Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily US Sep 6 2017

South Korea and US remove DEADLY missile payload limits amid Kim Jong-un nuclear tests

The leaders made the agreement in a phone call to lift the cap on the power of South Korea's arsenal, Seoul's presidential office announced today.

The agreement, which was made in the wake of Pyongyang's sixth and biggest nuclear test on Sunday, is aimed at building South Korea's ability to defend itself against further provocation.

The decision follows weeks of discussion between defence and foreign officials of the US and South Korea.

Presidential office spokesman Park Soo-hyun said: President Moon noted the condition was very concerning in that the latest nuclear test showed more power than any previous tests and that itself has claimed the test involved a hydrogen bomb to be mounted on intercontinental ballistic missiles.

" said he recognised the need for Seoul to have powerful practical measures and promised to work closely together with the South.

The decision came amid revelations from Seoul's defence minister, Song Young-moo, the country was beginning to lean towards military measures rather than dialogue with North Korea.

Defence Minister Song Young-moo said in parliament: "During a National Security Council meeting (held shortly after the nuke test Sunday), views converged on a direction that strengthens the military standoff (for now), rather than (pursuing) the Berlin declaration or dialogue.".

The Berlin initiative hopes to achieve denuclearisation in the secretive state through security guarantees and economic incentives. Pressure is mounting on President Moon to change course in his response to North Korea's provocations as a policy of sanctions and dialogue lost popularity.

Defence Minister Song demanded the US deploys strategic assets on the peninsular on a "regular" basis.

But insisted he did not call for Defence Secretary James Mattis to deploy the nuclear arsenal in the country despite sighting other politicians support for having tactical nukes in the region.

The US ambassador to the United Nations accused Kim Jong-un of "begging for war" by continuing with nuclear and inter-continental missile tests.

Nikki Haley warned the UN that the US' patience was "not unlimited" saying that "enough is enough" in an unprecedented statement.

The news follows the secretive nations biggest nuclear test to date which triggered a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in the region. The regime also claims the hydrogen bomb is small enough to fit in an inter-continental missile.

For more infomation >> South Korea and US remove DEADLY missile payload limits amid Kim Jong-un nuclear tests - Duration: 3:38.


North Korea threatens more 'gift packages' for the U.S. - Duration: 2:20.

North Korea has fired off...

yet, another thinly-veiled warning at the United States,... promising to send "more

gift packages" to Washington.

The message was sent by Pyongyang's envoy to the UN,... in the regime's latest act of

defiance... following its nuclear test on Sunday.

Yu Joonhee reports.

The wording was more subtle... at least by North Korean standards, but the message was


North Korea's ambassador to the UN, Han Tae-song... said his country would send more "gift packages"

to the United States... if Washington continues to turn up the heat on the regime.

Speaking at a UN arms conference in Geneva on Tuesday, the envoy said he was proud...

of Pyongyang's latest nuclear test,... saying it's a necessary deterrent,... against perceived

signs of hostility from the U.S..

(English) "The recent self-defensive measures by my

country the DPRK are gift packages addressed to none other than the U.S..

The U.S. will receive more gift packages from my country as long as it relies on reckless

provocations and futile attempts to put pressure on the DPRK."

Han stood defiant, despite the wave of condemnation and growing isolation being faced by the regime...

saying pressure and sanctions would be a futile and wasted effort, in deterring his country.

He ruled out the possibility of any talks on North Korea's denuclearization,... saying

Pyongyang's nuclear deterrent is a topic that's off-limits and non-negotiable, in any future


Washington's ambassador to the UN Robert Wood, responded by saying... the regime's nuclear

and missile programs... were a threat to the entire world.

He said North Korea can no longer be allowed,... to continue its violation of international

law... and that it was time for the international community, to put its foot down, once and

for all.

(English) "Now is the time to say to the regime that

provocations, threats and destabilizing actions will no longer be tolerated."

Following North Korea's nuclear test,... the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting

on Monday to formulate a response.

While Washington and its allies have called for a broadening of sanctions on the regime...

roadblocks remain, with China and Russia still questioning the efficacy of such measures.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea threatens more 'gift packages' for the U.S. - Duration: 2:20.


The Weather Channel [ Hurricane Irma a Dangerous Threat for Florida [ Southeast U.S ] - Duration: 1:41.

This is a previous version of our forecast for Hurricane Irma. The dangerous hurricane has now strengthened into a Category 5. For the latest details on Irma,

The Weather Company's primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

If you like this video, you may like the video below and subscribe to my channel to watch the latest videos. Thank you for watching this video. Wish you always fun and success!

For more infomation >> The Weather Channel [ Hurricane Irma a Dangerous Threat for Florida [ Southeast U.S ] - Duration: 1:41.


David Reagan on US-Israel Relations - Duration: 28:31.

>>Since the establishment of Israel in May of 1948, which

American political party has shown the most favor to the

Jewish state? And spiritually, what difference does it make?

I think you will be surprised by the answers to both

questions. Stay tuned.

>>[music] >>Lamb and Lion Ministries presents

Christ in Prophecy, a program that focuses

on the fundamentals of Bible prophecy,

showing how current events in the news relate to

Biblical predictions of end time events and the soon

return of Jesus. Now, here's your host, Dr. David Reagan.

>>Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and

welcome to Christ in Prophecy. I'd like to get started in

this program by repeating the two questions I posed at the

beginning of the program: Since the establishment of

Israel in May of 1948, which American political party has

shown the most favor to the Jewish state? And spiritually,

what difference does it make? I'd like to answer these

questions by showing you some excerpts from a presentation

of mine entitled "US-Israel Relations in the End Times."


>> Our relationship with the state of Israel began on the

best possible terms in 1948 when President Harry Truman

recognized the State of Israel eleven minutes after David Ben

Gurion read the Declaration of Independence. We were the

first nation of the world to recognize the existence of

Israel. Truman had already shown a great heart for the

Jewish people. He favored allowing Jewish refugees into

the country after World War II but the Congress balked at his

proposal so he just sat down and issued an executive order

called the Truman Directive, he signed it on December the

22nd, 1945 this order opened the door to Jewish immigration

into the United States. Twenty-three thousand Jewish

refugees came in in the next two years coming from Europe.

Truman continued to press the Congress and in 1948 he

finally got legislation that permitted 80,000 Jews to enter

our country in 1948 and '49. Truman's swift action on May

the 14th, 1948 made the United States the first nation to

recognize Israel and our recognition gave them

legitimacy in the eyes of the world. Truman took this action

because he was a student of the Bible and he believed the

Jewish people had a right to the land. Amazingly he took

this action despite the fact that almost every person in

his administration opposed it. In fact the only person in the

Truman Administration who encouraged recognition was the

President's legal counsel; both James Forrestal the

Secretary of Defense, and George Marshall the Secretary

of State vehemently opposed recognition of Israel. Again

the only person in the administration who encouraged

the President was this man Clark Clifford who was the

President's personal Legal Advisor. Most of the people in

the administration did not like Clifford they just

considered him to be a political operative. But he

was a person who also believed that the Jews had a right to

the land based upon his knowledge of the Bible, and

based upon his feeling that they were entitled to that

land as a result of their suffering in the Holocaust. I

want to insert something here that I just can't pass up.

I've done a lot of study of the life of Harry Truman and

most people don't know much about him. Let me just tell

you a little bit about him. First of all he was a child

prodigy. He was reading at the age of 3. He had read the

entire Bible twice before he entered the first grade. He

knew the Jewish history backwards and forwards. It's

amazing how God prepared him. He's there in Independence,

Missouri. You can count the Jews on one hand within a 100

miles, and yet when he goes into World War I who's his

best friend? A Jew from Kansas City. They develop a wonderful

relationship with each other. It was Harry Truman's best

friend for life was Eddie Jacobson a Jew from Kansas

City. When they came back from World War I they went into

business together and opened a men's clothing store. Truman

continued that friendship throughout his life. And it

was interesting that when Truman was getting ready to

make this decision everybody in the administration was

saying, "You've got to recognize--you can't recognize

Israel." And you know what their argument was? Everybody.

If you recognize Israel we will not have access to Arab

oil. Sound familiar? Same old argument. It got down to the

bottom line. Well this is a story that you probably never

heard. On May the 13th, 1948 the day before, Secretary of

State George Marshall said, "I want to come to the White

House and I want to make my final argument against

recognizing Israel." President said, "OK." Now there was

nobody on planet earth that Truman loved more and

recognized more, and esteemed more than Secretary of State

George Marshall. He says that in his memoirs, he said, "I

idolized the man." George Marshall had been the Chairman

of the Joint Chiefs of Staff all through World War II, and

F.D.R. relied on him so much he would never allow him to go

into the battlefield. He said, "You've got to stay here in

Washington D.C. with me. You be the strategist, let

Eisenhower fight the battles." And Truman appointed him

Secretary of State. He was a man of great immense

popularity. He was the one who proposed the Marshall Plan. He

said, "If we've got to rebuild Europe because if we don't the

Communist will take it over." He had been selected by "Time

Magazine" in 1949 as the Man of the Year. Truman loved this

man. And he comes to the White House with a large staff about

10 guys he brought with him. And he appointed one of them

and said, "Now, you get up and you give an argument for why

we should not recognize." So this guy gets us and for 30

minutes he gives this impassioned argument why we

should not recognize Israel. And President Truman turned to

Clark Clifford and said, "Clark, I want you to give the

argument why we should recognize it." And Secretary

of State Marshall went bananas because he considered Clark

Clifford to just be a political operative. And he

said to the President, "I object to this man speaking. I

don't even know why he should be in this room." Why is he

here? The President said, "Because I invited him." And

at that point Clark Clifford got up and presented his

arguments. All the time Secretary of State Marshall

was sitting there steaming. When he finished the Secretary

of State stood up and looked at the President and said in

front of an entire room of people, "Mr. President, if you

recognize the State of Israel tomorrow, I will vote for your

opponent in the November election." One person in that

room said it was like all the air was suddenly sucked out of

the room. Everybody was astonished they just sat

there. It seemed like an eternity and finally President

Truman said, "I think we all need to go home and sleep on

it." And the next morning Secretary of State Marshall

called and said, "Mr. President, I've slept on it.

I'm still opposed, but if you recognize Israel I will back

you publically." And so eleven minutes after the Declaration

of Independence Truman recognized Israel. Now, that

is not the end of the story. The Bible says God will bless

those who bless Israel, and He'll curse those who curse

Israel. Folks, President Truman was facing the toughest

presidential election in history. When it came to

November of 1948 the Democratic Party was split

three ways. Truman was the nominee of the Democrats.

Strom Thurmond had pulled out and formed the Dixiecrat Party

which all the southern states were supporting. Henry Wallace

the former Vice President had formed the Progressive Party

which all the socialists, and communist sympathizers were

members of. The Democrats were split into three different

parties. And the Republicans had the sophisticated,

handsome, erudite Governor of New York, Tom Dewey as their

candidate. Truman had no hope whatsoever, none. To the point

that the newspapers across the country printed their

headlines in advance, "Dewey Defeats Truman." And to this

day no political scientist has ever been able to explain how

in the world Truman won that election. But, I know how he

did it. God blesses those who bless Israel, and He curses

those who curse Israel. Well, Truman referred to his

decision about recognizing Israel as quote, "The proudest

day of my life." Eisenhower always supported Israel in

words, but behind the scenes he applied great pressure for

Israel to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula after the Suez

War in 1956. And in fact Eisenhower became the first

president in history to threaten Israel. He told the

Israeli's that if they did not withdraw from the Suez that he

would withhold more than $100 million in US aid, and he also

supported a UN resolution condemning Israel for not

withdrawing. One other thing he did was to continue the

arms embargo that had been initiated by Truman. Although

Truman recognized Israel, Truman did a very naive thing

after he recognized them. He announced that he was going to

put an arms embargo on Israel so there would be no conflict

in the Middle East. And so we couldn't ship arms to Israel.

They had to buy them from Czechoslovakia and places like

that. Eisenhower continued that arms embargo. When it

came to President Kennedy he was a very strong supporter of

Israel in both and word and deed. He called Israel the

child of hope, and the home of the brave. He added Israel

carries the shield of democracy and it honors the

sword of freedom. He lifted the arms embargo, Kennedy did,

and he extended the first informal security guarantees

to Israel in 1962. And beginning in 1963 he

authorized the sale to Israel of advance US weaponry

including surface to air hawk missiles. His brother Bobby

was also a very strong supporter of Israel and

because of that support he was assassinated by a Palestinian

in 1968 while he was running for the Democratic nomination.

Lyndon Johnson quickly emerged as one of the greatest friends

of Israel among modern day presidents. During his

administration the US became Israel's chief diplomatic ally

and primary arms supplier. Long before he became president

Johnson had established himself as a friend of the

Jewish people. You may be astonished to learn this but

in 1938 when he was a congressman he worked covertly

to establish a refuge in Texas for European Jews who were

fleeing from Nazi Germany. In the process he helped hundreds

of European Jews to enter Texas through Cuba, Mexico,

and South America. In part Johnson was influenced in his

attitude towards the Jews by the religious beliefs of his

family, especially his grandfather Samuel Johnson. He

once told reporters that his grandfather had said to him

quote, "Take care of the Jews, God's chosen people, consider

them your friends, and help them in any way you can."

Johnson strongly supported Israel during the 1967 Six Day

War approving the sale of tanks and fighter planes. And

when asked by Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin why the US

supported Israel when there were 80 million Arabs and only

3 million Jews he replied, "Because it is the right thing

to do." L.B.J. also closely supervised the crafting of UN

Resolution 242 in 1967 which called for Israel to be

guaranteed secure and recognized boundaries.

President Nixon is considered today to have been an

Anti-Semitic person based upon ugly comments he made about

the Jews that are contained on the infamous White House

tapes. But when it came to Israel he was a realist in

foreign policy who recognized the importance of the only

democratic state in the Middle East. And when Israel suffered

a surprise invasion in 1973 in the Yom Kippur War, Nixon

responded immediately with overwhelming aid to counter

the offensive. He did so despite the fact that he knew

it would alienate the Arab world and greatly endanger our

relationship with the Soviet Union. In short order he

authorized the supply of $2.2 billion worth of aid that

totaled 22,000 tons of equipment that was transported

to Israel in 566 round the clock flights, and another

90,000 tons arrived by sea. To this day Nixon is greatly

admired by the Israelis as a man who saved Israel. Golden

Meir who was the Prime Minister at the time--it is

interesting her sister wrote her and said, "I don't know

why you speak so highly of Nixon, I hate him." Her sister

lived here in the United States. She wrote her sister

and in the letter she said, "Look Clara, you're in America

you don't like Nixon. I'm an Israeli I'll never forget that

if it hadn't been for Nixon we would have been destroyed."


>>I continued to survey US-Israel relations during the

presidencies of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald

Reagan, pointing out that both Ford and Carter were very

negative toward Israel. President Reagan, on the other

hand, was always very positive in everything he said about

Israel, but behind the scenes he often butted heads with the

Israeli leaders. This brings us to the president who began

to turn our nation against Israel by insisting that the

Israelis start trading land for peace. The First Bush

presidency proved to be the decisive turning point in

US-Israel relations. Bush came to power in 1989, and he had

hardly assumed office before his vehemently anti-Semitic

Secretary of State James Baker, proclaimed that the

time had come for Israel to abandon its expansionist

policies. Which caused people all over the world to say,

"What expansionist policy?" Bush added fuel to the fire

when he announced in 1991 that he considered East Jerusalem

to be occupied territory, despite the fact that Israel

had officially annexed it in 1980. Following the Gulf War

in 1991, and this is the real turning point. When the Soviet

Union collapsed in the early 90's, 10's of thousands of

Jews began to fly into Israel; 3,000 a day for over a year.

Three thousand every day, day after day. Israel was

overwhelmed. Israel did not have the financial resources.

They could not supply the jobs. They could not supply

the housing, the food, the lodging. And so they went to

the World Bank and said, "We need a $10 billion loan to

help us deal with these refugees," and the World Bank

said, "Get lost." So they came to the United States and they

said, "The World Bank will give us the $10 billion if you

will underwrite it." And Bush said, "Ok, we'll underwrite

it, but there is something you must do. You must go to the

negotiation table and you must start negotiating away your

land for peace." This is where the whole insane

Land-for-Peace process started. So Bush forced them

in 1991 to go to the Madrid Conference and began

negotiating away their land for peace. This conference

laid the groundwork for the Oslo Accords in 1993 which

initiated this whole Land-for-Peace process. And I

think it is interesting to note that when James Baker

completed his service as Secretary of State in 1992,

one of the first things he did was to establish a think tank

in Houston at Rice University called the Baker Institute for

Public Policy. And guess who he come to open his new think

tank? The man he honored, none other than Yasser Arafat. As

far as I was concerned it was equivalent to inviting Hitler

to come and speak.


>>I proceeded to survey the administrations of Bill

Clinton and George W. Bush, pointing out that Clinton was

very supportive of Israel whereas Bush wavered back and

forth, finally becoming the first president to propose the

two state solution. I finished by presenting an overview of

the Obama Administration's relationship with Israel. And

I then concluded by summarizing all the presidents

and then pointing out the biblical importance of

supporting the nation of Israel in these end times.

Let's pick up where I began talking about the Obama

Administration. President Obama quickly emerged as the

most anti-Israel president in U.S. history. His very first

television interview was granted shortly after his

inauguration to the Muslim network, Al Arabiya. He

followed this up by dashing off to Egypt in June of 2009

to Cairo to give his famous apology speech to the Muslim

nations of the Middle East, in which he talked about the

tremendous Muslim contribution to the development of the

United States of America, and nobody could figure out what

he was talking about. In that speech he started developing

one of his major lines of thought concerning Israel, a

horrible concept that he emphasized over and over, and

that was that the experience of the Jews in the Holocaust

is the moral equivalent of what the Palestinians are

experiencing under Israeli occupation. A month later, in

July 2009, Obama announced that the time had come for

daylight between the United States and Israel. In March of

2010, Obama met with Prime Minister Netanyahu at the

White House. The Israeli Prime Minister was ushered in a side

door like he was some secret mistress and he was treated

with disdain like he was the dictator of a banana republic.

No press or photos were allowed. Obama demanded

Israel's immediate withdrawal from Jewish settlements. And

when Netanyahu said, "No" the President suddenly stood up

and said, "It's time for me to eat dinner with my family."

And turned around and walked out of the room, went upstairs

and left the Prime Minister of Israel and all of his people

sitting there without any food or any drink, he just walked

out on them. In May of 2011 the president went on national

TV to demand that Israel return to the suicidal borders

that existed before the Six Day War in 1967. If Israel

were to do that it would mean that in the northern part of

Israel, Israel would only be nine miles wide. Ridiculous.

In March of 2014, the spokesperson for the State

Department, Jen Psaki, announced that the Obama

Administration no longer considered it necessary for

the Palestinians to recognize the existence of the State of

Israel. In other words our new position is this: you must

allow the creation of a Palestinian State and you must

recognize it but they don't have to recognize you, or your

right to even exist. It was insane, but that was the new

policy in March of 2014. Throughout his administration,

Obama has continued to condemn Israel's settlements as being

illegitimate, and he has continued to provide the

Palestinian Authority with over $600 million in aid each

year. But then what more could we expect from a President who

proclaimed to the United Nations in a speech delivered

in September of 2012 he made this proclamation, "The future

must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

My summary is this I would say that US policy toward Israel

over the years has not been dictated by political party.

It has been determined by the personal attitude of the

president toward the Jewish people and the nation of

Israel. Overall democrats have been more favorable to Israel.

And yet it would be hard to find a president more

favorable than Nixon. And even though the democrats have been

more favorable, no president has been more hostile than

Obama. In recent years since the early 1990's our nation

has become increasingly hostile to Israel, and we have

literally forced them to take this self-defeating path of

appeasement. Additionally year after year we have insulted

the people of Israel by refusing to recognize

Jerusalem as their capital. I want you to think about that

for a moment, about what an incredible insult this is to

the people of Israel. It is equivalent to the Israeli's

declaring that they do not recognize Washington D.C. as

our capital, and then proceeding to set up their

embassy in Chicago. And yet, despite all our checkered

record of support we have been Israel's best friend since

1948. But folks, the handwriting is on the wall.

The days of American support are numbered. The time has

come for the Israeli leadership to face up to the

fact that its hope, and trust needs to be placed in Almighty

God and not in the United States of America. In fact you

know that's really what the Tribulation is all about. In

the second half of the Tribulation the Antichrist is

going to focus on the Jews. They are going to be

persecuted as they've never been persecuted before.

Two-thirds of them are going to die. And what God is going

to do, He's not doing that because He hates the Jews.

He's doing it because He love the Jews because He wants to

bring them to the end of themselves. And at the end of

the Tribulation they will finally be brought to the end

of themselves. They will no longer look to the United

States. In biblical times they looked to Egypt. Today

they look to us. They will no longer, they will look to God.

And at that point the Messiah will break from the heavens

and they will look upon Him whom they have pierced and

they will weep, and wail, and mourn. And they will cry out

"Baruch haba B'shem Adonai" and they will be saved to the

almighty glory of God. That great remnant is going to be

saved. What a day that's going to be. But let me tell you

something else. In like manner just as the Israeli's need to

wise up to the fact that they can't rely on the United

States, in like manner the time has come for our nation

to realize that in our man handling of Israel we are

courting God's wrath. Let's conclude by taking a look very

quickly at what the Bible has to say about all the pressure

that is being applied to Israel by the United States

and the rest of the world. The most important verses are the

ones I've already mentioned in Genesis 12, "I'll bless those

who bless you, curse those who curse you." And history

attests to the fact that God has been faithful throughout

history. The nations and empires who have persecuted

the Jews have ended up in the dustbin of history. The Jews

are still there, they are in the dust bin of history. And

history attests to the fact that God has been faithful to

these promises. Look at this the prophet Zechariah said in

Zechariah 12, "Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup

that causes reeling to all the peoples around. And when the

siege is about Jerusalem it will be against Judah. And it

will come about in that day that I'll make Jerusalem a

heavy stone for all the peoples who try to lift it.

They will be severely injured and all the nations of the

world will be gathered against it." That includes the United

States of America. I used to think surely not the US, not

the US. But I can see it now. We are coming together with

the rest of the world against Israel, just as it's

prophesied. And here is the really chilling prophecy in

Joel chapter 3, "Behold in those days," speaking of the

end times, "and at that time when I restore the fortunes of

Judah and Jerusalem," it is going on today. "I will gather

all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of

Jehoshaphat the Valley of Judgment, and I will enter

into judgment with them on behalf of my people and my

inheritance to Israel whom they have scattered among the

nations, and they have divided up my land." God is going to

pour out His wrath upon the nations who have forced Israel

to divide up its land.


>>Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and my presentation

regarding US Israel relations in the end times. The video

excerpts you have been watching were filmed before

the election of Donald Trump. As you know President Trump

has exhibited a very positive attitude toward Israel. He has

appointed an outstanding US Ambassador, and he has

promised to move our Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He

has also declared that he is going to negotiate a

settlement to the Israel-Arab conflict, and folks that

promise deeply disturbs me, because the conflict is not

capable of a political solution. The conflict is a

spiritual one, and it will be settled only when the Lord

Jesus Christ returns to reign on this earth. I fear

President Trump will end up like all the previous

presidents who have tried to craft a political settlement

for the Middle East. They find out very quickly that the

Palestinians will not budge on anything, even the recognition

of the state of Israel. And that always promotes each

president to then start putting the pressure on Israel

to give in to the demands of the Palestinians. And when the

Israelis refuse to do so, President Trump, like all our

recent presidents will then most likely begin condemning

the Israelis. Putting the spiritual issues aside for a

moment and considering only the political ones, what

President Trump, together with the Europeans and the rest of

the world, need to understand is three things: First, a

Palestinian state already exists. It is called Jordan.

It was carved out of the territory of Palestine that

was promised by the British for the Jews in the Balfour

Declaration in November 1917. Second, when Israel declared

its independence in 1948 with the authorization of the

United Nations, the Palestinians could have

created their second state the same day, again, as authorized

by the United Nations. Instead, they chose to attack

Israel. Third, what the Arabs really want is not another

Palestinian state, but the annihilation of the State of

Israel. If the Arabs were to disarm, there would be

immediate peace in the Middle East. If Israel were to

disarm, Israel would cease to exist. And that, folks, is the

bottom line. Well, that's our program for today. I hope it

has been a blessing to you, and I hope, the Lord willing,

that you will be back with us next week. Until then, this is

Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries saying,

"Look up, be watchful, for our Redemption is drawing near."

>>Dr. Reagan's complete presentation about US-Israel

relations in the end times is available on a DVD album by

that name. He begins the presentation with the

detailed, behind-the-scenes, miraculous story of how

President Harry Truman decided to recognize the state of

Israel, despite the opposition of almost every one of his top

advisors. Dr. Reagan then proceeds to survey the policies

toward Israel of each of the 11 presidents who followed

Truman. In the process, he shows how the party

affiliation of each president had nothing to do with his

policy toward Israel. Instead, policy toward the Jewish state

was determined by the individual views of each

president. Thus, he shows there were Democrats like Lyndon

Johnson who strongly supported Israel, whereas there we

Democrats like Barack Obama who were enemies of Israel.

Likewise, there were Republicans like Richard Nixon and Ronald

Reagan who were friends of Israel, whereas there were

Republicans like George H.W. Bush who were enemies.

Following his survey of the Presidents, Dr. Reagan

concludes with an in-depth presentation of biblical

prophecies concerning how all the nations of the world will

come together against Israel in the end times, and how the

wrath of God will be poured out upon them. This

fascinating, informative, and inspirational presentation,

can be yours for a gift of $20 or more, including the cost of

shipping. To place your order, call the number you see

on the screen Monday thru Friday between 8 am and 5 pm Central

Time, or order online at

Again, this DVD album can be yours for a gift

of $20 or more, including the cost of shipping.


>>Thank you for joining us on today's Christ in Prophecy, a

presentation of Lamb and Lion Ministries,

a non-denominational ministry dedicated to teaching the

fundamentals of biblical prophecy and proclaiming the

soon return of Jesus.

For more infomation >> David Reagan on US-Israel Relations - Duration: 28:31.


U.S. hopes for 'successful discussion' on South Korea-U.S. free trade deal: USTR - Duration: 2:13.

U.S. President Donald Trump repeatedly labeled the free trade pact with Seoul as unfair,

job-killing... and even just plain "horrible."

While he seems vent on dumping the deal altogether,... the American official leading the FTA talks

with Korea seems optimistic the two sides can reach a compromise.

For details we turn to our Kim Hyesung.

The Trump's administration's point man on trade,... Robert Lighthizer, is looking to

cool speculation President Trump is close to terminating the South Korea-U.S. Free Trade


Speaking in Mexico City on Tuesday,... Lighthizer said Washington is looking to negotiate some

changes to the five-year-old pact... after concluding meetings on NAFTA with his Mexican

and Canadian counterparts.

The U.S. Trade Representative added the Trump administration would like to iron out differences

and hopes for a "successful discussion" with South Korean representatives.

President Trump has repeatedly slammed the deal as unfair to American workers, citing

that since the FTA has been in force, the U.S. trade deficit in goods with South Korea

has doubled from 13 billion U.S. dollars to over 27 billion in 2016.

He even reportedly called for a possible termination last weekend.

(Korean) "While it's true that the U.S. has a deficit

in trading goods with Korea, it has enjoyed a significant surplus in services trade.

Korea is one of the U.S.'s key economic and security partners, so termination of the

deal is unlikely, especially given the rising tensions on the Korean peninsula.

Trump is trying to gain negotiation leverage before a possible renegotiation of the FTA."

American businesses and trade groups have also expressed concerns over the possibility

of President Trump scrapping the deal.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said it opposes withdrawal in the strongest possible terms,

saying the move would not create a single American job, but cost many.

The Seoul-based Korea Institute for International Economic Policy released a study this week

that estimated the United States has more to lose if it pulls out.

It said that,... without the deal, South Korea's trade surplus with the U.S. would have been

260 million dollars more than now... due to higher tariffs.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. hopes for 'successful discussion' on South Korea-U.S. free trade deal: USTR - Duration: 2:13.


CNN 10 | September 6, 2017 | Controversial immigration policy in the U.S - Duration: 10:01.


Thank you for taking a few minutes to get up to speed on international events.

I'm Carl Azuz and this is CNN 10.


feature down the middle explanations of what's happening worldwide.

Today, that starts in the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar.

It's also known as Burma.

It shares a border with Bangladesh and that's where tens

of thousands of people are trapped as fighting goes on between Myanmar's armed forces and

a militant group.

Human rights workers in the area say 100,000 Rohingyas, members of a Muslim group in Myanmar,

had been forced out of their homes since August 25th.

The Rohingyas are a minority in Myanmar.

The country is mostly Buddhist and it doesn't allow Rohingyas to become citizens.

Myanmar considers them to be Bangladeshi and wants them in

neighboring Bangladesh.

Bangladesh considers the Rohingyas to be Burmese and wants them in Myanmar.

The border between the two countries is closed, but tens of thousands of Rohingyas have still

fled across it while others have been trapped,

according to activists, without food, water, or medicine.

Activists and other critics of Myanmar's government say it's used too much force


the Rohingyas and that it's burned villages and murdered Rohingya civilians.

Myanmar says it's done nothing illegal.

It blames the recent

violence and destruction on Rohingya terrorists, saying the militants killed 12 Burmese security

officers in a recent attack.

CNN is not able to verify the claims of either the Rohingyas or the Burmese government.

Still, a number of international figures are calling for

Myanmar to stop all violence against Rohingyas, and some are hoping a Burmese Nobel Peace

Prize winner named Aung San Suu Kyi will take action.


SUBTITLE: Who is Aung San Suu Kyi?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Her father was Aung San, a military officer

who helped fight for Burma's independence after

being a British colony for about a century.

He is revered here as the founding father of independent Burma, now officially known

as Myanmar.


was gunned down by political rivals in 1947 when Aung San Suu Kyi was only 2 years old.

For much of the first 40 years of her life, Aung San Suu Kyi lived overseas.

It wasn't until 1988 that she really moved back to Burma.


opened up the launch of her political career.

In 1990, Aung San Suu Kyi led a newly founded party, the National League for Democracy in


And by all accounts, her party won.

But then the military rulers of this country, they annulled the results.

They placed Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest for much of the next 20


In 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest.

It was part of a transition to a civilian system of government.

Aung San Suu Kyi and her party were allowed to compete in by-elections in 2012, and they

won dozens of seats in parliament.

Among the electoral

victories there was Aung San Suu Kyi herself.

Myanmar's most popular politician is constitutionally barred from running for the post of president.

In 2008, the same military regime that's held

Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest for years drafted a constitution that included a clause

that blocks any citizen who has a spouse or children

holding foreign passports from running for the country's top post.

That effectively means Aung San Suu Kyi cannot run for the post of president.



Next this Wednesday, a change in the U.S. government's immigration policy.

Yesterday, President Donald Trump repealed a program

created by his predecessor, former President Barack Obama.

It's known as DACA.

And in the five years since it was enacted, DACA has directly affected almost 800,000

people in the U.S., allowing them to stay in the country

legally, they didn't come to the country legally.


REPORTER: A Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, it was started by President

Barack Obama in 2012.

It allows young immigrants who came to

the U.S. illegally as children to apply for a renewable two-year visa.

That allows them to work legally in the U.S. and saves them from


So, who qualifies?

Those who have been in the U.S. since 2007 and came before they turned 16, and those

who are under the age of 31 before June 15, 2012, when DACA went

into effect.

Applicants must be in school, have a high school diploma, or be a military veteran.

And they must have mostly clean criminal record.

It's important to note, the status doesn't put participants on the path to legal permanent

residency, or citizenship.

But it does mean these

immigrants can get things like driver's licensees, credit cards and open bank accounts.

A recent survey found that after being approved for DACA, 5 percent of recipients started

their own businesses and 17 percent bought a home for

the first time.

Some critics say DACA is unconstitutional, because Obama introduced it by executive action

and without congressional approval.


also argue that DACA promotes future illegal immigration because it signals that if you

come here illegally, there are ways to be able to stay.


AZUZ: The divide over this issue was clear throughout the U.S. yesterday.

Supporters of the Trump administration's decision said current immigration

laws must be enforced.

But those who opposed the president's changes joined in public demonstrations across the

country and said they were,

quote, here to stay.

The government's repeal of the DACA policy doesn't take effect immediately.

For those whose legal status expires in the next six months, the Trump

administration plans to renew it.

The idea is to give Congress time to agree on a law concerning young people who entered

or were brought to the

U.S. illegally.

On Capitol Hill, supporters of the repeal say President Trump is doing the right thing

because former President Obama should have gone through

Congress in the first place to determine U.S. immigration policy.

Opponents say President Trump's decision could separate families and lead

to the deportations of people who have nowhere to go.

Several Democratic and Republican lawmakers indicated they were willing to work together


come up with a solution.


AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:

Which of these objects is about the size of a football field?

An Olympic swimming pool, international space station, Nimitz class aircraft carrier or

New York's Central Park?

The International Space Station which can be seen by the naked eye from Earth is about

the size of a football field.



SUBTITLE: NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson is back on Earth after a record- breaking space


PEGGY WHITSON, NASA ASTRONAUT: Packaged cider and cocoa.

Hot cocoa is one of my favorites.

SUBTITLE: Over the course of her career, Whitson spent 665 days, or roughly 21 months, in space.

That's more than time in space than ay American or woman ever.

During this last trip, Whitson spent more than nine months one the International Space


At 57, Whitson is also the world's oldest female astronaut.

And she broke the women's record for walking in space in 10 spacewalks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can see that attached to Peggy Whitson right here.

She'll be using that strap to her as she uses her hands to climb over to

the airlock.

WHITSON: Well, I guess I don't think about the records themselves too much, but it definitely,

when I do think about them, I think about all the

people that make it possible.

SUBTITLE: Whitson told NASA that she misses pizza and flushing toilets the most while

in space.

Whitson is unsure if she will return to space.

But she thinks she could have spent more time there on this current mission.


AZUZ: Happy birthday, two-two, who live in a zoo.

They look like two pandas and they're officially one.

Well, there are two, but they're

officially 1-year-old.

Ya Lun and Xi Lun are giant pandas, just over 20 pounds, maybe not so giant yet, but they're

getting bigger every day.

And to celebrate their special

day, they each got their own ice cake and frozen fruits and biscuits.

These are the only panda twins in America.

And luckily, they don't mind sharing the same cubby holes, the same cubicles, they're

own birth cub cakes.

Oh, they might have been a little

bamboozle (ph) at first, but they got their just desserts and that's about all the pandering,

bad puns we can bear.

I'm Carl Azuz.

This is CNN 10 and we'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> CNN 10 | September 6, 2017 | Controversial immigration policy in the U.S - Duration: 10:01.


Trump to allow South Korea, Japan to buy more U.S. military equipment - Duration: 0:41.

President Trump has announced that the United States is ready to sell high-tech military

gear to South Korea and Japan to help them better deal with North Korea's threats.

Just a matter of days after North Korea claimed it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb,...

President Trump took to Twitter to say that he's allowing Seoul and Tokyo to buy a substantially

increased amount of highly sophisticated military equipment from Washington.

Although he did not elaborate on the kind of weaponry and equipment,... the White House

said President Trump is willing to approve the sale of military weapons and equipment

worth many billions of dollars to Seoul.

For more infomation >> Trump to allow South Korea, Japan to buy more U.S. military equipment - Duration: 0:41.


Fires Rage Across Western US - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Fires Rage Across Western US - Duration: 0:58.


Pittsburgh International Is First Airport In U.S. To Allow Public Beyond Checkpoint - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Pittsburgh International Is First Airport In U.S. To Allow Public Beyond Checkpoint - Duration: 2:12.


U.S. and Russia at odds over punishing North Korea for sixth nuclear test - Duration: 1:50.

In line with President Putin's thoughts on slapping more sanctions on North Korea,...

Russia has made clear to the UN Security Council that it opposes further punitive measures

which it says... will only escalate tensions on the peninsula.

But the U.S. is determined to hit Pyongyang with crippling sanctions.

Won Jung-hwan has more on that.

The United States and Russia have clashed at the UN Security Council over new sanctions

on North Korea... following its most powerful nuclear test to date.

Speaking to reporters at the UN headquarters on Tuesday,... the Russian Ambassador to the

UN said he knows the U.S. has drafted a new sanctions plan, and explicitly said Moscow

would study Washington's proposals, but stressed punitive measures alone will not resolve the


(ENGLISH) "I think it is a little premature.

I don't think we'll be able to rush it so fast."

However, the United States is insisting on the toughest possible economic sanctions to

punish the regime.

The U.S. Ambassador to the UN says Washington will present a new UN resolution by next Monday.

Nikki Haley did not spell out what measures the U.S. is seeking, but her speech to a think

tank in Washington on Tuesday suggests North Korea's oil supplies could be in the crosshairs.

(ENGLISH) "Do we think sanctions can work on North Korea,

not necessarily, but what does it do?

It cuts off the revenue that allows them to build ballistic missiles."

Overall, international sanctions have done little to stop North Korea boosting its nuclear

and missile capacity over the years.

Despite facing UN sanctions since 2006, North Korea's economy grew at its highest rate in

17 years in 2016.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. and Russia at odds over punishing North Korea for sixth nuclear test - Duration: 1:50.


North Korea threatens more 'gift packages' for the U.S. - Duration: 2:22.

North Korea has fired off...

yet, another thinly-veiled warning at the United States,... promising to send *quote-"more

gift packages" to Washington.

The message was sent by Pyongyang's envoy to the UN,... in the regime's latest act of

defiance... following its nuclear test on Sunday.

Yu Joonhee reports.

The wording was more subtle... at least by North Korean standards, but the message was


North Korea's ambassador to the UN, Han Tae-song... said his country would send more "gift packages"

to the United States... if Washington continues to turn up the heat on the regime.

Speaking at a UN arms conference in Geneva on Tuesday, the envoy said he was proud...

of Pyongyang's latest nuclear test,... saying it's a necessary deterrent,... against perceived

signs of hostility from the U.S..

(English) "The recent self-defensive measures by my

country the DPRK are gift packages addressed to none other than the U.S..

The U.S. will receive more gift packages from my country as long as it relies on reckless

provocations and futile attempts to put pressure on the DPRK."

Han stood defiant, despite the wave of condemnation and growing isolation being faced by the regime...

saying pressure and sanctions would be a futile and wasted effort, in deterring his country.

He ruled out the possibility of any talks on North Korea's denuclearization,... saying

Pyongyang's nuclear deterrent is a topic that's off-limits and non-negotiable, in any future


Washington's ambassador to the UN Robert Wood, responded by saying... the regime's nuclear

and missile programs... were a threat to the entire world.

He said North Korea can no longer be allowed,... to continue its violation of international

law... and that it was time for the international community, to put its foot down, once and

for all.

(English) "Now is the time to say to the regime that

provocations, threats and destabilizing actions will no longer be tolerated."

Following North Korea's nuclear test,... the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting

on Monday to formulate a response.

While Washington and its allies have called for a broadening of sanctions on the regime...

roadblocks remain, with China and Russia still questioning the efficacy of such measures.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea threatens more 'gift packages' for the U.S. - Duration: 2:22.


Suspicious Substance Sent To U.S. Rep. Sessions' Dallas Office - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> Suspicious Substance Sent To U.S. Rep. Sessions' Dallas Office - Duration: 0:14.


Category 5 Hurricane Irma barrels toward Caribbean and southern U.S. - Duration: 0:42.

Hurricane Irma has been upgraded to the highest category of five as it moves towards the Caribbean

and southern United States.

The U.S. National Hurricane Center called Irma "potentially catastrophic," and is packing

winds of nearly 300 kilometers per hour, making it the most powerful hurricane the Atlantic

has seen in over a decade.

It's forecast to cross the northern Leeward Islands, east of Puerto Rico, on Tuesday night

or early Wednesday, local time.

Hurricane warnings are also in place from there to the British and U.S. Virgin Islands

and Puerto Rico.

Irma is expected to reach southern Florida on Saturday and Governor Rick Scott has declared

a state of emergency.

For more infomation >> Category 5 Hurricane Irma barrels toward Caribbean and southern U.S. - Duration: 0:42.


Woman killed in crash with fence on US 183 in southeast Austin - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Woman killed in crash with fence on US 183 in southeast Austin - Duration: 0:29.


US to phase out young immigrants program - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> US to phase out young immigrants program - Duration: 3:33.


Wizkid Cancels US tour Due to Health Issues | PulseTV News - Duration: 1:04.

Wizkid has cancelled his scheduled US tour to get his health up.

He will not be touring the US this month due to concerns about his health, according his

recent post.

Wizkid had been scheduled to tour the US this months and had Chicago, Hollywood, Sugar Land,

Toronto and New York as stops on his tour.

But he announced that he'll be moving the dates of his US tour due to health concerns.

Wizkid's next show will be on the September 29, 2017 in London.

For more infomation >> Wizkid Cancels US tour Due to Health Issues | PulseTV News - Duration: 1:04.


U.S. To Phase Out Program For Young Immigrants - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> U.S. To Phase Out Program For Young Immigrants - Duration: 2:44.


Category 5 Hurricane Irma barrels toward Caribbean and southern U.S. - Duration: 0:49.

Hurricane Irma has been upgraded to the highest category of five as it moves towards the Caribbean

and southern United States.

The U.S. National Hurricane Center called Irma "potentially catastrophic," and is packing

winds of nearly 300 kilometers per hour, making it the most powerful hurricane the Atlantic

has seen in over a decade.

It's forecast to cross the northern Leeward Islands, east of Puerto Rico, on Tuesday night

or early Wednesday, local time.

Hurricane warnings are also in place from there to the British and U.S. Virgin Islands

and Puerto Rico.

Irma is expected to reach southern Florida on Saturday and Governor Rick Scott has declared

a state of emergency.

For more infomation >> Category 5 Hurricane Irma barrels toward Caribbean and southern U.S. - Duration: 0:49.


US Led Anti-IS Coalition Gets New Commander - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> US Led Anti-IS Coalition Gets New Commander - Duration: 0:57.


North Korea threatens more 'gift packages' for the U.S. - Duration: 2:19.

During an arms conference in Geneva, North Korea's envoy to the UN threatened the U.S.

of more retaliatory actions in response to mounting pressure and isolation.

Washington's side at the forum stood firm and warned such provocations will not be tolerated.

Yu Joonhee fills us in on the heated exchanges.

The wording was more subtle... at least by North Korean standards, but the message was


North Korea's ambassador to the UN, Han Tae-song... said his country would send more "gift packages"

to the United States... if Washington continues to turn up the heat on the regime.

Speaking at a UN arms conference in Geneva on Tuesday, the envoy said he was proud...

of Pyongyang's latest nuclear test,... saying it's a necessary deterrent,... against perceived

signs of hostility from the U.S..

(English) "The recent self-defensive measures by my

country the DPRK are gift packages addressed to none other than the U.S..

The U.S. will receive more gift packages from my country as long as it relies on reckless

provocations and futile attempts to put pressure on the DPRK."

Han stood defiant, despite the wave of condemnation and growing isolation being faced by the regime...

saying pressure and sanctions would be a futile and wasted effort, in deterring his country.

He ruled out the possibility of any talks on North Korea's denuclearization,... saying

Pyongyang's nuclear deterrent is a topic that's off-limits and non-negotiable, in any future


Washington's ambassador to the UN Robert Wood, responded by saying... the regime's nuclear

and missile programs... were a threat to the entire world.

He said North Korea can no longer be allowed,... to continue its violation of international

law... and that it was time for the international community, to put its foot down, once and

for all.

(English) "Now is the time to say to the regime that

provocations, threats and destabilizing actions will no longer be tolerated."

Following North Korea's nuclear test,... the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting

on Monday to formulate a response.

While Washington and its allies have called for a broadening of sanctions on the regime...

roadblocks remain, with China and Russia still questioning the efficacy of such measures.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

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