Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily an Sep 6 2017

5 Things That Happen When You're A Lightworker

"Lightworker" is a term now used for souls who consciously awaken to what is happening in our planet.

It describes the "empath" who is deeply connected to raising conscious awareness among others.

These are the warriors of light who take spirituality to new heights.

The following are five things that begin to happen when you accept your place as a lightworker in this world.




The feeling of being misunderstood is magnified.

You don't feel "of this world" and there is a need to "return home." The things that were once easily tolerated are no


Lightworkers have very little interest in the media and what other people buy into as "normal." Spirituality becomes a

way of life and there is no need to partake in any one religion or philosophy.

"Release the need to be upset with others.

Remember that anytime you're filled with resentment, you're turning the controls of your emotional life over to others

to manipulate." – Dr. Wayne Dyer



As a lightworker, you are attracted to animals, children, elderly folks and nature.

You begin to relate to those beings who society has labeled as having mental illness or disorders.

You'd rather sit with a homeless person than in a high social event.

You are naturally kind and there is never a need for anyone to reciprocate.

You are content with just helping those who need help.

Touch and words carry a comforting vibration that is passed on to others.

You recognize that healing comes from the heart.

"Be an earth angel, and look for love behind the actions of everyone you meet today.

Whenever you look for love, you will always find it." – Doreen Virtue



Words no longer hold weight on their own.

You feel deeply and you crave space for prayer, contemplation and meditation.

You are moved to tears on a drop of a hat.

You also find that you cannot be in crowded places because you are well aware of energy and frequencies.

You begin to read and feel others without the exchange of communication.

Lightworkers tend to need seclusion and alone time to recharge their energies as they take on the vibrations of those

around them.

"Exploring who you are at a deeper level than your everyday thoughts is the true definition of meditation." – Deepak




Lightworkers have an invisible thread to others.

They have an open heart that is felt strongly; therefore, people share secrets, problems, and personal stories.

Usually when they are finished, they will comment on how they've never shared these things with anyone before.

Lightworkers are always being exposed to the problems of those around them without judgment.

They have the ability to listen and guide others through difficult moments while navigating with divine wisdom.

"Empaths did not come into this world to be victims, we came to be warriors.

Be Brave.

Stay Strong.

We need all hands on deck." Anthon St.




Death becomes a transition in the stage of life.

Many lightworkers have had near-death experiences, diseases, and have overcome huge obstacles in their lives.

Their journey has allowed them to let go of the illusion that death is final.

There is an acceptance that life is transcendent.

"Life is pleasant.

Death is peaceful.

It's the transition that's troublesome." – Isaac Asimov

As a lightworker, your job is to have an open heart and a deep awareness to help others transition through these

ever-changing times.

It's not your job to change anyone, but to accept their choices and bring forth the Divine light.

Your presence as a warrior of light is a major shift in consciousness and spiritual evolution.

You are not alone!

For more infomation >> 5 Things That Happen When You're A Lightworker | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 5:38.


vlog 2017 week38 AN vergadertip tafelopstelling - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> vlog 2017 week38 AN vergadertip tafelopstelling - Duration: 2:55.


Credence Turns Into An Obscurus | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:14.

The Obscurial was here.

Where did she go?

Help me.

Help me.

Didn't you tell me you had another sister?

Please, help me.

- Where's your other sister, Credence? - I need help.

The little one. Where did she go?

- Please, just help me.

Your sister's in grave danger.

We need to find her.

What is this place?

Ma adopted Modesty out of here.

From a family of 12.

She misses her brothers and sisters. She still talks about them.

Where is she?

I don't know.

You're a Squib, Credence.

I could smell it off you the minute I met you.


You have magical ancestry but no power.

But you said you could teach me.

You're unteachable.

Your mother's dead.

That's your reward.

I'm done with you.



There's no need to be afraid.

I'm here with your brother, Credence.

Out you come now.


I owe you an apology.

I trusted you.

I thought you were my friend.

I thought you were different.

You can control it.


I don't think I want to, Mr. Graves.

For more infomation >> Credence Turns Into An Obscurus | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:14.


Larry Argues w/ a Sample Abuser | Curb Your Enthusiasm (2017) | HBO - Duration: 1:11.


Can I try the... the raspberry chocolate,

-whatever that is? -(SHOP BELL DINGS)

Got a long wait.

WOMAN: Oh, can I try the tiramisu?

It's good. That's a good one. That's a good one.

Get that. Get that.

-I think I will. Thank you. -Yeah, get that. Get that.

-And I think I'd like to try the banana, please. -Yeah.

Banana! Whoa! It might taste like, let me guess...

a banana?

-And some chocolate. -LARRY DAVID: I mean, this is really ridiculous--

-Just the plain chocolate. Just the plain chocolate. -LARRY: This is so rude!

You know, you're like a sample abuser.

-That's what you are. -WOMAN: What is the matter with you?

You're abusing your sampling privileges.

-One sample... -Why do you think they have these

-two samples the most! -little spoons for?

-You can't just go on sample after sample. -Well, yes, I can.

-No, you can't. -I can.

You know what? I'm just gonna have the plain vanilla, please.

-Thank you. -Oh! A decision's been made!

-Oh! Enjoy. -Thank you.


Vanilla. She winds up with vanilla?

You gotta be kidding me.

How is the vanilla?


For more infomation >> Larry Argues w/ a Sample Abuser | Curb Your Enthusiasm (2017) | HBO - Duration: 1:11.


An Appalachian Panther Tale - Duration: 17:01.

For thousands of years, the Appalachia mountains were home to cougars, also known as mountain

lions, pumas, painters or panthers.

Many tales exist of early settlers witnessing panthers drop from tree limbs onto unsuspecting


Their cries were said to sound like a wailing woman and struck fear into the hearts of frontier


The last confirmed eastern panther was killed in 1938.

They were declared extinct in 2011, although a genetic study conducted in 2000, is leading

many biologists to believe that there is no real difference between the Western and Eastern

branches of the cougar family.

In spite of this, cougars sightings are reported every year in the states east of the Mississippi


I myself saw one in 2016 while driving up Spruce Knob in West Virginia.

It's unclear whether these cats are undocumented remnants of the eastern population, wanderers

from the western states, or cougars that have escaped from captivity.

Without a doubt, the memory of cougars is still strong in Appalachian history and folklore,

particularly cats known as "black painters."

George Barr, a reader of The Weekly Holler from Denver, North Carolina, recently contacted

me to share a panther-themed folktale his grandfather used to tell.

The story was so good, I called George to learn more.

"There were 11 of us cousins, and I wrote it down before it got lost.

And I'm not sure where it originated.

My grandfather, Pappy, was the son of minister who had postings around various places, and

I think his father probably originated that story, although I'm not certain of that."

"So what about your grandfather then, what can you tell me about him, and maybe what

you remember it being like hearing this story from him?"

"My grandfather was a civil engineer, but he loved farming.

And then he had a chance to buy a farm, it's called Barrsden, and it was about 240 acres.

Originally it was slave quarters for a plantation that was about a quarter of a mile away.

He had taken these slave quarters and had winched some of them around with big tripods

and mules, and then he built this big rambling farmhouse between all of these things that

had been strategically situated.

So there could be a gaggle of us, sometimes Easter dinner might be 50 people, and he had

a dining room big enough to handle it."

"So Pappy, he liked his bourbon, and he smoked.

I think he smoked from, I don't know, probably 15 years old, or thereabouts, up to I think

he was about 70 when he quit.

But he had a real growl, an honest growl to his voice.

This was mostly in summer time, I don't think he ever told it in the house, we were

always outside.

And he'd be sitting in sort of a swing-backed hammock chair and the rest of us would be

sitting on the ground in front of him.

And he didn't have any notes or anything, he just went into it, and lit into it, and

really brought it alive!

It was fun to listen to even if we knew the whole thing.

Not to mention that Pappy was just beloved by all of us.

So the story, it always started out really innocuously, then kind of worked its way into

the deep dark wood.

You know, even then ones of us who had heard it before couldn't help but get the hairs

standing up on end, and gooseflesh.

We weren't out in the woods, we were in a mostly open farm.

But there was plenty of wildlife around, so whether it was owls, or sometimes we'd hear

a bobcat screeching, just all those night noises, you know.

And it never failed to delight.

it just was one of those traditions that we looked forward too.

We'd just pester him something fierce to tell us that story, and he'd usually demur,

but then he got the right audience together, and the night was just right, and he'd sit

down and tell us the story.

I'm sure that I'm not match for Pappy's storytelling, but I'm honored to take a

crack at sharing his legendary tale with you.

So gather 'round the fire, and huddle close, here is the story of Taie Todla:

Once upon a time, there was a young boy by the name of Billy Gumboil.

During the school year, Billy went to school in the city with all of his friends, but in

the summers he lived in a little town in the country.

There weren't many kids in Billy's town, so you can imagine that he felt lonely sometimes,

and when he felt lonely, he always started thinking about his best friend from school,

Willy Snodgrass, who lived even further out in the sticks than Billy did.

One day during the summer, while he was running errands for his mother, Billy was struck by

a bout of loneliness, and he decided that this time he was going to do something about


No more moping around town for Billy, he was going to visit his buddy Willy Snodgrass.

Later that evening, Billy told his parents about his plans and they agreed that he was

old enough to make a trip to visit his friend.

So, Billy wrote a letter to Willy Snodgrass to see if a visit was convenient.

About a week later, he received a letter from Willy inviting him to visit.

In the letter, Willy drew two maps for Billy, detailing the two routes he could take.

The first route was the long way, on a road which meant a pleasant but a tiring all day

ride through beautiful rolling hills, where Billy could see the farmers at work and smell

the good smells of the countryside.

The second route was shorter, but it went through the heart of a deep dark forest.

The route would be cooler in the summer and took less time, but the forest was known to

be full of wild animals.

It was rumored that a black panther haunted those parts.

Billy was afraid that travel through the forest could be dangerous, even his parents' eyes

grew wide when he mentioned it, so he decided he would take the long way.

Early the next morning, just at dawn, Billy put some lunch and a change of clothes into

his saddle bags and saddled his horse to go.

He kissed his parents goodbye and set off to see Willy Snodgrass with time to get there

just before dark.

Just as Billy was leaving town, his horse threw a shoe.

So Billy stopped at the village blacksmith to get the horse shod.

He told Robin, the blacksmith, where he was going.

Robin raised his eyebrows and said that Billy was traveling to wild parts indeed.

The blacksmith reached into the pocket of his leather apron and gave Billy a curious

stone on a sling to carry for good luck.

After Robin was through shoeing the horse, Billy climbed into his saddle and began to

ride off.

Robin called after Billy, telling him that if he met a black panther in his travels,

he need only twirl the sling around over his head three times and say, "One, two, three,

Robin knows me."

Billy thought that this was a little odd, but he thanked Robin and went on his way.

Around sundown, Billy arrived at the Snodgrass's house; he found Willy eagerly awaiting him,

along with the rest of the Snodgrass family.

They had eaten supper, but they had saved him some fried chicken and biscuits for Billy

to eat before he went to bed, exhausted from his journey.

Billy was so tired that he hardly noticed how strange Willy's family appeared, although

he did think that they seemed somewhat peculiar.

During the night he heard the most curious noises during his sleep, funny squeaking,

and chattering noises, as though someone was making quite a fuss over him in a language

which wasn't quite familiar.

He awoke in the morning a little later than usual, but still in time for breakfast, so

he washed up and went downstairs.

And sure enough, what he hadn't noticed in the dim light of evening and in his tired

state was that all of the Snodgrass family except Willy were part monkey!

Just as Robin had said, these were wild parts indeed!

Billy was quite unnerved, but being the polite young lad that he was, he attempted to appear

as though nothing was unusual.

He suspected that the Snodgrass family didn't get much company, and he was determined to

be a good guest.

Willy's sister was quite hideous, as her monkey-ness showed mostly in her face.

Willy had a hard time to keep from grimacing as she grimaced constantly across the breakfast

table from him.

Willy's mother was as nice as she could be, but her fingers were as monkeylike as could

be, and Billy worried that the eternal picking she was doing was getting hair and who knew

what else into the food.

But the funniest feeling came when a long, furry thing curled around Billy's neck and

slid down to his plate where it picked up a biscuit and returned it to Mr. Snodgrass's


It was Mr. Snodgrass's long monkey tail!

Well, Billy barely made it through breakfast with his senses, he even found himself missing

his own town.

They finally finished the meal, and everyone helped clean up.

Mr. Snodgrass's tail was handy for carrying extra dishes, and the work went quickly.

Billy went outside with Willy to ride an old lopsided bicycle and to while away the morning


When lunchtime came, Billy dreaded the thought of another meal around the table with this

odd family, but he stayed as though nothing was wrong, since he was so polite.

But after another meal of grimacing faces, picking hands and curling tails, he knew he

must bid his farewell before the next meal and before nightfall meant he would spend

another night there.

So, with apologies to Willy's family that his visit was so short, and with a farewell

to his friend Willy until the start of school, Billy saddled up his horse and rode off toward


In the distance, he could see Mr. Snodgrass waving goodbye with his kerchief held in his

tail, and Mrs. Snodgrass was waving her kerchief from her picking fingers, and Willy and his

sister were simply waving and making some little chattering noises.

This time Billy had gotten a late start in his journey.

He could ride the road he had come, sleep under the stars, and continue his journey

tomorrow, or he could ride the short route through the deep dark forest and be home in

time to sleep in his own soft, warm bed.

By the time Billy arrived at the entrance to the wood, he had decided to take the short

way home.

After all, he could rely on the speed of his trusty horse.

When Billy entered the wood, he noticed that what had once been a road was now barely a

path; no one had traveled this way for a long time.

The trees had overgrown the roadway, so that there was a natural cover which blocked most

of the daylight almost immediately.

And the deeper he went into the wood, the darker it became.

Billy's horse pricked up its ears as they went, it snorted, shivered, and rolled its

eyes as if to say that it liked the other route better.

Billy urged his horse along the gloomy trail.

They rode into the heart of the forest, and Billy thought he heard a faint sound in the

distance, his horse's ears pricked up again.

Billy listened carefully, and through the other woodland sounds he could make out something

that sounded like," te, te, tl, tl, tl, la..."

They pressed on, and Billy's horse became more skittish, its nostrils flaring and eyes

rolling wildly.

Again, Billy heard the strange sound, clearer now, it had grown closer.

"Taie ah, taie ah, todle lodle, todle lodle, todle lodle la..."

Billy's mount snorted, and his flanks quivered.

Billy tried to swallow the lump in his throat and encouraged the horse to step up his pace

once again to a fast trot.

Without warning, they heard the strange growl again, even closer now, "Taie Ah, Taie Ah,

Todle Lodle, Todle Lodle, Todle Lodle Ah..."

Billy reached into his saddle bag, clutching the stone and sling with trembling fingers.

He spurred his horse onward, ever watchful of the forest around him.

Within a few minutes, the cry was even louder, "TAIE AH, TAIE AH, TODLE LODLE, TODLE LODLE...",

and Billy knew that the wild beast was hot on his trail.

Billy spurred his horse on faster and faster to a gallop, until again he heard the roar


It was nearly on top of him.

He looked up into the trees and saw a huge black panther with fiery red eyes just ahead

crouched on an overhanging limb.

It was too late to rein in his horse, so Billy twirled the stone around over his head, and

shouted, "One, two, three, Robin knows me," as the panther sprang toward his horse's neck.

And just as the huge panther's claws brushed the horse, the panther turned into a beautiful

fairy and landed gently on Billy's saddle horn.

It took quite a distance before Billy could slow down his panicking horse, but he finally

got him to walk and cool off slowly.

It took quite a while for Billy to calm down enough to talk with the fairy.

She told him that the stone in the sling had saved his life.

She was a wood fairy and had once given it to Robin's grandfather, who'd lived in the

forest, for his kindnesses to all the animals there.

Robin's grandfather used to wear the stone when he was in the wood, so that all the animals

would know that he was there with the wood fairy's blessing to take care of them.

Billy explained that Robin had given it to him for good luck, and the fairy said that

he was lucky that she had seen the stone, for she had thought Billy was a hunter, and

she was going to rip him apart before he hurt any of the animals under her protection.

As the fairy began to trust the goodness of the boy, she said that she would ride to the

edge of the wood to keep him company and to be sure that he would be home safely before


And as they rode, she would snap her fingers, and little bumblebees would fly in single

file with little tiny thimbles of lemonade for Billy and water for his horse.

The thimbles were small, but between all the bees, Billy and his horse both had enough

to drink.

And the fairy snapped her fingers again, and the procession of little bumblebees brought

Billy little tiny cakes until he was no longer hungry, and little bits of oats and corn to

his horse until it was satisfied too.

By now they were getting closer to the edge of the wood near Billy's village, and Billy

and the fairy bade each other farewell.

The fairy invited Billy back into the wood whenever he wished, as long as he wore the

stone so that all the animals would know that he was welcome.

And as the fairy flew to the ground, she changed at once to the ferocious black panther with

red flashing eyes, and growled as she padded away softly, "taie ah, taie ah, todle lodle,

todle lodle, todle lodle ah..."

For more infomation >> An Appalachian Panther Tale - Duration: 17:01.


Jimmy Gives an Update on His Finger Injury - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Gives an Update on His Finger Injury - Duration: 4:05.


Meghan Markle macht erstes Liebesgeständnis an Prinz Harry! - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle macht erstes Liebesgeständnis an Prinz Harry! - Duration: 1:58.


3 Reasons Why You Will Inevitably Ride An E-bike | The GCN Show Ep. 243 - Duration: 24:06.

- From Belach na Ba in the Scottish Highlands

after 3,000 kilometres in 20 days.

Welcome to the GCN show.

- Welcome to the GCN show.

This week we are going to give you

three reasons why you will one day

be riding an e-bike.

- And two reasons why you won't.

- We've got some great tech

from the world's biggest bike show Eurobike.

And terrible tech in hack forward slash bodge.

And all of our other usual segments too.

- Yeah we've also

got to do a big welcome back to John Chocolate Voice Beaven

fresh from completing the Haute Route.


- That is one chocolate snore right there.

- John.


(upbeat music)

- This week in the world of cycling

we we're reminded that watching bikes

is just great isn't it?

- It's just great.

We'll kick off with this

with Nicholi Rogatkin going absolutely nuts

at the Red Bull District Ride with a 1440.

- [Announcer] All the speed he can muster

out of that roll in the 1440.

And he lands it!


- [Announcer 2] What?

- [Announcer] Oh that was even smoother than last night.

- [Nicholi] Yes!


Let's go!

Let's go!

- Whoa. - Whoa.

1440's four.

- I lost count mate.

Then there was also this.

Which was the latest round of the Red Hook Crit series.

He lived up to his hardcore reputation.

You'll remember that these bikes have no breaks.

And the inability to free wheel.

And there was indeed a huge pileup

on the closing stage of the men's race

involving many of the favourites.

Including the rider that actually filmed this,

Colin Strickland of Intelligentsia Racing.

He was the series leader going in to Barcelona.

We'll have more from that later in the show.

- We also learned through my wonderings at Eurobike

that it is inevitable that one day, fairly soon,

we will all be riding e-bikes.

Or will we?

- Well reason number one why we will

is the fact that the latest e-bikes,

well they look like this.

(upbeat funky music)

- I also particularly like the look

of the new Focus Project Y.

More information will be out on that in an upcoming video.

But that like the Orbea is particularly light.

Just 12 and a half kilogrammes,

which is probably what the top end road bikes we're

30 years or so ago.

- Yeah I agree

It does look good doesn't it.

There is a problem though I think.

And that is using e-bikes for sporting reasons okay.

There had to be a hiccup.

The reason I say this is because

I had a message on Facebook over the weekend

from a chap called Paul Taylor.

And he just lost a KOM to a person

who admitted, openly admitted,

to using an e-bike to do so.

Yeah now I appreciate you know as problems go

it's probably relevant only to a minority of people.

But leaving aside KOMs,

what about on a group ride?

You can imagine e-bikes making a cycling club

a little bit tense.

And in fact chain gangs, pace lines,

whatever you want to call them, unworkable.

- Yeah well maybe we should have some

unwritten rules about this.

No. - No.

- Let's not do that.

- There has to be another way.

Let's at least right em down this time.

- Reason number two then: transport.

And this is the big one for me at least.

Instead of thinking of an e-bike

as a replacement to your beautifully simple road bike,

think of it as a replacement to your car.

Or a quiet, easy, and convenient motorbike.

- Yeah agreed.

A hundred percent in fact.

I actually tried a Trek Super Commuter Eight

when I was at a DT Swiss the other day.

It was technically it was a personal bike

of their vice president.


- [Man] Hey wait, wait, wait, wait.

- He uses it to commuter 30 kilometres to work each day

and then 30 kilometres home.

Some days he wears jeans and a hoodie

and it takes him about 45 minutes.

Other days he presses a little bit harder on the pedals,

arrives a couple minutes earlier,

and has a great workout.

And you think wow.

That just makes so much sense.

- [Daniel] Best of both worlds.

- [Simon] Yeah.

- Does he know that you stole his bike?

- He does now.

Go, go, go.

- [Man] I'm alright Si, I'm alright.

- Well there are also some great e-bikes out there

for carrying things around as well.

For example another one that I spotted

at Eurobike from Tern.

For some people e-bikes are about

going further and faster.

But for most people,

are they really about convenience.

And that is what Tern have turned their attention to

with this new model called the GSD,

which apparently stands for get stuff done.

At least that's what I've been told to say.

And they are deeming this cargo capacity

on a city footprint.

And that's why I've got this city bike behind.

Plenty of storage room on this thing for your weekly shop

or your weekly drinks there at the front.

- Are your sure that would last you a week?

- Oh yeah there's more storage

at the back of that bike as well.

It was great.

Now one of the downsides I found though

is that e-bikes can set you back a pretty penny.

This one for example from Bugatti will be

at a minimum €65,000.

- [Simon] What?

- [Daniel] And if you want the very top of the range one,

double it, €130,000.

- And what exactly do you get for

your extra €65,000?

- Well I did quiz the gentleman

and all he could say was that it would be lighter.

For example some lighter cranks.

- Lighter cranks is €65,000.

- Sounds reasonable to me.

This one though from Cowboy that

was on TechCrunch very recently sounds promising.

Because one of their key development criteria

is that it should have a very low price point.

- Yeah well that is important.

That is important.

Right then finally then,

reason number three why it's almost inevitable

that you will end up riding e-bike.

And that is that they can just be great fun.

In fact we learned in the GCN show just the other week

that the majority of you use cycling

as a means of escape.

That is why you ride.

And so you can then imagine

having little bit extra power at your disposal

through having an e-bike

just means it's easier to escape.

You can escape more.

You can just get more of what you want.

- Well I was about to say,

you and Matt got a tweet didn't you from Stan--

- We did, we did indeed.

- At the weekend on exactly the subject.

He wrote,

"Rode Gospel Pass circuit from Hay On Wye

"on a Giant e+1.

"Thanks again to you both."

Incidentally exactly the same bike that Matt used

when he was racing you at the dollar mart recently.

- Wasn't much of a race was it at the end of the day?


That Gospel Pass actually,

great ride here in the UK.

It's also got another name.

It's also called Lord Hereford's Knob.

- It's now time for cycling shorts.

- It can be a complicated and expensive task

to close roads for races these days.

Now it's particularly relevant at the moment here in the UK.

So perhaps then the answer is

racing on multi-story car parks.

We have seen it before in both London and Adelaide.

But on the 26th of November,

it will be coming to Christ Church in New Zealand.

Courtesy of the Carpark Cannonball.

Now I think this could take things up a level or two.

Maybe even eight.

- It might be expensive though.

If it's anything like paying for car parking around here,

blocking out an entire eight story carpark

no telling what the entry fees would be.

Anyway riders will be competing in two up races

from the bottom to the top.

And the event organisers say that the atmosphere

will be heightened by live music

and commentary throughout proceedings.

How do you say we'd get on mate?

- I think we'd get smashed.

- No I mean the race.

- Yeah that's what I meant.

I've had at least eight mineral wat--

mineral wat--

mineral water--

mineral waters myself.

- Right news from the Vuelta.

Really annoying and quite frankly awful news

actually from the Vuelta.

Team Aqua Blue Sport reported last week

that they're team bus had been vandalised.

Set on fire basically which is pretty cruel

particularly given that they're riding

their first grand tour.

So something to be celebrated.

But the flip side is that a number of other teams

offered to step in and help them out,

which is great.

Not at least Jacques Janse van Rensburg,

got it, who tweeted this.

He said basically they're welcome

to come use their team bus showers after the stage

if they would like.

- Remember what the team bus showers are like

on the Dimension Data's bus?

- We should have a look mate.

- Nice and spacious.

Want a peek inside?

(soft funky music)

- Not bad. - No.

- I'd take them up on that offer.

- Definitely. - Yeah.

- Although they didn't need to

because in the end they were helped out

by a Portuguese continental team

LA Aluminious Matalusa

who donated their bus for the remainder

of the Vuelta which is a very cool gesture indeed.

- That is actually great isn't it.

That is great.

Right now it's not just the Vuelta at the moment,

not by a long shot actually,

but the Tour of Britain is going on.

It's got some great racing

and a really stacked field.

But actually it seems like British cuisine

is dividing the riders.

- It is, yes.

So for starters,

let's all look at this tweet from Taylor Phinney,

who as you can see effectively decided to blame

British cuisine for his first day performance.

- Controversial Taylor.

And Alex Dowsett meanwhile tweeted this

saying that he'd introduced his team,

which is Movistar,

to sticky toffee pudding one evening.

Yeah British cuisine for the win he says

with a strong arm thing.

Do you think Taylor's problem

was just that he was too full?

- Yeah quite possibly.

He probably had porridge and a full English breakfast

before his day one.

- Up next:

what does Chris Froome think about while he's on the toilet?

- Maybe he thinks about sticky toffee pudding

whilst he's on the toilet.

Who knows.

Over to the Ultra Endurance world now.

And the race around Ireland took place last week.

And the winner

was Nicole Reist.

In doing so she became the first female winner of the event.

And she was a full 12 hours ahead of the closest challenger.

And male category winner Valerio Zamboni.

- Remarkable performance isn't it?

She rode 2,212 kilometres in 112 hours.

- Just all you need to do is that math

to know how much that must of hurt.

- 19 kilometres an hour.

- Yeah sticking with the Ultra Endurance world,

we should check back in with our good friend Mark Beaumont.

He has another very tough week

facing a lot of very harsh head winds.

So if you do get a chance to send him

your message on social media,

I'm sure he'd appreciate that as he closes into the finish.

Or indeed if you want to support him on the roadside

if your lucky enough to be near by.

- Yeah don't just get a chance.

Make the effort.

Send him some love.

- The first couple of days coming through Alaska

we're a mere warmup to what was to come

because in my mind I had it the other way around.

Alaska was hilly and then it all got pretty straightforward.

But in actual fact,

when you're covering 240 odd miles a day,

it's all pretty big.

It's all pretty hilly.

Physically obviously 16 hours a day on the bike

is big in itself,

but when you're putting in over 3,000 metres climbing

back to back to back,

it's funny because some days

I was totally in the zone and dealt with it.

And then the next day I would drop off

and really struggle.

And after the first week in stage three

I've lost about 60 miles.

It's sometimes harder to deal with that.

My support team are very,

very good at reassuring me.

Just keeping thinking about the long game.

Thinking about the averages.

But then for five days in a row

to be not making target,

it's hard to not start questioning myself on the bike.

You know I know the conditions are tough,

but you know is it also me sort of fading a bit.

The emotional roller coaster can kind of happen regardless.

Yeah trust me when you're 55/56 days in,

having ridden 13 odd thousand miles.

You end up in some pretty weird mindsets.

You just need to commit to not stopping.

- The Vuelta is into it's last week now.

And Chris Froome and Team Sky

it seems have everything pretty much under control.

At the final rest day,

he had over a minutes advantage over his nearest rider

who happened to be Vincenzo Nibali.

And with the 40 kilometre time trial,

which will actually have been completed

by the time this video goes live.

He will likely, I say likely,

have increased that margin quite significantly.

- [Daniel] Kiss of Death.

Kiss of Death Si. - I know.

We had to try to predict something.

- Miguel Angel 'Superman' Lopez though

has started to live up to his nickname hasn't he?

A second place on the stage in two stage wins.

He's propelled himself up to sixth place

in the general classification on that rest day.

But it's a bit of a shame that he lost some of that time

in the early opening flat stages.

- Well you say that mate,

but he is not gonna be concerned at all

because his attack when he left Contador and Bardet

on The Climbs of Sierra Nevada

earns him this weeks Wattage Bazooka.

- Well done Miguel.

Meanwhile this weeks viewer Wattage Bazooka

goes to Aryan Murali on the Palamoli Climb

in Southern India with this section

it goes to 23%.

- [Simon] Tell you what.

I don't know who was actually riding up that climb,

but they deserve Wattage Bazooka.

They we're flying.

- If you know someone that deserves it for next week,

don't forget to get in touch on social media

with the hashtag Wattage Bazooka.

Now the Dutch dominated proceedings

at the Boels Rental Ladies Tour.

They filled all three spots on the final podium.

But dominantly standing at the very top

was Annemiek van Vleuten.

- That's right she lead from

the opening stage to the finish.

Having won the prologue time trial.

She was pushed pretty hard, wasn't she,

on that final very long 155 kilometre stage.

But ultimately she did finish with

a relatively comfortable margin of victory.

She had 43 seconds over Anna van der Breggen.

- The Dutch are going to be quite hard to beat

in the women's race at the World Championships soon.

- Seemingly so.

- Right the Tour of Britain also kicked off on Sunday.

And Daniele Bennati, Italian from Movistar,

seemed to have his hardest stage

before the race even kicked off.

Have a look at this for a travel day.

- [Simon] Wow.

- [Daniel] Amazing use of emoticons.

Probably the best I've ever seen.

- [Simon] I'll tell you then.

I am concerned though

that he took to Twitter sometime presumably

having got to his hotel at 11:30 in the evening.

And that would have taken him a long time

to craft that tweet.

- And that would have been 12:30 his normal time in Europe.

- Exactly.

And unsurprisingly perhaps he didn't feature

in that first stage really.

Although what a stage it was.

One of the closest spring finishes

I think we've ever seen.

They did eventually manage to pick

Caleb Ewan out as the winner.

As those first three guys hit the line.

- [Daniel] Yeah they we're very close.

- [Simon] Almost the same time, yeah.

- And we've literally just finished stage two

whilst filming the GCN show here.

Edvald Boasson Hagen crossed the line first.

But as we said he did veer

ever so slightly in that final sprint.

And we are speculating he may be relegated.

- Ever so slightly Dan.

It's be like be like me starting to talk to you here

and then finishing off my piece of camera

somewhere over here by the coffee machine basically.

- Yeah you are disqualified sir.

Don't come back.

- What do you mean?

It's just relegated to last position.

- Right we also mentioned earlier

that the latest round of the Red Hook Crit

has taken place over the last week.

Round three in Barcelona.

Ash Duban won the women's race

with a daring overtaking manoeuvre

in the final corner.

And we say daring because to reiterate:

these bikes have no brakes and no free wheel.

Although to be fair that is probably better than no brakes

and a free wheel.

- Thats true that I say daring

just taking to the start line.

- Definitely.

- The men's race was won by David van Eerd

of the Berlin based 8 Bar team.

- [Daniel] Oh are they Matt's mates?

Fixie mates?

- No those are not Matt's Fixie mates.

Matt's got other fixie mates from the Schindelhauer team.

- Well he out sprinted Davide Vigano.

He used to ride for Team Sky.

That just goes to show you the

kind of level these races are.

- Okay you'd be forgiven for thinking

that you've had your fill of tech this week.

But no.

We've got some more for you.

Tech of the week this week is sure to stir up

the indoor training market.

Wattbike have just launched a new product called

the Atom.

Okay so Wattbike has been around for a while now

with their famous static bike.

But they've updated this latest model

to take advantage of smart technology.

That's so that you can use it with the likes

of Swift or TrainerRoad for example.

As well as linking up to your Strava.

That's pretty cool.

You can stay indoors,

but people think maybe you've ridden outdoors.

Okay so all of the best bits of the previous generation

are still on this unit.

So that's the power meter,

which is accurate to plus or minus 2%.

Plus the power settings itself.

From not to 2000 watts.

I think that's suitable for me.

Plus it looks great.

What more can we say about that?

So last week Dan and I were actually at Eurobike

checking out loads of cool tech.

For me the best bit of tech I saw,

it's a tough one.

But it's probably the UFO chain drop from CeramicSpeed.


It keeps your chain nice and clean.

It gives you a little bit of extra free speed.

I'm liking that.

- Competition time now.

We've got three great prizes for you from ControlTech.

A company with a long history in this sport.

I remember running on of their stems

on my mountain bike in the mid 90's.

And they made somewhat of a resurgence

with some fantastic looking products.

- They have.

So up for grabs, literally,

we've got three handle bars.

So Dan is modelling, very well in fact,

the TiMania which you'll notice

has a titanium central section,

uni-directional carbon drops.

The idea being that it blends the properties

of both those materials together in one handlebar.

Which is cool.

And then there's this one which is my favourite.

The Cougar Carbon Air handlebar.

I do like the sound of that Dan.

Now it's compatible with the new DI2 junction box,

which fits in your bar end plug there.

But it's also compatible with Control's

pure cockpit systems.

So you'll notice there's a bunch of holes on the back here.

So you can route your cables internally

and even out through into ControlTech's own compatible stem.

And then out into their fork as well.

And from the fork straight into the frame.

So now more external cables.

- Yeah.

So at Eurobike looked very good indeed.

- Yeah.

- And finally we have this.

Which is the EXL Gravel Bike specific carbon bar

with flair drops.

And as you can see,

quite a pronounced rise as well.

Great for people like me who are older

and want the slam stems deal whilst remaining comfortable.

As ever if you would like to enter this competition,

you can do so by following the link

that is in the description below this video.

All that leaves us to say is good luck.

- Well not only that,

but make sure you enter the other competitions

that we got on the channel as well.

We've got the Lightweight unboxing.

We've also got the fi'zi:k unboxing as well.

So the links to those competitions

are also in the description.

That's a lot of chances to win.

- Hack forward slash Bodge of the week.

Did I get it right? - I think so.

- We'll kick off with one from Sean Ganann.

Now I've seen some carbon repair in my time Si.

I've never seen one like this. - Really?

- [Daniel] Not like this.

Sellotape has been used to gaffer this all together.

I would suggest that the owner doesn't ride that anymore.

- That is a bodge.

Definitely don't fix your bike with sellotape.

Anywhere at all.

Tell you what mate.

If you want a rhino bike made out of a suit of armour,

that's a hack right there.

Look at that.

Sent by Daniel Burges.

Spotted in central London.

That is definitely a hack.

- [Daniel] Can I say something?

- [Simon] You can.

- I don't want a rhino bike made out of a suit of armour.

So there we go.

This is a hack.

I love this one.

From Peter Dixon,

he's used his dog lead as a bike lock

on his roof rack so that he go into the local petrol station.

- [Simon] And then he shut it in the door.


- [Daniel] Yeah he's wrapped it around,

shut it in the door.

I mean you know.

- [Simon] Grade A hack.

All you need is a pair of scissors to cut it loose.

- [Daniel] Yeah but it might discourage someone.

Mightn't it. - It would.

- [Daniel] For a few seconds.

- [Simon] Yeah fair play.

Besides that's a great one.

This was sent in by Connor Koehler.

He said it's a home built bike rack for his college dorm.

Looks pretty nice. - Very nice.

Hack yep.

Like that.

- [Simon] Great so you can invite

plenty of people back to your dorm Connor,

I'm sure with that work of art.

- Then we have got this from Tomi Nummela.

- Whoa.

- That's kind of like a spodged recumbent isn't it

sat on the middle of the two wheels.

Pedals at the far.

I imagine you'd do it in though pretty easily on that.

- Yeah no one's getting back to his college dorm.

Look at that, that's terrible.

Right finally then we've got this

from Leef on the Wind,

I don't even know.

I mean that's obviously a saddle,

but I don't quite know how it's a saddle.

Or why it's a saddle Dan.

Should we say that's a-- - Bodge.

Let's finish on a bodge then.

- [Simon] Maybe it's,

maybe they've reinvented the seat

and actually it's incredibly comfortable.

- Oh I would like to try that.

See if it is comfortable.

I must admit.

If you've got a saddle like this,

and you'd like to see Si or I testing it out

please send it into the Global Cycling Network office.

And if you've got anymore hacks or bodges,

all you've got to do is use the hashtag GCNhack

on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

- Keep them coming.

It's time now for the weekly caption competition.

You're chance to get your hands on a GCN water bottle.

That's right.

We'll give you a photo.

You caption it.

We choose the best ones.

It's as simple as that.

If you've not seen it before,

this is how it works.

This is last weeks photo.

And the winner,

the winner of a GCN water bottle is

Patrick Sheard Fincenzo Nibali.

- Yeah I'll give it to you Patrick.

If you write your address down

and send it to us on Facebook,

we will send it out.

But that's got to be the end of these fish ones.

I'm absolutely fed up with hear you

coming up with fish puns

and seeing them in the comments

and seeing messages on Facebook as well.

That's enough please.

- I thought you we're gonna do one last fish pun.

- No, no.

Meanwhile this week's caption photo

is this one of Team JLT's Russ Downing

at the recent Tour of Britain.

I shall start you off.

That's definitely a swipe left.

Some youngster at the office said it.

I don't even know what it means.

Anyway if you've got a better caption

please leave it in the comment section down below.

And we shall choose a winner this time next week.

- Puns normally fare quite well.

Before we get to what's coming up on the channel this week,

let's take a quick second to just go through

some of the belting comments

that you've been leaving under our videos as always.

This one I particularly liked

under your indoor training video from Eurobike.

JayJohnny who's avatar looks like

a very bronzed person standing on a beach said,

"so how do you get a tan at the same time

"as training indoors."

- [Daniel] Top of the his list of concerns obviously there.

- Isn't there a new like a pill you can take now

to make you tan?

- Well you could put your indoor trainer outdoors.

- Tell you what mate.

That's genius.

I can't come back from that.

So I'm just gonna change the subject.

Poraktobask says,

under another one of your Eurobike videos in fact--

- Been kicked out.

Not because I've done anything wrong you understand,

but because day one of the show

is actually now finished disappointingly.

- [Simon] At the same time

five people enter to visit Eurobike.

- [Daniel] Yeah think they we're VIPs.

- [Simon] Ah were they.

Special after hours.

- From the same point in that video,

Pumpkinseed put,

"9:57 my expression of why does the video end already?"

Well I've got some very good news for you Pumpkinseed.

There is more Eurobike stuff

coming up on the channel this week.

Starting straight away in fact on Wednesday

where we will have weird and wonderful tech from Eurobike.

We will also have another video that day

is Zwift for beginners.

More Eurobike tech on Thursday.

That day is going to be an e-bike special.

So quite appropriate for today's GCN show.

- Yeah a bit more detail.

- Yep.

And on the very same day,

we've also got our latest cycle rivalries video.

Oh and on Friday it's ask GCN anything.

- Yeah Saturday it's quite a monumental pro bike actually.

It'll be the last ever Alberto Contador pro bike.

Cause obviously this is his retirement race, the Vuelta.

And this is his retirement bike,

a very beautiful bike from Trek no less.

And then on Sunday we've got another unboxing.

A great one this time.

Do you think I can say what it is?

- I don't know.

- It's the new Wattbike.

- Aw you said it. - I did say it.

That's pretty cool isn't it?

And then Monday, maintenance Monday,

I'll show you how to build a wheel.

I built my first wheel.

- That's a long video that one isn't it?

- It is.

(rock music)

- Whoo. - Gnarly dude.

Is what you say I think isn't it?

- I believe it is actually.

Not quite up there with Nicholi Rogatkin.

But still two extremes in one GCN show.

That's pretty good isn't it?

- It is.

Well I'm afraid though that the GCN show

is over for another week.

If you've enjoyed it,

please give it the thumbs up just down below.

And if you haven't yet subscribed

You can do so right now by clicking on the globe.

- Yeah and if you're after more content now,

do not worry.

There's plenty for your out there.

Including a power2max factory tour.

Basically how not to make a power meter

cause they asked me to do it

and I failed miserably.

That one's just down there.

- Or in the top corner you can find my report

from the latest indoor training tech from Eurobike.

Including a wahoo product that simulates climbs.

For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Why You Will Inevitably Ride An E-bike | The GCN Show Ep. 243 - Duration: 24:06.


Elephone S8 GIVEAWAY: Win a Bezel-Less Phone with QHD Display - Duration: 2:52.

Hi friends!

This is Tech Brothers!

Our channel is about 5 months, and we already have almost 3 thousand subscribers, and more

than million views.

I think it is great achievement!

We are glad, that you are with us, watch and comment videos.

As you know, yesterday we published review of new bezel-less smartphone Elephone S8.

You can watch it by the link under the video.

And now we want to make give away of this smartphone!

It is great chance to get Elephone S8 for free.

If you don't hear about Elephone S8, then we want to tell about its main features.

The smartphone comes with big 6-inch display and resolution of 2K, 2560x1440 pixels.

The screen occupies about 92% of front panel.

It is three-bezel-less smartphone.

Also, Elephone S8 works on deca-core processor Helio X25, 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal


New smartphone is equipped with 21-megapixel camera and 8- megapixel camera.

It is quite interesting smartphone.

Do you agree?

And we are ready to give this smartphone for free!

The conditions of Elephone S8 give away are very simple.

If you are already subscribed to our youtube channel, then you need to visit and share

GearBest page with Autumn Bumper harvest sale on social networks (Facebook and Twitter)

and follow Tech Brothers page in Facebook or Twitter, whatever you want.

GearBest has a big sale now Autumn Bumper harvest.

You can find a lot of interesting gadget, including smartphones, action cameras, laptops,

tablets and others at discounted price.

Giveaway will last for two weeks until September 20.

So, just 3 simple steps!

Subscribe to Tech Brothers YouTube channel, visit and share GearBest Sale page, and follow

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Simple, really?

In description under the video you can find link to Google doc, where you can register

in giveaway.

Good luck to everyone.

For more infomation >> Elephone S8 GIVEAWAY: Win a Bezel-Less Phone with QHD Display - Duration: 2:52.


Zurück zu Größe 36: Ex-Curvy-Chethrin zweifelt an Kurven! - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Zurück zu Größe 36: Ex-Curvy-Chethrin zweifelt an Kurven! - Duration: 1:44.


10 Sure Signs an Introvert Likes You - Duration: 4:36.

10 Sure Signs an Introvert Likes You

Many people think that all introverts are shy person.

In fact, there are different kinds of introvert, including those who aren't opposed to the

idea of socializing with others, they simply enjoy being only with a narrow circle of close

friends and relatives.

In terms of liking someone, introverts can be tricky and quite hard to spot on.

So, in this video I'm going to show you some sure signs that an introvert likes you.

Before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't miss

any interesting update in the future guys.

Without further ado, here are 10 sure signs an introvert likes you.


They Make The First Move

This is a pretty telling sign that an introvert likes you.

Making the first move can be very difficult for them.

If they're willing to initiate the first conversation, ask for your number or invite

you out, it's a sure sign they're into you.


They Open Up To You

An introvert doesn't usually wear their emotions on their sleeve.

They have a hard time opening up to others.

If an introvert comes out of their shell and shows you their true self, it means they like

you and they trust you enough to show you the parts they usually keep hidden.


They Invite You Into Their Personal Space

Alone time is important to an introvert, so if they invite you into their personal space,

you know they care about you.

It might mean eating lunch under their favorite tree, going for a hike on the trail they love

the most or eating lunch at a small, hidden spot they go to on a regular basis.


They Offer Advice

Introverts don't typically offer advice.

They prefer to keep their opinions to themselves.

If an introvert is willing to give you their opinion and offer genuine advice, it's because

they truly care about you, and you hold a special place in their heart.


They Show They Care

Introverts are some of the most loyal people you will meet.

They are also caring and compassionate.

If an introvert pays special attention to you, tries to make you laugh or attempts to

cheer you up when you're down, you can be sure that they like you.


Selectiveness in Relationships

Since introverts are good observers, they don't usually rush to make friends or expand

their social circle.

They carefully find out about a person and then make a choice.

If you find that an introvert is trying to build a relationship with you, this is likely

a sign that they're genuinely interested in getting to know you.


Going The Extra Mile

Introverts are, deep down, highly responsive people who are always ready to help, but they

don't always rush to do so.

If you find that an introvert tries to help you with something without you having asked,

then they definitely like you.


They Keep In Touch

Introverts usually enjoy their alone time.

They like quiet spaces where they can meditate, be creative and hear themselves think.

If an introvert makes a constant effort to keep in touch with you, whether that's calling

or texting you regularly, or planning get-together's, it means you are truly special to them.


Revealing Secrets

Everyone has secrets that they're hiding inside.

Introverts are especially careful at guarding theirs.

If they give you the chance to find out theirs or about what happened to them in the past,

that's a sure sign they definitely consider you a good person.


They Talk About Personal Topics

Discussing personal topics can be scary and intimidating for an introvert.

If you're at the point in your relationship where the two of you can talk about your likes,

dislikes, interests and feelings, it's because they feel comfortable around you.

Well, that's the ten sure signs an introvert likes you.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Sure Signs an Introvert Likes You - Duration: 4:36.


Is Your Ex REALLY A Narcissist? | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 10:08.

Is Your Ex REALLY A Narcissist?

"My boyfriend is a narcissist.

That's why we broke up," says Amy, case closed.

"My ex-wife has a borderline personality.

That's why we aren't together," says Jake, and no one asks if he had any part in the demise of the marriage.

"My brother is a sociopath," says Todd.

"That's why our joint business venture was doomed." End of discussion.

More and more, I hear people sum up failed relationships by using clinical terms like the ones above.

I've noticed, too, a myriad articles in blogs and magazines that advise us to get out of relationships if our partner

fits one of these tags.

It's true that some people are deeply affected by what are called "personality disorders." That being said,

it remains highly unlikely that your ex can legitimately be labeled as a narcissist, a borderline personality,

or a sociopath, even at his or her worst.

That's because the way we act when we're in the middle of a difficult time in a relationship is never the basis of such

a diagnosis.

Our emotional and psychological makeup consists of a continuum: at one end lies aspects of our personality which

surface under stress.

At the other end is our underlying condition, that is, the organizing principle of our personality both in good times

and bad, during periods of calm and under stress, whether we're in a state of well-being or trauma.

It takes a long time to observe the complex series of symptoms that constitute a psychological condition and arrive at

a legitimate diagnosis.

So why has it become the vogue for so many unhappy partners to toss around these very serious and complicated labels?

When we're hurt in a relationship, it's tempting to make the other person the problem and to select evidence and events

that diminish their credibility and value.

This tactic may even have the temporary effect of making us feel better.

If we slap a label on our ex, what went wrong is a "slam dunk." The certainty with which we come to this conclusion

short-circuits any pain we might suffer, and shields us from our sense of loss.

Most of all, we can duck out on seeing our part in the unraveling.

So let's examine a few of these labels, and re-consider how we are using them:



"Narcissist" is probably a label we hear most frequently, and is one that is also frequently misused.

Let's start with an example ...

Meg, who always thought of herself as somewhat sickly, mildly attractive and "reasonably intelligent" (but not

startling so), blossomed at 32.

Her career as an editor in a yoga magazine suddenly was flourishing, and her fitness achievements and radical health

improvements made her a sought-after blogger and speaker.

As someone whose self-estimation had always been "just OK," she was deeply excited by her new achievements.

Her old friends, meanwhile, began to notice how she tended now to focus on her accomplishments and her long list of


They saw her less in person and more on social media, where she constantly posted selfies of herself in amazing yoga


Was Meg a narcissist?

Or was she just going through a transition period, which caused her to be especially self-centered?

True narcissists are the loneliest people on the planet.

Unable to connect with and claim their actual strengths and positive qualities,

they rely almost entirely on how others see them or her to achieve a sense of self.

Their moods tend to swing between the ecstasy of grandiosity and the agony of deficiency.

Most of us can relate to some of the characteristics that define a narcissist.

We may even exhibit narcissistic traits or qualities for extended periods of time.

A true narcissist, however, maintains this defining attitude always, because he or she knows no other way.



Here's another example of how another label can get misused.

Christine found out that her partner, Manny, had been dating her best friend for months behind her back.

Enraged, she threw his clothes on the lawn, reported his cheating to his sister,

and on impulse posted a photo on Facebook of the two traitors kissing on a running trail.

So is Megan a sociopath?

Or was she temporarily blinded by anger and pain and did things she would later regret?

A true sociopath lacks empathy all the time, and often is often actively contemptuous of other people's suffering.

To receive such a diagnosis, a person has to have:

Exhibited a lifelong history of deceitfulness for personal profit and pleasure;

Behaved aggressively toward others without regret, and

Shown a lack of remorse for the harm they have caused.


Borderline Personality

Likewise, borderline personality disorder is not simply a synonym for your ex-wife,

who you think is punishing you by changing her mind about when you can have the kids,

or by sending you mixed messages about her residual feelings for you.

The main feature of BPD is an ongoing pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotions.

A person with this disorder is impulsive, often self-injurious, and often has a history of self-cutting and suicide


Such a person lives with a frantic need to avoid real or imagined abandonment and expresses chronic feelings of

emptiness and emotional instability, even during periods of calm and well-being.

Recall those times when you've been at your angriest while interacting with your partner:

would you like to have had a video camera record your responses in that state?

Probably not.

Would your behavior indicate that you're a person with BPD?

Again, probably not.

Typically, personality disorders are diagnosed by a trained mental health professional,

such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Even family doctors are not trained to make a diagnosis, let alone upset friends and family.

So please: let's stop flinging around labels that most of us are fortunate enough not to fit.

For more infomation >> Is Your Ex REALLY A Narcissist? | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 10:08.


Ivanka Trump speeds to work while hiding in an SUV hours after DACA protesters gathered outside - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Ivanka Trump speeds to work while hiding in an SUV hours after DACA protesters gathered outside - Duration: 2:37.


NYT: Red Sox Accused Of Cheating Using an Apple Watch - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> NYT: Red Sox Accused Of Cheating Using an Apple Watch - Duration: 1:33.


NASA Confirm September 23rd 2017 When PLANET X NIBIRU Arrives will Convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 19:15.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm September 23rd 2017 When PLANET X NIBIRU Arrives will Convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 19:15.


Uno-Botschafter Nordkorea nennt Atomtest "Geschenkpaket" an die USA - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Uno-Botschafter Nordkorea nennt Atomtest "Geschenkpaket" an die USA - Duration: 2:16.


Victoria von Schweden Das Schönste an diesem Outfit sah nur der König - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Victoria von Schweden Das Schönste an diesem Outfit sah nur der König - Duration: 2:38.


An Extraordinary Career at Bentley Bentley Motors #bentley - Duration: 2:46.

An Extraordinary Career at Bentley Bentley Motors, bentley, bentley motors, extraordinary

new bentley, career, motors, new, cars, car, dubai, geneva, bentley mulsanne

bentley cars, automobiles, coupe, new luxury car, mulsanne extended wheelbase, gigapixel

flying spur, new flying spur, 911, 2016, careers at bentley, jobs at bentley

working at bentley, 2018 an extraordinary career at bentley bentley motors, boz

automotive, supercars, jaguar, aston, martin, class, #bentley, #worldofcars

For more infomation >> An Extraordinary Career at Bentley Bentley Motors #bentley - Duration: 2:46.


If my pain doesn't develop until a few days after a car accident, do I still have an injury case? - Duration: 1:47.

Hi i'm Mike Hancock with Hancock injury attorneys and today I want to answer a

question that a lot of my clients have when they initially come to consult with

me and that is after a car accident if I didn't have pain at the scene but

developed pain two or three days later do I still have a personal injury claim

to pursue the short answer is yes oftentimes and I'm basing this answer on

my 30 years of experience of representing people involved in these

types of injuries and my 30 years experience of taking depositions of

emergency room doctors orthopedic surgeons and neurologists and

neurosurgeons the medical evidence is clear you can sustain a sprain or strain

of your neck or back and not have immediate pain afterwards what happens

is as the inflammation process aggresses over the next two to three days

following the trauma you will stiffen up and you will develop pain and

limitations and that's when most of my clients who did not go to the emergency

room by ambulance first notice pain and even if that happens you still have a

valid personal injury claim one thing that is important is when you do have

that pain whether it's two days later three days later or five days later to

immediately seek medical attention if you have any questions give me a call at

the office I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have

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