Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily so Sep 26 2017

Yo my name's Maddie G, I'm the OG MG and I'm here to show you how to have so much

swag that you'll explode.

Step One: Sunglasses.

Sunglasses are the key to swag.

They not only protect the outside world from discovering your vulnerabilities, but also

protects your eyes from the deadly UV rays from the Sun.

There's nothing more swag than keeping care of your body.

Swag We all have different faces and styles so

just choose whatever frame fits your personal aesthetic and makes you feel swag.


Step Two: Music Music is the rhythm of our souls.

It's the beat in our heads when there's nothing else

There and there's nothing more swag than stepping to the soundtracks of our own


So whatever music makes you feel uplifted and more empowered, listen to it.

Feel it.

Let it take over your whole life.

Find your soul's rhythm and embrace it.

In fact, if you guys want, I made a whole playlist of swag songs that make me feel swag. Link in the description.

Step Three: The Look

There's nothing more swag than showing yourself some self-respect and

demanding it from others with your presentation.

We all have our own different body types and

style so follow whatever matches your preference and work it.

Body positivity is swag.


Step Four: Swag To truly have swag, you need to have confidence

in everything you do and substitute your insecurities with passion.

Whether you're cross-stitching, eating dinner by yourself,

playing video games, petting your dog, or filming a video in your room by yourself,

have confidence in yourself and your life.

There's nothing more swag than self-confidence and self-love.


So thank you for watching my video.

Now how do you exhibit swag?

Please let me know in the comments down below.

If you want to join The Maddness, all you have to do is subscribe to this channel and

I'll see you-*explosion*


*end theme* Thank you for watching my video!

If you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe for more like it.



For more infomation >> How to Have So Much Swag You EXPLODE!!! - Duration: 2:08.


🇦🇹 So WÄHLT ihr RICHTIG ➡ NATIONALRATSWAHL 17 - Impulse by Nik Pichler ep. 12 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 🇦🇹 So WÄHLT ihr RICHTIG ➡ NATIONALRATSWAHL 17 - Impulse by Nik Pichler ep. 12 - Duration: 3:48.


Watch: Lee Min Ki And Jung So Min Start Roommate Romance In "Because This Is My First Life" Trailer - Duration: 2:09.

Watch: Lee Min Ki And Jung So Min Start Roommate Romance In "Because This Is My First Life" Trailer

A comical new preview for episode one of tvNs upcoming dramaBecause This is My First Life has been released!.

The preview starts off with Lee Min Ki and Jung So Min meeting up at a bus stop.

She holds out her hand while saying shell do her best even though she thinks she failed in this lifetime, which he responds with, I wish you luck.

After all, this is a first for everyone anyways. He gives her smile, and perhaps mesmerized by it, she suddenly kisses him.

After that fateful encounter, they spiral into all kinds of hilarious daily ordeals from Jung So Min becoming homeless to Lee Min Ki refusing to work overnight because he has to feed his cat. Kim Ga Eun, who plays one of Jung So Mins friends, mentions that someone is looking for a roommate and has particular, fussy conditions, which Jung So Min agrees to abide by.

The tenant and landlord actually meet up and become shocked when they realize theyve met before.

It all goes downhill from there with Jung So Mins father raging about the fact shes cohabiting with a man and Lee Min Ki catching Jung So Min snoring in her sleep.

For more infomation >> Watch: Lee Min Ki And Jung So Min Start Roommate Romance In "Because This Is My First Life" Trailer - Duration: 2:09.


So Here's Why You Don't Want A Comedian To Babysit For You. LOL - Duration: 1:07.

- I bet you I could keep,

I could keep three kids alive.

- I could do seven.

- I could probably keep an infinite number alive.

- Two, one, because I'm traveling all the time.

One, one baby maximum.

- Wow, one's a lot.

- I wouldn't know until my sisters got home

and they're like,

hey where are the kids?

I'm like, they're all out.

And then like, here's a dead one.

And I'm like, oh.

- 423. Outsourcing, division of labor, and delegation.

That's what Indians are good at.

- Name a number, and I'll say yes to it.

- I'd tie a piece of cloth around all of them.

So they can't move without each other.

That way no one's running away anytime soon.

- Duct tape them all to the wall

and just feed them in order.

- Cause you gotta run after them.

I'm getting older you know.

Running after a two year old is tough business.

- I mean for sure I would lose the kid.

I don't know how long I would lose him for,

but like, I would just be texting and be like,

where did he go?

Then the mom would be so mad at me.

We wouldn't even be a caring family,

she would hate me.

- For 24 hours.

I mean, I assume I get a million dollars in the end right?

Is that the prize?

Then yeah, 20, 50.

I could do 50.

That would be easy.

For more infomation >> So Here's Why You Don't Want A Comedian To Babysit For You. LOL - Duration: 1:07.


5 Reasons INTJ Personality Type Is so Rare and Misunderstood - Duration: 6:15.

5 Reasons INTJ Personality Type Is so Rare and Misunderstood

INTJ personality type is one of the rarest in the Myers-Briggs classification.

These contradictory traits may explain why this type is so misunderstood.

The Myers-Briggs personality test is where you find out what kind of characteristics you have depending on different


There are 16 different types, one of the rarest is INTJ personality type, with INTJ's forming just 2% of the population.

Even rarer are women in this group, who make up only 0.8%.

The main qualities of INTJ personality are:






At the heart of the INTJ personality type, however, is a set of contradictions, which is why this type is so rare.

Here are five of them:


INTJ's are natural leaders but are intensely private

Taking the role at the top is natural for an INTJ, as they are effective leaders and are capable of inspiring others.

They can see a situation in an objective manner and work out the best way to tackle it,

not being afraid of changing tactics if necessary.

They love to strategize and are always looking at new ideas and concepts to see whether they can benefit them.

However, because they live their lives internally and rely on intuition,

this makes them very private individuals and they find it hard to express themselves.

Because an INTJ is always thinking and developing highly internalised ideas and concepts,

they find it difficult to translate these into an external form that others can understand.


INTJ's are open-minded but appear aloof

As INTJ's are typically private people they can often appear to be aloof, but this could not be further than the truth.

Whilst it can be said that they are not overly demonstrative in their affections or go over the top when it comes to

displays of affection, INTJ's do feel intense emotions for those they care about,

they just don't see the point it declaring it in a public fashion.

Another misconception about INTJ personality is that they are rigid and prone to being close-minded to new ways of


This is also incorrect, as INTJ's are renowned for being curious and are most amenable to changing their way of doing



INTJ's are imaginative yet decisive

INTJ's are one of the most curious of all the Myers-Briggs personalities,

they are committed to questioning and gathering knowledge.

They live mostly in their heads, in their own imagination and find it hard to express these ideas to others.

However, once they have settled on a course of action, they are surprisingly decisive.

INTJ's take a long time to come to this decision, but once they do, there is no turning back.


INTJ'S are intelligent people but useless at social interaction

INTJs love exploring theories and are renowned for gathering information.

They are knowledgeable and intelligent, especially in fields where they have an interest.

They are, however, quite poor when it comes to interacting socially.

This is down to the fact that they find small talk tedious and prefer one-on-one conversations where they can get deep

and meaningful.

INTJ's shine when they are in smaller groups who share their interests but definitely out of the spotlight.


INTJ's are confident and logical except when it comes to relationships

INTJ's are supremely confident beings and are defined by their logic and sensible decisions.

They do have a tendency to over-analyse, however, and it is this that keeps them from forming close relationships.

They can seem to be judgemental and aloof, but it is their failure to deal with any emotional feelings that lets them


They approach feelings of the heart in the same way as they do any other decision or problem,

they analyse and calculate their way to the best solution.

This does not work with emotions and when an INTJ fails using this method,

they become irritable and they might turn their back on a meaningful relationship because they cannot deal with their


Closing thoughts

People with INTJ personality are renowned for logical thinking and intellectual decision-making.

In areas of emotion and feelings, however, they are not as confident.

An INTJ that wants to manage their emotions in a better way should try not to use logical thinking but think with the

heart and not the head.

They already have great qualities where it comes to intelligence and strategic thinking,

but working on their weaker characteristics, such as developing their feelings,

will give them a much more rounded personality.

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons INTJ Personality Type Is so Rare and Misunderstood - Duration: 6:15.


Top 7 Worst Bollywood Movies Of 2017 So Far - Duration: 15:25.

Making movies is hard and being number one

film (Production) industry Of the world

And Relesing close to 3000 Movies Every year All across India

You can always Expect some cinematic disasters

while 2017 gave us truly great cinema experience Movies

it is also the year when some of the grandest, and much awaited movies Left Us disapointed.

Welcome To XAVIA PRODUCTIONS And Today We're Counting

down our picks for Top7 Worst Movies of 2017 So Far.

For this list we are looking at movies which had high anticipations.

and were bound to top the charts of bollywood

but fell flat in theaters and in hearts of moviegoers alike

#07: NOOR

Every year we're seeing more and more of our fvrt book characters coming to life on the Big Screen

sometimes we continue to like them and sometimes they turn out to be NOOR.

NOOR is the story of a young journalist

who covers small stories but aspires to bring "real stories" to the light.

Based on novel KARACHI: YOU'RE KILLING ME and directed by sunhil sippy.

NOOR FAILS exactly where the book excelled.

In movie SONAKSHI SINHA Playing character of NOOR

is a journalist, & we know this because Noor, Tells us this fact about her life every 10 minutes or so

Along with i am fat , i hate my life and i need a Boyfriend.

No Matter How many Reviews About Noor you Read

Theres one common thing in all of them,

That Noor is a bad,Bad Film on so many Levels.

An entire chunk of first half is spent on establisihing that Noor like any other 27-year-old

independent, working woman in a big city.

Why does one need to watch an entire Movie about NOOR?

Why is Noor a character worth exploring? The Movie does not give us answers.

Unlike Saba's protagonist, Noor is lazy as a person - she does not even research for her stories and at home,

she does not even make her own bed.

Sonakshi portrayal of a reporter is just awful,

As Noor's lack of professionalism is consistent throughout the film.

interrupts a meeting with her editor to meet a friend,

And when she stumbles onto what she believes is her "big break",

she records one statement and rushes to her editor insisting that it must be aired ASAP, without any fact checking.

And The icing on the cake is that she is a university topper. ****

Sonakshi is trying hard to establish herself as a to establish herself as a solo-actor,

As she tried with her role in Akira which was another failed attempt.

But she isn't done trying just yet as once again shes all set tol play as main protagonist

in upcoming bollywood movie 'circus', While the movie was rejected by Parineeti Chopra and other stars.

Lets hope Circus gives sonakshi the spark she wants to light.

#06: Badrinath Ki Dulhania

If a movie made good bucks first time bollywood is sure to re-hash it.

BADRINATH KI DULHANIA is a sequel to 2014, Humty Sharma Ki Dulhania,with same protagonist and love interest.

The movie is typical bollywood cliche guy falls in, love after dancing with her in a marriage,

Proposes next day she is not interested he follows her Around, she tells him her problem he solves her problem Rest Everyone Knows.

From love songs to drunken fight with father.

We get the positive message director said he was trying, to send but seriously this was a poor effort.

As the movie falls back and forth in its genres.

I mean first Varun kidnaps Alia puts her in trunk of his (car), Drives around threatens to kill her,

And still she falls for him because he's that nice.

Only good thing about the movie was bhatt's contribution, as she emerges as a confident women who choses respect over love.

At-least for the first half.

#05: Half girlfriend

So the movie is focused on a bihari madhav jha.

His english speaking level is poor but is good in terms of sports.*****

He falls in love with a rich girl Riya who is also good at basketball


After a match they become friends and it escalates

Half girlfriend was rated as absolute snooze fest.

The frustrating bit for Madhav and for the audience is that Riya is commitment-phobic.

And Stops you from investing in her halfway through the film.

Hence half girlfriend.

And the acting was also below justification as arnold schwarzenegger gives, better expressions than arjun kapoor.

We still remember him in his role of ishaqzaade but, Madhav just didn't fit him as he tries too hard.

Shraddha was her usual cute self and nothing more than, What she gave in baaghi and ok jaanu.

The Screenplay is poor Portrayal of book characters on the big-screen, is underwhelming.

Mohit Suri's Direction is below average. Music by Various Artists, is wonderful which Suri is known for.


it's a story of lovers from 2 different times.

And that's where the movie struggles.

Is an example of how important planning is as nobody knew where movie was going,

Till interval and then The Director decided to go all out on cheesy lines,

The story follows shiv who travels to budapest and meets Saira who runs a chocolate store.

Both of them feel instant connection and done.

Saira gets nightmares of getting drowned and her character is, Developed as confused as the audience.

Enter 800 year old love triangle Zaakir who enters the scene and events take a 180 turn.

And as many moviegoers must have Realized lives of shiv

saira and zaakir are intertwined from the past life.

The film takes us to their past lives in a flashback & there we see some low-budget dothrakies

Unrecognizable rajkummar rao & a vague story of a love comet.

in fact certain elements & Characters in the past life story are not even developed.

The story Telling is very poor.

How shiv saira and zakir are connected in past life what purpose, was left behind for them to cross paths again ?

too many questions not tmany answers.

Raabta means connection but ironically, the film fails to connect with the audience.

#03: Begum Kaan

With movies like dangal Queen Pink bollywood is coming out,

on a good show of women empowerment.

But on the flip side we also get BEGUM JAAN.

Vidya balan as Begum jan is an story of 11 prostitutes, and some other characters who live in a brothel.

Begum jaan had a unique story with great cast, and a wonderful Theme to tell it.

But the efforts to present many faces of the problem, at the same time takes a toll on the film.

Many stories collide and fail to become one thick central line.

Vidya balan in no doubt the showstopper of Begum Jaan

And Roles of Gauhar Khan and Chunkey Pandey are complete and beautifully invested.

However the writer-director's interest level is everything

The 120-minute long Begum Jaan has Vidya Balan in good form, but it lacks cohesiveness as a complete story.

#02: Sarkar 3

Sarkar 3 is 3rd entry in the RAM GOPAL VERMA's SARKAR FRANCHISE which he admitted is inspired from GODFATHER.

Fans of the franchise had high hopes for sarkar 3, as first 2 movies were pretty good on their grounds.

The script is a disaster sarkar 3 is a puzzle which, for first 3rd of movie is not even close to completion

But suddenly comes together in last 20minutes

As if the film was written by 2 different writers.

Amitabh returns as sarkar and is more ruthless than ever in his voice.

And gives performance as is expected of a superstar of his standard.

Acting is no doubt good amit sadh as shivaji has strong presence,

And Manoj Bajpayee just good with whats given to him.

All said and done sarkar Has nothing new to offer if you've seen its

prequel and want to keep the the good impression better skip this one.

And last but not least Finally, as an outsized photograph taking up much of Sarkar's sitting

Abhishek Bachchan delivers one of his best performances in a long while.

#01: tubelight

Every year KHANs of bollywood make 1 or 2 films and then do a stretched promotions

And masses turns to screens.

SALMAN FANs had high hopes as salman and kabir khan are considered a blockbuster duo.

With movies like ek tha tiger and bajrangi bhaijaan.

even die hard salman fans were left disappointed with khans performance.

TUBELIGHT is based on hollywood film LITTLE BOY of which the role was played by an 8 year old.

In TUBELIGHT salman plays role of laxman who has an quite fantastic life

Plays cricket ride horses and is disturbingly close to his on screen brother, bharat singh played by sohail khan.

Laxman suffers from mental illness and has a mind of a child and earns the moniker of TUBLIGHT

which as they explain lights up only after a flickering for a while.

Salmans portrayal of non mature kid, is not convincing but feels like forced for sympathy alone.

Being bollywoods SULTAN comes at a price of responsibility sometimes that turns into

i'll do anything and fans will watch.

Khans acting skills were always in question but he had redeemed, himself in the last few years.

and all that feels wasted as tubelight reverses his progress.

In some scenes he appears so bad that even sohail khan, looks a better actor who shares screen with him.

Many people who went to early screening also advised people to leave their brains out.

And started roasting movie on social media.

While salman is a disappointment only good part of the film, is THE LATE/GREAT OM PURI G

As he shines in his final role as mentor in the film. And reminded us what great actors are made of.

DROP A LIKE AS WELL While you're down there.

Or sunny Leone Secret Stash ;).

But Seriously __PLEASE SUBSCRIBE__ even if you didn't enjoy Its Free Who Cares?

For more infomation >> Top 7 Worst Bollywood Movies Of 2017 So Far - Duration: 15:25.


Warum so wenig Fiktion auf YouTube? | YouTube Deutschland - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Warum so wenig Fiktion auf YouTube? | YouTube Deutschland - Duration: 4:06.


Lex & Gaby's Hip-Hop Performance | Season 14 Ep. 15 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Lex & Gaby's Hip-Hop Performance | Season 14 Ep. 15 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:04.


Kim Bum x So Eun | ночной мотылёк - Duration: 1:05.

You are my night moth, fly, fly, fly.

What was waiting for you is my flame -

you do not know, you do not know, you do not know.

And in the morning you'll wither away to another heat,

You wither, you wither away

Hope broken like glass, say good-bye to me, say good-bye.

You are my night moth, fly, fly, fly.

What was waiting for you is my flame -

you do not know, you do not know, you do not know.

And in the morning you'll wither away to another heat,

You wither, you wither away

Hope broken like glass, say good-bye to me, say good-bye.

For more infomation >> Kim Bum x So Eun | ночной мотылёк - Duration: 1:05.


Beziehungs-Pause: So schön war Heidi Klums & Vitos Liebe! - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Beziehungs-Pause: So schön war Heidi Klums & Vitos Liebe! - Duration: 1:48.


So spannend kann unser Küchenschwamm sein | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> So spannend kann unser Küchenschwamm sein | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 9:42.


Teen Claims Her Sister Punched Her So Hard, 'She Broke Her Own Hand' - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Teen Claims Her Sister Punched Her So Hard, 'She Broke Her Own Hand' - Duration: 5:15.


Wie die AfD so populär werden konnte. - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Wie die AfD so populär werden konnte. - Duration: 1:41.





Kate Garraway shocks GMB fans with dramatic transformation 'So different' - Duration: 2:36.

Kate Garraway shocks GMB fans with dramatic transformation 'So different'

The 50-year-old, who usually sports a heavy bob with a fringe, clearly decided to mix it up for the breakfast programme.

Kate impressed viewers with her shorter hairstyle with new layers added in for a more textured look.

Fans took to social media to compliment Kate on her brand new haircut.

NEW LOOK: Kate showed off her new hairstyle on the show today.

USUAL LOOK: Kate always rocks a long bob with a heavy fringe.

One said: Never mind the name I want Kates hair I love it, hair envy. Another added: I'm loving Kate's hair.

Looks so different today, have you had it done? A third chipped in: Loving your hair today Kate!.

CAREFREE: Kates hew hairstyle seems lighter than her usual look.

But one unimpressed fan asked: What happened to your hair today.

Did you even brush it?? Kate may have been looking to compete with co-presenter Ben Shephard in the new look department.

Ben stunned viewers earlier this year when he showed off his new beard.

NEW LOOKS: Both Ben and Kate have changed their style recently.

The 42-year-old faced some teasing from his co-stars when he turned up to present with the new style.

We think you both look great.

GMB continues on Monday at 6am on ITV.

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