Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily have Sep 6 2017

Khim Sokheng - Want to do business but have not idea

Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Khim sokheng - Want to do business but have no ideas | Success Reveal - Duration: 5:57.


Have never seen video like this - Duration: 0:27.

Have Never seen video like this

For more infomation >> Have never seen video like this - Duration: 0:27.


🔴 How Many of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms do YOU Have? - Duration: 41:41.

How Many of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms do YOU Have?

How many of these 51 spiritual awakening symptoms do YOU have?

Quiz yourself and your friends HERE!


Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night.

Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day.

There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up,

go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again.

For others, the sleep requirements have changed.

You can get by on less sleep.

Lately I How Many of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms do YOU Have?have been experiencing huge waves of energy

running into my body from the crown.

It feels good, but it keeps me awake for a long time, then subsides.

Advice: Get used to it.

Make peace with it and don't worry about getting enough sleep (which often causes more insomnia).

You will be able to make it through the day if you hold thoughts of getting just what you need.

You can also request your Higher Self to give you a break now and then and give you a good, deep night's sleep.

If you can't go back to sleep right away, use the waking moments to meditate, read poetry,

write in your journal or look at the moon.

Your body will adjust to the new pattern.


Activity at the crown of the head: Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the


A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower.

Also the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown, described as "sprinkles".

This may also be experienced as pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing his/her finger into the center of your


As I mentioned in #1, I have been experiencing huge downloads of energy through the crown.

In the past, I have felt more generalized pressure, as if my head is in a gentle vise.

One man related that his hair stood on end and his body was covered with goosebumps.

Advice: This is nothing to be alarmed about.

What you are experiencing is an opening of the crown chakra.

The sensations mean that you are opening up to receive divine energy.


Sudden waves of emotion.

Crying at the drop of a hat.

Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation.

Or inexplicably depressed.

Then very happy.

Emotional roller coaster.

There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (the middle of the chest).

This is not to be confused with the heart, which is located to the left of the heart chakra.

Advice: Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go.

Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion.

Expand it outward to your all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest.

Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own.

Don't direct the emotions at anyone.

You are cleaning out your past.

If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask your Higher Power

to help you.

You can also ask Grace Elohim to help you release with ease and gentleness.

Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions and not holding onto them inside where they can do harm.

One source suggests that depression is linked to letting go of relationships to people, work,

etc. that no longer match us and our frequencies.

When we feel guilty about letting go of these relationships, depression helps us medicate that pain.


Old "stuff" seems to be coming up, as described above, and the people with whom you need to work it out (or their

clones) appear in your life.

Completion issues.

Or perhaps you need to work through issues of self-worth, abundance, creativity, addictions, etc.

The resources or people you need to help you move through these issues start to appear.

Advice: Same as #3.

Additionally, don't get too involved in analyzing these issues.

Examining them too much will simply cycle you back through them over and over again at deeper and deeper levels.

Get professional help if you need to and walk through it.

Do not try to avoid them or disassociate yourself from them.

Embrace whatever comes up and thank it for helping you move ahead.

Thank your Higher Power for giving you the opportunity to release these issues.

Remember, you don't want these issues to stay stuck in your body.


Changes in weight.

The weight gain in the US population is phenomenal.

Other people may be losing weight.

We often gain weight because many fears we have suppressed are now coming up to the surface to be healed.

We react by building up a defense.

We also attempt to ground ourselves or provide bulk against increasing frequencies in our bodies.

Advice: Don't freak out, but just accept it as a symptom of where you are right now.

You will release/gain the weight when all your fears have been integrated.

Release your anxiety about this.

Then you might find it easier to lose/gain the weight eventually.


Before eating, try this: Sit at the table with an attractive place setting.

Light a candle.

Enjoy how the food looks.

Place your dominant hand over your heart and bless the food.

Tell your body that you are going to use the food to richly nourish it,

but that you are not going to use the food to fulfill your emotional hungers.

Then pass your hand from left to right over the food and bless it.

You may notice that the food feels warm to your hand even if the food is cold– I like to think that the food is good

for me when it feels warm and nourishing to my hand.

I have also noticed that when I practice blessing the food, I don't eat as much.

It is important not to let yourself off the hook when you forget to bless the food before you eat.

If I've forgotten and I've nearly finished eating, I bless the food anyway.

That way I don't slip out of the habit.

Another thing you can do is to stay present while eating — don't watch TV or read.

Heartily enjoy what blessings are before you.


Changes in eating habits: Strange cravings and odd food choices.

Some find they are not as hungry as they used to be.

Or hungrier.

Advice: Don't deny what your body tells you it needs.

If you are not sure, you might try muscle-testing before you chose a food to see if it's what your body wants.

Also try blessing the food as described in #5.


Food intolerances, allergies you never had before.

As you grow more spiritual, you are more sensitive to everything around you.

Your body will tell you what it can no longer tolerate, as if it, too, is sloughing off what doesn't serve it anymore.

You might be cleansing yourself of toxins.

Some people find they often have a white residue in their mouth, much like that of runners at the end of a race.

Advice: An acupuncturist told me that this film can be removed by sloshing 2 tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil in

your mouth for 10-15 minutes (don't swallow, whatever you do), then spitting it out into the toilet — not the sink,

for you just removed toxins from your body and don't want them in the sink.

Brush your teeth and do the same.

Then clean your brush.

(Sorry this is yukky, but itworks.)


Amplification of the senses.

Increased sensitivity.


Sight: Blurry vision, shimmering objects, seeing glittery particles, auras around people, plants, animals, and objects.

Some report seeing formerly opaque objects as transparent.

When you close your eyes, you no longer see darkness, but redness.

You may also see geometric shapes or brilliant colors and pictures when eyes are closed.

Colors appear more vivid — the sky might look teal orthe grass an amazing green.

Often I see grids running across the ground.

As you become more sensitive, you may see shapes or outlines in the air, especially when the room is almost dark.

When your eyes are open or closed, you may see white shapes in your peripheral vision (these are your guides).

Advice:Your vision is changing in many ways — you are experiencing new ways of seeing.

Be patient.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid.

Hazy vision maybe relieved by yawning.


Hearing: Increased or decreased hearing.

I once thought I would have to pull off the road because of the painfully amplified sound of my tires on the freeway.

Other symptoms are hearing white noise in the head, beeps, tones, music or electronic patterns.Some hear water rushing,

bees buzzing, whooshing, roaring or ringing.

Others have what is called audio dyslexia– you can't always make out what people are saying,

as if you can no longer translate your own language.

Some hear strange voices in their dreams, as if someone is hovering near them.

You can either ask the presence(s) to leave or ask Archangel Michael to take care of the situation.

Again, there is nothing to fear.

Advice: Surrender to it.

Let it come through.


Your ears are adjusting to new frequencies.


Enhanced senses of smell, touch, and/or taste.

I notice I can now smell and taste chemical additives in some foods in a rather unpleasant manner.

Other food may taste absolutely wonderful.

For some people, these enhancements are both delightful and distracting.

You might even smell the fragrance of flowers now and then.

Many of the mystics did.

Enjoy it.


Skin eruptions:

Rashes, bumps, acne, hives, and shingles.

Anger produces outbreaks around the mouth and chin.

I had a dermatitis on my extremities for several months that accompanied healing an episode from my past.

When I had worked through most of the issue, the condition was released.

Advice: You may be sloughing off toxins and bringing emotions to the surface.

When there is an issue to be released and you are trying to repress it,

your skin will express the issue for you until you process the emotions.

Work through your "stuff".


Episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action.

Followed by periods of lethargy and fatigue.

The fatigue usually follows great shifts.

This is a time of integration, so give into it.

Advice: Roll with the nature of the energy.

Don't fight it.

Be gentle with yourself.

Take naps if you are tired.

Write your novel if you are too energized to sleep.

Take advantage of the type of energy.


Changes in prayer or meditation.

Not feeling the same sensations as before.

Not having the same experience of being in contact with Spirit.

Difficulty in focusing.

Advice: You may be in more instant and constant communion with Spirit now and the sensation may therefore be altered.

You will adapt to this new feeling.

You are actually thinking and acting in partnership with Spirit most of the time now.

You may find your meditation periods shorter.


Power surges:

All of a sudden you are heated from head to toe.

It is a momentary sensation, but uncomfortable.

In contrast, some people have felt inexplicably cold.

I have experienced both.

More recently I experience waves or currents of energy rolling through me.

Sometimes the energy seems so intense when it first comes into my body that I feel a little nauseated.

But if I think of the energy as divine and let go of fear, I feel wonderful and enjoy the sensation.

If you are an energy worker, you may have noticed that the heat running through your hands has increased tremendously.

This is good.

Advice: If you are uncomfortable, ask your Higher Power, that if it be for your best and highest good,

to turn down/up the temperature a bit.


A range of physical manifestations:

Headaches, backaches, neck pains, flu-like symptoms (this is called vibrational flu), digestive problems,

muscular spasms or cramps, racing heartbeat, chest pains, changes in sexual desire, numbness or pain in the limbs,

and involuntary vocalizations or bodily movements.

Some of us have even had old conditions from childhood reappear briefly for healing.

Advice: Remember what I said about seeking medical help if you need it!

If you have determined that this is not a medical condition, relax in the realization that it is only temporary.


Looking younger.


As you clear emotional issues and release limiting beliefs and heavy baggage from the past, you are actually lighter.

Your frequency is higher.

You love yourself and life more.

You begin to resemble the perfect you that you really are.


Vivid dreams.

Sometimes the dreams are so real that you wake up confused.

You may even have lucid dreams in which you are in control.

Many dreams may be mystical or carry messages for you.

And in some dreams, you just know that you are not "dreaming" — that what is happening is somehow real.

Advice: You will remember what is important for you to remember.

Don't force anything.

Above all, stay out of fear.


Events that completely alter your life:

death, divorce, change in job status, loss of home, illness, and/or other catastrophes — sometimes several at once!

Forces that cause you to slow down, simplify, change, re-examine who you are and what your life means to you.

Forces that you cannot ignore.

Forces that cause you release your attachments.

Forces that awaken your sense of love and compassion for all.


A desire to break free from restrictive patterns, life-draining jobs consumptive lifestyles,

and toxic people or situations.

You feel a compelling need to "find yourself" and your life purpose — now!

You want to be creative and free to be who you really are.

You might find yourself drawn to the arts and nature.

You want to unclutter yourself from things and people that no longer serve you.

Advice: Do it!


Emotional and mental confusion:

A feeling that you need to get your life straightened out–it feels like a mess.

But at the same time you feel chaotic and unable to focus.

See #45.

Advice: Put your ear to your heart and your own discernment will follow.


Introspection, solitude and loss of interest in more extroverted activities:

This stage has come as a surprise to many extraverts who formerly saw themselves as outgoing and involved.

They say, "I don't know why, but I don't like to go out as much as before."


Creativity bursts:

Receiving images, ideas, music, and other creative inspirations at an often overwhelming rate.

Advice: At least record these inspirations, for Spirit is speaking to you about how you might fulfill your purpose and

contribute to the healing of the planet.


A perception that time is accelerating.

time is acceleratingIt seems that way because you have had so many changes introduced into your life at an

unprecedented rate.

The number of changes seems to be growing.

Advice: Breaking your day up into appointments and time segments increases the sense of acceleration .You can slow time

down by relaxing into the present moment and paying attention to what's at hand, not anticipating what's ahead.

Slow down and tell yourself that you have plenty of time.

Ask your Higher Power to help you.

Keep your focus on the present.

Try to flow from one activity to the next.

Stay tuned to your inner guidance.

You can also warp time by asking for it.

Next time you feel rushed, say, "Time warp, please.

I need some more time to —–." Then relax.


A sense of impendingness.

There is a feeling that something is about to happen.

This can create anxiety.

Advice: There is nothing to worry about.

Things are definitely happening, but anxiety only creates more problems for you.

All your thoughts — positive or negative– are prayers.

There is nothing to fear.



You know better, but sometimes you can't help it.

You want to get on with what seems to be coming your way.

Uncertainty is not comfortable.

Advice: Learn to live with the uncertainty, knowing that nothing comes to you until you are ready.

Impatience is really a lack of trust, especially trust in your Higher Power.

When you focus on the present, you will experience miracles — yes, even in traffic.


A deep yearning for meaning, purpose, spiritual connection, and revelation.

Perhaps an interest in the spiritual for the first time in your life.

"Constant craving", as k.d. lang says.

The material world cannot fulfill this longing.

Advice: Follow your heart and the way will open up for you.


A feeling that you are somehow different.

A disquieting sense that everything in your life feels new and altered, that you have left your old self behind.

You have.

You are much greater than you can possibly imagine.

There is more to come.


"Teachers" appear everywhere with perfect timing to help you on your spiritual journey:

people, books, movies, events, Mother Nature, etc.

Teachers may appear to be negative or positive when you are trapped in polarity thinking, but,

from a transcendent perspective, they are always perfect.

Just what you need to learn from and move on.

By the way, we never get more than we are ready to master.

Each challenge presents us with an opportunity to show our mastery in passing through it.


You find a spiritual track that makes sense to you and "speaks to you" at the most profound levels.

Suddenly you are gaining a perspective that you would never have considered before.

You hunger to know more.

You read, share with others, ask questions, and go inside to discover more about who you are and why you are here.


You are moving through learning and personal issues at a rapid pace.

You sense that you are "getting it" quite readily.

Advice: Keep remembering that things will come to you when they are ready to be healed.

Not sooner.

Deal with whatever comes up with courage and you will move through the issues rapidly.


Invisible presences.

Here is the woo-woo stuff.

Some people report feeling surrounded by beings at night or having the sensation of being touched or talked to.

Often they will wake with a start.

Some also feel their body orbed vibrate.

The vibrations are caused by energetic changes after emotional clearing has taken place.

Advice: This is a sensitive topic, but you may feel better blessing your bed and space around it before you sleep.

I rest assured that I am surrounded only by the most magnificent spiritual entities and am always safe in God's care.

Sometimes, however, the fear gets to me, and I call in Archangel Michael and/or Archangel Uriel.

I don't beat myself up for being afraid sometimes.

I forgive myself for not always sovereign at 3:00 a.m.


Portents, visions, "illusions", numbers, and symbols:

Seeing things that have spiritual importance for you.

Noticing how numbers appear synchronistically in your awareness.

Everything has a message if you take the time to look.

I enjoy the experience of "getting the messages." What fun!


Increased integrity:

You realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth.

It suddenly seems important for you to become more authentic, more yourself.

You may have to say "no" to people whom you have tried to please in the past.

You may find it intolerable to stay in a marriage or job or place that doesn't support who you are.

You may also find there is nowhere to hide, no secrets to keep anymore.

Honesty becomes important in all your relationships.

Advice: Listen to your heart.

If your guidance tells you not to do something, speak up and take action.

Say "no".

Likewise, you must also say "yes" to that which compels you.

You must risk displeasing others without guilt in order to attain spiritual sovereignty.


Harmony with seasons and cycles:

You are becoming more tuned to the seasons, the phases of the moon and natural cycles.

More awareness of your place in the natural world.

A stronger connection to the earth.


Electrical and mechanical malfunctions:

When you are around, lightbulbs flicker, the computer locks up, or the radio goes haywire.

Advice: Call on your angels, guides, or Grace Elohim to fix it or put up a field of protection of light around the


Surround your car with bluelight.



Increased synchronicity and many small miracles.

Look for more of these.

Advice:Synchronistic events tell you if you are heading in the right direction or making the correct choices.

Honor these clues and you cannot go astray.

Spirit uses synchronicity to communicate to you.

That's when you begin to experience daily miracles.

See #30.


Increased intuitive abilities and altered states of consciousness:

Thinking of someone and immediately hearing from them.

More synchronicities.

Having sudden insights about patterns or events from the past.

Clairvoyance, out-of-body experiences, and other psychic phenomena.

Intensified sensitivity and knowing.

Awareness of one's essence and that of others.

Channeling angelic and Christ-consciousness energies.


Communication with Spirit.

Contact with angels, spirit guides, and other divine entities.


More and more people seem to be given this opportunity.

Feeling inspiration and downloading information that takes form as writing, painting, ideas, communications, dance, etc.


A sense of Oneness with all.

A direct experience of this Wholeness.

Transcendent awareness.

Being flooded with compassion and love for all life.

Compassionate detachment or unconditional love for all is what lifts us up to higher levels of consciousness and joy.


Moments of joy and bliss.

A deep abiding sense of peace and knowing that you are never alone.



You become emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually stronger and clearer.

You feel as if you are in alignment with your Higher Self.


Living your purpose:

You know you are finally doing what you came to earth for.

New skills and gifts are emerging, especially healing ones.

Your life/work experiences are now converging and starting to make sense.

You are finally going to use them all.

Advice: Listen to your heart.

Your passion leads you to where you must go.

Go within and ask your Higher Self, "What is it you would have me do?" Watch for synchronicities.



Feeling closer to animals and plants.

To some people, animals now seem to be more "human" in their behavior.

Wild animals are less afraid.

Plants respond to your love and attention more than ever.

Some may even have messages for you.


Seeing beings of other dimensions.

The veil between dimensions is thinner, so it is not surprising.

Just stay in your sovereignty.

You are more powerful than you can ever imagine, so do not entertain fear.

Ask your guides for help if you slip into fear.


Seeing a person's true form or seeing loved ones with a different face — past life or parallel life.


Physically manifesting thoughts and desires more quickly and efficiently.

Advice: Monitor your thoughts.

All thoughts are prayers.

Be careful what you ask for.


Left-brain fogginess.

Your psychic abilities, your intuitive knowing, your feeling and compassion, your ability to experience your body,

your visioning, your expressiveness all emanate from the right brain.

In order for this side of the brain to develop more fully, the left brain must shut down a little bit.

Normally the left-hemisphere's capacity for order, organization, structure, linear sequencing, analysis, evaluation,

precision, focus, problem-solving, and mathematics dominate our often less-valued right brain.

What results are memory lapses, placing words in the wrong sequence, inability or no desire to read for very long,

inability to focus; forgetting what you are just about to say; impatience with linear forms of communication (audio or

written formats); a feeling of spaciness, being scattered; losing interesting research or complex information;

feeling bombarded with words and talk and information; and a reluctance to write.

Sometimes you feel dull and have no interest in analysis, lively intellectual discussion, or investigation.

On the other hand, you might find yourself drawn to the sensate: videos, magazines with photos, beautiful artwork,

movies, music, sculpting, painting, being with people, dancing, gardening, walking,

and other kinesthetic forms of expression.

You may search for spiritual content, even science fiction.

Advice: You may discover that if you allow your heart and your right brain to lead you,

the left will then be activated appropriately to support you.

And someday we will be well-balanced, using both hemispheres with mastery.



This occurs when you are ungrounded.

Perhaps you have just cleared a big emotional issue and your body is adjusting to your "lighter" state.

Advice: Ground yourself by eating protein.

Sometimes "comfort food" feels right.

Don't make any food right or wrong for you.

Use your guidance to know what you need at any given moment.

Take your shoes off and put your feet in the grass for a couple of minutes.


Falling, having accidents, breaking bones.

Your body is not grounded or perhaps your life is out of balance.

Or your body may be telling you to slow down, examine certain aspects of your life, or heal certain issues.

There is always a message.

When I recently broke my ankle, I understand that my ankle was taking on what I myself refused to deal with.

And that was all of the above.

Advice: Stay grounded by taking your shoes off and putting your feet in the grass; even better,

lie down on the grass without a blanket under you.

Feel the earth beneath you.

Get out in nature.

Slow down and pay attention.

Be mindful about what you are doing.

Feel your feelings when they come up.

Stay in the present.

Surround yourself with blue light when you are feeling shaky.


Heart palpitations.

A racing heart usually accompanies a heart opening.

It only lasts for a few moments and means that the heart is re-balancing itself after an emotional release.

I had one episode that terrified me: I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart pounding.

I thought it was going to come right out of my chest.

It only happened once and was, I understand, a huge heart chakra opening.

But I did check it out.

There is nothing wrong with my heart.

Advice: Remember what I said about getting medical attention when needed.

Consult your doctor about any conditions you are not comfortable with.


Faster hair and nail growth.

More protein is being used in the body.

Too bad we can't tell the body where to grow the hair and where not to grow it.

(Or can we?



A desire to find your soulmate or twin flame.

More than ever before, the idea that we can have a relationship that matches who we are seems more desirable.

Advice: The truth is, we have to be the kind of person we want to attract.

We have to love ourselves and where we are right now before we can attract a more "perfect" mate.

The work begins at home.

Here is how I think it works: Hold the desire for this person in your heart, but without attachment.

Expect that someday you will meet someone who is more suited to you, but let go of any expectations as to who this will

be and how it will happen.

Focus instead on cleaning up your own life and being the kind of person you want to be.

Be happy now.

Enjoy your life.

Then you may see…..


Memories surface.

Body memories, suppressed memories, images of past lives and/or parallel lives.

We are healing and integrating all our "selves", so expect to have some of these experiences.


Keep in mind that it is best to recall what only what comes to mind, leave the rest alone,

don't analyze everything to death (because you will be stuck in the tape loop of infinite issues to process),

and feel your feelings as they come up.

Ask for help from your guides.

Note: This video may be shared, but please send it in its entirety.


Love and hugs, Annarita

For more infomation >> 🔴 How Many of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms do YOU Have? - Duration: 41:41.


Have fun with my BFF | Japan Vlog #2 | - Duration: 9:53.

So tired!! I'm in a rush.

Really tired!!

My BBF since kindergarten came to Japan with her family.

I'm going to meet them at Asakusa.

It is a little far for me to get there so I have to get out early.

Today is very cold but I'm so hot right now haha

see you later!

We just finished picking our Ukada.

Just finished!!

I have a youtube channel so I'm filming

What kind of video do you do?

Show all the delicious food from Japan, and all other things from Japan.

Oh! you're filming haha


We're now at Sky Tree.

you know..the very tall one haha

This is my first time here~I came to Japan all the time but I never came here.

because of you I have a chance to visit!!

so hungry


Oh! the light is...okok it's find.

She is my BBF since kindergarten.

Her name is Kristy. She is cute right!

She suddenly call me few days ago

said she is coming with her family.

We have to meet!

of course we have to!! you so cute, might be kidnap haha

filming again?? yes haha


We finally back to Asakusa!! oh~the winds!

omg!! It's video again haha

Yeah we're here!!

Must take some picture in Asakusa when you wear Ukada!

Still hot!!

Ningyou yaki

So sweet! so tasty!

Fresh from the oven

When you came to Asakusa. You will find so many Taiwanese.

So many~~

Most of them were Taiwanese

Feels like home haha

Hearing Chinese everywhere!!

We are waiting for dinner time. We're going to the Vegan restaurant I went last time.

My friends and her family are going to join me.They're not vegan but they wanna try!! So happy~

For more infomation >> Have fun with my BFF | Japan Vlog #2 | - Duration: 9:53.


Ajay Devgan And Kajol Wedding Photo Album That You Have Never Seen Before! - Duration: 4:46.

Ajay Devgan And Kajol Wedding Photo Album That You Have Never Seen Before!

For more infomation >> Ajay Devgan And Kajol Wedding Photo Album That You Have Never Seen Before! - Duration: 4:46.


I have a question | Crazydivers - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> I have a question | Crazydivers - Duration: 1:03.


Ed Helms & Kathy Bates Have Different Spirit Animal Journeys - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Ed Helms & Kathy Bates Have Different Spirit Animal Journeys - Duration: 2:29.


How Do I Know If I Have Found My Twin Flame? - Duration: 10:08.

How Do I Know If I Have Found My Twin Flame?

The term twin flame is becoming increasingly acknowledged and familiar in the metaphysical realm,

especially as the numbers of twin flame relationships seem to skyrocket—most likely to help our world with the unique

energies, perspectives, and power that twin flame reunions create.

A twin flame is quite literally the soul's other half, which parted before entering the 3rd dimensional experience and

human incarnation.

Up until recently, most twin flame halves did not incarnate at the same time,

but took turns supporting each other through respective human lifetimes.

However, twin flame partners are incarnating together in greater numbers now with the special purposes of helping to

maintain timelines, protect and augment energies, and move our world forward, particularly in the times ahead.

Since many soul-mate connections are also quite compelling, familiar, and strong,

how do you know whether you've really found your "partner of ultimate How Do I Know If I've Found My Twin Flame?

| in5d.comdestiny" or twin flame?

Listed below are some of the attributes of a twin flame relationship:


You had dreams or visions of this person and/or your energetic relationship before ever meeting in this lifetime.


Meeting your partner felt like "coming home" to a familiar, long-lost energy.

After meeting, you had "memories" of other times and places with that person that are not part of this life experience

so far.


Your partner mirrors your own issues, concerns, and imbalances, but you also complement each other's skill sets,

talents, and capacities.

You are the ultimate embodiment of yin/yang.


At least one partner is of higher frequency, possibly a First Waver, Indigo, and/or Crystal,

or is genetically related to one.


You may be of different ages, the same or opposite sex, vastly different backgrounds, "opposing" religions or cultures,

but you feel an incredible unity or incomparable sense of oneness with your partner.


You feel each other's symptoms, illnesses, and emotions even when you are not near each other or in communication.


Your functioning is impaired or much less optimal when you are apart from your twin flame.

It physically and mentally hurts when you are not together.


When you are with your partner and the relationship is in balance, you become stronger, more powerful,

and more capable than you have ever felt.

You feel united in a mission or "calling" to serve others and the world.


Your unconditional love for your partner is like no other.

Your partner is likely to have a certain habit, quality, or "baggage" that would be a deal-breaker for you in any other


However, you overlook it or willingly work through it with this partner– no matter what it takes.


You met your partner when one or both of you were in other relationships or otherwise "unavailable." It's likely that

you met when and where you were least consciously expecting it.


Either you or your partner feared the power of the twin flame connection and ran from the relationship so as not to

feel overwhelmed and/or vulnerable.

Years may go by before you are both in the "place" to finally commit fully to the relationship.


The partner who ran from the twin flame relationship finally "wakes up" and realizes the significance.

His or her "a-ha" moment comes as the result of a loss, illness, or other personal catastrophe.

He or she then comes to terms with the fact that there is no other person or priority more important than the twin



No matter how many times you break up or separate, forces seems to bring you back together.

You see the "signs" and reminders of that twin connection everywhere, urging you back together.


Your relationship is characterized by extreme highs and lows, including passion and intense pain you've most likely

never felt before.


In efforts to harmonize, justify karma, and balance each other, you "push each other's buttons" and test each other's

limits like no one else has or ever will.

Nevertheless, the extreme highs in the relationship consistently get higher.


Friends, family members, and others in your circle can't relate to the twin flame dramas and always try to get you to

move on to someone or something else that seems more logical or better for you "on paper."


The growth you experience, the lessons you learn, and the person you become in the twin flame relationship are more

significant, happen more rapidly, and are more powerful than any other experience or period of growth in your life.


You realize that your previous soul mates or other relationships prepared you for the twin flame reunion.

Your twin flame may even have or embody a number of the unusual characteristics or outstanding attributes of your

previous mates and soul friends.


You feel as if you've been waiting your whole life for this person.

When you look back at your life, you see illnesses, sabotaged relationships,

or other situations that manifested because you were still waiting and still looking for "the one."


Even if you are extremely tired of 3 dimensional existence here on earth, you heal, evolve, mature,

and continue to live– just to stay with your twin flame partner.


You are an "old soul" and this is your last human experience.


The more that you and your twin partner spend time together, the more rapidly and completely you awaken to higher



You have a deep knowing that your twin partner is your destiny– not just in this lifetime, but also when you ascend,

return "home," and are reunited for eternity.

Twin Flames

Twin FlamesOther relationships may involve seeking your twin flame, who may or may not be here in this incarnation.

A twin flame is literally the other half of your soul that makes you whole, yet at the same time,

each twin flame is a complete soul.

They form a complete balance of the male and female energies.

Your previous relationships were also soul contracts to help you prepare to be with your twin flame.

When you meet your twin flame, you'll know it immediately.

Some twin flames aren't here in this incarnation.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't get married or have children because your twin flame (in the ethereal realms) wants you

to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this incarnation,

as well as to learn as many life lessons to help your spiritual growth.

He or she is still part of your soul group but decided not to join you in this incarnation.

Don't take it personally!

They're still with you in heart and in spirit.

It's also important to remember that some twin flames remain on the other side to provide you with help and spiritual


Some souls decided to come here without them because they "heard the call" and they knew they were needed here in this


Please keep in mind that not everyone from your soul group will incarnate at the same time!

For more infomation >> How Do I Know If I Have Found My Twin Flame? - Duration: 10:08.


Its healthy to have sex fallacy -Mgtow - Duration: 40:22.

Hello man

Hello, make towels. Let me do a quick check on sound you know how Google goes

I have to wait for it to come on, and I never know when it's actually gonna come on slow man there we go

So my voice sounds good everything sounds good. I was waiting for grizzly to

Get done

I didn't want to stomp on his podcast and I didn't realize he had one going and I have the utmost

Respect for grizzly MacDowell if you haven't solved please sub to all men

He's one of the good guys around here, and I wanted to go over one of the things that bin

that has been bothering me and

the manosphere

Well we have sexual deviants coming and they're everywhere and one of the things they're gonna use on you is it's healthy to have sex


I've been hearing this all over the place and we most of us make tells know

That sex is probably one of the most unhealthy things you can do for your body

They're comparing it to a healthy man can have sex


Let me say that when they're saying it's healthy they have sex and it's normal to have sex and is natural

They have sex none of those things matter. It's not an argument

they're comparing it to a healthy man can have sex and

That's probably true, but it's a false equivalence

X you're a healthy man

Yeah, sex is a choice. It's a fallacy as a

Mis mistaken belief a fallacy is a mistaken belief excessively one based on an unsound argument

this leads to

The only a healthy man can have sex and all this rest of the guys that having sex are unhealthy men for some

It's a what's called a conditional. There's conditions, and that's an additional five logical fallacy

It's a shaming tactic and it's harmful. It's done by deviants, and it's untrue

It's a logical

Retarded fallacy and it's never true

Which leads to the healthy male always have sex file policy on

demand even if required for him to

prove that it's

Rape in that case and it's shame rape

Normal healthy people choose where and when how much of anything they do

Even if it's not - now that not is what gets these people

You have to see logical negation and nots and that logical negation and Nats are the hardest logical thing for people to

Understand only stupid people don't understand Nats, and I'm sick of this

Equation around here that oh, I do it, so I'm healthy it's natural

I'm healthy I'm the man if you were more like me and you were so fucking healthy you would do it too. That's shaming

These people what's happening to them

And I noticed one of the young men on the earlier podcast had some had some unhealthy

Things happen in his in his language and his manners and his actions

And he wasn't a very smart person he I would say if you're gonna

Be here and make tile you have to go study some logics conjunctions

disjunctions conditionals compounds by conditionals tautologies and


And unless you're really familiar with these things

You're gonna get hit around here with rhetoric sand. This is one of those statements that is just 100%

untrue rhetorical statement

When people have sex that puts them at risk of STDs and HIV s having anal vaginal

oral sex without a condom

having multiple sex partners having

autonomous or yeah autonomous sex part shows having sex while under the intrusive

the influence of drugs or alcohol

Can lower intermissions and result of greater sexual risk-taking and what we're talking about here is risk-taking and what the monks are talking about is

risk-taking when you're conflating a sexual fallacy with a healthy male in

Risk-taking it's not a healthy thing the healthy

Relationships policy is what we're talking about

lately in long-term studies that followed more by

10,000 subjects and an average of 12 point two years they spent 12 point 2 years on this in 10,000 subjects

researchers discovered that

Negative relationships put you at a greater risk for developing heart problems and that include

fetal cardiac heart problems and their counterpart in

relationships that were negative in

this case

Almost a hundred percent turnover in youth between 19 and 25 years old we're having negative

Negative reactions and unhealthy reactions

To America's youth because the turnover on that is almost a hundred percent between 19 and 25 and this puts this myth

2 a it just takes this myth and it's stomps on it you'll hear things like

You know healthy people have sex, and how it's sex is a way to

to relieve stress them things are logical fallacies to

STDs and social risks are always there, and I'll swear by the monks code in this SDB tease

STDs used to be called venereal these are VD among these common contagious diseases

More than 65 million Americans if you're in America. I just pretty much

Do this research in your country if you want to I'm just using American because we have the best statistics

We have a huge huge organizations that

Deal with these statistics are more than 65 million Americans

Have an uncurable

STD having sex is one of the most dangerous things you're gonna do and if you're say oh, I'll use a condom

most of the time you can get a venereal

Disease in a couple different ways you can get vaginally you can get it anally or you can get orally

These idiots like to believe that you can't get it orally

Each year

There's about 20 million new cases that are reported

Half of the infections are among people from ages to 15 to 20 for the same demographic group

I was up putting in now that you add in all these sexual

These sexual STDs and VD and all that stuff, and then you add that with

the risk of developing heart problems and

Cardiac problems, and there's also the risk of developmental problems after bad breakups. There's risk of

Violence involved with these things the risk is uncanny it probably includes a hundred million Americans

Which is one quarter of our population?

If you a few stats on this thing is

You know there's eighty-five thousand new cases of HIV every year

There's a 20 million new cases reported every year around the world

Three million new cases of herpes every single year are you at risk of gonorrhea?

You don't think you're at risk of gonorrhea. You're fucking crazy

Any sexual activity with a person can get gonorrhea, that's vaginal anal or oral like I said oral

That's the one that's gonna get most of these people if you're having sexual activities, too

you have to be honest with you and talk openly with us actually a

Sex health care provider or somebody like that if you're having gonorrhea it affects

Many kinds of manic makes it affects gays it

Affects bisexuals that accepts normies, and it affects you if you do it

Most of the people that are getting

25 and little 20 B

It'll it's going to happen between 19, and 25 if you're gonna get this and it falls off after that these are just facts

Factors of a new multi-part multiple sex partners as sex partners in tribute

Transmitted infections from stds

Have gone way way up since 2013 the CDC estimates

That more than and get this stat eighty

eight hundred and twenty

Thousand people in America alone the United States get gonorrhea

infection every single year now we talked a little bit about

You know

chemically resistant, gonorrhea coming around

This is gonna be your new reality

If these people keep doing that if we do not curb the deviance and the sexual deviance in a world

eight hundred and twenty thousand people

imagine that in your head

Imagine that in your head

Now let's talk about healthy relationships and characteristics of a healthy relationship

Most people go well healthy, they're gonna use the healthy relationship

Relationships are healthy for you. How if you're in a relationship

Just quantify a healthy relationship that would quantify things like compassion security safety

Freedom of thinking sharing listening mutual love carrying health

healthy debates and

disagreements and and being respectful to each other especially when there's differences of opinion now a toxic relationship

Which we're talking about will these things will come on heart problems. There's gonna be harmful emotional damage

There's gonna be physical damage. There's gonna be a lot of damage these things are are

Quantified as insecure abuse of power control damaging selfless selfless selfishness

insecurity self-centered


negativity dishonesty de Trust

demeaning comments and attitudes and jealousy

Emotional abuse is the hardest type of abuse to recognize when you look at those two

descriptions ask yourself

What kind of relationships have you been in in the past have you ever seen a healthy relationship?

Have you ever been in a healthy relationship? That's mutual love listening caring sharing safety security


Them are all great words

And they're all great things to think gonna happen but most of the time in most relations is total 100%

stress and like I said between the ages of 19 and

25 there's almost a hundred percent chance that these things are gonna. End and you're gonna develop

conditions from that including heart problems

Mental issues these things

Psychologists never talk about these things

Health care professionals never tell you about these things those stats that I just gave you should be

Alarming to you

It should be alarming to you

There are not too many really healthy relationships in it, and it's usually

Emotional abuse and it's the hardest type of abuse to recognize and overcome

Because it scours and the scars are invisible to the naked eye

Unlike physical and sexual abuse that you will get from hey if she brings home

Gonorrhea AIDS blah blah blah all those things that I mentioned up there, and those huge stats eight hundred and twenty

Thousand people in America. That's a that's a staggering stat

The long-term effects of emotional abuse and and relationships can be lasting and devastating

Even the effects of abuse to a person for the rest of his life for the rest of his life

We see that so much around here

just broken people coming around after doing these toxic and taxi involving ourselves in toxic relationships and

Then after all this we get these deviants that come around and they shower us with logical


Fallacies like having sex is healthy, and if you're not doing it. You're not a man

After all these things. We've

Experienced these these retards come around here with them kind of logical fallacies

You can there's just a million different bad things that happen in these toxic

relationships from disturbed sleep patterns to increase risk of heart problems


Relationships can do damage and will do damage to your body your mind and your fuckin soul

ask yourself honestly when have I ever had an

honest relationship as described in that healthy relationship

There's always little pieces and parts of stress now the next policy

I want to talk about here is the sex policies that include is a stress reduction?

People that often in these relationships. They have what I call the rehydrate

Fighting f fight and have sex fight and have sex because most

Relationships as I as I said

Are going to be high and healthy at?

Some points and healthy at other points so your so your your f enough your F. And F

your f & F that mice thoughts about this is

We see preggers University and the people that come around here, and this is the second policy

I wanted to talk about they says oh if you're in a marriage

That you can have a partner that you get the abuse and user has a penis pocket every night

And you can take out your sexual frustrations and all your sexual frustrations

And your stressors on that and abuse it every night, but my question to this thing is

My question to this thing is why do you have the stress to begin with

Where exactly did that stress come from it?

Probably came from the actual relationship that you're been in maybe huh, yeah

that's where it came from right if you're a healthy individual if you're a make tao a

Healthy bachelor your stress levels are gonna be way down. You're not in those relationships

you don't need to have stress if your stress levels are so high that you have to take it out on some person at

Night with a whole you're a sick individual, and you need to go get help with that deviance problem of yours

And you need to reduce stress some way else

Because if you are in a relationship, and it's a stressful relationship, and you're doing the F and F

And you're knocking that off to reduce stress. That's where your stress is coming in anyways and

Basically shouldn't be in a relationship

And if you're using that as an excuse like pregger university use that as an excuse. I will say you're an ass

Who that's my monologue I

Know that was pretty harsh you're pretty extreme most people don't want to hear that we get pounded around here with

Logical policies that make no sense

They're gonna tell us that STDs don't exist they're gonna tell us that toxic relationships

Don't exist all of its head happy butterflies in unicorns running around these fields of joy

That is not true

Having sex is one of the most harmful things

you can ever do to your body from skin tears the pelvic tears to pops in your in your

In the formation of your penis - and we all have that happen where you just it just pops

And then you have a bruising and marks from


bacteria -

To new diseases that don't get healed by by common chemicals that they use in that pharmaceutical

That's a pharmaceutical of big pharma now

There's a lot of risk involved in this there's a ton of risk and it's not just

STDs or harm or abuse or

catching some disease and or you there's a ton of them that I haven't even gone gone over chlamydia and

Certain brain diseases that come from that there's there syphilis untreated syphilis

Well you're gonna die a mental retard after that stuff, and we didn't even go over those things

The numbers are staggering and you want to put yourself at risk to this

Because some ass on the internet came over here and said Oh all healthy guys have sex

And if you're not you're not healthy no, I'm a healthy man. I

Choose not to do things that I see as risky

And when I look out at the state of this country when I look out at the state of our use and an unbelievable

Horrible abhorrent behavior of females in this society I

Don't want to put myself at that kind of risk

I'm probably the most logical person in the world, and I'm sure a lot of you guys are really logical people about this, too

To be had by these simple stupid


policies that they bring to us at a moment's notice at

anytime during the day without going over simple like I said conjunctions disjunction x'

Conditionals compounds by conditionals tautologies and equivalencies without even knowing none of that stuff. I just go

Asses these people. I don't want them around here

And I'm getting to the point where I'm just gonna start banning every single person that says it's healthy they have sex

Because that's the stupidest thing you could say

It's lethal

It's retarded and it shows a sure lack of intelligence

We simply put ourselves at these as is bar

The monks code was a bar it goes from one end to this other end that they say

Just start at the risky and in going deep from that. We're putting ourself at the safe. End of the bar. It's always

Always better to start at the safe end of the bar

And just keep that risk out of yourself here and make how we talk about

We often talk about health we often talk about you know riding a bike instead of

Instead of using a car we often talk about you know the testosterones the weight loss the BSO oil

You know things like that these things are going to come very naturally most make tiles work out

They ride a bike they live very clean and healthy lies

They do everything in moderation they moderate their sex they moderate their drinking

They moderate everything they do they don't put themselves at risk if you want to talk about true health

True health you have to practice true health and one of the statements data

That's gonna get you very unhealthy like in your life is

If you believe that sexual fallacy is healthy men have sex no

Because when you look at the eight hundred and twenty thousand people out there right now

Running around America's four hundred thousand. That's one quarter one

Quarter of our of our population are very unhealthy men running around here right now

Thinking that yeah, I had sex that made me healthy no

They had sex and it made them unhealthy and it's just a fucking fact

There's the mic drop

I'll quit preaching

Hello, people. How you doing today? I?

wanted to push that through very very

Harshly, because it's it's it's so important in here in Macau. It's it's very important for us to

To consider all these all these stats you look at them every single day you can go to your

local FBI your Bureau of Statistics here in America you can go on the internet at any time you want and

In check these stats you can check the rate of the false rape stats

one of the things that drives me crazy about

About the stats that come out the one enforced at what it really is is one in

1687 can you get that stat, can you do that yeah?

It's gonna take a work you go over the FBI and you take a nineteen thousand some accusations of rape before it comes down

It's gonna be

You're gonna put that to to

To the population of the United States only one gender because you can't include other gender because once or once to

and you take that and you put that and then you uh

You you do your division you you look at it you if you as you go down farther?

You're gonna see that so many of these things 75% of these things are dismissed

For no proof or backing off or proof or it's just she lied now

I consider every one of that 75% of false accusation by the time this thing gets down to the ones that were

that actually went to court and

Were punished it comes right right around eight to six percent of that nineteen thousand

And if you take that number and you take that with the population of the United States

the male population of the United States it comes out of somewhere

between our the female population at that point the United States one is two and one is four you got to remember that you

Take that and you do the division actual rape in the United States

with the full fold egg is it with the full fold number comes out the one in sixteen hundred and

eighty seven one in

1687 not one in four

There's a big difference there this town that I live in near this area

It has about that many people

And I haven't never never heard of a rape in my time in my county so you can see how these these these these

things these stats are

They're converted their their their their policies there's just something wrong and you can do the simple math

Every one of you guys can do the simple math just go to the FBI

page and start doing the math and

tell me what it comes out to be already know what it's gonna come out to be it's gonna color that was last year's I

Think or the year before I can't remember what I did it, but you know it might be a little different

But it's gonna sway right around that number one is sixteen hundred and eighty seven because I care, and I do do the math

But in America here, you can get stats for almost anything. We have one of the greatest

Bureau of Statistics

We do have the greatest bureau of statistics in the world we pay for it

They do a great job doing it and you can access those numbers anytime you want

You'll have to do a little bit of math and you'll have to do a little bit of logic - one in

Thousands and and stuff like that and put this stuff together, but you can do it, too

And then truly understand how screwed up some of these things that they say in the press are

Critical thinking skills yes

Yeah, we just have critical thinking those skills we do a second step our critical thinking skills in here

We don't take everything else surface value we go run out there, and we we find out these things we need to find out


Dissect the things people say to us

We dissect the fallacies

And we laugh and point at these people these retarded people that were coming around I wanted to do a little piece on on

emotions and and

Emotional intelligence and emotions with boys and young men's that are coming around I did notice something that was really scary

In one of the interviews that somebody was having this morning that the boy came out with a very unhealthy sort of thing he did

on the

When he was trying to do this one this exact thing that I was talking about here

He was trying to do that fallacy of healthy men and then he started laughing

vigorously for no reason at all and he was showing a real bit of unhealthy and then he backed it up with

this book by

emotional emotional health and stuff like that and then what he was doing was he was telling on himself that whole way down because

Basically he was infected by this stuff

He's out there running around doing all these abhorrent behaviors, and he's getting unhealthy one of the parts of uh

Sexual deviance and all that stuff when you bring that into your life

And if you don't believe us monks and everything is gonna be mental on health mental unrest lack of sleep

Stuff like that and then after a few of these relationships crash down on your heads

And you're you get shit stolen from him. You know thugs come to your house, and they kick you out

You're gonna be a little emotionally to serve that

After all that stuff, and if you continue to do that you're gonna end up with one of the like one of those

Pathetic old men sitting in a bar writing over there beer is at 72 years old wondering

Why they don't have a girlfriend in life and what they're really saying is why they never father?

never figured out how to be happy in life with their self and

These people are so emotionally disturbed and you have to deal with these people all the time

But there's one cure to this thing and it's the McDowell monks

However you appropriate that or do this thing in your life always start from the safe end of the bar

Clean up your side of the street

Do a deep introspection into your soul and see where you're acting on healthy see what's happening in your life

And what strings and these things that you need to do to start living a healthy happy lifestyle and mink Tao

And then and then after all that you can decide whatever you want to side it's none of my business like I say

Even if you say no, I'm not gonna do this actual thing oh yes, I am that's your choice your choice to

To take that risk if you want it

Personally at that point I would say don't bring it around us and don't tell us about it

We don't want to know about your risk-taking

Adventures and everything out there

Because it puts us at risk and it puts a lot of the guys at risk so I'd say have a little common courtesy

When they come around here, and that's one of the problems that you guys are coming around or pushing that stuff

Like like it gets pushed daily in the media like it gets pushed daily on the Internet

I can hardly open a page on the internet. That's uh

That it doesn't have some sexual

Innuendo for me to go out and get some baby mama and some some some fat-ass bitch or some

You know Asian girl or some Russian girl or this or that they pop up?

daily everywhere everywhere you look in the society you're getting pressured and

These are the people that don't think you have a right to say no

You've lost your right you have to put a baby in it you have to go out there and have a relationship

Because well half of their businesses rely on that in a divorce court business

that's over taking part of our government relies on that and

That's how they make their money with that lighter-than-air work. They're just like vultures around

broken and fractured

Relationships, and and they love it and they want to make more of these things happen

These are the hyenas the vultures in our society the Predators you have to watch out for

Being a big town being a meek town monk half of the job is gonna be watching out for risk and watching out for these


And they're gonna come to you in a lot of different ways

They're gonna try to explain things in

Rhetorical schemes that are gonna trick you into believing

Certain things like this young man - did today with a oh how healthy men have sex in it and then gonna shame you into

These things and I see a I see a lot of purple pillows out there

And I see Sandman and I see a couple of the other big guys

They rely on this moderate sort of view that relies on this argument here and a fallacy of this

Argument, and they're never willing to take that step in the make tower. They're being totally honest with ourselves and saying no

That's unhealthy behavior, and I won't put up with it. Oh

Yeah, it's gonna be unpopular half the simps and half more than half the steps and in a blue

Pill guys in a purple pill guys are all gonna run away from that because that's too hard for them to get into their

Stupid little brains that they are at risk

But in Macau. I think it's about honesty. I think it's about integrity

I think it's about becoming better men to be more healthy and happy men being better

Suited to be successful in this society

Bringing risk into your life if I was gonna hire someone and I was a CEO of a company and I wanted to hire

person that was uh

That was a good man that I know they're gonna get the job you know what I'm gonna. Do a risk assessment on him

That's the first thing. I'm gonna do is a risk all companies do it, and if he's putting himself at risk

he's not gonna get him job because he's never gonna get anything done and

basically, I'll have to replace him someday because he's gonna put himself at risk and he's gonna get caught that traps gonna go off a

Lot of companies do what most companies do it. I think most people should do it from the beginning, but we get complaints about

social justice and everything about uh about

That stuff and whether you're allowed to do a risk assessment on an employee to make sure he's a safe person in his life

To make sure he's safe to work at your company

Hello everybody that came in today hello, Joey who's all in there actually that yeah

That uh

The check page is moving quite swiftly today. Hello independent Pete guy hello

Savage mgtow. Hello lethal McTell

Hello, Joey, Aragon hello. Uh a my buddy mhm

Hello mortify hello uh

Know who else is in here

Blah blah blah blah blah blah we have a new guy in here ex some dirt, and I think that's how you dirt

And yeah from Fight Club huh, yeah?

hello, everything vincible summer always good to see an invincible summer I

Keep going up Ben baller Koster hello Ben

Probably Varitek aces somewhere in there and hello everybody hello Grizz for stopping buying them and that

Congratulations on that five thousand two grizzly

He does a good job, and I like his stuff, and I think he's uh. I think he's a great guy in hello double J

Hello, uh

Let's keep going up and

Blah blah blah if anybody if I missed anybody, I'm sorry I missed you and


Yeah, thanks Grizz and thanks for thanks for sticking it out around here

I know it was toughest for you for sometimes you had just wanted to

Explode, but you got to the five thousand now you can work for ten thousand a week increase the size of McDow

I think honesty is the best policy and a lot of these things and grizzly does a great job

And he's honest about what he does and it also reflects and is working as his some sometimes

I honestly like in my point

I take the opinion where I take it a little too far sometimes and truth hurts

and I scare more people away than I yeah, I actually bring in because of my salty ass attitude, but

But uh congratulations on that and hope you grow I hope you grow to Sandman size and take that over

That's the plan yeah, hello Zeta

We were talking about the risk of sex incest assessment and all that today and the de Blasio fallacy that

That these guys draw on that. Oh, it's all healthy man

Healthy men have sex and you hear that a lot in here

And you hear that coming from the boys if you're healthy you almost have to do that

And if you don't do it too somehow somehow in their minds that that if you're not doing it

You're not a healthy male, and that could be farther from the truth

the basic

Basically with all the stats that I brought and everything I did if you can't cope I'm not going to repeat them

but go back and

Eight hundred and twenty thousand people plus


400,000 people that were mentally unhinged in this United States

1.3 million, you know there's just a whole lot of risk out there and

We don't have a lot of uh when you start breaking it down from you know people 55 and over you deduce them people

51 to say 18 and you reduce them out

And then you reduce the percentage of 20% out of society you'll get to a number

that's about 40 million people that are actually doing this thing in and in our society and when you start thinking about the

outrageous stats and everything and how many people are getting STDs and how people are

Getting hurt violently attacked by their partners and all that stuff the risk is staggering in that

No one has to tell me that

House how the risk is and nobody has to tell me how painful it is at the end

I had someone tried to kill me at one of the end of the relationship

and I

Did deal with that thing for 10 years and when they come around and they start doing these logical?

fallacies what they're saying is show that doesn't happen and that's not real and

and yes, it does happen and it happens more than you think and you're putting yourself at more than just the risk of a

Scrape or a bruise some of these things are gonna add stick with you to rest your life

if you're gonna do this thing at least take a

At least take you know measures to protect yourself use a condom if you're gonna do it

Choose a partner well

We all have chickenheads in our neighborhoods and other girls that run around and do that all the time try to not

Be with these people. They're they're feminists. You know feminists are over sexualized

they they just they just give VD and syphilis and gonorrhea like it's fucking candy and

You don't want to be around these toxic people and stay out of toxic relationships and toxic relationships

That's with anything in your life and like I said any kind of toxic relationship in your life is going to provide

Damage to your body

That's that's with a friend. That's with a girlfriend. That's with a mother

That's with a father or a son or a sister or brother or anything you have if you've got a toxic relationship in your life

You need to get help for that because you can have heart problems you can have sleep problems

You can develop mental issues and stuff like that

Here in Macau we don't allow those things, and if we notice some

If we notice a man that has this sort of toxicity in his life

We speak out against it, and we speak out and we try to help them out of that situation

And whether he wants to stay or not if he wants to stay in that there's one thing for sure to for certain

That's gonna damage him, but he can't stay around here and damage other men


With that I wanted to keep this one short and sweet and to the point

No no sex is one of the most dangerous things you can ever do in your and your in your life and

Introducing a female is the second most dangerous thing you're gonna do in your life

78% of

People end up divorced and harmed

Most men are gonna. You know end up getting all their stuff taken. That's gonna lead to earlier death

There's a lot of risk out there

And you got a you know forego a lot of that stuff and not buy into some of these

These logical fallacies that they tell you that our true

5050 divorce is not true. It's more like

78% a 90 percent somewhere around there

You know health sex is not healthy for you. It's one of the most dangerous things you can do in your life

Having relationships is involved with that that danger that will provide a lot of that's gonna provide a lot of risk for you

However you do it whatever you do in your make town, please

Please get a full-body condom get some armor and go out there and enjoy yourself in your life

Not doing these things

if you're such a shallow person that

You can't have a happy healthy life without doing those things with women. You're fucking a moron and

Any people that bring that around here? They're morons, and I don't want morons around here. Especially in my area

Yeah, sex is for procreation it has one thing. It's for broke. That's where babies come from that's it

It's not for enjoyment. It's not for sex reduce. You don't make her into a penis pocket

You don't

humiliate another person like that

And if people are doing that well, that's just them they're sick people

We're not part of that crowd and with that I

Think I'm gonna wrap this up short and sweet because I think everybody gets the point

We're better than that and that's why they hate us because we are better than them

Thanks a lot man. Thanks a lot for being meek Tao. I know shining hates this

But thanks a lot for being meek Tao make Thao

For more infomation >> Its healthy to have sex fallacy -Mgtow - Duration: 40:22.


"I'm Not Sure That You Have to Be Trump to Beat Trump" - Duration: 15:16.

For more infomation >> "I'm Not Sure That You Have to Be Trump to Beat Trump" - Duration: 15:16.


Lindsey Graham On DACA: President Donald Trump 'Is Right To Have A Heart For These Kids' | TODAY - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Lindsey Graham On DACA: President Donald Trump 'Is Right To Have A Heart For These Kids' | TODAY - Duration: 5:33.


DACA Decision Will Have A Big Impact On Southern California Businesses - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> DACA Decision Will Have A Big Impact On Southern California Businesses - Duration: 2:33.


People with RH Negative Blood Type Have DNA Not From Earth! - Duration: 2:30.

All human blood types contain and are categorized by amounts of protein—except type RH negative,

that is.

Is it possible that human beings possessing the latter blood type are actually from Mars,

Venus, or elsewhere in the universe?

Well, since the known laws of physics breakdown past the horizons of black holes, truly anything

is possible.

But is it likely that RH negative blood has unearthly origins?

Only 15% of human beings have this strange type of blood, and what's more, these individuals

have been described as having strange personal characteristics as well.

Oddly enough, RH negative blood can be utilized by any human being in need of a transfusion,

but people with RH negative naturally coursing through their veins cannot make use of any

other type of blood at all.

Furthermore, the vast majority of these latter individuals happen to reside in northern Europe.

Even more fascinating are the facts that these people tend to have green or blue eyes, naturally

orange coloured hair, cool body temperatures, and sensitivity to hot temperatures.

More intriguing yet are claims that the physical, mental, and emotional awareness of these individuals

is heightened—and no, this is not a sneaky lead into an upcoming movie, or any sort of

promotion whatsoever!

In fact, it is widely known that pregnant women with type RH negative blood have extreme

difficulty giving birth when their babies also possess the same blood type; in this

situation, it is not a stretch to say the woman's body actually attempts to kill the

baby inside of it.

But is all of this enough to conclude that the Martian, Venusian, or other alien theories

are correct?

Perhaps a more important question to ask yourself is what will—or what should—happen if

one of the theories is true.

For more infomation >> People with RH Negative Blood Type Have DNA Not From Earth! - Duration: 2:30.


Texas Congressional leaders have Harvey aid on agenda - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Texas Congressional leaders have Harvey aid on agenda - Duration: 1:29.


Does Sessions have secret role in Dreamers decision? - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Does Sessions have secret role in Dreamers decision? - Duration: 1:25.


Items you need to have in your hurricane supply kit - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Items you need to have in your hurricane supply kit - Duration: 1:54.


Fellow Rookies Vote Lonzo to Have 'Best Career' - Duration: 5:10.

Fellow Rookies Vote Lonzo to Have 'Best Career'

From being drafted second overall to winning Summer League MVP, Lonzo Balls first offseason has been quite the success.

More accolades came his way on Tuesday, this time from members of his own draft class, who participated in the NBAs annual rookie survey.

Balls fellow rookies clearly expect success for years to come, as 18.4 percent of them voted that he will have the best career of the class, tying with Bostons Jayson Tatum for first in that category.

The rookies also see him putting on a show in the short run, as he took 200 percent of the vote for the Rookie of the Year prediction, placing him behind only Dallas Dennis Smith Jr. (25.7).

Its easy to pinpoint what about Balls game makes him so impressive to fellow rookies.

His world-class passing — which led the NCAA in assists last year and broke the Summer League assists record — also led them to naming him the class best playmaker with a whopping 71.8 percent margin.

That percentage is the second-highest of any question in the history of the rookie survey. Only Stephen Curry drew higher (79.4) in 2009s best shooter category, and its obvious how that prognosis turned out.

Second place was taken by Philadelphias Markelle Fultz, though the top draft pick only took 7.7 percent. A fellow rookie told survey takers: (Balls) basketball IQ is very high.

He knows where to be, he knows where his teammates need to be, and he knows whats going on at all times.

Hes the type of guy that anybody would want to play with. OFFICIAL: Lonzo Ball Named @nbasummerleague 2017 Most Valuable Player Kyle Kuzma was selected to the All-NBA Summer League Second Team A post shared by Los Angeles Lakers (@lakers) on Jul 17, 2017 at 6:21pm PDT Ball wasnt the only Laker to earn some praise from his classmates, as Kyle Kuzma placed in several categories.

The 27th pick tied for fourth in Rookie of the Year voting (5.7), making him the only non-lottery pick among the top five.

Kuzma — who hit 480 percent on 3-pointers at Summer League — also tied for fourth on the best shooter question (5.4) and was deemed fifth in the biggest steal category (9.5).

Like Ball, Kuzma is also expected to thrive for years, as he was among those who received votes for best career. Thirty points.

Give it up for @kuzmakyle A post shared by Los Angeles Lakers (@lakers) on Jul 17, 2017 at 8:52pm PDT Player: Lonzo Ball Player: Kyle Kuzma Media Content: Media Keywords: NBA, Sports, Los Angeles Lakers, Lonzo Ball, Kyle Kuzma, Los Angeles Lakers Media Thumbnail: Story Link:

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