Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily can't pay Feb 1 2019

it's Gifty welcome to my channel and today i'm bringing you month 21 with my

DIY micro locks now I promised you guys that I'll be bringing you this month's

updates in two weeks that was two weeks ago where I was making a 20th month with

my DIY micro locks and I promised in two weeks time I'll come back here and then

bring you another updates because back then I hadn't retighten my hair now I've

actually done so so my head kind of my locs kind of looked different right now

a little bit more you know tact so I said why don't I make a video now I was

supposed to do this on a 29th because I always celebrate my monthly goals on the

29th because that's when I finished installing my locs one year and nine

months ago so we already one year in nine months into this long journey it's

go excited and so yeah in a minute I'll give you a 360 of how my hair looks like

now that it is retightened and for those of you who want to know what I'm using

in my hair is just rose water and it looks like this I used to use a

different brand but they are almost always out of stock I even did a

subscription so that they will send it to me every other month like every two

months and somehow I wasn't arriving and I was like what what's happening there

so when I checked they were out of stock so I decided to go with another retailer

and I found this one so it is also very good it's a hundred percent the

packaging is nice I like it and it smells as mild as the other like I don't

see any difference in quality so yeah anyway so I got this I sprayed out into

my hair I can't use it daily sometimes I don't but I don't have a real routine

but normally if my hair looks you know when you wake up from bag your hair kind

of looks like this so to rearrange my locks I just spray it and it helps to

arrange my hair better or faster to put them nicely

and then when it comes to oiling my scalp or using any other product in my

scalp I just use vitamin E oil and that is over here so I put it in the butter

like this and then I kind of fill that in here and then I drop that onto my

scalp and then I guess massage that into my scalp I do this like once or twice in

a week depending on how my head feels or how my scalp feels if I feel like it

looks a little bit flaky or stuff I wet it a little bit with the rosewater then

I add the vitamin E oil and I just massage it into my scalp I don't

necessarily put it into my locs normally just on my scalp but the rose water I

sprayed it into my locs so before I talk too much let me just

give you the 360 so that you see so this is the front screwing quite long so like

parting my eyes now somewhere here so yeah then let me turn to the side for

you this is the side and then the back

and the other side and I'm back to the front so now I'm doing my 360 better

than before sometimes I I would say I'm giving you a 360 now do a 180 turn and

then get back to you back yeah so that's how it looks like and now after I've

retired and then I'm going to make another test on if I could put it into a

ponytail that looks less struggling no I don't want to

struggling ponytail like so let me see I've been wearing it in a ponytail for a

while now so it's possible like it's still not the biggest but let's see let

me turn around so this is it I think it looks presentable I can actually work

with this so it gives me this kind of sleek look you know so yeah overall I'm

really really happy with my hair and I really can't complain so if you have any

questions you can drop them in a comment section below I will definitely get back

to you and give you all the answers if there's anything you want to ask me just

contact me also on instagram DM e at affinity woman and you find me they are

always after all my DMS so yeah you can hit me up there and if you like this

video give it a thumbs up you know and yeah that's it actually for month 21 the

next update would be 22nd months so I'm actually now one year in nine months

officially into the DIY micro locks game so yeah I hope you enjoyed this update

hope to see you in my next video remember to subscribe if you haven't

already and I'll see you next time bye

For more infomation >> 21 MONTHS LOC UPDATE | I CAN MAKE A BUN !! - Duration: 5:42.


PART 4: Donald Smith: 'I can't go to prison. They'll stab me to death. They'll rape me. I wouldn't l - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> PART 4: Donald Smith: 'I can't go to prison. They'll stab me to death. They'll rape me. I wouldn't l - Duration: 10:48.


Bitter Cold Weather Can't Slow Down Commuters At South Station - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Bitter Cold Weather Can't Slow Down Commuters At South Station - Duration: 1:56.


How CoQ10 and Mitochondrial Function Can Affect Egg Production - Duration: 8:21.

Hello I'm Dr. Gleicher and I'm the Medical Director and Chief Scientist here at CHR.

Today, I want to talk to you about the supplement that is very widely used in both female and male

infertility treatment and that is CoQ10.


is not a hormone. It is what is called an "antioxidant."

In other words, it is a


that counteracts

unhealthy processes in cells and

kind of

recharges the

batteries in cells.


millions and millions of cells

are living organisms.

They need energy and

that energy is provided by tiny

structures in each one of our cells which are called

"mitochondria." We have talked

and written in our newsletter a lot about those mitochondria

because they are

obviously not only of crucial importance in general (because all of our cells

require energy

that those mitochondria


but also because their function seems to be declining as we get older. And,


there is a very



(particularly in female


that suggests that if we succeeded in improving

mitochondrial function in older women,

their eggs

would perform better,

would create better embryos, and therefore, better pregnancy chances.

Now, it is important to understand that the egg, the mature egg, is

the largest cell in the body of a woman and

therefore, it is also

the cell that needs the most energy in the body of a woman. And

finally, that is also

why the egg cell, the mature egg cell, has the largest number of mitochondria

in his cell in the body.

Consequently, already 15-20 years ago,

some colleagues

suggested that if

we take the eggs of older women

where the mitochondria may not be working that well any longer and

replace those mitochondria with the mitochondria of a younger woman,

maybe that could improve the overall performance of those eggs. This is called



because the mitochondria are located in the cytoplasm of the egg. The cytoplasm is the fluid



surrounding the nucleus of of any cell and in that


there are those tiny little structures amongst others called mitochondria that provide all the energy

to every cell in our bodies.

When a few colleagues here in New York


clinically to exchange the cytoplasm (or small amounts of the cytoplasm)

in older woman's eggs with young donor cytoplasm,

the Food and Drug

Administration intervened and

prohibited that. And the reason for

their intervention

was that those mitochondria are

the only

structures in our cells

that have DNA

outside of the nucleus. So,

mitochondria, in other words, have their own DNA. It's a tiny

fraction of the total DNA, indeed it is

less than 1% of the total DNA load that we all carry,

but the mitochondria have so-called

"mitochondrial DNA" in contrast to nuclear DNA. And if you, therefore, exchange



mitochondria of a patient with


mitochondria of a young egg donor, you kind of introduce into that egg cell

another DNA. And if that egg then is fertilized,

then what you are ending up with are

three parents'

embryos and three parents' pregnancy (even though the traditional mom and the traditional dad still

make up 99% of the

offspring's DNA), but there is that tiny amount of

mitochondrial DNA that comes from the young egg donor and

because that means crossing the germ line, means

creating a


modification in the child, the FDA intervened then and

until today

does not allow any procedure that would


this situation


if the mother has what is called a so-called

"mitochondrial genetic disease,"

which are very rare

inherited diseases which are only inherited from the mother and which are usually deadly to the offspring.




that is obviously a way of preventing

transmission of these mitochondrial diseases from mother to offspring. Yet, we are still not

allowed to do that even though the likelihood that that would work is even much larger

than the current hypothesis

that exchanging mitochondria (old mitochondria with younger mitochondria )would also improve

female fertility in older women.




one of the drugs that can


the production of energy by

mitochondria, is therefore a very


supplement that most fertility clinics today are routinely prescribing

(especially to their older patients). I

hope that tells you a little bit more about CoQ10. Thank you.

For more infomation >> How CoQ10 and Mitochondrial Function Can Affect Egg Production - Duration: 8:21.


You Can use Office Lens with Immersive Reader - Duration: 1:33.

- Hey everyone, I am Leslie Fisher.

Hello from BETT 2019.

I am here to share with you some of my favorite tips

that you can use right now.

If you have not seen Office Lens before,

Office Lens allows you to take a picture of a whiteboard,

and it allows you to take a picture of a document,

even a business card.

And once you do that, you can share that image

to a variety of locations.

I will share mine usually to Microsoft OneNote.

Why? Because Microsoft OneNote will take any picture

that has text,

and it will go ahead and it will recognize the text,

performing OCR.

Once it does that,

a world of opportunities are available to me,

including Immersive Reader,

which is an application

that will actually help me read the text more effectively,

perfect for me as a struggling reader,

as well as teachers and students

and anyone you know that might struggle with reading.

So I can go within moments from taking a picture of text,

be it on a page,

on a newspaper,

place it into OneNote,

and having it read to me and helping me,

not just in the language I speak,

but a variety of languages.

So imagine a student taking a picture

of a page of a textbook in English

and having that page of a textbook read back to them

in their native language.

It's available and you can do it

and it's all available for free.

For more infomation >> You Can use Office Lens with Immersive Reader - Duration: 1:33.


IBS FOOD TO AVOID: What To Do When You Can't Avoid Your Triggers - Duration: 5:59.

Wendy Leung: What do you do when you can't avoid your IBS food triggers?

Watch this video to learn tips on how to prevent the worst flareup ever.

For the most helpful information you'll find about IBS online, subscribe to my channel

and hit the bell to be notified every Friday when I post a new video.

If you're terrified of mystery meals wreaking havoc on your gut, by the end of this video,

you'll know how to make the best out of a bad situation.

Wendy Leung: Holistic Health & Happiness Coach, Licensed Acupuncturist, and Powerhouse

IBS Conqueror, and I struggled with restaurant food too.

Now I teach my clients how to live life while healing their gut.

And now I'm sharing with you too.

Wendy Leung: In this series, we've talked about all different food groups and all the

major IBS triggers in them.

Last episode, we even shuffled and recategorized them into groups that are easier to track

and figure out.

But what if you're in a situation where you can't avoid eating the food that you know

trigger your symptoms, what do you do then?

Do social meals give you extreme anxiety?

Let me know my dropping a yes or no in the comments below.

Wendy Leung: So, say you're at a birthday dinner, it's somebody really important to

you, but there's a limited menu at the restaurant or you're over at someone's house and you

don't know all the ingredients in the meal.

You felt guilty about not going because you've already said no a million times before.

But even before you leave the house, you can feel your anxiety kicking in, worrying about

your bloating, your pain, your gas flaring up or having to run and hide in the bathroom.

If you're in a situation where you have little or no control over what you eat, there are

still a few things that you can do to make sure that your outing is as painless as possible.

Wendy Leung: Tip number one, make sure you eat.

I've heard from a lot of you that say that you avoid eating before going out because

you want to avoid setting off your symptoms, but that's actually the wrong approach because

you've got is already weak.

The more you starve your gut, the weaker it gets.

So you're actually doing more damage in the long run.

So if you don't want to risk eating mystery foods while you're out, just make sure that

you eat before you leave the house.

That way you have full control over what you're putting in your body, and you're making sure

that your gut is nourished.

Wendy Leung: Tip number two, breathe.

Take a few slow deep breaths before you leave the house, and again, before you pick up your

utensils to eat.

Breathing calms and opens your body relaxing your muscles and your gut and also helps

to calm the anxious thoughts that are going round and round in your brain.

By taking a few deep breaths before eating, it's like you're resetting your body and your

brain and you're telling it that it's okay to perform the task that's in front of you.

Wendy Leung: Which brings us to number three, repeat a mantra.

You are resilient and you've survived so much so far.

So, instead of focusing on the terrible things that could happen, that might happen, that

haven't happened yet, shift your focus and give yourself a positive mantra to repeat

before you leave the house and before you eat.

Repeating a mantra is a really good way to redirect your thoughts and emotions.

I really like this one, I am resilient.

Wendy Leung: Tip number four, warm up your gut.

Remember my TCM golden rule of thumb for a weak gut, warm, simple, cooked foods.

If you're able to, always pick a meal that follows this rule and also avoid as many of

your food triggers as you can.

If there aren't any warm options available, you can warm up your digestion by starting

with a soup or a cup of hot water.

Yes, I did say hot water and I order hot water at restaurants all the time, even if people

might look at me funny.

The reason being that tea and coffee can be potential triggers for you and so in order

to avoid that, you just want to have something warm to start up your digestion system and

water is a great start.

Wendy Leung: Tip number five, chew.

Digestion starts with your teeth.

In an ideal world, you would actually chew your food 30 times before swallowing but no

one really takes the time to do that anymore.

Take small bites and aim for at least 10 to 15 chews per bite.

By chewing for longer, you're signaling your gut that you're sending it food, and you're

also helping break down your food to make it easier for your weak gut to do its job.

Wendy Leung: So to recap, here are five things that you can do to control your IBS if you

can't control your food.

Number one, make sure you eat.

Number two, breath.

Number three, repeat a mantra.

Number four, warm up your gut.

And number five, chew.

I know that it can be really hard to get a handle on your IBS anxiety, so if you want

a tool that you can use to calm your mind before you leave the house, sign up for my

newsletter and I will send you one of my guided meditations right to your inbox.

The link is in the description box below.

Wendy Leung: And if you're at that point where you're sick and tired of your IBS taking over

your life, look into my Conquer IBS Reignite your Life mentorship program, because I teach

you everything you need to know to be able to put your IBS behind you for good.

Whether you work with me live or you sign up for the self study program, you'll be on

track to never worrying about a menu ever again.

And trust me that's possible because that's what I do all the time.

Both program links are in the description box too.

Wendy Leung: Okay, if you like this video, you know the drill, let me know by liking

it below and then let me know what your favorite tip was in the comments section below.

Also make sure that you share this with all of your fellow IBS conquerors because I want

to spread the word that IBS is completely manageable, and not only is it manageable,

it's also absolutely possible to get your IBS under control for good and I want to help

you guys do it in 2019.

I'm going to keep teaching you more and more about everything IBS related, so make sure

that you stay tuned, you subscribe to my channel and you hit that bell so you're getting the

notifications every time I'm posting.

For more infomation >> IBS FOOD TO AVOID: What To Do When You Can't Avoid Your Triggers - Duration: 5:59.


So You Think You Can Choreograph? - Duration: 41:38.

For more infomation >> So You Think You Can Choreograph? - Duration: 41:38.




Wedding fixed right?

Have u planned the shopping?

u bought ur wedding saree?

So which is the best wedding Saree?

As per your desires

the silk sarees weaves in own looms at Kancheepuram

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Still thinking... which one is the best...right?

Which one you choose... is the best !!!

we know

the brides mind

South India Shopping Mall understands

Did you understand?

For more infomation >> HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST WEDDING SAREE.. NAGARJUNA CAN HELP YOU. - Duration: 1:06.


Music Can Save the World! | Music Can Change You | Singing Can Change Your Life - Duration: 8:03.

Music can save the world!

Do you believe that?

Watch this video.

Hello, my name is Ramesha, I'm a singer and a voice teacher.This is a little bit of an

appeal to all singers and musicians in the world.

You know, I often think about the times we live in, there's unrest, there's polarization

about everything: politics, ideologies, ...there seems to be a growing unrest in people's consciousness

and minds.

There's all kinds of opinions being tossed all around, and sometimes people don't know

where to turn.

The mind starts to get confused and there's too many ideas, you don't know what to choose.

I read that when the brain has more than 3 options to choose from, it doesn't know what

to do, it almost doesn't want to choose anything.

In my experience with singing...

As you probably know from previous videos, I live in a spiritual community, I sing primarily

spiritual and I've been going around and giving concerts a little bit everywhere.

We were in LA for 3 years and that's what we did there primarily.

What I noticed is that, even among the people look at them and you would never

think they would be interested in spiritual music, but they would come up and comment

on how touched they were by it.

That really taught me a big lesson: everybody needs music that is uplifting and inspiring.


Because the heart needs that.

You see, the only way to get out of confusion is to raise your energy and be in an uplifted

state, and when you're in that state you're more likely to have the clarity to choose

the right things for you.

As opposed to when you're in despair, and you're down, sad, and all of a sudden you

feel like nothing really works.

You feel like there's no hope.

Isn't it true?

The worse you feel, and the worse you feel.

The better you feel and the better you feel.

It's just of those interesting things of life where, if you're in a mood you see everything

dark, everything is hopeless, and you almost want to check out.

But when you're in a good mood, everything is good and you start to see possibilities

"Oh I could do that...".

Music can be a powerful, powerful tool to help people be in that space and to help them

stay more in that space.


Because music is vibration.

When you hear a song, even if it's instrumental, even if there's no lyrics the vibrations of

the sound go straight to the heart.

It by-passes your mind, it by-passes your ideas, your thoughts and goes straight to

the heart and it affects the way you feel.

So if you hear a melody that is uplifting, all of a sudden your whole being starts to

be better.

I have done a lot of experiments here with our music to see how quickly the music affects

your mood.

It's amazing!

And so, it's very important to choose music that is not pulling you down, especially when

you're already down!

You don't want to feel even more depressed when you're already depressed.

As singers, we have a huge responsibility that way.

When we sing, we want to really cooperate with the energy of a song that is uplifting

and inspiring and do our best to put out the intention of conveying those feelings, and

not be absentminded as we sing.

It's very very important to be right there, especially if there are beautiful, meaningful

lyrics, think about what you're saying.

Try to feel what you're saying, not just think but feel what you're saying.

Feel it deeply.

And then, as you sing, put that intention out.

That way people will receive it.

If you do that more and more, you yourself will feel uplifted and inspired, but also

the people you're singing for will feel that way more and more.

Personally, this is my own personal take on this, I feel that really this is the highest

and most important reason for singing.

I don't think I would interested so much in performing if I didn't feel that, by doing

so and committing myself to being really open and to be a channel for feelings that are

important and deep and inspiring, if I didn't feel that, I don't think that I would be that

interested in singing...I probably would because I'm a singer and a musician and that's what

I do, but I don't think I would feel that what I do is that meaningful.

It would be more like fun "Oh ya let's sing song".

And this is how people view music in general "It's fun".

Yeah it is, it's fun, but it's not only fun it can also really help people.

And you know, changing the world is really helping one person at a time to open their

hearts, to calm their hearts so that they can feel at peace, they can feel uplifted,

they can feel loved.

Those are feelings that we all need.

We all need them, whether we admit it or not.

It's only when our hart is calm and peaceful and open that we can really make wise decisions

and decide to forgive, instead of being revengeful, or to be kind to somebody, even when they're

not being kind to us...all the good things that we know we should be doing.

But music can really help to convey these feelings and help people feel that way.

So, I hope I convinced you about this.

I deeply believe in it personally.

I'm not saying that you have to also.

But experiment with it and see if there's some truth in it that works for you and maybe

let me know in the comments below...that would be really cool if we could start a conversation

this way.

Ok, I hope you enjoyed the video, consider giving it a thumbs-up, and also subscribing

to my channel.

Have a good day.


For more infomation >> Music Can Save the World! | Music Can Change You | Singing Can Change Your Life - Duration: 8:03.


Nightcore - I Can't Stop Drinking About You - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:23.

This video include subtitles

For more infomation >> Nightcore - I Can't Stop Drinking About You - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:23.


How Tattoos Removal can be Done with Less Pain, and Fewer Treatment Sessions - Duration: 6:54.

how our tattoos removed tattoos are very popular yet a lot of people often want

to get their tattoos removed often refer to as tattoo regret patients have told

me that they made an impulsive decision when they were young and are now

embarrassed by their tattoo people also come in requesting to have an ex-

significant others name removed many times visible or certain types of

tattoos are not desirable in certain work environments

fortunately laser technology can be highly effective in helping people deal

with their tattoo regret I'm Dr. Amiya Prasad I'm a Board-

certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial plastic

and reconstructive surgeon I've been in practice in Manhattan and

Long Island for over 20 years in addition to cosmetic surgery hair

restoration and skin rejuvenation I employ several lasers and radio

frequency devices in my practice for treatments like skin tightening

improvement of hyperpigmentation skin resurfacing as well as tattoo removal as

mentioned earlier patients with tattoos often regret having a particular tattoo

I'll discuss how I assess tattoos in my practice and how I formulate a plan for

my patients tattoos are made up of different shades of ink or pigment and

are placed at the deeper level of the skin called the dermis in my practice

tattoo removal involves turning these large deposits of ink in the skin into

finer particles using a laser these fine particles can be carried away from the

skin by the body after laser treatment during consultation I evaluate the

tattoo and apply what's referred to as the Kerby-Desai scale

this scale uses factors such as skin type location on the body amount of ink

layering our scarring and tissue changes as well as the colors of the ink to

estimate the number of treatments needed ink color is important as different

wavelengths of light are needed to treat different colors some colors are easier

to treat than others for example a dark monochromatic tattoo with black ink is

relatively easier to remove because black ink only needs one particular

wavelength applied to the entire tattoo a tattoo with multiple colors such as

blue yellow and red will need specific wavelengths of light to be effectively

treated in our practice we do something a little different from traditional

tattoo laser protocols typically tattoos are treated with Q switch or picosecond

or picosecond lasers when the tattoo is treated though pigment creates a gas

which can create a sensation like hot oil splattering on the skin this can be

quite painful in addition it's common to have a lot of blisters afterwards in my

practice I routinely use local anesthetic injection for pain so the

treatment is well tolerated to minimize blisters and expedite the removal of ink

we use a combination of lasers the tattooed skin is first treated with a

fractional erbium laser the fractional erbium laser creates micro holes to

allow for gases to escape during the laser procedure preventing or minimizing

blister formation the use of the fractional erbium laser also allows some

of the tattoo ink that's broken down by the treatment to be removed externally

through the surface of the skin as opposed to having the ink particles

removed only through the lymphatic system internally after the fractional

erbium laser is completed I then used the appropriate wavelength for the

pigment to be treated using a Q switch laser we use 1064

nanometers for dark pigment such as the color black 532 nanometers for red

purple and orange tattoo inks 650 nanometers for green ink and 585 for

blue ink the combination of the erbium laser with q-switch laser and the use of

local anesthesia makes the tattoo removal process more comfortable and

with faster healing tattoo removal typically takes several sessions for the

treatment results to be acceptable as treatment progresses the original tattoo

will be visible but fading with each subsequent session using this

combination of the q-switch and fractional erbium there is a potential

reduction by 30% of the number of sessions needed to effectively treat a

tattoo the intervals between treatment sessions are usually six to eight weeks

apart some basic skin care involving topical ointment and addressing is

routine for a few days after treatment many people who come to me with tattoos

who were initially reluctant to have treatment because of the pain and

healing process they observed when watching procedure videos online like

applying a combination of advanced laser technology and local anesthetic I can

state that tattoo removal can be done safely with minimal discomfort and

faster healing that has been experienced with traditional procedures I hope you

found this information helpful thank you for your question


For more infomation >> How Tattoos Removal can be Done with Less Pain, and Fewer Treatment Sessions - Duration: 6:54.


Shoe Review - Can A Shoe Change Your Workout Game? The Reebok Legacy Shoe - Duration: 5:32.

that was one of my favorite lines on NBA Jam is it the shoes and as a kid you

think that you could put on a pair of Air Jordans and jump to the moon but

then you become an adult and realize shoes don't make that much of a

difference or do that today we're reviewing the Reebok legacy lifting shoe

for my people doing squats and deadlifts I'm going to show you the shoe to show

you my performance in it and it starts right now

in time you will know what it's like to lose to feel so desperately better right

but to fail

to read it

just text

what's good YouTube in the building with y'all knowing I'm living on feeling

seeing our powerful damn all everything sex is hell hopes we're doing reviews on

this channel review shoes review your baby mama we review your baby mama

stinky underwear we review tech core cutting everything if you have a review

request go over to the facebook life gains page leave me a message I'll try

to get it done for you also if you like reviews subscribe to this channel click

the notification bell so let's jump right on into these shoes but first we

put on these plus seven glasses of the sexy as hell

work on stealing my crowd giving you a more importantly spraying something

better to look at in my hand I hold the Reebok legacy lifting shoe they sent to

my door to do a review because they hurt me on one of my Fitness video was

talking about how tight my groin is I have issues getting low into the squat

and what you're going to be seeing coming across the screen is we actually

squatting in these shoes with 315 versus me squatting with my old nike flywire

that didn't have a heel so why is a heel good and this Hill is 3/4 inches get you

high off the ground if you don't have good flexibility you have tight groins

elevating your foot a little bit allows you to seat down in the hold a little

more and by got to be more careful boy these shoes help me get in the hole so

let's talk about aspects of the shoe so first of all this is a heavy-ass shoe

look at that bottom you could probably pick up a ton and you ain't gonna crack

this bottom this is not some plastic listen to this this shoe weighs about 20

ounces you ain't gonna pay to use this shoe for

CrossFitting because you might can do your dad listen you snatch this in it

but when it's time to run you ain't running nowhere with this concrete shit

on your feet you can forget it it is great for lifting and when you

compare these shoes to some of the other ones like the Romero that Nike makes and

all that this one fits your foot pretty good and you can see it's got these two

little straps on them and sometimes you get shoes with straps this part comes

off on this one it is like velcro it in when I did my living I didn't even strap

them up and I have a wide foot and so if you're gonna buy this thing you're gonna

order it offline I would highly recommend that if you wear like a 13 you

want to go down the side to like 12 and a half if you wear a 12 you want to go

down to an 11 and a half so if you your foot is not you don't got too much space

in your foot that you're sliding down and I got a big foot like I said I wear

a 12 so I got eleven and a half and the shoe and they fit perfect because I read

the reviews of what they was talking about now I will show you guys the clip

of me doing my set of 5 reps you see how the shoe did for me and then we'll come

back and finish this video that was me getting down there man and the shoe

definitely helped me get a little lower I would definitely say if you're having

problems with your squat if you're having problems with your dad live and

you never ever thought about a lifting shoe definitely consider this lifting

shoe my link is all in the video description if you want to check this

shoe out it'll do you right I'm glad I got it I didn't I knew that I had the

groin issues but I didn't know that the shoe could really help me get lower and

it did so this shoe comes highly recommended by me to you if you decide

that a lifting shoe can help you get low into that squat so you can keep making

those life gains that's gonna do it for this video don't forget to like my video

comment and subscribe go get yourself a life game you're gonna get these check

my Amazon link it is in the video description and until the next sex is

hell video I'll see you

For more infomation >> Shoe Review - Can A Shoe Change Your Workout Game? The Reebok Legacy Shoe - Duration: 5:32.


'You Can't Be a Taker' Vivica Warns Entitled Son - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 'You Can't Be a Taker' Vivica Warns Entitled Son - Duration: 2:15.


Things I Can't Stand - Artist Edition - Duration: 10:42.


making art is fun, right?

It's basically a way for you to splooge all of your brain guts out into the world

for everyone to see.

But of course

like all things in life it comes with its fair share of downsides

which make us question why we even bothered to pick up a pencil in the first place.

In fact I've had so many instances

where I've reconsidered my chosen path of life

that I could make an entire video about it.

So let's get into it.

♫ Intro music that I commissioned from Lovprod please stop asking me what the name of it is thank youuuu ♫

"Your prices are too high, I will pay you in exposure :D"

Ah yes

because if you can't afford a thing

that means the person selling it is charging too much

and no one will ever buy it.

Which is why they're a successful artist??????

If you just woke up and are still having trouble getting your brain to start up

let me explain.

Just because you can't afford or wouldn't buy something…

doesn't mean no one else can or would buy that product

Different people see different values in different things

And sure it may be difficult to see why anyone would spend thousands of

Eur-ollands on

lets say

collectable socks or

potato chips that look like george washington

But at the same time other people may have trouble understanding why you pay so much

for your…

gaming PC

or football cards

or meals at Nando's

'Point is

you can't dictate what value something has to anyone other than yourself!

Especially when money is involved.

Like it or not, people can spend their hard-earned cash on whatever they want - so,

'think an artist's work is too expensive for the quality they're offering?

Good for you.

Now go find a different artist.

It's that simple



Not like THAT!

Oh my god…


it's true that exposure is helpful to artists who need to get their work out there a bit



when artists do commissions instead of requests

it's for a reason

if they wanted exposure they'd be out there drawing fanart or

offering to do work for people

so if an artist tosses you their commission sheet when you hit em up

you just gotta deal with it

hecc even

even most people with a large audience pay for artwork

AND credit the artist because

guess what

trying to pay an artist with exposure

kinda says to them that their work is not worth

the prices they're offering

and that's hella insulting.

And lemme ask you something

why would they waste their time working for you for free

when they've got ACTUAL customers willing to pay for it?

So get take your 2 subscribers and get outta here

The Spectator

Does anyone else get stressed out

and completely forget how to use your hands when someone's watching?

Most people are fine while watching you work

they keep a fair distance and respect that what you're doing takes a lot of concentration


Like to lean in real close so close that they're basically sitting on you

and you can feel their gross

oniony breath so deep in your earhole

that it's coming out the other end


".. its an original character

it's like a mythical creature"

"OH cuz…"

"This part kinda looks like a dog!!"

"..can you not touch the-"


Tablet drivers..

or just tablets in general

The graphics tablet is a big slab with a magic pen

that allows you to draw directly onto your computer screen and in turn

utilise powerful programs to take your illustrations to the next level.

Sounds great doesn't it?

Well, it would be

if they actually wORKED.

The infamous

"tablet driver stopped working"


plagues digital artists around the globe

among a plethora of other problems such as

buttons glitching out

the cable having a shaky contact *disconnect sound effect*

or pen pressure just not registering for seemingly no reason whatsoever

I know there are people out there lucky enough to have been blessed with the

1/4000 chance of receiving the elusive tablet that works perfectly with no issues at all

But the fact of the matter is

as soon as technology is involved in anything

it takes a miracle for at least one thing not to go wrong

People implying or attaching adult themes to characters that are safe for work

Okay, listen


Is a little bit T H I C C, okay?

I'm a little chubby irl so I was like hey

let's incorporate this aspect of myself into my character because

let's face it

there's not a whole lot of representation of different body types in the cartoon youtuber


Which is fine of course

but it meant that changing up my character's build

could make 'em a little more unique

Plus it's a chubby cat

and what's more cute than that?

So i made the change and immediately


Received comments with the implication

that Chip…

ATE somebody


you can be into whatever

as long as you're not..

actually eating people alive I couldn't care less

but when you force these interests of yours onto sweet


SAFE FOR WORK characters..

That is a

BIG yikes from me my friend

You can tell me that it's not an "adult" thing

And I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoy

once in a while

characters swallowing each other whole in a "just friends" context

but i'm sorry if my judgement is a little blurred by the

OwOs and the PET NAMES

The useless critic

We've all heard the quote

"you don't have to be a chef to know your food is bad"

which is, of course, very true.

Someone who has no experience in illustration

and has never even picked up a pencil in their whole life can tell you

that the neck of that cute anime boy you drew looks a little too long

or that he actually looks more like a character from a creepy pasta from 2007


that's just about where it ends

Someone with no knowledge or experience in your area

can't go into detail about what exactly is wrong or how to improve it

they can't draw over what the anatomy SHOULD look like

or suggest a brush that would make lighting look more soft and realistic, for example

Not that this type of criticism is bad

when you've been staring at something for such a long time

sometimes you really can't see the problems with it

until you get a fresh pair of eyes to point them out for you

And of course you're probably not going to be able to find an expert in your field to

consult every time you want feedback

What gets under my fur is the people who act like they know what they're talking about

yet dish out advice more useless than a book on how to read

And don't get me started on people who criticize WIPs

Disclaimer of course they can be criticised

I'm talking about the dumb ones like

"hmm yeah its okaaay

but it needs colour"



That's like tasting someone's pancake batter

and saying

" hmm. Its tasty

but way too liquid

you should fry it"



i was GONNA.

It's called a work



This looks like…

You spend ages working on the perfect character design

you're all done and are really proud of it

its cool and unique and you're immediately attached to it

the time comes to share it with the world..

and your comments are filled with comparisons to this other more popular character

that you've never even heard of

You shrug it off at first since YOU know your design has nothing to do with that other one

but the comments just keep coming

you start getting called a ripoff…

eventually even you don't see your own character anymore

so to avoid being seen as an obsessed fan/rip off artist..

You burn it

Well, its not that dramatic every time

but boy does this rustle my jimmies

and its not fun on the other end either

let's be real for a sec

Chip is not a unique character design


all of these elements put together make Chip


but each individual part is not an original idea that no one's ever done before

so why does every two legged cat

every white furred animal with something red around its neck

and every one-different-coloured-eared mammal

constantly get compared to Chip?

Even my own drawings of other characters get compared to Chip??

I think the saddest part about it is

that I feel like people just don't realise that they're doing any harm.

I know there are people who are totally cool with it

but some artists find it really disheartening that their design they worked hard on

just makes people think of someone else's character.

Not being able to find a tutorial or reference cause you don't know what its called

There comes many situations

in which you need to draw something you've never drawn before

or don't have enough experience with

so you need to find a reference image of how it looks

in order to draw it accurately

some references are pretty easy to get, for example

if you're drawing a human you can do the pose yourself and photograph it

buuuuut in other situations it won't be so easy

Okay so now our main character's addiction to bread is so strong

that she's started having to go to extreme lengths to get it

In this scene she takes her trusty 8 month old baguette

and attempts to rob a bakery with it


how the hecc do I draw this?

I could use a reference

but I don't even know what I'd type in…

Let's just..i dunno..

"Woman robbing bakery with baguette"

pppft, no, why would that even exi-



Not having the motivation to create for seemingly no reason…


But what I hate the most is when this motivation magically re-appears…

when I'm trying to sleep

First of all I can't sleep because my brain is too excited

but then when I wake up in the morning…

where did it go???

Suddenly I can't be bothered anymore!

What the hecc?

And don't get me started on art block

getting to work one day and your brain suddenly decides

that you don't know how to art anymore

It's always great fun trying to figure out what the problem is so you can get back to

normal -

especially when you have a deadline!

Oh, yeah, assignment isn't done yet because..

I had art block..

I physically couldn't work on my project..

"Oh, art block!?

You poor thing, of course i'll give you an extension.

Go home at once and take the next 2 months off school to recover"

*Sigh* Wouldn't that be nice?


imagine how easy it would be to abuse a system like that..

Alright if you think I left anything out please do let me know in the comments

I'd love to hear your own artist horror stories.

If you enjoyed this video and want to hear me complain about more things

I did two other videos about general things I can't stand

or you can check out this playlist for more videos like this.

Thanks for watching and have a great day!

For more infomation >> Things I Can't Stand - Artist Edition - Duration: 10:42.


Curiosity gets a gravimeter--repurposed instruments can now measure rock density - Duration: 4:38.

The Curiosity rover is truly

an interplanetary swiss army knife—

equipped with a slew of onboard instruments

for investigating the Red Planet.

The primary mission was two years,

so we're into a couple extended missions now,

yeah, we don't know exactly how long it'll keep going.

We never know, can't predict that,

Things are still going great on the mission.

We're discovering new rock units every day,

so we hope for several more years to come.

The rover has been slowly meandering around Mars

ever since it landed in 2012,

using specialized instruments to examine the surface,

perform experiments, and even find time to take a selfie

These instruments have lead to some

historic discoveries - in 2015,

atmospheric readings from the rover suggested

that Mars at one point experienced

a "vigorous" loss of atmosphere,

causing its ancient oceans to evaporate.

And last year, Curiosity detected organic matter

in sediment samples taken from Gale Crater.

Since 2012, the rover has been traversing

the 154 km Gale crater,

and has recently begun its ascent of Mt sharp.

Scientists want to know whether Gale Crater

was once completely filled with sediment -

did it disappear over time due to erosion

or was the crater never filled at all?

Gale Crater, that the rover is exploring in,

is 5 kilometers deep,

Mount Sharp is a 5-kilometer

tall mountain inside of that crater

one of the things that happens as you bury sediments

on the Earth or any other planet

is that you increasingly compact those sediments

and lose the porosity and those sediments

will get denser and denser and denser

as you bury them to greater depths.

The key to answering this question lies in gravimetry -

the precise measurement of gravitational fields.

These fields are correlated with

density variations in the crust.

Unfortunately, the rover wasn't equipped

with instruments designed

to detect these changes.

To get around this, researchers re-calibrated

Curiosity's accelerometers,

instruments normally used for navigation,

to measure the changes in gravitational acceleration

as the rover climbs the base of Mount Sharp.

I kinda realized one day that gravity is just

an acceleration and we have accelerometers

onboard and got curious about how good those

accelerometers were and slowly began to figure

out a calibration for that data, to the point

where we had a precision that was meaningful

for understanding the geology at the landing site.

After 5 years of measurements,

scientists were able to determine

the density of Gale Crater's sedimentary rocks

well, in this case one of the interesting things is that

the density was surprisingly low,

even for sedimentary rocks, which tend to be

lower density than, say, a lava.

the surprisingly low density tells us that

these sediments were likely never buried to

the full depth of Gale Crater,

which would be 5 kilometers

As the mission rolls on,

researchers would like to use

Curiosity's accelerometers for another purpose:

to measure Mars' seismic signals

in the hopes of detecting a Marsquake.

What we kind of show is that they're not great

seismometers, and so we would need either

a pretty large earthquake

or a pretty nearby earthquake to detect it,

at least in the measurements

that we're currently making.

And while its unlikely that Curiosity will detect

a MarsQuake, the InSight lander is

designed to just that.

Researcher's would also like solve the mystery

of how Mt. Sharp came to be.

Yes, so Mount Sharp continues to be a puzzle.

We don't know, especially for the upper layers

of the mountain, how that formed.

The whole thing is a stack of layers

and the layers are all tilted outwards, so it's almost

like a haystack in the middle of this 5km deep crater.

So especially for those upper units,

they may have formed as a free-standing haystack

rather than having filled the crater entirely.

But that's just a theory, so we'll have to

get up there and figure it out.

For more infomation >> Curiosity gets a gravimeter--repurposed instruments can now measure rock density - Duration: 4:38.


Erika needs 40 points for $20,000! Can she do it? | Family Feud - Duration: 4:09.































































STEVE: FOR $20,000.




















































DID IT. 4-DAY TOTAL 41,795







For more infomation >> Erika needs 40 points for $20,000! Can she do it? | Family Feud - Duration: 4:09.


RENT Live Star Jordan Fisher Can't Sleep Without His Dog (Aww) | Under the Covers | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 5:29.

hey what's up I'm Jordan Fisher and today I am getting under the covers with Cosmo

ever sing in my sleep I've been told that I sleep talk a little bit from time

to time usually when I come I'm really exhausted I used to sleepwalk which is

kind of frightening I think but I never did anything too dangerous I don't think

actually as a matter of fact I woke up in the shower a couple of times like

literally in the middle of like washing my body woke up and had this kind of

like insane out-of-body experience and realizing that I slept walking enough to

get into a shower and get sudsy just kind of insane but I don't know that I

sing in my sleep probably not because my morning voice is pretty pretty insane

I'm a cuddler I'm a cuddler until I until I'm fully about to fall asleep and

then I have to I have to roll even Kairi my dog she'll cuddle for a bed then when

she's ready to go to sleep she'll go to the foot of the bed nuts so that's it

she's like I'm done chilling if you guys know me at all you know I'm a big gamer

and Kingdom Hearts is my favorite game franchise of all time there is a live

symphonic orchestration album that was done of all of the music from every

Kingdom Hearts game ever and there's there's a song called dearly beloved and

that's like the the main menu start screen song and it's just a piano and

then violins and cellos come in and it's just it's so dreamy and sweeps me away

and it's so nice my alarm clock sound okay from that same album that same

symphonic album from Kingdom Hearts there's a different song called

treasured memories I can't do you know that that it's it's it's painful I can't

do that so I was like I need to I need to change this so I don't absolutely

hate life when I wake up yeah the alarms gonna go off in a hot second I don't

sleep uh socks on that's weird I think there's something to be said about

somebody that sleeps with socks on now if it's if it's painfully cold

like isn't that so much nicer than I'm a morning guy so I like to I like to get

up like 7:00 7:30 and I have a cup of coffee like enjoy life for 45 minutes or

so before I get going I'm a three pillow guy I like one one that's like in the

back up here and then one that I kind of cradle like this this is kind of how

asleep but I sleep from fetal and then I put one in between my my knees I use a

sheet a down comforter and then Ellie got me a weighted blanket for Christmas

this year it's like 18 pounds that's everything for me at this point I love

it a lavender oil I have my favorite overnight lip balm is what I put on the

lips every night it's like an eight-hour lip therapy like repair that I wear

overnight I have a night guard because I grind my teeth a little a little

Princess Diaries for you go see PJs

none my body is kind of old that was a I was a gymnast for years before I started

working professionally and I have to stretch for like two minutes just in bed

before I get out otherwise I am I hurt like I feel I'm locked up I get locked

up when I sleep and I'm achy I have to take is such a second and stretch and I

have to chug a class of water and then I can't get up and kind of move about I'm

86 I'm 86 years old favorite midnight snack

all dressed ruffles I like a lot like the chips you ever had old dress never

had all dress everybody had all dress oh oh - so it's ruffles chips we all know

ruffles it's like salt and vinegar and barbeque and ketchup and it's kind of

all of them all it's really good I know that sounds insane doesn't it but before

EO thins but the mint the mint flavor Oreo thins those are fantastic

I like gelato a lot - there's something about cold creamy things at night I had

a dream that I played a show at Madison Square Garden and I couldn't remember

any lyric of thingy of my smallest cutting burner that songs was playing

and I was just looking at my band looking at my dancers was like help none

of them were helping me weird thing was that nobody was booing they were all

just kind of enjoying as if I was singing I was kind of eerie everywhere

they hard time falling asleep without my dog my dog is always with me

Labradoodle she's amazing my favorite lullaby do I have a favorite lullaby

I don't you know what I have this this dream of writing a lullaby for my kids

and I don't know that I'm ever gonna be able to do that until they're actually

born so why don't I come back and do that I think that'd be pretty cool

thanks for hanging out in bed with me subscribe to Cosmo and leave your

nighttime routine in the comments below for a chance to win a box of my favorite

night time products

For more infomation >> RENT Live Star Jordan Fisher Can't Sleep Without His Dog (Aww) | Under the Covers | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 5:29.


Jared Kushner Thinks He Can Get Democrats To Support Trump's Border Wall - Duration: 4:47.

Jared Kushner actually believes according to a new report that he is going to be the

person to come along and solve the problem of immigration reform.

Jared Kushner believes that he might actually be able to come up with a plan that's going

to get Democrats in Washington DC to support Donald Trump's wall.

Jared Kushner, the same guy who is under federal investigation for multiple different organizations.

The guy who has no business whatsoever being in the White House, the guy who tried dozens

of times to properly fill out his security clearance form and failed to do it properly.

Jared Kushner, the guy who accidentally filled out his voter registration card and put his

gender is female instead of male, is totally going to solve the immigration crisis here

in the United States, but don't worry if you think jared Kushner is a bit too stupid to

figure something like this out.

He's got some help.


Other people are coming in to help him with this.

Unfortunately, those other people happen to be from the Koch Network.

You see, last week jared Kushner held a meeting in DC with members of the Koch Network and

they sat down for several hours.

Jared Kushner had a whiteboard drawing out ideas, maybe drawing little pictures for the

cokes, who knows, uh, but they were trying to figure out how to address immigration in

the same way that they addressed criminal justice reform because that was something

that was sorely needed.

Criminal Justice Reform, this administration pulled it off.

You had some bipartisan support there.

It was in good thing Koch brothers actually supported it, and yeah, give you credit.

That was a good thing.

Unfortunately, what you underestimate about that is that again, that was something that

was sorely needed, that a lot of people in this country supported that had bipartisan

support, and yet what you're trying to do is sit down with Koch network members and

figure out how to sell the wall to the Democrats so that you can get a deal worked through.

That's not going to happen.


Most people in this country, a vast majority of them do not want the wall.

They don't.

It's that simple.

They don't want it.

They feel like it is a waste of money.

They feel like it is unnecessary, they feel like it will be completely useless.

Whatever their reasoning is.

Dave told you repeatedly that it ain't going to happen, and yet here you are sitting down

with these Koch Network members trying to come up with your plan and what's really interesting

about this though is had this meeting with the folks from the Koch Network actually came

just a day or two before they had their little weekend retreat where they were like, yeah,

we're not.

We're not doing politics stuff anymore.

We're get.

We're getting out of that for now.

We're not going to be involved.


You just met with the dumbest person in Washington DC to discuss policy two days before this

retreat and you expected us to buy into it.

I told you yesterday that whole retreat, they was total bs and this story kind of comes

along and proves that the cokes aren't pulling out of politics.

They're just getting a little sneakier with it and they think that they can recruit somebody

as dumb as jared Kushner to come in and do exactly what they want them to do because

Kushner's too stupid to realize he's being played, which is what's happening here.

What's really funny too, in this report from Axios, it talks about how White House officials

and aids are actually almost laughing at the fact that cushion or thinks he can solve this

problem because they understand how incompetent this kid truly is.

Jared Kushner not only has no business being in charge of immigration policy, which Trump

has put him in charge of, he's going to go start working with pence and Kirstjen Nielsen

in an attempt to come up with a compromise plan that is per Trump's order, but coasters

too stupid for that, and more importantly, this kid is too inept to even be serving in

any position in that White House and that includes working as a, you know, a vacuumer

or something like that.

Jared Kushner wouldn't even be qualified to do that.

This kid needs to pack up his crap, head back to New York, hire some good lawyers, and then

try to fight these investigations that are threatening to take him and his entire family


For more infomation >> Jared Kushner Thinks He Can Get Democrats To Support Trump's Border Wall - Duration: 4:47.


The Government Shutdown Ends & Fox News Can't Decide Whether Trump Won or Lost | The Daily Show - Duration: 6:19.

After 35 days of the longest shutdown in American history,

America's government is officially open for business.

The shutdown is over.

800,000 furloughed federal workers

will go back to work today

and should be getting their back pay within days.

TV REPORTER: That fix only opens the government for three weeks,

and it does not provide any new money

for a border wall as President Trump had demanded.

I am very proud to announce today

that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown

and reopen the federal government.

Okay, first of all, there's nothing to be proud of.

Second of all, there's not really a deal.

Like, have you ever noticed how all of Trump's accomplishments

are just fixing things that he broke?

He's like, "Folks, good news.

I've freed the immigrant kids from their cages."

"Wait, who put them in cages?"

"Also me.

"I'm glad to announce

North Korea isn't gonna blow us up anymore."

"Wait, why were they gonna blow us up?"

"'Cause I called him a fat little rocket man."

(laughter and applause)

And who can forget when he dropped

the White House bust of Abraham Lincoln,

but then he was also the one who taped it back together.

Yeah. And you can't even tell the difference.

He's like, "I'm proud to announce

"the refurbishment of this Lincoln statue.

"Sadly, it was not filled with candy

as I had hoped, folks."

So, the government shutdown is officially over.

Which is great,

because federal workers are getting paid again.

The FDA can inspect food again,

and the national parks can finally clean up their trash

and put it where it belongs: the ocean.

And although the shutdown ended,

that doesn't mean it hasn't left behind some lasting damage.

The nonpartisan Budget Office today estimated

the last partial shutdown cost the economy $11 billion,

three billion of which will never be recovered.

The government shutdown was particularly hard

on contract employees.

Those contractors aren't guaranteed back pay.

The IRS is gonna be struggling

to get returns out to some Americans on time.

It could take at least a year to get back to normal

after five million pieces of mail went unopened.

You know, life is so unfair.

The IRS just gets to be like,

"Oh, sorry. We couldn't do your taxes

because we didn't open our mail."

But if we tried that...

If we said, "Oh, we didn't file our taxes

because we didn't open our mail,"

now all of a sudden we're roommates with Wesley Snipes.

And don't get me wrong.

I love Blade, but not 24 hours a day.

So, now, thanks to the shutdown,

the IRS is behind, like, a year,

which is bad news for everyone except Trump.

He's probably gonna be like, "Oh, that's too bad.

I was just about to have them release my tax returns."

So, although it was only 35 days,

the government shutdown's effects

will continue to hurt America for a while.

And maybe it would have been all worth it for Trump

if he had gotten some of that sweet, sweet wall money,

but he folded with nothing to show for it.

And even some of his strongest supporters are admitting

that Trump got owned by Nancy Pelosi bigly.

Some right-wing media analysts have been merciless

in the criticism of President Trump.

"Broken man." "Biggest wimp."

"Trump just allowed Nancy to walk all over him."

It's clear Trump did not come out on top.

I'm not gonna spin it for you.

She has just whipped the president of the United States.

-And this... -No!

No, no. Stop. Stop, stop.

That's a victory for Nancy Pelosi.

It will be perceived as such

on every television monitor and screen in the country,

and to deny it is to try to escape from reality.

Damn. You know it's bad

when even Trump's personal cheerleaders are dunking on him.

You understand these are the people he watches every night

to make him feel good about himself,

and now they're trashing him.

It's like, imagine if you had a book

of inspirational quotes that you used every day,

and then one day you opened it,

and it was like, "Nigga, kill yourself!"

That's the pain he's feeling right now.


And you heard... you heard what Lou Dobbs said.

If you can't acknowledge

that Nancy Pelosi whupped Trump's ass,

then you are not in touch with reality.

And honestly, I don't know

why Lou Dobbs delivered this message on TV.

He could have just posted a sign in the Fox News breakroom.

Anyone out there, by the way,

thinking President Trump caved today,

you don't really know the Donald Trump I know.

He right now holds all the cards.

He will secure the border one way or another.

I don't see it as a cave. I see this as a process.

This is a halftime, uh, stop in the action.

So, did he cave? Did he not?

The answer is absolutely he did not cave.

He did not cave.

He made a tactical decision,

a strategy decision

to pick the ground to fight on.

"To pick the ground to fight on!

To pick the ground!"

Yo, this... I'm sorry, this is unbelievable.

No matter what Trump does, he's always a mastermind

who's accomplishing precisely what he wanted to do.

Like, if Trump was boxing and he got knocked out cold,

like, Jeanine Pirro would be like, "Brilliant.

"Another strategic consciousness pause

"by President Trump.

You can't get knocked down if you stay on the ground!"

(laughter and applause)

What a...

But, look, if you ignore the stans over at Fox News,

it's pretty clear this shutdown

was a political disaster for President Trump.

It hurt the economy,

it destroyed his approval ratings,

and, worst of all, he's not getting his wall.

And remember, Congress only has three weeks

to reach an agreement on border security

before the government runs out of money again.

But the good news is...

the good news is there probably won't be another shutdown.

Because after seeing how bad this shutdown went,

like, only a true moron

would think of shutting down the government again,

and no one... no one is that stupid, right?

We begin today with the president's

acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney.

Is the president really prepared

to shut down the government again in three weeks?

Um, yeah, I think he actually is.

My man.

For more infomation >> The Government Shutdown Ends & Fox News Can't Decide Whether Trump Won or Lost | The Daily Show - Duration: 6:19.


I CAN'T BELIEVE I Said This To My New Neighbor - Don't YOU Make This Mistake! - Duration: 7:53.

Now gather round for a story where I'm gonna tell you about how I went up to a

girl who I didn't know in my apartment hallway. And met her, and introduced

myself and I'm gonna be very candid about the three positive things I did...

and the one VERY negative thing I did so you don't have to make the same mistake

this just happened about 30 minutes ago and at the end of the story what you're

gonna take from this is an easy way to go up to neighbors or maybe you move

into a new an apartment complex you don't know anyone who lives in the

building with you this is gonna go through four steps that you can take

every time regardless if you're in a neighborhood or an apartment complex or

even in the workplace any place you need to meet new people I'm gonna take you

through now I did three good things and I did one bad thing I messed up and I

knew it was a problem the minute it came out of my mouth I was like oh no but I'm

gonna tell you why you shouldn't do that so you know so you don't have to make

that air going forward so I was walking home from the coffee shop in the morning

and you know it takes me a little while to get the old great spinning you know

it's just you start out you go to the coffee shops just like the words just

fumble out I should feel like a complete idiot but I talked I drink at the coffee

and I've been talking on the phone so I'm starting to catch a little bit of a

rhythm so I get into the elevator and the elevator at my house is really slow

or my part of my should says really slow and so if you miss it it can be you know

probably three minute round-trip before it comes back down there's kind of a

side elevator for one of the side areas and so I'm walking in and right as the

doors closing I see a girl coming up so I hold the Vator and she comes in right

as the doors closing again another girl came in and so we had to and the second

girl that came in had a golden doodle I think it's a golden Labradoodle it's a

black golden Labradoodle and this thing was young and full of excitement and I

actually knew this gal before but the other one I didn't know and the one I

didn't know hits the floor that I'm on as well and as we're going up this dog

is losing its mind it's grabbing its owner she's like has his toys grabbed

it's like pulling her around I mean it looked like it was mad it wasn't playing

and it probably was but it looked like it was out of control and I could see

the other girl who's getting off of my for that I didn't

no getting very uncomfortable she wasn't laughing cheondung as funny just kind of

huh huh and then the dog like what really

creatures like like she almost gasps I could tell she was very uncomfortable so

I picked up on that so we both get off the elevator and she got off in front of

me I let her go first what's something that I could have said what's something

that you might say knowing what you know from that short elevator trip what so a

I could have break and they broken the ice well a great way to do is to show

empathy I put a video or my first videos ever about seven years ago it's like

called like leading people to comfort in the state of fear something like that I

don't remember I'll put a link card to it right here it's probably pretty

embarrassing but I talked about if you can get in the person's head and be

empathetic to what they're feeling when they didn't even communicate it it's a

great way to establish rapport so what I said was she's a little bit ahead of me

and so I knew talking to someone who's ahead of you it's kind of a strange

dynamic right because they either have to turn around or they have to stop and

you know if they're not that into it they keep walking till I can whatever

buddy so you're taking a little risk so I needed to read the situation so she's

walking I was like can you believe having to live with that 24 hours a day

and she looked and she like took this breath like you know she was she was

pleased that somebody else had felt the same thing

and he communicated that to it she's like oh man she goes yeah she goes

that's one thing about dogs I love them but then I can come home to my dog free

zone and not have to worry about that chaos so what do you pick up on that

how's the conversation going well she communicated and contributed

more than she would have had to she even could have said even though was an

implication she could add yeah that'd be pretty terrible and kept walking but she

had slowed down allowed me to catch up and gave me a lot more give me a lot of

conversational threads you know a personal thing that's why I feel this

way and I like to have a dog free home but I love dogs I just don't want that

cast so she was rolling with that she was inviting the conversation and so I

kept going right and I said I said hey did I live on this floor - did you just

move in and she says yeah I did I just took a job down the street at a

specific gym and I said oh nice I said what unit are you in what unit are you

in yeah Oh Baba but I knew it and I was like I

was actually thinking about the gym that she worked at and I knew it now say my

saying something like that but instead I decided not to you don't ask somebody

especially a girl who probably lives by yourself what unit she lives in don't

ever do that even a dude even if you're mean a guy your apartment it's just

creepy to ask what specific unit they're living like why do you want to know I'm

just talk to you luckily she was comfortable that with me she's like she

gave him the year just like right around there and and so what did I do

I knew that could be discomforting and so I jumped right on the last thing as I

was ending the area or I was getting to my unit right there I just end up oh

really cool I'm sure I'll see you around nice meeting you okay so by me backing

off of that sub to be all hey I just live right here you're just right there

I'm sure I'll show you a lot right nothing like that backed off and act

like I didn't even say it even though I knew it was a full pot it was the wrong

thing to say it was good that she took it in stride the way she did cuz if she

woulda been like why do you want to know I would have actually if I would have

done that I would have just addressed him like you know I was actually

thinking about something else a minute I said that I realized how creepy that was

that's a great way to handle any time you mess up just address it don't just

be like oh you know I was just curious just address it yeah yeah I was a stupid

thing to say I can't believe it actually came out about I didn't have to do that

because I just formed enough comfort beforehand by the empathetic question by

getting in her head and by verbalizing the discomfort that she felt she felt

you know more rapport to me so even asking that creepy question she went

with it and then you end it with just hey nothing too creepy don't like hey

can I get your number we'll go out sometime hey I got something going

Friday up for anyone no no first time you meet him just super cool and chill

hey really nice to meet you I'm sure I'll see you around that's it

great way to end it so you can use those four steps and one of them is the one

you don't use you never ask exactly they are if you're in a neighborhood you can

be like you know they live in a house it's a little less creepy than an

apartment someone who can live by themselves hey what house are you and

that's our that's a normal question but in an apartment shy away from that

a lot of people ask me specifically for story time because they like to learn

from my experiences you know because I'm very honest about them

and even in the full pie made you can learn try that and never ask somebody

the apartment that they're in right by hearing my mistakes you don't have to

make those mistakes if you like that kind of stuff and you're not following

me on Instagram go to charisma major to follow me right now I'm putting a lot

more content out of my platform that won't be on YouTube that you're gonna be

able to learn from and if when you hear me talk about going up to somebody in

your neighborhood in an apartment and you're like I don't have the confidence

to do that I don't know what I'd say that sounded really cool but I don't get

that handle I've got a program called the social invincibility program you can

touch or click up here or go to social invincibility com it's a quick program

it's a cheap program you can knock it out and at the end of it you'll be able

to see the matrix this channel is called the charisma matrix because I believe

most people can't see what's going on around them socially right they do

things one time they get a reaction seems like you do the same thing another

time they get it different or actually don't understand they can't see the

matrix of why things are happening the causality of this and this and when you

can you can act competently and go up and talk to people and know you're gonna

make a good impression and know they're gonna like you it's a really strong

place to be as a strong place to live now you haven't seen this video right

here you're gonna like it click on it right now and I'll talk to you there

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