Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily US Feb 1 2019

The chairman of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff held phone meetings with top U.S.

military officials to reaffirm the two countries' strong alliance.

In separate calls, General Park Han-ki... spoke with his American counterpart, General

Joseph Dunford,... and the Commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command,.. Admiral Philip


According to Seoul's JCS, they pledged a stronger commitment to a combined defense posture...

based on their iron-clad alliance.

They also agreed that the militaries of both countries will fully support their respective

governments diplomatic efforts to completely denuclearize the Peninsula.

For more infomation >> Top S. Korea, U.S. military officials reaffirm alliance - Duration: 0:37.


How A Cyber Attack Could Shut Down The U.S. - Duration: 5:48.

It's likely that at some point there is going to be something that we would consider

The worst cyber attack of all time

The worst case scenario one way to think about it is that a lot of these devices and systems just stop working

Everything from power grids our power grid is entirely connected to traffic systems to financial systems

And you can kind of start to think of all of the systems and devices

that are connected together in digital these days just stopped working

And to some extent, businesses will stop functioning infrastructure could stop working.

And it's really kind of the worst natural disaster that you could ever possibly imagine

The problem is is that all of these systems have more and more things get digital

We've seen hospitals in the U.S. that have been hit by ransomware that stopped being able to process patients

Think about in a couple of years when most of the trucks on the road that deliver goods across the US

are going to be completely automated to be controlled by self driving cars and GPS

So imagine if the GPS network goes down

or some method of connectivity between these trucks and how they navigate

and deliver goods and that goes down

and suddenly the infrastructure of the country stops working

As more and more of these systems are connected they're more exposed to attack

but they're not actually the ones the most exposed

the ones are the most exposed are the systems that provide the most convenience and that are the newest

In my house, I've got a smart thermostat and a smart garage door opener and smart lights

and I've got smart speakers some of which are listening to everything that I say

Imagine a cyber attack where every Amazon Alexa was recording everything that everybody was saying

and sending all that data somewhere

that only the attacker got and it sending it to somebody besides Amazon

15 billion devices now in the Internet of Things and in a couple of years it'll be 30

and a couple years after that it will be about 60

what that illustrates is just how much of our lives are going to be connected to a global network

And that means that thing about everything in your life that's now exposed to potentially a cyber attack

I think one of the worst case scenarios for a large scale global cyber attack

isn't going in and stealing some information or stopping something from working

It's changing information in some way

For instance what if somebody got in and change the results of an election

or changed the behaviour of how people vote

70 percent of all data breaches today take months or years to discover

So most companies and organizations that get breached even really major breaches

have no idea that it happened for months or potentially even years

because a really smart adversary doesn't want you to know that they're there. Right.

What's the point of screaming and yelling and breaking things

If your goal is to either exfiltrate something valuable

or change things in ways that benefit you

the only attack that were that will really make itself known

is something that's designed to cause chaos or to deny service in some way

One of the ways in a digital banking system that you can steal money isn't just to go in and rob a bank

and steal a million dollars or a billion dollars

it's to take a fraction of a percentage of a cent of every transaction

and in a world of high frequency trading

there are billions and billions and billions of transactions that happen every single second

Now imagine if you could just take a fraction of a penny of every one of those

Suddenly you're a multi millionaire and nobody might be the wiser

The impact of a large scale cyber attack might not be something like our water system

or our power grid or our financial system being shut down

It just might be an advanced actor slowly guiding us

in ways that we don't really understand or don't really realize at the time

and I think that's one of the big dangers of a completely digital society

I think everybody thinks about the worst case scenario for a cyber attack is a rogue nation state

North Korea decides to take down our power grid. Right.

But the problem with thinking that way is that it doesn't take North Korea

it doesn't take a nation state to be that advanced these days

attackers and the threats are evolving so fast, a lot of these

A lot of these other malware that we're talking about

a lot of the really advanced stuff is available to anybody who wants it

Anybody with some basic skills could take a few weeks

couple of months learn about information systems

and suddenly you get access to weaponized malware from the CIA that was leaked last year

Many years ago the U.S. government launched a cyber attack against Iran

trying to shut down their nuclear reactors and they created a virus to do it

that was supposed to shut down machinery

inside these nuclear reactors to prevent Iran from potentially getting nuclear weapons

it was supposed to break those centrifuges

but it was so well designed or poorly designed

that it spread beyond those centrifuges and it ended up being a global cyber attack

It's like I developed a virus that was designed to go you know make a couple of scientists sick

and then suddenly it made everybody sick

That's the worst case scenario somebody develops a weapon

that's designed to cause a lot of damage in a very narrow way

And then it ends up causing a lot of damage in a very broad way

And I think it's highly likely that we're going to see something like that happen

because it's not like anything has changed those kinds of weapons are continuing to be developed

they're becoming far more advanced and the potential damage is way higher than it ever was

For more infomation >> How A Cyber Attack Could Shut Down The U.S. - Duration: 5:48.


Date and location of 2nd N. Korea-U.S. summit to be announced early next week: Trump - Duration: 0:29.

It appears the time and location of the second Pyeongyang-Washington summit will be announced

very soon.

On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters, people already know where it will

be held and it's not "any great secret," a hint it could be Vietnam as widely expected.

Regarding the time, he said "it will be at the end of February."

The commander in chief sounded optimistic about the event, highlighting the regime "very

much" wants the meeting... adding...

Pyeongyang seems to "really wants to do something."

For more infomation >> Date and location of 2nd N. Korea-U.S. summit to be announced early next week: Trump - Duration: 0:29.


Brooke takes us behind the scenes at the Conestoga Students Inc. (CSI) Welcome Back Concert - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Brooke takes us behind the scenes at the Conestoga Students Inc. (CSI) Welcome Back Concert - Duration: 2:23.


US warns Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro after police 'intimidates family of juan guaido - Duration: 2:12.

the United States today warned Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro he

faces serious consequences for egregious acts of intimidation after opposition

leader Juan Gado revealed members of a feared special police squad had visited

his family home looking upset mr. gato 35 told how four agents from the

police's special Action Force had arrived at the apartment building in

Caracas and asked security guards stationed there for his wife Fabiana mr.

gato who has declared himself interim president and is backed by the US and

most major European nations including Britain had recently moved to a secret

address as a security precaution he rushed home and emerged an hour later

holding his daughter named after Francisco de Miranda a patriot who paved

the way for Venezuela sin dependence in a statement on Twitter Venezuela's

police denied that special agents had gone to mr. ghettos home dismissing the

claim as totally false mr. Gaydos account brought condemnation

from Washington such acts of intimidation are seen as very serious

very egregious by the United States a senior Trump administration official

said there will be consequences for those engaged in such acts they will be

held accountable and they will be missing this unique opportunity to move

on the official also referred to reports of a Russian plane allegedly landing in

Caracas to ferry out gold from the crisis-hit country we have seen some

last-minute looting he said Moscow which along with China

backs the Maduro regime has denied the allegations

the Venezuelan military is so far standing by the Socialist president but

the US official urged them to switch sides and accept an amnesty offer from

mr. Gatto and his supporters who are planning another street protest tomorrow

mr. Maduro who was in his second term after disputed elections says mr. Gatto

is heading a us-backed coup

please don't forget to subscribe

For more infomation >> US warns Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro after police 'intimidates family of juan guaido - Duration: 2:12.


U.S. Champion Skater Alysa Liu Returns to Oakland Home Rink - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> U.S. Champion Skater Alysa Liu Returns to Oakland Home Rink - Duration: 2:08.


Obama's CIA Chief Just Shredded Trump For Claiming He's Smarter Than U.S. Intel Leaders - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Obama's CIA Chief Just Shredded Trump For Claiming He's Smarter Than U.S. Intel Leaders - Duration: 2:29.


New study finds nearly half of U.S. adults have cardiovascular disease - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> New study finds nearly half of U.S. adults have cardiovascular disease - Duration: 1:37.


Feds make largest fentanyl drug bust in US border history - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Feds make largest fentanyl drug bust in US border history - Duration: 0:25.


Herd Any Good Names? (Help us name the elk herds!) - Duration: 6:29.

Elk have always been the primary source of food for wolves in Yellowstone. That's

starting to change a little bit now recently with bison– as those numbers

increase – but that's a story for a future episode. And elk still are the primary

prey for Yellowstone wolves. Currently there's about 7,500 elk living in the

northern range– which is the Lamar Valley and Yellowstone Valley in northern

Yellowstone, extending into Montana a little bit. That number was much higher

before wolves came in here– that was closer to 20,000. And then it dropped

quite a bit and some years ago. It dropped down to about 5,000. Now it's

back on the rise again and about 7,500 in the last census about a year ago. So

what does that mean for the game? Well we want elk to be reasonably easy to find...

but not so easy to find that you just, you know, don't even have to use scent view...

they just are always right in front of you. So we began with just a few herds on

this big Amethyst map and quickly found it was very, very hard and very slow and

tedious to even FIND a scent. Because you have to be downwind and then track it

all the way to the source of the elk herd.

So we began adding more herds. Now we have about 18 herds of varying sizes and

compositions. That adds up to about 300 individual elk. So, we're still tuning

that in beta testing but so far it seems in the ballpark. For gameplay, that is. But

how does that compare to the real world? So I looked into that and, again, this

area in question the Northern Range of Yellowstone it's about 1,500 square

kilometres. So if about 7,500 elk live in that area, that means the population

density is about 5 per square kilometer. Now, since our map is 49 square

kilometers ...So if we're going to be exactly accurate, based on this latest

census of elk, we'd have 245 elk in our game world. That kind of surprised me

because I thought we'd gone a lot further in increasing the population

density just for gameplay. But actually, we're not too far off. So that's a

fair number of elk herds scattered round the map. Sspecially since they aren't

spread across the map uniformly. In the earlier part of the fall, they are up in

the upper elevations along Specimen Ridge and the high high plateaus up

there. And then later in the fall, in November, December they move down into

the valley. So if you're there at the start of the game looking down the

valley, you're not gonna find elk... they're just not down there. Their up still

eating the grasses up in the higher elevations.

So they're actually concentrated in a smaller area than that total 49 square

kilometres, Which means it isn't too hard to find elk as you're running

around looking for scents. But we have noticed that well .... we've noticed

obviously, that the scents can be kind of hard to see against the bright sky. We're

working on contrast and exposure that kind of stuff still. But anyway, we've

noticed that with that maybe elk herds, it can be a little confusing in following the

scent trails. Because it just says "elk herd" in the floating scent read out. Now

we do have in the game currently, this little debug code that shows kind of our

technical name for the herd and we're thinking that actually could

be a really helpful thing to show to players.

So if you're following scents, you might actually get a scents from several

different herds– kind of intermingling as you're running along. And you actually

don't know necessarily if you're following multiple scent trails or or

just one. So we're thinking, you know, it would be

actually really helpful for the player for the wolf to know which elk herd

scent they are following... or they're detecting. Now, elk herds aren't defined

groups in the same way that wolf packs are. Wolf pack is a family, it's very

established, maintains those family bonds –the pack bonds –year after year. There

might be changes from year to year, but still, the pack is a very consistent

entity. Elk are different. Again, from season to season, they migrate around some.

The herd sizes fluctuate obviously– elk herd joining and splitting off and

that kind of thing. But still, for the short periods that were depicting in

each episode of the game, we feel like it's it's reasonable to to identify each

herd by name. But what name? What kind of names? If wolves do attach identities–

recognize different herds of elk –which they might, as they, you know, live amongst

them and get acquainted with...again, the

compositions: the small bull herds, the bigger family herds... They might have a

mental association or identification for each one. So we're thinking of showing that

in the scent you read out. So instead of just that generic elk herd, it would say..

you elk herd (obviously they're not actually blue) but something to

identify it. And that would be very helpful, again, when you're following

these scents that float by. So we're we're wondering, what do you all think?

Would that be a nice addition to the gameplay? And, if so, what would be some

good names for elk herds? Again, we're going to have different compositions of elk

herds. There' the fall, there's the larger kind of family herds with one

bull and then the rest are about half cow elk and then a handful of spikes

(which are the young adult males) and then another six or eight calves in their

first year of life. So there's those bigger family groups. There's the smaller

bull elk herds that are just one or three or four or five bulls hanging out

together. And there are smaller family herds that are, you know, eight to twelve

elk –maybe and again that kind of mixed composition. So we could use place names,

but there aren't actually any place names there –we'd just be making those up...which is

not a problem but you know they do wander around the whole area. They're not..

they're not territorial on the same way that wolves are... So a place name could

quickly become kind of meaningless as they as they wander around looking for

grazing land. So we're open to ideas, if you've got an idea or a couple ideas for

what would be nice names for elk that would fit in the WolfQuest and in the

Yellowstone environment theme. We'd love to hear them! And we're gonna look these

over and see if we got some things– some suggestions –that we can use in the game!

So... thanks!

For more infomation >> Herd Any Good Names? (Help us name the elk herds!) - Duration: 6:29.


My christian parents give us marriage advice + Brazil trip - Duration: 16:10.

My parents and they are married for 35 years

We don't know how we gonna get home

No, I find no cell phone. He's getting their water was all here in the guy in his years

Hello guys, hi guys, welcome back to our Channel and this is Angeles and I'm Nina and hello to all the new subscribers

What you're about to see is different moments in Brazil

Christmas New Year's spending time at the family home going to Rio a lots of stuff that's happened while we're here and also have

Mini interview with food my parents. Are there the average for 35 years, who would love to know what you did for the holidays

We're a bit like posting on this particular video could get to see our Christmas

but we really love to know what you did for the holidays and

Miniaturizer in Brazil, we leave a home yesterday

3:30 p.m. Now my family's waiting us

Table food we have here we have this table

How cute they did the table

Because the hello you to be hello you to be hello

When I did the reality show in Brazil

One of the fans gave this to me as it is bars. We love you. Look at these guys

This is me is a poster Oh

Angeles Borges

Hey, babe

What are you doing

You didn't finish which book you're enough power now, I respect a new one

It's good this one I want to read the other one that you were reading

Thank You audible for sponsoring this video

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Text Angeles Annina to five hundred five hundred if you're in the US and audible has originals, which is so great

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storytellers in a 30-day trial which gets you a free book go to forward slash Angeles Annina or

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So, okay you guys go there check it out

So guys we are here with my parents and they are married for 35 years

So I'm gonna do some questions today and it's a long time and how to have a long relationship like this

And I'm gonna speak in partly because they don't speak in English

What kind of advices would you tell the recently-married couples?

Well, one of the first advices I can give is that there must be much love, and patience

Companionship and...

The couple must acknowledge that there're two people in the relationship,

therefore there are two different ways of thinking, and understanding

So being comprehensive also plays a big role in the marriage

Understand and respect your partner's limitations

Because from that moment it's not only one life involved. That is the time when two people become one

The couple will acknowledge that they're together in this.

That's pretty much it. That's my advice

And I have another question for them...

What advice would you guys give to a family that has just found out that their child is gay?

My personal advice is that each human being has their own way of processing and understanding.

and your child is truly your heritage

And God is the one who blessed each family with that heritage

And at the end of the day, love is most important thing has to reign within any circumstance

And there's no labels on love. Love is ageless, love is genderless.

Love is love. You can't really put into words what love is, you just feel it.

So it's important to respect each person's opinion, as well as to love.

The parents must love their child regardless of any situation

And the love between parents and their child must be an unconditional type of love

There should not be rules within the love given by parents. You can really say you love your child unless they do what the parents want

You just love them. It's pretty plain simple. You can't expect anything in exchange of the love given.

This is my personal opinion. The son/daughter, father, mother... they all should pursue harmony and peace within the family

With much love and affection with each other. So when the time comes to say goodbye to a passing relative

There isn't any regret or any resentment left towards their child.

This is the advice I would give to all the parents going through this situation.

And I agree with everything you just said.

And I know it was kind of difficult for you guys to cope and understand

but after a while I assume you guys have a better acceptance

In the beginning it's hard because it's something different and everything that's different goes against of what people are used to so

But now, I am here. Do you guys accept it?

Of course. I would be lying if I said it was easy in the beginning, because it wasn't.

It actually never crossed our minds

In the beginning it was difficult but

over the years we have been getting used to it but also understanding

that the one thing that always must win is love

And I can what type of love they cherish. They way Nina treats Angelis and vice-versa

That's what matters the most. Seeing their love with one another is that makes the happiest

I honestly thought that I would never end up liking Nina

I thought that I would have to only bare or be polite with her and nothing else

But when I got to meet Nina and see the amount of love and affection she gives to Angelis

and vice-versa

I started loving Nina as well.

So I can say that today I love Nina, and I have her as a child of my own

To me, she really is part of the family already and she's also part of our lives


Think so guys. I hope you guys like it

These are my parents and they're so precious for me because you know, it's not easy

but when you have a family that accepts

Of course the way is much easy so shoulders reach first or your parents. If you have this problem, who knows it's gonna be

Did you find the spot that you want babe join me to help you baby should I just record my Mowgli putting this up

Get it baby boy as the men have the beers the women make the house

Hello, baby

so we came on this trail to go to these big waterfalls and

Apparently it's too dangerous. It rained a lot last night and there's so many people what could happen. Is that if you're in the water

apparently above if there's too much of a buildable of

The rainfall then it could come crashing down and people have apparently died. So kind of hanging out on having a beer

Going into the wilderness and of course Janelle goes everywhere with us

Thank you know my gonna be sleepy away not even

Rainy so we put the a Chanel and she's sleeping like -

Thanks to him Darren air the surely chilled out while a definition illness

What's up, everyone

What's up? Hello?

So we are here in Rio de Janeiro and today

We are going to explore has a history on the beaches that I really like

I'm going to try to take me on there though

We don't know if we are gonna get an uber to get there

But we don't know if you're gonna be able to come back because there's no singing of cellphone in there. There's no way to

God we are going to

Like we are taking the risk

I don't want to let you know because my daughter you to freak out my buddy Cal I this is an adventure

I have no idea what we're doing today. Angeles is taking the lead cuz we were real and this is her home

So I'm excited

So yeah, I always go to this desert with my car

But I don't live in really more so I don't have my car

So we're going to try to take you over but to go is okay

The problem is to come back, but we try to rent a couple that will rent it there already. So every company sold out

Let's see. What is they have referred to us?

Okay, see you guys soon

So we are here in these histones we are going to see if you can get a TV here

Look, how cute is this place?

I'm going to show you so if you come to Rio de Janeiro is a really nice place to do business. Look at this

And they have

They have a live you really stay in the st

So we got this really nice table here and look who is with us today

So I got this really nice table with a view from both sides we have a view

If I say hello, sweetie

Chanel you are here, too

So that's our goal, this is super famous in Brazil the name is mikekim

Nina, love this a favor. So I hope you enjoy

So this is what you guys gonna eat if you come here okay the least yeah, he was great. Thank you. Oh

My god we are here in the beach and start to rain and what is the problem right now baby the problem is

You know, we don't know how we gonna get home

How are we gonna get home people?

Got no Wi-Fi, and no I find no cell phone

over there

So and he's looking at the sky. It's gonna rain so bad and we are like, yeah, I don't know maybe one hour from home



think not

There must be I mean my thinking maybe I don't know. I really don't know. I'm I'm Murari. All right now, he's really sorry. I

Gave you guys go to this island for a check cards because I got a caddy and now we we don't know how we gonna

Go back because Stefan does or how we gonna order uber. It's baby

What I'm gonna do

He's got anything


So what is going on we are here this car when the guy saw us coming inside

He was like, oh my god, we are forced and it's really the much of sailing. They have here heavy probably in the beach

So he got inside the car and then I look at me say huh?

I didn't saw that going he was like you cannot commercial dog in here and it was like no she's gonna be on my lap

but if that is not the dog


soundly Eileen

It was so fun. I mean tell me I need just lack of something so funny

Like I don't f you choked and she just took a sip in the water right in the moment

There's someone say something funny. So the water was all here in the guy in his ear

It was like the guy who's gonna join us gets to live

That was funny I think

For more infomation >> My christian parents give us marriage advice + Brazil trip - Duration: 16:10.


February PV Promo (US only) - Duration: 1:43.

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For more infomation >> February PV Promo (US only) - Duration: 1:43.


What The Shane Dawson "Mistake" Shows Us, Deep Fakes vs Lawmakers, ICE's Fake University & More - Duration: 19:13.

Sup you beautiful bastards. Hope you're having a fantastic Thursday.

Welcome back to the Philip Defranco show and let's just jump into it.

And the first thing we are going to talk about today are actually two stories that are somewhat connected.

Yesterday, you have millions of people waiting to see the the what next thing that Shane Dawson was going to be putting out into the world.

People knew that it was going to be about conspiracy theories, but not exactly which one.

And he ended up covering a whole slew of them.

Some connected to the fires out here in California, some connected to the Apple iPhone issue that we've actually learned more about.

And then also among other things he covered deep fakes, which we're gonna, which is gonna be the second part of this.

But before we jump into that, one of the big things that as talked about before he released the series that people were waiting to see is what YouTube would do.

And that was because last Friday YouTube announced changes around conspiracy videos.

Specifically saying, "Even if a video does not cross the line as far as community guidlines,

if it is what they consider borderline content, it won't pop up in recommended for people that are not subscribed to that channel."

Well, we ended up actually seeing is, well for some people going to be the bigger deal,

Shane Dawson's video, according to the Verge, was demonetized in its first 12 hours.

And there was a lot of speculation, as to whether this was connected to the content of the video,

specifically being about conspiracy theories.

But reportedly it ended up actually being a YouTube error.

And it wasn't even connected to conspiracy theories, but rather, footage around the Bird Box challenge.

And as the report explains, "Since Dawson included footage of the prank, Youtube's system assumed

that the video was promoting harmful and dangerous activities, and it removed monetization privileges."

And reputedly around this situation a YouTube spoke person said,

"Sometimes we get it wrong in determining whether a video is suitable for advertising,

so we encourage creators to appeal for a review if they think there's been an error."

So long story short, it wasn't hit because of conspiracy theory content,

so, that was what kind of a lot of people were waiting for.

It was not hit for the proper reasons, but because of other changes that we talked about previously.

But it was still hit, and it brings up an issue that many creators on this platform have.

If one of the largest YouTuber's on the platform who is going to release a video video that is expected to hit at

least 10 million views by the end of the week, it is highly anticipated, even he has this problem, no one is safe.

Now luckily for Shane, he has been able to find his own sponsors now,

but still you have this person that released about 2 hours of content in just one video not getting money

for the midrolls that he put into the video.

And the Verge talks about it from the sense of Shane Dawson may have lost $12,000.

And they do this based off an expected $2 CPM, but would I would go and say

Forward facing on this site as of recording this it says that his video has 8.6 million views.

Now, if you're not aware, the public number and the actual real time number

those are often different.

So, it wouldn't surprise me if this video is at 9.4 to actually 10 million views.

And then let's assume that during this 12 hour block it's half the views, so we'll say 5 million,

just to have a kind of clean number.

Shane Dawson on this video, now that we see the ads back, he has 6 midrolls, a pre-roll, and a post-roll.

I would say, hey let's estimate that he doesn't have a $2 CPM, he has a four dollar CPM.

He's one of the biggest people on the platform, we're getting out of January, CPM's are probably going

to get better, though I can't speak to any actual numbers.

But, when people talk about the CPM of a YouTube video, it's usually only considering pre-roll and post-roll.

With 6 midrolls you could add a multiplier to it.

Now, for the sake of not going ridiculous numbers, i'm not going to just multiply it by 6,

i'm going to multiply it by 3, because not everyone watches through the entire thing,

maybe they skip around, instead of getting a pre-roll, they just get something like a lower third.

So all of a sudden, not using ridiculous numbers, you could assume that Shane Dawson should be looking at

a $12 CPM if monetized properly, you're looking at 5 million views, I mean you're talking about potentially

60 thousand dollars in missed revenue.

Now obviously it's not a situation where it's nefarious, like YouTube got the money and they're just not sharing.

Ads are just not delivered and so Shane and YouTube technically lose, although Shane more so.

And I don't explain this part of the story to be like, "Oh, poor Shane" right, I think a lot of people

look to his situation, they see his house, they're like, you could say this about any creator and people are like,

"Well, they're not hurting" but, this is a massive issue if you're talking about people

on this platform trying to have something sustainable.

And it's that uncertainty right there that results in people like myself going

"Hey we have to launch things like" right, paid subscription, people can support.

And that's why people like myself have to both field and look for sponsors out there,

and dedicate time and resources to that, because otherwise it's unsustainable.

And it's crazy if the explanation behind Shane's video is true because you have almost 2 hours of content

and a single clip undermining the entire thing.

Like, I get frustrated because I know if I talk about one story out of 5 in a show

that it can completely tank the entire thing.

I can't even imagine how frustrating it would be in his shoes.

So there's that part that i'll leave there because i'm also working in a completely different video

regarding the copyright problem.

But, main point, there is that part, and then one of the things that Shane Dawson talked about,

that I want to talk about even further, were deep fakes.

For more infomation >> What The Shane Dawson "Mistake" Shows Us, Deep Fakes vs Lawmakers, ICE's Fake University & More - Duration: 19:13.


US Economy added 304K jobs in January - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> US Economy added 304K jobs in January - Duration: 2:26.


Marie Kondo is Making Us INSANE! - Duration: 3:27.

Voice Offscreen: Have you ever the phrase "does it spark joy"

*overlapping voices talking about Marie Kondo*

Marie Kondo's making us all go insane!

I've got like a full time job, I've got two dogs that I've got to walk, I've got like

50 hobbies, and a doctor's appointment.

But none of that matters because I just watched "Tidying Up" and I got to reorganize this

whole house RIGHT NOW.

Last year, I read Marie Kondo's "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" and I went nuts.

You can see all the videos I made during that time in my life.

There's a playlist of Marie Kondo videos and minimalism videos that I made last year after

I finished this and, like, demolished, like, every closet and every drawer.

I've dog-eared things, underlined things, it's a great book.

I loved it.

So it's been really fun for me to see everyone freaking out about the Netflix show.

People who haven't read the book and it's kind of their first introduction to Marie


It's like... it's taking over America.

People are going insane.

Nothing in my life matters until I can get this rectangle to stand.

One of the things Marie Kondo talks about is not holding onto anything that doesn't

bring you joy.

This is a beautiful concept.

I love it.

It's simplifying your life.

It's a way to bring happiness into your home.

It's great.

It's just that... now everyone's running around screaming about things not bringing them joy.

You do not spark joy.

Do I spark joy?

Does not spark joy.

Does not spark joy.

I'm your room- I live here.

Seriina, you can't get rid of me like you get rid of everything else in this house.

I pay rent!

You spark joy.

You can stay.

Seriously, Goodwill is LIT right now.

If you want to go replace all the joyless stuff you got rid of last week, you know where

to go.

But honestly, I think it's really lovely that us Westerners are adopting Japanese sensibilities

in noticing the details, slowing down, and being grateful for what we already have.

Thank you for keeping me warm.

Thank you for brining me joy when I bought you.

Not anymore.

Thanks to you I got so much work done today.

So if anyone on Twitter, Facebook, your best friend, your family, if they criticize Marie

Kondo and the amazing way that your clean closet makes you feel-

you know what to do.

Sitting here and "thanking the house for its service."

No, I don't want to hear any of your excuses.

It's hokey and dumb.


No more Marie Kondo in this house.


*Abbey screams*

That's an appropriate reaction.

Let me know if Marie Kondo has uprooted your life.

I want to see your junk drawers cleaned out, your closets, your entire house.

It would be so fun if you could DM me a picture on Instagram of whatever you've Marie Kondo-d.

The HoweFunny Instagram is @howe_funny.

Please DM me pictures and I'll share them on our Instagram.

Like, on the main Instagram for HoweFunny.

I think that'd be a really fun way to, like, celebrate the joy and the magic of tidying

up together.

Thank you so much for watching and, as always, have a lovely lovely day.

For more infomation >> Marie Kondo is Making Us INSANE! - Duration: 3:27.


10 Life Lessons King of the Hill Taught Us - Duration: 11:50.

10 Lessons We Learned From King of the Hill

When Mike Judge set about creating a new animated sitcom set in the American South, with realistic

characters and themes, Fox weren't entirely convinced.

Judge had already established himself as a satirist with Beavis and Butt-Head on MTV,

so Fox executives brought Simpsons writer Greg Daniels onboard, to help with the emotional

aspect of character development.

King of the Hill became an instant hit, striking all the right chords, emotionally and comically;

at once challenging, compromising and humanizing in the cultural conflict between conservative

and liberal values.

It's Judge's genuine, lived experience of the South, and its people, alongside Daniels

vivid portrayals of human emotional growth, that makes the show live on as a favorite

of millions, even today.

I'm Kyle with WickedBinge.

And these are the top ten lessons we learned from King of the Hill.


Country Music is Some Damn Good Music, I Tell You What - The Bluegrass is Always Greener

Mike Judge started Tales from the Tour Bus in 2017, to share his love for country with

a new generation.

When it came to King of the Hill fans, his work was probably already done.

Hank's distaste for anything but wholesome, god-fearing music exposed the show's audience

to the joys of banjo-plucking, washboard-scraping, fiddle-sawing Bluegrass.

In the episode The Bluegrass is Always Greener, the guys form a band with Connie, who shows

an innate talent for playing country-style on her violin *cough* on her fiddle.

The Dale Gribble Bluegrass Experience eventually collapses when Hank turns out to be no less

pushy than Connie's own father.

But dang it, even Kahn can't resist that catchy tune.


Being a Parent Isn't Easy - Keeping Up With Our Joneses

Lots of shows tackle parenting.

What makes King of the Hill different is that it delves deeper into a parent's paradoxical


On the one hand, they want to help their children develop; on the other, they hold a deep-rooted

fear of being supplanted.

Likewise a child needs to coax out every bit of knowledge they can, before usurping their

primary role model.

Although as a war veteran, Cotton hasn't had the easiest life himself, it's pretty clear

that he's been a crummy father.

Hank knows this and is determined to do a better job of raising his own son.

So when he catches Bobby smoking, Hank congratulates himself on forcing Bobby to finish an entire

carton of cigarettes, in order to stamp out the habit.

His plan goes awry when the whole family becomes addicted to that sweet, sweet nico *cough*


Don't smoke, kids in the end, it's their trailer-trash adoptee, Luann, who puts an end to their nicotine


Hank's vanity and pride blinded him to the fact that Bobby was never addicted to begin


But doesn't ladybird look cute, aww.


Life's Not Always About Winning - How to Fire a Rifle Without Really Trying

It's an old cliche to say it's the taking part that counts but we can't all be winners

every time.

When Bobby develops a talent for shooting, it gives Hank a rare opportunity to take pride

in his son for succeeding at something he can easily respect.

However, once again, Hank's pride gets in the way when he remembers he's a hopeless


Threatened by showing himself up in the Father/Son funshoot tournament", he tries to squash Bobby's

passion rather than face up to his fears.

Eventually, Hank bites the bullet and joins up anyway.

With a little help from a sports psychologist, Hank cobbles together a passable performance

in the competition but ultimately chokes in the tiebreak.

All his fears being realized, Hank sinks his head in shame.

Then, in one of the show's most heartwarming moments, Bobby becomes the immediate antidote

to his disappointment.

Overjoyed at their second-place finish, the prodigal son charges towards the show's hero,

clutching his certificate with pride and they agree to try again next year *sniff* I'm okay.

Please continue to look at the screen


Victory Is Sweet - And They Call it Bobby Love

Oh, Yeah!

While winning isn't everything, it's a damn sight better than losing.

Bobby's first love is short-lived, as he struggles to navigate the challenges of dating someone

more mature and sophisticated she's two grades above him at middle school.

Nevertheless, the broken-hearted boy gets some break-up advice from Hank that puts him

on the right course get it?

Uh Bobby's carnivorous display puts a stake in the heart of his plant-eating ex during

a chance meeting.

Uh When her parents joint the applause, it really twists the knife.

*boos* I'll be leaving now.


Know Your Audience - Meet the Propaniacs

Hank doesn't always approve of Bobby's theatrical aspirations but even our propane-pushing protagonist

can't help cracking a smile when Bobby starts telling jokes about the efficient, clean-burning


Bobby incorporates Hank's propane knowledge into his comedy and saves a grill sale, winning

his father's genuine admiration.

In fact, the episode Meet the Propaniacs', might be the most we ever see Hank laugh.

Things take a turn when Charlie Fortner, president of the Texas Association of Propane Dealers,

takes a diaper joke personally (on account of wearing one himself).

It shows how we can all enjoy comedy until the joke lands on ourselves.

When the comedy troupe re-unites to perform on a Sunday night at The Arlen Mall, the bemused

shoppers stare blankly in confusion at the propane-centered material.

Hank's still laughing though way to go, Bobby.


Kick Some Ass - Returning Japanese

If there's one thing Hank never fails at, it's dispensing a well-deserved ass-kicking.

Without advocating violence, the show makes a good case for doling out a beating when

polite, yet firm, words just won't cut it.

When Hank meets his Half-Japanese older brother who bears a striking resemblance to himself

there's just one ingredient missing.

Junichiro Hill learns that, despite his typical Japanese reserve, sometimes it takes a little

brawn to get your own way.

Then again we still wouldn't back him in a fight against his all-American kid brother.

Are you still talking?


Put Pride Aside - Peggy Hill: The Decline and Fall

Peggy Hill might be the most divisive character in the show.

While she's a devoted wife and mother, her pride verging on arrogance has provoked some

fans into suggesting she should have been killed off!

Despite the haters, Peggy's not one to go down easy.

At the start of season four, she survives an eight thousand foot drop, when both her

parachutes fail to deploy.

This episode also gives us an opportunity to see the three-time substitute Spanish of

the year in a more vulnerable light.

Witnessing Peggy come to terms with her limited abilities, while immobilized by a full-body

cast, teaches us the essence of humility.

Does it make Peggy more humble in the long run?

Uh not exactly.

But deep down, we know her heart's in the right place.


Self-Defense - Bobby Goes Nuts

With great power comes great responsibility.

When school-bully Chane Wassanasong starts picking on Bobby, Hank sends his son to learn

self-defense at the YMCA.

Although it seems like justice when Bobby uses his newly-honed martial abilities to

exact revenge on Chane, the power soon goes to his head.

Bobby's despotic reign of terror culminates in a significant blow to his already-thin

chances of ever having a sibling.

Got-dang it.

The revelation that Peggy doesn't possess the same Achilles heel as his previous opponents

ultimately brings the rampage to an end.

That's not the only self-defense technique on the show either.

Dale gets bonus points for announcing his pocket sand right before using it, like it's

some kind of Pokemon attack.


Be Skeptical - Hilloween

In the age of Twitter, the political climate might be more polarized than ever.

King of the Hill managed to satirize suburban life in the American south without malice

or mockery.

Many episodes revolve around Hank's conservative instinct to reject all kinds of hysteria.

And he's often vindicated, at least in part, for doing so.

When a member of the church starts a crusade against Halloween, calling it a celebration

of evil, Hank takes a stand to defend the harmless tradition.

Despite a seeming lack of support for the protest, Hank is eventually joined by a silent

majority who resent the ban on festivities.

The show has always been enjoyed across the social and political spectrum.

With talks of a revival in 2018, perhaps Mike Judge thinks Hank's no-nonsense attitude could

be the perfect antidote to a world of extremes.


Nobody's Perfect

What makes King of the Hill's characters likable is their flaws.

Of course it helps that they make us all laugh as well, but their humanizing flaws are what

makes Arlen's residents so relatable.

Although Peggy might have a perfect self-image, we recognize it's a front for some deep-rooted

insecurities and questionable linguistic ability; Luann's good looks and um other assets don't

protect her from her own emotional vulnerability and naivety; Bobby's a hopeless underdog and

Hank, while he may be the hero of the show, is constantly forced to navigate a world he

increasingly struggles to understand.

On the other side of the coin, even antagonists like Kahn are softened by humor and humanized

in the show.

Kahn cruelly teases his neighbors whenever they suffer any pain or embarrassment.

However, he doess't seem to have any friends of his own and is always snubbed in his attempts

to flatter Ted Wassanasong, his fellow Laotian and social superior.

In season thirteen, he is revealed to suffer from manic-depression the final piece of evidence

that his external arrogance hides a more vulnerable side.

And of course, my favorite character, Cotton Hill despite being a bad father, as well as

seemingly void of morals and proudly offensive there's no denying that he's just fun.

And although he usually filled with hate, he does genuinely love Bobby.

And he also killed fiddy men.

King of the Hill isn't the first show to have complex, human characters with flaws, and

nor is it the last.

But its ability to weave the struggles of emotional expression, family relationships

and pride, with so much humor and compassion, is what makes it one of the greatest animated

shows of all time.

But what do you think?

What is the greatest lesson that King of the Hill taught you?

Let us know in the comment section below.

Don't forget to like this video, subscribe and hit that notification bell.

So you get notifications whenever we upload.

But most importantly, stay wicked.

For more infomation >> 10 Life Lessons King of the Hill Taught Us - Duration: 11:50.


Why the EU is helping Iran avoid US sanctions - Duration: 6:35.

JUDY WOODRUFF: The U.S. and its European allies work together on many issues, but, under President

Trump, they diverge dramatically over Iran's nuclear program.

When his administration had the U.S. withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal last year and then

snap back sanctions on Iran, the Europeans objected strongly.

Today, they took a major step to try and help Iran get around those sanctions.

Here's Nick Schifrin.

NICK SCHIFRIN: When the U.S., Iran, and the Europeans signed the 2014 nuclear deal, Iran

froze its nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in economic benefits.

The Trump administration's withdrawal from the deal meant Iran never received much of

the revenue it was promised, which is why the Europeans today announced a company, financed

by Germany, France and U.K., that's designed to allow Iran to both gain some of that revenue,

and keep them in the nuclear deal.

The new company is a kind of clearinghouse that allows Iran to trade goods with foreign

companies without any money exchanged.

That means they avoid U.S. banks and U.S. dollars, so they could avoid U.S. sanctions.

The Europeans say the first goods that Iran will receive include drugs and medical devices,

which Iran needs.

To talk about this, I'm joined by David O'Sullivan, the European Union ambassador to the U.S.

Ambassador, thank you very much.

Welcome back to the "NewsHour."

DAVID O'SULLIVAN, European Union Ambassador to the United States: Thank you.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Are you trying to undermine U.S. efforts on Iran?

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: Absolutely not.

I think the most important thing to underline is that we, in the European Union, believe

that keeping Iran in this nuclear deal -- and they are complying with this deal, as was

announced just this week by the CIA -- and in return for that, they are entitled to expect

some economic benefit and some increased trade and economic activity.

And the purpose of the announcement today to allow this to ho happen.

And, as you say, the primary focus in the beginning will be on goods which are not actually

under sanction at all, which are humanitarian goods, exceptions to the sanctions regime,

but which is sometimes difficult to trade because of the reluctance of financial bodies

to deal with anything to do with Iran.

So this will make that, we hope, easier.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Why risk exacerbating the disagreement with the U.S.?

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: Well, we respect the decision of administration to withdraw from the agreement.

But we imagine they also respect the fact that we are still signatories to the agreement,

and we feel bound by it.

And it is also profoundly in Europe's security interest to prevent Iran from developing or

obtaining nuclear weapons.

But, of course, we also share many of the concerns of the administration on other Iranian

activities, and indeed just recently announced sanctions in response to some of the terrorist

plots which were uncovered in Europe.

So we're trying to work with the administration, even as we have some disagreements about this

precise deal.

NICK SCHIFRIN: As you say, the point of this is to try and keep Iran in the deal.

Do you think it's enough?

Obviously, many companies that deal in Iran have already said that they won't try and

use this vehicle because they fear U.S. secondary sanctions.

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: Well, at the end of the day, you know, companies will have to decide

whether they feel comfortable trading with Iran, and we know that some companies may

take the decision not to, for fear of the secondary sanctions.

But we, on the European side, are determined to make every effort we can to continue to

allow Iran to have the commercial benefit from this deal which was promised.

NICK SCHIFRIN: But if the focus is on drugs, then how do you get Iran that economic benefit

that you say it needs in order to stay in the deal?

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: Well, I think the focus is on delivering stuff which is already permitted

under humanitarian exceptions.

But, of course, in other ways, we are also continuing to look at ways in which we can

improve economic conditions with Iran.

There are small and medium-sized European companies who don't necessarily trade heavily

with the United States or at all who may be interested in doing business.

Of course it's challenging.

There's no point pretending it isn't, but we still believe it is very much in our national

security interests to preserve this deal and to deliver some of the benefits which Iran

is entitled to expect.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Let me read a statement from the State Department -- or a State Department

spokesperson today -- quote -- "Entities that continue to engage in sanctionable activity

involving Iran risk severe consequences that could include losing access to the U.S. financial

system and the ability to do business with the United States or U.S. companies."

Do you fear the U.S. could actually sanction the U.K., Germany or France?

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: I think the U.S. and the European Union are very strong strategic partners.

We respect fully the decision of this administration to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

We believe they should also respect the fact that the European nations have decided to

remain party to this, which is sanctioned by U.N. resolutions.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Do you think any of the U.S. pressure on this effort is misplaced?

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: Well, we don't share the administration's analysis, but we understand

that they take a different view, and we are friends and allies, but sometimes we take

a different view.

And that is the case in this instance.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Two months to Brexit day.

Is the E.U. willing to renegotiate the deal, as Prime Minister Theresa May's opponents

in Parliament have pushed her to do?

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: I think the answer has been very clear.

We believe that the deal, as signed, or as agreed, is the best deal.

The so-called backstop, the provision designed to prevent the reemergence of a hard border

between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is a failsafe mechanism.

It's an insurance mechanism.

It's not the end point we expect to reach.

We hope we can achieve the objective of no border.

I don't think anyone sees scope for renegotiating that at this point.

But, of course, I think people will listen to what Mrs. May has to say.

And if there is something in there that can be -- that can be done to be helpful, such

as the declaration on the future -- future relations, I think people will try to be as

helpful as possible.

But it took us 18 months to negotiate this deal.

And, in fact, the final version of the backstop which is contained in the deal was actually

very much designed by the U.K. itself, not something which was imposed by the European


NICK SCHIFRIN: Another option, would the European Union be willing to extend the deadline if

the British prime minister asks for that?

DAVID O'SULLIVAN: This is legally possible.

It requires the unanimous agreement of the other 27.

But I'm sure, if there were to be such a request, people would listen very carefully to the

reasons for such an extension.

And I'm sure people would try to be helpful.

But I think they will need to understand what it would be hoped could be achieved during

such a delay.

NICK SCHIFRIN: David O'Sullivan, E.U. ambassador to the U.S., thank you very much.


For more infomation >> Why the EU is helping Iran avoid US sanctions - Duration: 6:35.


Spend US Military Defense Budget ($716 Billion) In 24 Hours or Lose It All - CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:01.

Hello Infographics fans, and welcome to another special challenge episode of The Infographics


Today we're taking on the US defense budget, and asking you to find a way to spend every

penny in 24 hours.

As usual you're not allowed to give anything away to charity, and you have to spend all

of it or return everything you bought and pay back everything you spent.

Just like last time if you fail all the money goes instead to an organization dedicated

to kicking kittens- but this time we're adding some innocent puppies into the mix too.

So think you can do a better job then us?

Stay tuned and let us know after the video!

For fiscal year 2019 the US Defense budget stands at a whopping $716 billion, largest

it's ever been.

Yet while this figure may seem astronomical, in reality it's only a few percentage points

of the US's total GDP, and a far cry from World War II when the US spent almost 50%

of its GDP on defense!

Ever since the decline of the Soviet Union the US's defense budget has steadily decreased

from 6.8% of GDP to about 4.5% today- so while the figure has grown in dollars, it's largely

stayed pace with US economic growth.

So how can we blow through $716 billion in 24 hours?

We here at The Infographics Show are big fans of space exploration, and while sending robots

and drones to the outer reaches of the solar system are a great and safe way to gather

data, nothing compares to the achievements of the US's Apollo space program, which brought

us the first human visitors to a heavenly body.

Our first item on our list is thus going to be a resurrection of the entire Apollo space

program- that's right, we're going to do what the US and governments around the world have

been reluctant to do for decades: we're putting humans back in space.

None of this low-orbit hanging around nonsense either, we're looking at the moon and then

after that, Mars.

We've got places to go, and aliens to meet!

But getting humans back into deep space after our decades-long hiatus isn't going to be

easy, we're gonna have to take it easy, so first we're going to return to the moon a

few times in order to try out new technologies and make sure we still know how to survive

past low earth orbit.

At a cost of 25.4 billion dollars in 1973, re-launching the entire Apollo Program today

would cost about $144.3 billion.

But on second thought- we've been to the moon, why are we going back to old stomping grounds?

Let's skip the moon instead and just head straight to Mars!

Due to a severe lack of vision on our elected leaders behalf, costs right now for a mission

to Mars are difficult to ascertain- but it's estimated that a Mars mission by 2035 would

cost $230 billion dollars.

Because Mars is so far away and could take up to a year and a half to reach, our crew

won't be flying in a regular space capsule- instead we'll be building a multi-hubbed traveling

space station, complete with living and research facilities.

Therefore our $230 billion price tag would cover the costs of multiple launches of NASA's

new space workhorse, the Space Launch System, all to get the pieces of our spacecraft into


Nine months later we'll be touching down on the lonely red planet and planting our Infographics

flag on mankind's new frontier!

That's $230 billion down, and $486 billion to go!

Putting humanity back on a path to the stars though is going to require some smart thinkers,

so we think the smartest thing to do is to invest in America's students.

For years the US has debated free higher education for its millions of students, with considerable

pushback from those who view the cost as too great to bear.

Lucky for us, we've got hundreds of billions to give away for free and think that investing

in education is a pretty smart bet- so we're going to pay for four years of college for

all American students.

With an estimated $75 billion a year cost, that brings the total figure to $300 billion

for four years, which we think is a small price to pay for the influx of new engineers,

scientists, and economists that we'll receive in 4 years.

Truthfully though we're just following in the footsteps of US history- after World War

II the MGI Bill provided free college education to returning war veterans, seeing a whopping

8 million service members earn their degrees.

The MGI Bill in many respects helped build the foundation of scientists, engineers, teachers

and thinkers who created the information age and catapulted the United States to its position

as a global leader.

That puts us at $530 billion, leaving us with $186 billion to go!

The UN estimates that nearly 800 million people don't have enough to eat every day- that's

about 10% of the world's population.

In order to combat world hunger, the UN wants to bring individuals around the world up to

the World Bank's poverty line of $1.25 a day- which would cost the world $116 billion a


However, just feeding people isn't solving the problem, and in order to radically change

the conditions of hundreds of millions of impoverished or working poor people around

the world the UN sees a need for an aggressive program of expanding irrigation, infrastructure,

and creating credit facilities and cash transfers via aid programs to help farmers and workers

get access to tools they need to help themselves.

That would cost the entire planet an estimated $151 billion a year, or right around .15%

of the total global GDP.

To us, investing in people so they can help themselves is far more attractive option than

just a hand out, so we're going to put up the $151 billion needed for the first year

of the UN's program to help the global poor.

That brings our total expenses so far to $681 billion, leaving us with $35 billion.

For our next few purchases, we think we've been more than charitable already- it's time

to spend on us, and boy have we got a special purchase in mind.

Move over, Queen Elizabeth, cuz your fancy digs are now officially ours.

With 775 rooms and sitting 5 stories across 828,821 square feet, Buckingham palace is

the most iconic residence in the world, and at a value of 2.7 billion US dollars, it's

practically a steal for our oversized budget.

But why stop with the Queen's home?

What's a kingly castle- or queenly in this case we suppose- without the bling that goes

along with it?

Spanning a collection of over 140 objects that range from crowns to swords, to altar

plates and fancy robes, and encrusted with 23,578 precious stones, the Crown jewels of

the United Kingdom are the most expensive collection of jewelry in the world.

This collection includes items such as the Cullinan I, the largest clear cut diamond

in the world at 530 carats, and the coronation spoon used to anoint the monarch as Supreme

Governor of the Church of England way back in the 12thcentury!

Estimates vary, but run as high as 6.3 billion US dollars for the whole collection!

That brings our total to $9 billion for our fancy new digs and our serious world class

bling, for a grand total of $690 billion, and $26 billion left over.

Next up we're going to indulge a little bit in our love for soccer and basketball both.

In 2018 the most valuable soccer clubs in the world were Manchester United at 4.1 billion,

and Real Madrid at 4.09 billion, with each team pulling in $737 and $735 million in revenue

every year.

At a combined price of 8.19 billion dollars, buying up these two soccer heavyweights- or

football as they are known literally everywhere but the US- is a smart investment, but we're

not done.

You have to spend money to make money, and we're going to go ahead and spend another

6.9 billion to buy two of the most popular basketball teams in the world: the New York

Knicks and the Los Angeles Lakers, each worth 3.6 and 3.3 billion respectively, and pulling

in $426 million and $371 million every year, for a combined total of $797 million revenue

a year!

That nets us a total income of 2.3 billion dollars every year for a one-time fee of $15.1

billion dollars- a very smart investment indeed!

That brings our total costs to $705.1 billion dollars, leaving us with $10.9 billion.

Our last purchase is going to be something for all of you- our adoring fans.

With 3,985,480 of you subscribed to us as of this writing, and more of you pushing us

to 4 million and beyond every day, we wanted to say thank you- so we're going to spend

10.9 billion dollars to buy all of you 34,187 ice cream sandwiches!

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Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!"

For more infomation >> Spend US Military Defense Budget ($716 Billion) In 24 Hours or Lose It All - CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:01.


World War 3: TERRIFYING moment Russian and US warplanes CLASH over Baltic sea - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:48.

World War 3: TERRIFYING moment Russian and US warplanes CLASH over Baltic sea

THE dangerous moment a Russian warplane pushes a US F-15 out of its flight path has been

captured from a nearby aircraft – as the jets almost collide.

The Russian fighter aggressively banked towards the US plane and forced it to change direction

with only five feet separating the two aircraft.

The Pentagon said that a Russian jet came dangerously close to one of its fighters over

the Black Sea on Monday.

It said the Russian aircraft intercepted a US Navy patrol plane in international airspace,

coming within five feet of the American plane, according to CBS.

Pentagon spokeswoman Captain Pamela Kunze said the Russian plane flew close to the plane

for two hours and 40 minutes before crossing directly into its flight path.

It is not yet known if that is the same incident as the one depicted in the video, or another

one of the numerous clashes that have taken place over the Black sea in recent months.

The 40-second clip was uploaded to Twitter on Thursday but it's not known where the altercation

took place.

Commenters on social media claimed the manoeuvre was executed over the Baltic Sea as a part

of a Baltic Air-policing mission.

The move comes as tensions between Russia and the US continue to rise.

The most recent escalation has involved the two nations backing opposing presidents in

the Venezuelan crisis.

Russia and China have lent support to incumbent president Maduro but many western nations,

including the US, have publicly supported his rival Juan Guaido.

The exchange has been labelled akin to those that took place in the Cold War.

There are widespread fears that Venezuela could constitute the first 'proxy' conflict

of a second Cold War between Russia the US and China.

The European Parliament recognised 's self-declared interim president Juan Guaido as de facto

head of state on Thursday, heightening international pressure on the OPEC member's socialist President

Nicolas Maduro.

EU governments, divided over whether to recognise Guaido, also agreed to lead an international

crisis group with South American nations to seek new elections, setting a 90-day time

limit, and threatening further economic sanctions.

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