Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily do Sep 26 2017



What if you could have fresh organic veggies, herbs and flowers that are grown year round

with no chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers right in your kitchen?

Thanks to Hyundai you can!

This is a whole food lovers dream come true!

The Nano-Garden is an absolutely amazing invention especially for people, like myself, who are

living in condos, or in houses that don�t have much yard space

The nano-garden somewhat resembles a refrigerator, and takes up approximately the same amount

of space.

It contains a hydroponic system, which means that it is capable of growing plants in a

mineral nutrient solution, in water, without any soil, pesticides or fertilizers.

The garden also has features that will allow the user to decide the speed of growth of

the veggies and herbs by controlling the amount of light, nutrient supply and water.

In addition, the unit will alert its users when it is time to provide the plants with

water or nutrients.

It also functions as a natural air purifier by eliminating unpleasant smells.

Most people do not realize that vegetables will lose about half of their nutrients within

the first week of being picked.

The food that you are getting from the supermarket will not be as nutritionally rich as the food

you are growing yourself and consuming immediately after harvesting.

Imagine how much more fresh and alive this food tastes.

If you have or have ever had a garden I�m sure you have certainly noticed a difference.

Currently, Hyundai�s Nano-Garden is just a prototype and is not available for sale.

They are currently working with the manufacturer to get these on the market as soon as possible.

If you are looking for something to purchase right now, check out the Urban Cultivator,

which is available now and it is also quite sleek and modern looking

If you have the space to have your own garden or have access to a community garden, you

should totally take advantage of that.

Being able to grow your own organic foods is one of the best ways to opt out of the

system and take control of what you are putting into your body as well as those of your loved


Imagine fresh, local organic produce at your fingertips.

Gardening is a very rewarding hobby to take part in, it is such a great way to connect

back to nature and directly with the Earth.

�In our society growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts.

It is truly the only effective protest one that can �and will- overturn the corporate

powers that be.

By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential

to change the world- we change ourselves.� �Jules Dervaes



5 Coisas Que os Surdos NÃO Gostam (Dia Nacional do Surdo) - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> 5 Coisas Que os Surdos NÃO Gostam (Dia Nacional do Surdo) - Duration: 5:30.


Um pouco do Evento NAC Robert Kiyosaki | Ghaio Finanças Pessoais - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Um pouco do Evento NAC Robert Kiyosaki | Ghaio Finanças Pessoais - Duration: 3:07.


(Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 3 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 10:10.

[Be Positive: Episode 3]

- I'm in. - What? - If that's your reason I'm in.

- Why would you do it for that reason? Just walk away. - I want to do it.

When am I ever going to have a chance like this again?

You're a one-of-a-kind idiot director. I'm in.

Thank you. Please sign right here!

Sign it before you change your mind, just like paying the bill for a meal.

We have a running guarantee prepared for you. We'll run together! Let's do this together!

- That's the reason we... - I'm not expecting much.

- I'm going. Call me. - (We're the employers on the contract...)

(and that means we have our responsibilities.) Bang Hye-jung.

- Kim Hwan-dong! - Running guarantees don't apply just to actors, they're for the entire staff.

Not only that, we'll give you an official offer. $5000.

I know it's not even 10% of your regular rate

and I know your value in the film market far exceeds that as well,

but as the face of the film, I feel that we need to compensate you accordingly.

In the professional world, that's a guarantee. Draft another contract.

- I'll see you at our next meeting. - Sure. Let's do that.

Why did I do that In-guk?

You know me pretty well. Why did I say that?

Let's get part-time jobs at a convenience store.

If we save for 6 months, we should have the funds.

Let's come back to this moment then you crazy idiot.

Why... why did I do that?

Really? I didn't actually think you'd get her.

Bang Hye-jung agreed to be in your film?

She's never even attended any of the school functions...

- That's impressive. - Now, collect the funding like you promised.

I've already talked to the school. They said no.

- What? - They decide the budget at the beginning of the year.

And every year we're pressed for money, what did you expect?

That's not what you promised.

Don't be like that. Someone might hear.

What I said was that I'd propose a reassessment, I never promised anything.

Wait, did you use my history with Bang Hye-jung to get her to agree to the film?

Right, that was the plan. At my age, everything is a part of the plan.

I mean, did you think I studied more than you? Am I stronger than you? That's all it is.

And boys, you have to be logical.

If this film gets made, who wins? You win. How does this film help me?

Everyone else funded their own graduation film.

Don't let your motivation for doing anything be for purely financial gains.

It just makes things harder.

It's not that I'm trying to rebel against my elders it's just...

even if he's right... I hate that he's right.

So, are you going to give up?

No, we'll proceed according to plan.

First, call Bang Hye-ung and...

- Tell her the guarantee was a joke? - That's right.

- Aren't I funny? - No.

Why'd you have show off? We're in this mess because of you.

Even without Bang Hye-jung, we don't have money for a film.

What do you mean "showing off?" That was a legitimate offer.

The only legitimate offer we can afford is to bow our heads low and say, "Thank you."

Hey are we beggars? Why are you so quick to beg?

Think before you act.

Otherwise, you'll have to think back on your actions.

So what are you thinking?

Dad, you're so handsome.

- Mom, you're so pretty. - We don't have any money.

Dad, you know that movie "Twenty"?

A long time ago, the director of "Twenty" tried to make an indie film but didn't have the money.

But when he was about to give up, his father lent him $20,000.

Right now, he's a prominent director who makes guest appearances on TV.

It was the trust and confidence his parents put in him that got him there.

What do you think? Touching right?

The problem is...

I don't care whether you're a successful director or a failing director...

I'd just prefer you did something else.

Even if you are a success and you win an award

and you give a speech about how it was all thanks to your parents,

I'm pretty sure I won't care.

And I don't have any money.

This house you're sitting in right now, it's not my house. The bank owns it.

I'm your son! And I want to make something of myself. It's not like you have other sons.

But you're telling me not to try? How could you say that as parents?

And your daughter! You sent her to get foreign language lessons!

Why are you discriminating? Other families treat their sons well

but you give her everything! Why are you being so progressive?

- Don't be progressive. - Eat your dinner. - I don't want to!

Even my parents won't give me a second thought...

I guess there have been plenty of times when I've been... insignificant.

At the very least, it feels good to have let it all out.

When am I going to grow up?

Father, you're here. I'm sorry I can't stand up.

I'm growing up and my body feels heavy.

Mom doesn't know about this. Pay me back.

You need to know something.

Borrowing money means selling your freedom.

Even with all that yelling...

Why am I tearing up?

Why would you ignore your friends and give up your dreams for your father?

Because even if you give everything up, you still make room for your children.

I'm tearing up. But the saddest thing...

I can't give it back to him.

It's $500, not $5000.

At least this'll be easy to pay back.

This is all my allowance. Let's do what we can.

Can I ask why you even bothered to put $56 in an envelope?

We're short on money, not envelopes.

But you're better off than me.

[Looking for part-time workers]

[Looking for part-time workers]

- This is going to be physically taxing... - That means higher pay right?

- $6,03 an hour. - Well, there go my hopes.

- You don't have to do it. There are plenty of other applicants. - We'll take it.

Let's work hard!

We'll use the rest of our time to work on the film.

Let the shovel do the work!

- This is fun. This is fun work! - I'm having so much fun!

I could do this with my bare hands.

[Be Positive]

- How can you say that? - You dumped me!

I'm not going to act at playing house.

Culture and Arts funding has dried up. There used to be so much support in the past.

There's a difference between a difficult opportunity and not having one.

Do I have to do everything?

[Planning: SAMSUNG]

For more infomation >> (Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 3 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 10:10.


Ex-BBB Antonio elogia Vivian, ex-namorada do irmão, no Rock in Rio: 'Campeã' - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Antonio elogia Vivian, ex-namorada do irmão, no Rock in Rio: 'Campeã' - Duration: 5:21.


26/setembro - Dia do surdo - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> 26/setembro - Dia do surdo - Duration: 1:41.


Triste Notícia Morre Jornalista do SBT e Até os Famosos Lamentam - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Triste Notícia Morre Jornalista do SBT e Até os Famosos Lamentam - Duration: 1:54.


(Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 5 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 10:20.

[Do Kyung-soo]

[Chae Suh-jin]

[David Lee]

[Be Positive: Episode 5]

- I don't think this is right... especially after eating chicken feet. - Right?

Candy kiss, foam kiss, all those kisses are gross but...

- chicken feet... the smell... kissing... - People have to be careful, alcohol is dangerous.

- That's right. People have to watch out for alcohol. - I'm going to go.

- Do you want me to drop you off? - No, my manager is waiting outside.

- You are not going? - There are two shots left, I'll finish it off and go.

- Drinking alone is popular these days. - Yeah, it's okay.

- I'm going to go. - Okay, see you later.


I thought we were comfortable with each other now.

But, I forgot that we broke up because we were inconveniencing one another.

Okay, let's maintain this inconvenience.

That's more convenient.

Just for now... Or, maybe forever.

Let's just focus on the movie.

Look at this, I think I'm a natural at shoveling.

You are going to get abs from this!

Hwan-dong, I think I'm really going to get abs.

I can!

I can get abs too!

Let's go.

Shouldn't we do a ritual to wish for success?

Won't this cover the bowls of rice for our staff?

Now, it is time to make money for the side dishes!

Rock, paper, scissors!

This isn't hard. Not hard at all.

We were in a shaky situation because we didn't have enough funds.

However, we were able to decide on the staff members and actors.

I don't quite understand the reason for his existence in this movie but...

Professor Ma. If we have to name his role, Production Manager?

Put the script down over there and help me.

Assistant Director, Kim Han-joo.

It may seem like we are trying to cut down on costs by recruiting a family member.

But, she entered university at the top of her class and is a department hoobae (junior).

Camera Director, Noh Seung-boo.

He is our sunbae (senior), a graduate.

He has experience in shooting commercial movies,

but he kindly agreed to join the team for his hoobae's movie.

- Bang Hae-jung! - Hello!

This is the team... Come this way.

Our staff members.

Our main actress, Bang Hye-jung. I think an explanation is unnecessary. Right?

- It feels great to be back at school, right? - Yes, of course!

Producer Hwang In-guk. In charge of the movie's overall production.

He has no experience and no skills, however his passion is like no other.

Also, Movie Director Kim Hwan-dong!

Very handsome!

We just got back from working out.

Were you part of the Saemaeul Movement? Your outfit is... Have a seat.

Before you got here, we did brief introductions.

Since you are all here, let's start this first meeting for the movie.

What happened to your arm?

After a few drinks, we were pretending to be UFC fighters.

I was locked in an arm bar and I tapped twice to let my friend know that my arm is going to break.

But, my friend was so drunk...

So, it broke.

You have to shoot with a hand-held camera.

Yes, let's do it, with a hand-held camera.

You have to hold up the camera...

Yes, I can hold it up. I'm sure I can, I'm still young.

You are only 30 years old, but you are not young.

No, how can all of this happen in just 30 years?!

You look like you are about 50 years old. 50!

That's why you broke your arm.

- Student? - You have to shake her to wake her up.

- She suffers from narcolepsy (a sleep disorder). - Narcolepsy?

- Wake up! - I'm sorry.

I only slept 14 hours last night...

Wow. Only slept for 14 hours and still managed to get top of the class. A genius.

We have to talk about the schedule...

I volunteer every Wednesdays, so I can't film on those days.

What? Being a bully is a crime?! Why do you have to do community service?!

No, not community service because I committed a crime.

A contribution to our society! And, I was not a bully.

You were not a bully?

I was practicing a play. Alcohol, cigarettes, they were all props.

I graduated from School of Performing Arts.

The main actress can't film on Wednesdays...

And, on Sundays, I go to church.

Well... You don't need to know all that.

But, this is a story about two sisters. Do we not have a dongsaeng (younger sister) yet?

We are looking for a fresh, new actress right now.

- We are holding auditions... - No, I must have forgot to mention this.

The younger sister role will be played by Hwang Mi-young.

Hwang Mi-young, Professor?

Hwang Mi-young graduated from our school.

It will be good to do it with your senior.

And, our chancellor is a huge fan of hers.

Hello! Hi!


Were you listening outside?

No, I just walked over right now.


- Please sit. Sit. - Yes, everyone sit down.

Give her a script.

This character is supposed to be a dongsaeng.

She looks young.

We need a frail person for this character.

My bronchial tubes are weak. It's okay, sit down.

- You have weak bronchial tubes? I see. - Eat the Doraji (balloon flower roots).

- A dongsaeng role? - This is Bang Hye-jung!

At least the school is going to provide us with the equipment.

What can we do? Let's just compromise with them.

This isn't a compromise. This is a threat.

Let's make a threatening compromise then.

We have to shoot the movie.

The main actress is busy with volunteering and church...

The Camera Director has a broken arm.

Assistant Director has narcolepsy.

The dongsaeng is...

supposed to be dongsaeng, but she is not!

In-guk, this is weird.

Unnie (older sister).

I will eat well from now on and I won't get sick.



- Why aren't you saying anything? - I'll try again...


Will we get to finish this movie?

You can do it.

Do you know the ritual among Native Americans?

If Native Americans conduct this ritual ceremony, the rain will come.

Why? They don't stop this ritual until it starts to rain.

If you don't give up, it will definitely happen.

Give up? Nope. Never!

Your documents were prepared very meticulously.

I can feel your desperation.

Yes, I feel like that is a universal sentiment

which is very common in my age group.

However, this story does not reflect that feeling of desperation.

A dream come true...

I honestly believe "a dream made true" is a better expression.

"A dream come true", it means you got your wish.

When we are planning something, you start thinking of different things.

Is that all we do?

To change those thoughts into reality,

we keep on pushing and working towards it.

Why? To make those dreams come true.

I will ask you a simple question.

Why do you like movies?

Why do you want to make movies?

[Be Positive]

If you can't produce this, we have to give the equipment and funds to another team.

You said that this movie is about teamwork. So, why are you carrying the burden alone?!

Let's make this movie another time.

You are a real coward.

I can't make sense of it whatsoever, so I tried to think against all senses.

- But, I still don't understand you. - Let me say one more thing...

For more infomation >> (Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 5 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 10:20.


(Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 2 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 11:35.

[Be Positive: Episode 2]

- It's probably someone else. - Answer it. - It's not her.

I said, "Answer it!"

Okay, fine.

Whether or not you pick up is your choice, but...

When you don't know whether or not to act, it's better to act.

When you die, you don't regret the things that you've done.

You regret the things you didn't do.

And you have experience with dying?



She hung up.

Hey! You crazy idiot!

What? "Hung up"!?

You should just live the rest of your life with regret.

That's what you deserve, a life of regret!

Regret! Kim Regret!

I hope you regret this as you die, and after! Actually, just go die!


[3 years ago]

That was a pretty good movie.

That was a really good movie.


- One iced Americano, please. - Make that two.

It's 50 cents off if you get two.

I guess so.

Why didn't you say hi?


I'm not an upperclassman because I'm an acting major?

You think it's okay to just ignore me like that?

I was certain that you wouldn't recognize me

and it's rare for pretty women to acknowledge my existence.


I don't know if you know how to read people

but if you look in my eyes, you can tell I'm not that rude.

- That will be $5,50. - That's so kind of you.

Would it be difficult for you if I were to pay in coins?

- Excuse me? - Coins.

That'd be fine.

- It is then... - Thank you.

You don't have classes today?

I do. I just don't want to go.

That's ambitious.

I can't sit through a class if my views are completely different from the professor's.

You'd never be able to work in an office.

You're suited to be a film major.

You should keep at it.

I don't think you'd be suited to office work either.

Be an actress.

Why do you say that?

You shouldn't judge people based on their looks, but...

I think this is a special case.

You are phenomenally beautiful.

You'd probably cause havoc among your male co-workers.

Well, regardless of why...

I used to dream of being an actress.

And now?

I just got dropped from an audition.

How can you let just one rejection...

It's my 100th.

Today was the 100th time I was rejected for a part.

That's impressive.

Are you kidding me?

I've been dropped from 100 auditions. How is that impressive?

It's cool that you've tried 100 times.

That means you're not just beautiful, you're passionate.

I used to be pretty.

I think I was 7 years old?

What kind of goals could a child possibly have?

Actresses on TV are pretty.

I'm pretty. So I should be an actress.

But then...

Did something happen?

Something did.

In middle school and high school, I kept on getting prettier.

I kept getting prettier.

I don't know how to react to that...

That's why I wanted to be an actress

but now, what I really want to do is act.

You will, I'm sure of it. Be strong!


That was unexpectedly comforting. Felt good.

I wanted to see a movie today but...

Didn't you think that movie was bad?

I thought it was okay.

Hey, no way. You make a movie like that and you'll be ruined.

Make a fun movie.

And if I'm still a struggling actress,

you can take pity on me and cast me in a role.

Well, I like the idea of working with alumni...

I'll offer you a minor role.

- That's not a joke is it? - Nope.

I'm serious.

I'm skipping the rest of my classes today.


I wouldn't have left if I was going to go back.

Then do you want to hang out with me?

It'll be like a date.

All the jealous guys staring at us is going to be tiring but...

Okay. But no touching.

If you lay one finger on me, I'm going to tell my mom.

I'm serious. I'll tell my mom.

We talked a lot that day.

We really opened up to each other.

She liked drinking beer.

I liked soju.

She liked The Beatles. I liked Led Zeppelin.

She liked Tarantino. I liked Woody Allen.

We had different tastes in everything, but

she could make me laugh.

And I could make her laugh out loud, too.


you might not believe this, but...

that day, we had our first kiss.

It's been a long time.


It's been 3 years,

should we start with pleasantries or...

should we just get down to business?

I've had a dull 3 years so...

Let's just get down to business. Thanks for coming.

I've read the script, director.

I'm glad you enjoyed it Hye-jung.

I didn't say I enjoyed it. Just that I read it.

It wasn't hard to read since it was written in Korean.

Oh. That's a relief.

That's what I was hoping for.

No reason to read deeply if you're not going to be able to understand it.

So it's good that you just "read" it.

Leave the thinking to people with brains, is that what you're saying?

- I should just do what you say? - Well, if you can't think for yourself who says you can act for yourself?

I just thought we could work on this project together.

What do you mean? I haven't even agreed to it yet.

How careless of me, after all, I am the one asking for a favor.

I don't want to do it. I've already got a bad feeling about this.

Then don't do it.

I knew it.

You do give up easily.

- I make good decisions. - And you get confused easily.

It was a difficult situation and I made a rushed decision.

- That's all? - What is?

Is that the only reason?

Did you come looking for me because you're in a difficult situation?

Did you come looking for me because you're in a difficult situation?

It's not because you think I'd be good for the part,

you're just desperate to have a big name actress in your film.

And you only one you could call was Bang Hye-jung.

Is that the only reason?

What other reason could there be?

- Oh, yeah? - Yeah. Don't do it.

- I'll do it. - What?

If that's the reason, I want in.

Why would you do it for that reason? Just walk away.

I'm in. When am I ever going to have a chance like this again?

You're a one-of-a-kind idiot director.

I'm in.

Thank you!

Please sign right here.

Sign it before you change your mind, just like paying the bill for a meal.

Go right ahead.

We have a running guarantee prepared for you.

We'll run together! Let's do this together!

That's the reason we...

I'm not expecting much.

I'm going. Get in touch with me.

We're the employers on the contract...

and that means we have our responsibilities.

Bang Hye-jung!

Kim Hwan-dong!

[Be Positive]

Now, collect the funding like you promised.

I've already talked to the school.

- This is fun work! - I'm having so much fun!

That's not what you promised.

- That means higher pay right? - You don't have to do it.

There are plenty of other applicants.

So, what's your plan?

We don't have any money.

This house you're sitting in right now, it's not my house.

The bank owns it.

So, you are going to give up?

For more infomation >> (Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 2 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 11:35.


Soy Luna 2 | Luna and Simón can't do the steps (ep.75) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 1:25.

What happened?

Sorry, I wasn't concentrated.

No, it was me.

No, I did it.

If everyone is blaming themselves, I wanted to do it too.

It was a joke.

I don't have time for jokes.

I don't have time for personal problems.

What did I say?

Where do they stay? Outside the rink.

Sometimes, the problems come to the rink.

I don't have a problem with anyone. I think it's the other way around.

I wasn't talking to you.

What are you doing here?

I came to look for my blazer and say goodbye.

To the rink.

Do it quickly. I don't want interruptions during rehearsal.

Do the lift again.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 2 | Luna and Simón can't do the steps (ep.75) (Eng. subs) - Duration: 1:25.


Duke Energy can do better by North Carolina - Duration: 1:40.

(delicate music)

- [Narrator] From the rising peaks

of the Great Smoky Mountains

to the shimmering golden sands of the Outer Banks,

residents of North Carolina are at a crossroads.

Before us lies a choice,

a choice between a continued reliance

on fossil fuels like coal and fracked gas.

Or a change of course, toward a cleaner energy future.

A clean energy future means a brighter future

for North Carolina.

Compared to Duke Energy's business-as-usual approach,

shifting to clean energy could save home owners

over $100 a year in electricity costs,

and would generate more than 100,000 in-state jobs.

For years, Duke Energy has admitted

to polluting North Carolina with coal ash,

contaminating our precious rivers and lakes,

and endangering our drinking water.

A cleaner energy plan for North Carolina

improves our health, and says we will not stand

for blatant pollution.

In the next 10 years, clean energy could save 1,2000 lives

and prevent or 90,000 missed work days.

This isn't just a decision for yourself.

It's also a decision for your children, and their children.

It's up to you to take a stand

for the future of North Carolina.

It's time to tell Duke Energy that you won't stand idly by

while they pollute this great state.

Demand a cleaner energy plan from Duke Energy.

For more infomation >> Duke Energy can do better by North Carolina - Duration: 1:40.


Things to do in London: One Hour in London - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Things to do in London: One Hour in London - Duration: 3:11.


(Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 6 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 11:17.

[Do Kyung-soo]

[Chae Suh-jin]

[David Lee]

[Be Positive: Episode 6]

I will ask you a simple question.

Why do you like movies? Why do you want to make movies?

I was prepared to answer whatever questions they might ask, without any hesitation.


This simple question... Was is so hard to answer?!

I'm not really sure...

I just like them a lot.

I can't find other words to describe it.

It was the simplest answer ever, but I don't know...

I just felt great about it.

Was that the reason?

We were justifiably dropped from

the production fund contest.

You can give up. No one is going to care.

The world won't change because you gave up.

However, there is one important thing you must not forget.

You are not the strange one, who got chosen out of 100 contestants. odd one out, picked out of 100 other contestants.

You are just a normal person, with 99 other normal people who got dropped.

At the very least, you are very normal!

I am happy because I'm normal!

Everyone's expectations are very high.

The leading role is a famous actress, the script came out good...

You actually have a lot more going on, compared to what other people have.


But, this is the thing...

We have to be realistic on what is going on.

If you can't produce this,

we have to give the equipment and funds to another team.

Everyone is struggling.

Yes, I understand what you mean.

You've arrived!

- Hello! - Hello.

I am a little late...

His phone is off, he's not at home...

Why is he being like this?!

Our director is nowhere to be found.

This spirit is awesome!

I can't make sense of it whatsoever, so I tried to think against all senses...

But, I still don't understand.

I'm going to leave.

Uh... okay.

You are a real coward.

Wow, you are pretty from this angle too.

How did you know I was here?

Kim Hwan-dong!

Do you think you are the only person who is sad and lonely?

Hye-jung, I apologize.

- Let's make this movie another time. - Right?!

I was expecting you to say that.

I'm sorry.

You are really good at giving up.

This feeling is all too familiar...

It's very similar to the feeling I got when you broke up with me.

So, I'm starting to get a little bit more annoyed. Do you even realize that?

I'm sorry.

- I wasn't the one breaking it off. - Yes.

You are right.

You never said you wanted to break up.

You just said that you were sorry and you didn't have to say anything else.

And, I never agreed to it.

Therefore, we never broke up.

I have a lot to get off my chest.

But, let's postpone until after the shoot.

First, let's focus on the movie and see what happens after.

I know that us coming in like this is very cliché, however life is very cliché. Let's sit.

Yep, I called them.

You said that movies are all about teamwork. Then, why are you carrying the burden alone?!

Order what you want!



You can't just give up because you want to.

This isn't just your movie.

This is OUR movie.

I will try not to sleep so much.

I've getting a lot of facials to make myself look younger...

- I think I should be deeply moved right now. - You should be!

We are all trying very hard. Instead of payroll, we can use the money for production support.

We will have enough staff members to help us.

But don't tell anyone that you filmed a movie without financial support

because we are doing over 1 million dollars worth of work right now.

And, we have to look into this further,

but there are companies willing to invest with a few changes to the contract.

Let's look into it further.

Let's start from scratch!

Let's do it! We can do it!

I will buy all the cup ramen and drinks for the set.

$500 worth.

I will shoot out hearts.

Shoot hearts to males.

Not shooting hearts to males, just shooting.

You are very harsh with your words.

What are you doing?

I think I should sing a song.

No, we are not ready yet. You are the only drunk one here...

All together!

I might not be the only one responsible for my own dreams.

The rights my friends and family have is very significant.

My stance on my dream is...

I'm just another person, who desperately wants to make it work.

Maybe I'm just another share holder?

Just because I'm sharing my responsibilities does not mean it's any easier.

If we really do this...

Why? I like it.

Think about it.

Imagine this is going be shown at a film festival.

It will be very uncomfortable and embarrassing... Don't you feel it too?!

- Not even a little bit. - Okay.

- Director. - You are here!

These hoobaes (juniors) are going to be playing the supporting roles, so don't worry too much.

- Thank you for your help! - Thank you!

Can you really do that? Really?

It's okay, I can do it. I can go forward too.

Wait, can you put it down for a second.

Excuse me! Wait!

You can't stay there. How many times do I have to tell you?

You are here.

We are going to be doing the scene where your sister runs towards you. Is that okay?

- She's beginning to look like my younger sister. - Hug her well, like this.

- SuSenior. - Do I look young?

You look really young! So pretty!

Let's do a run-through.

You are going to run up...

Ready, action!


- Why, why? - That's good. - Just like this?

A little higher.

- Are you okay? - I'm not in pain, I'm young.

I thought I was at the end. But, this is just the beginning.

I don't know what difficulties are going to pop up later on...

But, if I get scared now, I will lose even before the fight.

I have to face the fear to see if I win or lose. Without any regrets!

Since I'm in this, let's try and win.

Are you ready?

We are all ready.

We are going to start. Silence, please!



I still have an important story left to share.

We are still repeatedly fighting and reconciling,

but we are back to where it all started.


- When those rumors started... - Stop!

It's not me, it was just the other person!

Why are you getting mad? What do you think I'm going to say?

Why are you so impatient?!

I believed you,

- I was a coward, I wanted to say something in those lines. - Forget it.

Don't even mention that story.

That is more strange...

When you are talking to others about them, you are very rational...

You have to stay calm and go through the stages...

Stop! Stop talking!

You can't tell a person who is talkative to stop talking...

This is really nice.

What my reasoning is...

To tell you my reasoning one more time...

You are playing games with me.

Let me just say one more thing...

- Just one more. - I love you.

I love you too.

[Be Positive]

For more infomation >> (Cc Sub) Positive Physique Ep 6 (D.O EXO) - Duration: 11:17.


Ajaira Barisal guys do || Bangla funny video by FaaZiList - Duration: 4:12.

Please Subscribe

For more infomation >> Ajaira Barisal guys do || Bangla funny video by FaaZiList - Duration: 4:12.



For more infomation >> UM CHÁ COM THE VAMPS: QUAL A PALAVRA DO NIGHT&DAY EM PORTUGUÊS? - Duration: 7:50.


[HD] Íntegra do ABTV 1ª Edição de 25/09/2017 - TV Asa Branca - Duration: 47:16.

For more infomation >> [HD] Íntegra do ABTV 1ª Edição de 25/09/2017 - TV Asa Branca - Duration: 47:16.


3 TIPS FOR SOLO CRUCIBLE PLAYERS (Destiny 2 How To Do Good At Solo PvP) - Duration: 6:13.

what's going on all my friends your boy EMEX back with another video and in

today's video I'm gonna be giving you my top 3 tips for players going solo in the

crucible now as many of you know destiny 2 is dished all 66 3v3 and free-for-all

game types and made all modes 44 across the entire board some players like this

a lot but overall it seems like most players especially solo players are

hating it right now me personally I didn't like it at first but I kind I'm

liking the whole 4 before thing now like I said in the beginning I wasn't a big

fan because I saw how much encourage people to team shoe and I saw how much

TN was state with state group together and if you're going up against a

four-man fire game as a solo player you pretty much gonna be screwed but after

playing with it a little bit I was able to figure out a little bit better and

develop certain play styles that helped me to begin to succeed in destiny to use

crucible and in this video I'm gonna be sharing those three tips with you and I

think they're gonna vastly improve your game as a solo player now the first tip

I have for you guys is going to be kind of a universal one that's going to give

you a great foundation for any map and that's going to be to adapt to the

players around you the team you're going up against is going to vary with each

map so you're gonna have to feel it out and see how they're playing and adapt

accordingly for example if you're going against a team they're all part of the

same clan chances are they're going to be well coordinated and sticking

together they're probably gonna be all in a party chat together and they're

gonna be able to communicate and be coordinated in the match so I would pick

a play style the best suits you for those situations but as a solo player

it's not only important to pay attention to the enemy but also to your own team

be observant every teammates and play along with them if they're playing more

passive then play passive with your team you're not gonna want to rush if they're

playing passive because you're gonna be all alone the entire time and your

teammate is gonna be back behind cover and you're gonna be out of the

frontlines getting shot at so I mean play how your team plays it's gonna make

for the best experience same goes for aggressive teammates overall if you

could read the players around you you should find yourself a good amount of

success playing solo this tip of one will vastly improve your solo experience

and the crucible now the first tip could be all you need if your solo player who

wants to feel like they're part of a team but for players who want to be the

lone wolf for people who want to make their own paths in the crucible or maybe

you just really interval playing as your hunter maybe a little too much

these next two tips are before you tip number two is all about

loadout now obviously the first step to picking a loadout is finding what you're

comfortable with this is the most important thing to keep in mind when

choosing what guns to use in a match if you are most comfortable with an auto

rifle in sidearm then you're probably not going to do well with the hand Kade

and the scout rifle setup so choosing what's comfortable for you is absolutely

at the top of the list also take the map into account consider ranges of

gunfights you're going to be in and plan accordingly if you've got long range

engagements and just long range engagements there's going to be no short

range in your foreseeable future SMGs probably not going to be good option

obviously and now as far as subclasses go anyone will do fine but again a

comfort comes into play here choose which you are most comfortable with if

you want to go outside the box and gain some new experience with a subclass that

you have yet to use that's perfectly fine to do so but sting with what you

know is probably going to be best as far as success now as far as build goes for

your subclass do it in such a way that will benefit yourself more than taneous

be selfish here this is your game you're playing solo you don't have a fireteam

along with you you're not playing friends be selfish don't worry about or

production just worried about demolishing the enemy waiting for the

perfect time to strike that is key many many players completely waste to their

supers and in destiny too you basically get one a game unless you're gone

absolutely ham so you're definitely gonna want to take advantage of every

super opportunity you get and you're gonna want to wait and kind of feel out

the perfect time maybe when all the enemies are grouped up together you're

gonna wait for that perfect time to strike now the third and final tip I

have for the solo crucible player is to pick your gunfights use the fight or

flight technique when you go into matches for those of you don't know

fight or flight basically do I stay and fight or do I run away you kind of gotta

fill it out for yourself and with experience this will come you know with

ease this isn't called duty most players

can't run laps around the map with no strategy and expect success and I say

most because there are some of us let's face it out there who do play like that

but I'm assuming you're not a pvp god or else you probably won't be watching this

video being able to pick your gunfights is a very valuable skill and this simply

means that if you don't think you can win the gunfight it might be

to run I did a lot when I turn a corner expecting only one player and see the

entire team bunched up ready to execute me like a firing squad used to works out

pretty well and if you're fast enough if you could think click enough and you're

knowledgeable enough and crucible you can actually get a situation unscathed

maybe bring them over back to your team and so yeah Firefly technique works

really good simple as that do I stay do I go now your skill level

as well being able to really learn this third tip will not only improve your

game vastly when you're by yourself but also when you're with a fire team I

can't stress this enough guys this third tip comes into play not only for total

players but for everybody with your fire team or whether you're alone that's

gonna be it for this video guys those are the three tips hopefully you did

enjoy this video this was my first scripted video so I don't know it might

sound a little weird compared to my other videos but hopefully it sounded

cleaner and a little bit better I also got a new mic trying out so yeah thank

you guys so much for watching those three tips tip number one adapt to the

players around you very important tip number two loadout loadout is probably

the most important tip you could possibly learn when you're playing solo

and the third tip is to pick your gunfights very very valuable skill thing

you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy I ask that you drop a like rating

because it helps me out a lot and tells me I'm doing something right so yeah

thank you guys so much if you're new the channel subscribe I'll catch you guys on

Friday peace out

you have death in these beanie eyes and you spat in them you fiend


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