Sorry, don't do her you jew.
no offense to jewish people, it was just a joke
아임 쏘리 강남구 110회 I am Sorry but i Love You Ep 110 - Duration: 37:23.Hold on.
Why do you have Min Joon's necklace?
I don't have it.
CEO Shin showed it to me before his accident.
Then what have you come here to ask?
I thought I should know if I were to find your son.
Is it really...
his necklace?
Yes, it is.
Min Joon and I...
each have one.
Only two of them exist in this world.
Can you show me yours?
I can't. I gave it to Do Hoon,
but he hid it somewhere.
what about the other necklace?
My son would probably have it with him.
If he's alive, I mean.
Just find him,
and I'll pay you all the money you want.
Can't you stop flaunting your money for one second?
Don't you want it now?
That's not what you said during my slush fund ordeal.
I should've taken it then.
See? You regret it now.
People are all the same, you know.
I should've taken it and died.
What are you talking about?
If only Do Hoon had...
run me over.
It would've all been over.
You can quit finding my son, but don't you dare yell at me.
What's wrong with you?
I'm finding your son.
Shouldn't you be more kind and encouraging?
Like your husband.
Why can't you...
at least show some gratitude?
That's why he was victimized. Don't you get that?
This is why...
your life has come down to this.
Know that.
Why is this my fault? It's Do Hoon's.
This all happened because of you.
Why is it Do Hoon's fault?
If only you hadn't killed your own nephew...
Actually, if only you hadn't made Do Hoon divorce Mo Ah...
You're the one to blame for both Jae Min and Woo Shik's death.
This tragedy all started at the tip of your hands.
Don't be absurd. Woo Shik's death was an accident,
and Do Hoon's to blame for Jae Min's death.
My husband trusting you with his will...
doesn't give you the right to judge.
You're still only the son of an auto shop owner.
Know your place!
You're right. My mom does own an auto shop,
and I often speak out of place.
But you...
You won't easily find your son.
You will never find your son.
If you manage to, I'll make sure you regret it.
That's exactly what Mo Ah said the other day.
What game are you playing?
I get it.
You probably hate me.
Whatever. Let's just drop it.
Hello, ma'am.
Nam Koo, it's you. What are you doing here?
What's for lunch today?
I was going to cook some crab stew.
Nam Koo, stay for some.
Gosh. I'm sorry for asking him myself.
It's all right.
Nam Koo, stay for lunch.
You heard her. Stay for lunch.
Dig in.
Stop talking back to adults every chance you get as well.
Nam Koo may have a temper, but he doesn't hold a grudge.
I know that. It's why I don't mind him staying for lunch.
Now dig in already.
Here. Try some of this.
It's the best kind, not like what we eat.
My goodness.
Slow down. You'll choke.
Here. Have some water.
That reminds me.
If you find a necklace while cleaning, hand it to me.
What does it look like?
Well, it looks like...
Nam Koo, show her the picture on your phone.
Mom, let's go.
At least finish the meal first.
Come on. Let's go.
Stop it, Nam Koo. I have to clean up.
You should head home first.
Let's go!
Come to think of it, Nam Hui's home alone.
You should go. I can clean this up today.
He probably doesn't want to eat with me.
Thank you...
for lunch.
It is a bit lonely to eat alone.
Anyway, where on earth is my necklace?
Nam Hui. Nam Hui, I'm home!
What has gotten into you today?
I don't want you working there anymore.
No, I can't do that.
She would've been devastated to find out that it's not her son.
Look at her just now.
She was thrilled to have someone join her for lunch.
Worry about us instead.
You and Nam Hui are both doing fine though.
You'll know how it is to be a parent when...
you have one of your own.
I understand how she must feel to lose a child.
It would be devastating.
That being said,
there's something I need to say to you.
I don't want to hear it, so don't.
Do you know what I'm about to say?
You probably want my permission to keep working at her house.
I'm going out for a while.
Don't you hate me?
Dad passed away,
and I caused Nam Hui's accident.
Life must have been hard.
I did hate you. Of course I did.
But seeing as you took care of your sister over the years...
made me a proud mom and I was grateful.
I was glad that Nam Hui always listened to you.
I thought to myself that we can do this.
This was our new normal now, and we could make it together.
I'm the one to blame for all of this.
Don't say that.
Your sister and I only made it because of you.
We loved how adorable our youngest is.
It's me. I'd like to meet you.
I told you that I saw him when I was young.
I ran into the road to save you,
and he was watching from behind that tree.
What do you want?
The landlord had moved.
I think Mo Ah had him relocate.
- It's a coincidence. - This is urgent business.
Don't you dare play games with me.
Why are you obsessed with the company?
Is it because of your dead son?
What gives you the right to mention my son?
Your brother told me.
He said that Ms. Hong is to blame for his death.
That's right.
He'd be alive had it not been for her.
Is that why you didn't find Min Joon?
She could've found him had I not have interfered.
Would you let her find him though...
when she killed my son?
What about Min Joon then?
How would he feel knowing all of this?
So many people are in pain because of him.
He should blame his mother since I did nothing wrong.
I found out a new piece of evidence.
Do you want to know what it is?
A man witnessed Min Joon's accident, but turned a blind eye.
I think he knows something about Min Joon.
Who could it be?
Do you think it's me?
Isn't it?
It wasn't me.
Ms. Hong may have started this mess,
but that person is also to blame.
I do hope it isn't you.
This is how you must've felt...
when you abandoned me.
You couldn't bring yourself to save me.
I'm him. I'm Min Joon.
The nephew you abandoned.
So many people suffered because...
of your choice.
I know Tae Jin well.
He's still angry about what happened to his son.
He should blame his mother since I did nothing wrong.
Shouldn't we tell him?
It's best for the sake of CEO Shin.
Nam Koo isn't at work today.
He had business to take care at home.
I know he's looking for Min Joon.
How will you find him though?
Just stop already and go back to the auto shop.
That's where you belong.
Shut it and leave. My head is throbbing as it is.
Keep at this and...
something might happen to Nam Koo.
I told you to leave.
Also, who are you to threaten Nam Koo's life?
Do you still think I'm bluffing?
Well, watch what I do when I find my uncle.
(Hankuk Medical Center)
How bad is it?
He has a heart condition, but this is something different.
I'm afraid something else is making him sick.
- What do you mean? - Nam Koo.
Leave us.
You should rest. You're...
I told you to leave.
Go and find Min Joon. That's what you should do.
Anyway, thank you.
We should keep going. So what's wrong with me?
I'll need the test results to be sure,
but from what I see...
You're here often.
One might think you're the real son.
That's what I should say to you.
Tell me if you ever spot my uncle so that...
I can have him arrested again.
Mo Ah and my mom went to lengths to do so,
so it's the least I can do.
Leave when I ask nicely. I'm irritated as it is.
Hi, Nam Koo.
You're doing all the hard work.
This is nothing compared to what you're doing.
How's Dad doing?
He's not your dad,
and I warned you never to come back here.
I told you to leave.
I'm barely hanging on, so go before I lose it.
Yes, I'm a fraud.
But you should know this.
I don't know where your real brother is,
but I'm sure he's better off.
How do you figure that?
You're living the good life as a CEO.
As you know, I have no family.
Your real brother must have one though.
The moment you find him, he'll then have two.
That's why I pretended to be him.
What's so wrong about that?
Is that so?
Well, let me be a sister to you then.
That's enough.
You made your point so stop.
What do you know?
You can't possibly know how I feel right now.
If you were my brother, I would've killed you.
You're in one piece because you're not family.
I said that's enough.
Are you seriously taking his side?
You tell her if I'm on your side.
Tell her, so she's not mistaken.
You tried to run me over as well,
so I'd rather she'd know the truth.
Now stop making a scene in front of the CEO.
Let me ask you this.
What was it like to run him over?
You're asking that now?
Answer me.
It felt good. Are you happy now?
How dare you!
I was over the moon.
I was ecstatic to go from an orphan to a CEO.
So why ask me that now?
What will you do if I find Min Joon?
Isn't it obvious? No sky has two suns.
I'm sorry about earlier.
It's all right. You actually stopped me from going too far.
I won't cross the line again.
What did you mean earlier though?
Did he really try to kill you?
It's nothing, so don't worry about it.
Excuse me. I'll call a nurse to change his fluids.
You must miss your father greatly.
Before I found Do Hoon,
I did too, so I know how it feels.
Keep at this and...
something might happen to Nam Koo.
(Kang Nam Koo)
Why do you have Min Joon's necklace?
Is it really his necklace?
Yes, it is.
Min Joon and I...
each have one.
What about the other necklace?
My son would probably have it with him.
If he's alive, I mean.
My Jae Min died at the hands of...
complete strangers who weren't even his family.
They should know.
They should know that Do Hoon is a fraud.
I'm going to see them cry out in misery.
Let's get married.
Thank you.
I wouldn't have come this far if it weren't for you.
Hi, Mo Ah.
Where are you?
I dropped by the auto shop after my errands.
Just so you know, the landlord moved recently.
The landlord had moved.
I think Mo Ah had him relocate.
I see.
All right.
Did you find out anything new about Min Joon?
No, not yet.
Are you all right? You don't sound too good.
It's nothing.
I guess I'm just a little out of practice.
I could come and help.
Washing cars is my expertise.
No, I'm almost done anyway.
Then I'll swing by your home. We need to talk.
You don't have to come.
We'll talk later, all right? I've got to go.
(Letter of Resignation)
You didn't have to come out today.
I should greet Mother when she gets back.
I'd like to know how her day was.
She is so sweet.
Don't you agree?
You should be happy now that Mother has somewhat accepted her.
I couldn't have done it without your help.
- Mom. - What is it?
- Grandma's here. - Really?
Really? Let's close up shop early today then.
Let's go. I'm sure she's dying to see me.
Sure thing.
Let me see.
- This is for Man Soo. - My gosh.
Here's one for Chun Soo and Sook Ja.
Shin Ae, here. This one's for you.
Thank you, Mother, but where is Nam Hui's?
I didn't buy one for her. Just go home already.
Mom, it's not nice to leave someone out.
I agree.
Nam Hui, you can have mine.
I don't need a ballpoint pen anyway.
No, I'm good.
I'm sure that my mom just forgot to get you one.
- Isn't that right? - No, it's not.
I bought this much, but there's not one for her.
Mom, what's wrong with you? You could've said you forgot.
Do you know how humiliated I was today because of her?
My friends kept making comments about her,
and I had to take it during the whole trip.
So why would I bring back a gift for her?
I honestly can't believe you.
Why couldn't you have just ignored what they were saying?
At my age, we only talk about our children and whom they marry.
When it was just the children, I was able to hold my head up...
thanks to my Chun Soo.
But now that the focus has shifted to daughters-in-law,
I had to sit back and be humiliated.
Nam Hui, do you want one?
No, I'm good.
I'll get going then. Chun Soo, don't walk me out.
- Bye. - Hold on.
Nam Hui, Nam Hui!
All this for a lousy pen.
Sir, we should do a secondary test to be sure.
It's all right. How's my brother doing?
- You're more urgent. - I'm good,
so focus on him.
Also, don't tell anyone of my condition.
Do you understand?
Yes, of course.
Here you go.
Take a few when the pain is intolerable.
Take care.
Because of that impostor,
I'm dreading entering my own house.
Still, I can't have them take my home from me.
- You're home. - How was your day?
I see the evil spirit wasn't Jae Min after all.
Mother, how could you say such a thing?
My baby will hear you.
If that's the issue, get out of here already.
I'm glad you're here. I'll stay with your dad tonight.
It's all right. I'm here to pick up some clothes.
You seem gaunt.
Why don't you stay for dinner?
I'd rather you stuff your own face.
Unbelievable. How could they sit there?
If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be doing this.
I'm off again.
Mom, isn't this what you've been looking for?
You should've hid it properly.
What's this doing here?
Give it to me.
You can't take it back.
It belongs to Do Hoon.
Pregnancy must've messed up your head.
I won't ask you again.
This won't help you find your biological son.
Is that why you hid it from me?
Young Hwa, be nicer from now on.
Your baby will watch and learn.
Finally, I have this back.
This must mean I'll soon find my boy.
You're home early.
Didn't you wait for Chun Soo's mom to get back?
I left early so that she could rest.
Nam Hui,
does she still ignore and belittle you?
No, she likes how smart and clever I am.
Nam Hui, if she keeps making snide comments,
tell her that you hurt your head while saving Nam Koo's life.
That reminds me. You know...
Don't tell anyone we came here today.
We won't be able to live together.
Have you known about your accident?
No, I didn't.
Anyway, I'll do as you suggested.
I'm home.
It's Nam Koo. Let's have dinner.
Nam Koo, have you eaten already? Where's your appetite?
Here. Try this.
I'll eat on my own, so dig in.
Mom and I can't since you're not eating.
Is something troubling you? You seem worried.
No, I'll go ahead and eat.
How's the search for the son coming along?
Whoever he is, he's lucky.
As the CEO's son, he'll be rich.
Hold on. The son would have a family of his own though.
Nam Koo, what are your thoughts about it?
Isn't it obvious?
Whoever raised you are your parents.
A family is whom you go through good and bad times with.
Yes, just like us.
You're right about that.
Isn't it delicious?
Why are you suddenly resigning?
I'm still on the fence about it.
You should at least find the son. It was CEO Shin's request.
I get it. You wouldn't want to tell Ms. Hong though.
Not seeing her son until she dies...
will make her feel somewhat of your pain.
(Director's Office)
(Letter of Resignation)
Nam Koo.
What's this?
Who said you could resign?
I don't want to see you get hurt because of me anymore.
You hurting your hand is enough.
Don't resign.
Nam Koo...
Resign once we find the biological son...
and Do Hoon's ruined.
I don't care what happens to me in the process.
What's gotten into you?
If you stop because of me,
I can't face Jae Min.
Don't let the burden fall on me.
I said I'd help you.
All right. I'll make up my mind after I see how CEO Shin's doing.
Ms. Kim, I'm off to see my husband.
Of course.
By the way, tell me about that necklace you lost.
I found it, so please don't worry about it.
- Sure. Have a good day. - You too.
Think this through.
You know who wronged both him and Jae Min.
I've made up my mind.
I think it's best if I resign.
Mo Ah...
I should spend my time nursing him back to health.
What's the meaning of this?
You and Do Hoon have lost your minds.
First him and now you.
Settle your beef with me and don't take it out on him.
I know you were about to remove his oxygen mask.
Stop it. You saw wrong.
I caught you this time.
You won't get away with this.
Stop it already. Why are you always like this?
You can't say anything to Do Hoon,
but you're always on her case.
Do Hoon?
Don't worry. I'll soon ruin both him and her.
Fine. Do your worst.
See? What more proof do you need?
All she thinks about is how she can ruin us.
You should think again before taking her side now.
Are you all right?
She has to be.
Anyway, the police will be here.
Just stop it. You know I'd never hurt him.
You see,
I found the necklace. The one identical to my son's.
It's a good sign...
which is why I need you to help me get rid of Do Hoon.
You should finish what you started.
No, I won't help you.
Why not?
If you need to, I'll gladly let you burn me.
I said I won't do it, so stop asking.
That's enough!
I'll do it.
Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it.
Just keep your promise though.
If push comes to shove, you will sacrifice yourself.
Don't worry.
I wouldn't have started this unless I was willing to.
(I Am Sorry, but I Love You)
The lady who rescued Min Joon?
She's desperately looking for him.
- Don't worry. - What if he's found?
Don't bother for I'm Min Joon.
Think long and hard.
Is it your long lost son, or is it your husband?
Just make sure you don't startle Do Hoon.
Let me out!
The CEO is missing.
I was thinking about moving away with my mom.
Nam Hui can't live without you.
How about we move somewhere far?
China's Military Is Becoming More Powerful by the Day But Suffers from One Big Problem - Duration: 13:01.-------------------------------------------
Breaking News, New Satellite Track, But 000 Chanals - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
'I don't support the IRA' Corbyn in denial but ADMITS honouring terrorists at Westminster - Duration: 4:21.'I don't support the IRA' Corbyn in denial but ADMITS honouring terrorists at Westminster
The 68-year-old opposition leader has continually come under scrutiny for alleged ties to the IRA, including an incident where he invited Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams and convicted terrorists to Westminster after a fatal bomb attack in Brighton in 1984.
But Mr Corbyn has now spoken out during a grilling from Andrew Neil on BBC One.
In footage of the interview – available above – Mr Neil says: We live in an age of terrorism now and one of the most important responsibilities of being Prime Minister is keeping the British people safe.
Why would the British people want as their leader a man who, for years, supported the IRA?.
Corbyn instantly replies: I didnt support the IRA. I dont support the IRA. What I want everywhere is a peace process.
What I want everywhere is human rights. Not satisfied by his response, Mr Neil presses the Labour leader, saying: You said you didnt support the IRA but you invited convicted IRA terrorists to tea in the Commons a few weeks after the Brighton bomb which tried to destroy our elected government. The interviewer then tells Corbyn that he honoured IRA terrorists killed by the British Army by standing for a minutes silence.
The Labour chief responds: I wanted and always do want peace and I always want a dialogue between people from vastly different backgrounds.
The minutes silence you refer to was in 1987 and was for all who died in Northern Ireland. In the same interview, Mr Corbyn spoke about the vile, horrible Manchester concert bombing attack which killed 22 people, left 23 people in critical condition and injured 66.
He said that ungoverned spaces around the world such as Libya – which suicide bomber Salman Abedi visited before the attack – and the consequences of wars of intervention must be looked at to have a secure future.
The Conservative party responded to Corbyns interview by writing: In two weeks' time there is a choice. Either Jeremy Corbyn negotiating Brexit just 11 days after the election, or Theresa May.
Brexit is central to everything – a vote for anyone other than Theresa May puts Corbyn in Downing Street and everything at risk.".
Candy Store but It's Women's Suffrage - Duration: 3:14.Are we gonna have a problem?
You got a vote to pick?
You've got some nerve, While I'm at home caring for the sick.
I usually just ignore it,
Pretend not to mind,
But I have a right So try not to fight, So listen up freak
I like, being able to make my own choice.
I like, the officials hearing my own voice.
I like, voting here, talking there, arguing.
I like, wearing clothes, that are all meant for boys!
If I can vote there, then why not here?
Am I gonna have to make dinner?
Whoa, whoa!
Or I could cast a vote,
Leave you a note,
Dinner is in the fridge!
Woah, woah, woah!
Honey, what you waiting for?
Let me cast my own vote! Time for you to prove you care about us, wo-ooo-oah.
Then let me cast my own vote.
I will, not sit here, see you drink homemade beer!
All you have to do, say hello to our rights.
That man's not a friend, I can tell, in the end.
If I had your shot, I would thank you a lot!
'Course if you don't care, fine, debate with me, maybe I can make a cake.
Whoa, whoa!
Or give me my vote, and do not gloat...
Let's go make our opinion!
Woah, woah, woah!
Honey, what you waiting for? Let me cast my own vote!
You just gotta prove you're care about us... Then let me cast my own vote!
You can be a gent…
Or you can run us down.
We can live our dream...
Or we can die at home.
We can fly with eagles,
Or if you prefer,
Keep on testing me!
And end up like them!
Wilson, look! I just got a letter about Alice Paul being jailed!
This proves we'll be questioned!
Color me stoked.
I'm so nervous.
Honey what you waiting for?
Shut up, Kate!
Let me cast my own vote!
Let me cast my own vote.
It's my civil rights, it's my suffrage.
It's my civil rights, it's my suffrage.
It's my civil rights, it's my suffrage.
So your practice is in Missouri, but you grew up in Kansas? - Thompson Law Office - Duration: 2:10.So your practice is in Missouri, but you grew up in Kansas?
I grew up in Kansas.
Atchison, Kansas where I grew up at is right on the river.
Like I say, just on the bluffs overlooking the Missouri River, I could see Missouri from
When I was in high school, I played high school football.
I got recruited to play football in college at Northwest Missouri State.
We knew the coach up there.
My mom and dad knew him real well, so I went up there.
And I know it's kind of hard to believe looking at me now, but there are the remains of an
athlete of that.
[chuckle] Once I played linebacker.
And I'm not gonna say I was the greatest linebacker to ever put on the green and white for Northwest
Missouri State, but it did teach me some lessons.
I can take a hit.
I can get knocked down, but I know how to get back up.
And practicing law, you cannot go through it without getting knocked down repeatedly.
The key is to get up and get back in the fight because you're fighting more than...
Now it's not just a game where they have a scoreboard where they have a winner and a
Now you're representing real people, and lives are at stake.
People's futures are at stake.
So it gives it a lot more importance to it, and it gives a lot more meaning to what I
I'm at the age where I could quit, but why, when you love doing this?
When you believe in what you're doing, and you believe in the people you represent, why
would wanna stop?
So as long as I can stick my nose in it like it did when I played football, I'm gonna keep
doing it.
Contract freeze lift 'no panacea' but a positive step: RUPA - Duration: 3:19.Contract freeze lift 'no panacea' but a positive step: RUPA
Australia's Super Rugby players have welcomed a lift on a national contracting moratorium, but Rugby Union Players' Association (RUPA) boss Ross Xenos says it's not a silver bullet for long-term anxiety.
The contracting freeze was believed to have started in February as the Super Rugby saga played out, but with European contracting time closing and teams no clearer on their future, that has been thawed.
Should the Force or the Rebels be cut in 2018, existing player contracts would be honoured, whether that player agrees to move to a new team or stay put, regardless of whether there's a Super Rugby franchise there.
Xenos said while it wasn't a perfect solution, with no more certainty on which teams would be in Super Rugby in 2018, it was a step forward.
"We don't believe that lifting the moratorium is a panacea that will take away all the anxiety that players are facing in the current climate," he said.
"Lifting the moratorium at least gives players the opportunity to plan 2018 and beyond with slightly more certainty than they currently have and to ensure that Australian rugby can put its best foot forward in retaining the players that we value for our future rather than just allowing those players to seek certainty through foreign deals.
Xenos couldn't put a figure on the players who may have opted to take up European deals without being able to sign off on a Super Rugby deal, but said he hoped it was no bigger than the normal attrition.
"What we dont know is how many players have sought the certainty of foreign contracts in the three months the moratorium has been in place," he said.
"I hope that number is not any larger than it has been in previous years but I'm not hopeful the moratorium has worked in Australian rugby's best interests for the period it's been put in place.
The Force are already saying goodbye to back Luke Morahan, while fringe players Francois Van Wyk (Northampton) and Semisi Masirewa (Japan) are also set to depart.
The Rebels have not had any players publicly announce departures, but there is speculation swirling around a handful of their players' futures, including Sean McMahon, though his desire is believed to be mainly related to other factors.
Arsenal are a different team now but it is Jurgen Klopp who holds - Duration: 4:52.Arsenal are a different team now but it is Jurgen Klopp who holds
WELL, Arsenal have at least taken their Champions League bid to the last game of the season… and all the pressure is firmly on Liverpool to get over the line.
Forget Manchester City, three points ahead, being caught… that is not going to happen. Rex Features Jurgen Klopp holds the upper hand over Arsene Wenger in the race for the top four.
It is very unlikely that City will not only lose – but there will be a five goal swing in Arsenal's favour on goal difference. That would be fantasy football.
Without doubt, though, the Gunners have the tougher game – at home to Everton – while Jurgen Klopp's side, just one point in front, face already-doomed Middlesbrough on their own turf.
But if Arsenal can get their noses in front early and news reaches Anfield that Liverpool are outside the top four then things could get very edgy indeed.
Arsene Wenger's side showed great patience against a Sunderland team that were surprisingly resolute, thanks mainly to the fantastic goalkeeping of Jordan Pickford.
The keeper surely will be at a Premier League club next season and Gareth Southgate really ought to be looking at elevating him into the senior England squad. He really is that good.
Rex Features Jordan Pickford was once again impressive for Sunderland. There is something of the Joe Hart about him – and could he be the on-loan Manchester City keeper's long-term successor for his country?.
OK, sure, it is too early to be certain that he will be the real deal – but he is fast looking it.
It is small wonder that David Moyes says that only an unbelievable offer will prise him away from the Stadium of Light.
His Sunderland future will all depend on whether a Premier League club is prepared to take a gamble and pay big bucks for him.
You would have to say that Liverpool and Manchester City could do with decent goalkeepers – but would Pickford be the sort of ball-playing stopper that Pep Guardiola would like?. Probably, at this stage of his career, the answer is no.
Klopp is currently playing the last keeper Liverpool bought from Sunderland – Simon Mignolet – and you would have to say Pickford looks a better bet than the Belgian.
Getty Images Arsene Wenger knows he needs a win to assure a top four spot - but it may not be enough.
Jermain Defoe will almost certainly be in the Premier League next season too - maybe at West Ham, who were interested in snapping him up in January.
Defoe was a livewire and told me afterwards how he should have at least buried one of his chances. But, back to Arsenal, who have looked much better since Wenger reverted to an Antonio Conte-style three-man defence.
They have won six out of their last eight – losing away to Tottenham. There is much more confidence in their play.
If they do ultimately miss out on a top-four place – and they are favourites to not qualify for the Champions League – the damage was done earlier.
Reuters Jermain Defoe could be waving goodbye to Sunderland, but he should remain in the Premier League.
Confusion over Arsene Wenger's future, fans protests, injury problems, inconsistent form and continued speculation over the futures of Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez have blighted their season.
But could there be one more twist to this tale. and Arsenal pull off what would be a minor miracle?.
It will be the main focus on Sunday on a Premier League season that has come to an anti-climatic end with all the other major issues decided. Not many people will be putting money on it - but stranger things have happened.
Arsene Wenger set to confirm that he will stay at Arsenal… but he wants the board's full backing - Duration: 3:02.Arsene Wenger set to confirm that he will stay at Arsenal… but he wants the board's full backing
ARSENE WENGER will win his boardroom war and stay at Arsenal. But the boss, fresh from a record seventh FA Cup win, wants club dissenters to cave in to his demands.
Getty Images Arsene Wenger will win his boardroom battle and stay at Arsenal.
Getty Images Arsene Wenger held positive talks owner Stan Kroenke after defeating Chelsea to win the FA Cup. The Frenchman, 67, held positive discussions with Stan Kroenke after Saturday's Wembley win.
But Wenger now wants the unequivocal support of the Gunners board at a meeting tomorrow to confirm his future before committing to the two-year deal on the table.
He said: "The board has to decide who will lead the club in the future. "And after they decide if they want me, they decide if they want me, do I say yes or no?".
Wenger, 67, has grown increasingly frustrated by internal criticism. Major shareholder Kroenke is on Wenger's side — but the Frenchman pointed to the 2-1 Wembley win over Chelsea to demand a show of faith.
He said: "I am committed to giving everything to stay. Rex Features Arsene Wenger won the FA Cup for a record seventh time at Wembley on Saturday.
Getty Images Arsenal majority shareholder Stan Kroenke is on Arsene Wenger's side and wants him to stay.
Rex Features Arsene Wenger wants to ensure he has the full support of the Arsenal boardroom before committing his future. "The best presentation is to watch the game, then there can be no doubt.
Emirates insiders were considering Wenger's successor if he walked away this summer — Juventus boss Max Allegri.
That has caused deep divisions within the camp and Wenger wants to be sure he has full boardroom support before committing his future to the club he took over in 1996. He added: "It's not about popularity, it's about competence.
"I worked until the last day of my contract. That is now, basically.". The Arsenal players expect Wenger to confirm he will be staying on.
Same, Same BUT Different | Encoding the Process of Action - Duration: 2:48.Hello this is Adriana James fro
I know you have been in
this situation before you look at
another person and you say how is it
possible that that person can do that
and be happy and also you ask yourself
maybe the question how is it possible
that the person could accept that and be
happy interesting hunh? you can consider
the situation from your internal map
that's what's happening and your
internal map could be different from
another person so we all are programmed
differently we all have what we call in
an LP meta programs let me give you an
example there is one of this method
progress which is called the
relationship filter for some people it's
same it's the same they love to be in
the same job in the same relationship in
the same set of circumstances for other
people it's more different i need to
change its boring i want something new
some people need want something new very
often compared to others that have a
need to change for sale at six seven
years of time so all of those are called
meet up Meta Programs but here's the
thing knowledge is power you need first
to know your own Meta Program what is it
that is your relationship filter because
or no other people's relationship
filters let's say you're a manager and
you employ somebody thinking oh my god
this is such a great person it's a part
of my team is going to be a great asset
and you think i'm going to have them
here for a long time and they blow out
only after 18 months it's not that they
didn't like it their relationship filter
help them change something they have
this need for change very often or you
can do something about it but I want to
tell you something I want to share with
you this very important point where our
programs are not cast in stone. Nope no
you can change them
in our master practitioner training
actually we show you how to change that
and it's not difficult and it's actually
very very useful because it allows your
incredible flexibility of behavior so
I'm looking forward to meet you sometime
in our master practitioner training
either in the USA or in Australia see
you there okay be well
Arsene Wenger set to confirm that he will stay at Arsenal… but he wants the board - Duration: 3:02.Arsene Wenger set to confirm that he will stay at Arsenal… but he wants the board's full backing
ARSENE WENGER will win his boardroom war and stay at Arsenal. But the boss, fresh from a record seventh FA Cup win, wants club dissenters to cave in to his demands.
Getty Images Arsene Wenger will win his boardroom battle and stay at Arsenal.
Getty Images Arsene Wenger held positive talks owner Stan Kroenke after defeating Chelsea to win the FA Cup. The Frenchman, 67, held positive discussions with Stan Kroenke after Saturday's Wembley win.
But Wenger now wants the unequivocal support of the Gunners board at a meeting tomorrow to confirm his future before committing to the two-year deal on the table.
He said: "The board has to decide who will lead the club in the future. "And after they decide if they want me, they decide if they want me, do I say yes or no?".
Wenger, 67, has grown increasingly frustrated by internal criticism. Major shareholder Kroenke is on Wenger's side — but the Frenchman pointed to the 2-1 Wembley win over Chelsea to demand a show of faith.
He said: "I am committed to giving everything to stay. Rex Features Arsene Wenger won the FA Cup for a record seventh time at Wembley on Saturday.
Getty Images Arsenal majority shareholder Stan Kroenke is on Arsene Wenger's side and wants him to stay.
Rex Features Arsene Wenger wants to ensure he has the full support of the Arsenal boardroom before committing his future. "The best presentation is to watch the game, then there can be no doubt.
Emirates insiders were considering Wenger's successor if he walked away this summer — Juventus boss Max Allegri.
That has caused deep divisions within the camp and Wenger wants to be sure he has full boardroom support before committing his future to the club he took over in 1996. He added: "It's not about popularity, it's about competence.
"I worked until the last day of my contract. That is now, basically.". The Arsenal players expect Wenger to confirm he will be staying on.
A tree fell, but only a branch is on the house, will insurance cover it? - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Cesc Fabregas is in my Premier League team of the year… but who else makes the cut - Duration: 6:49.Chelsea's Cesc Fabregas is in my Premier League team of the year… but who else makes the cut
CHELSEA were deservedly crowned Premier League champions this season — finishing seven points ahead of Tottenham. Antonio Conte's men were devastatingly efficient, winning 30 of 38 matches, and their dominance is reflected in my team of the season.
Rex Features Neil Ashtons Premier League team of the year is largely dominated by Chelseas champions.
I have gone with three at the back, as it was that change of system in September — after being humbled 3-0 by Arsenal — that sparked the Blues into becoming a title-winning machine.
One of the non-Chelsea players who made my team is Alexis Sanchez, who was brilliant that day and Golden Boot-winner Harry Kane, who scored 29 league goals.
Rivals for Kane's spot up top — such as Manchester United's Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Josh King of Bournemouth and Palace's Christian Benteke — are also worthy of mention. Heres how my side lines-up:.
THE Chelsea stopper belongs in an elite group of Premier League goalkeepers that also includes David De Gea and Hugo Lloris. Honourable mentions for Sunderland kid Jordan Pickford and Palace keeper Wayne Hennessey.
Rex Features Chelseas Thibaut Courtois won the Premier Leagues Golden Glove award.
Rex Features Cesar Azpilicueta played every minute for Chelsea as they romped to the Premier League title.
Reuters Toby Alderweireld enjoyed another stellar campaign for Tottenham.
THE Spaniard is not a natural centre-half, but he adapted to a new position which turned Chelsea's season around. Deserves another shot in national side after becoming one of the most dependable and accomplished defenders in Europe.
JUST shades it ahead of Tottenham team-mate Jan Vertonghen. Exceptional at the heart of defence. He has all the qualities needed for the role — strength, power, positioning, aerial prowess and ability to read the game at the highest level.
Rex Features Gary Cahill turned out to be Antonio Contes Mr Dependable at Chelsea.
Getty Images Alexis Sanchez is the only player who would take responsibility for Arsenals performances.
LOOK, he's never going to be in Paolo Maldini or Franco Baresi's class, but nobody gave him a prayer of surviving under Antonio Conte. Instead of caving in to the criticism, he has flourished to become Chelsea's Mr Dependable.
LUCKY to get in because his constant moaning, whingeing and bitching is so detrimental to his Arsenal team-mates. Despite being a menace, he is the only player they have who is prepared to take responsibility for the team's performance.
Reuters NGolo Kante was an absolute destroyer in the Chelsea midfield.
Getty Images Cesc Fabregas struggled for starts during Chelseas super season.
Getty Images But Cesc Fabregas influence in the final four weeks of the campaign helped them clinch the title.
There just has to be room for the PFA Player of the Year and the FWA Footballer of the Year. Boss Conte believes there is more to his game than tackling, encouraging him to add a touch more ambition to his game.
OKAY, so he was not a regular starter, but his influence in the final four weeks of the season helped sweep Chelsea across the line.
His silky moves, along with his goals and eye for a pass, means he forces his way in.
Rex Features Eden Hazard was Chelseas talisman on numerous occasions throughout the campaign.
Reuters Dele Alli was superb again for Tottenham and bagged 18 goals.
A TOUGH call because he turned his back on Jose Mourinho last season when the Blues' former manager needed him most. Under Conte, his confidence has recovered, dancing his way past defenders and dazzling again down that left wing.
ANOTHER magnificent season for the young Spurs and England midfielder, 21, who notched 18 goals. To think Paul Pogba cost Manchester United a world-record £89million and this kid was bought for just £5m from MK Dons is remarkable.
Rex Features Despite finding himself left out by Pep Guardiola for spells, Sergio Aguero still notched 20 goals.
Rex Features Tottenhams Harry Kane won the Premier League Golden Boot with 29 goals.
DESPITE a difficult first season working with Pep Guardiola, the Manchester City striker still scored 20 times in the Prem. He is a ruthless finisher but it is his class and pedigree which edge him ahead of Romelu Lukaku and Diego Costa.
THE three-season wonder is one of the most wanted strikers in world football after winning the Golden Boot with 29 strikes.
He had another brilliant campaign — finishing it in style with four against Leicester and then a hat-trick in Spurs' final game at Hull. We look back at some of the best skills, flicks and tricks from the 2016/17 Premier League season.
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