Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily do Sep 24 2017

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For more infomation >> Fun things to do with your family - Arizona Grand Resort and Spa - Duration: 4:57.


Torneio Início do Campeonato Mineiro 2006 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Torneio Início do Campeonato Mineiro 2006 - Duration: 2:28.


THE EVIL WITHIN 2 | História do vilão fotógrafo Stefano Valentini [SEM SPOILERS] - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> THE EVIL WITHIN 2 | História do vilão fotógrafo Stefano Valentini [SEM SPOILERS] - Duration: 8:45.


David Garrett - DO RE MIKRO - 23.09.17 (David's voice from 07:05 min) - Duration: 55:02.

For more infomation >> David Garrett - DO RE MIKRO - 23.09.17 (David's voice from 07:05 min) - Duration: 55:02.


Baixar Vídeos do YouTube sem Precisar de Programas Pelo Google Chrome - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Baixar Vídeos do YouTube sem Precisar de Programas Pelo Google Chrome - Duration: 3:38.


Colombia - back from the jungle. - Duration: 12:59.

The lost city of the ancient Tayrona Indian civilization. Bigger and more important than Machu Piucchu. Hidden in the Colombian jungle.

You can get there only by helicopter, or a few days after the march through the wild dżuglę.

Special jeeps were taken us deep into the jungle and began ...

In previous episode....

It's 5 in the morning.

We came up with that one day, without sleeping longer want to leave jungle.

Instead, we want to keep pushing two days one day.

To the place where the cars will pick up us.

We'll see how it is, is 5 in the morning, we go.

It is 6 am

Filming village, which has already passed

It is Wiwa Indian village

About 15 families live here.

O, mule.

As soon as I'll show you the coca plantation village.

Before each village is the plantation.

It already coca bushes.

These shrubs are all coca bushes.

They are, of course, chew, do not do cocaine.

Although we do not know how to check their ...

The Indians have a permit from the government, because of the tradition.

At every village a plantation.

Women occupy the plucking

But already dry and grind may only men.

Such fresh leaves as if you ate it right away diarrhea.

They should be dried and ground with something.

As I bought.

When you hit a truck transport,

It creates traffic jam.

As normally on the road ...

They are taking the goods as the truck goes by, it slowly.

Already a long time so we're going.

We went route one day,

Now we're going to route the next day

We walked for three days, and the two go out.

Beautiful, huh? It's beautiful.

I've never been more hot spot.

It's hard to breathe, it's so humid and hot.

We should do it because we started at 5 in the morning,

It is about 10, and we'll go the route of the next day.

Still confident of 5 hours.

I am not surprised that Pablo Escobar said that he does not ever leave here.

It's very hard

Look, I'll show you something

Miss Wet T-Shirt.

It was in Ciudad Perdida, brought here ...


The Indian, who agreed with me that it's beautiful.

I told him that beautifully, and he said yes.

Of course, in their own language ...

And so I wander, sometimes transportation pass me.

Oh, the next transport.

The Indian, who had just pass me was from the tribe of Koga.

It is more normal tribe, because the latter is fucked.

I've never been in a hotter place.

And they have hats, scarves, jackets ...

It is for them winter.

This Indian is a cog, they know how to speak Spanish.

They have similar calendar as we have.

A second Wiwa tribe, does not speak Spanish,

They don't leave the forest and does not like white people.

Colombian soldiers there, one is smoking ...

And here they stand too.

Two soldiers.

I hope that we reach, I broke tendon below the knee.

The soldiers are armed with automatic weapons long, it is still Teran activities of communist guerrillas. The grounds of the civil war.


To the camp.

They wanted to tell us something, but I do not know what ...

I went to the toilet, and English - Dutch duo recorded this video on my camera ;-)

I broke a muscle below the knee.

I can not move his leg.

So they look my shoes.

Zara don't product trekking shoes ;-)

These are the shoes after Ciudad Perdida.

Broken muscle...

We thank all of our team ...

And this, which is not found, and two of the best guides. We will never forget you ...

For more infomation >> Colombia - back from the jungle. - Duration: 12:59.


sombrevivendo a mais um fim do mundo kkkkk - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> sombrevivendo a mais um fim do mundo kkkkk - Duration: 6:03.


THINGS LITTLE KIDS DO! - Duration: 7:51.

hey guys what is up today I have a little different kind of video for you

basically we're kind of going superwoman style we're doing things little kids do

you know she does like five things this type of person does yeah we're doing

things little kids do and basically you just get to watch me in footie pajamas

throwing a fit for however long this video is so enjoy kids say no all the

time until you tell them that you're gonna get someone else then they get a

little scared and usually follow the instructions. alright come on time for

bed. no. come on time for bed. no. excuse me. no.

did you just say no? no. get in bed I will get your father

I'm in bed i'm in bed i'm so tired I'm practically already asleep mom don't get

dad I love you. uh-huh that's what I thought. they ask why oh the time

alright come on it's time for dinner. why? because I just finished cooking. but

why? because it's dinner time. why? because we already ate lunch. why? because we need

food. why? so you can live. why? cause living is great. but why? Ahhh!! sometimes your kids

like to argue until of course you start counting to three then things get real

real fast. alright come upstairs it's time for a super family fun night.

I don't wanna. come on you need to come we're already all waiting at the table

for you. uh-uh. you better come. I'm playing in my castle

mom. don't make me count to three



sometimes they don't get along with their siblings and when they're young

you can just tell them to get along and they have to like this ok smile for the

camera my preciouses. uh-uh. come on hug your sister. get away from me. turn back around

stop doing this come on take the picture

if you guys do not pretend to like each other

for like five minutes I swear I don't want to come on put your arm around her

no no come on

okay smile for the camera beautiful thank you don't get we see that's the

only one in now you guys gonna have ice cream for dinner

no matter how you play the game the kids always gonna win always without fail

they're going to win and they will find just the way to explain it to you yes I

win no you don't want it yes I did too no you did it um see because of this and

this since you have more of that and then you have that and you don't have

before you lose you lose it all he loses it oh that means you lose it all

that's dumb you're dumb obviously I win gosh I wish you know how to play this

game better I win little kids don't really like to eat

anything healthy it's not just little kids honestly I'm guilty of this too but

they like to take it a little too far maybe throw a tantrum or two it gets a

little out of hand time to gear fruits you know what come

on you have to eat to be healthy I don't like fruits and veggies

I want zebra cakes I am trying to help you live here mom I wanna see from cakes

eat this fruit before I shove it down your throat

so old watermelon mom zebra cake


if you do not improve you're going to be malnourished and then I'm gonna have to

take you to the hospital where they will pump nutrients into because you're not

eating properly and then CPS will get called because I can't feed you well or

take care of you CPS will take you away from me and you

will never see me again so I suggest that you eat your fruit no

good now eat this orange for some reason kids have something against bathing I

don't know why I guess they just like to be dirty but they do have something

against it who knows I come on it's bath time I

don't wanna come on now mom I took a bath yesterday I don't care if you took

one yesterday it's time for your bath you need to take one every day I'll take

a bath if I can have zebra cakes fine whatever just come on

wow really make that a package of zebra cakes and ice cream this is not a

bargaining thing with sprinkle fine whatever just come on come take your

bath yeah what did you do say nothing I love you mama yeah uh-huh all right guys

thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you like this type of

video please tell me down in the comments tell me what you want to see

next tell me what kind of videos you want to see if you like this video

please give it a like subscribe if you have not and I will see you next time


For more infomation >> THINGS LITTLE KIDS DO! - Duration: 7:51.


[HD] Íntegra do ABTV 2ª Edição de 23/09/2017 - TV Asa Branca - Duration: 15:42.

For more infomation >> [HD] Íntegra do ABTV 2ª Edição de 23/09/2017 - TV Asa Branca - Duration: 15:42.


My New official Chanel || Do Subscribe || Anushka Sen youtube chanel - Duration: 0:23.

Anushka sen Official

For more infomation >> My New official Chanel || Do Subscribe || Anushka Sen youtube chanel - Duration: 0:23.


EUA fazem demonstração de força contra Coreia do Norte - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> EUA fazem demonstração de força contra Coreia do Norte - Duration: 3:24.


mistérios a morte do e apresentador. pílulas mágicas custaram fortuna e vida de Marcelo Rezende - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> mistérios a morte do e apresentador. pílulas mágicas custaram fortuna e vida de Marcelo Rezende - Duration: 4:48.


Do I Need to Exercise? - Vida Veda Answers #12 - Duration: 6:51.

Welcome to another video of our series Vida Veda Answers, on Vida Veda's

YouTube channel, my name is Matheus. Today, we'll try to answer the

question: what does Ayurveda say regarding physical activity? Is physical

activity really necessary?

So, is physical activity really necessary or can I just eat

well to stay healthy? What does Ayurveda say about this? If we

look in our ayurvedic classics, our Samhitas, you'll see that

the recommendation for vyayama, for physical activity, is always there,

when we talk about the daily routine, when we talk about dinacharya,

one of the most common recommendations in dinacharya is the

practice of exercise. And daily exercise. How is this

different from what we nowadays call physical activity?

So, some points become very clear here when the Samhitas, for example,

say that people should exercise to half of their

capacity. So this is the first point. Second, humans should only

exercise until they start sweating. So, once you start producing

sweat, you know, this is a sign that your body has worked

hard enough. Usually, when people teach

Ayurveda, especially Ayurveda according to the Samhitas,

they take these to arguments: that you should only exercise to

half of your capacity, and that you should only exercise until you

start sweating, to defend that Ayurveda doesn't recommend physical

activity; or that physical activity shouldn't be done with high intensity

and so on. In reality, if you stop and think about it, it's not

really true. The texts, the Samhitas, were

written with their focus on people that were, back then, from

the brahmin caste. So, people dedicated to religious

practice, people dedicated to priesthood, for example, swamis,

people that would join the medical profession, for example, were considered

brahmins. Brahmins were not the caste responsible for

sowing the fields, they weren't responsible for intense physical

activity, they weren't responsible for defense, for example, so they weren't

in the army. So the recommended physical activity regimen to these

types of people, to this caste, was just focused on

health maintenance. So, if you want to remain

healthy, but you're not concerned with intense physical demands

or with participating in sports, it's enough if you

move daily and only do this to half of your capacity or

until you start sweating. I want to make a few comments here that

might be interesting. So, first is that if you, for example, belong to the kshatriya caste,

which was the group responsible for defense, the military,

in this case, physical activity could be much more intense,

of course, you're training to defend yourself. And remember that,

back then, it was sword fighting, you would be practicing kalaripayattu, for

example, the traditional Indian martial art. So, to the group responsible for the

military, it's obvious that more exercise was expected, more intense physical

activity. So, the recommendation we find in the Samhitas would not

apply if you are a person that does

exercise, sport, for a living. And often, nowadays, in our society, there are

people looking after their bodies and looking for more than just health

maintenance, but they want to reach physical excellence, to shape their bodies,

for example. Today, people want to have more muscles and to be more lean.

In this sense, in this case, we shouldn't apply the recommendation

for moderate physical activity. We can realize that daily and moderate

physical activity is the basic recommendation from the Samhitas

for maintaining the health of a person from whom athletic performance

is not expected, an above average performance is not expected.

Besides that, it's worth mentioning that

there is a direct correlation, mentioned in the Samhitas, between physical activity,

digestive capacity and health. So, people that exercise more or that

have a more constant physical activity regimen, have, necessarily,

stronger digestive capacity. So they'll feel more hunger, they'll

have a larger energy requirement and they'll have stronger digestion.

So, often, when it's mentioned in the Samhitas about food that is forbidden,

combinations that are not allowed,

there is an exception to these prohibitions when the person

exercises a lot. Then they can even eat stones that they'll probably

be able to digest it. It's also worth mentioning that the

Samhitas also list many contraindications, many side effects that can be

expected from excessive physical practice. So if you exercise

too much, you can expect some

negative consequences and it's not worth it here to go into

too many details, or to just cite Sanskrit texts, because that goes

beyond the goal of this video, of this series, but many negative

effects of excessive physical activity that we

see nowadays, for example, pain in the joints, muscle sourness, and even

the drop in immunity witnessed in endurance athletes, people that

run ultra marathons or that compete in triathlons, for example, we find that

there is a drop in immunity and a higher chance of infection

after the race. So this kind of contraindication

to intense physical activity was already mentioned in our Samhitas.

So I came here to one of the dams in Jamnagar to film this for you

during the sunset, and the Sun has set, and my time is up. I just wanted

to give you a general idea about physical activity and

Ayurveda. If you have more questions, leave

it in the comments below. If they are short, I can answer

directly in the comment section, if they are more in depth questions, I will

make more specific videos in the future so we can go deeper into the topic of

Ayurveda and physical activity. Thank you very much for your presence

and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Do I Need to Exercise? - Vida Veda Answers #12 - Duration: 6:51.


Projeto: Mapeamento Colaborativo do Lixo - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Projeto: Mapeamento Colaborativo do Lixo - Duration: 5:01.


Edição Especial xNiickoo(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:26.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

xNIIckoo special edition

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For more infomation >> Edição Especial xNiickoo(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:26.


Jak wyjechać do Kanady - kierowca ciężarówki - Nudziarze W Trasie #9 - Duration: 41:19.

For more infomation >> Jak wyjechać do Kanady - kierowca ciężarówki - Nudziarze W Trasie #9 - Duration: 41:19.


[Bart Baker 한글 자막] Look What You Made Me Do - 바트 베이커 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> [Bart Baker 한글 자막] Look What You Made Me Do - 바트 베이커 - Duration: 3:52.


Os Melhores memes DA 10/10 do MUNDO DO SAM 3 - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Os Melhores memes DA 10/10 do MUNDO DO SAM 3 - Duration: 8:20.


Edição Especial JumpedMedal5515(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:27.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

JumpedMedal5515 special edition

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