matchstick night lamp making
Why people don't heal and how they can - Caroline Myss - Duration: 3:07.why people don't heal and how they can
this is a book a best-seller
of Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is an incredible woman
five-time New York Times bestselling author
and internationally renown speaker
I highly recommend to read this book of hers
but to those who have no time
I'd like to summarize in this video of mine
the main ideas and understandings
I got from her book
clinging to your wounds
is the reason we don't heal
using our wounds as excuses
to some present situations
or more than that
using our wounds to control
and manipulate other people
living in the past doesn't let us heal
every time you think a negative thought
or speak it out
it drains energy out of your body
being judgmental
drains energy out of your body
and when you get into energy debt
your body starts to be ill
now Caroline clarifies
that if someone is ill
is not necessarily because
he is a negative person
there are also genetic causes
or environmental causes
but many times
illness is caused by energetic debt
don't let your energy drain out of your body
just because someone criticized you
or because someone took your parking place
the way you get your energy back
is through forgiveness
through active forgiveness
forgiveness to those who never
even asked for it
how to forgive?
you need to force yourself
the funny thing about forgiveness
is that you don't want to forgive
you don't enjoy the idea of forgiving
until after you've done it
but after you will forgive
you will feel a huge relief
you will understand
how precious it is
stop asking why things happen as they do
give that up
chart a course to your future
and make sure that this course
is far away from your wounds
we have more than one
reality system available to us
we can have something traumatic
going on in our life
and still be ok
celebrate your life
stop wondering about
what should have been
would have been or could have been
remember that no one has the authority
over your future only you do
and one way to live a happy quality tomorrow
is by leaving a sad yesterday behind
so this is in short
the incredible Caroline Myss
if you liked my summary
please hit the thumbs up
and you are welcome to follow me
by subscribing to my channel
bye bye
Do My Own Gardening - How to Plan and Plant a Garden - Ep3 - Duration: 9:00.Time to start doing some planting!
Let's first talk about what we're planting and why.
First up tomatoes.
We've got early girls and super sweets.
These tomatoes are going to be ready in about 50 to 60 days after planting.
And the reason we're doing plants versus starting from seed, it's just way to late in the year
to try and throw seeds into the ground and grow them from that.
So we've gone down to our local nursery and picked up these plants; we'll just transplant
them into our raised garden bed.
The next thing we're going to be planting are peppers.
We have Serrano peppers, Poblano, Jalapeno, and lunch box orange peppers.
We also have two different kinds of basil.
We have sweet basil and lime basil.
The reason we're doing peppers and basil, if you'll remember the two people that helped
me build the box, they wanted peppers and basil in the garden, so, that's what we're
Plus basil just smells really really good!
So now let's talk about how we're going to design or plant our plants in the garden box.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to take them out of their little trays here and just
kind of mock them up in the garden box, and then we'll start the actual planting.
And after I get it mocked up, we'll talk about why we're doing it that way.
Let's start with our tomatoes.
So this is the general idea, our tomato plants are going to get the most room.
They need about 24 inches apart to really thrive and establish themselves and succeed.
Our pepper plants only need about a foot apart for them to really thrive.
So we're going to do a cluster of four here, and a cluster of four in the back.
With our basil plants, same kind of story, we're only going to do just one row of basil
on this side, and they only need about a foot to really thrive and grow.
So let's get to planting.
So after we pull it out of its little container, we want to gently pull apart the bottom so
that we can get the roots to establish themselves in our existing soil.
We'll dig down a little v into our soil, then we'll put our plant in, and simply just put
our soil back into place.
Now when we're planting out plants, we want to plant it with the stalk pretty much all
the way down to the soil, but not too much to where our leaves are touching the ground,
so, if you plant to far down just go back in there, pull it up, put some soil underneath
it, and you're good to go!
What's cool about tomato plants, and this one's a really good example; it had a really
long stem on it.
So we buried it a little bit deeper than normal.
The reason we did that is, you can have roots sprout off from the stem.
So we put it down in there a little bit deeper so that those roots can really establish themselves
and create a strong healthy plant.
So there we go!
All of our plants are planted.
Everything's looking good.
We're happy!
So the reason I went ahead and put in the tomato cages, is for spacing.
I went ahead and put the tomato plants in, and then I put the cages on top of them, and
I noticed that these were a little bit too close to this one.
So, it took me less than a minute to pull them out, move them down a little bit, put
them back in there, and put the cages over them.
So, this will give me an idea of how the garden is going to take shape, how they're going
to grow up, how much room I've got for everything, and it just lets me keep an eye on it, and
just have better control.
It's also going to help promote healthy growth by giving the young stems something to hang
onto or latch onto, so that they can grow upwards.
For example, this one, these limbs right here were touching the ground.
We were able to put our cage in, lift these limbs up, and gently place them on the cage
so that they have something to support them so that they can grow up and thrive.
Another thing we want to do is give each one of these plants a little bit of fertilizer.
We're going to take some 10-10-10 and sprinkle it around each plant.
This is called side dressing, and the reason we want to do this is to minimize the shock
of the plants getting into the bed.
It's going to give them a little bit more nutrients, it's going to help them, thrive,
it's going to help the roots get down and establish themselves and just really make
them a little bit stronger going from essential the potted plant to the bed.
After we get our fertilizer down, we're going to give it a good soaking so that fertilizer
can get down into the soil, and start to work.
After we do that, we're going to put down our mulch.
The reason we use that wand, is we want to water in the fertilizer really well.
We also want to give the roots a nice good drink!
We're doing this late in the afternoon.
Not exactly the best time but it's what we've got to work with.
The optimal time to do this is early in the morning when temperatures are cooler.
The reason for doing this early in the morning is the root system can soak up that water
and use it through out the day.
If we do it in late evening, as it goes on into night time, that water can just pool
up, plants aren't actively absorbing it, and that can cause a problem because it will let
disease set in from the water not getting soaked up.
The next thing we're going to do is put down some mulch.
We're working a little bit backwards here.
Typically we would run our soaker hose system throughout our garden, but we're going to
go ahead and put down our mulch, because we've got some significant rain rolling in.
We don't want all of our new soil to wash out from that rain, so we're going to go ahead
and put up our protective barrier down with our mulch.
But before we even do that, we're going to go ahead and wet our garden bed, one more
We already soaked the roots really well, now we're going to soak the entire raised garden
bed, so that we can retain some moisture down in there, to help the plants thrive.
After we've done that, it's on to the mulch.
Let's talk about the mulch real quick.
There's lots of schools of thought out there as to which mulch you should use.
Some people will use wheat straw, some people will use pine straw, some will use wood, some
will use bark, some will even use newspaper.
I reached out to our local extension office, asked them what we should use, they said it's
fine if we use plain pine bark.
So that's what we did.
Grabbed a couple of bags of pine bark, we put it down in our bed, we're good to go!
The rain is rolling in, the bed's all set up and ready to thrive!
That's it for this video.
Next video, we're going to talk all about irrigation.
The types of systems you can set up and how to actually water your raised garden beds.
If you have any further questions, leave them in the comments section below, shoot our customer
service staff an email, or pick up the phone and give them a call.
Make sure to follow along by clicking this button to subscribe to our channel and click
this playlist to see the other episodes in the Do My Own Gardening series.
And as always, thanks for watching!
How you doing? | Minecraft Animation - Duration: 0:08.Hey!
How you doing?
Well I'm doing just fine
I lied,
I'm dying
How to draw a butterfly with soft pastels 🎨 Butterfly - Duration: 10:53.This is a sandpaper.
DIY How to make Kinetic Sand CANDY RAINBOW Learn Colors Kinetic Foam Surprise Eggs Toy - Duration: 2:32.How to make Kinetic Sand CANDY RAINBOW
How to find your phone if it gets lost??? - Duration: 3:39.First open G-mail from desktop and sign into it.
Than click the button beside the bell icon
Click the My Account Button
Now go to Signing in to google
Now scroll Down and click the device you want to find out about
Now click "Lost This Device option"
Now you can lock your phone by typing a password and also display a message on the phone
You can sign out from your phone from here also
You also have an option to format your phone
You can also find the location of your phone by clicking on your device and then click the map given below
Woman Secrets:How To Save Your Marriage Up To 60! - Duration: to save your marriage after 60
modern ways it is known that marriage
requires a significant effort from both
partners and what about people who have
been together for decades it's no secret
that any relationship will sooner or
later need to be updated this is
especially true for the sexual aspect
trying something new gives your
relationship a new start for example
role-playing helps to make a new image
of your partner and liven up emotions
new positions and mutual desire to
please each other without neglecting
your own desires are also of help
recently a special popularity has gained
g-spot stimulation that leads to squirt
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the help of a squirt coach Maestro Love
choosing a squirt coach you open
the new world full of amazing sensations
for your woman man and women all over
the world have highly appreciated Maestro Love
you can try it too take care
of your relationship
How To Make Your Partner Miss You - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
How To Deposit At Your Mobile Casino Using Pay By Phone - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Insulin Resistance? What Is It And How We Can Heal - Duration: to treat insulin resistance
naturally if you have insulin resistance
that is pre-diabetes yourself do not
respond normally to insulin if it is not
reversed insulin resistance can lead to
type 2 diabetes insulin resistance can
be reversed naturally through changes in
diet and supplement
not only will reversing insulin
resistance improve your blood sugar it
will also improve your overall health
here are some tips to treat insulin
resistance eat more complex
carbohydrates at least 90 to 95 percent
of the carbohydrates you eat should be
complex this can help regulate your
blood sugar try to eat most of your
complex carbohydrates at lunch and cut
down on the portion sizes of other meals
complex carbohydrates are found in whole
unprocessed foods like whole grains peas
lentils beans and vegetables cut down
processed foods reduce extra sugars and
fats the Tor usually added to processed
food rather try to eat natural or simply
prepared foods cook from starch as often
as possible and choose organic foods to
avoid chemicals you should avoid
chemicals if you are trying to reverse
insulin resistance limit your sugar
intake while we're eating sugars like
glucose sucrose fructose and high
fructose corn syrup can increase your
risk for type 2 diabetes cardiovascular
disease and obesity sugar by itself does
not cause diabetes by dragging more
sugar fill the beverages is linked to
higher blood sugar levels and to an
increase the risk of type 2 diabetes
take more fruits and vegetables don't
think that you had to avoid fruits
because they are sweet you should take
your variety of fruits and vegetables to
get nutrients your body needs since the
sugars in fruits are combined with
I box your body will slowly absorb the
sugar try to eat fruits and vegetables
with the peel so you get more fiber
drink lots of water
you should also increase the amount of
water you drink the Institute of
Medicine recommends that you drink 1 to
2 liters or about six to eight ounce
glasses per day add more fiber good
sources of fiber include brands beans
berries whole grains vegetables and
seeds some fiber like flax seeds also
contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty
acid the research shows that increasing
your insoluble fiber intake along with
whole grains can reduce your risk of
developing type 2 diabetes take vitamin
supplements take a big complex vitamin
to get biotin niacin vitamin b6 and
vitamin b12 biotin helps regulate
glucose niacin can lower cholesterol and
b6 and b12 prevent never damage from
high blood sugar you can also take
vitamin C to reduce insulin resistance
and 600 I you of vitamin D to boost your
sensitivity current research suggests
that several vitamins and minerals are
important to control blood sugar take
antioxidants alpha lipoic acid that is
ela is an antioxidant that keeps blood
glucose levels stable it also stimulates
blood flow and can never damage caused
by high blood sugar take 300 mm mg of L
here every day L carnitine is another
antioxidant that can repair nerve damage
caused by high blood sugar it take
healthy fats your body needs fat to
function efficiently healthy fats like
omega-3 fatty acid evening primrose oil
and flaxseed can all reduce inflammation
caused by high blood sugar levels
omega-3 fatty acids can improve insulin
sensitivity studies showed that eating
40 grams of flaxseed taken every day
over the course of several months
may reduce insulin resistance thanks for
watching this video like and subscribe
for more videos
HOW TO PIXELIZE PEOPLE/OBJECTS: Big Sean "Jump Out The Window" Music Video Effect (CC 2017 TUTORIAL) - Duration: 7:53.-------------------------------------------
How to Get Famous : Just Ask Josh - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
How To Scuba-Dive Like a the Bronx - Duration: 3:14.But sometimes I feel like a mad scientist when I'm mixing gases, you know?
Put a little oxygen in, put a little helium in, putting this in, putting that in.
Should I give you the Captain Morgan look?
There's a three foot mound of snow ... Not even snow.
Now it's ice out in front.
I would need a crew of like ten people to chop through this thing and I'm sure the YMCA
is doing the same thing.
My name is Mike Carew.
I'm the owner and operator of Captain Mike's Diving.
We've been here in City Island for 25, 26 years and I've been asked all the time, "You
have a scuba diving shop in New York.
City Island in the Bronx?"
You know?
Is it a disadvantage being up here other than being in the Caribbean?
And actually the answer I'm going to say is no.
A lot of people don't think about diving when they think about New York.
They only think about the rivers around Manhattan.
They forget about the tributaries off in the suburbs.
We go out in the ocean, we'll get 50 foot visibility.
We've got lobsters, fish.
We've got a lot of different things.
People don't realize what we have in New York here.
I've found bottles that date back to the 1700's.
We're finding plates, dishes, pieces of ship.
And we're looking for that treasure.
City Island is like a quaint New England village in New York.
It was settled in the 1600's with the Dutch.
It's been a clamming/fishing village as far back as then.
It's a nautical island and a nautical community.
I've grown up around the water at an early age.
I've always had a fascination with the water.
People found out I was a diver and started asking me to look for their lost objects,
their watches, their keys, their outboard motors.
It was a great sport and it actually really became a career.
I dove for the New York City police department for over 10 years.
I've dove most of the areas of New York City.
Some of the jobs I've went on, you didn't know what you were getting into.
You get the call, "You're going to go on a job."
You're jumping out of a helicopter at three o'clock in the morning, going into an area
you've never been before, and your mission is to make that rescue, make that job happen.
You'd show up and you have multiple victims you're trying to get out of the water.
They're scared, it's night, the water's cold and you have multiple people climbing on you,
trying to get out of the water.
That's another thing.
We don't wait for weather.
Weather doesn't wait for us.
We've got to go when the call comes in and you've got to be able to perform that task.
Once you learn how to dive up here, you can dive anywhere in the world.
This is where we live, this is what we do.
All right?
It would be like saying, "Why don't you live in Florida?"
I'm a New Yorker, and here I am.
I'm here to show you diving in New York.
How to Tie a Dragonfly Armbinder - Duration: 4:31.This is Monk with and it is my absolutely supreme pleasure
to present this instructional video to you
with the true star of our original series of videos,
my long-suffering wife, Tam.
Now, before we begin, one of the constant questions people have is
why did she never talk in all of those original videos?
The truth is we could only afford one microphone back in those days.
—Prove that you're not a mute! —Hello, everyone! Hi!
For this video we're going to do one of the most requested ties.
It's called the Dragonfly Armbinder,
often referred to as a "ladder tie" as well.
For this I'm going to be using a 30' piece of 6mm hemp.
What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my partner,
I'm gonna turn them around, I'm gonna take their arms
and have them pointed wrist to wrist.
Is that comfortable? Not everybody has all this much range of motion.
We're going to start with this, with a comfortable position.
One of the fun parts about the Dragonfly is that it's infinitely adjustable.
I'm going to take the bight of my rope.
I'm just going to make a small overhand knot.
Just a big enough loop on the end to reach through
and make a loop like that.
I'm going to take my loops and I'm going to pass them
over the limbs and through,
so that they come over their shoulders
and this sits right in the center of the back.
I'm checking in, that good on there, that good on your shoulder? Great.
From here it's a series of overhand knots,
pull the loop through till you make another little set of wings.
Pass over the limb.
Notice also, it works really well for legs.
I make it larger, so it's comfortable for my partner.
And I pull this tight.
Adjusting to where they're comfortable.
You can make as many, or as few of these loops
as you wish, depending on how intricate
or how long a piece of rope you're working with.
And I pull my ends to make it tight.
As with all bondage, there's going to be little adjustments,
and little check-ins, to make sure…
—How's that, is that too tight?
I've got a little bit left over so I'm gonna do one last…
Oh, it's gonna be kinda tight.
Can I do that? There you go, thank you.
Little squeeze, little squeeze. Oh.
Adjust the Dragonfly, keep that one last…
a little tightening, and there you have it.
As always, when playing with rope,
remember to keep it safe, sane, consensual,
and above all else, what, my dear?
—And have fun! —Thank you.
This Japanese breathing technique will help you lose weight | How To Lose Weight - Duration: 2:07.This Japanese breathing technique will help you lose weight
Ladies and gentlemen, get ready, because here comes the diet of a long breath.
This incredible food developed by the famous Japanese actor (self-professed) diet guru
Miki Ryosuke.
Ryosuke says that this 'diet' consists of breathing exercises that take between two
and five minutes a day.
Apparently, no changes in your diet are required.
He developed the diet by accident while using breathing techniques to relieve back pain.
Instead, he lost about 13 pounds and nearly five inches around his waist in just under
two months.
According to Ryosuke, the "secret" behind the food is twofold.
It hooks and therefore tones your abs.
And secondly, it increases your metabolism by increasing the oxygen in the blood.
The fat is composed of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen.
Therefore, when the oxygen we breathe reaches these fat molecules, it breaks down into carbon
dioxide and water.
Blood then collects carbon dioxide - a waste product from our bodies - and returns it to
the lungs to be exhaled.
In short: the more oxygen we use our bodies, the more fat we burn.
The diet based on two breathing techniques:
Place one foot in front of the other with a maximum of your weight on the back foot
and buttocks tight.
When breathing at a count of three, raise your arms above your head.
Then exhale to a count of seven pushing all the air out of your mouth vigorously and involving
your abs. 2.
Stand with one hand on your belly and the other on your lower back.
Oh, and your buttocks tight.
Breathe for a count of three, drawing your belly to your spine and then exhale for a
count of seven, sucking the stomach even more.
Stay healthy and active!
Share and make your loved ones aware!
Thanks for watching
If you like the video please, thumbs up and subscribe to our channel
What Is BREAKAGE | How Do I PREVENT It ? // LATENIGHTTALKS - Duration: 10:00.Hey guys, it's Cam and today I wanted to
try something a little bit different as
you can see
I got a little setup going on like nighttime
I got my sweats and stuff on, it's actually
almost 12 o'clock so we're gonna call this...
Late Night Talks with Cam
Basically I'm just going to be giving you guys
information that I wouldn't do in like a
regular video, like, it's going to be all
our information, no tutorial, just all
information but it's like good
information so, I suggest that you watch all
the way through and if you want to skip to
any parts or rewind to any parts I'll put
times, somewhere on the screen
right now
so today I'm going to be talking
about breakage and how to avoid it and
what the causes are and types of breakages
and all of that so let's get started
but first of all just a little
disclaimer I'll put it somewhere right
here yeah alright so, let's get started now forreal.
Breakage is defined as the act of
breaking, something that has been broken
or lost or damage as a result of
breaking but to define the word without
using the word within the definition we
have to define the word break so break
is defined as separation into parts i.e
discontinuity so basically if my hand
was your scalp and all of this was your
hair shaft
that's breakage
So, what are different types of breakage the most familiar one
and most known is probably split ends
I'll put a picture up of split ends, examples of
different types of split end, basically your
hair starts to break apart, like this
or like this and eventually if it's not cut
off it starts to split up the hair shaft
that weakens the hair shaft and causes
another type of breakage is tri-
trichorrhexis nodosa, um it's like little gaps
so this is the hole looks like a gap
it's like a holes within your hair shaft
or like little gaps within your hair shaft and
they definitely weaken your hair shaft
and it makes it really easy for your hair to
just, snap off
Another one is trichoclasis
and that's like, it's like a split end but
within the hair shaft, instead of at the
end, so it's like, it's like a crack in
your hair or like a split in your hair
shaft and another type of hair damage, hair
breakage that basically is the root of a
lot of breakage it's like mechanical
breakage or self-imposed breakage
Why does break it to occur?
Breakage usually
is rooted from a lack of moisture or
mechanical damage like I just stated
The first why or the first cause
that I have on my list is lack of
moisture um lack of moisture is really a
big problem and it causes a lot of
breakage dry brittle hair is more
prone to breakage than moisturized
hair so it's very important to keep your
hair moisturized, it's more important to keep
your hair moisturized, if you have curly
curly or kinky hair, the kinkier your
hair is the more moisture you need. Another
cause of breakage is illness or medical
conditions if you think that you're
seeing a lot of breakage because of
medical reasons please consult with a
another reason for breakage is poor
dieting or deficiencies and by
deficiencies I mean like vitamin
deficiencies or not having enough protein in
your diet or not drinking enough water or
it's not eating healthy altogether.
How they be in the commercials ?
Got milk? Oh, wait
Another reason for breakage is stress
stress can cause a lot of problems to
your body and especially to your hair
it can cause breakage, it can cause hair loss altogether
Another cause of breakage is
chemical processing or over processing
like bleaching or dying your hair and
the last one I have on my list is basically
what I said before, um, mechanical damage
like aggressive grooming or styling and
also the accessories that you put in
your hair like elastics or rubber bands
or anything like that
so it's important not to confuse hair
shedding with hair breakage, hair
shedding is natural you can shed up to
50 to 100 hairs a day although you
probably won't see them much like I
usually don't see them much but
but hair breakage is usually not natural and it's
usually self-imposed but it's also
important to know the difference between
hair shedding and hair loss, if you guys
need to do a video on that let me know
down below
Why does all this matter
um, so breakage and length retention
are negatively correlated, meaning the
more breakage you have the less length you'll
see or the less length you'll retain
so people who say that a lot but I don't
know if people get it all the time that
it's said so I'm going to try like to draw
it out a little bit and hopefully it
makes sense if it didn't already before
if it did already make sense, I hope you
enjoy my drawing
now that we know what breakage is,
different types of breakages why it's
important and what causes it
let's talk about how to avoid it and
it's kind of a long list, so I'm just
read straight off my phone, trying to
remember this, cancelled
the first one
be gentle when detangling, be gentle when you're touching
your hair in general it doesn't have to be
detangling, when you're styling it
anything in general because, your hair
is not afraid to just pop off, make sure
you're using the proper tools, I always say
that a denman brush is not a detangling
brush it is a styling brush however
nobody can tell you what to do so and
always make sure that you keep your nails
clean cut and smooth
keep your hair
moisturized and again the tighter your
hair texture the more moisture you need
avoid high tension and high stress
styles, definitely a victim of this
I have experienced a lot of breakage because of
this, but I'm doing better with it I
will admit that, I am doing better with
it, so like like tight ponytails, like a
couple months ago I used to use these to
make my ponytails instead of the
scrunchies that I use now you can see in
my, um, curly hair routine which ones I
use now um but it really does make a
difference like the more your hair is
pulling the more likely they can just
pop try to keep it at a minimum also
styling your hair while wet, I'm another
victim of that I still do it to this day
I'ma be transparent it's a hard habit to
break, another thing to avoid is
cotton pillowcases and towels they can snag
your hair and dry them out so that's two
things possible that you need to avoid
another important thing is to dust or
trim your ends when necessary especially
if you see like single strand knots or
all the stuff that I talked about split
ends, not even gonna try to pronounce it
again I had one time, I'm not going to do
it again, if it's at the bottom it's
important to cut it off, if you see it in
length of your hair you may not want to
cut it off you may want to I don't know
I need to trim mine, I'm definitely in need for a trim
having a healthy routine and a proper
balance of moisture and protein like if
you need more protein make sure that
you're balancing out
moisture, if you need more moisture, make sure you're
balancing out the protein, another
important thing, um, chemical processing
and harsh chemicals so like sulfate
shampoos I'm not going to say stay away
from them because I definitely do you use
sulfate shampoos sometimes you need like
a good clean especially when you have
like really dirty hair when using a lot
of product sometimes you do need a good
clean it's not good to use a sulfate
shampoo every time you wash your hair
unless you're only washing your hair like
once a month but if you're using a
sulfate shampoo every week your hair is
going to get dry and dryness leads to
breakage as well as bleaching and perming
I'm not going to say not to do it, well
I'm not going to encourage you to do it
but I'm not going to say not to do it
just do it the correct way and make sure
that you're maintaining it after it's done, um, and
lastly protect your hair from things
that can weaken, so like direct
heat can definitely weaken your hair and
um, UV radiation can definitely weaken your hair
as well there are several oils with
natural SPF and I will list those
somewhere here,
however some of these
oils only protect against UVA radiation
but not UVB radiation, UVA radiation is
responsible for hair color changes so
if I was to put my ends up to my roots my
ends would look like brown but my roots would
look black because of the sun's
radiation, UVB radiation is responsible
for a hair protein loss especially
keratin just be mindful of all these
oils and what they actually protect
against I think the one that protects
against both of them the most is red
raspberry oil if I remember correctly so yeah
I think that's pretty much the end, it's important to
remember that prevention is key because
once your hair is broken it's not much
you can do to repair it, like I don't
think anything you can do to repair to
or fix it, so prevention is really the
key to everything and it's also
important to remember that you can't
avoid breakage but you
reduce and minimize it
I hope this was
informative, if you want to see more videos
like this please let me know make sure
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tuning in for late night talks with Cam
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