Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily have Sep 24 2017

ok,ok,ok,ok im started

um um

For more infomation >> ????????????? i have noooooooo idea what this was... - Duration: 2:00.


Have You Ever Learned How To Concentrate? - Duration: 16:13.

hey what's good everybody this is Pastor Devin Stephenson, Pastor of

Christ we're always changing lives one mind at a time coming to you live not

necessarily because I was trying to get views this is actually that the think

the first time I've gone live especially using the phone at least if I can

remember but partially a test of making sure that I have this right but also to

I wanted to talk about something of importance and post something for you

guys that you guys can be able to look at and listen to at a later date so

prayerfully you guys will get something out of this whether you're listening

live or whether you're gonna look at this later I want to talk about

concentration and concentration is a huge deal there's a huge deal it's a

huge thing that we should make sure that we understand what's going on with it

that we you don't begin to really deal with what it is because a lot of things

are coming up about concentration right if you don't quote unquote concentrate

you are labeled with a DD or ADHD that was labeled with that because I couldn't

concentrate and really kids you know we say kids can't concentrate kids that are

not able to concentrate we're told to concentrate at work you're told to

concentrate in church it's all to concentrate when you're singing

concentrate when you give in the sermon concentrate to make sure that you're you

know that you're a good parent but the problem is is that nobody has ever

really taught you how to concentrate right so everybody tells you to

concentrate but nobody has told you how to concentrate so you're in this world

that you're living and trying your best to concentrate and you've never been

told how to do so right so it's it's a it's a weird thing it's like telling a

child to speak but they've never had anybody speak to them it's like telling

the child they could do their homework but nobody actually does the homework

with right so it's a very interesting concept

we're told to concentrate we are told to make sure that we are doing you know are

to use a piece of our mind to use our deductive reasoning to shut off pieces

of our brain to focus on things that are supposedly great for us and yet we have

never been taught how to do this it's very it's a very crazy thing you know as

somebody who was labeled as someone who had ADHD or a TD or whatever earlier in

life it was pretty interesting growing up in the school system and the society

that said where you can't concentrate we are not even going to see if you have a

different way of thoughts if there is something we can do to help you not put

you in a separate classroom but actually do stuff to help you to be able to focus

to be able to learn in a way that is great for you and also what we're going

to do is we're going to give you medicine now they gave me a time riddlin

was the big thing and so they gave me red limb and said since you are a DD

we're going to give you this medicine that is going to make you focus and I

you know to their credit I became somebody who could concentrate but I

could no longer now control what I concentrated on right so I would be

stuck looking at my pencil and I would be focused on number two I'd be focused

on the eraser I would be focused on the pinpoint or a pencil point or happy I

would be focused on should I sharpen it should I not sharpen it I focused on

everything and went around everything and looked at everything else except the

problem was is that they said I was concentrating but now the concentration

went to where I had no awareness I had no consciousness of anything of any of

my surroundings all I could do was just focus on one thing at a time

and so when people talk about concentration concentration is more than

just being able to focus on one thing at a time

a lot of people don't even recognize that that's pretty foolish to say the

concentration is to only focus on one thing if you only focus on one thing at

a time then that means that you can't you know you can't walk and you can't

talk at the same time you can't listen to music and at the same time tie your

shoes that's not what concentration is I like to talk about concentration from

appointment from a standpoint of when we talk about concentration concentration

is like if you take something and you just concentrate like for example let's

talk about concentrated juice right concentrated juice or I take magnesium

and the magnesium is concentrated I have a bottle about this big but it's

concentrated so I can take a couple drops and even though the Bible is only

this big the couple drops suffice and then it's

almost like taking you know the normal 30 drops you're you know 40 drops in a

day because it's so concentrated it's so concentrated in fact then when you take

it it's very very much so like you're taking the bat by it you're actually

supposed to take it with water I just take it straighter than a ton and get it

like but an overload into the system I don't know if that's necessarily good or

bad but that's what I do with the magnesium but it's concentrated right so

it means that they've taken out a lot of the water they've taken out a lot of the

things that allow it to you know be dissolving something else or not to be

as strong as it is and so when you concentrate it you make it stronger you

make sure that it becomes uniquely itself you make sure that you try to

take out anything else besides just the magnesium or whatever you're

concentrated whether it be juice whether you know you get concentrated orange

juice you I don't know if you guys remember back in the day they used to

have the Donald Duck cans I think they still have them but I don't use them

anymore but you'd have you juice in the can or whatever it was concentrated you

didn't just open the thing and put all the stuff in your mouth it was designed

to where you took it took it out the freezer you let it thaw out some you

were putting inside your pitcher you put some mortar in there you mix it together

and you had what was concentrated now once the water hit it it began to be

able to affect people's lives so when we're talking

about concentration it's the same thought process in in the mind right in

your mind when you're talking about concentration when you're talking about

concentrating when you're talking about what is concentrated you have to

understand that concentration is not really focusing only on one thing or

being only at one place etc concentration is actually being in a

place in your life where how can I explain this concentration when you're

concentrated on something when you have concentration concentration is literally

you taking away a lot of the stuff that is taking away from the strength right

so when you're concentrating on your strong point let's say you're

concentrating on your speech you begin to try and block out all the other

things that are messing up your speech you try to block out what people might

be how people are looking at you you begin to block out your fears you try to

block out you know by preparation you even try to block out some of your bad

habits some of the things that you do where you see like all the time or you

go um or you you go you know what I mean you know what I'm saying you know what

I'm saying you begin to block these things out because you are concentrating

so much on the speech on your speech pattern so you are concentrating you're

bringing everything to a focal point now the focal point doesn't mean that you

were only laser focus that's the only thing you can do it simply means that

you were taking out as many items that are going to be a distraction as

possible so that is really what's happening with concentration and a lot

of us have never learned how to do this well none of us have never learned how

to use our minds and how to have mind maps or how to do deep breathing how to

debrief ourselves how to figure out what are the things that we're doing even

simple exercise it's like going back in your life looking at a wedding or

something like that looking at a program that you were part of looking at a

football game in your mind right that's concentration to take your

mind off of what's going on today and to sit there and say okay two years ago I

watched the football game Pittsburgh Steelers were playing

or was it two or three years ago I'm not even sure but you know a few years ago

Pittsburgh Steelers are playing they're in a tough game they make it to overtime

first play of overtime Tim Tebow wins the game he throws a pass I remember

being shocked you know I can concentrate on and I can remember the moment I was

in I could remember him you know doing the T bound right in and running to his

players I can concentrate but then as soon as I come back I also can remember

okay there's a car center in front of me there's a white wall behind me you know

there's a light in front of my face I'm holding my phone you know I'm going live

on YouTube these are things that are part of your concentration you're

putting these things together to be able to concentrate and nobody has taught us

that we've been taught how to deal more in distractions which means that we're

not concentrating we have so much stuff that's diluting what our focus is so a

lot of us we deal with distraction we did with our phone all day you know

we're on our phone constantly all day every day

texting writing you know writing emails nowadays we're doing everything we're

not even calling on our phones we're doing everything but we're playing the

latest video games we're trying to see you know who we can who we can Skype

through our phone or if that's too old-school you know what it using the

whatsapp app to talk to people so you can have stuff which making sure that

you are going through messenger but a lot of us have never learned how to

concentrate and then the problem is now not only have you never learned to

concentrate but you have children or you have people at your job or people who

are under you in whatever capacity and they do not know how to concentrate

either but you don't teach them because you don't know yourself so all you say

to him then is oh you need to concentrate but how do I concentrate

I've never learned I've never seen people who actually take time out to

concentrate I've never seen people who take time out to meditate I've never

seen people who take time out to ensure that they are able to get rid of the

minutiae the the the minut details in the day and be able

to squarely focus and concentrate simply on what is the focal point at the moment

matter of fact a lot of us do not even know what it is to have vision in the

concentrate on where you're going so that you can have purpose and everyday

life and lives if you're you've already made it to where you're going so

concentration is something that's key and I'm not gonna hold it much longer

like I said I wasn't trying to necessarily get views and all this on

this video so this will be posted later and you know people can put in the

comment section below whatever they see whatever they're getting out of it but

you know concentration is is huge and a lot of us have never been taught you as

a kid think about it you were always told I said this early but I'm gonna

reiterate this you were always told to concentrate but nobody ever taught you

how to concentrate all the classes that you ever had you never had a

concentration class now concentration is what everybody asks you to do everywhere

all over the world whether your work whether at school whether you're a

parent whether you are a grandparent whatever you everybody you gotta

concentrate you must concentrate you bust concentrate but you have never been

schooled in concentration you've even gone to college and in college where

they're supposed to give you all these life skills to take what you learning

and you know in your in your in your you know your regular school and if you will

go and leave it up to college you never had somebody actually tell you what it

was to concentrate and be able to get ready to concentrate on a higher level

what it was to block out the white noise what it was to be able to do your best

and to be great you were never taught how to concentrate so you you know you

are told constantly to concentrate but you've never been taught and that like I

gave that just a little example earlier you're like take time out to actually

concentrate on what is happening around you when you wake up in the morning

before you just go off I got to go to work again you know I gotta deal with

these kids I wonder what my spouse is gonna do take time out to concentrate

and say okay what is it that I need to do today how is it that I need to be

different how is it that I can grow what is it that I can do to reach another

level and be in and be something better and greater and

more powerful than I have ever been before but take time out to start

concentrating to start making sure that whatever it is that you're focusing on

you're taking out all the extra stuff remember we use the example of juice and

things earlier in the magnesium the normally when you buy juice when you're

buying juice you're not just buying juice you know if you're getting Apple

and concentrated apple juice is concentrated apple juice is not

something that we you know that is necessarily concentrated I'm sorry apple

juice when you drink at apple juice is consist of water right it consisted if

you get pure apple juice in my consists of seeds skin all these other things or

whatever etc etc and the skin and everything is part of the Apple but you

know it's got water sugars all these different things or whatever and and

what they're doing is when they concentrating it you might get some

sugars naturally and stuff that are in the Apple but they're taking everything

out they're taking all the water that they can out they're taking everything

else so that when you eat that constantly when you get that

concentrated Apple you're getting mostly Apple itself you're not getting anything

else and you have to devote yourself to your craft until your life the same way

are you making sure that you're concentrated in your life when when

people are getting you they're getting mostly you and nothing else

think about that how many of us are married and can say honestly that four

hours a day when we're dealing with our spouse they're not getting us on the

phone they're not getting us thinking about what we have to do with the kids

they're not getting this thinking about you know how tired or whatever we are

they're not getting us thinking about okay I'm gonna act like I'm paying

attention to you then I'm gonna go to bed no they are getting a hundred

percent us they are getting concentrated us this is something I'm still learning

by the way and I want to become better at but but this is this is stuff that's

real this is stuff that's reality this is stuff that we need to focus on this

is stuff that we need to make work we need to be concentrated we need to

concentrate on who it is that we are concentrate on what it is that we are

concentrate on being better so that we can be the change that this world needs

to see so hopefully you guys got something out of this video as I said I

wasn't going to take too long on this is I think the first live video

I've ever done but I just wanted to make sure honestly besides testing it out I

just want to make sure I got this video out to you guys and I wasn't trying to

make sure I was in a specific place but as you can see I'm just outside in the

garage you're here or whatever but I wanted to make sure you guys understood

the concentration was and you know if you guys have any questions comments or

concerns as always put the stuff in the comment section below if you want to

email me or if you want to look at us look us up on Facebook or on Twitter to

see if you can ask more questions or be more involved in what we're doing that

way or even ask us to come out to something feel free to look in the

description box for all that information if you'd like to give us a donation

whether it's offering or time or even if it's just saying we want to help you to

give Bibles out food out we want to help you with the Thanksgiving program but

when I help you to donate toys and do things for kids go out to the streets

etc that's what we do and we put stuff before on videos where we show you what

we do I'll try to make sure at the end of this video that you see you know that

that you can actually click on it'll be a picture of a chair in some dirt and

you can actually click on that to see some of the stuff that your money goes

towards but thank you guys so much for joining I appreciate the king and queen

and each and every one of you as always I'm past the death of the fastest

observers of Christ were always changing lives one mind at the time this year in

2017 is a year of freedom we're gonna be free to be ourselves and equal to nobody

else so until I had the chance to be before you again once again thank you

very much thanks for joining and continue to like share and subscribe and

I wish you Shalom which means peace

For more infomation >> Have You Ever Learned How To Concentrate? - Duration: 16:13.


Beauty Contest , Suddenly Have The Man See Each Other Naked For The First Time | Beautiful Girl - Duration: 0:27.

Like & Subscribe Please

For more infomation >> Beauty Contest , Suddenly Have The Man See Each Other Naked For The First Time | Beautiful Girl - Duration: 0:27.


'I probably wouldn't have reported,' says sexual assault survivor of campus rule changes - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 'I probably wouldn't have reported,' says sexual assault survivor of campus rule changes - Duration: 2:35.


Nibiru 24th September 2017 Update, The meteorites have begun falling, See before it's too late - Duration: 50:41.

Thank you for watching videos Subscribe to channels - LIKE - SHARE to track channel

Thank you for watching videos Subscribe to channels - LIKE - SHARE to track channelThese meteorites are coming in on the day of the Lord from this planet right here in the bureau

Who still has got a trillion?

Meteorites in it that is going to crash to the earth in a couple of months

And this is the sound that you're going to hear

Even the small ones like this

Make a huge noise a sound similar to a car crash

And that was a larger one as you saw the smoke in the sky, and we'll see the results of a small one

That was loud smoke

So this guy's gonna walk up on a meteorite

You know the size of a 50-cent piece

But look at all the damage that it did and when we got

Trillions of these are spending a pound of Earth look at the fire that fire is not going out

You know and it's in dirt and anything going on

So we got trillions of these finna hit the earth, and you know

People is rejoicing to see the day of the Lord


Just just that little thing if it hits you, it's gonna be so much pain

I mean that little thing right there might just destroy you that's all it takes and

These things are supposed to be 70 pounds and more seventy talents

Says the scriptures then we're gonna get it to a larger one

This is a larger one

And then we'll see the damage that a larger meteorite can do when it hit the earth?

So this like I said, it's gonna be a loud boom with thee

And then all of a sudden you know

Fire and destruction so around outside you get something

I like this maybe a little bit bigger than this but look look how that thing is burning

And I keep trying to tell you these are fires from hell

Fires from hell, that's what it is

And they just continuously burn you can spray that with a fire extinguisher. That is not going out folks

It will not go out

Okay now let's get into a bigger one so if you get something around this size right here

Imagine the noise in the boom that is gonna make when it when it when it hits the earth

And then you got something like this

Grow up me jealous

You gotta

Give em photo spits Island, Canada Club

- I

Took the girl seconds nigga nipping out - it requires

Great it wasn't a glutton

Most of the cheapest shit Vietnam it was favorable change

Not like I said a trillion of these is gonna pound the earth into powder says revelations

Now you get something this big

coming down

And I'll just trying to make you understand the day of the Lord in this fiery

Mist that's gonna come upon the earth look at this

What we gonna do with that folks

What if that was your house or your neighborhood right here?

Can you not see that that's hell?

Can't you see that Hill is coming?

You know this is fire and brimstone for real. I don't know what kind of joyous Christian

Mentality y'all got but like I said

I've been kind of I've been serving the Lord for

You know two decades and this is a fearful moment for me I

See you guys. You know clapping and who Ryan and who ran and then a filled with joy

Over this coming we have to experience this we got to hear all those booms

You know many bones is gonna be this earth gonna be shaking like fuckin hell, and we're gonna be scared shitless folks

so I don't know what to tell you after this except for you know that y'all should repent because you


the fire hill

You cannot and basically this is coming

And I don't believe anybody is really ready or the sights that we are about to see wrapping those

Two discs of two hours each, it's a four hour

information a disc educational discs on

What we're getting at right now

I have included in their live footage and photographs of the underground facilities the drills the

Locations and everything I'm going to talk about tonight is completely documented in

the visual DVDs that are a bit available so

If you want to know what's going to happen

and I'm getting around to the point of what we are actually talking about here when you want to know all of it and

Understand what's taking place?

Get this DVD. It'll it'll

Completely set you back on your heels so now let me get back to subject matter

we've got all these underground facilities and

These giant drills that the Chinese one. I was talking about I want to finish that the Chinese they have a drill that is

Actually three drills across face the front end of your facing them. They're like huge

circular drills

the one on the left and the one on the right are big enough for an

18-wheeler to drive

into the hole that one of them would make

They have one drill that is one of those huge drills on each side and then in the middle is

one larger drill

That if you were inclined to do so you could stack an 18-wheeler on top of another

18-wheeler and drive in through that thing so you have three across the face of the

Drills that they've been using in China I do have

photographs of inside the Chinese tunnels I

Have the information and pictures on the ones that Russia and we have of course?

The complete actually live footage of inside the tunnels and the underground hideouts in

the United States

Some of these are created where they are primarily going to


greens and foodstuffs


Complete set up greenhouse

configurations underground to be able to continue fresh vegetables and

animals and fish

Underground in these specialized growing facilities and again. They're all

Interconnected by highways big enough to have drag races on them

And they're mind-boggling I do have a couple of these photos that I'm talking about are on my website

You actually can go look up the website

And then look where it says

Photographs and a photo gallery. I think is what it says and we have

several photographs

wonderful pictures of down inside these facilities that have been totally filled with


survival foods now

I'm still when I was investigating this I was still in a quandary

What in the world on earth would it be to cause these people number one to stop?

Stealing as much as they were for their own pockets and start putting all this money

Into these rat holes

underground these survival facilities

which includes by the way one that recently had been completed under the the

Capitol building

that will hold 3,000 people and

They've expanded

underground facilities at the White House and other words not evenly in other words entire facilities for living

That weren't there before that are now under the White House not that the president's ever going to be there because more than likely

He's going to be long gone, but before the stuff hits the fan in one of the bigger better facilities

They had taken the new rad facility which is the one that's inside

The the Granite Mountain for 40 years it's been there that was always there in

Doing all the newer red warning facilities


The possibility of an invasion a nuclear invasion are there from either, Russia or China

You know and worried about it for so many years about that

And they had built this a huge underground NORAD facility and by the way some of these are like 20 stories down

20 stories down into the ground. We're not talking about one level

You know it's like really hard to comprehend

But the new rad facility a little while was

Taken apart they took all the high level electronic tracking devices and equipment and moved it into another

Airbase a little several miles away

I think it's called the Peterson Air Base just off the top of my head all of this again is in the

DVDs that I'm talking about

Everything we're talking about is covered in the DVD

By the way, it's called Nibiru

The incoming of Nibiru is what the title of the DVD is

Because what they're lining on you're guessing

excuse me I

Was seeing that on your website order the new incoming the beauty from this border

Right and that's the one that literally is four hours. It's rather tedious and believe it or not we had cut it down

Like an hour and a half, and and I hated to do it. I had to take so much out, but the bottom line is

Everything will be explained very thoroughly and completely in this DVD

We try to answer every

Possible question that would come up now. Let me get back on track. Here's where so I'm sitting here, and I might say well

What what would it be?

That would scare the leaders of all these nations

So badly that they actually would be

building facilities for themselves with our money of course

Being kept completely secret for the most part and people kept completely away

You can't go to these and by the way I do have a list of the locations of most of the facilities on my website

Where they are in America

But what is it that would ever?

scare all the leaders of the world

to go about creating and to spending this money for 20 years and

Somebody came to me and at a high level and and simply said


Know it's probably

planet x

nibiru and

And you know and I said well, I said all I heard about that you know

everybody had heard a little bit about that that thing and it's one of those things we

Automatically when somebody says you know this is called Planet X because it's a that's Roman numeral 10

Actually, it doesn't mean X like in mysterious

It actually means Roman numeral 10 for the tenth planet and that it's on this huge


Orbit going way out

past Pluto and then coming back in and that is like a three thousand year orbit an

Elliptical orbit, and it will be coming back through

Well again. I like everybody else I

You know I I didn't even want to hear it because I thought oh this is one of these things that

When somebody says it you expect somebody Alex or in the background you want to listen to?

Did it it it it? You know you wanted to hear the spooky music to play background when somebody starts talking about

Quote-unquote Planet X coming back, but the bottom line was this I asked a couple people I said

Is there any possibility to it is there a truth to this thing wait?

Who's studying this where can I find out about this thing? I mean if this is

And that's because then it did make sense if in fact there was something like a huge


intergalactic kind of a situation on its way in

That did make sense as crazy as it sounds when you first hear it

But it only sounds crazy, if you don't know anything about it, so I spent about nine

months doing

Contacting getting with everybody that ever had had had written a paper on this thing to find out if it was real

Astronomers and all the stories connected with it, and I found out about a fella named

Sitchin who back in the 60s

Had said that he had

deciphered two thousand clay tablets from the nation of Sumeria

Many years ago and in the 60s the clay tablets were four thousand years old and

Once they deciphered them it tells a story in great depth of this planet x nibiru

coming back around

every 3,600 years and that was what caused noah's floods and

That that was what caused all these

biblical descriptions of the

stars falling from the sky and killing a hundred thousand soldiers

back during the time of the israelis and the

all of the biblical

references to a thing called wormwood

which is this giant planet that would return every once in a while to destroy and clean off the face of the earth and


I'll summarize it by saying this after going contacting the people getting all of the information I could from

every possible direction



biblical scholars

etc it's

I came to the conclusion that there is no

question that


Planet X is on its way back in

That Ronald Reagan

Discovered it was given the information by his people

And George Bush


1983 that was when everything started changing that was when they finalized all these started

Finalizing and completing these tunnels and that's what it is all about

All the money has gone into

Constructing these survival facilities and filling the facilities with foodstuffs to

Maintain the elite limited whew they're going to have tickets to get down

underground when the stuff is about ready to hit the fan and when

Nibiru comes back around and

By the way, here's the here's the problem and there's nobody in the world

Yet, has since I've been talking about this and now for about 60-90 days

Since we've released the DVD

We've not had a single person that can answer the question

Why are they building the underground?

Facilities and why have they filled them with?

foodstuffs so that they were ready as of last month as

Of the beginning of this year that the foodstuffs and the facilities are like

98% done

Why are they putting the foods in today?

If because a lot of people say oh it might be fifty a hundred years. No

It's not it's on its way back in they would not fill it with the foods

they would not be stealing all the gold and stealing all the money and

Putting it into these underground facilities so that if it happened next week

that they would be able to

Get underground okay, and then it would be filled it is already filled all of them are ready for use

Tonight as I am speaking all these facilities are ready

And if there's anybody that can come up with a different reason I want to know about it because here's what's happened I

Contacted two major groups so to speak. They've been doing the

Following the Planet X thing long before I even knew it existed

I got to tell you they've been following this thing for long like thirty years twenty years

They agree they

Disagree on a couple of things, but they agree that it will be coming back probably in less than five years it

may be coming back as early as

Being first seen

next December this coming December

that exactly what I heard an

Inside source told me that it's likely going to happen at the end of this year

Yes, here's the and now now again there are Spears

There are a couple of disagreements in terms of a lot of little technicalities and which all makes sense and they all are very

Intelligently logical and potentially proper the

consensus is the earliest time would be that it would be visually seen in December as a

new star in the sky out

there someplace wherever

And coming and getting bigger every week and that it would pass that's again now

I'm talking December January February

March and that it would be cloak coming closest to

causing the problems to earth in

March and April

Alright, so be seen in December. It would be coming in and

Then it would it what's basically what's going to happen it will

and by the way this planet is been calculated to

Be five times the size of Earth

So it's probably ponds know. It's physically well course actually nobody knows

I wouldn't argue what I'm saying is that the bulk of the guys had doing the astronomers that have done

the the physical reaction that it has caused

Outlying planets etc things of that sort they can calculate mass and blah blah, okay, but also

going by the


the description of the size of it that has been documented in

every single


Scripture that goes back a couple of thousand years. It's in the Bible. It's in


the all the oriental

astronomers actually wrote and tracked it coming around

back in the the year ten thousand fifty seven

what and they kept track of it they logged it in the the monks on the

Mountainside in Tibet logged it in all of these people that have to hand the Sumerian clay tablets

All right

And then there's another fantastic piece that I won't get into too much that I do explain in the DVD

But there was a a bronze

Plate that's called the sky disc that was located in a Germany in

Germany it is dated to the Year

3,600 years ago

3,600 years ago they did this disc and it's the equivalent of it's about 12 inches across

it's made of bronze and

highlighted in gold

Laminated in gold and it shows the the solar eclipse, and it's completely dated

Because it shows the locations of constellations and stars which in today's


Astronomy you can take those stars feed them into the new computer programs

And it will tell you the exact day

To the day that this thing was created and what it is is actually a picture if you will

You call it if it was done with paints. It would be a painting. It is a plaque a disk plaque

12 inches across that has a picture of the Sun the moon

Star constellations in their locations and the fact that it's a solar eclipse taking place

But you can see both the Sun and the moon

So they know that it was not the moon doing the Eclipse and it is Nibiru

But the big deal is the exact date of this thing was

3,600 years ago when it was created it was discovered at an ancient site

Similar to Stonehenge. I only presented this before

only it was only was in Germany and

They had this disk

etc and I go in all that and I show it and I have pictures of it in all the resets the business at the

Museum and da-da-da-da-da although all of that is also in the

It's one of the reasons that the the TV said if the DVD set is four hours. It's because I wanted to cover

Everything that's connected

And I start out with the money and come right on up to the the day that this is expected to be coming back


The people that have been studying it from an astronomical science view have decided first up again

We get back to size

calculated it's to be

Okay, well I mean when we put this way judge, and that it's either three to five times size

But the feeling is it's probably as big as five times the size of Earth it

Also, has like four moons of its own. It's a it's like a secondary system

with the four moons traveling with it and

Coming back together as a group now


devastating part of this thing is a

combination of things

There will not be a collision of it hitting earth

That's not going to happen period I mean I did might, but that's not the feeling

but it will cause a

eclipse of the Sun at one point in time at least

when it comes in it will go

it will come in and go around the Sun the same as a

Typical comet will do Halley's Comet comes in 75 years

Every 75 years goes around the Sun goes back out, and he doesn't come back for 75 years

There was a comet that was discovered a few years ago was called the hale-bopp comet


came close by passed behind the Sun in

1997 if I'm not mistaken

And it will go it came

ninety seven went around and went back out now that one and this is important that one is on a

4,200 year

orbit and the reason I say, it's important was when I first heard that the Nibiru would be possibly a

3000 year comet or a 3000 year orbit

not being

Tremendously schooled in astronomy at that time

I thought now that's kind of goofy, but you know you're trying to tell me this thing goes out

You know one thousand eight hundred and fifty years, and then comes back one thousand eight hundred fifty years. You know to


Three thousand year orbit, I said wow that sounds stupid

But when I found out that the hale-bopp is on a longer one of four thousand two hundred years

Well, then I was wrong

That's not stupid because it's a reality in terms of the traveling of a comet

Now this thing is not a comet. I have to reiterate this so its tail

and this thing will have a tremendous tail dragging behind it of

space junk

Meteorites and big pieces of rock and what have you being dragged along behind this thing?

Believe it or not Halley's Comet the tail is twenty four million miles long

Now the Nibiru the Nibiru

Tail which against is not going to be frozen ices and pieces of dirt?

It's going to be meters and meteorites if you will when it comes in

Passes around the Sun

Then the earth on its regular orbit will pass through the tail

two times

So we will be bombarded with

asteroids and things of that sort pretty good sized stuff

Two different times the first time when it goes around behind the Sun

And then we will pass through the tail and then we will continue going around it will pass and most likely go

Back out again, and when it goes back out we will go one more time on our regular orbit through the tail uh

Actually a second time, and it will take according to the mathematics and the size and the angularity of this thing

passing through the tail it will probably take about one hour for the earth to go through the

Which is going to be a meteor storm like we've nobody seen since the time of the Bible I?

Remember studying up on what Nancy Lieder had to say from that are talking

She claimed that the Planet X is made out of mainly iron and that

The tail is made out of mainly iron dust and it's red and when it passes us

It's going to get the whole planet like dusty of course with the meteors and everything but it's yet

Water red, and and I and I pretty much agree with all of that

That I believe that to be totally true. It's always been depicted in all of the graphics

You know and by the way you know yet

Include you know stuff on the walls of cave cave walls for crying out loud on this thing

But the Chinese have pictured it and again the chinese

astronomers that did this back in the or

1050 or whatever it was when there when the chinese astronomers did their work for the emperor if

They screwed up or they did something that was considered to be an error

They cut their handle off. Yeah, okay. Yeah, they just cut their heads off

So yeah, you know you're not talking about

You know this isn't a hoax that somebody made and came up with 3000 years ago case where those of us said

Have to realize you know these people weren't screwing around with putting together

Crazy hoaxes back in the year. You know

2000 but so

in terms of coloration

It has been depicted for many years and in many many

scriptures like I say you know from the hillsides of the Tibetan Mountains by the monks a

Thousand two thousand years ago or whatever. I've read okay. Yeah. They de pere they depicted

They've all depicted it with a red tail glowing off on two sides

I would completely agree the likelihood of it being

Iron ore

Blowing off of this thing as it travels

You know through space that would make it look like it had two red wings coming off of it

and that's very likely and

Again there, also is of course

Talking about in the Bible when this thing comes back around it describes the eclipses of the Sun etc

and it talks about the waters turning red and

If we go through

What literally would be a rain shower of?


Actually iron or dust it which is orange that basically is is probably exactly true

In terms of the water would all be covered you know although it could be other things on on the water now

Here's what we're looking at people say, you know. How's it going to effect and also it's two important points

One is people want to know

Is there a when will we feel the effect of it all right if you watched the news?

Last night you saw one of the effects of it

the weather

For the last two to four years on the globe

Has been the most bizarre weather in a thousand years?

All right

in terms of drought

rain floods

The earthquakes, this is a great one that nobody paid attention to

Going back a couple of years ago

It started up, but there are like 35 to 40


erupting today

Today in the globe all right now. They're not making the news

Well, they actually they do every once while you actually see ABC and NBC saying oh

The big one is blowing up in Iceland

they just had another one back in in Japan, and they had another one in the

in India

But if you went in it did serious just looked at the geological

Reports you'll see that they have as many as 30 to 40


Presently erupting they're marked as of erupting

Volcano all right, that's something brand-new at Yellowstone National Park

Last month, they always have a lot of small earth movement at Yellowstone

But last month they had I don't remember what it was it was like

200 or


Individual what they call swarms of earthquakes at Yellowstone?

They also in June in August this last year



became so hot at Yellowstone they had to block off about three or four miles of

the regular roadways

Because they had been turned into maple syrup from the heat under the ground at the Yellowstone Park

Right I remember hear about that - you know. I'm Kate. I'm actually - Wyoming as well


Additionally well in and I'm not too far. I'm in Idaho if it goes I'm outta here

Tell you that much any accidental positive note

I better read when I deliver this way that is why I'd posit. No it was not her up

Well, yeah, I I wouldn't I wouldn't take a ten dollar bet on that one, but here's the point

It's already also affecting

every planet in

The last two years every planet on in our solar system

Starting out by Pluto coming back in has started to change its temperatures. They're all going up

There are surface gases and dust storms on all of the planets are

Varied and are changing and altering and there are dust storms taking place that never took place in

Going back a thousand years all of the planets are being affected by something already

They are some of them are jiggling and moving and being

Affected in their orbits where they're they're coming around and going maybe a little farther out and then coming back or whatever

Final variations all right man-made global warming

Now right right for sure and by the way talking about the global warming. Okay this was

Officially declared as the hottest year in the history of the globe

This last year all right. That's a reality the bottom line is also

glaciers I did a serious study on the glaciers so because I got aimed by a

Variety of scientists over the last two years while I've been studying this thing when I would read papers etc

Etc and I would be turned to you know you know go to this look at this reference to this reference


The I studied an entire I think it was like a two-hour

Program done originally by a photographer

And then he brought in scientists because he realized what he was

Photographing and that was that the ice caps and these glaciers are melting

from underneath

The water is going is literally the melting is taking place from underneath and coming out

Obviously all the water that comes from the glaciers and etc

all of that eventually goes into the ocean and

In case you are not aware of and I bet you wonder as

We speak today in

Miami Beach a

Couple of about seven months ago, maybe even it may be a year now a year ago

But they they finally had to spend millions of dollars in Miami Beach

installing water pumps

Because the water has raised the elevation of the surf at Miami Beach

Has been brought up so high

All primarily to glacier ice melts that they during the high tide in Miami Beach

Every single day when they have high tide it is flooding

six five to six blocks into the city of Miami Beach and

They have had to

Excuse me

Let me get a drink here quickly. I pull alone

Okay, they literally have had to put

millions of dollars of pumps

To salvage the city of Miami Beach from the store so that the storefronts would not be destroyed now might not

become like, Indonesia

Its well end up and yeah the point is that the water has come up that high

You know you you know people say. Oh well

I don't think Island how much is it going to take before that melts and how long will that be ten years?

And at this rate and all that rating everything no baloney folks

It's done as we speak while I am talking now

The water is so high in Miami Beach that they had to put pumps in for the high tides every day

Today now they've been in there for at least six months, maybe even they eight or nine months now

Pumping of water they just automatically switch on at high tide and try to keep it out be honest

That's the last of the problems people in Florida don't have to worry about if you're in, Florida

It's not the best place you want to be or New Jersey or the West Coast well

Yeah, Florida. No Florida's even worse. I lived there. I lived in a

half of my life in Florida

And my son and one of my boys is there it works there

has been there for

a matter of fact you'll get a kick out of this he's a

he manages the biggest recording studio in the United States in Florida and been there for 30 years I

Used to be in a music business

I was the promotion director for the southeast part of the United States for MCA records I

introduced mom I

introduced I introduced, Elton John to the United States and

Been on the move on the road with the WHO and etc etc okay

As before the government decided to mess around with me

okay, so so much for that that the

Planet itself when it comes close enough

The it already is affecting the Sun the sun's going crazy all

Everybody's you know all these phony lying people out of NASA and everything they'll say gee we don't

Understand what's going on with this?

And we don't see we don't know why that's happening there lie and they know where it is

They know what it is by the way the Vatican knows what it is and is completely involved with

Keeping it as quiet as they can along with our corrupted governments


And I'll give you this a wonderful little story that again. I didn't know

until I got into this a couple of years ago the Vatican built a

huge infrared telescope

Alright, and they run it oversee it. It's being run and of course

Scientifically overseen by astronomers of the highest level, but it's located in Arizona

This is one of me, it's called Lucifer or something yes, sir, they named it Lucifer, and it directly relates to as

the same as Lucifer does it directly relates to

Nibiru the the planet coming back in that's going to cause so much grief and


You see it

Nibiru does not have its own light at all so it's a reflective body

You couldn't see it. If you if it was in outer space

With nothing between you and it and you looked out at night

You would not see it until

It reaches a point where it's going to pick up enough light like the reflection of the Sun

and then you will start seeing it twinkling as a star coming back to cause all of its grief I

fear that it will you only be able to see with the naked eye with two weeks before it passes and

WDAS it's actually passing that's when it's going to be taking up what nearly the whole sky

Well, yeah the the deal with it in terms in terms of its size again


five times the size of the earth and it's believed that it will come up and

will cause a solar eclipse again like I said for a brief period of time and

Because it will be between us and the Sun for a period of time

Then you know and people don't realize

It's so difficult to get a handle on this this people say you know why can't we see it if it's this big etc etc


The planets the planets are on of what's a fairly flat plane in the solar system

it's called the plane of the ecliptic and

If you put your right arm out straight out from your shoulder you say, okay?

That's parallel to the ground and that is the the plane of the ecliptic where all the planets give or take a few?

Hundred million miles so to speak they're all pretty straight flat on that and going around doing their orbital thing


And going around the Sun and then also the earth is revolving on its axis all the time

So you get double movement of the earth, and you have the Sun which is


Gigantic you know to try and do

To do a picture or a photo or something of that sort that would show it in in some kind of a realistic

Comparative size you can't do that the distances are too far

The the Sun is too large in diameter

Just just you know gigantic in its diameter now

Here's what's happening you put your arm out and you're representing out to the right of you

Representing the flat plane of the ecliptic if you go down about 12 or eight inches

That would be approximately 30 degrees

down our 30-degree angle

Off of the ecliptic flat plane it is said and this is where you have two different groups


conflict some of the

astronomers are feeling that

This is going to be coming up on that kind of a 30 degree of

Off of the flat plane that our planets are on in that case

You have no idea when you're first going to see this thing

See because it's not coming in like just you can just say

Oh, well look it would be to the right of Jupiter up there. You know or Saturn you look up there

It's just going to be to the right

You know no it may not be at all and and my understanding is that as we speak today?

That it's completely on the opposite side of the Sun so you wouldn't see it. No matter what?

so the idea of

You know somebody saying ah tell me where it is, and I'll find it because I'm really good with my telescope now

That's not going to happen and people just can't get a handle on that like you said

It will probably be seen in the sky like a star in


and then

coming back

I say coming in it will be getting bigger and bigger

Now and then March and April and the reason that I'm saying that is all of the studies

Going back when all of these previous?

sightings of this event

was always in the March and April period of time


What everybody is saying and most everybody that's been studying it agrees that?

It probably will be again March and April so that if it doesn't appear this next December in the sky

Which is considered to be most likely?

the second most likely date would be another full year on the calendar of the

Next year but it will be again

visual in


seriously passing close in March and April

Because those are the dates in the period of time that it always

Previously had passed so therefore. That's why we're not talking about August. We're not talking about next week

But they potentially are talking about next Christmas


visual as a star and then

March and April the problems

Now I go by I believe yes, sir. Sorry. I have a bunch of questions here

I mean um so I'm go ahead and ask ask. Let me see I can answer

Yeah, I mean uh because when this does come around. I would think the government. What is the government going to do?

I mean obviously are they going to try to bring about

Martial law to distract us are they going to shut down the Internet and the electricity or yeah

They're going to wait martial law and then no no it's my fact

Let me give you exactly what what I am sure will happen, okay?

And I'm just positive of this

And I would bet money, but you wouldn't be around for me to collect right now. Okay? I

Was going to happen right and oh, and I hope I'm wrong too

You can have me back in it in a year and you can say boy. Are you the jerk of the month? I don't know

You're the biggest fool. We've ever had on okay, and that's fine. I'll be glad to come back

But then I probably just be telling you you know hold your breath because next year is coming right all right

Anyhow the bottom line is with this thing they can never


Announce that this is even that this even exists. They would be the government cannot announce officially

That this thing even exists out in never-never land although

You know a lot of people missed it, but it was only a couple of I'm going to say sixty days ago


One of the big universities said they had absolutely identified two

giant planets out past Pluto

No, we're this. Yeah, okay, now. Let me get back to where I'm at

Here's the government they cannot at all

tell it at any time that this is coming the moment you ever did that there was an

Controllable panic on the globe and we're not just talking in you know in

New York City or Omaha, you know we're time, where are you guys located you're in none?

You're the east coast north is your value at the Poconos. Yeah. Yeah, are you up? The your token was okay?

I used to live in Asbury Park right so that's where my mom is very proud

Yeah, and unfortunately, that's that's dead City

At this point in time. It just got let me just got pulverized again, so they'll never rebuild it

I don't think anyhow okay, where were we so we get?

the the government situation I

They they absolutely cannot tell the world at any time that yep there

It is now believe it the Russians and the Chinese

They've had it on a regular news, but not to the extent of

You know go down in the basement because it hadn't hit back into town. You know

But they have reported it see and you know on several times in Russian television

They've been right on their news and they came out and say the whole you know the astronomers are watching this thing

And they're not sure and maybe this maybe that

But that's interesting we're not getting any of that or much of it

We do have a little of that too as a matter of fact so while I was doing that are they doing at the car

Game at night. Yeah, well - is that what it is nobody yet, has

gone to


What they've done so far as make fun of it okay?

But it but the point is this here's what they're gonna have to do and mark my words. This is what's going to happen?

sometime four months to six months prior to the point in time when

Thousands of astronomers are going to say we see a new star what's going on

For more infomation >> Nibiru 24th September 2017 Update, The meteorites have begun falling, See before it's too late - Duration: 50:41.


(FMA Brotherhood) Roy & Riza : Have Mercy On Me - Duration: 0:55.

You'll be able to shoot me in the back

If ever deviate from this path

then I want you to shoot me

and I am trusting you to do so

I'll follow you into hell if you ask me to

For more infomation >> (FMA Brotherhood) Roy & Riza : Have Mercy On Me - Duration: 0:55.


I have cancer prank on friends! - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> I have cancer prank on friends! - Duration: 2:56.


Do You Have What It Takes? - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Do You Have What It Takes? - Duration: 0:54.


DAY6 Young K - 이럴거면 그러지말지 (Shouldn't Have) || DAY6 Live & Meet in Jakarta 2017 - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> DAY6 Young K - 이럴거면 그러지말지 (Shouldn't Have) || DAY6 Live & Meet in Jakarta 2017 - Duration: 0:47.


Mayor Ginther: Police, community relations have never been more complicated - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Mayor Ginther: Police, community relations have never been more complicated - Duration: 8:13.


(News)7 Popular Actors Who Could Have Debuted As Idols Under The Big 3 Agencies - Duration: 2:54.

7 Popular Actors Who Could Have Debuted As Idols Under The Big 3 Agencies

There are various well-known actors, and possibly your bias, who could have walked the path of being an idol. But instead, they have flourished as talented and loved actors of South Korea.

Korean media Insight has listed seven actors who previously attempted and had become trainees in hopes to become idols or even singer-songwriters before becoming the successful actors we all know and love.

Before becoming an actor, Yoo Ah In joined an agency as a trainee at the age of 16 in hopes to debut as an idol solo singer.

After appearing in the KBS2 drama Sharp, he opted for a different career and began his path as an actor.

At an early age, Park Bo Gum found his love of singing and playing the piano for people, and so he became a trainee.

Despite having dreams of becoming a singer-songwriter, his agency instead thought him better suited as an actor and thus he pursued a career in acting instead. Honey Lee (Lee Hanui).

A well-known story among fans, Honey Lee first began her journey as a trainee in YG Entertainment and almost became a member of girl group 2NE1. However after becoming Miss Korea, she started her career as an actress.

Gong Seung Yeon is known to be a former SM Entertainment trainee who trained alongside the members of f(x).

At the young age of 15, Lee Jong Suk made his debut as a model on the Seoul Collection stage where he would continue to partake in his idol training while doing modeling jobs simultaneously.

However, unlike many idol trainees, Lee Jong Suks passion and dreams were in acting, and his dreams came true after making his debut appearance in the 2010 SBS drama, Prosecutor Princess.

Soo Ae was originally going to debut as the rapper of her group, training for six months in preparation. However, her agency then relayed her career may be more suited as an actress, prompting her career change.

Min Hyo Rin, who already had experienced as a singer, became a trainee under JYP Entertainment in 2004.

However, because it became difficult commuting between Daegu and Seoul to be a trainee, she gave up and chose to follow the path of an actress.

For more infomation >> (News)7 Popular Actors Who Could Have Debuted As Idols Under The Big 3 Agencies - Duration: 2:54.


Giants have no choice in what they must do against Eagles - Duration: 6:01.

Giants have no choice in what they must do against Eagles

PHILADELPHIA — They're planning a funeral on Sunday beginning at 1 p.m.

under a broiling sun, which could cook cheesesteaks on the visiting benches of a 100-yard field long and wide enough to convert to a burial ground for New York Football Giants.

Bloodthirsty fans spewing venom and lusting for a bloodbath will try to make the Giants feel as though they are trapped inside a modern-day Roman Colosseum, with no escape, and no hope.

They will sing "Fly, Eagles, Fly" and implore and exhort their flock of gladiators to leave Eli Manning in the same crumpled heap that Lawrence Taylor used to leave their Ron Jaworski.

This is no time and no place for a dream and a season to die.

This is no time and no place to fall to 0-3, because 90 teams have started 0-3 since 1999, and 90 teams have failed to reach the playoffs, according to Elias Sports Bureau.

No, this is the time and the place for the New York Football Giants to show some pride and poise and toughness and get off the canvas and make a stand that would change the complexion of this pockmarked season.

This is the time and this is the place for the New York Football Giants to leave a hushed and shellshocked enemy stadium walking tall and very much alive. It's up to them:. P: Rise in Philly.

"We're not leaving Philadelphia without a win," safety Andrew Adams told The Post, "so that's our mentality. Giants against the world.

"When you got the world against you," safety Landon Collins said, "it's a good feeling to prove to them that we can do it.

This is the time and the place for the Giants to start looking like the Super Bowl contender everyone expected them to be: an offense no longer clueless that complements a relentless, opportunistic defense that has been straining to hold the fort.

"It has to be balls-to-the-wall, gotta go get it, basically hair on fire, and it's a must-win game," Collins said.

They have been so embarrassingly bad without a healthy Odell Beckham Jr. that beating the Eagles would be seen by apoplectic Giants fans as a bigger upset than Rocky Balboa beating Apollo Creed.

In his quest to field a heavy-handed team, coach Ben McAdoo has considered just about everything except locking his players in a meat locker and instructing them to pound slabs of beef. At least he hasn't ditched the video clips.

McAdoo showed his players a scene from "The Big Lebowski" in which Jeff Bridges, as "The Dude," is thrown out of the back seat by the cab driver because he didn't care for the song on the radio, "Peaceful Easy Feeling," saying:.

I had a rough night and I hate the f—kin' Eagles, man!". No peaceful easy feeling at the Linc.

"We feel like our back's against the wall," Collins said, "and fight back. That's all we gotta do.". If the Giants are who they still think they are, they can win this game.

McAdoo applauded his veteran leadership this week for not flinching, but better they not flinch Sunday afternoon.

If left tackle Ereck Flowers requires assistance from the National Guard, give it to him so Manning can get the ball to a healthier Beckham, inching his way back to 100 percent, early and often.

Whether he is the playcaller not, McAdoo — and Manning — desperately need the Beckham who can impose his will and fuel his team's empty tank with gas.

Beckham wants to be the highest paid player in football? He can state his case here and now, as much as he can at whatever percent healthy he is.

And he should state it early, because his team needs a jolt of energy and swagger in the worst way.

The Giants desperately need 11 angry men on defense, with or without Janoris "Jackrabbit" Jenkins, playing like a bunch of crazed dogs against Carson Wentz and at the very least keeping the game close enough for Beckham to try to win it.

"Once we break through this wall," Adams said, "we're gonna get the ball rolling. It only has looked like The Great Wall of China.

The Giants need to approach this one as make-or-break, now-or-never, do-or-die, all that for the Giants — because 0-3 in the division and 0-3 in the conference and 0-3 period is a veritable death wish.

The season isn't over if the Giants refuse to let it be over. It's up to them:. P: Rise In Philly.

For more infomation >> Giants have no choice in what they must do against Eagles - Duration: 6:01.


'We're Here To Have Fun': Vikings Fans On Trump's NFL Tweets - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> 'We're Here To Have Fun': Vikings Fans On Trump's NFL Tweets - Duration: 1:33.


tEH mOSt MLg ThANg YoU hAvE EveR SeEN - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> tEH mOSt MLg ThANg YoU hAvE EveR SeEN - Duration: 0:24.


(News)Boys accused of raping girl, 6, have charges dropped - Duration: 1:57.

Boys accused of raping girl, 6, have charges dropped

Magistrate Jeffrey Hogg dismissed three charges of sexual intercourse without consent against the two boys, now aged 13. After those charges were dismissed the Director of Public Prosecutions chose to withdraw the remaining seven charges of indecent assault against the boys.

Mr Hogg has also ordered the police to pay the boys $11,315 and $9746 respectively for their court costs. Police will have to pay thousands in court costs to the two families. Picture: Adam YipSource:News Corp Australia.

Both boys had pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting the little girl while together on three separate occasions sometime between 8am on June 24 and 4pm on July 1.

One of the boys also pleaded not guilty to further charges of raping the girl by himself between June 24 and July 1, and on a second occasion on August 16.

The allegations came to light when the girl told someone at the school and her parents were notified. The Education Department also reported the allegations to the police.

Police conducted a two-week investigation before arresting the boys, then aged 12, at Chatswood police station in September last year. On September 1, letters were mailed to other parents at the school informing them of the ­allegations.

The police have until October 17 to pay the boys.

For more infomation >> (News)Boys accused of raping girl, 6, have charges dropped - Duration: 1:57.


I Have a Friend: Who Tells Me He's Gay - Duration: 28:30.

[ANNOUNCER] The following

program is brought to you

by the friends and

partners of Time of Grace.



Welcome to Time

of Grace; I'm Pastor Mike


"I'm gay."

What do you say if you

hear those words?

If it's a family dinner

and your granddaughter is

home from college and she

says, "I'm gay."

If your brother wants to

have dinner with just the

two of you and for the

first time in your lives

together, he says, "I'm


If your roommate or your

best friend wants to tell

you something - perhaps

that they've told no one

else in the world - and

they say, "I'm gay," what


How should Christians


With open arms?

With stern warnings?

With Bible passages?

With congratulations?

The truth is, so many

people answer those

questions in such

radically different ways

but what does God say?

What does he want his

people to say when those

that we love and care

about express differences

in their sexuality?

Today, Pastor Mark Jeske

is going to try to answer

those delicate questions.

He's going to open God's

word to allow us to see

with our own eyes and

hearts and ears what our

heavenly Father thinks

about sexuality in our

modern world.

What should we do?

What should we say?

We're going to find those

answers today in God's



Same gender sexual

attraction is not just

something that sort of

erupted within your


This has been going on


It is simply part of the

brokenness that has

exhibited itself among

human behaviors as soon as

there were more than two


Today, in our country as

Christianity and the

Christian Bible explicitly

has less and less

influence on our public

policy, it's not that

whole new categories of

sins are arising; it's

just coming above ground

because it was always


There are differing

estimates as to the

percentage of the

population that has a

similar sex attraction and

there are some people that

honestly can swing both

ways, I guess, I guess

that's the "B" in LGBT.

The only thing to argue or

debate about is how big a

portion of the population

is it.

The gay right's advocates

would like to have you

believe that ten percent

of people are naturally

inclined to be attracted

to people of a similar


I have read some studies

that it's fewer than five

percent in actuality; that

the ten percent is kind of


But if you put together

all the people who not

only live that lifestyle

but also have it on their

mind and would like to do

it or fantasize about it

or think about it or maybe

don't do it but they're

okay with it and like they

would do it if they could

or found the right person,

that number could be


So here it is: Now is this

a hill to die on or not?

Should we Christians back

off of this the way we

backed off of the

opposition you may have

heard in this very church

75 years ago that

interracial marriages were

evil and not God's intent?

Or is this a hill to die

on and say, "No, God has

spoken," we can go no


Let's listen to God.

1 Corinthians 6 and its

sister chapter right next

door in chapter 7 have

some of the most profound

insights into human

sexuality in all of the


Chapter 6 begins with a

rebuke of making against

this congregation because

they were suing each other

in court and Paul said how

shameful that is.

Christian congregations

are supposed to be a place

of peace, of love, of

support for one another.

You're supposed to walk in

and suddenly feel a vibe

where you can let your

guard down, where nobody's

going to hustle you, take

advantage of you, push you

around, or try in some way

to use you in some way or

manipulate you into being

somebody you're not but

it's a place of

affirmation, it's a place

of healing, it's a place

of forgiveness, it's a

place where you can get a

new charge of hope to go

at living your life again.

And if people perceive

that your congregation is

full of fighting and

enmity, you're going to

drive people away instead

of welcome them in.

So the first two

paragraphs are quite a

stern scolding about their

impetuosity and running

into court and suing each


There's a very powerful

sentence starting in the

third paragraph: "Do you

not know that the wicked

will not inherit the

kingdom of God?"

Wicked - the Greek word

for wicked adikoi, means

people who are not right

with God.

They don't have his


They're at odds with God;

they're on the outside

looking in.

In other words, our goal

is not just to try to be

busybodies and snoops and

get into people's business

and try to mess with their

lives by making them

shamed or feeling bad

about themselves.

Our goal is to stop people

from committing spiritual

suicide because if you are

disconnected from God,

you're disconnected from

life itself.

You are never going to

have a happy life right

now in time because God

will not let you be happy.

Guilt will hang over you

that you cannot get rid of

by any effort of your own

and just doing whatever

pleases you or what you

feel like is not going to

make you feel better.

You will know in your

heart it's wrong.

Secondly, you will be

miserable in eternity for

the Day of Judgment is

coming and people, you and

I, will be held

accountable for what we

believe and how we've


So this is a big deal.

Don't be deceived; Satan

will use every human

desire and every human

appetite and try to turn

it against you and

manipulate you into

pandering to your

appetites no matter what

the damage to other people

and to you.

Don't be deceived.

If you were the devil or

you were on Satan's sale

staff and you got a big

sales meeting coming and

you have to show how many

people you have - whose

lives you've messed up -

and so you know you've got

your quota and what tools

would you use to go at

people to corrupt them and

make them act crazy and go

against God?

Where would you attack?

I think I know where I


What are the things where

Satan gets his wedge in?

Sexual temptation, always

a winner, an old standby.

In fact, if I were Satan,

I would start with that.

I wouldn't waste time

dinking around; I'd go

straight for that and try

that first and see what I

could work.

Making people miserable

where they're at so

they'll cheat to try to

get what they want.

Unfulfilled in marriage?

Have an affair.

Single but wishing you had


Have your boyfriend stay

over and pretend to be

married for a while.

Don't have the patience,

he won't propose yet?

So what?

Bring him in.

Take the shortcut.

I'd start at sexual


If that wasn't working

right away - money, money,

money, money always gets

people's attention.

Wave some money under

people's noses and get

them by the nose and hook

them off and drag them


I'd work at people's

mouths; do damage with

your mouth.

And actually the biggest

of them all is I'd get

them to pay no attention

to God.

I would disconnect people

from God's word and I

would put substitutes in

their place for them to

worship and chase that

will promise to be much

more fulfilling.

It worked with Eve and so

that's exactly what we've


But the dirty ten, the

terrible ten attitudes -

now, this is not an

exhaustive complete list

of all human sin - but

these are ten examples of

lifestyles, not just sins,

but lifestyles, ways of

living, that without

repentance will kill you


These are all suicidal and

not just for unbelievers

to do; they live in this

because they don't know

any better.

But Paul was writing to

Christians because these

ten things were making

inroads into the


These are temptations and

troubles for you and me,


Now as we take a look at

this terrible ten, be

careful of your pointing

finger and I'll be careful

of mine, too.

This pointing finger makes

it seem like I'm up here

and you're down there.

Everybody's broken and the

brokenness that's going to

be listed here are

examples of brokenness in

you, too.

We're born broken.

We're born disconnected

from God.

We have to be reconnected

and that is the Spirit's

mission with you and

that's the Spirit's

mission to make you a

connector to help other


Here are ten that without

repentance will give you

an unhappy life and a

miserable eternity.

Four sexual, three money,

two mouth-related, and one

- the biggest of them all,

in fact - is idolatry,

which is actually the

first commandment.

God really only needed one

commandment because if you

got something else on the

throne of your life, all

the other stuff just kind

of flows out of that.

It's really the original


"Don't be deceived," now

here come ten: "Neither

the sexually immoral," the

Greek word "pornoi" means

people who have sexual

activity outside of

marriage in any one of its

many ways; so just a

generic word for

non-marital sexuality.

Let's just say any kind of

sexual activity outside of

marriage is something that

puts you in this category.

And don't shoot the

messenger, by the way.

These are not my rules for

you; this is your

Creator's rules for your


"Sexual immorality."

"Idolaters," I mentioned


"Nor adulterers," now

that's hard to figure out

in English.

There are not good exact

English words for what is

said in the original

Greek; moichoi in

Greek means adultery in

the sense that it's a


activity, as well.

In other words, a single

woman who has an affair

with a married guy,

they're not only sinning

against each other and

against their own bodies,

they're also sinning

against that guy's wife

because they're wrecking

her life, too.

He's betraying her and she

is stealing what does not

belong to her like David

stole Bathsheba away from


So this is sexual

immorality with victims

besides just the two of


The next two words relate

to male-to-male sexual

activity and here are two

words that do not have

exact English equivalents.

Depends on which

translation you have; I'm

using the NIV here.

My older NIV that I have

right here says "male

prostitutes nor homosexual


Those are not - neither of

those is a good


The newer 2011 version or

the NIV says, "Men who

have sex with men."

That's actually a lot

closer; although there are

two different types of

activity described.

One of them, "malakoi," the

first word that's on the

bad ten, are the soft


In other words, the

receivers in sexual


People who participate in

the homosexual activity,

man to man, where it is

done to you.

The other word,

"arsenokoitai," means a man

who has sex with another


It's not offenders or

criminals, it's not as

though rapists are being

condemned here; just the

very activity itself.

The doer and the do-ee, as

it were.

Does that make sense?

We've got kids here; I

can't get too much more

specific than that.

Nod if you get my drift.

I'm serious.

Make a motion with your

head if you follow me.

Okay, thank you.


That's bad.

It's on God's list.

That as a lifestyle

without repentance is

spiritual suicide.

This is a hill to die on,

yes it is.

Let's finish the list and

it's not just that God is

picking on people with

that particular


"Thieves and the greedy."

If you have an appetite

for money more than God,

you're committing suicide,

as well.

Money lust is a form of

idolatry and if you want

it bad enough to take it

from somebody else,

without repentance you're

living in spiritual death.

In fact, you're not living

at all.

It needs to be recognized,

repented of, and rebuked.

Now two things having to

do with the mouth:


If you pour too much

alcohol down your throat

to the point where you

lose control of your life

or you become addicted to

it, that also is a form of

spiritual suicide.

Now drunkard is like a

mocking word; we don't use

that word too much today


It was more popular, I'd

say, a hundred years ago.

Today we'd say an

alcoholic and today

alcoholics often are

viewed as victims or like

it's a disease, like it

just came over you.

But there's no way out of

alcohol abuse unless the

individual chooses to hold

himself or herself

responsible for her

actions and believe that

with help, you can change

your attitudes and


"Slanderers," are people

who are verbally abusive.

You use talk, you use your

mouth, to beat other

people down.

You think, "Man, I've seen

these other things are

kind of sinful but man,

just talk?

That doesn't seem all that

serious a business."

Yes, it is.

Or "swindlers."

In other words, this is

white collar crime.

Thieves is blue collar

crime where you break into

people's houses and steal


Slander - I mean swindlers

are when you embezzle

money, when you falsify

documents at your business

or when you try to cheat

the government out of what

you legitimately own or

when you try to cheat a

customer; it's called


When you live that life

without repentance, it is

spiritual suicide and

that's what some of you -

it's a very powerful word

right here; if you have

your Bible open, check it

out - and that is what

some of you "were."

Change is possible.

"You were washed, you were

sanctified, you were

justified in the name of

the Lord Jesus Christ and

by the Spirit of our God."

So one of the things we

know is that it's not like

there's all these regular

sins and then being gay is

like the nasty sin or the

super bad sin; it's just

one more way of being


And shaming and having

contempt for people and

scorning and shunning

people who have sexual

addictions or who are

pointed in the wrong

direction with their

desires is not how to

bring about that change.

They are as worthy of

being loved by Jesus as

you and I are.

You and I are as broken as

anybody - when I'm saying

you and I, I mean you and

I who are more

heterosexually oriented.

I fully expect that there

would be any number of

people here today who feel

a longing for same sex

attraction and I'm not

sure how you're doing in

wrestling with that or how

often you've caved into

that temptation.

I don't think any less of

you for that as I wouldn't

expect you to be overly

judgmental of me for my

many weaknesses.

We're all broken.

We're all desperately in

need of Jesus' forgiveness

but that needs an attitude

of repentance on your

knees to say, "I have


Lord, by your standards, I

need help.

Help me.

I've been washed.

You washed me of my sins

in my baptism.

I've been justified.

The blood of Jesus from

the cross has pronounced a

'not guilty' on me so that

my past and its horrible

weight has been lifted

from me and I don't have

to be dragged down by my


I don't have to let my

past mistakes define who I

am right now.

When I have a relationship

with Jesus, his grace is

new every morning and I

count on that restart.

I'm going to restart


And I'm not going to let

my past define me any


I've been sanctified.

I'm not just struggling on

my own.

I have the Holy Spirit,

the Sanctus Spiritus,

sanctus-ing me,

sanctifying me.

He lives within me to

reload new software into

my brain so I can think

straight and to give me a

spine injection so I

become a vertebrae; that

I've got an actual spine

and can stand up and stand

up for what I know to be

right and that I can use

my mouth to honor God and

my hands and feet to take

me to good places and to

do what is right."

So I am not interested in

heaping scorn on people's

past and if you're a

straight person and you've

got, let's say, there's

somebody who's in your

family or one of your

friends who has come out

and said he or she is gay,

shunning just does not

work because all it does -

if all the straight people

shun all the gay folks -

the only place they can go

to find some kind of

affirmation is deeper into

the gay world where the

word of Jesus finds harder

and harder to get in.

Unconditional love - also

the same way that Jesus

treats you - and what

we're interested in is not

manipulating other people

to make ourselves feel


I'm not worried about gay

marriage, for instance,

being a big assault on

straight marriage, on

heterosexual marriage.

Straight married people

look at me right now: The

biggest threat to your

marriage isn't some gay


It's you.

Straight people are the

biggest risk to straight

marriages and we're doing

a terrible job of it.

Let's just accept

responsibility where it

belongs and those of you

who are married, take care

of your marriages.

We've got to be just as

indignant about people who

are not married living

together; that's a

problem, too.

A man and a woman who are

living together and

sharing a bed without

being married are sinning

as much as any gay person


Repent of that and take

care of some business.

Your greatest threat to

your relationship with

each other and with your

God is you so it's time to


Those are hills to die on.

That's a place to take a

stand and we today - I'm

inviting you to jam your

flagpole in the sand right

here and say, "Right here.

This is where it stops."

And even if we now once

again become such a

minority that we're a

counterculture, so be it.

A price worth paying

because that is the place

of spiritual health.

That is the place to be

relieved of our sinful


This is the way not to

jeopardize our everlasting

inheritance in heaven for

these ten examples of

unrepentant sin deny

people the kingdom of God.

And if you truly love

somebody else, you're not

going to let him or her

commit spiritual suicide.

But let's do it humbly;

not picking that

particular sin out in any

kind of way as though it's

worse than anything else.

Humbling accepting the

rebuke of others where we

are wrong and letting

ourselves be corrected.

Daily repentance to get

back on that road that

Satan tries to keep

knocking us off of and

luring us off of and in

this way, we're showing

that we're interested in

God's opinion more than

man's opinion.

And our culture may or may

not help us as Christians.

Sometimes it does;

increasingly it doesn't.

We're not going to let our

value system be shaped by

what happens to be allowed

on television.

But we want to know, Lord

God, how may I serve you

with my life.

Make sense?

Alright, we've got work to





A few years ago,

I made a short video about

the Bible's view of


To be honest, I didn't say

that much in the video.

I didn't say whether it

was right or wrong or good

or bad, something that God

would agree with or not.

Instead in the video, I

just asked people to open

a Bible.

So many churches and so

many pastors and so many

family members and friends

have so many different

views on the subject of


So in this video, I simply

encouraged people to open

a Bible; see for yourself.

Study the teachings of

Jesus; don't take someone

else's word for it.

In the same video, I also

told people to love.

God loves the whole world

and every Christian

should, too.

The first reaction that

people should feel, no

matter what they believe

and with whom they're in a

relationship, should be


Jesus said to his

disciples, "This is how

the world will know that

you follow me, if you love

one another." And that was

the simple message of the

video: Open a Bible and

love people.

Well, they showed this

video to a bunch of other

people and there was a gay

man who saw what I said.

In his response, he

started to tear up and he

said, "I didn't know that

Christians could speak

like that." Think of that

for a second.

I didn't even take a

stance on sexuality; I

just said open a Bible and

love people.

And in this man's

experience, God have mercy

on us, he didn't know

Christians could even do that.

We live at a time in our

culture where it's so easy

to jump to conclusions and

jump to judgment.

But what if the open door

the church needs is just

patience and love?

The patience to open the

book that God wrote and to

love all the people that

God made?

And so, can I ask you -

can I plead with you and

beg you - to please, just

do those two things?

If you know someone who is

gay, if someone confesses

that deep, deep truth to

you, would you simply be

patient enough to open the

book and kind enough to


It's something so many

people in our world have

never experienced and

maybe you will be the one

to change their minds.

Maybe you will be the one

to show them what Jesus is

really like: Full of truth

and love.

I'll be back with you in

just a moment to pray.

[PROMOTION] Every single

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Did you know that the Time

of Grace family is able to

reach out to people who

are straight and gay?

Lesbian and bi-sexual?

Transgender and all of

those who love people in

every different sexual


So when you pray and give

generous offerings to

support this ministry, you

are helping us to bring

both God's truth and God's

love to people from every

walk of life, so thank


Thank you for allowing us

to speak clearly to our

culture but always

couching God's truth with

his amazing grace and his

incredible love.

So would you join me and


Dear Father in Heaven, You

love every person on

planet earth, no matter to

whom they are attracted,

no matter what they

believe, no matter how we


We thank you, God, for

unconditional love and for

the grace that you have

poured out upon the whole


I pray, heavenly Father,

for those of us who are

hearing this message who

are battling same sex


God, we hear so many

messages and sometimes we

are so confused about what

you want us to do.

So would you speak clearly

in your word?

And, more than anything,

remind us that what you

ask in our lives is always

for our eternal good.

Help us to trust you,

especially those of us who

have to bear a heavy


Bring forth Christian

friends that can show us

incredible companionship.

Help us to remember that

as much as we struggle

that you are a God of

mercy, a God of

forgiveness, and a God who

gives salvation freely.

Father, I also pray for

those of us who know and

love someone who is gay.

I pray that you would give

us your heart.

I pray that you would give

us your patience.

I pray that you would give

us the humility to

apologize for things we

said that we shouldn't

have or the right things

that we said in ways that

were just wrong.

God, give us the humility

to open the doors that

have been closed; that

real conversations can

happen, conversations that

are immersed in love.

Finally, Father, help us

to trust you.

It's so difficult in these

changing times to hold

onto your promises and to

believe it is best for

your church.

It seems so easy to change

what you have always said,

what we've always taught,

what so many of us have

always believed.

Give us courage, God, and

the kind of love that is

willing to stand up for

all the words you say but

never at the expense of

loving the people that you


God, it's so difficult for

us in daily conversation

to balance that truth and

that love so we are asking

you for your help.

Send your Holy Spirit into

our hearts, into our

sermons, into our

churches, into our

schools, into our lives

that we would overflow

with the fruit of kindness

and gentleness and

self-control and peace.

For all of us who are

attracted to people of

every different gender,

heavenly Father, we need

you that we can honor you

with our bodies, our

minds, our thoughts, and

our hearts.

We ask all these things

though with courage and

with eager expectation

because we know that you

love us as your own

children; you're forgiven,

cleansed children who are

beautiful and delightful

to you because we come to

you all in Jesus' name.


With Time of Grace, I'm

Pastor Mike Novotny, and

it all starts now.



preceding program was

brought to you by the

friends and partners of

Time of Grace.

For more infomation >> I Have a Friend: Who Tells Me He's Gay - Duration: 28:30.


(CC ENG) [46CM] EP.3 Jung Sewoon, Lee Gwanghyun Have Fallen Into The Pictorial! - Duration: 17:26.

subbed and translated by metamongmashite do not take out translations without permission

(Gyenggi-do Hwaseong)

GH: Hello!

GH: I can't do things like this!

GH: Where are we now, Sewoon~?

GH: Yes, we're now in a dinosaur museum (in Gyeonggi-do Hwaseong)

GH: We've become a good opportunity for a magazine called 'Singles'

GH: Sewoon hyung and I have come to Hwaseong (in Gyeonggi-do)!

GH: Now here, is an empty hollow field

GH: I'm very excited!

GH: Hyung, are you excited?

SW: I'm now~ Very wet with memories (t/n: idk if this is the right translations tho lol)

SW: This wide field!

SW: Isn't it just good?


SW: I think it's better than 'earth' (t/n: It's a word play. Since the city's name is 'Hwaseong' (also means Mars in Korean))

(Ing?! (what other nonsense is this?))

GH: Right The next destination is 'Jupiter'

SW: It's similar with 'earth' (alien??)

GH: To hatch a dinosaur's egg

GH: I have to put on makeup

GH: dress up and prepare for the hatch

VJ Starship: But you're hatching an egg, why do you need makeup?

GH: To hatch it coolly! (t/n: I don't understand this kid anymore lol)

GH: Haha! (embarassed)

GH: I can't do things like this! (I'm screwed ㅋㅋ)

Staff: Later both of you will have to act emotional

GH: Like this~

(Doing emotional acting?)

GH: I really studied (face expression) yesterday

SW: I'm somehow~ While doing a lot of pictorial shooting,

SW: I'm still concerned about

SW: how to make it natural

SW: Although a lot of lacking and awkward pose still come out frequently,

SW: I think it will be the future task

SW: We gotta do it!

(High five!)

VJ Starship: When Gwanghyun shot his profile picture,

VJ Starship: He took off the necklace he's never taken off before!

GH: Oh! Right~

GH: Really. This necklace's been very long!

SW: Daniel~

GH: Oh! How do you know?

SW: Lee... Lee Daniel!

GH: My baptism name is Lee Daniel

SW: Lee Daniel~!

GH: I miss Daniel hyung (because he keep on saying it)

GH: Then this watch!

VJ Starship: Did you not take it off since high school?

GH: Oh! Correct~

SW: Since he was born

GH: I've been carrying this since I was born...

VJ Starship: If you have to give this watch too Sewoon hyung, would you do that?

(Huh?! Am I not mishearing?)

VJ Starship: Can you give it as a gift?

SW: Up till here~

GH: I... I will... give one... I... ca- can buy one

(Hamster Gwanghyun stuttering with his word ㅋㅋㅋ)

GH: I... I can buy him one!

GH: The exact same watch!

SW: When a person lies, they blink their eyes a lot

GH: Ah~ Was I blinking my eyes?

SW: Yeah! You are almost like this! (t/n: SEWOON-AH HAHAHAHAH)

GH: Because this one is being used,

GH: If I have to give a gift, I have to give out a new one (of course)

SW: This one is more meaningful because you're using it (ㅋㅋ)

GH: Do you want to use it, hyung?

SW: If you give it as a gift, I will use it well~

GH: Fine! I will think about it!

GH: I cherish it a lot~

GH: Can I really find a real dinosaur egg while shooting for pictorial?

SW: This is where the dinosaurs lived? (seriously curious)

GH: There's a dinosaur under your feet even now!

GH: Spontaneously?

They're about to film a greeting video for the fans,

but a lot of eyes are looking ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

GH: How embarrassing~

(looking around~ x2)

GH: One, two, three!

Failed! (1st try)

GH: One two three! Hello, we are Sewoon and Gwanghyun!

Failed! (2nd try)

GH: One two three! Hello!

Failed!! (3rd try)

GH: One two three! We are- (Failed!! (4th try))

GH: We are Sewoon and Gwanghyun!

SW: We've come to have a pictorial shooting for Singles' August edition

GH&SW: Please wait for it! (Success!! (finally))

(God of Dancing King of Dancing)

VJ Starship: What kind of dance is this?

SW: It's a dance called 'Ant'~

GH: Hyung, can I ask a question?

GH: Do you know what's the English of anteater? x2

SW: Is there supposed to be something funny about it or~ GH: It's supposed to be funny...

SW: Really?

SW: What's the English for anteater? (asking to VJ hyung)

Anteater~ (emphasizing the R pronunciation)

OH~~ (that was kinda cool)

GH: AnteateRR SW: Anteart- beat! (anteater + heartbeat)

SW: Everyone, please look at the weather for once!

SW: Isn't it sunny?

GH: A rain dropped, though??

SW: Thunder~

GH: A thunder clapped~

GH: It's not sunny!

SW: It's very romantic!

SW: It's very romantic here!

VJ Starship: Ah~ you're putting more in~

GH: Ah~ since when are you filming my insoles?

GH: Yeah!

GH: Can I remove the insoles?

Staff: Ah~ so cute!! (even the stylist fell for Gwanghyun's charm)

SW: Isn't the slipper so pretty?

(Everything in the world looks pretty in Sewoon's eyes now)

(Look pretty here~ Look pretty there~)

(Has Sewoon fell to the beauty of slippers? ㅋㅋ)

(Me too me too bragging about slippers ㅋㅋ)

VJ Starship: Owh~ I thought you're in a living room or something!

GH: I'll introduce my house to you!

GH: That's the main door of my house!

SW: I'm going for busking now~

GH: Knock knock! (A guy who knocks at his own house!)

GH: You see here? These are our rice fields, over than 10.000 meters square

GH: Here, we grow rice and crops

GH: That's my house's pet~

GH: These are my house's slippers~

VJ Starship: What's the name of the companion dinosaur over there?

SW: It's cutie! GH: It's Ppi-ppi!

VJ Starship: Do you use shoes in the living room?

GH: Wait! I come to play in the yard!

VJ Starship: Which one is 'living room' and which one is 'yard'?

GH: There! There~ until the place where there are pets is the yard

GH: This place is the living room!

VJ: But now you're wearing shoes in your living room!

GH: Oh right! So this is the 'yard' and there is the 'living room'

GH: Earnestly, the egg-cracking has started! (finally)

(Gwanghyun cracking a dinosaur's egg in the front yard of his own house!)

GH: What I mean by 'egg' is 'the picture'. It's a phrase (t/n: according to Gwanghyun lol)

GH&SW: Fighting! (Spreading happy energy to the staffs before shooting!)

GH: I can do this! (never-ending energy ㅋㅋㅋ)

SW: Tension! Tension! GH: Tension! SW: Tension! Tension up!

GH: Gwanghyun!

GH: Should I just walk straight?

Photographer: OMG! Staffs: Oh my, oh my (t/n: SAME HEREEEEE)

(Sewoon fell because his shoes are slippery)

??: Are you okay? SW: Yes~ I'm alright! (brightly)

(So lucky he doesn't get hurt!)

GH: Wow~

GH: He... He looked like he was posing!

VJ Starship: Wasn't it very funny that your hyung fell just now?

GH: But he pretended like he was posing~

GH: I also did a pose at the end~

(Gwanghyun who is trying out a bold pose!)

(Ing!!??? What is this? Titanic?)

(Getting the direction freely~)

(Getting a grip of each other ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

(Sewoon & Gwanghyun's pictorial shooting has run smoothly!

Photographer: Here comes the obstacle!

Photographer: Don't you guys know what running start is?

Photographer: Yes! That's it! So after you square off~

Photographer: What's the word for that~

SW: (We were) too hillarious!

GH: No, we have to do it coolly~

Photographer: (Sewoon) you were cool!

Photographer: (Gwanghyun) you were too-

GH: I will do it coolly!

Photographer: (Sewoon) You just have to go on to look cool~

GH: Okay~ (If Sewoon hyung is the only one who look good)

Photographer: What on earth was that pose lol

VJ Starship: (bursting out loud)

Photographer: Stop~

Photographer: Change your clothes and come back~

SW: Yes!

VJ Starship: Gwanghyun, your jump was-

GH: That? It must be weird~

GH: Look at the spot! (The spot where we landed on)

VJ Starship: Were you okay when you fell?

SW: I was deliberately striking a pose~

SW: I didn't fell~

GH: Are you really okay?

VJ Starship: Sewoon jumped well but Gwanghyun's jump

SW: I have confident in jumping!

GH: I don't have the jump force what should I do...

(Suddenly jumping lol)

SW: Jump more boldly!

GH: Wah~ I'm sweating!

(Raising their hands on the street!)

GH: Done~!

SW: I have changed my clothes!

VJ Starship: Suit you well~!

GH: I have to remove my thigh (fat) a bit~


GH: Look at Sewoon's back view for once!

GH: Isn't that art? (t/n: INDEED!!)

(Sewoon who waits for the younger brother)

Let's go!

VJ Starship: He said your back view is an art

SW: Me?

SW: I feel burdened He's a suspicious friend~

GH: No no

(Strokes) SW: Oh! Where are you touching at!

SW: Be careful of the butt~

GH: Ah! I knew you're gonna say that!

SW: Ayy~

SW: First time wearing accessories!

GH: Because I have metal allergies~

GH: I'm not using anything~

GH: It's okay, because it's only for a while! (for the shooting purpose)

Staff: Right, because it's only for a while~

Staff: No! If that's so~

Staff: Because this (mine) is silver~ The next shooting will be on the court (because of his allergy) (joking)

GH: The next shooting is on the court (funny just by thinking about it)

VJ Starship: Have you ever worn a necklace jewelry before?

GH: Yes, this one Because the stylist hyung gave it to me

VJ Starship: Whether it's gold or iron, Gwanghyun can tell when it walks on his neck!

GH: Yes, then it's instantly obvious. For real.

GH: Whether it's silver or iron

GH: Gold, unfortunately, doesn't give any effect to me

(Honey will fall from your eyes that are looking at your younger brother~)

SW: It was fun~ (the pictorial shooting)

SW: Are you waiting for your younger brother?

SW: Yes

SW: I'm waiting for friend Lee.Gwang.Hyun!

Staff: Please tell me immediately if there's a problem~! (with the necklace)

GH: Yes! Got it

Photography: Do you have allergy?

GH: I'm allergic to metal

Photographer: That's a king's sickness (t/n: because kings always wear gold only so he's 'allergic to metal')

GH: Not, it isn't~

Photographer: Is it okay if it's all 24K?

GH: Yes, correct! Photographer: Woah~

Photographer: Then~ that's a king's sickness~

Photographer: We'll spill(?) GH: Yes

Staff: Wait a sec~!

VJ Starship: Does your hyung get into accident a lot?

GH: That's Sewoon's hyung only-charm!

Staff: Let's do this! GH: Yes!

GH: Fighting!

GH: Oh~ It's good, though? It's fluffy, though?

SW: Oh~ GH: Oh~ Nice!

GH: Like my room in my house!

SW:Oh! It's a spider~

GH: If you get bitten, you'll become a spiderman!

SW: Don't look at me x2

(Gwanghyun showering hyung with aegyo) SW: (not responding...)

SW: Don't play around while shooting

(At the end! He fell for his younger brother's cuteness)

SW: You're not supposed to play around during the shooting~

GH: We're being serious now!

SW: I said, don't play around while shooting!

(Feels good because his hyung receives his jokes ㅋㅋ)

GH: I'm not double-chinned, right?

Photographer: You're still good with double chin, though?

(Happy by the photographer's compliment :])

Photographer: Have you been searching? Is it because I'm the one taking pictures today?

SW: Yes! I found it through the internet!

GH: This is a motive called 'ChiChi' in Israel's traditional clothes (t/n: please correct me if I'm wrong)

VJ Starship: What kind of?

GH: The stylist has said it himself

GH: In Israel's traditional clothes, this clothe's motive is called 'ChiChi'

GH: It's that kind of cloth~

(Here~ There's even a hole on the side of the cloth. Isn't it impressive?)

VJ Starship: *gasps* You... can't do that...

Photographer: We'll take a look. If Sewoon can't do it (handstand), you have to do it

GH: You have to do well! Fighting!

SW: Oh~ Kinda scary, though

(Gwanghyun playing around with hyung :])

SW: Wait Ah~ It's scary~ T.T Staff: So cute~ (t/n: IKRRR)

Photographer: You're doing great~

(shocked) GH: Almost hit my face (in dialect)!

SW: I can't control this, Gwanghyun-ah~

GH: You can do this~

(Sewoon doing all his best for a good cut)

GH: Wow~ Done in 3 shots~ Indeed! Jung.Se.Woon!

SW: During Produce 101, we had a chance to do handstand!

SW: But after seeing Gwanghyun, I thought that I have to do this!

Photographer: It's fine! x2

Photographer: It's fine, guys, stop!

Photographer: Are you holding a leaf in your left hand?

Photographer: That leaf... That's right! Do it like that~

Photographer: Make your eyes comfortable!

Photographer: Yeah, just be comfortable

Photographer: Done~!

GH&SW: Thank you!

Staff: Change your clothes~!

(Doing a running match in the middle of this ㅋㅋㅋ)

(Pet Ppi-ppi)

GH: Like this? Photographer: Yes!

GH: I'll do it cutely!

GH: Oh yeah!

Photographer: How pretty~

(Good... everything is burnt out)

GH: The weather is extremely hot!

GH: Manner legs!

GH: I'm fine without doing that!

GH: I don't need to do the manner legs!

GH: I have adjusted it!

SW: I don't know what to do!

Photographer: You've done well~!

SW: You've worked hard!

(Hello~) (The shooting is done~)

VJ Starship: Why are you smiling like that? SW: Because it was fun

(Suprise V App for the fans!)

GH: Should I ride on the triceratops?

(Hiding hamster-hyun ㅋㅋㅋ)

(He's hiding but he can be seen ㅋㅋㅋ)

(In the middle of taking selcas)

(Hamster Gwanghyun's under the tree to avoid rain)

VJ Starship: It's been very dry for a few days!

SW: It's my diet trick!

VJ Starship: Do you do aerobics?

SW: It's not aerobics~ It's a special exercise!

SW: This is a very special type of exercise!

VJ Starship: What dance is this?

SW: A very useful dance to reduce cheek fat~

VJ Starship: Why is it an arm exercise to reduce cheeks?

SW: When you're focusing, the nerve that comes out (will burn the fat)

(Embarassing just by looking at it...)

SW: Then let's do it together for once!

(Dancing to that now?)

SW: I want to try having this hair for once

SW: It's well-set!

VJ Starship: I heard that the best shot of your picture has come out~

GH: Really~?

GH:I haven't seen it. Not even once!

GH: Later I'll give a bow to the photographer

GH: Finally, we've wrapped up the August edition for Singles!

SW: Once more, bigger! GH: Wow!

SW: Can you see the view? GH: It's really good!

SW: Here I feel like having a healing while doing the shooting

SW: Because we're filming together with the nature, how do you feel, Gwanghyun?

GH: First of all, isn't it a good opportunity to -

GH -shoot in a good place?

GH: I think I've also learnt a lot of different kinds of experience!

GH: What about you, hyung?

SW: First of all, since I'm shooting with Gwanghyun

SW: I keep on smiling during the shooting

SW: I struggled a bit to endure it

SW: But since we're shooting together,

SW: I am more willing to do it

SW: I'm also thinking if the good chemistry and energy come out or not

GH: This 'Singles' August edition, really

SW: The atmosphere (in the site) is also friendly

SW: So the progress can go quickly

SW: I think it was a joyful shooting

SW: If we can keep on shooting in the future,

SW: I will think of this day a lot

SW: And I think I can get a lot of money also

GH: Ah! Also The interesting part!

SW: It is expected to rain today

SW: The rain did not pour!

GH: The rain did pour a little

GH: But when we shot, it didn't pour at all!

SW: Right!

SW: You've worked hard~ GH: You've worked hard~

SW: (everyone) you've worked hard!

SW: We both will appear in 'Singles' August edition GH: August edition!

SW: Please anticipate it a lot and give lots of love~!

GH: Thank you!

SW: Thank you~

GH: Good bye! SW: Good bye!

VJ Starship: So there's this kind of set~

GH: The camera is here! SW: Oh! There is a camera here!

SW: I was just looking around naturally and-

SW: Ppi-ppi ya!

SW: Ppi-ppi ya, I will come back soon~

GH: Why can't you say anything, Ppi-ppi ya?

SW: Ppi-ppi ya, I will come back soon. Let's see each other later! I'm going now!

GH: That was our house's pet, Ppi-Ppi

GH: How long have we been raising Ppi-Ppi?

GH: Yes, we've been raising her for 60 years

VJ Starship: 60 years?! GH: Yes. She can't speak!

subbed and translated by metamongmashite

For more infomation >> (CC ENG) [46CM] EP.3 Jung Sewoon, Lee Gwanghyun Have Fallen Into The Pictorial! - Duration: 17:26.


Nibiru planet X WARNING 24th September 2017, The meteorites have begun falling,MUST WATCH - Duration: 15:27.

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For more infomation >> Nibiru planet X WARNING 24th September 2017, The meteorites have begun falling,MUST WATCH - Duration: 15:27.


Get to know every player Knicks will have at training camp - Duration: 4:11.

Get to know every player Knicks will have at training camp

Heres a closer look at the players on the Knicks training camp roster (listed alphabetically):.

Of summer-league guys, Pittsburgh sharpshooter has best chance of either cracking 15-man roster or signing second two-way contract that allows him to rotate from G-League to big club.

Combo guard got ridiculous new contract, but coach Jeff Hornacek sees something rest of NBA GMs don't. He talks a big game, his per-minute averages are excellent and now he has a chance to start at SF as Anthony's replacement.

Second-round pick has great positional size, showed he can fling from 3-point range in summer league and may see some action.

Had a prolific rookie year as a Knick before the triangle befuddled him. Back at age 25 with a $71 million deal after elevating his defensive skills. Another practice player who likely will be in Westchester, but Knicks like his spunk.

After first-team All-Rookie honors, helped Team Spain at EuroBasket and expected to be starting center alongside Latvian pal Porzingis.

Knee woes have made him obsolete past two seasons, forcing him to take non-guaranteed pact, but 33-year-old has a lot of game when healthy.

Aggressive 7-foot inside scorer who has struggled on defense, leading him to possibly opt in next year to his lucrative contract and then be off books.

New-age rookie 7-footer out of Vanderbilt who can drain 3s, rebound and block shots already assured of two-way contract. As rookie, Lithuanian became fan favorite, but 3-point shooting dropped to 32. 1 percent after hitting wall.

Management doesn't consider Lee part of its core, but he has big contract he didn't exactly live up to despite shining from 3-point line.

After being traded from Bulls in midseason, underachieving sharpshooter was in and out of Billy Donovan's rotation — not the best sign.

Drafted because of triangle potential, could struggle as raw rookie in new high-tempo attack, but 19-year-old lottery pick will defend with desire and 7-foot wingspan.

Won't be available until Game 12 as he adamantly talks about redemption from injury-riddled, drug-addled, ineffective 2016-17 nightmare. Knicks center Kyle OQuinnAnthony J. Causi. Had great moments as double-double guy, led team in rebounds 11 times despite limited minutes.

Latvian thinks he will be an All-Star, but knows he must become a stronger low-post threat, more selective in his perimeter shots and grow as a rebounder/defender. Looked adequate at summer league, but practice player headed to G-League Westchester.

Odds-on favorite to start at point, but raised eyebrows by arriving late to voluntary workouts despite alleged role as Ntilikina mentor. Plantar fasciitis diminished his season, but Melo buddy still shined as defensive leader.

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