Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Instagram Feb 1 2019

they are pointy right? and


their eyes look bored

like looking at you blankly

like this, and

kind of

draw the nose and mouth too



draw the ears too

this a bored-looking? (not sure about this translation) cat

ill draw eyelashes to make it prettier




i just did whatever

insta live is hard


okay should i see the comments again

"cute cat" (reading comment) thank you


what should i do again? what shall we do?

what should i do

capture time (meaning screenshots)

hahah i did what he suggested and took a screenshot here (sorry bout that)

if i go like this its a K


yeah (another screenshot, sorry)


daniel k


"can you draw "apple head daniel" (phrase koreans use for hair that has a few strands tied up on top)

should i try drawing it

me having an apple head?

its not an apple head though, its just kind of like...

wait a second

ok apple head

first of all

im a person

lets draw eyes

of course my eyes are not this round in real life, but...

ill draw them round-- should i draw like a simpson character?

a simpson vibe


for simpsons

there eyes have to be close together

and the nose is like this

im like this

and the hair is...-- its not an apple head though

and draw the mole next to the eye

im riding a board

wearing pants

wearing (verb for shoes) pants? no, wearing (verb for clothes) pants




i did well right?


"four fingers" (reading comment)

did i draw four fingers?

doesn't spongebob have four fingers too

what else should i draw again?

what am i drinking? i am drinking...

this right here

kang (or king?? couldnt hear) patrick

yeah i love patrick star


even more than spongebob

"draw loofy (his cat) please" (reading comment)

they have grown a lot

i think i drew them too much nowadays

i just drew a cat too, actually the model was ori (his cat)

i will draw roofy well next time

oh a lot of comments have come up, just wait

a lot of comments came up

"good day daniel" (reading comment)

you too, have a good day

"love from columbia" (reading comment) wow

thank you columbia

the comments

draw patrick?

draw patrick?

actually i cant remember

how he looks like, patrick star, so i cant

sorry i cant


draw patrick please

sorry sorry, maybe next time

i promise you

"could you draw a gummy bear" (reading comment)

yeah! sure, gummy bear, ok

i feel like i became a street artist

its fun

erase this

okay this is the last drawing

this is my last draw in today

gummy bear, gummy bear, how do they look again?

gummy bear, dont i just draw a bear

the legs are like this, you stretch them out

the bears feet

this is my gummy bear

gu - mmy - bear



i think hes so cute

really, i think i drew him well

oh this is not beer

its not beer, dont misunderstand, okayy


i will stop my insta live up to here

next time, i will prepare more

for things to say

i will prepare a lot and come next time

thank you for watching

have a good day

have a nice day, bye

you guys told me to save it after finishing, right? okay i got it


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Kang Daniel First Instagram Live Part 5 - Duration: 9:40.


Instagram Tutorial 2019 - Duration: 8:53.

- I'm glad you're looking for an Instagram tutorial

because the platform is huge,

and today we're gonna run through it.

And even if you're already using Instagram,

you might pick up a few quick tips

and best practices as we go, all right?

Let's get into it!

(uplifting music)

What's up busy people?

Welcome to Five Minute Social Media.

If you have been struggling with your social media,

you feel like you're putting all this time into it

and not getting anything back, you're in a great place.

Every week, we put out a quick video

to help you with a different piece

of your social media marketing strategy

and save you time.

That sounds like something you could use,

go ahead and click subscribe,

click that bell (bell dinging)

and that way, you'll be notified each week

when we release another helpful video.

My name is Jerry Potter, and by the end of this video,

you'll know how to post to Instagram

for your brand or business.

We're gonna do a big overview

on how to post to the Instagram feed.

But if you're hoping to learn more about Instagram Stories,

I've got a video about that, you can get that there

and in the description of this video.

Now I'm assuming at this point,

you've already downloaded the Instagram app

and created your account.

If not, hit pause really quick, and do that first.

So for just about any screen within Instagram,

to post to your feed, you're gonna wanna click the plus sign

at the bottom there, right in the middle.

So I click that.

And immediately it will bring up my camera roll.

I'm doing this on an iPhone,

so it might be slightly different on Android,

but it should be pretty much the same.

And so here are all of my pictures that I've taken

that are on my camera roll

that I can add up there, if I want to.

So for example, if I click on this,

this was a slide I actually made for Instagram Stories.

Once the photo is in there, you can move it around,

you can pinch to zoom it,

and make it exactly the way that you want it to show up.

If it's taller than a square,

you can tap these little arrows here on the lower left,

then it'll zoom out on your picture

so that you can see a little bit better on how it will show.

Instagram has traditionally

been about square images, 1080 by 1080,

but I've actually found that taller images work better,

because they take up more space in your feed.

And I'll show you that on a widescreen image here,

in just a second.

Once you have your picture there

and that's the way you want it, you would hit next.

And then you will go into some of the filters.

But before we do that,

I wanna show you a widescreen image here.

So here's an image that is a widescreen image,

meaning it's wider than it is tall.

So if this goes up the way it is,

it actually won't take up much space in the feed,

when somebody is scrolling through as fast as they can.

I think the more space you take up,

the more likely you are to get somebody's attention.

So I'm gonna pinch and zoom this

to make it at least a square, like that.

That's how I think it should show up.

You can, of course, do whatever you want

with your own creative.

So that's just a tip that I like to use.

You can also post a video to your feed.

So if I was gonna do a video, and here,

this is just a four second video that I have,

that I was using in an Instagram Story,

but now I have a video there instead.

You cannot pinch and zoom on that

but you can move it up and down

for which part you want to show in the feed.

Up here at the top,

you can also tap camera roll with the down arrow,

and you can choose from different folders.

So there might be something somewhere else on your phone

that's easier to find.

And if you wanna post more than one photo,

that's called a carousel post,

and that's where you kind of swipe to the left

to scroll through that,

you're gonna click this little button on the lower right.

It sort of looks like a picture stacked on top of a picture.

Tap that.

Now, I can go through and I can choose

up to 10 photos and videos

to have in a single post.

Now let's say you haven't taken

the photo or the video that you wanna use.

You can actually do that right here, in Instagram.

So instead of using the library on the lower left there,

that's where we've been this whole time,

I can click on photo, and as you can see,

that brings up a camera.

So then I can just take a picture if I want, in the moment.

Or if you wanna do video, I can click video there,

and now this brings up the video camera.

To record a video, I'm gonna hold that button down.

So I hold it down like this, and it starts recording

and it's like, hey,

I'm making a video on how to record video,

it's very meta, on Instagram (chuckling).

You can go up to 60 seconds

for a video on the Instagram feed

and if I let go with my thumb, it stops recording.

Now if you look on the screen there,

you'll see a black line at the bottom,

and it's not all the way across,

that means I could record more.

So I could change the way my scene looks

or move to a different location, or anything like that,

and then hit record again.

And as you can see, it starts recording again

and I can say, hey, I'm over here now, hi!

And that way, you can sort of edit your own video together

as you record it, if you want to.

I've never heard of anybody using this feature

but I think it's really cool that it even exists.

So that's how you shoot video

for the feed, right there, in Instagram.

Now I'm back in library,

there's that dumb selfie I just took.

We might as well use the dumb selfie, why not?

So once you have what you're gonna use here,

whether it's a series of pictures, or videos,

or one or the other, then you hit next,

in the upper right-and corner.

Now this is where you can add filters.

So maybe you don't like the way you look.

I like this second filter here, called Crema,

so I use that a lot.

By the way, your filters might be in a different order,

but you can swipe through, and you can test out

all of these different filters.

And different filters will look different

on different photos, not surprisingly,

depending on how bright or dim they are.

If you double tap on a filter,

you can actually adjust the intensity

of how much that filter has been applied.

And then also down here, on the lower right,

you can click edit.

And that'll actually allow you to go through

and play with all sorts of different settings

for the way that your photo looks.

Personally, I try and stand in good light,

facing a window, whatever it might be,

to just take a good photo the first time,

but some people love to come in here

and tool around afterwards,

with all of these different options.

So now I'm gonna hit next.

Now this is where I'm gonna post to Instagram.

I can go ahead and write my caption.

This is not a real thing, but let's pretend,

that SillySelfieSunday is a thing.

Oh, never mind, it is!

4,000 people have posted with SillySelfieSunday.

Look at that!

Whatever your caption is, you can add it here.

You can add in emojis, punctuation.

I'll show you one trick a lotta people will do,

'cause it's really hard

to have any kind of page breaks within here.

'Cause you'll notice there's no return or enter key here.

But if you go to Notes, or another program,

you can actually type your caption there,

with spaces between paragraphs, copy it,

and then just paste it here.

I strongly suggest using hashtags

if you want people to see it

because that's how people discover things on Instagram.

You can have up to 30 hashtags.

I sometimes put 'em in the caption

but sometimes I also put 'em in the first comment.

Instagram has been rumored to be changing this,

but as of now, if you put the hashtags in the first comment

just to kinda keep the caption clean

they will still help your post in search, on Instagram.

Once you've got the caption

the way you want it, hit OK.

You can tag people, if you want.

So if you had somebody that you wanted to tag in there,

you could do that.

You can add a location.

I strongly recommend adding locations.

This will also get your post seen by a lot more people,

because people will simply browse a location.

Like I'm there in Seattle

and so I could just tag it as, in Seattle.

Down below that, these are switches

where you can auto-share the post

to Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr.

Facebook, if you're trying

to kill two birds with one stone, you can do that.

Personally, I like to change the caption for Facebook,

because I think people use Facebook in a different way.

Twitter, do not use this tool on Twitter

because what it will do,

is it'll put your caption on Titter,

and then it'll have a link to the photo,

and it won't actually show the photo.

I found an awesome free app,

that will automatically take your Instagram photo

and share it to Twitter.

The actual photo, instead of a link to the photo.

I got a tutorial on how to do that

and that's in the description of this video.

So once you're all done, hit share, it'll upload,

and there it is, SillySelfieSunday.

One of the hassles of Instagram

is it's pretty much a mobile platform.

And so if I'm gonna tell a longer story

with multiple paragraphs and a caption,

it's a lotta thumb typing.

I know there are some amazing thumb-typers out there,

I am not one of them, I'm okay.

But there are some amazing software programs

that will allow you to type your captions

and upload your photos to a computer,

and then it'll automatically upload

the image and the caption to Instagram,

at the time you want.

All three of my favorites have free options

and if you wanna learn how to do that,

I've got a tutorial on how to do that, right here.

You can watch it right now.

Or I will put it in the description of this video,

if you wanna come back and check it out later.

Hey, if this was helpful, click like, hit subscribe.

Thank you for supporting Five Minute Social Media.

You're not only helping me,

but also my two tiny superheroes at home.

For more infomation >> Instagram Tutorial 2019 - Duration: 8:53.


KAKTUS-MUFFINS | från Instagram - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> KAKTUS-MUFFINS | från Instagram - Duration: 10:02.


instagram takipçi artırma 2019 | Şifresiz Takipçi Kasma - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> instagram takipçi artırma 2019 | Şifresiz Takipçi Kasma - Duration: 4:59.


How to Market Your Business Using Instagram - 3 Most Common Mistakes - Duration: 10:57.

hey guys how's it going? my name is brandie peters ( @brandiepeters_ ) and if you've never seen my

face before I am a content marketing strategist and what I do is help cool

people like you market and sell your services using content and social media

and today I want to talk to you about Instagram. If you're watching this video

then chances are you are trying and maybe failing to

market your business using the Instagram platform and today I want to

talk to you about the reasons why that might be. The three most common mistakes

that business owners make when using Instagram and what you can do to improve

on that and maybe actually get some results! and then at end of the video I

am going to tell you what I can do to help support you in this and the

services that I have to offer that might make your life on Instagram just a

little bit easier ! but first let's address the number one thing the number

one thing and that is preventing you from getting real results using

Instagram for marketing. this is very common so if you're doing it don't worry

you are not alone but that said it is not doing you any favors if this is what

you do and this is how you do and this how you use instagram, I call this a

"Content dumping" it is when you just go on Instagram drop a post and then don't

come back on the platform until you have another post to put up your posting on

your Instagram business profile but you're only posting on your Instagram

profile you are not doing anything else on the platform and you're not engaging

with your audience and you're not looking at any content other than your

own, now if this is how you've been using Instagram for your business and

you're wondering why don't I have any followers, and why none of my post get any

interactions the reason is it's because first of all Instagram is a fairly closed as

platform for discovery - if you're not doing anything to drive

traffic to your profile, and unless people are directly searching your name and

looking for you and they're probably not seeing your posts - but there's a few

other issues with this as well because first of all you're just skimming the

surface on what is possible with Instagram - it is a " social "

platform being it's all about conversations and relationships so

you're missing out on opportunity to inform people and let

them discover your business and your brand - however , there's also a technical

reason why content dumping is not good and that the algorithm ... the algorithm

determines who sees what on Instagram and the first thing to go is anybody

who's deemed a spammer. Space on people's Instagram feeds is competitive and if

you're someone who only posts promotional content your posts

are not being prioritized to anybody who might happen to follow you and they're

not very visible!!! Instagram rewards people who keep people on Instagram so

they interact and engage and they want to cut out the spam and even if you're

putting effort into your actual pictures and posts Instagram still looks at you

as a spammer because your content dumping and that's not what they want

Alright, so what usually comes hand-in-hand with content dumping is

this people who do not do not have an actual system of creating content for

their audience instead they are just putting up at essentially so they're

using Instagram as their personal business billboard they're putting up

ads and promotions and they are not creating content. What's the

difference well traditional commercial advertising looks like an ad it looks

like something you'd see in a newspaper or a magazine print at that kind of

thing it has a lot of text usually and it's just informative about something

that is for sale typically that's what you'll see

content marketing on the other hand is on topic to what you do or sell but it

offers value whether or not people buy from you or not so it's entertaining

engaging and informative and it's meant to be interacted with in some capacity...

it matches what you do it suits your niche it makes sense that it's there but

it's not necessarily and you don't need to be advertising to people and the

problem if you're doing this is really the fact that people do not like to sign

up to be advertised to and when they follow you they're basically subscribing

to see more of what you have to offer and if all you have to offer them is

text-heavy self promotional content that looks like

we have enough of that in our life why would we follow that? So, instead try

using Instagram for the storytelling so the way that you do that is just use it

to show what's going on behind the scenes in your business take pictures

and share stories and show rather than tell people about what you do that is

the best way to use Instagram because you want people to be invested in the

content that you post all right so Honda nothing's bad and you don't want to

using Instagram as your personal billboard... but the third thing and this

even if you're not doing those two things and you don't have this, this is

still the reason why you're not getting results and this is probably the most

common thing honestly this is what is really stopping you from getting

customers from Instagram no matter how much effort you're putting in if you do

not have a lead capture in place on your Instagram if you don't have a way for

people to take that next step to go from seeing one of your posts and being

curious about you to actually buying from you where they are basically

directed to that potential sale then you're missing out you're basically

leaving money on the table because even if they like your post what you're

getting is a lot of drive-by traffic. Attention spans on Instagram are brief

and there's a lot to look at so they see a post and there's not a call to action

or another thing for them to interact with they're gone forever if they follow

you you might get the back but if they don't follow you they've seen your post

they've given you a little heart on it and that's all that's gonna happen and

it's forgettable and there's no way for you to re-market to them if you do not

have this in place so what you want to do is start looking at Instagram as an

entry point into a greater marketing funnel you want to use Instagram as a

place to basically captured interest of potential customers and then take event

to a next step where they are self qualifying themselves as a lead for your

business now you can do this if you're just strictly organic you're not using

any paid advertising by placing a link in your link bio the deduction for a

landing page or some form of an opt-in so you can capture them on a list

marketing that is the simplest way and that's very beginner level but if you

don't at least have that implants you're seriously missing out because you want

to get people going from traffic on your content to traffic on your website and

that way you can capture them to remarket but if you want to be more

sophisticated about it and you want to take advantage of everything that

Instagram focus has to offer there are custom audiences you can

create that allow you to send ads so actual ads to people who have recently

visited your Instagram profile so you want to take advantage of that because

it's going to allow you to spend less time on Instagram and get more qualified

leads from the platform!!!! If you haven't dabbled in the Instagram paid

advertising options they live in your Facebook Ads manager and i really

suggest that you take a look at what is possible because there are tons of

amazing tools that allow you to use Instagram more strategically and again

that's going to free up some time because that's what i want to rap on

really as I've been working on Instagram profiles with my clients the most common

pain point that entrepreneurs have with Instagram is that it is a time drain it

is a drain on their precious time resource so what I want to do is help

people come up with ways to spend less time on the platform but actually get

results from it. Now, one of my services that I offer is management so I can help

administrate your Instagram take that off your plate but I don't do that just

oh I post pretty pictures for you I've used automation software that drives

traffic to your Instagram that is more targeted and more specific to your niche

you're not just hitting random people we're hitting the type of people that

you want to attract to your business that are going to be interested in what

you do yourself so strategic audience grow and we're not talking about jacking

up your follower account we're talking about increasing the traffic flow from

Instagram to your lead capture and what I like to call that is micro funneling...

so a micro funnel is a very fast process of taking somebody from being interested

in a piece of content that you've posted to being captured on a list and captured

as pixel data or grow the remarketing and then I can also assist creating an

evergreen ad strategy that allows you to take traffic from your Instagram profile

into your actual business for further marketing or warming because you want to

be warming those leads this can be applied for a variety of different

businesses if you're wondering is this going to work for my business well with

a few tweaks and modifications we can use these same strategic systems to work

for you. If you're feeling overwhelmed right now like this sounds very

technical the first step is to apply for a free demonstration around me there's

no risk to doing the free demo I like to show you rather than tell you what is

possible and then we'll have a conversation about how maybe we can

collaborate and get Instagram working for you I just want to wrap on that my

name is Brandie Peters if you didn't catch that at the beginning, and what I do is help

people market their business online using content and social media , specifically

Instagram. I'm really excited about Instagram because it is multimedia it is

creative it is fun and it is probably the most relevant social media platform

out there! I love it I am excited about Instagram because of all the different

potential things that we do. And if you haven't started seeing results from

Instagram I'm very optimistic that we can turn things around with a few

modifications like I talked about in this video. If you want to connect with me

you want to see what that's gonna be apply for your demonstration

and we'll go from there! thanks for watching until the end make sure you

follow me on instagram at brand new peters underscore you have a great day

For more infomation >> How to Market Your Business Using Instagram - 3 Most Common Mistakes - Duration: 10:57.


Instagram par followers kaise Badhaye|| How to Increase inst. followers with live proof in hindi - Duration: 5:36.



enjoy video and subscribe for daily videos

For more infomation >> Instagram par followers kaise Badhaye|| How to Increase inst. followers with live proof in hindi - Duration: 5:36.


Duygusal Whatsapp Durumları : Duygusal İnstagram Durumları #6 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Duygusal Whatsapp Durumları : Duygusal İnstagram Durumları #6 - Duration: 1:01.


How to Sell with Instagram Stories + Highlights 💸 - Duration: 3:11.

Hi there

I'm Lindsay and I'm Tegan and we're the cofounders of Pinkhouse Organics

at Pinkhouse we make all natural beauty products, skincare and makeup and

Instagram stories have been a super effective way for us to educate our followers about how our products are made, and how they work.

Today we're going to show you how we use Instagram Stories to showcase our products and make sales on Instagram without actually being salesy.

The number one thing for us is making our product accessible

So on Instagram stories, we think about product education much more than we do sales. We use something called a 'show don't tell' approach

First we break down how our products are made by showcasing the simple ingredients

we use in the real life results that our customers are having.

How this rolls out on Instagram, is through product application videos, that should look just like your own skincare routine at home.

This means no After Effects and no Photoshop needed.

For example, let's take a look at our pink mask highlight -

we wanted to create a very simple video showing how to apply the product.

Our goal is to showcase some benefits of the product while still keeping our audience interested.

So to do this, we started by creating a storyboard to break down the flow .

First, we want to start with the pink mask actually being applied to set the scene.

From there, we show off the ingredients and we talk about the benefits of each one

This gave us the opportunity

to explain the features and the benefits of our product at a deeper level. To wrap the story up

we show how its applied step by step. Then, we showcase some of our best customer reviews.

Storyboarding is a lot like storytelling

So we think of what will be at the beginning the middle and the end of the story before we get started.

In the beginning the goal is always to showcase the complete product. In the middle

we explain how it's made and what makes it unique and in the end we talk about how to use it

and what other people love about it. If you think about it?

This is the same kind of way you'd consider a purchase if you were shopping for a mask at a retail store.

First you'd see the product in the box

You might check out the ingredients from there and then look it up online to see some reviews.

We also save each product story as a highlight on our Instagram profile which makes shopping our feed even easier for people, and they can

see how our product works in real life, instead of just through a single photo on our Instagram or website.

Instagram stories allows us the opportunity to create a sales experience, that's really genuine, raw, and real.

It lets us hit each stage of the buyers consideration process.

In order to really showcase the product, sometimes we create a collage of videos to add more content to one story.

We create these videos using the unfold app

Another benefit of creating a collage is that we don't need as many story segments, and we avoid the drop-off by keeping it engaging.

To create our content. We shoot our Instagram Stories using our iPhones.

It's really easy to create simple videos from above using a clean surface and pops of color.

We usually do this in post editing with unfold or by using props like flowers and colorful pieces of paper as a backdrop.

The use of fun emojis and pop-up text in the stories, really help keep our viewers attention.

For our photo editing we use an app called Snapseed,

which helps with quick cleanup editing. You can think of Snapseed like a super simple Photoshop.

We also use a photo editing app called A Color Story, which helps keep our photos bright and on brand.

So these are just a few ways

we use Instagram Stories to show off our products and make more sales.

As you can see, by showing off our products from all angles,

we're able to educate our followers and give them a real look inside our products.

We hope you found our tips for Instagram Stories helpful. Thanks for tuning in today!

For more infomation >> How to Sell with Instagram Stories + Highlights 💸 - Duration: 3:11.





★Anastasiya_kvitko★ I'm ready to go to nyc | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram - Duration: 2:48.

★Anastasiya_kvitko★ I'm ready to go to nyc | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Anastasiya_kvitko★ I'm ready to go to nyc | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram - Duration: 2:48.


★Brianna Francisco★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram - Duration: 2:24.

★Brianna Francisco★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram

You can buzz my reflection thinking Bauer in Russian it was supposed to be the ones

Nothing I'm not loving maybe times orders that we did


Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Brianna Francisco★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram - Duration: 2:24.


★Lauren★ Stylish Summer fashion style | Latest New Plus Size Fashion instagram - Duration: 3:05.

★Lauren★ Stylish Summer fashion style - Latest New Plus Size Fashion instagram

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Lauren★ Stylish Summer fashion style | Latest New Plus Size Fashion instagram - Duration: 3:05.


★Alecia Lena★ Gorgeous fashion model instagram stylish summer fashion style | Outfit Ideas 2019 - Duration: 2:09.

★Alecia Lena★ Gorgeous fashion model instagram stylish summer fashion style | Outfit Ideas 2019

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Alecia Lena★ Gorgeous fashion model instagram stylish summer fashion style | Outfit Ideas 2019 - Duration: 2:09.


How to Increase INSTAGRAM Followers (2019)| 500 Followers In 2 Minut With Proof | Tips & Tricks - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> How to Increase INSTAGRAM Followers (2019)| 500 Followers In 2 Minut With Proof | Tips & Tricks - Duration: 4:00.



For more infomation >> İNSTAGRAM DİL DEĞİŞTİRME NASIL YAPILIR? - 2019 - Duration: 5:53.


How to share your memories to Instagram - Duration: 1:23.

How to share your memories to Instagram

Open your Instagram app

Tap on the activity tab

Tap "See your post from 2 years ago today" / watch icon

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For more infomation >> How to share your memories to Instagram - Duration: 1:23.


Kristaps Porzingis Tweets to Knicks Fans, Makes Cryptic Instagram Post | - Duration: 5:21.

Kristaps Porzingis Tweets to Knicks Fans, Makes Cryptic Instagram Post |

The New York Knicks and forward Kristaps Porzingis opted to part ways Thursday, roughly one week prior to the NBA trade deadline.

While there was chatter that Porzingis had made it known that he wanted out of town, the Knicks wasted little time making that happen.

After he was traded to the Dallas Mavericks, the forward took to Twitter to send a message to the fans of the team where his career began.

The trade was first reported by Marc Stein of the New York Times, who broke down the deal as the pieces came.

After the base of the deal was made public, which included two first-round picks heading to New York, The Athletic's Michael Scotto reported the specific selections which the Knicks would receive.

When all was said and done, this was the final outlook of the deal:.

Knicks receive: Dennis Smith Jr.

, DeAndre Jordan, Wes Matthews, 2021 first-round pick (protected), 2023 first-round pick (protected) Mavericks receive: Kristaps Porzingis, Tim Hardaway Jr.

, Courtney Lee, Trey Burke.

The Knicks also freed up roughly $74.6 million in potential cap space next season, as ESPN's Bobby Marks revealed.

In turn, this puts them in position to make a push for two stars to pair with Porzingis.

The Knicks could be staring at $74.6M in projected cap space for next season.

That would be good enough for 2 max slots.

— Bobby Marks (@BobbyMarks42) January 31, 2019    .

Kristaps Porzingis Posts Cryptic Instagram Message.

Shortly after his message on Twitter, the newest member of the Mavericks took to Instagram and posted something just a bit different than what was above.

It pointed to the possibility of something going on that hasn't been made public yet, as Dime Magazine revealed.

Obviously, there will be plenty of questions that come up about this, but unless Porzingis is willing to sound off on whatever happened, it will remain all speculation for now.

Regardless, the Knicks are moving forward without the 23-year-old and will rebuild with Dennis Smith Jr.

and a handful of first-round draft picks coming in the near future.

Knicks Roster After Kristaps Porzingis Trade.

Position Expected Starter Backup   Center DeAndre Jordan Mitchell Robinson Enes Kanter Power Forward Noah Vonleh Luke Kornet Lance Thomas/Isaiah Hicks Small Forward Kevin Knox Mario Hezonja Damyean Dotson Shooting Guard Wesley Matthews Allonzo Trier Kadeem Allen Point Guard Dennis Smith Jr.

Emmanuel Mudiay Frank Ntilikina.

While it's unknown how the Knicks will approach the offseason, there's a chance they could use the No.

1 overall pick (if they get it) as a trade chip for New Orleans Pelicans star Anthony Davis.

The rumors continue to swirl around Davis, but the Knicks have been linked even before his trade request came to light.

READ NEXT: Kristaps Porzingis Injury Update: Signs Point to Star Nearing Return.

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