Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily t'shirt Sep 6 2017


You fat ball fatty fat.... fat fat


Hey look at me, LOOK AT ME!!



*more screams*

*Even more screams*


*warning sound*

*Again.... more screams*

OH NO... NO!!!



oh now would you look at that

*Drinks artifact soda*

*Spits artifact soda... (Tastes so bad don´t ya think?)*

What manner of witchcraft is this?

*screams.... again*




Make me angry



Little... little man

*Last scream of the video*

For more infomation >> Don´t mess with heavy - Duration: 1:39.


Don't Worry About Your Jersey Number, Play For The Name! San Pedro JV Football Vlog 2017 - Duration: 1:51.

I've got some clips today of our linemen doing some drills but I also had to

share with the kids a little quick lesson that I got this weekend from some

old players let me show you the next clip these are our jerseys and I had a

an ex-player his son he's having an opportunity to play in the NFL and he

said something so profound it's like when you worry more about playing hard

for the name on your Jersey instead of what number you have you're gonna get to

where you want to go! Play hard for the name on your Jersey don't worry about

the number your play your play your effort the way you practice the way you

perform in the games will get you and your number remembered when you remember

to play and practice for the name on the shirt to support the rest of your group

thanks for listening and enjoy the clips like share subscribe comment and punch

that thumbs up button have a good one will catch you on the next!

For more infomation >> Don't Worry About Your Jersey Number, Play For The Name! San Pedro JV Football Vlog 2017 - Duration: 1:51.


Voyager fête ses 40 ans: mais comment a-t-elle fait avancer la science ? - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Voyager fête ses 40 ans: mais comment a-t-elle fait avancer la science ? - Duration: 1:10.


killjoys | dutch & johnny » we don't have to stay here [...] - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> killjoys | dutch & johnny » we don't have to stay here [...] - Duration: 3:11.


"I Can't Afford It" 3 Steps to Avoid This - Duration: 4:02.

- I can't afford it, it's just too expensive,

we just don't have the budget.

If you've been in sales long enough

you've heard these devastating phrases

in your sales before.

People ask me, what do I do

with a prospect that says that?

And that's the wrong question.

What we want to ask is,

how do I avoid hearing these phrases in the first place.

Once you've heard one of these phrases

you're already in trouble.

In fact, I'd argue that there's very little

that you can do to save the sale at this point.

This is because your prospect is basically

telling you that you haven't shown me

enough value to justify my making this investment.

It is your job to do that, not their job.

In this video I'm going to show you

three steps every sales person must take

to avoid I can't afford it.

Check it out.

One, disqualification mindset.

There are some prospects who simply

don't see value or don't have money.

It is your job in the beginning of the sales process

to identify these people as soon as possible.

That means asking questions to really understand

how critical those challenges are

to understand are they they type of person

who will really invest in these types of challenges.

The second that you determine that

they're not going to make an investment

it's your job to immediately disqualify those prospects.

And disqualification mindset means that

you think like a doctor.

You're not going to look for a sale,

you're looking for a prospect who has

some serious challenges and a willingness

and a commitment to solve them.

Anyone who falls outside of that, disqualified.

Number two, help them calculate the upside.

Once you understand the challenges

it doesn't just stop there.

Every prospect knows that they have challenges.

But often they haven't done the math,

the real calculations on what those challenges

are really costing them

and what it would mean to the organization

in additional revenue or profit

or cost savings to actually solve those challenges.

The math is where you actually build value

in the sales process.

So by asking a question like,

if you were able to solve these challenges

what would it mean in additional profit

or cost saved or additional revenue?

You are now creating value in the sales process

by asking a question like that.

Number three, discuss money before you present.

So often sales people think

it's easier to just present the solution

before talking about money.

Let's face it, talking about money is uncomfortable.

But the problem is, once you present your solution

and share your prices you suddenly have

far less use to the prospect.

You've given away the goods.

Establish a budget before you present your solution.

Make sure that you're on the same page with money

before you show them the goods.

By doing that you're going to keep the sale on track

and make sure that what you're presenting

would be better received by the prospect.

So there are three steps every sales person

must take to avoid I can't afford it.

I want to hear from you.

Which of these ideas did you find most useful.

Be sure to share below in the comments section

to get involve in the conversation.

And if you enjoyed this video then I have this

awesome free ebook on 25 tips to crush your sales goal.

Just click right here to get instant access to it.

Also, if you've got some value, please like this video

below on YouTube and be sure to subscribe

to my YouTube channel by clicking right here,

my little face, to get access to a new video

just like this one each week.

Until next week.

For more infomation >> "I Can't Afford It" 3 Steps to Avoid This - Duration: 4:02.


American Horror Story: Cult | Don't Be Afraid of The Dark Trailer | FX - Duration: 0:46.

It's so hot out here.

Can I come in for a glass of water, please?

No. No, you cannot.




You're going to give me your fear, [INAUDIBLE]..

It's going to make us both stronger.


I do worry that she's exhibiting

signs of agoraphobia.

I don't know what's real anymore.

If you're not sure, just ask.

American Horror Story, Cults, all new, Tuesday

at 10:00 on FX and FX Now.

For more infomation >> American Horror Story: Cult | Don't Be Afraid of The Dark Trailer | FX - Duration: 0:46.


Gwen Stefani Can't Keep Her Eyes Off Blake Shelton As She Watches His Concert Backstage - Duration: 2:06.

Gwen Stefani Can't Keep Her Eyes Off Blake Shelton As She Watches His Concert Backstage

They're going strong!

Following recent breakup rumors, Gwen Stefani proved her relationship with Blake Shelton

is SO on by attending his Kentucky concert on Sept. 3 — and she looked so infatuated

while watching him perform!

Blake Shelton, 40, performed in Kentucky on the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend…and Gwen

Stefani, 47, looked like such a proud girlfriend while watching him from backstage.

A fan in the crowd snapped a photo of the country superstar onstage, and Gwen is in

the background looking on.

It's like she can't take her eyes off of him!

The 47-year-old didn't share any of her own photos or videos on social media, but

it's such a relief to see that this relationship is going strong after breakup rumors surfaced

in OK! magazine last week.

As EXCLUSIVELY reported before Labor Day Weekend, Blake was hoping

that Gwen would come to Kentucky with him, as he wanted it to be the ultimate date night.

"They've hardly had any alone time lately because they've been so insanely busy,"

our source explained.

"He just wants her to be there with him."

Looks like he got his wish!

As for the split rumors?

Another insider told us EXCLUSIVELY that Blake thinks they're "ridiculous" and that

the two are happier than ever and still totally in love.

It's been just about two years since Blake and Gwen started dating following their respective

divorces, and fans are anxiously waiting for them to take the next step in their relationship.

However, Entertainment Tonight recently reported that, while the two discuss being "together

forever," they haven't actually talked about getting married at any point.

Things are just going so well the way they are right now…why change anything, right?!

For more infomation >> Gwen Stefani Can't Keep Her Eyes Off Blake Shelton As She Watches His Concert Backstage - Duration: 2:06.


dissi yamen Help Me Help You ft Why Don't We 00000 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> dissi yamen Help Me Help You ft Why Don't We 00000 - Duration: 1:17.


Madonna is battling FedEx to deliver her parcel because they don't think she's actually Madonna - Duration: 2:49.

Madonna is battling FedEx to deliver her parcel because they don't think she's actually Madonna

  The Queen of Pop, Madonna, has always been known for her fearsome reputation, demanding that she does things her way  – or the highway.

Except all the demands in the world havent helped out with parcel delivery company FedEx who apparently wont release her package – because they think shes a Madonna impersonator and not the real Madge herself.

She hasnt specified how long she has been waiting for the delivery, or what the item actually is. But you can be sure that the Material Girl singer is mad as hell for having to wait around.

  She posted a picture of herself looking quite grumpy about the situation and took matters into her own hands, tweeting a picture of herself looking less than impressed, presumably in a bid to prove she was the real Madonna.

When youve been arguing with fed-ex all week that you really are Madonna and they still wont release your package. #bitchplease, she captioned her tweet.

  Seems like it happens to the best of us Madge – but fear not, as Julie from FedEx is ready and waiting to assist.

The FedEx operative tweeted Madonna back:   Brace yourself, Julie… As mentioned before, Madonna likes to have control over every aspect of her career – just ask Britains Got Talent contestant Daliso Chaponda, who revealed that he had to have his Madonna joke approved by Madonna herself.

'If any of you don't know where Malawi is, it's where Madonna adopted all the babies from,' he told the crowd, before quipping: 'I do miss my little brother.'   But as harmless as that joke might have seemed, Daliso revealed to that he had to get approval from Madge's people before he could use it on the show.

'They [BGT producers] had to check that joke with Madonna's people, to see if it was OK,' he explained.        .

For more infomation >> Madonna is battling FedEx to deliver her parcel because they don't think she's actually Madonna - Duration: 2:49.



For more infomation >> L'ART INTÉRESSE-T-IL LES JEUNES ? - Duration: 4:35.


Baby Doesn't Survive Birth, 10 Months Later Same Doctor Weeps As He Watches A Miracle Unfold - Duration: 4:18.

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Baby Doesn't Survive Birth, 10 Months Later Same Doctor Weeps As He Watches A Miracle


The birth of a baby is a joyous occasion, but not every mother is blessed to leave the

hospital with a cuddly newborn cradled in her arms.

Such was the case for Andrew and Amanda Hanson of Idaho.

After struggling to become pregnant for three years, Andrew and Amanda, both 34, turned

to fertility treatments.

Finally, her pregnancy test showed positive.

When Amanda was ready to deliver, they traveled to St. Luke's Hospital in Boise.

Everyone was prepared for the baby's birth, but they weren't prepared for what happened.

Baby Klayton wasn't breathing.

When he was born, he didn't utter a single cry.

The medical response team snapped to action to revive the baby, but to no avail.

Baby Klayton had tragically ingested meconium, his first stool, during delivery.

Although doctors finally revived him, it was too late.

Baby Klayton had gone too long without oxygen and had suffered hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.

He was declared medically brain dead.

Amanda and Andrew were heartbroken.

The baby they'd waited for for so long was taken from their arms before they even had

a chance to hear him make a beautiful sound.

For six days, Klayton graced this earth, then he passed away.

Amanda and Andrew donated his organs, allowing Klayton to make a difference for others no

matter how short his time was with them.

"We tried to fit a world of love into that little short time.

We just got as much time as we could."

Fast forward 10 months and Amanda and Andrew were back in the hospital.

This time, a shadow fell over them as they anxiously awaited the birth of their second

child, something that came as a surprise, Amanda said.

"I couldn't believe it.

We were still both mourning, we hadn't really moved past (Klayton's death)."

After losing their first baby, the pair spent the duration of Amanda's pregnancy on pins

and needles, fearful that something would go wrong again.

Fortunately, Amanda's delivery was quicker.

She said she felt Klayton's presence with her in the delivery room.

Baby Karson arrived loud and healthy.

Maternity photographer Sarah Ledford captured a moment of relief, a snapshot of pure joy

as Andrew turned to embrace the doctor who delivered both Klayton and Karson.

The obstetrician, Dr. Bryan Hodges, had never lost a patient.

He'd been bringing babies into the world since 2002.

Klayton was his first infant to pass away, so when Baby Karson came into the world alive

and healthy, both men wept and shared a bear hug, Andrew said.

"That was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard.

When he came out, it was like he knew that we needed to hear him . Dr. Hodges was crying

and happy and I just reached over and gave him a big old hug."

As Amanda waited breathlessly for Baby Karson to cry out loud, she said it felt like an


But blessedly, there were other plans for this couple and their second baby.

"Right up to the moment he came out, I was scared that something bad was going to happen."

Even Dr. Hodges breathed a sigh of relief that Karson was born healthy.

He said it was a wonderful feeling to see Andrew and Amanda become blessed with a baby.

"When Andy cut the cord, (the baby) let out.

just this battle cry of, 'I'm here.'

Andrew looked up at me and he had tears streaming down his eyes. and he walked around and gave

me a big hug.

It was a good closure."

Even the photographer, Sarah Ledford, confessed that she cried, the nurses cried, everyone

in the room cried.

She said "it was amazing."

The photo she snapped of the doctor and Andrew has since gone viral.

"Everything bad that had happened had just been lifted off of every single person involved."

Amanda admits that some days she still struggles with her firstborn's passing, imagining what

Klayton would be doing at this point in time, what a bond he might have had with his little


While the family will never forget Klayton, may blessings pour forth upon Karson, Amanda

and Andrew as they embrace their lives together.

For more infomation >> Baby Doesn't Survive Birth, 10 Months Later Same Doctor Weeps As He Watches A Miracle Unfold - Duration: 4:18.


American Horror Story 7x02 Promo "Don't Be Afraid of The Dark" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> American Horror Story 7x02 Promo "Don't Be Afraid of The Dark" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:00.


The Isle | DON'T GO INTO THE LONG GRASS! | #101 [Early Access] - Duration: 14:50.

'Don't Go Into The Long Grass'

I hope there are no Velociraptors here. xD

I like this place a lot. <3

I found her! I found her!

Hi my friend. ^0^

We have almost the same size. :O

'Yes, yeas, yes, yes'

Hello there! :D

It's a friendly dinosaur. :)

Who likes sun rays?

Me! :3

I don't know where is Sovicka. :O

oh, she is playing with the herbivores :D


He goes in my direction. :S

Sovicka is reporting her position.

I can see her name on a long distance if we are in a group.

I can tell her in what direction I am. ^-^


I do not want his attention. :'D


That Giga doesn't even have to run

It's enough for him to trot and catch me easily. :(

Hey guys! :D

Did the Giga attack the herd of herbivores?

That was synchronized. xD

Where is the Shanty?

She broke her leg again. That's a classic. xD

Everyone... STOP screaming. T_T

This is the cute group of Gallis. :D

Are you OK?

This is the lesson of the day. Do not jump from heights.

I have no idea why they fight against each other. :'D

It looks funny and cute how the Galli runs around him. xD

For more infomation >> The Isle | DON'T GO INTO THE LONG GRASS! | #101 [Early Access] - Duration: 14:50.


(KOR/ENG Sub) #18「Determination」 Bloody Bunny Don't Be My Enemy - Duration: 1:01.

Dad... Mon...

Kill Assassin Bunny Family



Do you want revenge?

Yes! I waited for that!

For more infomation >> (KOR/ENG Sub) #18「Determination」 Bloody Bunny Don't Be My Enemy - Duration: 1:01.


Democrats Still Don't Understand Why They Lost To Trump - Duration: 4:29.

In the last week, I've come to the very painful realization that the Democratic Party has

absolutely no clue how to deal with Donald Trump and I don't just mean politically, I

mean electorally.

With Hillary Clinton's new book out, we see that clearly she yes accepted some blame,

but then she spends the rest of the book blaming everyone else but herself minus that one sentence

there at the beginning.

Furthermore, this week, Paul [Wogman 00:00:30], a very respected progressive writer, liberal

Democratic writer I should say, put out an article that says Donald Trump was a godsend

for the Democratic Party.

In this particular article, Wogman, who is a man that I absolutely admire and respect,

but sometimes he gets it wrong just like all of us do, he says that Donald Trump's complete

incompetence makes the Democrats look better.

It helps them look better.

It helps them formulate a plan to take on Donald Trump.

To an extent, that is true, but if we look back at what happened during the 2016 presidential

election, where Hillary Clinton spent 75% of her talking time talking about what a piece

of crap Donald Trump is, she still lost, folks.

Paul Wogman's plan here to sit back and let Trump implode himself sounds good on paper.

It sounds like somebody put a lot of thought and analysis into this.

At the end of the day, it's been proven to not work.

The only thing the Democrats can do to beat Donald Trump and to be the Republican Party,

who has an approval rating even lower than Donald Trump, is to talk policy.

That is what Hillary Clinton failed to do in the general election and it's what most

Democrats are failing to do today.

You cannot beat this guy by talking about what a scumbag he is or how mentally unstable

you might think he is or some of the horrible things that he's done.

The American people are not necessarily stupid.

They know the bad things he's done.

They've seen it.

They've been following this train wreck just as closely as anybody else in the Democratic


They know it.

There's no need to rehash it.

What they don't know is what the Democratic Party stands for, why we should pick them

over the Republicans, what do they have to offer that's better than what the Republicans

have tried to do.

Because at the end of the day, a bad plan is going to win out over no plan at all and

that's what happened to the Democrats in 2016.

Paul Wogman makes some decent points in this article.

Like I said, he's generally correct, but overall his theme that we need to just sit back and

watch trump implode without necessarily countering with any policy positions is just not feasible.

The only way the Democrats can secure a victory in 2018 or in the 2020 presidential election

is to get out there and start talking policy.

We have seen some Democrats doing this.


Because Bernie Sanders has essentially forced them to do it.

He is the one who came out with this Medicare for all legislation that Kamala Harris after

huge public backlash and public criticism decided to come out and be a co-sponsor of.

Those are the kinds of things that Democrats need to get on board with and go out there

and talk about.

If they want to talk about how stupid Donald Trump is, that's fine.

Make it a small part, make it your opening line, use it to draw in people, get their

attention, but that cannot be your entire message.

When it comes to covering all the stupid asinine things that Donald Trump does, let the media

handle it.

They're doing a great job with it, believe it or not.

Let the bloggers deal with it.

You politicians talk policy.

We've got the Trump thing covered.

You need to get to work.

For more infomation >> Democrats Still Don't Understand Why They Lost To Trump - Duration: 4:29.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 90PK EDITION - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 90PK EDITION - Duration: 0:58.


: 0158 : Second T Budding / دوسری دفعہ ٹی بَڈنگ - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> : 0158 : Second T Budding / دوسری دفعہ ٹی بَڈنگ - Duration: 6:03.


Why Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain doesn't need to bring anything new to Liverpool? - Duration: 9:07.

Versatility, athleticism and breaking lines: Why Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain doesn't need to bring anything new to Liverpool

Liverpool's latest recruit, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, shares many traits with his Anfield team-mates, bringing more effectiveness to a position of strength.

Numbers in midfield have quickly become a positive for Jurgen Klopp this season, with the Reds boss boosting his options in the centre of the park not just with Oxlade-Chamberlain's arrival, but also by moving James Milner back into the area.

Whether or not Milner's reprisal of his former role is cause for celebration among fans or not is immaterial; he is an option for Klopp and has taken part in three of the four games so far this term.

Add in regulars Jordan Henderson, Gini Wijnaldum and Emre Can, plus injured Adam Lallana, a "reintegrated" Philippe Coutinho and the promising hopefuls including Marko Grujic, and competition is fierce for central spots this term.

That's where Oxlade-Chamberlain comes in, bringing Klopp a vital two-pronged factor for both his signing and for inclusion going forward. The best XI is made of 15 players.

It's always tempting to judge new signings based on "where they fit into the best XI" but the simple fact is, that's irrelevant.

There isn't any point to a best XI: it's rarely available, it can't play 10 games in a row and even on the biggest stages, cup finals or rival matches, inevitably at least someone will be missing.

That's why Real Madrid have the depth they do, it's why Manchester United lash out £40 million on a midfielder after spending £90m on another last year and it's why Manchester City have about three dozen players who can act as a No.

10. Inevitably, the best side isn't the one with the finest starting 11, but the one whose level of quality in the starting 11 is least-affected by the most changes to it.

That doesn't have to be the case when no European football is on the cards, but every big club in England have that this term. Have three top-tier, Premier League quality central midfielders and you can win a big match.

Have four, and you can win back-to-back games and be strong by rotating one each time for a month or more—until one gets injured, one tires and the trio as a whole loses effectiveness as a result.

Have five, or even six of a similar level—inevitably one might turn out to be the "star" or have greater tactical influence—and the team can take on all-comers, safe in the knowledge that each player can perform, know their roles and have the ability to make their chance count.

You don't pay £30 or 40 million for a mere bench player, you pay it for someone who can keep the starting 11 at or near the same level when they play…even if that isn't every single week without fail.

Oxlade-Chamberlain brings that to the Reds' midfield zone. No Lallana until October and Wijnaldum suffers injury too? Here's an international, a 24-year-old with almost 200 Arsenal games to his name, to take his place.

Lost the pace of Sadio Mane or Mo Salah on the flank? No longer does the attack need to become predictable and reliant on build-up play rather than incision; Oxlade-Chamberlain can offer that speedy outlet as well.

He doesn't need to bring something new to the party himself: he brings the talents and traits of multiple current Liverpool players, and allows Klopp to replicate their effectiveness, something which the Reds missed in more than one position last season.

Ask any fan—maybe aside from certain Arsenal ones still hurting after the past week or two—what Oxlade-Chamberlain's biggest strengths are and they'll likely point to his versatility, his pace, a good engine and perhaps dribbling.

If the latter comes as a surprise or creates dubious looks to any, it shouldn't—his style and the areas he dribbles in might be different, but Oxlade-Chamberlain is exceptionally adept at going past opponents.

He wants to play centrally, that's well-noted, but here's a comparison (via Squawka) against in-from-out attackers (who can all also play centrally) from last season, where he featured most frequently for the Gunners until their late-season switch to a back three.

Few conclusions should ever be drawn from a first glance at a single stat in isolation, or even a handful, but the table shows two attributes which are a) big strengths of Oxlade-Chamberlain's, and b) work perfectly in tandem with each other for what Klopp wants of his midfielders.

Namely: Win the ball back, immediately surge forward.

That ability to instantaneously switch from defensive and containment mode, to exploitation of space and countering, is one of the hallmarks of this Liverpool team and Oxlade-Chamberlain could be one of the midfield options who does it best for the Reds.

(At least for a season, until Naby Keita arrives and raises the bar for this particular phase of play.

One drawback: his end process, his decision-making, has been what lets him down thereafter. Take on another, or release the pass wide into space? Shoot from range, or thread a through-ball?.

Sometimes that final selection process lets him down, and often the execution of the selection isn't great anyway. Which brings us nicely to a final point. Kaisen.

If Klopp is known for anything at Anfield, it's for encouraging personal development in his players and creating a culture of constant improvement.

Small details, marginal gains, incremental additions: they all come together to make a more rounded, more complete player. And when several players achieve in that manner, the team gets a much bigger, much more noticeable jump.

He will work with Oxlade-Chamberlain, and sees potential for great improvement, no question.

It should be noted that for all the talk of stamina, power and other athletic traits being among Oxlade-Chamberlain's skill set, he has tallied 2500, 1500, 2100 and 1100 minutes across all competitions in the last four seasons, and never more than 1600 minutes in the Premier League.

For context, Divock Origi played just under 1600 minutes in the league last term for the Reds, and Simon Mignolet tallied 2500 minutes in the league alone.

Availability has been an issue for Oxlade-Chamberlain and consistency of fitness as much as technical performance has to be a target for him.

Tactically though, there are improvements and alterations to be made—to Liverpool's style if nothing else—but his way of playing, and where he excels most frequently, should be proven to be of great benefit to the Reds.

Oxlade-Chamberlain is largely more of the same rather than a completely new dimension in the Reds' midfield, or indeed in the attacking line, and can offer an increase in functionality instead of an alternative method.

But that's no bad thing for fans: when those zones in the team function as well as they do, why would you want to see anything else?.

For more infomation >> Why Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain doesn't need to bring anything new to Liverpool? - Duration: 9:07.


Sh*t I Never Knew: WIDTH WARS - Duration: 7:41.

- Hey, y'all, Shawn with Custom Offsets,

Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

Got another one of these sh--

I never knew videos.

This one's gonna be Width Wars.

We get a lot of questions of,

whether you're running the 12 wides

and the 12 1/2s and you're going for this nice,

straight up and down side wall,

or if you're running the 10 wides,

which the 20 by 12, 20 by 10

are the most popular sizes for sure these days,

and you're looking for some sidewall protection,

you'll see that this one's got a little bit of bulge to it.

We get a lot of questions of,

how come when I'm running X brand tires,

I don't have the sidewall, I'm getting a stretch,

or I have more sidewall than I expected,

I wanted that nice square up and down look,

or the height of the tire is changing

or the rubbing is changing

based on which tire brand I select,

so what we've done, we'll get these out of the way,

but what we've done...

We brought in a bunch of 35 by 12 1/2s,

and we're just going to show you

some different measurements on those.

♫ Big trucks, decked out

♫ Rollin through the wood and they're flexed out

♫ Rims so big and the windows black

♫ Got the light-bar lit up, double chromed out stacks

♫ Yeah we love to get 'em dirty, but still they so clean

♫ Custom Offsets, Team Stance is the team

♫ We on top of it now, we ain't never gonna fade

♫ So you better get ready, we're taking over the game

- So one of the first things

we want to kind of show you guys

is just taking a regular old tape measure.

If we look from one edge of the tread

to the other edge of the tread,

because when you first look at a wheel and tire set up,

I believe, we believe that the tread

is one of the first things that you see

and that tread width is what you're focused on.

So if I go to the most outside,

the lug that sticks out the furthest,

but where it's flat at the top,

where it's got an actual contact patch,

to the other side, it's looking like 10 1/4

on the Nitto Ridge Grappler 35x12.50.

So 10 1/4 here.

Fuller you'll have to leave them up on the screen

so as I say them, 'cause I'll forget

by the time I get down there.

Now the next one, which is the Nitto Trail Grappler.

So this is the Nitto Ridge Grappler.

They're hybrid, between an all terrain and an MT.

This is their MT, the Trail Grap.

And again I'll go to the furthest outside

to the furthest outside.

Have to find the right one to get the bump out.

That one's 11 1/4.

So that one's quite a bit wider

if you're looking at that tread,

and part of it is it's got these bump outs on it,

which is gonna give it a quarter inch on each side,

that gives it the illusion of an even wider tread,

because those don't come to the top.

I guess once you wear 'em down they will.

The Toyo Open Country M/T is also going to be at 10 1/4.

So that's pretty much the same as the Ridge.

And the Atturo X/T, now this is their hybrid.

Is going to be about 10 1/8,

so right there, with the rest of them.

And then the Baja ATZ P3.

You're going to be sitting at the same, about 10 1/4.

So pretty much 10 1/4, 10 1/8,

just an eighth inch different, and the widest one by far,

because of these bump outs,

so if I ignore these bump outs,

and I don't know why you would.

Let me do a normal one.

That's still 10 1/2.

So definitely the Toyo or the, I'm sorry,

the Nitto Trail Grappler is going to be the widest

when you're looking at that contact patch.

I'm using contact patch loosely.

I understand that this entire tire is not going to ride,

but I'm going to edge of lug to edge of lug.

Now, another game we wanted to play.

When you mount this up on a wheel,

you really start to look at the side wall,

either the stretch, the bludge, or that straight up

and down like the Toyo that I showed you,

on that 12 wide.

So we've set this at 12 1/2 inches inside,

so when I go on that Nitto Ridge Grappler,

you can see it's a snug fit, if not a little bit tight,

for the 12 1/2, and reason is

they've got two different side walls on this one,

so this one's pretty aggressive

and this one's super aggressive side wall,

so it's got some pretty decent lugs on both sides of it.

When I go over to the Trail Grap,

it's about the same fit.

It's actually just a touch looser.

Still gets hung up, but it does slide over,

versus this guy which will not slide over.

So the Trail Grap is actually just a touch narrower

and you'll see the same thing,

it's got aggressive both sides.

Aggressive both sides.

I think this one's slightly more aggressive

on the sidewall.

Now the Toyo Open Country M/T is not going to fit at all.

So that's not even close,

I would say it's a half inch from going on there.

Because it's got such a huge side lug,

I would say that's going to be more like 13 inches

if you were to try to fit that on there,

so there's no way that's going to go on there.

It may even be over 13 inches

if you're trying to get around those side lugs.

And then you have the...

Just gonna roll that forward.

And then you have the Arturo X/T,

remember this is a hybrid,

much like the Ridge Grap and the ATZ,

and you have room for days.

So I can put my whole hand inside of there.

Remember these are all 12 1/2s.

So a lot of times, we're getting the question

how come when I switched from my Nittos or Toyos

to the Arturo X/T in the same size,

now it looks like I have tire stretch

or a more narrow tire, well,

it's because it's more narrow.

Recalibrate, I'm still good.

So you'll see that there is a ton of room there.

I would say there's at least an inch.

So it's not nearly as aggressive of a side wall

and it's just flat out narrower

and that's why you're starting to see that tire stretch.

The Mickey Thompson ATZ.

Same thing, you've got little bit of extra room.

Probably almost get a finger in there,

I'd say it's probably closer to half inch

if not 3/8 of an inch.

But it's definitely loose compared to these guys.

And I'll just show you quick

that I did not move the measuring tool.

Still doesn't fit at all.

Still fits snug, it catches on the way.

And this one will still be tight

and not really go down on there.

So that's the difference and that's what you're seeing

is you're seeing that these guys are just plain wider,

this one a little bit narrower,

and this one significant narrower.

And that's why when you put these up,

mount 'em up on a wheel,

especially a 12 wide, you're really going to see

the difference in the sidewall

'cause you're going to be pulling out

more on that X/T and then this guy,

being the fattest of them all,

no, this guy being the fattest of them all,

is going to have a little bit more side bulge

because you've got a little bit more tread

on the sides of that, so...

That is the difference and that is Width Wars

with these five fellas.

Let us know if you want to see any more.

I know we've got a bad ass all terrain tire comparison

coming up next for you guys.


For more infomation >> Sh*t I Never Knew: WIDTH WARS - Duration: 7:41.


Republicans Return From Vacation To Problems They Can't Possibly Handle - Duration: 3:55.

Most Americans today are probably feeling a little sluggish getting back to work after

a three-day weekend but just imagine how it would feel getting back to work after a month-long

weekend because that is what's happening right now with the House of Representatives and

the U.S. Senate.

Today is their first day back at work following their month-long August recess where some

of them just completely disappeared from the limelight altogether.

Some of them held Town Halls.

Some of them went and helped with Hurricane Harvey but everybody's back at work today

and they have a hell of an agenda that there is no possible way they can actually tackle.

Here's a few of the things that the Republican-led House of Representatives and the Senate have

to deal with now that they are back in washington, D.C.

first and foremost one of the most important things is they have to get Hurricane Harvey

relief packages passed and while you're at it, you may as well go ahead and throw in

some relief packages for Hurricane Irma which is right around the corner headed towards

Florida at the moment.

Furthermore, you've got to get some kind of budget passed so that we avoid a government


A government shutdown at this point, which unfortunately is looming because there doesn't

seem to be any kind of clear reconciliation in the budget in the House of Representatives,

could cost the U.S. economy hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars depending on how

long such shutdown actually lasts.

So we're looking at catastrophic economic impacts if these Republicans can't get their

act together and pass a budget.

Trump himself has said he will not sign a budget if it does not include funding for

the border wall.

So, so far, the Republican's plan has been to cut money from agencies like FEMA who's

currently working overtime in Texas and will be doing the same thing probably in Florida

or wherever else Hurricane Irma hits.

They want to cut half a billion dollars from that and give it to Donald Trump for his wall.

Congress can't do this, especially not at this point, and furthermore the Republicans

have proven time and time again so far this year, that they can't even work with one another

to get anything passed.

Want an example?

How about the health care bill that had to go through constant revisions because different

factions within the Republican party were fighting with one another over who could make

the bill more cruel.

The bottom line is this.

The Republicans in D.C. right now have a hell of a lot of work to do just to keep this country

going, not even trying to enact their Republican agenda but just to keep things functioning.

I do not trust them.

Polls show the public does not trust them enough to actually get their jobs done.

Because beyond all the partisan fighting in this country, there are some times when Congress

has really non-partisan, normal everyday keep-the-government functioning work that they have to do.

So far the Republicans have been so poor at leadership that they can't even accomplish


We're headed towards a government shutdown.

It does not look like the Republicans are going to do anything to prevent that because

they can't work with one another and they can't work with their sociopathic president.

But that's where we're at today, folks.

I hope the Republicans got a lot of rest on their August recess because they're going

to have to put in a lot long hours if they want to keep this country moving long enough

so that we can continue functioning as a society, as an economy and as a democracy.

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