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[ENG/INDO SUB] BTS 방탄소년단 Jimin Cam at Billboard Music Awards 2017 BBMAs - Duration: 3:19.Hello everyone, I am Jimin from BTS.
Right now this place is where we are getting ready because we got nominated at the Billboard Awards.
I will show you guys the members getting ready.
JM: We will be going to the Billboard Awards soon. J: That's right.
JM: Yes. Can you say a comment about it?
No matter how I think about it, receiving awards each time and attending the Billboard Awards is all thanks to ARMYs.
J: I'm very thankful to the ARMYs.
J: With...with these good things in mind, I will attend the Billboard Awards.
JM: You're very polished today, hyungnim.
J: I'm not wearing my jacket. Is there anyone who knows what my jacket is?
JK: Yesterday, I went in for my schedule briefing and was informed that there is a lot to do.
JM: Yes. When you go to the Billboards later, there are going to be a lot of artists that you listen to.
JK: That's right. JM: How do you feel?
JK: For now...
JK: Even if we lived in the U.S, we wouldn't be able to see these people often.
JM: That's right. If you don't go to their concerts. JK: Right.
JK: That's why...
JK: I think it's a once in a lifetime chance. JM: Yes.
JK: I'm really nervous because of that fact.
JK: I'm really curious about how they look in real life.
JK: It's be honest, even being able to attend is a huge honor,
JK: But being able to see the artists is also a huge honor, so I'm really looking forward to it.
JM: You looked really young yesterday, but you're very polished today.
JK: That's because yesterday...I wore clothes that weren't fitted for me.
JK: It's I'm dressed up. JM: You are dressed up and you'll present yourself like this to your favorite artists.
JK: That's right. I will introduce myself and stuff. JM: What will you say?
JK: What's poppin'.
JM: Hyungnim! RM: Hello.
JM: We will be attending the Billboards today. Can you say a comment about it?
RM: Wow...just...
RM: We went there yesterday to see where our names are. JM: That's right.
RM: I couldn't believe it even after I saw it.
RM: I'll have to actually go and experience...
RM: There are going to be other artists there like Drake and Nicki Minaj. Many artists. JM: Many of them are going.
RM: I'll have to see those hyungnims and noonims to realize, "We are finally at Billboards".
JM: That's when you will realize. RM: Yes.
RM: It's still surreal to me.
RM: I traveled here 8 years ago and I never thought I would be able to come again.
JM: 8 years ago? RM: Yeah when I was in 8th grade.
JM: Oh, so you were young. RM: I came with my parents, but do you think I would have imagined that I would be back because of Billboards?
JM: I didn't either. RM: Yes.
RM: So it's an honor. And Jin hyung said this, but it's all thanks to ARMYs.
RM: Even the fact that we're social is thanks to them.
RM: I think everything including the hotel is all thanks to ARMYs.
JM: Your hair looks great today you should take a look.
RM: Don't you have something to do? I will do my best.
DUMBFOUNDEAD on Genie Music x HIPHOPLE Livestream ft. FM, Jessi, DPR LIVE (English Sub) - Duration: 1:14:55.[subs by @dpr_fans | find us on instagram]
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[subs start 9:56 onwards]
J: Why are we both in camouflage outfits today?
H: Joining us in the studio -
Jessi and DPR Live -
making an appearance -
hello guys!
J: Hello, nice to meet you!
H: Let's start with your introductions~
J: Hi everyone -
I'm Jessi. Nice to meet you!
L: Hello, its DPR Live.
H: It seems like aside from the guests -
the rest can't really speak Korean.
J: I thought it was only my Korean-speaking skills -
but Live is really good at Korean too.
D: He's really good in English and Korean.
J: Did you grow up in Korea?
L: I grew up in Guam.
J: Anyways ~
J: But being very good in front of the monitor isn't fun.
D: What do you mean it's not fun? -
People who are watching -
J: I know it's fun -
I'm just playing.
H: Now, after listening to hyung -
What are your thoughts on the track -
Do you think it came out well?
J: Yes, I thought it was really good. -
First of all -
the fact that he knew the concept (?) behind 'hyung'
was interesting.
H: So Dumbfoundead only learnt of -
this 'hyung' terminology -
for the first time?
D: No, I knew of it -
since I was younger.
But now in hip hop -
a little 'hyung-flexin' -
to show you're the hyung.
From there -
I tried to put it in a Korean context -
the way you flex 'hyung' -
that kind of feeling.
J: Dumbfoundead -
can't really put his thoughts into words.
He has a lot of confidence -
but he can't speak well.
D: But I really want to do -
a remix of 'hyung' -
with female rappers -
H: There's one right here -
D: Jessi, and also others -
I don't know -
My second album is not decided yet -
H: But there's a lot of featuring artistes for this -
Dok2, Simon Dominic -
and Tiger JK -
how did it all come together?
D: What happened was -
for that track -
was with my longtime friends. -
Tiger JK -
it's been 10 years since we met in LA -
Tiger JK was with me in LA -
and the same -
and Dok2 and Simon Dominic -
we've been friends for a long time too.
J: He did a great job -
because -
Dok2 has his own distinct 'colour' -
and Tiger JK -
to many -
he's like the top 'hyung'
how do you say it -
he's like a legend here.
D: Dok2 is also a hyung's hyung.
J: He's not, yet -
There's so much more to be a 'hyung'.
D: He's a 'top' person.
J: Which is why they call me 'noona' -
D: When did I call you that?
J: I meant others -
H: The featurings are really tight -
but the music video is amazing too.
J: I know right.
[I don't understand this part anybody halp]
D: I've said hyung too many times -
I hate saying the word now. -
But now -
the video was made well -
I originally wanted to make a fun video -
the weird thing is that -
korean fans and rappers, all -
asking me how i do it in a cool manner -
and to show them -
but i don't think that's fun -
it feels fake -
too 'try-hard'. -
When I meet people -
whenever a video comes out -
I want to say I'm not the same person -
in the video.
I am not.
J: When he makes a song -
he really has an artist mindset. -
In the process of making the song -
he thinks of the imagery / picture -
and even adding all the small details. -
Why am I so good at speaking Korean today?
H: Speaking of the artist mindset -
we cannot forget about DPR Live.
D: I'm a fan of his -
DPR Live -
J: I'm a fan of him too -
D: why I invited him as a guest today -
I'm really a fan of his art -
not only his beats or music -
but also his music video -
to his hairstyle too -
L: My hairstyle is normal though -
J: Yeah it is -
D: He's really an artist. -
He can switch from one style to another -
you can't tell -
J: Like Live -
in DPR -
there's Scott -
I heard the music from him but -
I had no thoughts at first -
but it was amazing -
that's why I think he's very good.
J: Everyone -
this is what happens usually -
when people come over and -
and say they're a fan -
you say 'name one song' -
and they start to stumble -
[they're just playing out the scene]
[I think they're referring to Mijangwon here]
J: That's why -
L: Even now -
the 'hyung' music video -
I've watch it with my friend -
and he's personally one of favourites in hip hop -
I have so much respect for him -
especially when I was in America -
I looked up the Internet every day -
even when studying -
you're really a top 'hyung'.
First of all -
when the movie came out -
I already have a lot of respect for him but -
comfortably making a music video fun -
it's very intriguing to me. -
My friends, and crew too -
are all fans of him -
H: So you have more respect for him -
L: That's why -
J: But how many songs do you know?
L: First of all -
I've watched all his rap battles -
back then -
I've watched it all -
and whenever a new album came out -
I listen to all of it -
D: Back then -
when I first came -
they gave a first listen to the music. -
After hearing it once -
the next day -
we decided to work together -
because it was so good -
that's what happened.
H: The both of you are really great artistes -
making good music -
but this time the music video got rated.
D: What's that?
D: Ah, I don't know why it's rated -
J: Is there any sexy things -
D: No, none of that -
H: Nothing like that -
D: We only had drag queens in the video -
but -
D: The concept was -
the reason behind the drag queens -
to show drag queens as 'hyung' -
was an interesting concept. -
But -
why it was rated 19 and up -
I have no idea. -
D: But if you try to listen to it,
it can be heard as 'hyung-shi'.
H: To continue on -
we will listen to the second track -
and since we are running out of time -
let's proceed with track three right away -
'History of Violence' and -
'Upgrade [2.0]'.
J: Don't zoom in too much -
he's embarrassed -
zoom in to me instead -
I get it now -
when you see it -
Don't do it -
You really swear a lot -
way more than me -
The song's really good -
Chancellor -
D: Is our microphones on?
H: No, not now -
J: The microphone is cut off now?
J: What's this?
[lol she wanted to swear]
D: The producer is BRLLNT -
a Korean producer -
and DJ -
putedeluxe crew.
H: We listened to the second and third track -
Can you simply summarise your songs -
since it's mostly in English -
people might not understand -
D: For 'History of Violence' -
In America -
no, not only there -
everywhere in the world -
it's a little like -
we live in a violent world -
There's a lot of violence in our world now -
That's why I wanted to say something -
at this time -
people who make music or artistes alike -
to spread a message to others -
it's the most important time right now.
That was my contribution in a sense.
H: If you say it like that -
J: I don't understand a word you're saying.
D: Help me translate -
J: When you speak in Korean -
I can hardly understand you.
[they're just trying to translate]
[it's about the same]
[but just different phrasing lol]
H: So that's the message you want to put across -
that the world is one.
J: The time now -
yes -
[I can't with that abrupt end haha]
H: Earlier on -
you mentioned it was your favourite track-
can he speak Korean?
J: He cant -
That oppa (Phrogress) is good -
This oppa (Kev) is Japanese -
P: Half-half -
K: A little bit -
I can't speak in Korean -
[this was cute lol]
J: He's not a Korean -
H: [translating whatever Kev is saying]
J: Because he's from there too -
that's why -
he is able to symphatise more / relate to it.
D: Now -
When I listen to songs -
I'm a fan of turnup music -
I like all of it -
but -
I would like for more balance.
[I don't understand what he's saying either, Jessi]
H: You like it to fun but -
there has to be a message -
D: Yes, because -
the turnup songs i (and others) like -
there's no balance -
why won't they know what's balance -
Koreans usually buy New Balance -
how can they not know -
but -
I -
[he gave up hahahah]
J: Because there's a lot of meanings behind the song -
it's difficult to sum it simply -
but anyways -
it has a very good -
message behind it -
And this oppa has a lot of -
turnup and fun elements -
a lot of those kind -
what was it again?
D: I like to have balance -
because at this time -
it's the most important time -
to deliver this kind of message.
J: No, that's correct, really -
there's too many -
anyways -
H: Then, we'll talk about the track.
Upgrade 2.0.
D: Yes, Update.
D: The name -
why it's Update -
[I'm basically laughing with Jessi at this point]
[Dumb was so confident his track title was Update 2.0]
[He wouldn't let it go]
[I crai]
H: So what kind of -
[He finally realised thank god]
D: But the title of the track don't matter -
the message is more important -
H: The name of the third track is called Upgrade [2.0] -
but Dumbfoundead thought otherwise -
D: Upgrade is like -
when we -
whether man or woman -
when we have a car -
we want to have good quality -
[he likened upgrade to upgrading cars - I assume]
H: You added your family in for this track -
D: Yes, you can hear my family in it -
I was thinking about it -
my mother would say these words -
that's how the idea came out -
I got my mom to say those words in voice mail -
J: But it was a really good addition -
D: My mom's voice -
J: It's so touching -
D: But usually -
my mom is cute over voicemail or voice messages -
Yeah, she has a lot of aegyo -
When she's at Korean markets -
picking out samples -
my fans who saw my music video -
fans who see her -
they would ask for a picture -
'can we take a picture together' -
and my mom would be like -
'yeah sure, let's take a pic' -
that happens a lot -
hi mom -
she's not watching this -
H: DPR Live -
what about your favourite track -
L: For me -
first of all -
tbh, the first track
in my opinion, is very -
H: You mean 'Hyung' -
L: Yes -
each rapper has their own 'colour' -
I'm a fan of them -
it was so interesting to me -
and also -
the ending -
I really like it -
L: But really -
those two create really good songs -
the hook and melody too -
gives off a good vibe -
it wasn't too vastly different -
the first and the fifth (?) -
to me -
I think about it a lot -
D: I think that -
the older musicians and artistes -
I get more -
inspiration from them
they're more experienced than me -
J: The older ones keep developing themselves -
D: No, not develop -
[Jessi laughing at Dumb's Korean :')]
D: In terms of rules -
they don't think about it much -
there's no rules -
'let's do it this way or that way' -
there's no such thing -
When I get older -
I want to think that way -
J: Yes, like that -
D: Whoever's music is good -
or this 'colour' -
these kind of things -
they don't care about it -
My Korean language skills isn't good -
and I think about it a lot -
I just want to say it out -
but sometimes I get embarrassed -
and think I should be careful -
I don't want to be like that -
that's why -
[I swear I laugh too much at all the abrupt endings]
H: Could you give some good advice to DPR Live as a present -
L: I really like it as it is already -
D: But really, if you say it -
his music -
if you hear it -
there's a lot of thrilling sections -
like this or that -
that kind of, yeah -
D: When I start it -
and I get excited -
L: But I understand his feelings -
what he's trying to say -
J: But -
in my opinion -
it's my honest feelings -
Dumbfoundead originally started with -
battle rapping -
in America -
it's really popular with the people -
but -
what I think is -
freestyle and making a song is very different -
up till now -
he's very good -
that's what I think -
J: Yes, but it's totally different things -
D: I started with battles but -
what (?) you're gonna get is more important -
[I don't know]
[I feel you Jessi]
[I really can't understand this part, somebody halp]
P: A few days ago -
you went to Hongdae and did a cypher -
H: Ahh, the one you told people on the timing -
and told people to come by -
D: Yes, I updated my SNS -
telling people to come and rap together -
and the time -
P: But -
He released a lot of albums -
so many Koreans know of him -
but this guy, as an artiste -
he just called out anyone to freestyle -
H: Yes, that's why I'm really a fan of his -
he doesn't care about who it is -
that's why -
I thought it was good that he did it here -
back then, Live came too -
L: I just wanted to meet people -
and listen to new people -
that's what I wanted -
H: You're really Dumb HYUNG -
H: So first,
the following tracks, namely
and 'Send Me to War'
we'll listen to these tracks now -
J: I really can't do it but -
apparently I'm good.
J: G. Soul -
in a song -
it's unbelievable -
[G. Soul, I love your voice]
J: You're god-like -
[Whatever Jessi saying, I totally agree]
[Dumb's in his own world]
now everyone will know you, really -
you're that good -
J: It's because yall need to drink water now -
H: In the chatting room now -
[I can't hear the host well here fam]
D: Really, G. Soul -
me, us -
both of us are his fans -
J: Right -
but that song -
was initially supposed to be with me -
but -
D: At that time -
we were listening to the music together with Jessi -
'this is good, that too'
we were discussing about it together -
J: But the most important thing is -
we're really thankful to G. Soul -
he was preparing his album -
and Dumbfoundead was his close friend -
and for us, it would be great to have him in the song -
G. Soul is a very, very good friend -
it had to follow the perfect timing -
and it was finished -
anyways, G. Soul is the best!
and then -
J: A bit crazy -
but -
you need to have this a bit to rap -
J: JL, I like him the most -
J: I can hear him so well -
J: Far East Movement produced this for his album -
but Dumbfoundead don't normally do this style now -
D: Usually -
Far East Movement -
don't normally do music that is not 'big' -
all of them are 'big'-
meaning sounds that are big -
J: Please speak in Korean -
J: Those songs normally come out good -
but for this song -
that's what I wanted to say earlier -
back then, at the studio -
it was the most difficult song to make -
he usually comes up with raps easily -
and it's fun while doing it but-
this song, really -
i'm not lying -
this song took 12 hours -
no, no, no -
L: it's really fast -
D: 12 hours.... isn't that a little fast?
L: A little bit -
J: Not 12 hours -
but 12 months [I think] -
12 hours is not possible -
P: Even back in LA -
J: And the song changed again -
And then, one day he said he's not doing it -
he threw his earphones -
and didn't want to hear it. -
He hated his own song -
and he said he can't do it -
but now, look. -
Listen to my 'theory' -
He was doubting his own stuff -
'oh, this is not going to work' -
it's weird -
but they did a great job.
H: So what made it so difficult -
J: Cause I was a bad bish~
D: Why the production was so epic -
I normally like to have space while working -
and a little bit of personal relationships -
I wanted to express seriously through the words -
but it was difficult for me -
H: Now, everyone here has heard the song -
what are the producer's thoughts -
on the track -
and Dumbfounded + Jessi -
how was it?
P: Their efforts -
of countless rewrites and re-recordings -
from what I see -
it all comes out (in the final song).
H: Did you give them a little push?
P: A little -
D: Whatever they say, I listen to them. -
When they say to do something this way -
you just have to follow their words. -
'it will be cool' -
because when we were working on it together -
with Jessi, it became a success -
[he mentioned success slightly different earlier]
J: No, there's much more for it to be a success -
D: We managed to get success -
because we listened to the music a lot -
I listened to it a lot too -
Because the crew try to work things out together -
we were able to come up with something good.
J: It's his first album released in Korea. -
At first, he thought -
it would be good and fun but -
when he finally got to it, -
it was quite a challenge. -
Since it's now in Korean too -
there's a lot to think about -
and he needs to write the lyrics -
that's why -
no matter what -
it's a good effort.
D: We have mutual respect, musically -
When Jessi is singing on her own -
she'll call and get me to look at her stuff -
and ask me 'how do I make it better' -
and I say 'it looks good, maybe this can be reworked'.-
H: Seems like a smooth work process -
D: We listen to each other comfortably. -
If I think a part is not good, -
I'll tell her to take it out -
vice versa.
J: There's one thing I always help him with -
his Korean language skills.
Elsewhere, my command of the language is considered weak -
but over here -
I am the best. -
Why is this happening?
J: I just feel good.
D: She really likes it now.
H: Now, opening the floor to the audience -
to ask any questions to the guests here -
things that they're curious to know -
if there's any, it's the time now.
J: Just ask anything, really -
D: If you're curious, ask away -
J: To Phrogress -
you can ask how he maintains his mustache -
how does he do it.
D: What conditioner does he use?
H: I just remembered something -
back then, my friend -
had a fake mustache on -
J: Go and take a closer look at it -
it will not come off -
J: Is there no one asking?
H: Is there any one question for DPR Live?
D: What are we talking about -
J: At Octagon -
June 1st -
say something -
D: Oh, June 1st -
at Octagon -
there'll be me -
and surprise dongsaengs and hyungs -
who will come out -
as special guests -
H: Will you tell the people watching here -
the names of those coming -
D: I don't know -
J: We're a little busy -
D: If we have the time -
L: They have to come to know -
D: If you have time, come on over -
hyung will buy the food -
J: Forreal?
D: I'll buy for you.
L: I'll definitely be there.
D: It will be a fun time, so come over.
P: 'Big' hyungs are gonna be there too.
D: Loopy, Nafla, JUSTHIS -
will perform at the show together -
many of my DJ friends are coming too -
I have my DJ from LA too. -
It will be really fun.
J: Just like me,
why I asked this -
when I first came to Korea -
I couldn't adapt to the culture.
But after 10 years -
after trying many times -
trying to enter but can't -
that's why I understand his struggles. -
When he first came -
he was really happy -
'wow its Korea'
but it's very difficult
the way you speak and the culture -
he was not familiar with it.
D: I think it's about the same.
No, no -
I'm just joking -
No, no, no -
Having one close friend really (helps) -
I was actually stressed out -
it's not that I don't like Korea -
it's all good but -
it wasn't like this before. -
And when I first came here -
there's a lot of press interviews and -
this kind of thing too -
H: So she really took good care of you ~
D: Yes, like a mom -
J: The weird thing is -
when I meet people -
they tell me not to do this or say that -
but he's there next to me, swearing.
D: She's just like a mom -
If it's raining, she will pass an umbrella -
J: Oppa, be careful -
you can still do it -
J: People have to know the bad things too -
D: But there's no bad stuff -
There's no bad stuff for you -
I'm really grateful -
but having a close friend -
like Jessi -
there's a lot in the team -
I'm thankful for all of them -
H: These guys here (FM) -
when you came to Korea -
did you get to meet a lot of people?
D: We met in December -
from then on, we got close -
we're like family -
we will call each other whenever -
and meet up -
FM are really hyungs -
P: Us, at this time -
Korean language is hard -
it's the first time -
J: But for me -
really -
Transparent Agency -
their company -
Prohgress and Kev Nish -
it's a relief, having met them -
because -
of course, before this -
we were big fans but -
the kind of control that they have -
they're so good at making music is really -
smart business mind too -
they're so smart about it -
I envy them when I see it -
they're so talented -
business is also good -
D: but, but -
FM already knew me back when I was 25 -
H: That's really a long time ago -
P: Back in our neighbourhood -
when we did freestyle with him -
back then, we already know he's good.
H: So you guys met for the first time when you did freestyle -
D: Back then, I was a genius -
I wasn't a joke.
In my neighbourhood -
when people saw me -
they thought I was a genius.
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Saginaw 2017 Calculus BC Music Video - Duration: 2:57.All right calc c'mon lets go.
We gonna show how to pause, to diverge, to converge.
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There's another there are others Lets go on to geometric.
You look at the leading power, if top and bottom goes to n, n, n if the absolute equals not 1 or more than,
yes, I want some converge, if the absolute equals not 1 or less than, yes, I want some diverge.
converge, diverge, con con converge, diverge, converge, di di diverge.
Marl-Andy on the beat.
Derive me, Integrate me, Ms. Kelly better make you derive.
You better.
Derive me, Integrate me, my brain just loves me some calculus.
Graph Graph Graph Graph, I wanna graph you bad, so I can find f prime, and make sense
of the tangent line!
F prime is increasing, f prime is increasing, f prime is increasing which means f is concave up
G prime is decreasing, G prime is decreasing, g prime is decreasing which means G is concave down
We're all in calculus, Integrate, add plus c, and derive, find f prime.
And what does f prime tell us, gives us slope, max or min, rate of change, at time t.
We're all in calculus, 0 on 0, L'hospital, then derive there's the limit.
There are tests for convergence, nth term test, p-series, integral, geometric!
Thanks Mrs. Kelly You rock! <3
µ's Final Love Live! - Music S.T.A.R.T!! - µ's [Eng/Esp subs] - Duration: 4:53.Welcome song! Our hearts become one
So this place is our never ending stage
I want to see lots of the wonders out there
I want to feel them together with you
Within those wishes, miracles and chances are La la la LoveLive!
Thank you for the wonderful encounter
Thank you for the power to believe
The power of courage will make tomorrow change
Why haven't you been able to be honest with yourself all this time?
Music! Listen!!
From now on, all of us, from now on, let's dance
Let's go! Let's begin!!
Hey, the party doesn't end
Hey, the party doesn't end
We're still going to sing with all of our hearts
Hey, the party doesn't end
Hey, the party doesn't end
Happiness miracle, smiles✩invincible... That's how it feels!
Let's dream of new dreams
I want to have fun together with you
Once our hands are joined, we jump to the future La la la LoveLive!
Thank you for my burning heartbeat
Thank you for the feelings that can't be brought down
High spirits can save you from sadness
Do you want to know more? Do you want to know what I think and feel?
Music! A flowing melody of happiness (listen)
Do you want to know more? Do you want to know what I think and feel? (Listen)
Music! I want to give
Happiness to everyone, let's all dance
Let's go! Let's begin!!
That's good, the party doesn't stop
That's good, the party doesn't stop
Gather and assemble here, we're turning with the audience's cheers
That's good, the party doesn't stop
That's good, the party doesn't stop
My motto: Smiles✩unmatched... That's how it feels!
Invited to the parade...
(What to do?)
I'll dance (I'll dance) with you (with you)
The spiral of light won't disappear, never, it won't disappear
Hey, the party doesn't end
Hey, the party doesn't end
We're still going to sing with all of our heart
Hey, the party doesn't end
Hey, the party doesn't end
Happiness miracle, smiles✩invincible... That's how it feels!
(We won't stop, everyone)
La la la this is the best feeling!!
Welcome song! Our hearts become one
So be here with us (let's dance)
Welcome song! Our hearts become one
So this place is our never ending stage
Elfen Lied - Lilium (Opening) Music Box Cover - Duration: 2:40.Thank you for watching my Elfen Lied - Lilium (Opening) Music Box Cover.
You can download Elfen Lied Music Box Cover MP3 from my site, link in the description
If you want to see more Elfen Lied Covers and other Anime Music Box Covers, feel free to subscribe!
I hope you like my Elfen Lied - Lilium (Opening) Cover.
Any way I could improve this Elfen Lied - Lilium (Opening) Music Box Cover? Let me know in the comments.
★ DJ BATTLE#1 - DJ HENTAI Vs DJ FLARE | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 1:02:46.NIGHTCORE DJ BATTLE
sugu music
Nightcore live
[INDO/ENG] [Episode] 방탄소년단(BTS) @ Billboard Music Awards 2017 - Duration: 20:58.[The day they departed to attend the 2017 Billboard Music Awards]
JH: We're going to Billboards today.
JH: Ha ha ha ha.
[They leave by receiving many congratulations and with an excited heart]
[On this BTS EPISODE of their Billboard Jouney, Jimin and Jin are the official VJs] .
[On this BTS EPISODE of their Billboard Jouney, Jimin and Jin are the official VJs] J: Hello.
JM: Hello everyone.
JM: It's us. J: It's BTS.
JM: Where are we going? J: We are going to Billboards.
JM: Why are we going there?
J: We are going to the awards show. JM: That's right.
JM: Yeah. We are able to go to the Billboards for the first time.
JM: I think how we feel right now is how we felt when we attended an awards show for the first time after we debuted.
JM: We're just nervous and we're looking forward to what will happen. That's how we feel.
J: V-ssi, you should say a comment.
V: Hello.
J: Everyone, we are...oh my bare face is nice.
JM: Anyway, so with those emotions, we got on the plane.
JM: We're just here to say that we will do well and come back.
J: Being able to go to Billboards is all thanks to ARMYs.
JM: We wanted to say thank you.
JM: We're here to say thank you.
JM: Wow. The reason why we are able to attend is all because of ARMYs.
[The two wanted to say it all thanks to ARMYs] JM: So, we're here to say thank you and to say that we will do well and come back.
JM: So, we're here to say thank you and to say that we will do well and come back.
V: Say Hi.
S: Nice to meet you.
V: I'm nervous for the Billboards.
V: You're nervous for the Billboards, right?
V: You should clean that up.
J: Why do I keep dropping the food.
J: I dropped some rice again (?)
[V even filmed a video for the fans when he woke up in the middle of the night~!]
Good night. Good night.
[The members arrived at Las Vegas while receiving chants from the fans]
V: We are finally in Las Vegas! What do I do? I'm so nervous!
JM: I got a haircut.
[After taking a break, they gathered the next day for the afternoon shoot] JM: I got a haircut.
[After taking a break, they gathered the next day for the afternoon shoot] JM: Because I wanted to cut it.
JM: Just gain a little more weight.
JK: More mature than in the past.
[This is how the maknaes calm their nerves before filming] .
[This is how the maknaes calm their nerves before filming] Show us how it's done, Jungkook!
[This is how the maknaes calm their nerves before filming] JK: You don't use this as a fan...
JK: You don't us this as a fan...
[BTS does their best to show the 'FIRE' choreography!]
[They successfully finished the shoot after receiving cheers from the staff]
JM: After we came to Las Vegas,
[VJ Jimin & Jin are back] JM: After we came to Las Vegas,
[VJ Jimin & Jin are back] JM: This is the first time we're going out.
JM: This is the first time we're going out.
J: We are. JM: Where are we going right now?
J: We are going to go eat an amazing brunch in Las Vegas right now.
JM: We heard that there is an amazing restaurant, so we are going there right now.
JM: I'm so hungry I could die.
J: Express with your body how hungry you feel.
JM: I'm really hungry.
JM: Since I didn't eat and I'm starting to put makeup on, I look like BbangBbangie.
JM: Since I'm going around with my hair cut, I feel like my energy is back.
JM: Ah, Jin hyung! Your beauty is great today.
J: I feel like I'm getting younger and younger.
J: I'm 26 years old, but according to my motto,
J: If your actions are younger, your face will become younger.
J: I'm testing it because I believe it.
JM: Aren't you testing it so much that you hear that you don't act your age?
J: That's the disadvantage...that's the disadvantage...
JM: No, hyung. It's cute.
J: Thank you.
JM: How do you feel since it's the first time going out in Las Vegas?
J: The sunlight in Las Vegas is really pretty and there are people walking around...
J: There's even an amusement park! An amusement park! JM: The weather is so nice...
J: There's even a helicopter flying!
JM: I hard the ride in between the buildings is really scary because you can't see anything.
J: Really? JM: Yes. J: Let's ride it!
JM: We're not riding that. J: Why not?
JM: We need to rest.
JM: But that goes though buildings, so I thought it will be really scary,
JM: But they say it's ok in the morning but scary at night. J: Wow.
JM: But we already have an experience in the US. J: That's right.
JM: Scary amusement park ride.
J: Hey, only my nose is appearing on screen.
J: On the screen...only my
JM: We came to eat brunch.
JM: There's a lot to eat.
JM: How is it hyung, is it tasty?
RM: It's tasty!
RM: We should be eating this with you guys too.
[Hobi is in charge of the self-cams!] JM: Good? JH: Good.
JM: Good? JK: It's tasty. J: Good.
JM: We'll enjoy the meal and go back.
[The other members are sleeping due to the time difference so four of them came to see the show]
[They were excited after watching th wsho, so they make comments.. ^.^] JH: The show of a lifetime. You have to watch this.
JH: The show of a lifetime. You have to watch this.
J: That man
JH: It was amazing.
V: I got goosebumps!
JH: Ka! Ka! Wow.
S: Seeing it from the top, you can see it from a different perspective.
S: All the popular circus acrobats gathered into one place.
JH: I'll have to search them up (?)
J: If they went on the olympics, wouldn't they win medals?
[They spent their free time and ended the second day~!] J: If they went on the olympics, wouldn't they win medals?
J: If they went on the olympics, wouldn't they win medals?
JM: When I woke up in the morning, my heart was thumping.
[Finally the day of the award show] JM: When I woke up in the morning, my heart was thumping.
JM: It went thump, thump, thump.
JM: But right now, it's calmer.
JH: We're going to step the red carpet of the Billboard Award Show.
JH: In 30 minutes, we're going to be on it.
JH: We need to go to Billboards~
JH: We're Billboard artists!
JH: We'll just...have to do it like usual, right?
JH: If we were performing too, then I would have been really nervous.
JH: But we're going to have fun on the red carpet.
JH: What? S: You're going to be really nervous? JH: No.
JH: Oh, you look really cool, hyung.
V: I don't know yet.
V: I don't know if we can actually win.
JH: Today, Rap Monster is the most important person.
JH: Because he needs to lead the interviews.
RM: I'm nervous. JH: I'm going to keep doing this next to him.
JH: In order to give Rapmon strength, I'll do it with my body. RM: I'm really nervous right now.
RM: Say things while you're next to me. That's right.
J: You said it's not red carpet here. It's pink carpet.
It's magenta.
J: I'm nervous.
RM: Yeah! JH: Look at that!
JH: That's amazing!
RM: Hey, hey. We need to go in order with the three in the front.
[With increased energy, the members do 2, 3! Hello, we are BTS!] 2, 3 Bang-tan! Hello, we are BTS! JH: Hey, what's up Billboard?!
V: Hey, what's up Billboard! Yeah!
Hello, we are BTS!
J: Starting from today, let's only talk in English.
V: Okay. JH: English.
JH: Hey, Jin! How you feel?
J: I feel so good! Yeah, it's nice.
V: Rapmon, I'm proud of you.
RM: Thank you, man.
J: Trust us. Trust us.
R: Let's not get tired and stay strong.
JH: Is there a chance we'll get tired?
RM: It's goinig to get tiring.
J: And the weather is hot. RM: And everyone is watching it live.
[With a nervous heart and talking with each other, they arrive at the award show] J: And the weather is hot. RM: And everyone is watching it live.
[With a nervous heart and talking with each other, they arrive at the award show] JH: I'm so nervous!
V: I'm so nervous! What do I do?
J: There are so many people!
There's a BTS sign! J: Hope! J-Hope!
There's BTS!
There's a J-Hope sign!
JH: I'm really nervous.
[They enter with the welcome of many fans and reporters]
[They go through many media coverage interviews for TV and online]
[They enter the award venue after resting a little bit in the lounge]
JH: It's the best.
J: Since we are at Billboards, I can't tell if it's a dream or reality.
V: Billboards! Billboards!
V: Say hi!
JH: Billboard! BTS at Billboard!
JK: BTS in Las Vegas! J: Hello!
S: BTS in Billboard!
RM: It's similar like Korea, but the person in front of us is DJ Khaled.
[They put off being nervous and enjoys the performance]
S: It's cool!
S: 'FIRE' came up! JH: 'FIRE'! 'FIRE'!
[As it gets closer, they start to get nervous again] JH: Is there a chance... RM: I can't speak.
RM: I can't form any words.
S: A lot of our fans are here.
RM: That's why I'm even more nervous.
RM: I can't speak right now.
V: I feel like I'm dreaming right now.
S: I had a dream like this 2 years ago.
RM: What kind of dream?
S: I had the same feeling as now.
RM: But you don't remember what happened?
J: But we're watching something we only saw on TV. RM: I know right?
J: We're watching with our own two eyes.
[The moment when their own M/V came up at Billboard Music Awards]
[BTS was called as the winner for Top Social Artist!]
We love you and thank you. We will work harder.
[The members are shariing this unforgettable moment together] .
[The members are shariing this unforgettable moment together] JH: We succeeded. We seriously succeeded. Wow.
[The members are shariing this unforgettable moment together] Wow. Congratulations.
JH: Wow. We got an award at Billboards.
JH: This is amazing. Congratulations, guys.
[The members congratulate each other] JH: Seriouslty, congratulations. Congratulations for Billboards.
JM: Thank you! We love you!
S: This is amazing.
JH: Congratulations, guys.
JH: Congratulations. You worked really hard.
RM: Ah, seriously.
This is so shocking. JH: This is so shocking.
[They are joyfully heading to do the winner photo-time and interview] .
[They are joyfully heading to do the winner photo-time and interview] JK: BTS got an award from Billboard.
JK: Is this a dream?
S: Seeing all the people in front of us.
J: I think ARMYs will be proud of us.
JH: Billboard! Billboard! I still can't believe it!
Top Social Artist Billboard Music Awards BTS!
JH: Amazing. Amazing.
J: When you open the Top Social Artist Billboard award...BTS.
RM: It's not settling in yet. It feels like before the announcement.
RM: Wow this is amazing.
RM: When we won at MAMA, we were so happy, but we relaxed after it was over, but now...
RM: It's not calming down.
RM: It keeps going.
RM: Thank you. I wasn't able to say thank you even though it's the most important.
RM: I think this is really just the beginning.
RM: We will have to go on with this always in mind.
RM: I'm really thankful to the other members.
RM: I'm so thankful that we went through it without any accidents.
RM: It was the first time doing those interviews. I should have done a better job, so I feel sorry.
RM: Thank you so much. Seriously.
RM: We didn't earn it just because of ourselves. Seriously.
JM: I don't know what to say. I love you.
JH: What should I say? I'm wondering if this is really Billboards.
JH: "Were we really called up to recieve an award at Billboards just now?"
JH: "Are we allowed to go up there?" That's how it feels right now.
RM: When our names were called it was like at MAMA or Melon.
RM: We were going up, but DJ Khaled is there.
JK: And there's Drake in front of you.
JK: And there are Chainsmokers.
S: I was going to the bathroom but Diplo and Nicki Minaj was walking out.
S: I was like "What is this?"
J: You should have mentioned BTS (?)
V: I was just standing there, but the Chainsmokers were I was like...
[They go back to their seats and enjoy the performance with a clear mind]
JH: Top Social Artist!
S: I said we should change the award name to 'Top Social ARMY'.
JH: We received an award thanks to you. Wow!
RM: It's seriously amazing.
RM: It's so exciting...and no I shouldn't be talking.
[The leader is letting other members talk becaus he already made many comments!]
JM: I said this while we were coming here, but we didn't even imagine that we would experience the things we did today.
JM: I still can't believe it's us.
JH: We also heard so many cheers of our fans at the venue.
JH: My shoulders kept rising! (His pride was increasing)
JH: When we were going up there...
JH: When they called BTS, my shoulders went...
V: They went straight up to the clouds and the sky!
JH: It was no joke. JK: That was the best.
J: I think my shoulders got wider.
JH: We love you, everyone!
RM: We will work harder and return with something better!
RM/JH: We love you! V: Thank you for the award, ARMYs.
J: Thank you.
"You're so stupid" Official Cringy Music Video by Tigapack| Turn on captions! - Duration: 2:16.Man, I'm really mad right now
I' m rally mad 'cause someone ate my cheese burger, I was savin' for later.
Now I'm dark as Darth Vader. She made me a sandwich but I'm turning down her favors.
I really hated the flavor. I hope you'll learn you lesson and won't eat my fav burgers
Just go eat your nasty boogers.
You better watch out if you come to my party.
It's my cake, and I'm not sorry if I show up in my Ferrari and you show up lookin' cheap.
Can't wait to see you weep, BEACH!!
Girl why you try to take my food?
Gettin' me in my angry mood.
An while my face be lookin' red, yours be lookin' sad sad blue.
And ur F***ing yellow too.
You keep trying to ignore, but I know you know your belly grew.
You know these story's are true. That they ain't no fairy tale
An no one asks for your Gmail, 'cause it looks like you came straight from hell!
Even if you found the wishing well, you still couldn't make that wish
'cause you'll always be an ugly b****!!
You're so stupid, you're so stupid.
No one likes you!
You're so stupid, yeah.
I'm sick and tired of your little games.
First you take my cheese burger, then you set my house to flames.
I could go on and on, but I don't got the time.
I'm too busy trying to make a damn dime!
I only got hundred dollars and fifty dollar bills.
And I feel like donating a dime to charity.
For the people who were born with geometrical irregularity.
Why don't you just stroll to hell 'cause Imma burn you anyways.
Tonight if you're in my dreams, you will feel the extreme wrath of my revenge.
And you will avenge my fav..... I will avenge my fav cheese burger!!
You're so stupid, you're so stupid.
No one likes you!
You're so stupid, yeah.
You're so stupid, you're so stupid.
No one likes you!
You're so stupid, yeah.
GEORGIAN MIX - Comedy Rap Music Song (ქართული კომედიური რეპი) - Duration: 11:26.გამოიწერეთ არხი და მოიწონეთ ვიდეო
EDDE P - World Music (Bass Boosted) - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
[ENG/INDO SUB] [Episode] 방탄소년단 (BTS) Billboard Music Awards 2017 - Duration: 20:58.[The day they departed to attend the 2017 Billboard Music Awards]
JH: We're going to Billboards today.
JH: Ha ha ha ha.
[They leave by receiving many congratulations and with an excited heart]
[On this BTS EPISODE of their Billboard Jouney, Jimin and Jin are the official VJs] .
[On this BTS EPISODE of their Billboard Jouney, Jimin and Jin are the official VJs] J: Hello.
JM: Hello everyone.
JM: It's us. J: It's BTS.
JM: Where are we going? J: We are going to Billboards.
JM: Why are we going there?
J: We are going to the awards show. JM: That's right.
JM: Yeah. We are able to go to the Billboards for the first time.
JM: I think how we feel right now is how we felt when we attended an awards show for the first time after we debuted.
JM: We're just nervous and we're looking forward to what will happen. That's how we feel.
J: V-ssi, you should say a comment.
V: Hello.
J: Everyone, we are...oh my bare face is nice.
JM: Anyway, so with those emotions, we got on the plane.
JM: We're just here to say that we will do well and come back.
J: Being able to go to Billboards is all thanks to ARMYs.
JM: We wanted to say thank you.
JM: We're here to say thank you.
JM: Wow. The reason why we are able to attend is all because of ARMYs.
[The two wanted to say it all thanks to ARMYs] JM: So, we're here to say thank you and to say that we will do well and come back.
JM: So, we're here to say thank you and to say that we will do well and come back.
V: Say Hi.
S: Nice to meet you.
V: I'm nervous for the Billboards.
V: You're nervous for the Billboards, right?
V: You should clean that up.
J: Why do I keep dropping the food.
J: I dropped some rice again (?)
[V even filmed a video for the fans when he woke up in the middle of the night~!]
Good night. Good night.
[The members arrived at Las Vegas while receiving chants from the fans]
V: We are finally in Las Vegas! What do I do? I'm so nervous!
JM: I got a haircut.
[After taking a break, they gathered the next day for the afternoon shoot] JM: I got a haircut.
[After taking a break, they gathered the next day for the afternoon shoot] JM: Because I wanted to cut it.
JM: Just gain a little more weight.
JK: More mature than in the past.
[This is how the maknaes calm their nerves before filming] .
[This is how the maknaes calm their nerves before filming] Show us how it's done, Jungkook!
[This is how the maknaes calm their nerves before filming] JK: You don't use this as a fan...
JK: You don't us this as a fan...
[BTS does their best to show the 'FIRE' choreography!]
[They successfully finished the shoot after receiving cheers from the staff]
JM: After we came to Las Vegas,
[VJ Jimin & Jin are back] JM: After we came to Las Vegas,
[VJ Jimin & Jin are back] JM: This is the first time we're going out.
JM: This is the first time we're going out.
J: We are. JM: Where are we going right now?
J: We are going to go eat an amazing brunch in Las Vegas right now.
JM: We heard that there is an amazing restaurant, so we are going there right now.
JM: I'm so hungry I could die.
J: Express with your body how hungry you feel.
JM: I'm really hungry.
JM: Since I didn't eat and I'm starting to put makeup on, I look like BbangBbangie.
JM: Since I'm going around with my hair cut, I feel like my energy is back.
JM: Ah, Jin hyung! Your beauty is great today.
J: I feel like I'm getting younger and younger.
J: I'm 26 years old, but according to my motto,
J: If your actions are younger, your face will become younger.
J: I'm testing it because I believe it.
JM: Aren't you testing it so much that you hear that you don't act your age?
J: That's the disadvantage...that's the disadvantage...
JM: No, hyung. It's cute.
J: Thank you.
JM: How do you feel since it's the first time going out in Las Vegas?
J: The sunlight in Las Vegas is really pretty and there are people walking around...
J: There's even an amusement park! An amusement park! JM: The weather is so nice...
J: There's even a helicopter flying!
JM: I heard the ride in between the buildings is really scary because you can't see anything.
J: Really? JM: Yes. J: Let's ride it!
JM: We're not riding that. J: Why not?
JM: We need to rest.
JM: But that goes though buildings, so I thought it will be really scary,
JM: But they say it's ok in the morning but scary at night. J: Wow.
JM: But we already have an experience in the US. J: That's right.
JM: Scary amusement park ride.
J: Hey, only my nose is appearing on screen.
J: On the screen...only my
JM: We came to eat brunch.
JM: There's a lot to eat.
JM: How is it hyung, is it tasty?
RM: It's tasty!
RM: We should be eating this with you guys too.
[Hobi is in charge of the self-cams!] JM: Good? JH: Good.
JM: Good? JK: It's tasty. J: Good.
JM: We'll enjoy the meal and go back.
[The other members are sleeping due to the time difference so four of them came to see the show]
[They were excited after watching th wsho, so they make comments.. ^.^] JH: The show of a lifetime. You have to watch this.
JH: The show of a lifetime. You have to watch this.
J: That man
JH: It was amazing.
V: I got goosebumps!
JH: Ka! Ka! Wow.
S: Seeing it from the top, you can see it from a different perspective.
S: All the popular circus acrobats gathered into one place.
JH: I'll have to search them up (?)
J: If they went on the olympics, wouldn't they win medals?
[They spent their free time and ended the second day~!] J: If they went on the olympics, wouldn't they win medals?
J: If they went on the olympics, wouldn't they win medals?
JM: When I woke up in the morning, my heart was thumping.
[Finally the day of the award show] JM: When I woke up in the morning, my heart was thumping.
JM: It went thump, thump, thump.
JM: But right now, it's calmer.
JH: We're going to step the red carpet of the Billboard Award Show.
JH: In 30 minutes, we're going to be on it.
JH: We need to go to Billboards~
JH: We're Billboard artists!
JH: We'll just...have to do it like usual, right?
JH: If we were performing too, then I would have been really nervous.
JH: But we're going to have fun on the red carpet.
JH: What? S: You're going to be really nervous? JH: No.
JH: Oh, you look really cool, hyung.
V: I don't know yet.
V: I don't know if we can actually win.
JH: Today, Rap Monster is the most important person.
JH: Because he needs to lead the interviews.
RM: I'm nervous. JH: I'm going to keep doing this next to him.
JH: In order to give Rapmon strength, I'll do it with my body. RM: I'm really nervous right now.
RM: Say things while you're next to me. That's right.
J: You said it's not red carpet here. It's pink carpet.
It's magenta.
J: I'm nervous.
RM: Yeah! JH: Look at that!
JH: That's amazing!
RM: Hey, hey. We need to go in order with the three in the front.
[With increased energy, the members do 2, 3! Hello, we are BTS!] 2, 3 Bang-tan! Hello, we are BTS! JH: Hey, what's up Billboard?!
V: Hey, what's up Billboard! Yeah!
Hello, we are BTS!
J: Starting from today, let's only talk in English.
V: Okay. JH: English.
JH: Hey, Jin! How you feel?
J: I feel so good! Yeah, it's nice.
V: Rapmon, I'm proud of you.
RM: Thank you, man.
J: Trust us. Trust us.
R: Let's not get tired and stay strong.
JH: Is there a chance we'll get tired?
RM: It's goinig to get tiring.
J: And the weather is hot. RM: And everyone is watching it live.
[With a nervous heart and talking with each other, they arrive at the award show] J: And the weather is hot. RM: And everyone is watching it live.
[With a nervous heart and talking with each other, they arrive at the award show] JH: I'm so nervous!
V: I'm so nervous! What do I do?
J: There are so many people!
There's a BTS sign! J: Hope! J-Hope!
There's BTS!
There's a J-Hope sign!
JH: I'm really nervous.
[They enter with the welcome of many fans and reporters]
[They go through many media coverage interviews for TV and online]
[They enter the award venue after resting a little bit in the lounge]
JH: It's the best.
J: Since we are at Billboards, I can't tell if it's a dream or reality.
V: Billboards! Billboards!
V: Say hi!
JH: Billboard! BTS at Billboard!
JK: BTS in Las Vegas! J: Hello!
S: BTS in Billboard!
RM: It's similar like Korea, but the person in front of us is DJ Khaled.
[They put off being nervous and enjoys the performance]
S: It's cool!
S: 'FIRE' came up! JH: 'FIRE'! 'FIRE'!
[As it gets closer, they start to get nervous again] JH: Is there a chance... RM: I can't speak.
RM: I can't form any words.
S: A lot of our fans are here.
RM: That's why I'm even more nervous.
RM: I can't speak right now.
V: I feel like I'm dreaming right now.
S: I had a dream like this 2 years ago.
RM: What kind of dream?
S: I had the same feeling as now.
RM: But you don't remember what happened?
J: But we're watching something we only saw on TV. RM: I know right?
J: We're watching with our own two eyes.
[The moment when their own M/V came up at Billboard Music Awards]
[BTS was called as the winner for Top Social Artist!]
We love you and thank you. We will work harder.
[The members are sharing this unforgettable moment together] .
[The members are shariing this unforgettable moment together] JH: We succeeded. We seriously succeeded. Wow.
[The members are shariing this unforgettable moment together] Wow. Congratulations.
JH: Wow. We got an award at Billboards.
JH: This is amazing. Congratulations, guys.
[The members congratulate each other] JH: Seriouslty, congratulations. Congratulations for Billboards.
JM: Thank you! We love you!
S: This is amazing.
JH: Congratulations, guys.
JH: Congratulations. You worked really hard.
RM: Ah, seriously.
This is so shocking. JH: This is so shocking.
[They are joyfully heading to do the winner photo-time and interview] .
[They are joyfully heading to do the winner photo-time and interview] JK: BTS got an award from Billboard.
JK: Is this a dream?
S: Seeing all the people in front of us.
J: I think ARMYs will be proud of us.
JH: Billboard! Billboard! I still can't believe it!
Top Social Artist Billboard Music Awards BTS!
JH: Amazing. Amazing.
J: When you open the Top Social Artist Billboard award...BTS.
RM: It's not settling in yet. It feels like before the announcement.
RM: Wow this is amazing.
RM: When we won at MAMA, we were so happy, but we relaxed after it was over, but now...
RM: It's not calming down.
RM: It keeps going.
RM: Thank you. I wasn't able to say thank you even though it's the most important.
RM: I think this is really just the beginning.
RM: We will have to go on with this always in mind.
RM: I'm really thankful to the other members.
RM: I'm so thankful that we went through it without any accidents.
RM: It was the first time doing those interviews. I should have done a better job, so I feel sorry.
RM: Thank you so much. Seriously.
RM: We didn't earn it just because of ourselves. Seriously.
JM: I don't know what to say. I love you.
JH: What should I say? I'm wondering if this is really Billboards.
JH: "Were we really called up to recieve an award at Billboards just now?"
JH: "Are we allowed to go up there?" That's how it feels right now.
RM: When our names were called it was like at MAMA or Melon.
RM: We were going up, but DJ Khaled is there.
JK: And there's Drake in front of you.
JK: And there are Chainsmokers.
S: I was going to the bathroom but Diplo and Nicki Minaj was walking out.
S: I was like "What is this?"
J: You should have mentioned BTS (?)
V: I was just standing there, but the Chainsmokers were I was like...
[They go back to their seats and enjoy the performance with a clear mind]
JH: Top Social Artist!
S: I said we should change the award name to 'Top Social ARMY'.
JH: We received an award thanks to you. Wow!
RM: It's seriously amazing.
RM: It's so exciting...and no I shouldn't be talking.
[The leader is letting other members talk because he already made many comments!]
JM: I said this while we were coming here, but we didn't even imagine that we would experience the things we did today.
JM: I still can't believe it's us.
JH: We also heard so many cheers of our fans at the venue.
JH: My shoulders kept rising! (His pride was increasing)
JH: When we were going up there...
JH: When they called BTS, my shoulders went...
V: They went straight up to the clouds and the sky!
JH: It was no joke. JK: That was the best.
J: I think my shoulders got wider.
JH: We love you, everyone!
RM: We will work harder and return with something better!
RM/JH: We love you! V: Thank you for the award, ARMYs.
J: Thank you.
What is a legal hackathon? (Music City Legal Hackathon 2017 @ Vanderbilt Law School) - Duration: 3:35.So, legal hackers is five years old.
It started in New York City for a legal clinic at Brooklyn Law School that was focused on
pro bono legal services for early-stage tech start-ups.
Since then, it has grown.
Now we have 60 chapters around the world.
These chapters host monthly events on all sorts of issues, but a lot of them come down
to the things we were talking about today.
Things like disability access.
Things like access to justice, the blockchain, smart contracts, come up all the time.
I was talking yesterday to two co-organizers in Croatia who were starting their chapters.
Week before that in Kiev, in the Ukraine, a week before that from Ghana, week before
that in Hong Kong.
So this is happening all around the world.
So, as you guys work today and as you guys come up with your solutions today realize
that they feed into a global movement and the thing that you post, let's say they all
get posted up on GitHub, could be used in a far-off jurisdiction to solve some of the
problems of who you've never met in a place where you've never been so this is really
really powerful.
All the credit goes to you guys for putting this on.
The great sponsors and the great stakeholder and the participants, Code for Nashville is
amazing as well, So, thank you, guys, for putting this on.
In general, a hackathon is a community-building event.
It's a wonderful opportunity to get people of disparate professions and crafts together
to learn about one another's context and share skills in pursuit of something.
There's immense value in bring together members of the legal industry and the tech industry,
broadly speaking, so that they can learn new ways of thinking about old and new problems.
That's the thing I take away from this, is learning to adapt the hackathon model to focus
less on creating software and more on providing value in all kinds of different ways.
Jump in!
Find a local hacker group of some sort.
Finding just regular meetings of clubs that focus on different issues.
Some will be organized around different technologies and some will be organized around different
sectors or ares of focus.
If you want to get involved, there's no better way of doing that than just doing it.
Lakewood High school music teacher arrested for child neglect in Hillsborough County - Duration: 1:23.HAVING A BAD DAY AND IS NOW
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