping care of your body.

Swag We all have different faces and styles so

just choose whatever frame fits your personal aesthetic and makes you feel swag.


Step Two: Music Music is the rhythm of our souls.

It's the beat in our heads when there's nothing else

There and there's nothing more swag than stepping to the soundtracks of our own


So whatever music makes you feel uplifted and more empowered, listen to it.

Feel it.

Let it take over your whole life.

Find your soul's rhythm and embrace it.

In fact, if you guys want, I made a whole playlist of swag songs that make me feel swag. Link in the description.

Step Three: The Look

There's nothing more swag than showing yourself some self-respect and

demanding it from others with your presentation.

We all have our own different body types and

style so follow whatever matches your preference and work it.

Body positivity is swag.


Step Four: Swag To truly have swag, you need to have confidence

in everything you do and substitute your insecurities with passion.

Whether you're cross-stitching, eating dinner by yourself,

playing video games, petting your dog, or filming a video in your room by yourself,

have confidence in yourself and your life.

There's nothing more swag than self-confidence and self-love.


So thank you for watching my video.

Now how do you exhibit swag?

Please let me know in the comments down below.

If you want to join The Maddness, all you have to do is subscribe to this channel and

I'll see you-*explosion*


*end theme* Thank you for watching my video!

If you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe for more like it.



For more infomation >> How to Have So Much Swag You EXPLODE!!! - Duration: 2:08.


Unseen Life Partners Of Bollywood Singer That You Have Never Watch Before !! - Duration: 4:24.

Unseen Life Partners Of Bollywood Singers That You Have Never Watch Before !!

For more infomation >> Unseen Life Partners Of Bollywood Singer That You Have Never Watch Before !! - Duration: 4:24.


Debt Free: What I Wish I Would Have Done From The Start (debt advice) - Duration: 4:54.

Since I paid off

$82,000 in various debts to become debt free

I wanted to share with you this one thing that I wish I would have done

From the very beginning and stay tuned to the very end because I've got an action item for you

That could save you some money

Let's go if you're thinking about paying off your debts as soon as possible

Then you were probably like I was paying the minimum payments on my debts for 20 years did not sound appealing at all it actually

sounded like a prison sentence

I wasn't sure about this whole debt free method because it sounded a little absurd and

paying extra payments towards my loans every month I

Wasn't sure about that attempting to test the debt-free waters the first month

I threw an extra $50 towards my loans the second month an extra hundred dollars and the third month

I backed it down the fifth because I got scared I would almost compare it to when you go to a pool

You get to the pool

And you kind of start to put your body in the pool

One limb at a time one little piece of your body at a time

And it takes forever to get your whole body in meanwhile

You look over and you see those crazy people just jumping right in they don't test the waters

They just jump in while I was screwing around spending 20 minutes

Submerging little pieces of my body at a time those people who just jumped in they had already been enjoying the pool

because they got rewarded for what they did they got reward before just jumping in and

They got to enjoy their time a lot more than I did a lot sooner than I did after that third $50 payment

I just said screw it I said let me test this out. I'll throw an extra

$300 on top of my minimum payments towards my loans and let's see what happens and

$300 at the time was quite a bit of money for the income that I had coming in I thought to myself well

I'm gonna be paying this money anyway, so

Let's just see what happens what I didn't know at the time was that was the day that everything changed because in that moment

That's when I fully committed to the process of becoming

Debt-free getting past that fear of pain extra towards your loans is all that you need to get started

It feels really good after you actually do from there

I threw more and more towards my debts every single month whenever I could scrounge up some extra money

I threw it towards my debts. It was insane. It was fun to me

I think the most that I ever put towards my debts was


$2,500 am I insane if you would have told me that when I first started this process. Hey Jerrod you're gonna be throwing

2,500 extra dollars towards your debts at one point I'd say that's 50 times that

Initial 50 extra dollars that I paid towards my debts. You're insane kick rocks get out of here

You've got to commit as soon as possible to start

Because the day that you commit is the day that you'll start to see your life change

Because early on in your debt free process a lot of your money is going to be going towards interest it stinks I know

So you won't be able to actually see the needle move

So at first you've got to focus on feeling the needle move and every time you pay an extra payment you're gonna feel that needle

move and then later down the line when you get over that hump and

more of your money is going towards the principal then you're going to be able to see the needle move and

Seen and feel in the needle move

Every time you make a payment is so important to this whole debt free process once you make that initial large extra payment

You're essentially pushing all of your chips in

You can't take those chips out once you push them in so that act in and of itself is a way for you to commit

It's a way for you to plant your flag into the ground and tell yourself

This isn't something that I have to do this isn't something that I want to do this is just what I do

Until all of those debts are paid off now

I've got homework for you

So the hardest part of doing anything is just starting so I want you to make a commitment with me

I want you to pick a date on the calendar and on that date is when you will submit one large

extra payment towards your debts

I don't care when it is the sooner the better of course

But I want you to do it

Commit to that and then take action on it and then report back to me and let me know how it went how much extra

Should you pay towards your debts?

Well, it's gonna be different based on your current situation your a specific situation

But one good rule of thumb is this if that

Amount that quanta that dollar amount makes you feel weird and uncomfortable and makes you question whether you should put that much

towards your debts or not that's your number don't play around and pay an extra $50 a month like I did I

Screwed around for way too long because I was scared

Learn from my mistakes and commit today. I really appreciate you spending your time with me

I hope you find it valuable and love you so much leave a comment. Hit me up if you have any questions videos

For more infomation >> Debt Free: What I Wish I Would Have Done From The Start (debt advice) - Duration: 4:54.


GOP Health Plan Might Not Have Votes To Pass - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> GOP Health Plan Might Not Have Votes To Pass - Duration: 4:44.


Scorpion - We Have To Save Him - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Scorpion - We Have To Save Him - Duration: 4:05.


Why You Should Not Have Tea on an Empty Stomach - Duration: 2:06.

When you get a good nights sleep and wake up in the morning, your body is low on energy.

It needs food to recharge your batteries.

In such a condition the first thing that many people do is have a cup of tea.

Different places drink different kinds of tea in the morning – black tea, herbal tea,

milk tea and green tea being among the most popular types of tea.

The one thing common - is that all of them are served hot.

Today we are going to explain why this is an unhealthy habit.

When you have anything on an empty stomach your body tries to digest it quickly considering

it needs energy.

Digestive juices are released to digest the tea.

The digestive juices and the hot tea mix together inside your stomach and form a liquid which

has an extremely low pH.

This will slowly degrade your inner stomach lining.

This can create stomach ulcers and is the perfect place for bacteria such as helicobacter

pylori to settle in.

Now, because your body needs energy, it tries to absorb nutrients from the stomach lining

which contain small blood vessels.

This tends to lower the pH of the blood.

When you do this everyday it can lead to your blood pH permanently becoming low.

This condition is called acidosis.

This can cause severe problems in the kidneys and liver leading to lifestyle diseases such

as gallbladder stones, varicocele and migraines.

The solution is simple.

Every time you want to have tea, just eat something cooked along with it.

Understanding your body will help you live a long and healthy life.

If you liked this video, please share it with your friends and family.

You can also comment below and tell us a few healthy habits you follow.

For more information like this, please subscribe to health chronicle.

For more infomation >> Why You Should Not Have Tea on an Empty Stomach - Duration: 2:06.


'Once A Teenager Realizes That You Don't Really Have Any Power Over Them, It's A Free For All' - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 'Once A Teenager Realizes That You Don't Really Have Any Power Over Them, It's A Free For All' - Duration: 2:31.


9 Showing Signs That You Have Finally Met Someone From Your Soul - Duration: 3:09.

9 Showing Signs That You Have Finally Met Someone From Your Soul Group

Do you know someone with whom you have such a deep connection that even you don�t know

the reason for that connection?

Do you know people with whom you instantaneously bonded with?

Well, such people are your �soul family�.

The �soul family� consists of people with whom you connect automatically and instantly

on a mental, emotional or a spiritual level.

This is possible because you share the same level of vibrations with them and are thus

able to connect with them easily and quickly.

They come in your life to teach you something important and this means that they are in

your life in order to help you live better and face the problems of the life easily.

Here are 9 signs of people who are from your �soul family�:


Deep And Engaging Eye Contact:

When you meet them, your eye contact with them will be very deep and engaging; it won�t

be flirty or something but it is just that you will find it hard to not look at them.


You Will Feel That They Are Soul-Centric, Not Ego-Centric:

They will be more into the spiritual world rather than the material world.

Thus, they won�t be affected by social status or money; it is all a soul-centric connection.


You Feel A Strong Pull Towards Them:

You will be strongly attracted to them and you will be unable to stop yourself from being

with them.


You Speak A Common Language:

Your thoughts and your mind will work in the same way as them.

Your needs and their needs will be the same; thus your language will be the same.


They Give You Energy:

They will fill your life with positivity and energy and make you happier and satisfied.


You Lose Track Of Time With Them:

You will forget the passage of time when you will be with them.

They are that mesmerizing.


They Reflect Only Your Good Qualities:

They are like the good part of you and they will make you realize the good qualities that

you have.


Your Soul Feels At Peace Around Them:

You will be calm and contented when you are around them and your soul will feel liberated

and happy.


You Can Show Your True Colors:

You can be your true self with them.

You don�t have to hide or pretend in front of them.

For more infomation >> 9 Showing Signs That You Have Finally Met Someone From Your Soul - Duration: 3:09.


IF YOU HAVE FIFA 18, YOU NEED TO DO THIS... 🤑 - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> IF YOU HAVE FIFA 18, YOU NEED TO DO THIS... 🤑 - Duration: 11:05.


Do You Have Views from Notification Traffic? Find out in YouTube Analytics - Duration: 2:24.

Today we're taking a look at YouTube Analytics

to view the notifications traffic sources report.

Notifications are the alerts that are sent to the subscribers of a channel

when a new video is made public.

They can be sent as mobile push alerts or emails.

I'm Michelle, and I'm a Partner Manager here at YouTube.

Let's check out where you can find your notification traffic report

in YouTube Analytics.

First, set the time period you're interested in viewing

then click Traffic sources.

Scroll down to the list of sources

then click Notifications.

At the top of this report you can see your high-level number of views

and watch time that came from notifications for this time period.

The graph breaks down the notification traffic per day

between app notifications and email updates.

Below the graph is the breakdown between the app notifications and email updates.

Keep in mind these numbers do not directly correlate with device types.

Click More then choose device type to see this breakdown.

After all, tablets and some computers have app notifications

and some users get their email notifications on a mobile phone or tablet.

Next, if you click Geography, you can see where your notification traffic is coming from.

On our channel this quarter

15% of the notification traffic is coming from the United States.

If you click More then Translation use

you can see how much of your notification traffic

comes from users who viewed the original language that you uploaded

versus those who viewed the translation.

If you want to view the traffic from one video in particular

simply type the name into the search bar.

This information can be very helpful

if you're testing different launch times to see how each video's notifications perform.

Subscribers who have tapped the notification bell

are usually the quickest to see your new video

so it's important to make your videos public when subscribers are most likely to watch.

Finally, it may be a good idea to teach your subscribers

how to turn on their notifications.

Lots of creators do this in a visual way

like making a video with screenshots of checking the notification bell.

If you're not sure how to turn on your notifications

click the left video on the end screen

or the link in the description below for a tutorial.

Thank you for watching and subscribe for more Analytics insights.

For more infomation >> Do You Have Views from Notification Traffic? Find out in YouTube Analytics - Duration: 2:24.


Why 23 million Americans don't have fast internet - Duration: 7:16.

"I want to tell you my secret now..."

"I see..."

Do you want to know what Haley Joel Osment

says in The Sixth Sense?

What about this noise?

For many Americans,

slow internet or no internet is still a reality,

and the internet speed in Nashville, Tennessee,

might not be as fast in Nashville, Kansas.

Besides missing "Stranger Things,

having a slow connection

can mean increased health risks,

a limited education,

or having less money,

all of which, creates a divided country,

because the fact is:

all American internet is not equal.

In 2015, The FCC defined "broadband" as internet with

download speeds of at least 25 Megabits per second

and uploads of at least 3.

That basically means, a constant connection

capable of streaming videos,

sending messages,

and transferring data.

On multiple devices.

Overall, 10 percent of Americans don't have broadband.

But rural areas suffer most.

39 percent of rural Americans,

about 23 million people, don't have high-speed internet.

This map shows where broadband is available

and areas it has yet to reach.

In places where broadband adoption is higher,

so is the number of people

who've earned a college degree.

Fewer people are unemployed,

and the rates of poverty are also lower.

Without fast internet,

rural Americans have a difficult time

accessing government services, like Medicare.

And as education moves online,

students struggle to complete assignments at home.

In a few rural districts,

superintendents have loaded school buses with wi-fi

and parked them overnight in neighborhoods

where kids need it to do their homework.

These communities would benefit from broadband,

so why don't they have it?

In cities, most broadband is "wireline",

which typically means it is delivered through

fiber optic cables that have been laid in the ground.

Laying cables is expensive,

but there's an incentive for providers:

high population density means hundreds of people

pay to access the same network.

In rural areas, that's not the case.

So large telecoms, like AT&T and Comcast,

don't prioritize extending cable lines

if they only reach a few people.

But there is an alternative,

and that's "wireless" broadband:

which is either beamed from a satellite, or relayed

from the nearest fixed wireless point by antennas.

In places like Appalachia or The Rocky Mountains,

a wireless system can be

an effective way to provide internet.

But its quality is not as reliable as wireline.

Outside of traditional providers, a few tech companies

are trying to create new wireless options

that could be used in rural areas around the world.

This video is from Project Loon:

Alphabet's internet-beaming balloon system

designed to connect people in remote areas

using wireless technology.

Like Loon, Facebook also has

its own wireless project:

a solar-powered drone called Aquila,

which Mark Zuckerberg hopes will help reach,

"half the world's population -- 4 billion people --

--[who] still can't access the internet."

And then, there's Microsoft,

which is focusing on rural broadband, here in America.

Their plan is to send wireless internet

using unlicensed television frequencies,

called "white spaces".

While these companies pursue futuristic projects

that focus on wireless,

a proven example for providing wireline connections,

in The US, lies in the opposite direction:

The Past.

In 1935, President Roosevelt created

The Rural Electrification Administration, or "REA",

to deliver electricity to rural America.

Before then, most Americans receiving electricity

got it from private companies.

But The REA changed that.

It loaned federal funding to electric cooperatives

that built power lines private companies wouldn't.

Within a few decades, most of America was electrified

and now some of those same co-ops

are providing internet.

But unlike electrification,

which relied almost entirely on co-ops,

there are many models for deploying broadband.

For example, the city of Cedar Falls, Iowa

built its own municipal network

and later used a portion of a federal grant

to extend the network to nearby rural communities.

"We are seizing the potential of the internet

and other technologies."

For the past two decades, presidents have been

allocating federal dollars for high-speed internet.

"We must bring the promise of broadband technology

to millions of Americans."

But rural broadband has been an evolving challenge.

"When you look at the speeds we're going to need

for all the apps and the videos,

and all the data,

new software that is constantly coming onto market.

We've got to keep pace.

We've got to be up to speed."

President Obama increased funding and enabled

municipal networks like the one in Cedar Falls,

which are prohibited in other states.

Now, President Trump is calling for

even more investment, while also

scaling back Obama's policies.

Standing near a tractor in June,

President Trump announced his new infrastructure plan.

"That is why I will be including a provision

in our infrastructure proposal --

$1 trillion dollar proposal,

you'll be seeing it very shortly

to promote and foster enhanced broadband access

for rural America, also!"

The speech drew a big applause in Iowa, but

but Trump's commitment may have been misleading.

Not only because the proposal has not arrived yet,

but, less than two months after his speech,

The FCC outlined priorities for the new administration,

Including a suggestion to set

a lower mobile broadband benchmark

of 10 Megabits per second.

That's roughly equivalent to 4G mobile phone coverage,

which most of America

already receives from major providers.

So if the broadband benchmark becomes 10,

nearly all of America would be covered

and the government could claim they've

fulfilled their promise to increase rural broadband.

But in reality, all they've done is redefined

what it means to offer high speed internet.

It would be a standard sufficient for social media

and other apps, but falls short of the

high speed service that can help schools,

businesses, and rural healthcare facilities.

On an international scale, it would signal that The FCC

is fine with connectivity slower than mobile speeds

in Kenya or Greece, both of which

rank higher than The United States.

Dropping the benchmark lowers the broadband goal,

but using electrification as a funding model

could help reach it where it is.

Expansion is expensive.

But history and research show that

providing equal internet for all Americans

is worth it.

For more infomation >> Why 23 million Americans don't have fast internet - Duration: 7:16.


North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory' - Duration: 3:26.

North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory'

WAR OF WORDS: North Korea branded Donald Trump a silly old man who failed to evolve.

Kim Jong-un's state media launched another brutal tirade against the US President after calling him a "barking dog" at the UN. War fears loom between Washington and Pyongyang as both sides threaten conflict over Kim's quest for ICBMs.

North Korea released a statement badged up as from their "Youth League" which the tore into the Trump.

The state media made jokes about Trump being on the "golf range" and called on him to "come to his senses" Chillingly, it promised North Korea would "write the final page of the shameful end of the US".

Kim has lashed out against Trump after his fierce appearance at the UN. The US President threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea in his debut speech before world leaders in New York.

His statement raised the ire of furious North Korea, which doubled down on threats of nuclear war.

DONALD TRUMP: The US President has slammed North Korea this year over Kims quest for ICBMs.

NORTH KOREA: Kim Jong-un promised to unleash his tremendous might on the US.

In a statement carried by Pyongyang's state news agency, it said: "We repeatedly warned him to come to his senses and even showed off the tremendous might of [North] Korea with the ICBM launch and detonation of H-bomb.

But the silly old man who failed to evolve into a human, was hard of hearing. So we proved that a stick fits a rabid dog and fire should be responded with fire.".

North Korea has reportedly placed their military onto "war footing" on the border with South Korea.

The KCNA said: Trump fond of barking as he pleases is not a politician but a boss of gangsters and a rabid dog, not human." They added "our generation will write the final page of the shameful end of the US" and added they would bring about the final victory in the showdown with the US".

North Korea has sparked global fury with repeated missile launches capped off by the detonation of an H-bomb. Kim dubbed Trump "deranged" and promised to continue his nations nuclear weapons programme.

Daily Star Online revealed how war between the US and North Korea would unfold in the Korean Peninsula.

For more infomation >> North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory' - Duration: 3:26.





Veterans Have Different Takes On National Anthem Solidarity Debate - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Veterans Have Different Takes On National Anthem Solidarity Debate - Duration: 2:27.


Salon Marketing Minute: Have A Mentor! - Duration: 0:57.

Hey guys! Welcome back to your Meet Your Stylist Marketing Minute. I'm Shanna Dee

you're a master coach mentor, and I am stuck in traffic. Surprise, in DC

otherwise, I wouldn't be filming as I'm actually driving, but I'm on my way

to DC Fashion Week. Super excited to mix and mingle. And as I was getting ready I

kept thinking about how important it was that we have mentors in our life, and that we

have people who can support us and who can help lift us up, and take us to the

next level. I know in my life I've had several mentors who have really helped

me and who have encouraged me to take my business to the next level. They helped

me get past fears that I have. So, I'm going to comment all their names below,

but what I want you to do is tell me who is a mentor in your life and who is

someone who has helped encourage you along the way. All right, we'll see you

guys tomorrow bye!

For more infomation >> Salon Marketing Minute: Have A Mentor! - Duration: 0:57.


Sonnet 11 - If nature didn't want you to have kids, she would have made you "featureless" - Duration: 1:30.

As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow'st In one of thine, from that which thou departest;

And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st Thou mayst call thine when thou from youth convertest.

Herein lies wisdom, beauty, and increase; Without this, folly, age, and cold decay.

If all were minded so, the times would cease, And threescore year would make the world away.

Let those whom nature hath not made for store, Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish.

Look whom she best endowed, she gave the more, Which bounteous gift thou shouldst in bounty cherish.

She carved thee for her seal, and meant thereby

Thou shouldst prinst (hehe) more, not let that copy die.

For more infomation >> Sonnet 11 - If nature didn't want you to have kids, she would have made you "featureless" - Duration: 1:30.


Have you ever...? - Você já...? - Duration: 8:39.

We're talking again to two natives


First of all





See, if I say to you

Every time I watch a movie

Forget it. If I say

I ever cry when I watch a movie

Does it make sense?

I ever cry when I watch a movie

I ever cry when I watch a romantic movie

Does it make sense to you?

Makes no sense! It's very weird!

Does it make sense? No, seriously!

Not as a statement

I ever cry if I watch a movie

Does 'ever'

I always cry when I watch romantic movies

It's true!

I always cry when I watch romantic movies

I always cry when I watch romantic movies

But 'ever' is an important word anyway

When we use 'ever', what we say, usually what we say for 'ever' is

Have you ever

Have you ever seen

Have you ever seen a bear in the street?

Never seen a bear in the street

What do you mean 'never'?

I've never in my life seen a bear in the street

See what I mean?

Have you ever

Have you ever?

There's no bears in Brazil

Have you ever?

Have you ever?

Can you, Tasos, I'm sorry

Can you ask a question with 'have you ever'?

'have you ever'

'have you ever'

Have you ever cried while watching a movie?

I have cried while watching a movie

I have


Have you ever cried while watching a movie?

And I said the truth

I have, yes, I have

Have you ever cried, have you ever cried?

Have you ever cried?

In English we say: "Have you ever cried while wathching a movie"?

while watching a movie

I said yes

But how about you Alessandro? Can you ask Tasos?

Tasos, have you ever participated in another TV show like Dr Cooper's?

Have you ever participated in another TV show like Dr Cooper's?

Have you ever participated?


Have you ever participated in another show?

English by Dr. Cooper

Because, of course this is a television show, right?

Of course

Have you ever particip-

Sorry, ask again

Sorry, have you ever participated in a TV show like Dr. Cooper's?

Nothing this exciting

Have you ever...?

Have you ever?

And he said 'no'.

Have you ever

Have you guys, have you ever cried while watching a movie?

People think this is

'Do you know'

In Brazil people are going to say:

Do you know Europe?

They mean :

Have you ever been to Europe?

Have you ever been to

Have you ever been to...?

So, for example, I can say, Tasos, have you ever been to Brazil?

No, I haven't. I've never been to Brazil.

So, when he says "no, I haven't, I've never been to Brazil"

Believe me, believe me

I know it doesn't sound right, but believe me

I've never been

I've never been to Goiania

I've never been to Brazil

I've never been to Brazil

How about you, Ale, have you ever been to Brazil?

I have been to Brazil

Oh, you have been to Brazil

I have, yeah

It was great

So, that means

How many times?

only once

Only once?

Have you ever been to Goiania?

I've never been to Goiania

No, I've never been to Goiania

I've never been to Goiania

Have you ever been?

How about- Let's ask the audience

Can you ask the audience?

Have you been to a place?

Have you been to - Can you ask?

Christina, have you ever been to Brazil?

NO! The audience, the audience, not the photographer, the audience!

we're talking about

We're talking about you, the audience

Have you guys ever been to Brazil?

They're Brazilian!

Well, that would be a 'yes'!

Have you been to Brazil?

Can you ask them, 'have you been to something else'?

like, are you interested?

They are Brazilian

Where do you want to know>

We want to know have you been to Brazil?

Well, where have you been? Have you ever been to Europe?

Have you been to Europe?

Have you ever been to Europe?

Have you been to Europe?

You're going to say: "Yes, I have", "No, I haven't"

I don't know, cause I don't know you

Okay, how about you Alessandro?

Can you ask the audience?

if they have been to some place

Have you ever been to Kazakhstan?

Can you say a place

Can you say a place, a little bit more

Okay, have you ever been to Scotland?

Have you ever been to Scotland?

Have you been to Scotland?

Yes, I have. No, I haven't

Okay, thank you very much

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