Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily Follow Sep 6 2017

Engineering is not just building roads or building bridges or machines that go

bang although it's that as well and there's no reason why women can't do

that but engineering is a hugely broad career and also encompasses a lot of

other things within science and they also work with a lot of people in a

variety of things such as myself as a surgeon so I think trying to inspire

girls into the thought of that it is for all of us it's like getting inspired

realizing that you know there's a spark there that you could really make a

difference in the world of what you do and this is of course is an incredibly

great bunch of motivated girls so I'd love to see them all coming to do a job

a career have a career in STEM subjects I thought it was a lot of fun we've been

to similar things before but this one all the activities were different so

overall I had a pretty good time it's important to have like diversity in

ideas and like we bring different ways of thinking to the table then the guys

would and so therefore I think it's important that lots of different people

different genders different light races that we all get a chance to work in

engineering and that to get the best ideas out of everyone I am really

interested in the sciences and engineering seems to incorporate a lot

of science and maybe it shouldn't matter if you're women or man I don't see any

reason why women shouldn't want to be involved in engineering because it seems

like a really cool opportunity.

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