Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily videos Sep 6 2017

Free Background Music For Videos - Youtube - No CopyRight

For more infomation >> Free Background Music For Videos - Youtube - No CopyRight - UNIK BD [4K] - Duration: 7:48.


Video 1 Sobre a minha experiencia em metalização - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Video 1 Sobre a minha experiencia em metalização - Duration: 4:48.


How I Got A Job By Making YouTube Videos | Working in Social Video - Duration: 10:34.

So today I wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about how I got a job in

video basically by making YouTube videos.

So I'm taking you guys to work with me.

Well that's the shoot wrapped, so I'm very sweaty.

Give me a minute to put stuff away and collect myself

and I'm going to talk a little bit about how I basically

got this job because I just kept making YouTube videos.

Alright, I'm arguably even sweatier than when I last talked to you but it's fine

Alright so the first thing I'll mentioned is that I previously worked in social media

but I didn't do any video stuff - I was doing graphic design for the most part

with some animation.

So while I was doing the whole design thing, I was on the kind of outside of my

full-time job doing videos just like for myself - for YouTube. Basically I actually

set out starting making those videos with the goal in mind that my video

skills would improve to the point that, you know - it was a viable option for me professionally.

I went to film school and stuff but, like, I was trained as an

editor so I wanted to make it a point to get more, like, camera experience and just

general concepts, coming up with stuff - and to do that in my former job it

was one of those situations where they told you what to make; we're making

things for the client; I don't get a ton of creative control I have - I can you know,

make my own designs and make my own stuff but a) we really weren't doing video

and b) a lot of times since it was like, client-facing, there would be

some need that the client wanted that would force me to kind of make the work

uglier? in a way as, um, awful as that sounds. Sometimes the limitations of like brands

and stuff will force you to kind of make something like, uglier, than you would

like so in order to kind of, you know break out of both of those problems

I started filming on my own and I also started filming things that I knew would be relevant to me getting a job.

So I already kind of came from the world of social media,

so the jump wasn't too huge in terms of being like you know from one

whole world to another - the jump was more in terms of being a designer for

social media to being a video content creator for social media.

So the truth of the matter is like, any asshole can hold a camera

and put clips together - you know, maybe with varying levels and varying degrees of

polish or professionalism - but in general like I've always said this like a monkey

could do my job in a way. It's the matter of like pressing buttons.

That to me wasn't so important - I knew those skills would improve over time as I just made

more and more videos - to me what was important was that I, you know, made

content in those videos that was valuable and wasn't like what everyone

else was doing. I'm really sorry the world does not need another "What's

in my Bag" video and I mean I know even some of the subjects that I made videos

on have been done before like it's unavoidable at this stage, like there's

so much content just coming out like in a constant ridiculously large stream, but

it's pretty much impossible to avoid like overlap from somebody else making

the same thing, but you know, I kind of wanted to demonstrate my understanding

of social media in a way that wasn't just "I can make a video" it was more

"I can make a video that specifically plays off of something that is trending or

that something a certain audience will like in order to garner more views"

an example of kind of one of those you know samples of work that really preyed on

something that was like trending or something that I hadn't seen before was

this super old video, please do not watch it, it's really old, it's really bad - but

it was a video about a Lacroix taste test and so little 'ol me gathered up like

LaCroix cans like every single flavor for months and then I shot a video where

it was like a taste test of every flavor. The video - not great.

Could I make something much better today? Yes.

But the whole point of it was that when I interviewed here I mentioned

I worked so hard in this video because I saw that nobody else had one

out yet - I saw - you know, like I was saying, there's

bound to be someone else that's already made a video about whatever you're

thinking about, and so my obsession was that nobody had made a video of a taste

test of all the LaCroix flavors like this is such minute, dumb thinking but...

and I mean, like don't get me wrong, like it's not like I have zero interest in it like

I - I do like LaCroix, I'm literally drinking one as we speak, but um you know, my point

of pride was that I got that video out like six days before Good Mythical Morning

did one and I was like you know like - obviously my views pale in

comparison to their video, but like I was still just like, on the

ball enough to get this subject matter out there before a really major channel

was able to, and to me that was something! That was like, I don't know man, like that

matters in a way and if you're going to work in social media it does, and it just

shows a general vigilance, forethought, and goddamn determination because I

honestly carried so many fucking cases of LaCroix home from the grocery store

like, I don't...guys

That's kinda how I did it I guess...

The bottom line is, it's not what's on your resume that really matters, and

eventually you know, your experience your real-world experience it's going to

outshine that if you want to get into this field in particular.

I have admittedly very little experience and hiring but like I had to hire interns

and stuff like that so I know what it's like on the other side having to hire

somebody and like - you know, you can work at Burger King for all I care,

it's really not a big deal - what matters to me is what I see in your portfolio

and you know, tangible proof that you can do what I'm in need of. Even though I

came from somewhat of a related background to what I do now,

I really don't think that my full-time job is what gave me the advantage here.

I think it was more of the stuff that I was doing outside of that, and you know,

the stuff that I was really pushing myself to do because I knew that

eventually I truly wanted to be doing video full-time. So...yeah man I'm just

very very happy to have this job and it's been great so far, and...yeah, I don't know man

it's - it's lit. I think what I'm doing there now is really pushing me to better what

I'm making on the outside as well, so now it's like mutually beneficial, and

I'm really excited about it - it's crazy now cause I'm just doing all video all the

time and I feel like my life has gotten kind of insane, or like I'm really busy

24/7 but, it's fine, it's what I love. Anyways thanks for listening to my bullshit.

See ya.

See ya.

For more infomation >> How I Got A Job By Making YouTube Videos | Working in Social Video - Duration: 10:34.



Transcription - Hey guys, it's Sher.

You need to scoot over.

I need to scoot over too.

God Zach, can you do anything right?

I feel like I look bigger than you.

Well, you are a guy.


Aren't you, isn't that the role you're supposed to have?

Girl, what are these gender roles?

Hey guys, wrong hand.



God, do you watch my videos at all?

No, I don't.

Hey guys, it's Sher.

And Zach.

And today, we're back with another video.

Due to the...popular demand.

Due to the popularity of our last two videos..

I'm back.

The last video we did together was my thank you for 200 subscribers, and now this one

is our thank you for 300 subscribers, so.

So I only come back on the channel...every 100.

So if guys want to see more of Zach, you better subscribe and like, yeah.


We're doing a try not to laugh challenge.

Let's get into the video.

It died.

I'm just joking.

Scratch that, we're not doing the try not to laugh one, we're just going to react to

a bunch of videos we found on the internet.

That are very, um.

That are very interesting to say the least.

That are very noteworthy.

"If you don't get cancer by the end of this video, I will be happy for you."

What is this?

"Piece wise, that's penny wise, does that mean that they were good with money?

Woah, woah wait, I'm talking about the piece wise defining functions, lets get your mind

on math people, yeah."

I don't even get that joke, but I think it was supposed to be inappropriate.



This is math, so I don't even get it.


Right here.

This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this.

Are we in a club?




Is this like an online class like the ones I take?

Like an instructor video?


"Hey, what's up 4-chan.

I've just wanted to show you, like I've been constantly talking to you guys telling you

guys to check out my videos."


This is Sheridan, on facebook.

"Are you kidding me dude?

I'm the true 4-chan kid."

What is 4-chan?


It's like fortune.


I don't think that's what it is.

Is this even real?

Do you hear the autotune?

I mean, can you not hear the autotune?

Kinda catchy.

Sounds better than that new Harry Styles single.

"Get the cupcake mix."

I'm victimized by that last sentence.

"Or, if that is too complicated..."

Okay I think she's white and doing like an Asian accent for real.

"Yay, the bag is open!"

Zach, she's not Asian.

I know!

"This should be self explanatory, but.."

Okay, it just changed from something to something else and she's not either.

"I roll with my Rolls Royce, it ain't a choice.

Reach this far, you drive."

You thought the other guy was auto tuned badly, this one's even worse.

It's funny because he said a Rolls Royce and has a golf cart.

Is he wearing makeup?

He's not even mouthing the words.

"I have a magic trick to show you guys, okay?

Like this, normal, to not normal."

My editing skills, though.

Did they air this?


He's crying.

"Thank you."

I like how she said thank you.

"Hi, my name's Honey G. and I'm a genuine urban artist."

Hmm, uh-uh!

"I was brought up around classical music with piano and guitar, but most of the stuff that

I do now is urban music, street style."

What is actually..

Urban music.

What is actually urban music though?

Street style.

You do not that accent pretty good.

"True to the game."

True to the game.

True to the game, like she grew up on the streets.

Around classical music.

"Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj."

As if they're even comparable.

Right, like they're, yeah whatever, they are to her, they're like the same person to her.

Right, that's like every girl I went to school with.

That's all the girls from your high school on X-Factor or whatever this is..Geeze.

"Yeah, that way.


She don't even know which way to go whenever she walks through the door, but she's been

navigating those streets.

He's had it already.

"My name's Honey G. Sweet like honey, G." What's like Honey G. though?

Sweet like honey, okay.

I think she's saying sweet like honey, g.

Oh, thank you for the analysis.

"H to the O to the N to the E to the Y to the G, it's Honey G. H to the O to the N to

the E to the Y to the G, it's Honey G.

When I say Honey, you say G. Honey, G. Honey, G.!" Wait, she's got a song now.


This is um, Missy Elliot.

Is it worth it?

Let me work it.

Put my thing down, flip it and reverse it.

This is WAY too inappropriate for television.

God, so many urban artists in London.

So many London urban artists.

"I wanna introduce you to Second-hand High.

This one goes out to all my ladies, you know what I'm talking about right, Kelly?"


"It's funny how you see me with another dude, you don't know how to act so you acting like

a fool.


Hey you better ask my to dance, I said you better ask me to dance.

I think you should change the name of the group to... deluded."


"Okay, we're going to vote.


I'm going to say no but you got a nice song."

She about to steal the song though!

She said no, but I'm about to produce that song again.

Man, that was trash.


"Like Sonic, like Sonic, like Sonic, like Sonic, like Sonic!"

Us playing x-box.

"Stop hating on Sonic for no reason!"

He has like the whole box set.

"Sonic is not a bad franchise anymore!"

Where is his parents?

"We have all these freakin' hypocrites."

HIPPO-crites."I mean, seriously, Sonic has improved over the years.

Do you guys not realize that?"

Is he writing a persuasive essay?

"Shut up!

Shut uuuuuppp!"

Us on the mics, shut up!

Delete it!

Delete it!

Delete it!

"Sonic Lost World could blow Call of Duty Ghosts freakin' away."

Call of Duty.

"Get the frick out of here, get the frick out of here, get the frick oooouuuutttt!"

This is so violent!


Okay so now we're going to react to..

One of our favorite songs.

Our favorite artists Jake Paul, him and his group or whatever, Team 10 came out with a

song, "It's Everyday Bro".

A month ago but it's nonstop..

It's amazing!

It's in our head everyday bro.

So we're going to react to that.

He's from Ohio, and we live really close to there.


Well, you know there's going to be an ad first, hopefully.


"Yeah, ya'll can't handle this."

Can't handle it.

"Ya'll don't know what's gonna happen, baby, Team 10, Los Angeles Cali boy."

Why is he driving with the...?

Those shirts say Ohio Fried Chicken.

"5 mil on Youtube in 6 months, never been done before."

Can't react to this, I'm gonna laugh too hard.

I bet that's rented though.

And he can't cuss that much right?

He can only say a couple things 'cause he's on the Disney channel.

"It's everyday bro, I said it's everyday bro!"


Who is this guy?

He's from Florida State.

No he's not, he's from England.

England is a city.

So many London urban artists.

England is a city like Africa's a continent.

You know we stay litty, that's what he rhymed with city, "litty".

That's that guy that used to do Disney, uh..Who is that?

It's that guy from Vine that did the Disney thing.

It's Vine.

Yeah that's what I thought.

He raps now?

I don't know.

Just random people..And they keep grabbing their crotches, I'm waiting for them to start

grabbing each others.

Oh no not her.

Who is that?

She's Tessa Brooks.

Oh okay.

"These guys up on me."

What's the point in wearing a sweatshirt if...If you're just going to do a crop..yeah I know.

"Panera is your home?

So stop calling my phone."

"I stay in all designer clothes."

All designer clothes, Ohio Fried Chicken.

"Always plug merch, link in bio."

He just said um..always plug my merch, link's in bio.

What I don't understand is what's the point in driving with your

Open, like we get that they're like.

'Cause you can.

We get the style, you don't have to keep like...I don't even have any thoughts other than a

bunch of white people got together and said, we're like 15 years old and we just moved

to LA, like why don't we just make a song, you know?

And we're gonna rap.

Even though none of us..

Even though none of us have any skills or any background in it.

Or any talent, really.

I love that song.

That's my favorite song.

I gotta put that on my playlist.

It's already on mine.

So that is all we're going to react to today guys.

That's all I can take.

That's all I can take.

That's it for the video, I hope you guys liked it.

Thank you for 300 subscribers, let's try to get to 400!

Like this video and subscribe to my channel if you aren't already and I'll see you in

my next video.

Bye guys!

You know I could redo this song.

It's Sheridan Brooke, competition shook.

These guys up on me.

Um, I got 'em with the hook.

Something educate you, something something books.

I got a good one.

Lowe's is your home?

Then stop calling my phone.

Oh no!

Geeze, you just outed where I work.

Oh, oops!


Like obviously I'm not in it, 'cause I can't see myself right here.

But you're in it though.

Hey guys, it's Sher.

I don't like that.

Hey guys, it's Sher.

I don't like how I said hey guys.

Hey guys, it's Sher.

No I don't like that, can we do it one more time?

Okay bring your face into mine, see if it switches.

Oh it's back on you.


Have you not like, heard that thing where..?

I'm not slouching though.

Hey guys, it's Sher..and the humpback.

Except that's me!

Hey guys, it's Zach and the humpback.

For more infomation >> JAKE PAUL & FUNNY VIDEO COMPILATION (REACTION) - Duration: 10:32.


New Super Hero meets Bad Tanks! Funny Tanks Superheroes videos for kids + battle animation cartoons - Duration: 30:10.

New Super Hero meets Bad Tanks! Funny Tanks Superheroes videos for kids + battle animation cartoons

For more infomation >> New Super Hero meets Bad Tanks! Funny Tanks Superheroes videos for kids + battle animation cartoons - Duration: 30:10.


Kids Ambulance Videos | Siren Vehicles | Learn Vehicle Names And Uses | Toddler Education - Duration: 5:50.

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

Put those monkeys right to bed

"We are the Finger Family!"

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Kids Ambulance Videos | Siren Vehicles | Learn Vehicle Names And Uses | Toddler Education - Duration: 5:50.


Doll Makeup Tutorial (Doll Makeup, Doll videos,Doll makeup tutorial Big Eyes) - Duration: 7:31.

doll makeup tutorial okay so we're just starting everything else is done my

foundation is done and we're just gonna take this palette and it's a foundation

palette but I find that it has all these different colors and it works for pretty

much everything so I'm gonna take a shade of maroon and just like stick it

on my lids but since I'm really pale the maroon shade kind of looks peach colored

so it's really interesting how difference

um I shadows look different on different skintone colors I've noticed that the

color on my skin just looks so different from what it looks like in the palette

so it's kind of just like a mystery every single time I get it on there and

I use my fingers sometimes to blend it out it's a really thick foundation

that's why I'm using my fingers and then I'm gonna probably take a brush soon

enough because we're gonna try to keep a professional up in here and with a doll

makeup look it's really important to emphasize the eyes because dolls have

huge eyes and so we're gonna try and make our eyes look really big so to do

this we put eyeshadow underneath the eyes to really make them pop and usually

you want to pick a color that is a contrast color to your own eye so my

eyes are blue the contrast color for blue is red so if you are brown you want

to pick blue if you have green eyes I would say you want to pick god I'm not

sure the contrast color for green eyes but you kind of get the drift and then

you want to make sure it's blended out you don't want like a harsh line

underneath because you don't want to look scary so I'm just taking this tiny

little brush that I got in my benefit cosmetics brow palette it works really

well to blend underneath the eye any type of eyeshadow and then I'm taking

like a darker color and sorry for the fact that it is not visible in the video

but I take this darker color and kind of put it on the lid just to also make the

eyelid pop a little bit more and it's really nice because like this is also a

really good contrast color for my eyes so my eyes are just gonna look huge and

that's what we're going for because this is the dahle makeup look don't make up

tutorial video so the goal is to look like a doll sorry it just like keeps

getting blurry I definitely like went out of focus a

little bit throughout this tutorial but eventually it gets back in focus so

don't worry so yeah basically that's all we're doing it's so simple that's why I

love this look because it's just like this most simple makeup look but it like

is amazing at the end it looks like you tried really hard but you really didn't

do crazy makeup technique I'm just using the Revlon mascara here from the

drugstore and we're gonna use that as the mascara so usually if you have long

lashes it's fine to just use regular mascara if you want to do fake eyelashes

for a more dramatic look you can I'm okay with a natural length of my lashes

I feel like they're pretty long in there okay oh you'll notice that I

definitely get mascara on my wig it's so funny I just like have a really hard

time putting it on and then it just like plops a big chunk on my wig oh it's so

cray just wait for it it happens and then I'm like sad and then I try and get

it off but you know it happens no one's perfect

and we all make mistakes and I'm not perfect as long as the makeup in the end

looks perfect it doesn't matter how you got there up there it is

and then I freaked out a little trying it it off but then I move on you're just

gonna move on when life hands you a shit hand you gotta take it deal with it and

move on oh yeah I'm gonna cover my face again with the makeup palette that's

super helpful for people who want to know what I'm doing

although I'll tell you I'm just putting on my mascara so you're not missing much

and then trying to get off some of the mascara and you could see my hair

underneath so professional but here's a trick I just took it with a bobby pin

and just stuck it up there so it enough to see it I was pretty satisfied with

this little trick and then I move on to my lips with the dollops you want to

probably go for a red Carli Jenner makes a good red kind of reddish lip kit and

it stays on really well so we're gonna use that and I don't line my lips

because I just feel like it's not necessary and I really big lips so I

don't want it to look like pornstar lips I just want to keep it well they look

really big so what can I do plop that sucker on make it look as

natural as possible look I look like a doll already we're almost done

look how fast that did look how fast that did so fast okay

so we're pretty much done and yeah pose try and see if you look like a doll

maybe fix your wig if you can see your brown hair underneath like in my case or

just rock it either way I mean I'm gonna rock it I don't care no shame in my game

there we go doll makeup tutorial video yeah yeah

thank you so much for watching and if you liked this video please subscribe

For more infomation >> Doll Makeup Tutorial (Doll Makeup, Doll videos,Doll makeup tutorial Big Eyes) - Duration: 7:31.


How To Rank Youtube Videos Fast -Best Youtube Video Ranking Tips - Live Streaming Youtube #rank ☑️ - Duration: 6:20.

hi everyone how are you doing?! My name is Eddy and welcome to my serie: Best

YouTube ranking tips and this time how to rank YouTube videos fast? in the

previous video I told you that this tip can give you 10% boost it may even give

you more than that because my recent uploads were ranked immediately as soon

as I finished uploading them so sit tight

are you ready? just listen: there are 3 ways basically there are two ways to

upload videos into YouTube I'll explain to you: the first way is the

regular way you prepare a video and you upload it to YouTube YouTube renders it

and you have it the second method is live streaming

it's what I'm doing just right now live streaming the third way is taking your

video and live streaming so basically you live stream. Two ways. Now let's say

it was possible okay? you take a video upload it and then you

live stream the same exact content the same words the same length you have the

same title, tags, description everything is the same the live streamed video will

be better ranked it will just be higher than the regular upload. Why is that you

ask? I like it when you ask why. Okay, why? the reason for it because it's

contemporary it's happening now you can upload a video from

your wedding that was five years ago or a trip you were in somewhere when you

"go live now" it is happening now and all the other platforms: Periscope by Twitter

Facebook live by Facebook and other platforms when you go live

they love it! You get almost immediate views and when you stop broadcasting

then you can literally see that some of your tags were ranked okay and if you

remember not so long ago the army in Turkey rebelled against the prime minister Arduan, what was the

first thing he did? He opened his Facebook live and he was able to somehow

to stop the turmoil okay?

This thing is very strong, now how do you live stream from YouTube? Go to your "Creator

Studio" choose "events" then "schedule a new event" give a title for your live

streaming... don't ...think about it don't just write: "hi

I'm live" think about it,okay and press the button "go live now" you'll be taken

to hangouts on air okay then you'll see a green button at the bottom

press on it wait for a few seconds there may be some delay and start speaking

start speaking if you don't feel comfortable speaking in front of a camera

just start speaking it will come okay? don't freeze start speaking. now... I

like this method you can outrank bigger channels, you can outrank videos with a

lot of views when you do this now if you feel not comfortable speaking in front

of a camera I'm going to send you to my first video it's still you can still

find it in my channel just scroll down you'll find it you'll see a blank screen

I have taped my laptop lenss and I was reading from a piece of paper I was so

embarrassed I didn't feel comfortable exposing myself, it takes time

okay if it's hard then start uploading regular uploads: prepare a video, edit it

and then upload it but after some time it gets easier and easier and it's just so simple

just open your laptop and livestream and there's a saying you probably know: "once

you go black you never go back!" right? the same thing with live streaming

once you livestream you never go back it's as simple as that okay that was

pretty short I think next video I'm gonna talk about the equipment that you will

need in order to create your videos that's it yeah this is a short video

like, share, subscribe, comment okay? so till the next time i'm Eddy signing out


For more infomation >> How To Rank Youtube Videos Fast -Best Youtube Video Ranking Tips - Live Streaming Youtube #rank ☑️ - Duration: 6:20.


Chinese Funny Videos try not to laugh part 8 - Duration: 12:02.

Share By Funny Videos

Share By Funny Videos

Share By Funny Videos

Share By Funny Videos

Share By Funny Videos

Share By Funny Videos

For more infomation >> Chinese Funny Videos try not to laugh part 8 - Duration: 12:02.


Wrong Mouth Dora the Explorer | Dora Márquez, Diego Márquez, Boots, Kate | Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:15.

Wrong Mouth Dora the Explorer | Dora Márquez, Diego Márquez, Boots, Kate | Videos for Kids

For more infomation >> Wrong Mouth Dora the Explorer | Dora Márquez, Diego Márquez, Boots, Kate | Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:15.


how to rank youtube videos !! youtube seo !!VidIQ Rank Youtube Video With Proof Hindi - Duration: 20:41.

smart idea

For more infomation >> how to rank youtube videos !! youtube seo !!VidIQ Rank Youtube Video With Proof Hindi - Duration: 20:41.


Funny videos- Best fails compilation 2017 P2 - Duration: 4:55.

Thanks fof watching

For more infomation >> Funny videos- Best fails compilation 2017 P2 - Duration: 4:55.


The Day I Quit My Job and Started a Business on Video - Duration: 3:07.

- A couple of weeks ago we crossed

the official two year mark

when it comes to running Experiment 27

and also the two year mark when it came to

jumping into entrepreneurship full time for me.

In celebration of that, I was digging through the old videos

and actually found a vlog that I did

the day that I quit my job.

And I'd love to share it with you.

This next video is me two years ago, let's flash back

to 2015 and let me know if you find this interesting.

Hey it's Alex here from Following the Rules.

So I got decent news, so for a while,

for the last year and a half

I've been working for a company called

Development and they have decided to become a client of mine

and now I'm a contractor, so I'm able to have other clients,

which is cool, but that also means now I'm a full time

business owner, full time entrepreneur.

I have two other clients already

and it's pretty scary honestly, but it's cool.

But anyway, the reason I'm telling you this,

is because now I have the freedom

to like live anywhere basically.

So, also for the last year and a half

I've been living in New York.

And I don't think I'm gonna do that anymore.

So I have this note here for my landlord,

it basically says, it says hey,

it's been nice living here, but I'm gonna move

and I think it'd be fun if I did like some kind of challenge

so this is a challenge I'm calling

the Build a Business Tour, Build a Business Tour

and it's 12 cities in the United States,

I'm gonna live in a different one every month

and in each city I'm gonna acquire five new clients.

What is my business?

So the company that I got these three clients for

and the one that I think is actually working a little bit,

cause when I talk to people they actually wanna buy for once

it's lead generation and appointment setting

for both business to business companies,

like two sided markets and then also digital agencies,

so people that do design and development,

similar to

so if you have a need for that,

feel free to reach out, otherwise enjoy the journey.

I'm gonna try to make one of these every day,

except for the weekends

and yeah, I hope this is fun.

That challenge about going to a different city every month

and try to find five clients in each city

ended up not working out,

because of this cold email discovery,

so I ended up just cold emailing

and finding clients in those specific cities,

but I did actually live in a different city a year.

So it ended up being a fun journey anyway.

If you like these older unreleased videos,

I found a whole bunch of them

and might actually do another project with them,

like maybe a mini documentary or something.

If there's interest in that

just let me know down in the comments below,

otherwise subscribe for more B2B sales training

and if you need marketing support for your digital agency,

check out, thanks.

For more infomation >> The Day I Quit My Job and Started a Business on Video - Duration: 3:07.


LIFE IS STRANGE LET'S PLAY | React: Gaming Update - Duration: 3:18.

- Yes!

We will be playing Life is Strange starting tomorrow,

but it's in a specific way.

More on that in just a moment.

So what's up, everyone? - Hello!

- We are coming at you again with another gaming update

on the channel.

We always want to keep you updated on what's going on

since you're all part of this, just as much as we are.

And as things with gaming keep getting a bit more complicated

as we go along, we want you to know

why we're doing what we're doing.

- And so, as you know, if you saw the last update video,

we started doing Let's Plays again,

and it's been so great to have it back,

and it's been so much fun, though it is a lot of hard work

for the team here working tirelessly to get you all those episodes,

but we all love being able to finally play these games

on the channel, which so far has been Last of Us DLC,

Rick and Morty VR, Outlast 2, and Little Nightmares,

which actually just finished up just this week.

- It's been so much fun getting back into the Let's Plays,

but that brings us to what the next game is gonna be,

which is one you've all been asking for for pretty much forever,

and we've been wanting to do forever, which is Life is Strange.

It's going to be premiering tomorrow, September 6th,

and we will be releasing two episodes a week on Wednesdays

and Thursdays, having the reactors do a complete playthrough

from beginning to end.

Now, with that being said, and why we're here talking with you,

is to give you the heads up that instead of multiple groups

playing and cutting between them, we're going to be doing

it much more like a traditional Let's Play on YouTube,

where it's just one group of three reactors

playing through the whole game from start to finish.

I know, I know-- - We'll explain.

We have seen all of those thousands and thousands of comments over time

to play a few games in particular-- Life is Strange, Until Dawn,

and Walking Dead.

Nothing else comes close to how much you guys ask

for all of these, and the thing is these

aren't your normal Let's Plays that are already really complicated

to edit since it takes forever to cut multiple people's separate game play

of the same game into one cohesive story,

but these three games in particular are even more difficult

and time consuming thanks to them being branching narrative games,

which means that all the choices that the reactors make in the game

affect the outcome of the rest of the game,

so, frankly and honestly, this makes the games take too long

to shoot and edit, and we have the 13 other videos

a week that we've been uploading for all you guys too.

So instead of us never playing these games

that you've wanted to see, that we're really excited about,

we're still gonna find a way to play them

and kind of edit it like it's a new type of gaming show,

where we'll have the three reactors working together

to make the choices, versus coming up with choices separately.

We can't wait for you to see them because we've been watching them

and they're really fun. You're gonna like them.

- Yeah, the episodes so far have been great.

So if you're gonna have any questions about this,

and I know you will, I myself am going to be

in the comments for this video for the first hour of release,

as well as the first hour of the Episode 1

of Life is Strange being live, and we can just chat.

You know, talk to me.

Thank you so much for always listening and understanding

and being so supportive of what we're up to here at FBE.

Also, we don't want you to miss a single episode,

so make sure you hit that notification bell

so you can catch every single one.

- All right, enjoy.

Thanks so much for listening.

We'll see you soon. - Bye, guys!

♪ (upbeat theme music) ♪

For more infomation >> LIFE IS STRANGE LET'S PLAY | React: Gaming Update - Duration: 3:18.


Suggested Video Traffic Breakdown and Tips in YouTube Analytics - Duration: 7:09.

I'm Hadas, a Partner Manager here at YouTube.

Suggested videos can drive significant views to your own videos.

To maximize that, we're going to find out

what suggested videos are, things you can do to increase their traffic

and what you can learn from them.

Suggested videos are generated based on videos that viewers may be interested in watching next

depending on what they were doing and watching beforehand.

YouTube is constantly helping to drive more viewers to your channel.

We want you to succeed, and suggested video traffic is one of the ways

that YouTube helps you get more viewers on your videos.

Suggested videos can be from the same channel a viewer is watching

or a different channel and related to the same or even a different topic.

You can find suggested videos on the right-hand side of the watch page

or below the video you're watching on the mobile app

and as the next video to autoplay.

For this video about VR and 360

we have some similar content from different channels

as well as more videos from the same channel.

You know, one of the things that people misunderstand about the suggested video traffic

is how their older videos perform compared to their newer videos.

They look at the overall suggested video traffic for each video over a time period

and think that their older videos are getting more suggested traffic

than their newer videos.

The truth of the situation is that they've just had more time to get to that traffic.

Let's take a look at an example.

If you looked at the lifetime suggested video traffic for these two videos

you'd see at first glance

that video one has more suggested traffic than video two.

However, if we take a look at the time period

video one has been live for six months longer than video two.

So, rather than look at the full time they've been live

let's compare the first seven days of each upload

to see how they performed.

Video one had only 207 suggested video views in the first seven days

whereas video two had 3200 views.

So, as you compare your video uploads

make sure to adjust the time frame so that they match.

Let's dive further into the suggested videos traffic report

to analyze what your videos are being suggested against

and where the views are coming from.

Then, I'll share some tips to increase your channel's suggested video traffic.

Once you've set the time period you're analyzing

go into the Traffic sources report, and click on Suggested videos.

As with the other reports in YouTube Analytics

you get a high level of the total suggested video traffic at the top

as well as a graph that breaks down that traffic

per suggested video source per day.

You can see that suggested video traffic fluctuates daily

because viewing patterns are constantly changing.

Below the graph, there's a list of the top 25 traffic sources for suggested video traffic.

What this list contains is the video that was playing on the watch page

when a video from your channel was selected to view from the suggested video feed.

This list doesn't tell you which video from your channel was selected.

We'll check out an individual video's suggested video traffic in a moment

to see that information.

As you scroll down the video sources on the YouTube Help channel

you can see that the top six suggested videos are also from the YouTube Help channel.

Actually, 24 of the top 25 suggested video sources are also from YouTube Help.

What this tells us is that people get value from watching YouTube Help videos

and want to watch another video when they're presented with the option.

So YouTube suggests content which has been successful at keeping viewers engaged.

Also, we see that these videos have strong metadata ties

which helps YouTube understand that the content is related.

In this case, educational content about YouTube.

Now, let's check out one individual video's suggested video traffic.

On this report, you can see the daily graph and main numbers at the top

and in the list of video sources below

these are the videos that led to this particular video being clicked on

and watched via suggested video traffic.

There are many interesting things you can see about your suggested video traffic.

Clicking Geography, we can see where our videos are being suggested and clicked on the most.

If you see one video, or your channel's videos as a whole

having a large amount of suggested traffic from another country

think about translating your title into that language

to help attract even more viewers from those countries.

If we click on More and choose Subscription status

you can see which of your viewers

were already subscribed to your channel when they watched.

On a channel where more suggested traffic is coming from another channel's videos

versus your channel, expect this number to shift down

as people are discovering your channel rather than being repeat or subscribed viewers.

If you use translations on your channel, you can click Translation use

and see how many people are clicking on and watching your video in the original language

you uploaded it in and how many people are using the translation.

If you're spending time or money translating your title for a certain video

or set of videos and find the number of people watching the translated metadata to be very low

look at the Geography tab and make sure that you're targeting the correct languages

to maximize your translation impact.

And finally, you can see what device type people are watching your videos on.

The biggest tip to help increase your suggested video traffic from this report

is to make sure that your thumbnail is eye-catching

clear, and legible on mobile devices

and that your title is engaging and honest.

If you use a clickbait title that doesn't reflect your content

you may see an initial uptake in suggested traffic

but if people click away from your video after five seconds

then YouTube will stop suggesting your content

because people aren't watching it.

Another way to increase the suggested video traffic between your channel's videos

is making sure you have related metadata between all your videos.

This could be a combination of description text and title similarities.

Another suggestion is to develop a series or show on your channel.

If viewers enjoy watching an episode and see another episode in the suggested video feed

then they may be more likely to click on it

showing YouTube that those videos are a good match for each other.

This also applies to looking for popular search topics

and seasonal niche topics that you can fit into your content

allowing your videos to be suggested against other channels' videos more readily.

A final thing to consider is trying out some of the site-wide popular formats.

You may be surprised to discover that changing up your format

could result in your video being suggested against other channels with similar formats

leading to more viewers and possibly even more subscribers.

Thanks for watching and come back for more deep dives into YouTube Analytics.

For more infomation >> Suggested Video Traffic Breakdown and Tips in YouTube Analytics - Duration: 7:09.


Oddly Satisfying Videos #648 - Duration: 10:01.

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For more infomation >> Oddly Satisfying Videos #648 - Duration: 10:01.


The Most Satisfying Video in The World || Oddly Satisfying Video Ever - Duration: 10:43.


For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Video in The World || Oddly Satisfying Video Ever - Duration: 10:43.


Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Cats Videos 2017 | Best Funny Animal Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:05.

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Hope you have a great time

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For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Cats Videos 2017 | Best Funny Animal Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:05.



Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's red Sabyasachi sari for Ganpati Visarjan at Lalbaugcha Raja sets hearts racing

For more infomation >> LIVE VIDEO - AISHWARYA RAI Bachchan Visits Lalbaugcha Raja. RELIGIOUS SIDE OF AISHWARYA RAI BACHCHAN - Duration: 3:20.


Learn Colors for Children 🌟 Bad Baby Crying and Ball Soccer 🌟 | Learning Videos Color for Kids - Duration: 2:55.

🌟 Learn Colors for Children 🌟 Bad Baby Crying and Ball Soccer | Learning Videos Color for Kids

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