Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily but Sep 26 2017

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Lose Your Weight Without Starvation And Exercise: Lie Only 3X A Day For 5 Minutes, But In This


It sounds so impossible but there is a fast and effective way to lose your weight that

is very easy.

Without any diet, hard exercise or spending money, Japanese physician Fukutsudzi helps

women to loose weight as soon as possible.

The Japanese described this method in his book that is sold in Asia, with a circulation

of six million copies!

According to the doctor, you don't need any special tools for loosing weight, you

only need a big towel, twine or ribbon to fasten the towel in roll, and flat surface.

You should practice three times a day for five minutes.

You just have to lie in the right position 3 times a day for 5 minutes, so easy to perform,

but very effective.

Doctor Fukutsudzi found out that the main cause of fat in the waist area is just in

variance pelvic bones and subcostal bone.

After discovering this, he devised this method to be a quick and easy way that you can solve

the surplus around the waist.

The procedure is as follows:

Towel bent to roll and wrap some tape to secure Sit on a firm surface, preferably on the floor

Bent towel put under your back, in level with the navel and then lie down (towel should

be slightly wider than the width of the back) Legs spread apart at shoulder width and bend

your feet so that they can touch only thumbs Fully extend your arms above your head, turn

the palms down and connect the small finger of your right and left hand

It sounds very simple, but this position is neither easy nor comfortable.

First few times reach out as far as you can, because it is difficult to reach the end of

the hand, but be sure to connect small fingers and thumbs on your feet.

Lie down in this position, for five minutes, three times a day.

If can't bear the pain, you can shorten the treatment to as many you can stand.

If you want to see some results try to apply this exercise every day.

Remember not to get up suddenly after completing the treatment.

First turn on side, then to the upright sitting position, and than you can get up.

Warning: You must consult your doctor if you have problems with the spine or a bone disease,

before you use this method.

This method is not difficult but it's a little uncomfortable since your bones start

returning to their natural position.

If you can't stand 5 minutes in this position, start with 1 or 2 minutes, but increase them

every day until you reach 5.

It is a kind of stretching.

If you want a perfect result you must not miss a single day.

If you want to have the effect of lifting the chest, you should move the roller or towel

under the chest.

If you want your waist to be more pronounced, put the towel on the part below the ribs.

Bones and joins, even in five minutes lying in this position, can move, so be careful.

Get up slowly, first on the side, then sit and finally stand up, avoiding sudden movements.

Maybe you don't believe in this method, but it won't cost anything to try, You should

measure your volumes before and after the treatment and you will be very surprised!

For me, after the fifth time (I don't measure after the first) is missing 2 cm in waist,

2 cm below the breast and 2 cm on the belly, and the height increased by 0.8 cm.

It's hard to believe but it's true!

In a time you will have a healthy feeling throughout the body, the pain the back stops,

because it corrects the posture.

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For more infomation >> Lose Your Weight Without Starvation And Exercise: Lie Only 3X A Day For 5 Minutes, But In This Way! - Duration: 3:45.


Mu/Con Real Girls Project - Not End But And - Duration: 3:03.

When the light goes out and the curtain goes down

Emptiness coming

I think some sen is left alone

Loneliness spreads

When the glittering wishes come true

Maybe you missed it in familiarity

You and me, let's get started

It is not the end

It's my first time from now

Hand in hand

will go

I will go to you step by step

Someday I'll be by your side when I have a hard time

Towards a dream

I try to run

Our song is not the end

Everyone is okay, when you are naughty

I can also make mistakes

You need your advice at such times

Listen to the trouble

I have you, sincere commitments

When I recall it

A smile spread unexpectedly

Should we start over?

It is not the end

It's my first time from now

Hand in hand

will go

I will go to you step by step

Someday I'll be by your side when I have a hard time

Towards a dream

I try to run

Our song is not the end

I do not know the future

If you are with you, you can do it

Be a star, yell at heart

Hand in hand

will go

I will go to you step by step

Someday I'll be by your side when I have a hard time

Towards a dream

I try to run

Our song is not the end

It is not the end ...

For more infomation >> Mu/Con Real Girls Project - Not End But And - Duration: 3:03.


We are number one but its STP - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> We are number one but its STP - Duration: 1:07.


all star but its played on my fat dog - Duration: 0:54.

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.

She was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead.

Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming.

Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running.

Didn't make sense not to live for fun. Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb.

So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the backstreets?

You'll never know if you don't go.

You'll never shine if you don't glow.

Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play.

Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid.

All that glitters is gold.

Only shooting stars break the mold

For more infomation >> all star but its played on my fat dog - Duration: 0:54.


Billions Of Dollars, Thousands From The US Military, But Where's The Relief For Puerto Rico? - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Billions Of Dollars, Thousands From The US Military, But Where's The Relief For Puerto Rico? - Duration: 2:59.


It could of been a TRAIN WRECK, but it wasn't - here's why - Duration: 7:44.

Many of us rely on a certain amount of technology in our worship services, and

you can prepare as much as you want, you can put in as much redundancy as you can

afford, but there's always the risk that something could go wrong

that could cause a complete train wreck. There's always that one thing in the

back of your mind that could happen that if it did is your biggest fear. Well, we

had a moment just like that last weekend, and I thought it would be good to share

what happened and share some observations that I made after the fact,

because what could have been a train wreck

wasn't. Hey, it's Dave Dolphin at, sharing ideas,

tips and practical advice for the everyday worship leader. Like many of

you we run pre-recorded tracks with Ableton Live during every single one of

our services. We have live drums, electric guitar, keys and acoustic guitar along

with several singers. We add in tracks for bass guitar, rhythm electric

guitar, keyboard atmospheres like pads and organs, some percussion like shakers

and tambourines and even sometimes some additional gang vocals. Our Ableton rig

is pretty solid, and we very rarely even have the slightest hint of a problem

with it. It's a very easy thing for us to put our trust in. So here we are on a

typical Sunday morning in the middle of the second song and the click track

disappears in our ears right about... now.

I'm trying to figure out what on earth is going on while still trying to drive

this train, because I could still hear the tracks. I could still hear the

background keys and the bass guitar, so I knew that the computer didn't crash and

that Ableton was still going. You can hear the drummer start clicking on the

hi-hats, which is not normally in this arrangement. So I'm thinking maybe it's

just me. Maybe it's just my in-ear mix, and the drummer realizes something's

wrong, and so he's clicking the tempo for me and the rest of the band.

But once the arrangement builds back up again, I can tell we are not with the

track. We're about a quarter note off, so a million things are running through my

mind right now. I'm trying to think of the possible reasons that the click

disappeared and what are the possible quick solutions to those reasons while

still trying to sing the right words and play the right chords and look somewhat

engaged in worship.

At the end of the song, I make the call. I'm going to call an audible real fast.

Go ahead, yeah, let's give God praise.

I'm going to give a Will a second to

reset, and Travis I'm going give you this heads up too. Our click

disappeared, but this is a great opportunity. I was wondering if I

should share this or not and apparently God wants me to, because you guys don't

know this but we we play along with some pre-recorded stuff. There's a

metronome that goes

the whole time, the whole time.

One of these things we should

put that in the house, you guys can hear it. When that thing disappears

it's like the train goes off the tracks.

I'll explain at the end of the video

what actually happened, what actually broke, but now that I've had a chance to

look back, here's a few observations I've made about that situation from Sunday.

First off nobody freaked out. No one on the stage, no one in tech booths. In fact

several people told me after the service that had I not said anything they would

have never known that something was wrong. The reason why nobody freaked

out is because we all knew the plan so well. We rehearse these songs over and over

and over. We prepare the set over and over and over. The goal is that by

the time we get to Sunday morning, we're operating out of muscle memory.

We've found that it actually helps us to engage more in worship, because we're not

worried about are we going to the chorus next, are we going to the bridge next,

what's the next chord?! We still had two more songs to play, which we had to play

without tracks, so we all proceeded with a heightened sense of alertness.

But we had a plan, and there's a lot of comfort in knowing that there is a plan

that you can cling to. Two, it did make me think through my redundancy plans. Was

there anything I could have had in place that would have prevented this problem

from happening? We do have backstage backups to key pieces of gear. We even

since we run two computers for Ableton Live and for MainStage we have a plan in

place that if one of those computers crashes we can easily move both programs

over to the other computer. But all of that only protects you before the

service, if something breaks before the service. If you want to have a plan in

place where if something breaks during the service, what the big shows do is

they actually have two computers running the same set of tracks at the same

time running into an A/B switch that switch is smart enough to listen to the

A system. If it notices a loss in audio on that system, it seamlessly moves

everything over and switches over to the B system. Having something like that

in place might have solved our issue but that comes at a cost.

You always have to balance the cost and the risk, but the point is is that these

kinds of situations reveal your vulnerabilities. It's always good to

sit down and think through is there a cost-effective solution that can prevent

this kind of thing in the future. Three, it was a great opportunity to just be

real. We strive for excellence just

like a lot of churches do, but excellence isn't the goal. It's a means to an end,

but it's not the goal. Sometimes it's good for the church to see behind the

curtain, that things break and things don't always go to plan. But at the end

of the day it's not about any of that. It's about inspiring people to pursue

God. Four is the God factor. I really was wrestling with whether or not I should

share something. I had had a conversation with our senior pastor earlier in the

week about the song "O Come To The Altar," which was the next song in the set.

It was about Hebrews 13:10, how it talks about Jesus being our altar.

And there's a lot of things in our Christian faith whether it be baptism or

coming to the altar, whatever, there's a lot of things that symbolize something

else. It was a great conversation, and it was probably something I'd share at some

point in the future, but I had made the decision to not share it this particular

weekend. But I recognized that God seemed to think otherwise, so I went with it.

It actually was a neat opportunity to teach and lead the church in this truth.

Again, excellence and preparation are a means to an end.

They're not the goal. As far as what actually happened, a lot of things ran

through my mind Sunday morning. I thought maybe the click track channel got

muted on the mixer accidentally. Sometimes Ableton Live—this is really

rare, but it has happened to me where the audio doesn't buffer correctly for

whatever that sound is, the click track or whatever. So Ableton thinks it's

playing audio, but nothing's coming out. I actually thought when I was preparing

this video—it's in my script because I was so sure that this was going to be

the problem—was that the audio interface, that that particular channel, went bad.

The audio interface we use is a Behringer, and you are kind

of taking your life in your own hands when you're using a piece of gear that's

Behringer. Do you know what it was? We have these panels for inputs on the back

of our stage, and then those snake lines run to FOH. They come

right to the wall, and so sometimes we need these jumpers to get the input from

the connection of the snake to the mixer. We had a bad cable, and it wasn't

even at the connections. It was actually somewhere here in the middle. We

chopped off the end so that we're not tempted to put it back in

service, but it's always a cable. It's always a cable!

Well, if this is your first time on

the channel, welcome! We love sharing ideas and tips and practical advice for

the everyday worship leader with videos just like this one. If you haven't

already consider subscribing to the channel. That way you know when new

videos are uploaded every single Tuesday. If you know someone that might

benefit from this video consider sharing the link on Facebook or Twitter or send

somebody an email. Ffor great practical advice check out

For more infomation >> It could of been a TRAIN WRECK, but it wasn't - here's why - Duration: 7:44.


The Erewash Canal by Narrowboat. Quiet, Hard Work but Worth It! - 24 - Duration: 17:29.

I left the wide expanse of the River Trent and moored up in the basin just

below Trent Lock. I noted as I climbed the steps up to the lock, that I'd need my

water conservation key. It's also known as a handcuff key and is used to release

the lock paddles, so vandals can't drain the canal of its precious water.

The Erewash Canal was built towards the end of the 18th century and is 11 3/4 miles

in length. It has a total of 15 locks and is suitable for

boats up to 72 foot in length and 10 foot 6 inches in width. The canal travels

north through the popular Long Eaton area to Sandiacre, where I was to moor

up for the night. The northernmost section of the canal continues after

Ilkeston. It's rural and has attractive surroundings. As the canal curves round

between the towns of Eastwood and Heanor, it terminates at the Great Northern

Basin at Langley Mill. Right above Trent Lock are a small gathering of boat yards

and a Canal & River Trust sanitary and water point. Make sure you fill up with

water at lock one because there isn't another water tap right until Langley

Mill, which is right at the very end. So I'm full up, the day has actually turned out

to be quite nice. Nice and sunny, it's a bit warm.

I've been warned that certain patches of the canal are quite shallow,

some have got lots of weeds but we'll see how we go. As you travel north, the

canals off-side is lined with well-kept houseboats, of all different

sizes and shapes.

I think this journey is gonna take a bit of time today, because I always try and

go tick over speed when going past people. Again there's nothing worse than

boats zooming past and everything falling out and around you, inside the boat. So

I'm going nice and slow but there are boats moored along the side, as far as

the eye can see!

[Alarm Announcement] Warning! You should not be in this area. Please leave now!

Heading up through Long Eaton, its historical past is clear to see.

Lace-making and railway wagon manufacturing, dominated the town's

population and both used the large railway yard just north of the town. The

canal straightens out here and lots of mooring points available on the town

side of the cut. I've had a couple of people look quite shocked, when I've

gone past. I'm like, what's wrong with the boat, is there things sticking

out or something and then one person said "blimey I've seen two boats in one

day". So I think the Erewash Canals a bit of a quiet canal. Someone even came

to the end of their garden just to watch me go past and said that they haven't

seen another boat all day. Now, when I came through the the lock at

Trent Lock there was one boat there but to be fair, I haven't seen any more boats.

The Long Eaton Lock sits alongside a huge expanse of playing fields called

West Park. A number of murals have been painted on many of the parks otherwise,

plain brick walls. This one showcasing the canal alongside, At Sandiacre Lock

just north of Long Eaton, there are the only surviving lockside cottages left on

the canal. The Erewash Canal Preservation and Development Association

have leased the cottages from the Canal & River Trust. The cottages are

maintained by volunteers, with the aim to keep them as historically accurate as

possible. There's a link to their website in the description below. Next to the

cottages is where the Erewash and the Derby Canal once joined. The Derby and

Sandiacre Trust are trying to raise funds to restore the former canal. If restored,

it would create a cruising ring and reconnect the city of Derby, to the

National canal network. A link to the Trust's website, is also in the

description below. As there's limited metal shuttering to the side of the

canals edge, when in built-up areas, I try to moor up on bollards, rather than using

mooring pins. Just north of Long Eaton is the small town of Sandiacre, where there's

a cluster of shops and facilities. This is Sandiacre. I moored up here last night.

a couple of mooring spots, enough for probably about three boats I'd say. I saw

one boat moving all day yesterday, very, very quiet canal, some of the people

on Twitter had mentioned that they couldn't get up the canal because of

weeds but I think that was different because a

couple of weeks ago, there was quite a big festival, right at the top of the

Erewash Canal for the Inland Waterways Association. So I think they might've

either, dredged the canal, cleared it with weeds or the sheer volume of boats,

100-plus boats cleared it, you know for us. So, a bit of a noisy night, quite a

lot of traffic, quite a lot of people yelling and screaming, sirens that sort

of thing. So I'm a little bit tired today but I'm up nice and early and onward I


So that was a bit of an interesting conversation I just had. Someone at the

end of their house, just down the cut here, end of their garden. They've got a

cruiser and as I was going past, they asked "oh you've got a hole in the front

of your hull" like really concerned. And I was like, Oh my goodness, what's happened, have I

bashed into something and then he sort of pointed where it was. Obviously I'm

steering so I couldn't stop and look and he described what it was "It's like

a hoop". Oh okay. {laugh} Phew, that's actually the vent for the gas

locker, so it's built into the frame, so nothing to worry about.

But it gave me a couple of seconds of panic then, I thought oh my

gosh, I'm gonna sink right out into the countryside north of Sandiacre, but no,

it's fine, it's built into the hull! I can see this is going to be a little

bit of a troublesome lock because the top gates keep swinging open in the wind.

So in this instance, I'm going to try and close them as much as I can and then

start releasing the water from the bottom gates, ever so slightly, which will

cause a bit of a pull on the water and hopefully force the gates to close. But

I've closed both of them now and they've both blown open. As soon as I've got to

the other side, the other ones blown open so, look this one's already on its way

again! [Grr]

That's the sort of things I really enjoy. I'm sat here waiting for a lock to fill

up and someone walking his dog along the towpath. We cropped up a conversation and

started talking about my solar panels. They will be in a much more detailed

video later on when I get to finalising the electrics cupboard, so don't worry

about that. I know people can see them on the roof and I've had lots of comments,

so there is a video on its way. But it was nice being able to chat to him about

voltage drop over distances of cabling, and all that sort of stuff. So he knew

what he was talking about and those sorts of conversations don't really

happen. If you're walking along the towpath,

and someone else is walking along the towpath, you might say morning, or hello,

or hi dog and give it a pat but you wouldn't spark up a conversation and

that's something I'm really noticing when you're on a boat, everyone wants to

stop and chat.

With me navigating locks on my own, I'm trying to make it a little bit easier

for myself. On this lock, I've opened to the ground paddle and the gate paddle,

but only on one side. It reduces the risk factor because I don't have to walk

across the gate to open the other side and then back again to close them and

because I'm on my own, in the middle of nowhere, I could slip off and fall into

the lock and no one would even know I was there for hours on end. So just being

sensible, I'm not in a rush, although it is starting to rain now, so I might moor

up soon and just take it easy through the locks and make it easy as possible.

It was hard work to turn every corner and be confronted with yet another lock

but as rain showers passed overhead, I carried on up to the east of Ilkeston,

where I decided enough was enough and stopped for the day. I had already moored

up for the night. It was chucking it down with rain, I was

all wet and damp, so I moored up and everything was fine. A nice cup of

tea, everything's dried off and then I

started looking out the window and I thought well this is an absolutely

glorious evening, it'd be such a shame to not use the the lovely weather to

navigate a bit more of the canal. Where I was, there was a bit of a hum from a

building, like a sound hum, which is a little bit annoying. There was

obviously some, a workshop or something that was nearby and also, every time I

moved, the television signal ever so slightly went out and every time I moved

in the boat because there were trees in the way, so I thought well, nice

evening, let's keep going. At one point I thought to myself am I cruising through

the Florida Everglades?? Just a couple of weeds!

Well this evenings turn out to be really nice. Nice low setting sun, nice and quiet,

I don't think there'll be any rain anymore, so I should have

a nice quiet night.

The evenings warm sun was beautiful but I let it get the better of me, as I

traveled a little too long in the day and it very quickly became dark and then

I ran into trouble. It's bright and early on what, day three of my journey up the

Erewash Canal. I did this part of the canal last night

and I moored up. I wanted to moor up on a nice straight bit.

I knew that I would have to use mooring pins. It was getting dark, I was really

damp after a days raining and I moored up. Could I get the pins in? Oh gosh, because

the path here is so well made, I just couldn't get them in. There were stones,

there was rubble, there was great big boulders, so I had to give up because the

light was fading fast, and I had to reverse all the way down this bit and

moor up on an end bay, of what was a lock landing. That's not

advisable, but considering I saw two boats yesterday and I've seen nothing

yet today and one boat the day before, I thought well, I'll chance it. There's

hardly going to be any traffic and the lock is in exactly the same place and

gates are in the same position as they were last night. So I know no one's come

down. So I thought I'd get up nice and early this morning

and keep going. I'm going to go up to Eastwood which is Langley Mill Lock,

there's facilities up there, I'll have a look around see what's available and

then I'll turn around and aim to go down the complete Erewash, right the way back

to Trent Lock today, hopefully. My calculations are, it'll take around

about six or seven hours, so it's a long day and hopefully because there's no

traffic, a load of the locks will be in my favour, because I left them in that way

yesterday, so we'll see.

Some of the bridges on the Erewash are quite low.

Bridge 27 up near Eastwood, is exceedingly low. So I had to take it

really slow, just to make sure that it didn't knock my solar panels off.

I had completed all but one lock and wanted to get to the end of the canal

and all the way back to the River Trent in one day, without stopping. At the end

of the Erewash Canal is the Great Northern Basin. Narrowboats lining its

edges and there's a boatyard here and a small area to turn around. There's

supposed to be a water and sanitation point here but all I could find is this

small hut, with what looked like an outside tap. No signs indicating if I was

correct however. The basin is just to the west of Eastwood and there are plenty of

large supermarkets and restaurants, just a few minutes walk from the canal. So I've

never done this before. I've watched other people do it but I've never done

it. I'm right at the very, very end of the Erewash Canal up at Langley Mill. There's one

final lock there, that was in my favour and then there's a turning circle in

the basin, but it's early on a Sunday morning, quite early, and the last thing I

wanted to do is lots of clanging of lock gates and ratchets and me

motoring back and forth to turn around, and I didn't really want to wake

everyone up, because I'm sure lots of people are having a nice lie in. So this

morning, I've decided to tie some ropes together and pull Alice around.

And that's worked quite nicely, I'm back in the right direction now, so I'll undo

this rope, on the centre-line and off I go. I won't have any propellers clogged up

in weeds and I certainly won't have a bow thruster tube full of debris. So

that's worked well, I might do that again in the future. So, that was the Erewash

Canal. A very quiet canal, that passes through both urban and picturesque

countryside. I didn't have any problems with weeds and all the locks and bridges

were in good working order. I was limited to where I could moor up overnight and

on the edges of some of the urban areas, the locals look like they could cause a

bit of bother, so two of the three nights, I kept to the rural countryside, where

everyone was pleasant enough. It was hard work on my own but as the canal is so

unused, 13 of the 15 locks I needed to navigate back, were still in my favour,

which was nice! Don't forget to click the Thumbs Up if you

like this episode and I love reading and replying to your comments. Until next

time, see you later.

For more infomation >> The Erewash Canal by Narrowboat. Quiet, Hard Work but Worth It! - 24 - Duration: 17:29.


Spain's Economy is Growing, but Leaving Most Spaniards Behind - Duration: 13:22.

GREGORY WILPERT: Welcome to The Real News Network.

I'm Gregory Wilpert, joining you from Quito, Ecuador.

Protest and mobilizations continue in Catalonia, Spain where the region's independence movement

is fighting for a referendum on self-rule.

Some analysts say that one of the issues that has propelled the drive for independence from

Spain is the region's relatively strong economy.

Catalonia makes up about one-quarter of Spain's GDP, while its population is only one-sixth

of that of the rest of the country.

However, Spain's economy as a whole has been growing rapidly since it emerged from recession

in 2013 and is now one of the European Union's fastest-growing economies.

This is in stark contrast to Greece, which remains mired in depression, and to which

Spain used to be compared.

But just how did Spain emerge from its economic crisis of 2011 to 2013 and what does it mean?

Joining us to examine this question is Mark Weisbrot.

Mark is the co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research and is the author

of "Failed: What the 'Experts' Got Wrong about the Global Economy."

He joins us today from Washington, D.C.

Thanks for being here, Mark.

MARK WEISBROT: Thanks, Greg.

Thanks for having me.

GREGORY WILPERT: So, you just recently returned from a visit to Spain and you've been paying

close attention to the Spanish economy.

As I mentioned in the introduction, since 2013 Spain's economy has been one of the fastest-growing

economies in Europe.

The policies pursued by Spain after its recession were marked by austerity.

Does this mean that austerity worked in Spain but not in Greece?

Tell us about what happened according to your analysis.

MARK WEISBROT: Well, it's not doing that well, actually.

For the four years of the recovery, the growth isn't that great.

They had a decent year last year with 3.2% growth and 2.8% projected for this year.

But if you look at the overall statistics that matter to people, especially unemployment,

for example, is over 18% right now.

And it would be a lot higher if it wasn't for the 1.7 million foreign nationals that

have left the country.

And you have poverty and social exclusion is, people at risk for poverty and social

seclusion is over 27%.

And inequality has increased drastically since 2008.

It's the ratio of the top 20% to the bottom 20% is now at seven-and-a-half, which is the

third worst in the European Union.

Even for people who are lucky enough to have jobs, the majority of them are only getting

temporary contracts.

So, all this is really not a picture of an economy that's doing very well.

It has a long way to go before you could say that it's really even providing the basics

for the majority of people and especially youth.

The unemployment rate for youth is twice the level of the overall rate.

This is really a pretty bad situation.

If you look at what the IMF, which really represents the European authorities because

the European directors decide what the IMF writes, and says and recommends for Spain.

If you look at what they're saying, they want more austerity.

They're very worried about maintaining and increasing the so-called structural reforms

that they think are important for the recovery that they've had, which means weakening the

bargaining power of labor, cutting health care spending.

These are the kinds of structural reforms that they've had and continue to be recommended.

The worst thing, I think, is the way they've accepted mass unemployment.

And again, it's not really just the IMF, it's the government and the European authorities,

European Commission, the European Union.

They've accepted mass unemployment.

So, if you look at the IMF numbers, they say that the Spanish economy will reach its potential

output in 2019, so that's basically a year-and-a-half from now.

And yet unemployment will still be at 6%, sorry not 6%, 16%.

So in other words, 16% unemployment is going to be considered full employment going forward.

And that to me is something of an abomination.

I mean, I don't see how anybody could accept that as the future of Spain.

GREGORY WILPERT: I mean, unemployment was pretty high before, I mean, far higher.

I think it reached almost 25% at one point.

So they did get it down.

So you don't think that they'll be able to push it down below 16%?

And if not, why not?

MARK WEISBROT: Well, I think the main thing is fiscal policy at this point.

They need to invest more and create jobs.

Productivity has been very low.

So the private sector is not investing enough to increase productivity.

There's all kinds of things they can do to create jobs.

The interest rate at which they can borrow for 10 years is now 1.6%.

That's the yield on a 10-year bond for Spain.

So, they can borrow at 1.6%.

And that's actually the rate of inflation that they have right now, too.

So in other words, the borrowing is free for them in real terms, inflation-adjusted terms

they can borrow.

That's what they should be doing.

But of course, the European Union rules don't permit that.

And in fact, if you look at how they actually recovered, this is another way to see how

completely wrong the policies of the government, the right-wing government and the European

Union have been for Spain.

If you look at what actually happened, how did they recover?

In 2015, they grew twice as fast as was expected.

So, what did they do?

What was the cause of that?

The IMF determined that two-thirds of that was from the European Central Bank lowering

interest rates, which we can talk about if you want.

That's a really good thing but it wasn't the Spanish government's policy.

And from the lowering of oil prices and the rest of it was due to Spain actually having

an expansionary fiscal policy.

In other words, it ran bigger deficits than it was, it ran deficits, it increased its

structural deficit spending, and it violated the terms that the government agreed to with

the European Union.

So, they did the opposite of what they had agreed to do in terms of austerity.

And that's part of why the economy recovered as much as it did, in addition to the external


So, that goes completely against what the authorities, again, the government and the

European Union authorities have been recommending for Spain.

They've been saying, "Okay, you've really got to have this austerity because you have

to push down wages and make Spain more competitive."

And they did manage to hold down wages.

And they did create mass unemployment, which pushed down wages.

This is what's called an internal devaluation.

They can't control the currency because it's the Euro.

And so the idea is if you can't devalue by lowering the value of your currency, you have

to lower these labor costs so that you have what's called an internal devaluation.

And then you export your way out of the depression.

But the problem with that- GREGORY WILPERT: Sorry.

That brings me actually to the other question, which is related, which is that clearly an

internal devaluation would seem to imply also increasing inequality to some extent, at least

for those people who are affected by that the most.

I mean, according to a 2016 Oxfam report, Spain has "greater inequality almost 10 times

more than the European average, and 14 times more than Greece."

So is that where this inequality comes from, from this internal devaluation?


And the IMF noted that as well.

That what happened was employment fell by about 20% from 2008 to 2013 and it hasn't

picked up enough to make up for that.

And that's where the inequality came 'cause the people, that's where the vast increase

in inequality came, the one that I mentioned since the recession.

Because it was the poor workers, the lower-income workers that were most affected by the loss

of jobs.

So you have this inequality.

And, again, the internal devaluation didn't really work because even though Spain did

increase its exports, if you look at what actually matters for growth and employment,

which is net exports, that is exports minus imports, that has not contributed anything

to the recovery of the last four years.

GREGORY WILPERT: And so what kind of economic policy would you say that Spain should follow

or pursue in order to have a more equitable type of growth and a true lowering of unemployment?

MARK WEISBROT: Well, they would need a more expansionary fiscal policy.

I mean, the European Central Bank is engaging in quantitative easing and keeping interest

rates low.

It took them quite a while.

They did it eight years after the Federal Reserve did it here in the U.S., but they

did finally come up with a monetary policy that they needed.

And so it's really fiscal policy.

It's budget policy.

As I said, they can borrow for free in real terms and so they should do that.

Or they could also, I mean, obviously they're not allowed to do that under the European


But Spain's a big country.

I mean, it's not like Greece.

They could try to negotiate that.

They could have some... but they're not gonna do that because, well, they're not gonna do

any of these things 'cause they have a right-wing government.

But when they get a more progressive government, that's one of the things they could do.

Even without having to go against the European Union constraints, they could also increase

employment by raising taxes and spending that.

What economists call balanced-budget multiplier.

In other words, if they raise taxes and spend more money, they can still create jobs and

move closer to full employment.

And Spain has a relatively low level of government spending relative to its economy as compared

to the rest of the European Union, so there's room for that as well.

And I think you obviously have, you've had a lot of resistance to these policies that

have given them this prolonged recession,and the weak recovery and the mass unemployment.

You have, as you know, Podemos became one of the largest parties in the country after

just a matter of a few years.

That's a left party that's promoting, they actually have an economic program that specifies

exactly that: increasing government spending on infrastructure and other productivity enhancing

and energy transformation, as well, to create jobs and move the economy closer to full employment.


Well, we're gonna continue looking at that, especially since as you suggested there might

be change in government, especially after these protests and all the things that are

happening in Catalonia.

We'll certainly come back to you to see if they have developed more beneficial policies

by then.

So thanks, Mark, for joining us today.

MARK WEISBROT: Thanks, Greg.

GREGORY WILPERT: I was talking to Mark Weisbrot, the clinical director of the Center for Economic

and Policy Research and the author of "Failed: What the 'Experts' Got Wrong about the Global


Thank you for watching The Real News Network.

For more infomation >> Spain's Economy is Growing, but Leaving Most Spaniards Behind - Duration: 13:22.


Mom Says She Loves Her 18-Year-Old Daughter, But She Doesn't Always Like Her - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Mom Says She Loves Her 18-Year-Old Daughter, But She Doesn't Always Like Her - Duration: 1:43.


Teen Says She Smokes 'Weed' Daily, 'But I Don't Consider It A Drug' - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Teen Says She Smokes 'Weed' Daily, 'But I Don't Consider It A Drug' - Duration: 2:16.


#Everton made mega £66m bid to sign Diego Costa... but striker chose Atletico - Duration: 3:55.

Everton made mega £66m bid to sign Diego Costa... but striker chose Atletico

EVERTON made an incredible club-record attempt to sign Diego Costa from Chelsea, according to reports in Spain.

Ronald Koeman was desperate to bring in a frontman during the summer transfer window and the Dutchman was heavily linked with Arsenals Olivier Giroud.

Everton failed with a move for Diego Costa days before the transfer window closed.

Ronald Koeman tried in vain to bring the controversial forward to Goodison Park.

And Marca claim that The Toffees tabled an offer of £66.

4million for the Spanish international, only for Koeman to be told the forward only had eyes for Atletico Madrid.

Despite Chelseas keenness to offload the outcast, Costa refused to listen to any offer that was not from his old club.

That was despite the fact the La Liga giants currently have a transfer embargo placed on them until January.

The 28-year-old eventually got his wish this week as Atletico had a £57m offer accepted as he closes in on a return to the capital.

However, he will not be able to play for Diego Simeones side until January when the transfer ban is lifted.

Everton were among a number of clubs interested in Costa, with Serie A side AC Milan also failing in an attempt to coax him to Italy.

Diego Costa has finally sealed his return to Atletico Madrid.

The striker made Koeman aware that he had no interest in going to Goodison.

  Diego Costa arrives at Madrid to complete his transfer to Atletico from Chelsea.

Costa arrived in Madrid last week to finalise his move.

And he could be presented by his new employers against his old ones on Wednesday.

Chelsea travel to Atleticos Wanda Metropolitano for a Champions League group clash.

  Diego Costa was in the Spanish capital on Saturday to watch Atletico in action.

He fell out spectacularly with Antonio Conte last season.

But after refusing to return to London he has now got his wish to rejoin Atletico.

Although they splashed out £150m in the summer, Everton failed to find an adequate replacement for Romelu Lukaku.

Their struggles have led to boss Ronald Koeman turning to previously out-of-favour Oumar Niasse to lead the line.

And he repaid the faith shown in him by scoring both goals in te 2-1 victory over Bournemouth on Saturday.

For more infomation >> #Everton made mega £66m bid to sign Diego Costa... but striker chose Atletico - Duration: 3:55.


It's A Runway Fashion Show, But For Dogs! (Who You Can Adopt) - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> It's A Runway Fashion Show, But For Dogs! (Who You Can Adopt) - Duration: 3:36.


GOP repeal efforts stall, but uncertain outcomes remain MSNBC - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> GOP repeal efforts stall, but uncertain outcomes remain MSNBC - Duration: 4:28.


Popular biscuit Jaffa Cakes is the latest treat to shrink – but supermarkets fail to lower price - Duration: 1:52.

Popular biscuit Jaffa Cakes is the latest treat to shrink – but supermarkets fail to lower price

JAFFA Cake packs have been shrunk by a sixth, without a fall in price. In the latest case of vanishing treats, McVitie's has cut the biccies from 12 to 10.

McVitie's has cut the number of biscuits from 12 to 10. A standard box now contains 122g instead of 146. But The Sun found stores selling them for the same price, ­hitting shoppers with a sneaky rise equivalent to 17 per cent.

Builder Simon Akroyd, 52, of Bedford, spotted the ploy when he gave workers their usual choccy perk and there weren't enough to go round. He said: "They thought I was trying to dupe them, and weren't happy.".

Makers have used the trick, called "shrinkflation", on 2,500 grocery products in five years. The Sun recently revealed that top Haribo favourites and Walnut Whips had got smaller. McVitie's admitted "adjusting" Jaffa Cake packs but said it also cut its recommended price.

Haribo has shrunk three of its best-known lines including Starmix. But it added: "Pricing is at the sole discretion of retailers.

A McVitie's spokesman said: "We have taken the decision to adjust the pack size of our McVitie's Jaffa Cakes products. "There is no change in the size, shape or weight of individual cakes in the McVitie's Jaffa Cake range.

He added that McVitie's has cut the recommended retail price too, from £1. 15 to 99p - but added: "Pricing ultimately remains at the sole discretion of retailers.

The popular Walnut Whip has also shrunk in recent years. The Sun found stores sold the new packs for the same price as the old ones.

For example, Ocado has the new packs for £1.19, the same price as the old ones. Meanwhile, some shops recently sold the bigger packs for £1 and has the smaller ones at the same price.

The New Cake and Sandwich Shop in Manchester unveils its new Pie Face sandwich and its a beast!.

For more infomation >> Popular biscuit Jaffa Cakes is the latest treat to shrink – but supermarkets fail to lower price - Duration: 1:52.


PD: Kidnapped Forest Park toddler found safe, but Green Township K-9 dies in pursuit - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> PD: Kidnapped Forest Park toddler found safe, but Green Township K-9 dies in pursuit - Duration: 0:46.


Hillary Clinton: It's 'Quite Telling' That Trump Attacks Black Athletes But Not White Supremacists - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Hillary Clinton: It's 'Quite Telling' That Trump Attacks Black Athletes But Not White Supremacists - Duration: 1:53.


Young Mother Offered Breakfast to a Homeless Man, But He Left Her A Note With A Shocking Confession! - Duration: 1:30.

Young Mother Offered Breakfast to a Homeless Man, But He Left Her A Note With A Shocking


A student and also a young mother, Casey Fisher recently went out to have breakfast to the


On the way, she saw a homeless man sitting near the coffee shop.

He was counting his change.

After some time he decided to enter the coffee shop so he could buy something for the money

he had.

The young mother, Casey felt sorry for this poor man and decided to help him.

She bought him a donut and a coffee offered him to have breakfast with her.

The poor man happily agreed.

Then she started to the conversation with this homeless man named Chris.

Initially, he was being shy, but he decided to open his heart to that kind woman and told

her about his life.

He told the woman, his mother had died of cancer when he was very young.

He didn't have a father too.

Then he addicted to drugs.

He lost everything and finally, he found himself on the street.

After the conversation ended, he asked Casey to wait a minute and wrote something on the


The woman took the paper but didn't open there.

She opened the paper when she was in her car.

The message that was written on that paper shocked the young mother and touched the depth

of her soul.

The note was "Today I wanted to kill myself.

Because of you now I do not.

Thank you, beautiful person."

For more infomation >> Young Mother Offered Breakfast to a Homeless Man, But He Left Her A Note With A Shocking Confession! - Duration: 1:30.


Dwyane Wade has many options, but it starts with LeBron - Duration: 5:17.

Dwyane Wade has many options, but it starts with LeBron

MIAMI — Dwyane Wade is about to become a free agent, and hes hoping that doesnt last for long.

Wade and the Chicago Bulls agreed to terms on a buyout agreement Sunday, a person with direct knowledge of the talks told The Associated Press.

Wade is considering several options, including a potential return to Miami or a reunion with longtime friend LeBron James in Cleveland, according to the person who spoke on condition of anonymity because the buyout has not been formally announced.

ESPN. com reported that the Cavaliers are currently the front-runners. Wade will have other suitors, as well.

ESPN reported San Antonio is a possible landing spot, and Oklahoma City — which added Paul George this summer and will formally complete the trade with the Knicks for Carmelo Anthony on Monday — would also seem to make sense as well.

Wade, speaking to the AP on Sunday night, indicated he wants to get his next deal done quickly.

Im going to take tonight and some of tomorrow and speak to the teams or players that are on my list and go from there, Wade said.

My decision is a pure basketball decision and Ill make the one that fits me best at this point in my career, and with what I feel I have to offer a team that needs what I have to offer..

Heres what he has to offer: Even at 35, hes still a scorer, and as a three-time champion, hes a proven winner.

Wade averaged 18.3 points for Chicago last season and returned from injury down the stretch to help the Bulls get into the playoffs.

Over his 14 seasons, Wade has averaged 23.3 points, been to the playoffs 12 times, and took home the 2006 NBA Finals MVP award.

He went to Chicago with great intentions — after all, it is his hometown. But the Bulls of a season ago featured him, Jimmy Butler and Rajon Rondo.

Butler got traded to Minnesota in what essentially was the start of a rebuild for the Bulls this summer, and Rondo is now with the New Orleans Pelicans.

Chicago isnt expected to be a playoff contender this season, and that would have been a rough spot for Wade at this point. Were going in different directions, Wade said.

Miami has a $4.3 million exception available if it chooses to pursue Wade.

Cleveland or Oklahoma City would only be able to offer about half that, and the Cavaliers — even if they got Wade for $2.5 million — would likely be adding several million more on what could be an enormous luxury-tax bill after the season.

But the Cavs have James and three straight Eastern Conference titles, two facts that will surely be appealing to Wade. Wade on the Bulls last seasonRay Stubblebine.

Wade is close with Anthony, which also brings the Thunder into serious play. The wild card could be Miami, where Wade has kept his home and his popularity.

Plus, Heat teammates have made little secret that they would welcome him back with open arms. Heat President Pat Riley said late last week that he is still in love with Wade.

He could not discuss the possibility of trying to bring Wade back to the Heat because NBA tampering rules do not allow such conversations about players under contract with other clubs.

Anything that happens from a personnel standpoint down the road, any opportunities that are there, were always going to approach that, Riley said. The opportunity is now there.

Wade leaves the Bulls one day before their media day, two days before the start of training camp. Had he been there at all, the buyout question would have overshadowed the start of Chicagos season — something apparently neither side wanted.

A Dream was fulfilled!!! Thank you Chicago!!! Wade tweeted. With that, hes on to whatever comes next.

For more infomation >> Dwyane Wade has many options, but it starts with LeBron - Duration: 5:17.


Coronation Street's Gemma Winter to get a new love interest – but his true identity will shock her - Duration: 1:51.

Coronation Street's Gemma Winter to get a new love interest – but his true identity will shock her

Coronation Street is lining up a love interest for Gemma Winter – but shell get a shock when she realises who he really is.

Gemma (Dolly-Rose Campbell) is about to fall head over heels for her posh new boyfriend – completely unaware of just how posh he really is.

When an excited Gemma starts to introduce him to her Weatherfield friends, she gets a big surprise when Liz McDonald recognises him.

The Daily Star reports that Gemma will be thrown when Liz informs her that her beau is actually Cecil Newtons grandson – meaning hell be heir to the Newton and Ridley fortune.

Long-term Corrie viewers may remember Cecil from his reoccurring appearances between 1987 and 2003.

Cecil was one of the top directors of brewery Newton & Ridley, and his authority within the company meant he had the final say in their operations – even after he retired.

Fans will have to wait and see if Gemmas budding new romance with Cecils grandson goes the distance, but it certainly looks like things are looking up for her at last.

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