That HURTS!!!!!
Nice DRIFT!!
Koenigsegg won the race!!!!
Eric Trump Breaks His Silence, Drops TRUTH BOMB About President Trump – JAWS ARE DROPPING - Duration: 20:42.Eric Trump Breaks His Silence, Drops TRUTH BOMB About President Trump – JAWS ARE DROPPING
For nearly two weeks, President Donald Trump has been traveling abroad, meeting with officials
and heads of state throughout Europe and the Middle East.
And while multiple media outlets have found a whole host of reasons to criticize the president's
— and first lady's — actions overseas, the president himself has called the trip
a success.
President Trump said on Twitter: Just returned from Europe.
Trip was a great success for America.
Hard work but big results!
And First Son Eric Trump, who took a walk at the Trump National Golf Club with Jesse
Watters of "Watters World" on Fox News, couldn't agree more:
"He did so well.
Just the images — when he arrived in Saudi Arabia and the respect they gave him.
You know, one of the things I always talked about on the campaign trail was the lack of
respect that we were receiving around the world.
I see it all the time, in tons and tons of different countries, they just didn't respect
America for a long time."
Trump mentioned his father's visits to Israel ("one of our greatest allies") and the
Vatican, noting that the reception was just different now.
But the most damning statement came at the very beginning of the interview when Trump
called the Russian investigation "a hoax":
"It's a witch hunt.
It's nonsense.
It's really insane.
Listen, there was a political party that got beaten very badly by a man who came out of
nowhere, who every body wrote off, who everybody gave no chance to…
They outspent us seven to one, and he won.
There's some pretty disappointed people out there, so they want to further a narrative
for their own political agenda…"
And that's when he dropped the hammer: "I really believe that they would rather see
this country fail than
see him succeed."
Help Needed Azure Organic Farm In Oregon About to be Forcibly - health - Duration: 2:22.Help Needed: Azure Organic Farm In Oregon About to be Forcibly Mass Poisoned With Glyphosate
By The County Government
Azure Farms, which is currently an entirely organic farm, may soon be forcibly sprayed
with Monsanto�s death spray known as Roundup.
If the local county authority has their way, a court order could be implemented, which
would force the small farm to go against their organic standards and poison their own crops.
Azure Standard is currently owned by Ecclesia of Sinai and operates a 2,000-acre Azure Farms
which is near Moro, Oregon.
According to the company, Sherman County authorities have changed their current laws from forcing
farms to control weeds to forcing them to eradicate them.
If this takes place, they could lose their organic certification which they have had
for 18 years.
Furthermore, they state that the county may even do the spraying themselves and that they
could put a lien on the farm to pay for the process.
After supposed complaints from outside farms stating that because of Azure they had experienced
problems with weeds like Rush Skeleton Weed, Canada Thistle, Morning Glory and White Top,
Sherman county issued a request to the farm to provide a �weed management plan.� If
the farm did not respond to the request, they were threatened with a quarantine.
Due to this, the manager of Azure Farms, Nathan Stelzer, along with various activist groups,
have called for help.
They are asking supporters to, �Overwhelm the Sherman County representatives with your
If the quarantine is allowed to pass, it would affect over 2,000 organic acres of farm land,
causing them to be sprayed with toxic chemicals that are bad for the environment as well as
the people consuming them.
Furthermore, Azure Farms could be seized.
If you are a firm supported or organic farming an believe that the local authorities should
leave them alone
Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło says true about EU and imigrants - Duration: 1:37.I have the courage to say
I have the courage to say to ask all European political elites a question:
Where are you heading to?
Euerope, where are you heading to?
Get up freom your knees and snap out of the lethargy
or you are going to mourn your children every day.
If you cannot see this
If you cannot see this
that today terrorist danger is a fact
that can hurt every European country every day
and you think that Poland should not defend itself
you are going hand in hand with those
who point this weapon against the Europe
against all of us.
And it need to be told clearly and directly:
This is an attack on Europe
on our culture, our tradition.
Why an I talking about that?
Why an I talking about that?
This is a good question
because not only all of us in this room have to answer the question
but also all people in Europe have to answer the question:
Do we want politicians
that claim that we have to get used to attacks
and who describe terrorists attacks as "incidents"
or do we want strong politicians that can see a danger and can fight against it efficiently
David bowie || Who is he || The Secret about him - Duration: 3:44.David bowie || Who is he || The Secret about him
Top 10 Lesser Known Facts About George Washington - Duration: 11:39.Top 10 Lesser Known Facts About George Washington
Started the First Worldwide War
Although he's a central figure in the American Revolutionary War, Washington had an even
more significant role in a larger scale conflict that is often overlooked in American history.
In 1754, Washington was a Lieutenant Colonel in command of forty troops that had been dispatched
to intercept a column of French troops in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
While this was technically still peace time, tensions were high, as the year before Washington
had led a retinue to the French Fort Duquesne to demand they leave the territory, and it
had been only through a mighty show of force that the French had surrendered the fort without
a fight.
So it was that on May 28, Washington's small command found the French column, and despite
having been ordered not to engage the enemy, Washington ordered a sneak attack.
He was, after all, only about 22 years old and eager to prove himself, even if it meant
defying orders.
They killed a small number of French soldiers, wounded a few others, and took 21 prisoners.
According to, his small engagement was the flashpoint that led to the rival nations
of France and Great Britain enlarging their armed forces in the colonies, and in time
the war spilled over into Europe.
It became known as the Seven Years' War, and it was the deadliest conflict of the Eighteenth
Century. puts the number of dead from that conflict at 853,000, far exceeding the
total combined forces engaged in the American Revolution, let alone the number of casualties.
Makes the "Shot Heard Round the World" seem almost quaint.
Signed a Murder Confession
Well before it escalated to the Seven Years War, in the immediate aftermath of Washington's
unauthorized sneak attack it became clear it was a British/Colonial boondoggle.
It turned out the French column was actually on a diplomatic mission, and Smithsonian Magazine
states they had the documentation to prove it.
The diplomat in question was an Ensign Joseph Jumonville, and according to Washington, he
was killed in the immediate aftermath of the attack when a Native American, who went by
the nickname Half King, put a tomahawk in his brain.
A larger French force was dispatched to deal with the treacherous British and Washington
responded by falling back to an improvised log defense dubbed Fort Necessity.
Even after being reinforced by more than a hundred extra soldiers, Washington decided
to surrender without another shot being fired.
During the process Washington was made to sign a document, wherein he confessed to having
murdered Jumonville.
In Washington's defense, he signed the document under extreme duress and it was written in
French, a language he was not familiar with.
Rather than being court-martialed for disobeying orders and ignominiously surrendering, not
to mention literally signing a confession, the British propaganda machine took Washington's
The British were determined to have North America for themselves and they needed to
rally support for their cause instead of admitting defeat, and heaping scorn on the impulsive
lieutenant colonel would do nothing to help achieve that goal.
It took seven years of fighting, but eventually the British won and greatly expanded their
American colonies, which as we now know would ultimately prove their undoing on that continent.
Did Not Have Wooden Teeth: Had Something Almost Worse
These days the historical trivia note that Washington had wooden teeth is so widely debunked
that it's probably harder to find someone who does believe it.
This is not to say he had good teeth: he was having them taken out as young as 24.
By 1789, the year he was elected president, he was down to one tooth still in his gums.
The rest were his own refitted into dentures, nine were possibly form black people, and
others were from whalebone.
Even by the standards of the time they were unsightly, and
the misconception they were wooden was likely due to their discolored appearance.
Although the dental problems so embarrassed Washington that he tried to keep them secret,
they ultimately proved hugely advantageous in their own way.
In 1781, a correspondence with a French dentist named Dr. Jean-Pierre Le Mayeur included notes
that indicated Washington planned to stay in New York City.
One of his letters was intercepted by the British, and they believed the letter indicated
that it would be safe for a large contingent of British troops to move to a community called
As it happened, Washington had changed his mind and moved to trap the British in the
most decisive American victory of the war.
Signed the Most Slavery-Friendly Law
As with many of the Founding Fathers, slavery was an unerasable stain on Washington's
legacy and a fixture of his life.
The New York Times said he was an owner of ten slaves when he was only 11 years old,
after his father's death.
By the time of his marriage in 1759, the number had grown to 80, and by 1776 it was 150.
By the time of his death, between he and his wife Martha Custis Washington, he had 317.
Certain historical notes may seem to slightly redeem or at least complicate his feelings.
In 1778 he wrote about wanting to get out of the business of owning slaves.
When he died in 1799, his will stipulated that he wanted all the slaves owned by his
family freed (this amounted to about half of them).
But all this is overshadowed by a particularly nasty piece of legislation he urged to be
pushed through congress in 1793.
Known as the Fugitive Slave Act, it stipulated that slaveowners could cross any state boundaries
in pursuit of escapees.
It put a fine of $500 on anyone who sheltered a runaway slave or even aided them, an amount tells us is more than eight years' salary for a teacher in Virginia at the time.
Spent Final Years Pursuing a Single Escaped Slave
The most remembered person ever forced into servitude under Washington was Ona "Oney"
Judge, one of the slaves Washington and his wife had with him in Philadelphia, whose main
duty was attending to Martha's personal needs.
In May 1796, she slipped out of the Washington home.
She had no shortage of help, as Philadelphia was so anti-slavery at the time that any slave
that lived there for six months was automatically freed (Washington had gotten around this by
merely regularly rotating his staff).
An article about Ona Judge on reports that Martha, for her part, seemed
personally offended that a slave she felt she'd treated well would want to leave,
refusing to believe Judge would ever want to leave of her own free will.
Meanwhile, George initially tried to keep the incident under wraps while in abolitionist
Eventually he relented, had notices posted offering a $10 reward for aid in recapturing
her, and asked the Secretary of the Treasury for help in bringing her back.
After being smuggled to New York City, for a time the president was able to get back
in touch with her.
Naturally, George was unable to persuade her to return to bondage without threat of physical
force, and was worried using physical force would have caused "a riot on the docks."
Eventually she made her way to the community of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
She married a local freeborn black sailor and spent the final 50 years of her life a
fugitive and favorite of abolitionist papers.
Even when George Washington died three years later, he still had agents on the hunt for
Massive Moonshine Distiller
A popular misconception is that, since George Washington and other Founding Fathers grew
hemp on their plantations, they must have been smoking it.
That's extremely unlikely, as they grew a species of hemp with little THC in it, which
would have been nearly worthless for getting a buzz.
Besides, Washington had a much more viable source of inebriation at Mount Vernon in the
form of a huge whiskey distillery.
How huge was it?
Big enough that it yielded more than 11,000 gallons a year, according to CBS, making it
one of the nation's largest.
Of course, Washington couldn't go through all that even if he threw lavish house parties,
so he sold most of it off at a tidy profit.
It's enough to make you wonder if Sam Adams should really be the Founding Father whose
name we most associate with alcohol.
HATED Becoming the President
An ambitious go-getter on the battlefield and a math enthusiast, you would think the
highest office in the country of his birth would be a plum position for Washington.
It should have seemed all the sweeter when the results came in from Congress on February
4 and said that of the sixty-nine votes, he'd won all of them.
He was the only American president to be elected by unanimous vote.
As tells us, Washington was aware that in 1789 he had the support of the public
as well as the landed gentry.
Nevertheless, Washington hated assuming the position.
He'd spent months trying to get around being appointed to the position, or flat out refusing
it prior to his unanimous election.
In private, he removed any sense of ambiguity about his feelings, such as when he wrote
to his friend Edward Rutledge that accepting the office meant "giving up all expectations
of private happiness."
Presidency Massively Criticized by Other Founding Fathers
Despite initial overwhelming support for Washington in Congress, the press, and the public, by
the start of Washington's second term it was a very different story.
One of the milder critics was John Adams, who said the president was "too illiterate,
unread, and unlearned for his station."
Thomas Jefferson took a much harsher attitude in 1795 after Washington signed the controversial
Jay Treaty, which gave favorable trading deals to Great Britain in exchange for moving British
troops out of forts in territory outside the United States.
He accused Washington of treason over that.
Just before Washington left the office, Thomas Paine went to the press to accuse him of monopolizing
for his own profit and his favorites, and depriving veterans.
Amidst all this, many other newspapers criticized Washington too, of their own volition, and
it was a large contributor to his decision to retire.
Invented Farming Equipment and Designs
After leaving the presidency, Washington devoted his twilight years to what had been his true
passion all along: Farming.
But being the sort of man he was, he of course needed to be in some way exceptional at it.
He created an object called a "drill plow," which was a huge time saver in that it planted
seeds at the same time it tilled the soil.
But more significant was his 1797 innovation, the Threshing Barn.
Essentially, it was a 15-sided brick building that was two stories tall, and the top floor
was used to beat the wheat against the floor until the chaff was sorted out and the seeds
fell to the bottom floor.
Of course, it should be mentioned that working in it was something Washington delegated to
the slaves.
Experimental Blood Transfusion Proposal
On December 14, 1799, at age 67, Washington passed away from an obstructive epiglottis,
having only noticed the symptoms of it the day before.
It must be said, though, that his condition was very likely not helped at all by the team
of doctors dispatched to help him, and who concluded that bleeding was Washington's
best hope.
Over 12 hours, they drained a staggering 40 percent of his blood.
After he expired, in part because so much blood had been removed, a very odd proposal
came up: Putting blood from another creature in.
Yes, you read that right.
Not another person's blood.
Another creature's.
One of those present at Washington's death was a William Thornton, a student from Edinburgh
in Scotland.
Since blood transfusions were relatively new to the field of medicine, some had claimed
they could work medical miracles, including reviving the dead.
Despite those outlandish claims, when he offered to give the corpse a transfusion of lamb's
blood, the family understandably declined.
Unknown Fact About Kartik Mohsin Khan Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
NBK About faceit players - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING Trump Breaks His Silence About White House Leakers, It's BRUTAL - Duration: 16:25.BREAKING Trump Breaks His Silence About White House Leakers, It's BRUTAL
Those who leak sensitive classified information seem to think they can get away with it.
President Trump is about to change that in a big way.
President Trump has launched a "complete" investigation into leakers.
He said, "the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
They are finally going to prison.
Finally, those who seek to gain petty political points by undermining American national security
will face the punishment they deserve!
For the lives the leakers have ended or endangered by leaking sensitive information, especially
when it was just for political gain, the leakers should be serving serious prison time.
If that justice is carried out, they won't be leaving jail until they go to the morgue.
They'll never see the light of day again, which is what they deserve!
At first, when I heard this statement, I thought President Trump was being a little optimistic
in assuming there was only a single leaker.
Then again, I think his statement might have been designed to scare the leakers personally,
who must have felt like he was talking directly to them, and collectively referring to them
as one "culprit."
How terrifying for the leakers — they must be sweating right about now, and how thrilling
for us patriots.
The Justice Department will be conducting the investigation, and Attorney General Jeff
Sessions is completely on-board.
Session's own statement on the investigation likely added to the leaker's fear.
He said, "These leaks cannot be tolerated, and we will make every effort to put an end
to it.
We have already initiated appropriate steps to address these rampant leaks that undermine
our national security."
It has already begun.
Just in time, too, because it seems like the latest terror attack in Manchester has pushed
the United Kingdom's government over the edge.
Just afterwards, the failing New York Times, ever unconcerned about sharing intelligence,
published photos of the Manchester attack.
These photos revealed critical evidence.
Police officials in the United Kingdom are furious.
Not only do they need access to any such evidence we possess, but they also need to control
the flow of information until their investigations have concluded.
Even afterwards, they'd prefer a media blackout — especially if there's going to be a
trial connected to the attack.
As always, the mainstream media could care less if lives, or justice, are at stake.
The British think the leaker may be in U.S. law enforcement, but no one is sure.
Trump has a pretty good idea who it is.
Theresa May has spoken out on this incident, claiming that Americans and Brits must work
together to keep sensitive information secret, and to stop leakers.
We couldn't agree more!
What do you think the investigation into the leakers will find?
Please share the story on Facebook and tell us what you think because we want
YOUR voice!
TRUMP WINS AGAIN Media Just Caught Lying Red Handed About This That Has Trump Grinning From Ear To E - Duration: 2:09.TRUMP WINS AGAIN Media Just Caught Lying Red Handed About This That Has Trump Grinning
From Ear To Ear
By Stacy Law
It�s getting pretty embarrassing out there for the ol Main Stream Media!
Their lies are catching up with them and they are �left� looking like the fools they
This time, several news agencies �reported� a story that spread like wild fire.
It was kind of like a game of Telephone, where one person says something, then everyone else
just repeats what the first person said.
Here�s what happened: a BBC reporter started a story that President Trump did not bother
to listen to a translation of the Italian Prime Minister�s speech at the G7 Summit.
He tweeted a short clip and a claim that Trump was the only world leader not listening to
a translation through headphones.
Here�s what the first person in their terrible game said:
(Note how Trump�s right ear is carefully concealed)
Here�s just one childish video of the �scandal:�
And, from that �evidence� alone, the media ran rampant.
They gleefully spread the �story,� because it was a way to, once again, show Trump in
a negative light.
To try to paint him as a rude, incompetent idiot.
That�s what they�re trying to do, right?
Only they are the ones with egg on their collective media faces!
Instead of earphones, President Trump WAS listening with interest, through an ear piece
in his right ear!
I, for one, am quite certain I know who the incompetent idiots are.
And it�s NOT our President!
If you know that the media is incompetent, too, let�s spread THIS story like wildfire,
Please, SHARE this, and get it world-wide!
(please enable subtitles) Help send Don (PUI -All About U) to #WCBU2017 - Duration: 5:59.Hi! This is Don Laczi of Philippine Ultimate Images
and This is #AllAboutU!
It inspires me actually... It started here.
That's why we are here right now in Boracay. Because this is where it all started
during the training of our National Team
the Boracay Dragons for Dubai (Beach) Worlds
Then when we got there in Dubai,
I saw the other companies or group of photographers like Ultiphotos and Get Horizontal
who really inspired me that we can also do what they're doing here in the Philippines
I know there are many talented Videographers & photographers around here
and many of them are passionate about Ultimate Frisbee
So I want to share to all what I experienced when I was there in Dubai.
It's really a one of a kind experience when you're actually there.
So that's what inspired me and why PUI now exists.
Philippine Ultimate Images
is a group of passionate people who cover Ultimate Frisbee here in the Philippines
PUI doesn't only cover/doesn't only highlight games here
We also highlight the people who play Ultimate Frisbee
and the people behind Ultimate Frisbee here in the Philippines
where the sport had grown to spread in many areas.
And we are trying to showcase it to the world
how big our community has become.
And also to help other photographers and videographers here in our country.
For enable them to improve their quality of making images when it comes to Ultimate Frisbee.
Vision.. Actually I have a big vision for PUI.
Hopefully in the future we're a bigger team and we're able to cover more
- every big tournament here in the Philippines, abroad or wherever we have teams representing the Philippines.
hopefully we can bring PUI to cover not just here in our country but to be able to be known also worldwide.
To have many more photographers who will have the same passion in covering Ultimate
- Photographers and Videographers
Because for me and I know for all of you as well, we see how fast Ultimate has grown here.
And it seems that we have yet to have a group of people who will cover Ultimate Frisbee.
So, we got ahead and took the initiative.
But this is for all of us.
That's why it's All About U.
And my dream that someday there will be a lot of us who will cover.
And we will get to see a lot of images
and have more stories to tell.
I have a lot of plans.
One of the ultimate goals of PUI is to one day,
when Ultimate Frisbee would be part of the Olympics
like 2 years or 5 years from now
The ultimate goal of PUI is to cover the Olympics. To be able to cover our Philippine team in the Olympics
Because for me and I know for other sports photographers,
Once you've covered Olympics,
It's like the pinnacle of your career. It's like, that's it! you're there.
So, that's my dream and what my partners in PUI dream for as well.
That's it really.
Especially now that we know that the Philippines
is one of the strongest teams in the world when it comes to Ultimate.
Once we reach that, it will be the biggest achievement of PUI and of Philippine Ultimate as a community.
Objectway - About us - Duration: 1:44.
It Wasn't Innocent Macron Says Famous Trump Handshake Was About - Duration: 2:16.It Wasn't Innocent Macron Says Famous Trump Handshake Was About Getting Respect
by Tyler Durden
Of all the sights during Trump's first trip abroad, his handshake with France's youngest
ever president, Emanual Macron, was the most memorable as well as symbolic.
At their first meeting ahead of a NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday, the two men locked
hands for so long and hard, their knuckles turned white.
When Trump tried to let go first, the French leader held the shake for a few seconds more.
Both men�s jaws seemed to clench.
With the handshake prompting a flurry of interpretative media reports, and on Sunday Macron told France's
Le Journal du Dimanche, that his now famous white-knuckle handshake showdown with U.S.
counterpart Donald Trump was "a moment of truth", designed to show that he's no pushover.
Macron also said that "my handshake with him, it wasn't innocent" according to the AP.
Macron said that he wanted to "show he would not make small concessions, not even symbolic
ones, but also not overdo things".
Macron also told the French newspaper that his approach to the encounter had been about
getting respect.
"Donald Trump, the Turkish president or the Russian president see things in terms of power
relationships, which doesn't bother me.
I don't believe in diplomacy through public criticism but in my bilateral dialogues I
don't let anything pass.
That is how you get respect."
Trump's hand contact with foreign leaders has been closely scrutinized since he took
Memorable episodes include nearly tearing out Japan PM Shinzo Abe's arm during their
first meeting in the White House which started with a bizarre 19 second handshake, refusing
to shake Angela Merkel's hand in March, and a "clever neutralization" by Justin Trudeau
during their first handshake encounter.
What you need to know about this year's Memorial Day ceremonies at Punchbowl - Duration: 2:46.MEANS PARKING FOR THE MEMORIAL
It's always heart-warming to see
have the younger folks that are
learning how to appreciate their
veterans and what
As in past years the scouts were
on hand with enough lei
with flowers... ready
for Monday's ceremony.
this year is the 50th
commemorative year of the
vietnam war so we combined
ceremonies with the state and
with the veterans administration
and our
Officials expect about 3-
thousand people to attend.
That's triple than the usual
amount of participants on
Memorial Day.
able to accommodate all
the cars so we are saying no
personal vehicles are being
Parking is available at places
like the Alapai Transit Center
we've made accomodations in
terms of where we can set up
how we are going to set up and
just to make sure
information center are under
THE PACIFIC: in addition to all
the construction we are
updating courts of the missing
and those names are going to
come down so of them will be
updated and some of the have
SARA MATTISON: the project
THE PACIFIC: 6800 additional
niches that will allow us to
serve the veteran population
here in hawaii for
2017 Stanley Cup Final: Bryan Rust talks about Sidney Crosby, Kris Letang - Duration: 1:44.Some of the spectacular plays that he makes
and some of the goals he has — like that
one-handed goal he had in Buffalo —
or things like that are just ...
I don't think I'm surprised by how many there are,
but they do kind of make you step back and
think 'Wow, this guy's something special.'
He just keeps kind of rising to the occasion.
He keeps getting better and better.
Just to be able to come to the rink and kind of learn
from a guy like that, and watch how he approaches
on the ice stuff to off the ice stuff.
You just got to learn and try to take little tidbits
from what he does.
And try to kind of add to my repertoire.
Reporter: Another teammate, Kris Letang, is hurt.
How much is he a part of the team away from the ice?
And just maybe a rallying cry to kind of win for him?
I think everybody's got him in the back of our mind.
He's been such a huge part of this organization
for a long time now and he was a huge part
of this team this year and obviously it's unfortunate
to see what happened to him and get that news,
but I mean, I think for us having him in the back of our
mind and having him around the rink is good,
because I think in a sense we are gonna try to do
this for a him a little bit because he would do anything
to be out there with us.
Reporter: There were a couple times where you were
out of the lineup as well.
How difficult is it, when you're going to the playoffs,
to miss a game and have to watch a different man play?
Yeah, um, it stinks.
There's really no other way to put it.
You're sitting there, wanting to be out there
try and help the team do everything.
But you're kind of helpless.
I think that might make you a little bit more nervous
when you're watching the game than playing the game.
At least when you're playing, you have some control
over what happens out there.
All about...PHRASAL VERBS - Duration: 7:21.hello everyone how are you today, this is
Marc I'm doing great thanks for asking
John has to make up a lesson this week I
wonder if it's up for it in this lesson
I'm going to talk about phrasal verbs so
stay tuned great in this lesson we're
going to talk about an exciting topic
that is phrasal verbs phrasal verbs are
very important in English why because we
use them every day we use them
informally so what do I mean by formally
by for example talking to someone or by
typing an email to a friend we use them
every day a phrasal verb is two or
more words put together to create a new
meaning the second point that I wrote
about phrasal verbs is they're used
mostly in informal context as opposed to
Latinate verbs they're verbs that have a
Latin root for example put off put off
is the same as postpone or let down as
opposed to disappoint and make over
which is renovate another if you want to
say renovate is more formal the third
point that I want to mention is that
there can verb + adverb the
examples here are set off which means
leave keep on which means persist sit
down obviously you know what it means
and the last one catch on be accepted
now there also can be verb + preposition
for example look after and it means to
take care or come across find the my
chance and the last one can be verb +
adverb + preposition look forward to
it means can't wait for or come up
against encounter and the last one put
up with tolerate I can't put up with
this teacher he gives me the creeps I'm joking
so also phrasal verbs can be separable
in separable or both separable phrasal
verbs are the ones that you can separate
actually for example ask somebody out
this means to invite on a date for
example I asked Mary out last night so
in this case we separate the phrasal
verb ask Mary somebody out inseparable
phrasal verbs are the ones that you
can't separate for example get together
get together or look after right here
always state the same for example let's
get together tomorrow
you cannot say let's get to work
together no let's get together tomorrow
both separable and inseparable what do I
mean by this you will see it in a second
take off the plane took off at 5:00 p.m.
and this is one meaning now if I
separate the take off take something off
it means something else for example she
took her t-shirt off she took her
t-shirt off another example call in so
in this case we have together so
inseparable he called him early this
this means communicate by phone or if we
want to separate it I need to call a
specialist in summon for assistance now
a very important phrasal or phrasal verbs
that you can find are the ones
have get and there is a special lesson
on get if you click here you can watch
that lesson so get by itself means a lot
of things like fetch arrive buy etc if you
add an adjective it takes the form of
reflexive for example get married get
thirsty get wet
etc if you add a particle a particle can
be a preposition or an adverb it becomes a
phrasal verb so it changes completely
the meaning for example get away it
means to escape or get back it means to
recover to retrieve or get by survive
financially I also mentioned get
together etc so most importantly how do
we learn phrasal verbs well by writing a
sentence of your own for example or by
reading or by watching a movie obviously
you need to be immersed in the language
so not just you know I'm telling you
this but write an example of your own
and then maybe we have a teacher or
someone who knows English correct it if
you wish you can write your own example
under this video and I will correct it
okay so now let's recap in this video we
talked about phrasal verbs what are they
there are two or more words put together
to create a new meaning
there can be separable inseparable or
both they're actually used in everyday
English informally when talking to a
friend or when writing an email to a
friend etc that's it for today thank you
very much for watching if you have
questions if you have comments or if you
want to post your own example of a
phrasal verb you may do so under this
video please if you liked the video
share it with your friends and if you
haven't subscribed to my channel I
suggest you do next week you'll get a new
lesson have a great day and see you
next week take care bye-bye
What Comic Fans Know About Star-Lord That You Don't - Duration: 4:26.Fans of Guardians of the Galaxy know one thing for sure: Peter Quill is a pretty gnarly dude.
With a name like Star-Lord, it's pretty much a moral imperative to become a kick-butt space
But is there more to Quill than meets the eye?
Here's what comic fans know about Star-Lord that you don't.
Star-Lord's nickname is ironic
Every hero needs a code-name, even if it's one you make up for yourself that nobody else
uses or has even heard of.
In the comics, though, the name is an ironic one, as Quill's dad is literally a star lord
named J'Son, ruler of Spartax.
He wants Quill to follow in his footsteps, but Quill nopes out of it, keeping the name
as a bit of a middle finger to dad.
Star-Lord has 3 different origin stories
There are two routes you can go with superhero origins.
Either you can have one origin that you retell ten billion times, like Batman and his perpetually
dying parents, or you can just have a whole bunch of different, conflicting origins to
keep things interesting.
That's the case with Star-Lord, who has had three different backstories.
Originally, he was an astronaut who ended up becoming a spacecop.
That was tweaked later, introducing the idea that he joined the galactic pirates known
as the Ravagers before becoming Star-Lord.
And then there's the movie version, which swipes elements from both while giving him
a totally different dad in the form of Kurt Russell.
At least none of Star-Lord's origin stories involve slow motion pearls.
He wasn't originally a Guardian of the Galaxy
When Star-Lord first appeared, he had nothing to do with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
In fact, that's the case for every single one of the film's characters with the exception
of Yondu.
He was one of the original Guardians of the Galaxy when they first debuted way back in
It wasn't until 2008 that Star-Lord ended up putting together a new team of Guardians
alongside Gamora, Rocket, Groot, and Drax.
"They call themselves The Guardians of the Galaxy."
"What a bunch of a-holes."
Gamora and Peter aren't an item
In the movies, there's a clear will they - won't they flirtation between Star-Lord and Gamora.
But in the comics, you know, not so much.
Gamora has historically been romantically linked to Thanos's archenemy Adam Warlock,
though she also had a thing with the man called Nova, Richard Ryder.
Since he doesn't seem to exist yet in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that romance is
a long shot on the big screen, but it has a better chance of happening than Peter's
comic book romance with the X-Men's Kitty Pryde.
Since the movie rights to Kitty are tied up at a different movie studio, their love is
tragically doomed.
Hey kids, comics!
One of the great things about comics is that pretty much any random thing the writers can
possibly think of is bound to eventually happen.
So while the adventures of the movie Star-Lord have been pretty weird, the films are nothing
compared to the shenanigans he's gotten up to in the comics.
For instance, at one point he briefly became king of the planet Spartax, while at another
point, he was trapped in an alternate dimension called the Cancerverse where he was unable
to die.
And in a twist the movie version of Peter Quill would no doubt love, in one storyline
he became a professional lounge singer.
Rock on, Star-Lord!
Star-Lord dated his spaceship
Fans of the movie might be aware of the fact that director James Gunn named their ship
The Milano after childhood crush Alyssa Milano.
But in the comics, Star-Lord had a very different ship who was a key part of his adventures
- because the ship was sentient.
Known simply as Ship most of the time, Ship was actually the imprisoned consciousness
of a sentient star named Aurora.
At one point, Ship managed to gain physical form and totally made out with Star-Lord before
her body was destroyed and she just became a starship again.
That's… kind of creepy.
There was another Star-Lord
It might be hard to imagine anyone but Chris Pratt as Star-Lord, but during a brief stint
in the mid-'90s, a totally different character took up the name.
While Peter Quill was out of action, a psychic space cop named Sinjin Quarrel found Ship
and Star-Lord's gear and basically appropriated everything for himself.
Apparently when it comes to superhero codenames, finders keepers, losers weepers.
If it isn't Star-Prince."
"It's Star-Lord."
"Oh, sorry.
I picked this guy up awhile back for petty theft.
He's got a codename!"
Thanks for watching!
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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Everything GOOD & BAD About Dragon Ball Super Episode 92 - Duration: 11:57.-------------------------------------------
Real Scary Stories From Reddit About The Hat Man - Duration: 8:01.Many people have reported that they had an encounter with a frightening, dark shadow
man who is wearing an old hat.
The so called Hat Man always seems to invoke intense fear and fright when seen by witnesses.
In this video, we want to take a look at some real accounts of Hat Man sightings from reddit.
I only just found out about the hat man yesterday and at first I didn't react so much to the
story's I read.
but then something came back to me that happened to me as a child.
I was 9 or 10 years old and a very lonely child and I used to walk around my neighborhood
on my own just admiring nature.
So one day in broad daylight I was walking down the street and for some reason I stopped
outside one of the apartments basement window because I noticed something in the corner
of my eye.
So I turned to look inside and there stood a tall, thin old man with a black top hat
and all dressed in black.
At first I could only see him in profile but he must have known I was looking at him, because
he slowly turned to me and looked up and all I could see and remember was the creepiest
smile I've ever seen and big hollow eyes staring at me.
He looked so evil and unreal.
I freezed at first to afraid to move but then I just ran as fast as I could down the street
crying my eyes out.
I never walked past that window again I was sitting on my couch watching TV and
I felt like someone was watching me so I opened my eyes.
There was a black figure wearing a long trench like coat and a hat reaching out his arm with
his index finger pointed toward me as if he was going to touch me.
Then he disappeared.
I wasn't afraid of him.
He just seemed curious.
This happened while I was in the process of moving out of my first apartment about 30
years ago.
It was the first place I rented all by myself and I had lots of odd experiences there but
that's another story...
I remember I was there moving the last boxes out by myself one night and I swear I had
been seeing things out of the corner of my eye all day, like shadows or silhouettes.
I have always been skeptical though and just assumed my eyes are playing tricks on me.
Anyways, I remember I knocked over this old German sword that I had stored in my bedroom
and when I bent over to pick it up its like I felt this presence behind me.
You can tell when someone is directly behind you and that's exactly how it felt.
At the same time I recall I felt cold all over, It could be that I was just freaking
out for no reason but I swear the temperature dropped like people say, "cold spots."
I turned around but there was no one there.
my kitchen still felt very cold.
For some reason, I saw a disposable camera that I had left on the counter and thought
that I would snap a picture of my bedroom doorway where I had just been standing, I
don't know where I got the idea, I must have seen it in some scary movie or other at some
When I developed the film I nearly shit myself.
I hadn't heard anyone talk about the "hat man" until much later in the mid 2000s but
I believe that is exactly who I met...
Here is the Picture in question.
A while before my grandmother passed away she decided to stop taking all of her medications.
She ended up in the hospital and hallucinated quite a bit.
So, maybe this was just a hallucination but she told me she saw a tall thin man with a
top hat in the corner of her room.
She said his hat would slide up and down the wall.
Maybe this isn't paranormal but I've heard others describe similar encounters
I had a long, involved bout of sleep paralysis in my early 20's (41 now).
I had been experiencing sleep paralysis pretty often and had seen the shadow people on several
One night, I "woke up" (to sleep paralysis) to them circling my bed.
They moved faster and faster until they became a blur.
Then I saw one that was not moving within the circle, but he was hovered over my bed
wearing a top hat.
When he saw that I saw him, he aggressively "got in my face" and moved his head around
mine like he was trying to smell me or something.
I struggled and struggled to wake up, then I suppose you would say "came out of my body"
but I felt as heavy like my "astral" body was made out of lead, so I rolled and fell
onto the floor.
I saw, sitting in the floor cross legged, what looked to be an apparition of myself,
when I was young.
It was full color but transparent.
Sort of like a hologram.
My younger self or holographic apparition said to me "be careful" or "it's going to
be okay" or maybe both?
The message was unclear.
I crawled into my Mothers room and she was laying in the bed, propped up on a bunch of
pillows but my Dad wasn't in the bed with her.
I told her I was scared.
She said "me too".
I said "I had a bad dream".
She said "so did I" I said, what did you dream about?
At this point she lifted the covers on my Dad's side of the bed.
I got in the bed with her and she lifted my arm into the air.
At this point I actually woke up from the sleep paralysis and my arm was in the air.
I stayed up the rest of the night freaking out because I knew that dream must have meant
About a week later, early one morning a neighbor woke me up and told me my Father was outside
being taken by ambulance because he was having a "bad dizzy spell".
I got dressed and went outside.
They were loading him in at this point and all I saw were his feet.
As soon as I saw his feet I knew he was about to die.
Everyone else said "no he was just dizzy " We got to the hospital and about a half hour
later we found out a blood clot hit the back of his brain stem.
Choices were ,allow him to live the remainder of his life as a vegetable or cut off life
We cut off the life support.
Was this all a coincidence?
Who can say?
My only experience so far with a shadow figure was a few years ago at a friend's house.
I was on the couch watching TV, with the lights on and my friend was in his room doing something.
I look over to my left and there against the wall is a shadow figure of a man about 6ft.
I'm just looking at him and he is looking at me.
He turns his head away and starts seamlessly moving towards the hall.
I get off the couch to go after him and watch him disappear through the cracks of a door.
I'm only mentioning this because he had a hat on.
Not a top hat, or a fedora, it had a front bill but didn't look like a baseball hat.
Maybe a newsboy cap?
This is my first post on Reddit.
I've been reading paranormal stories for months after a friend said I should post my stories
I've had many paranormal/very weird experiences in my life.
I find this interesting because while I've read many shadow figure stories, this is the
first with the figure in a hat and I myself had similar experience
Thank you guys for watching.
I hope you liked this episode.
If you want your own stories to be told please send me an email.
You can also like this video and subscribe to my channel.
Stay frosty
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