Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily google Sep 6 2017

Hey YouTube, Jim here!

Welcome to Top10Archive!

Everybody's favorite tech conglomerate is more than just the developer of the world's

most popular search engine – it's an empire of gadgets and gizmos and is always looking

to the future!

Through the semi-secretive Google X, now known simply as X, and its parent company Alphabet,

Inc., Google is ready to change the future with these ten incredible products!

Before we get started, do you know what else is incredible?

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a new video.

At the end, if you enjoyed the video, then give it a like and leave a comment because

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Self-Driving Cars It seems like every company is on the self-driving

bandwagon and, in 2009, even Google began working on its own self-driving automobile.

Seven years later, the project was placed under Waymo, Alphabet Inc's own autonomous

car development company, to go up against manufacturers like Tesla Motors and Toyota.

Each company has its own version of the self-driving implementation, now it's just a matter of

who will launch en mass to the public.

Though Tesla may be ahead of the game, Waymo is still working through kinks with a hopeful

market release in 2020.


Google Glass Yes, Google Glass isn't a "new" concept

in the sense that we haven't seen it before.

In fact, it saw public sales in 2014 before being pulled from development due to customer

criticism and legal concerns.

That doesn't mean Google Glass is dead, however, and you can bet you'll be seeing

it re-emerge anew.

According to Tony Fadell, the former Apple exec heading the project, Google Glass will

be re-released when he deems it absolutely "perfect."


Cancer-Detecting Pill The battle against cancer is one that many

companies have opted to take on, Google being one of them.

Within the labs of X, Google researchers started working on a pill full of magnetic particles

that would travel a patient's bloodstream in search of afflicted cells.

Acting as a detailed road map to the human body, the particles would transmit data back

to a wearable sensor for real-time reports on cancer development or remission.

Revealed in 2014, the pill was projected for real-time use within a decade.


Google Brillo and Wave Joining in on the concept of the Internet

of Things or the inter-networking of our devices and abodes, Google aims to introduce Brillo.

The operating system, believed to be launching under Android, will work alongside Weave to

allow devices within your home to talk with one another.

While Brillo serves to redefine the current interface of the Internet of Things, Weave

will expand the concept beyond just appliance to smartphone communication.

Google wants everything in your home to talk to and function off one another, creating

a seamless smart home experience.


Google Wing Though Amazon has already launched Amazon

Prime Air, Google wants to encroach on the territory in a more philanthropic way.

Revealed in 2014, rather than offer air drop delivery for customers in need of their immediate

shopping fix, Google's Project Wing, developed in the secretive X Labs, is designed for the

intention of emergency relief drops.. but shoppers will also be able to benefit from

the service.

At its unveiling, Wing weighed approximately 18 lb (8.5 kg), but could only manage a total

of 22lb (10kg), so plan to shop light.


Space Elevator No, this really isn't a play on words.

It really is an elevator that would travel through Earth's atmosphere to an anchoring

point somewhere in space.

The concept emerged in 1895 with Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who found inspiration

in the Eiffel Tower.

Google is just one of several companies that want to realize this game-changing idea, but

the project was put on hold when it was determined no one had manufactured carbon nanotubes or

the strong carbon-based material needed for cabling, longer than 1 meter.


Talking Shoe Personally, we think far too many things talk

to us these days.

There's Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Alexa… and how can we forget just people

in general.

So we're a little on the fence about shoes that will not just talk to us, but also make

us feel bad about our inactivity.

Revealed in 2013 as part of Google's Art, Copy, Code, an initiative to merge new technologies

with existing brands, the talking shoe can serve as a rather rude motivational coach

or, as it's intended purpose, appeal to large brands like Nike and the athletes associated

with them.


Google Smart Contact Lens Consider this the new age of wearable technology.

Just as the name implies, the project is a contact lens with a rather specific purpose

- testing blood glucose levels in diabetics.

Rather than deal with pesky and inconvenient tests, the lens will be outfitted with sensors

that can test glucose levels through tears and offer an early warning via small LED lights.

Google also aims to link the innovative lens with a hand-held monitor where data can be

transmitted and read in real time.


Makani Power In 2013, Google joined the search for the

most viable means of clean energy when it acquired Makani Power.

Within the X labs, the Makani team produced an airborne wind turbine known as the energy

kite that, like a fixed wind turbine, would circle the air, using the wind to produce

electricity to power an attached grid.

The Makani team aims to replace towering turbines, which are built as tall as 393' (120 m),

and provide a lower-cost, easier-to-install solution.

One kite, at least of the current design, is expected to produce 600 kW of power.


Project Loon This ambitious project within the X Labs aims

to launch high-altitude balloons outfitted with the capability to create a wireless network

accessible by even the most remote regions.

As the name implies, it's an insane concept, but should it ever get off the ground, it

could do more than simply expand the reach of the internet.

During times of duress or natural disasters in a region, the balloons would ensure a stable

4G-LTE network to help coordinate relief efforts… and keep people from feeling isolated.

Thanks for watching!

The future's looking interesting, right?

Remember to give the video a like, leave a comment about which one of these product developments

you thought was the most interesting, subscribe to the channel and click the bell to be automatically

notified whenever the team at Top10Archive uploads a new video.

For more infomation >> Top10 Future MIND BLOWING Google Products - Duration: 7:19.


How to get free google play codes - Redeem google play 2017 **Final Update 2017 - Duration: 4:13.

How to get free google play codes - Redeem google play 2017 **Final Update 2017

For more infomation >> How to get free google play codes - Redeem google play 2017 **Final Update 2017 - Duration: 4:13.


Conceitos Básicos Sobre o Aplicativo Documentos Google - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> Conceitos Básicos Sobre o Aplicativo Documentos Google - Duration: 9:14.


গুগুলের 5টি অাজব সার্চ দেখলে অবাক হয়ে যাবেন|5 crazy Google secrets on Android phone. - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> গুগুলের 5টি অাজব সার্চ দেখলে অবাক হয়ে যাবেন|5 crazy Google secrets on Android phone. - Duration: 3:14.


First 4K camera footage of my new Google Pixel XL (2017) - Duration: 2:50.

Why aren't we moving?

Move your fu**ing a$$.

Move your fu#*#ing A$$.

I want to go right there.

Right there.


They're coming this way.

Don't be Stupid.

Recently there have been a lot of changes in my life.

My laptop died.

Had to get a new laptop.

I needed to travel and go on a vacation.

Flew all the way to the east coast and now we're here for 30 days in Philadelphia.

Also, my phone died.

So, I needed to get a new one.

But I've been really skeptical about the Iphone 7 I know that the iphone 8 should be coming

out soon so I decided to just mix things up completely because I really think that change

is good.

I went with the Pixel XL.

So far I am really impressed with the camera aspect of it.

It shoots 4k in the back, and 1080 in the front.

Which I rarely use , because why would I if i could shoot 4k?

I downloaded the open camera app, the filmic pro app, and I've been able to open the camera

up and really test and see how I can use this as a filmmaking camera.

So over the next 30 days I am going to be just using this phone.

I may use my canon T3i from time to time, but I'm going to experiment.

So here's some of the images I shot so far.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

This week I'm going to try and go shoot some around my new neighborhood and use the camera

to actually make a little film and not just test shots.

So we will see how that goes.

For more infomation >> First 4K camera footage of my new Google Pixel XL (2017) - Duration: 2:50.


How to Overcome Unable to Download in Google Drive - Duration: 2:21.

How to Overcome Unable to Download in Google Drive

Open Google Drive Download URL

If number of ownload over limit, then a warning will appear that the file can not be downloaded

To download this file, in URL delete '&export=download', then change the "uc'" with '"open"

After that, click Google Drive+ icon, then open your google drive

File is added to your drive but it still can't be downloaded

in order to download, right click that's file then choose 'Make a Copy'

Download that's file with right click then Download

We did it. The file is now can be downloaded :)

Don't forget to [Like] [Comment] and [Share], Click [Subscribe] to get other tips & trick. :)

For more infomation >> How to Overcome Unable to Download in Google Drive - Duration: 2:21.


Enroll in Google Play App Signing to Secure Your App Keys - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Enroll in Google Play App Signing to Secure Your App Keys - Duration: 3:05.


Justin Long Reveals The Top Google 'How To' Searches: How To Draw, Lose Weight, Kiss | TODAY - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Justin Long Reveals The Top Google 'How To' Searches: How To Draw, Lose Weight, Kiss | TODAY - Duration: 6:32.


Google Developer Days Europe 2017 - Day 2 (Auditorium) - Duration: 8:13:51.

For more infomation >> Google Developer Days Europe 2017 - Day 2 (Auditorium) - Duration: 8:13:51.


Introducing ARCore: Augmented Reality at Android Scale (GDD Europe '17) - Duration: 21:30.

For more infomation >> Introducing ARCore: Augmented Reality at Android Scale (GDD Europe '17) - Duration: 21:30.


Google Developer Days Europe 2017 - Day 1 (Auditorium) - Duration: 7:34:49.

For more infomation >> Google Developer Days Europe 2017 - Day 1 (Auditorium) - Duration: 7:34:49.


Google Developer Days Europe 2017 - Day 2 (Theatre) - Duration: 5:19:52.

For more infomation >> Google Developer Days Europe 2017 - Day 2 (Theatre) - Duration: 5:19:52.


Google Cloud IoT Core Technical Deep Dive (GDD Europe '17) - Duration: 25:49.

For more infomation >> Google Cloud IoT Core Technical Deep Dive (GDD Europe '17) - Duration: 25:49.


How to activate your Google Account. - Duration: 2:43.

Good afternoon folks, I wanted to put together a video so that you are able to

activate your Google accounts. When you register for the course, your

password and username also gives you access to a Google account. This is the

easiest and fastest way for you to keep control of all your files for the course

in one place. So you're looking at the home screen for the course home screen. What

I'd like you to do is click on the little home up in the top left-hand

corner of the screen and that will take you to the Simcoe County Home page We'll wait a little while

'cuz the network is slow. Lum-di-dum-di-dum, and we won't get frustrated because the network is slow Lum-di-dum-di-dum, . . . Fantastic.

Now, on the right-hand side of the page, down here, you will see Google Apps icon. Now, I

have already activated my account obviously, because I'm the teacher, but if

you haven't activated your account, what what you should be able to see is your

username and underneath it somewhere, you should see "activate this account". If you

click on it, it will take you through the steps so that you are able to put in

your password and activate the account. Once you've activated the account, you

can go back to your course. You will see, . . . oh dear me dee-dum dee-dum

here we go again, okay so we're back in the course and you will be able to, under

submission . . .let's pretend that we are going to submit a file under jot notes.

oh, I won't be able to, hang on, I need to change my settings, sorry about

this, there we go. So under submissions, you will see jot notes. I want to I want

to upload my jot notes that I've created for activity one,

and now it takes me into the place where I I could submit it. If I add a file after

activating my Google account I can access my Google Drive from the

submissions folder, which is an easy way to add your files. It saves

having to download the file and then upload it again, and it saves having to have

a flash drive so there you go that's how you activate your Google account.

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