Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily have Sep 25 2017

like u see before. i've done check in again

from the machine

i'm amazed with KLM.

so fantastic.

we were delayed for 2hours

i'hv missed my flight from amsterdam to jakarta


i just arrived at lounge

im starving n i bought pasta

n i bought

some vitamins

for my mum n my dad

bcoz last time i didn't have any time

n i bought alcohol for my brother

is really cheap.. is only £11

about 190.000rupiah i think

n this is 1liter

okay.. i need to eat first. maybe i'll just wait an half hour

transit to amsterdam

transit again at kuala lumpur

bye bye...

infromasi mengenai pesawat nya delay



i'll transit only 1hour

at amsterdam

from my first schedule is only 1hour

n turned out there is a prob with the flight

n they said they need about 30minutes to repair it

maybe more.. or maybe less

n the prob if they need it more than 30minutes

i'll arrive at amsterdam

so the different time is only 20minutes

from the right schedule, amsterdam

to jakarta

im so panic know.. what will be

if i....


flight from amsterdam to jakarta

i don't know what i need to do. buy a new ticket?

or what?? ???? &*!$%"**&%£

swear.. im so stress guys..

thought i miss my flight from amsterdam

because now is almost 7pm at amsterdam

n this airplane still stuck here

when the normal time to asmterdam

is about 1.35hour

so it would arrive at 8.35pm

n the connecting flight

from amsterdam to jakarta

at 8.45pm

whereas the gate from arrival to

connecting flight to jakarta

is gonna take 10-15minutes by walk

so fix.. it seems

i'll miss my flight in amsterdam



GUYS.. There is a new announcement

the flight can't fly

they need to wait the engineer to repair.. not the airplane, i did wrong. the right is there is a prob with the airport road

n it would take 1.30hour


TO JAKARTA. Because i still right here

ABERDEEN right now

i don't know what i need to do

guys.. i asked

to flight attendant

n the captaint

so FIX.. me n some peoples here

they'll miss their connecting flight from amsterdam

to their destinations.

and they said..

i should

come to desk information

when i arrive there

to tell them my situation

and then they would

arrange n hotel maybe

book a new ticket

to jakarta.. but i don't know when.. what time is it?

what flights i'll use.. i don't know...

and another prob if i should

stay at the hotel

it's mean i need to take all my luggages

and i need to check in again with all my luggages

crazy.. this is my first time

this is my first time

i got delayed

i mean i missed my flight.. and i don't know

what i need to do

i flight alone... if i have a friend will be better

n this is only me....

luckily.. my english is not too bad.. if i can't

speak english i'll be stress right now..

what i need to say..

like u see before.

i've done check in again from that machine

i'm amazed with KLM.

so fantastic.....

we were delayed for 2hours.. i have missed my flight from asmterdam

to jakarta..

when i arrived they already

booked another ticket for me

from amsterdam to jakarta again.. but is not KLM

so they already booked

and this is

i'll flight tomorrow

will use china southern airlines

from amsterdam to china first

so i'll go to china first, from china

and then i will go to jakarta

from here i'll go to downstair

there is a bus will

drop me to hotel and tomorrow i'll get a breakfast from that hotel

and tomorrow they would drop me again here

and all the facilities is FREE.. is really cool !!

Indonesia must learn from

all the sistem here..

in this KLM.. or i don't know with other airlines maybe

but this is my first time

i got delayed n i should to stay at the hotel

with this KLM..

fantastic.. awesome..

dooh.. so cool !!

i worried with all my luggages

but all my luggages will flight with me..

from china southern airlines..

hahahaa.. thanks God.. it's so cool !! but

becuase this delayed i can't arrive tomorrow on monday

will arrive on tuesday

i'll update again about facilities of the hotel

guys.. there is another drama

i want to go out now.. but i can't go out because

i don't have a europe visa

i mean if i go out from the immigration i need to check in at the hotel

but i need to go out from this airport

i should have a visa or

for eruopean is free (they don't need a visa)

the security check asked me i need to come to other office

ask them to give me an temporary visa

because i'll stay in amsterdam for 1night

so im waiting

the office man make an temporary visa

it's so difficult..

i swear i never imagine is gonna really difficult..

luckily.. there is no one people who understand what i say here.. LOL

it's so busy front of me..

guys.. now is 11.30pm

amsterdam time

i swear.. im so tired..

n i still need to find a bus..

drop me to hotel

i got a voucher hotel in mercure..

oh my god.. im alone

so sad :(

tired :(

im getting lost guys.. i never been here

i mean i never out from the airport

n i must to out from the airport alone

swear.. im getting lost now

hmm.. there is no security who could help me..

i need to ask someone



North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory' - Duration: 3:26.

North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory'

WAR OF WORDS: North Korea branded Donald Trump a silly old man who failed to evolve.

Kim Jong-un's state media launched another brutal tirade against the US President after calling him a "barking dog" at the UN. War fears loom between Washington and Pyongyang as both sides threaten conflict over Kim's quest for ICBMs.

North Korea released a statement badged up as from their "Youth League" which the tore into the Trump.

The state media made jokes about Trump being on the "golf range" and called on him to "come to his senses" Chillingly, it promised North Korea would "write the final page of the shameful end of the US".

Kim has lashed out against Trump after his fierce appearance at the UN. The US President threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea in his debut speech before world leaders in New York.

His statement raised the ire of furious North Korea, which doubled down on threats of nuclear war.

DONALD TRUMP: The US President has slammed North Korea this year over Kims quest for ICBMs.

NORTH KOREA: Kim Jong-un promised to unleash his tremendous might on the US.

In a statement carried by Pyongyang's state news agency, it said: "We repeatedly warned him to come to his senses and even showed off the tremendous might of [North] Korea with the ICBM launch and detonation of H-bomb.

But the silly old man who failed to evolve into a human, was hard of hearing. So we proved that a stick fits a rabid dog and fire should be responded with fire.".

North Korea has reportedly placed their military onto "war footing" on the border with South Korea.

The KCNA said: Trump fond of barking as he pleases is not a politician but a boss of gangsters and a rabid dog, not human." They added "our generation will write the final page of the shameful end of the US" and added they would bring about the final victory in the showdown with the US".

North Korea has sparked global fury with repeated missile launches capped off by the detonation of an H-bomb. Kim dubbed Trump "deranged" and promised to continue his nations nuclear weapons programme.

Daily Star Online revealed how war between the US and North Korea would unfold in the Korean Peninsula.

For more infomation >> North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory' - Duration: 3:26.


How did you make the decision to have HSCT? - Duration: 3:09.

Hi, my name's Dave Bexfield and I run the website,, to help people with

this disease stay active physically, intellectually

and socially.

And I started it ten years ago.


So the reason we're talking to you today is because you have been on HSCT

treatment, so my first question would be, how did you make the decision to have HSCT?

I didn't really make the decision to have it, I was kind of forced into it.

About eight years ago, it was actually in the spring of 2009 when

my MS was just burbling along fine, I wasn't too

disabled, a friend sent me an email and she had this clinical trial on HSCT and I said

no, you're crazy, you're batshit crazy.

And six months later I couldn't walk across my living room

floor, I was using a walker, I was incredibly disabled and I needed an emergency treatment

and I needed it right away.

So it was, it was really a must-do at that time, and I tried to get

into a clinical trial on Lemtrada, and I failed that, and this trial was the one thing that

could save my life.

So would you say then the anxiety associated with what might come with the treatment sort

of overcame the potential benefits you saw in the treatment?

Yeah, I mean the risks were substantial but I felt at the time I didn't really have

a choice.

It was intense.

I mean I couldn't use my underarm deodorant, which really bothered me,

because I couldn't do the squeezy thing to spray under my arms and I was too weak.

It was challenging to stand, I couldn't tie my

shoes, I signed my name almost using my fist, it was

that bad.

When I had to sign consent forms, I just put a pen in there and I just kind of barely

was able to initial.

My MS had just ramped up in an incredibly fast manner.

For more infomation >> How did you make the decision to have HSCT? - Duration: 3:09.


Gerard Pique and Andres Iniesta may have left Barca if Philippe Coutinho joined - report - Duration: 2:50.

Gerard Pique and Andres Iniesta may have left Barca if Philippe Coutinho joined - report

Barcelona stars may have quit the Nou Camp if Philippe Coutinho joined.

The Liverpool star was tipped to join the La Liga giants, with Barca tabling three bids for Coutinho. The 25-year-old handed in a transfer request in hope of getting his dream move to Barca.

However, Liverpool held firm and kept hold of the playmaker. And according to Spanish transfer outlet Don Balon, Barca stars may have quit the Nou Camp if Coutinho joined.

Gerard Pique, Andres Iniesta and Sergio Busquets would have all had issues with Coutinho's wages at Barca. The attacking midfielder would have been the third-highest earner at the club, behind Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez.

And Don Balon reckon Iniesta and co. could have quit Barca if the Liverpool star had made the move. Speaking about his failed Barca switch, Coutinho said: The whole world knows what happened.

From the first moment I played here and in the last game, I was very well received - like I always have been for the past four or five years.

The respect I have for them [the fans] and the respect they have for me appears to be maintained. What I need to do is to work hard and to always do my best to help the team.

I received a job offer, like in life whatever work you do. Sometimes youre interested and sometimes youre not. In this case, like you all know, I was interested.

But its like I always said, its a great honour to receive an offer for a great club like that. But its also a great honour to be here.

Liverpool is a great club. Im here and Im going to give it my best as always.

It was a complicated month for me, but like I said Im here now. Its an honour to receive an offer like that, but its also an honour to be here..

For more infomation >> Gerard Pique and Andres Iniesta may have left Barca if Philippe Coutinho joined - report - Duration: 2:50.


What's It Like To Have No Memory? - Duration: 3:51.

Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin.

"Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us."

So says Miss Prism in The Importance of Being Earnest.

It's a pretty accurate metaphor.

Memories hold our secrets, our feelings, and our experiences.

But what she doesn't point out is that memories, just like diaries, can be lost.

Our thoughts and recollections of the past can be gone in an instant.

What we tend to picture when we think of memory loss is what's known as retrograde amnesia.

Someone with retrograde amnesia can't remember certain aspects of the past and things they

already knew.

Generally, amnesia affects a person's short-term memory.

They'll remember the name of their childhood dog, but might not remember what day it is

or what they were doing immediately before they lost their memory.

Amnesia can be caused by a stroke, heart attack, or head injury, just as a few examples.

Fortunately, amnesia usually resolves itself without treatment.

However, millions of people will experience some form of incurable memory loss in their


In fact, this year an estimated 5.5 million people in the US live with Alzheimer's disease,

a disease that impacts the brain's ability to form memories.

Essentially Alzheimer's starts with a buildup of bits of a protein called beta-amyloid,

also known as plaque, in the brain.

The plaque gets in between nerve cells, and as more and more of it builds up, it damages

and kills brain cells, and Alzheimer's progresses.

According to the Alzheimer's Association, 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 has Alzheimer's.

That's a lot of people.

But what does memory loss mean for a person?

Is their personality gone too?

And what can be done for them?

Many researchers are asking, and answering, these questions.

Research shows that losing your memory to a disease like Alzheimer's isn't just

about forgetting facts you learned in school or the name of the street you grew up on.

It can progress into forgetting how to go through your daily routines like eating and

getting dressed.

Side effects of Alzheimer's also include personality changes, ranging from apathy to

paranoia to indecision.

However, in an interview about his experience with the disease, one man who has been living

with Alzheimer's for several years said "we're still in there."

But researchers' understanding of the disease can only go so far.

They can see the effects that Alzheimer's has on people, but typically they don't

fully comprehend the feeling of forgetting their own life.

According to a firsthand account from one individual who was diagnosed with early-onset

Alzheimer's, in order to imagine the disease, you should imagine waking up after a dental

procedure or a surgery—some event that involves drugs that erase your short term memory.

But also imagine that you've woken up in a building you don't recognize, surrounded

by things you've never seen before, and you're all alone.

Soon, people start coming into the room with you and talk to you like you've always known


Maybe they're your best friend or your kid or your spouse.

But you have no idea who they are.

This is terrifying and heartbreaking to imagine.

I don't like to think about it.

But it's reality for so many people, and it's incredibly important to think and talk


Alzheimer's has no cure.

But we have many scientists and researchers to thank for devoting their time and work

to looking for

a cure.

As always, my name is Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> What's It Like To Have No Memory? - Duration: 3:51.


False Prophets Have Led My People Astray - Duration: 11:12.

False Prophets Have Led My People Astray September 24, 2017

Lord Jesus, please give us docile and obedient hearts and the discernment to know false prophecies.


Well, this is something I really dislike doing. And that's basically, making a correction

on the Body of Christ. The groups of believers that have been circulating false prophecies

and stories about the Lord's return and the end of the world coming about on September

23rd. we are. Obviously, it was another rumor and not authentically from God. And

we have a few people on the Channel who INSIST on sharing prophecies from other channels

that contradict what the Lord has been telling us here. And I'm asking you all: if you see

something like that, would you please - if you have it in your heart - refute it? Because

it's causing unrest and instability to people who are very impressionable. And it's wrong

to do this.

The Lord has given us some wonderful promises, and He is Faithful. We're praying. We're fasting.

And He is Faithful to bring them about.

So, tonight I was going to write a letter to the prayer warriors, explaining to this

to them. And telling them to please be on the alert for those who are circulating these

false prophecies.

And I just had stumbled across Kim Clement's end time predictions. And I felt the anointing

on it when I saw it, so I decided to listen to it. It's a 10 minute piece. And he was

confirming everything the Lord had told me. 

So, I was going to advise you all to listen to this 10 minute segment on what God has

in store for America.  But then the Lord took over and began speaking to me about those

who have come against this channel, circulating false prophecies, when I have asked them repeatedly:

Please! Do not do this! Over a two or three year period - and they STILL do it. Because

what they are reporting is totally opposite of what the Lord has told us, and it is causing


Many of you are seasoned, but there are some that are NOT seasoned Christians. And they

listen to these things and it causes them fear and anxiety. And it's terrible, because

the Lord has given us a word to stand on about what He's doing in this nation.

So, I am hoping all of you will see the truth and the lies, and not allow them to pass these

words onto you. You have free will, all I can do is advise you as Jesus has advised

me. But still, some will not cooperate and they'll withstand the Lord's words to us. 

Please uphold His honor. I love, honor and appreciate you all SO much, we need to lying


So, these are the words of the Lord tonight:

"To My precious prayer warriors: those of you who have not compromised but kept My wishes

as the law of your heart.  You have not sought the scintillating news on the internet—Youtube

prophecies about yesterday being your last day on Earth, and all the fear mongering of

those who are led astray by false prophets. Fear of Russia, fear of N. Korea, and all

the other false flag news to keep your mind off your present time assignments and duties—to

keep you searching hours and hours on the news of My coming.  

"With you, I am well pleased.  You will have peace in your heart because of your obedience.

You will have much fruit in My Kingdom because you persevered and kept your focus on My wishes

and did not stoop to be entertained and waste time on false reports of My coming. 

"These are those which I spoke about in Matthew 24: there will be many false prophets, lying

visions and rumors to keep people in a state of insecurity and uproar. 

"This is not My will for you.  I have chosen Heartdwellers to be a unique people of love,

focused on love and intimacy with Me. As the early Church of Philadelphia, the Brotherly

Love church, which I promised would be taken in the Rapture, this is Pure and Living Water.

"What is being circulated as true prophecy of disaster to America is poisoned water—

and a well cannot have both bitter and pure water.

"Those who spread these rumors are bitter wells and false prophets trying to take your

attention off the peace and security I have planned for you, My people. This is a season

of outpouring of gifts and anointings for those or you who are focused on My will. 

"But there are those that would raise themselves up against Me and circulate all kinds of lies

and tales from false prophets, astrologers, and fear mongers—who are trying to derail

your faith and keep you from seeing the real enemy, which is the shadow government born

from the new world order."

Now, some people would ask me, "Well, how are they derailing your faith?" Very simply:

because nothing happens. These predictions come hot and heavy, broadcast all over the

place—and NOTHING HAPPENS. And you're a laughing-stock, because you told everyone

that this was going to happen—and it didn't happen.

And when THAT happens, you not only derail the faith of those around you, that could

have been saved, believed in the're also undermining your OWN faith. Because you're

listening to lying rumors.

The Lord continued, "I am calling you, Heartdwellers, to purify your hearts from these rumors. 

Stop entertaining and acknowledging those who are following every sensational prediction

NOT from My true prophets.   Defend My honor. I have told you what is in store for you;

defend My honor and refuse to take part in listening to those who come to you with popular

tales meant to stir up fear and insecurity.  They are poison to My Body and I am calling

those of you who truly believe, love and obey Me, to speak against these lying predictions.

"Much of this is invented to make money, but My sheep don't understand the true nature

of those who are always stirring up fear. Their subscriptions soar, their wallets fatten,

but their judgment will be severe—because their motives are self-promotion and worldly

gain. And through their greed, they have led many innocent victims astray. 

"Cleave to Me, My People, and I will tell you when to prepare for what. 

"Now is a season of growth for the Earth; now is the time to spread My Love and My Coming.

Now is the time to use your gifts and to continue fasting, that the evil powers of this world

will be seriously delayed in carrying out their agenda of ruining this country.

"Each of you are precious to Me and speak to others with no motive other than to glorify

Me and prepare the world for My coming. 

"Others who follow false prophets are stirring up insecurity and keeping My vessels unto

honor from moving forward with their giftings.  They are not for Me— they are against Me.

And I am calling on you who know better to refuse to take part in their poison.

"There will be a huge wave of  confused  souls hung over from these exciting rumors

generated that never came to pass. Now is a very good time to apply loving correction

and point them in the right direction.

"Exhort them to use their gifts for the Kingdom of God.  Stop looking up at the sky and get

busy! You know He's coming. Glance up there from time to time, to acknowledge it. Don't

sit around staring at the sky. Use your gifts for the Kingdom.Exhort them to know themselves

so they will not be so easily carried away by every flashy rumor and devilish wile. 

Exhort them to examine their hearts and repent before Me for those sins they have ignored, for

the needy they have passed by in their rush to prepare for the end of the world. 

"I have taken and set you aside for My purposes, and I am sending you out to correct those

who have been caught up in lies and rumors.  With love, exhort them to return to Me and

set to work on My agendas. 

"I am coming soon, and many are not ready because they have immersed themselves in false

prophecies and not worked on their own hearts.  Many will not be taken, because they have

taken no time to reform their lives and live only for Me.  

"Exhort with love, expose the lies, call them back to Me."

And, I'm going to leave a link on here for Kim Clements' last prophetic words. I'm going

to read just a short blurb that appears underneath that video.

North Korea, Iran, USA. Some of Kim Clement's last prophetic words are being shared over

and over lately especially words regarding North Korea, Iran and the USA.

I encourage you to read through some of his last prophetic words spoken, which are NOW

words for sure.

Some of what Kim shares is: "Do not be afraid of North Korea, do not be afraid of Iran;

do not be afraid of the nations, for in 2016 everything will change," says the Lord.

"There will be a sound of liberty from the White House. There will be a sound of prayers

from the White House."

And all I can say is that the Lord has told us, just recently: Do NOT be afraid of North

Korea. Do NOT be afraid of Iran. But DO pray against the underground government and the

New World Order. And that's what He has us doing now.

So, the Lord bless you all, dear ones. Please, please harken to the Lord's wisdom about not

believing everything that comes down the pike. And especially things that are exciting and

catch your attention and your sense of adventure. Be VERY cautious with that.

God bless you.

For more infomation >> False Prophets Have Led My People Astray - Duration: 11:12.


8 Warning Signs You May Have a Dangerous Amount of Heavy Metals in Your Body - Duration: 4:28.

Heavy metals are those naturally occurring elements that have a high atomic weight and

density that is at least five times greater than water.

You're probably the most familiar with heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum.

These elements, even in slight doses, are toxic to humans.

Yet, we're consistently exposed to these damaging heavy metals in our environment.

Heavy metals can be present in the air we breathe, the water we drink, or in our food

supply, and when we absorb these toxins, they build up inside our bodies.

That's why we often have signs and symptoms of having high levels of toxicity, without

even knowing it.

Take a look at these 9 signs that point to issues associated with heavy metals:


Nausea and Vomiting Heavy metal poisoning is often revealed by

nausea and vomiting.

If you ingested something toxic with a high level of toxicity, your symptoms will no doubt

include nausea.

Your body may also try to get rid of the heavy metal quickly, thus vomiting is likely to



Breathing problems Another one of the most common signs of heavy

metal poisoning is difficulty breathing.

When mercury is found in the body, it attacks the respiratory system.


Memory Loss If you have trouble remembering things or

feel like your brain is foggy, it could be a sign of metal poisoning.

More serious neurological symptoms include severe headaches, convulsions.

These could also lead to a coma.


Skin Rashes Rashes on the skin can occur when these toxic

chemicals try to find another way out of the body.

They seep through the skin and produce red, itchy spots.


Night Sweats Sweating is the body's way of releasing

toxins through our skin.

If you wake up at night and are sweating excessively it could be a sign that your body has too

many toxins in it.


Headaches When toxins accumulate and our bodies don't

naturally cleanse themselves, one side effect may be chronic headaches.

This points to exposure to toxins over a long period of time.


Abdominal Pain The effects of heavy metals in the body can

be immediate, but they can also occur over time.

A build-up of these toxins can actually damage certain organs in the body, including reproductive


This damage can appear initially in the form of cramping and abdominal pain.


Constipation Queasiness, diarrhea, and even constipation

that occur on a consistent basis, may be signs that the heavy metals in your system are having

an effect on your digestive system.


Muscle and Joint Pain Strange muscle pains not associated with physical exertion, could

be one way that you're body is telling you it's been exposed to toxins.

Muscle weakness and joint pain are also symptoms that you've been exposed to heavy metals

over a long period of time.

Heavy Metal Fighting Foods


Chlorella Chlorella is a super food algae that contains


It's found growing naturally in fresh water and combats heavy metal exposure.

Add it to your diet, especially if you're experiencing intestinal problems.

It will help you heal and fight the negative effects of the heavy metals found in your



Herbs Cilantro and parsley—both great tasting

herbs, also fight toxicity.

They do this by latching onto the heavy metals in your digestive tract and carrying them

through until they are expelled from your system.

Use them to help detox and keep your digestive tract clear from these damaging compounds.


Garlic Another common weapon used to fight the presence

of heavy metals is garlic.

Containing sulfur, garlic oxidizes metals like mercury, cadmium, and lead.

That means that it works to dissolve these metals.

When garlic does its job, heavy metals can be flushed from our bodies.

When it's already present, garlic can also help us to avoid heavy metal poisoning.

For more infomation >> 8 Warning Signs You May Have a Dangerous Amount of Heavy Metals in Your Body - Duration: 4:28.


Actually, We Do Have to Politicize. Lives Depend On It - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Actually, We Do Have to Politicize. Lives Depend On It - Duration: 5:37.


You're Always Gonna Have Problems... Don't Avoid It! - Duration: 4:10.

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez from

I'm just here in Switzerland.

I thought I'd just share my run with you because it's pretty awesome.

You could check out the view here.

Yeah, I think that's all I've got for today.

I just wanted to share the run and let you kind of see.

I'm just going to record some of the video of the run as I'm running back and you could

check it out.

All right.

Here I go.

I guess I do have one lesson to share with you.

I was just thinking of this today as I was running which is today I lost a parking ticket

for the garage where I was parking my car that I'm borrowing here in Switzerland, in

the French area of Switzerland and I can't speak any French.

It was kind of a big hassle, but I didn't really get freaked out even though it was

kind of a big deal.

It's Sunday.

There's no way to really communicate with people.

There are some cows.

I was not sure what I was going to do, but I didn't get freaked out about it.

Yeah, so I didn't get freaked out about it because I've dealt with a lot of situations,

a lot of crazy situations in different countries and whatnot.

One thing that I've kind of learned is that whatever problem that you have it's not a

big deal usually.

There's some way to solve it.

something is going to happen and you're going to figure it out.

It's really easy to panic.

I used to freak out, "Oh no!

I can't believe this!

I'm not going to get on my plane on time.

I'm going to miss the buss.

I'm going to miss the train.

Oh shit!

Oh shit, my bag is going to be too heavy.

Oh shit, how am I going to find my car?

Oh no, it's going to get dark and I'm not going to be able to get home in time."

You get all these situations and you can freak out about them, but you know what, it's not

worth it.

It's a waste of your time, waste of your energy.

You're going to figure something out.

You could be resourceful.

Almost always—all right, I'll stop for the landscape.

Almost always there's some kind of solution for your problem.

I don't know.

My point is this, it's like just rely a little bit more on your resourcefulness.

Don't be afraid.

Just because things don't go right or some shit happens—you're always going to have


I think a lot of—a lot in life a lot of people spend time trying to avoid problems

and trying to ensure that they'll never run into problems.

You know, if you do anything adventurous in life, if you do anything really challenging,

you're going to run into problems, you're going to run into a lot of problems.

You've got to get at being resourceful and solving problems and staying calm rather than

trying to avoid problems completely, if that makes sense.

Anyway, I just thought I would share that with you as I'm doing my run and yeah, there

you go.

All right.

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For more infomation >> You're Always Gonna Have Problems... Don't Avoid It! - Duration: 4:10.


Packers players have peaceful protest during national anthem - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Packers players have peaceful protest during national anthem - Duration: 1:14.


'We're Here To Have Fun': Vikings Fans On Trump's NFL Tweets - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> 'We're Here To Have Fun': Vikings Fans On Trump's NFL Tweets - Duration: 1:33.


Trump Says GOP Lawmakers Don't Have The 'Guts' To Repeal Obamacare | TODAY - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Trump Says GOP Lawmakers Don't Have The 'Guts' To Repeal Obamacare | TODAY - Duration: 3:27.


WATCH: Steve Mnuchin Says Players Have a 'Right to Free Speech Off the Field' - Duration: 2:58.

WATCH: Steve Mnuchin Says Players Have a 'Right to Free Speech Off the Field'

Steve Mnuchin.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin stood by President Donald Trump in his feud with the NFL over the league allowing players to protest by kneeling during the National Anthem.

Mnuchin told CNN's Jake Tapper that he wants to see the NFL put in a rule to make players stand and they can "have the right for free speech off the field.

Mnuchin began by telling Tapper that the NFL has various rules already and the owners should meet and vote to add another one forcing players to stand for "The Star-Spangled Banner.

"This is about respect for our military, this is about respect for our first responders.

This is not about Republicans or Democrats.

Players have the right for free speech off the field," Mnuchin said.

"On the field, this is about respect for lots of people and I don't understand why there's rules that when the Dallas Cowboys wanted to put stickers on their helmets out of respect for people there, they couldn't do it.

But now the NFL is saying people should be allowed to decide what they want to do and disrespect the United States flag.

Mnuchin is referring to an incident last year, when the NFL refused to let the Cowboys wear a sticker supporting Dallas police officers.

However, all three Florida teams and the Houston Texans were allowed to wear stickers to support relief for Hurricane Harvey and Irma victims.

Mnuchin didn't mention this.

Tapper reminded Mnuchin that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFL owners have supported their players' right to free speech, and then asked why this was a fight the president wanted to have.

"He thinks this is about respect for the military and so many people that put their lives at risk for what the country stands for," Mnuchin said.

"The owners should meet, and they should decide on this rule the same way they decide on any other rule.".

For more infomation >> WATCH: Steve Mnuchin Says Players Have a 'Right to Free Speech Off the Field' - Duration: 2:58.


CM3 pieces of excitement you have a handkerchief - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> CM3 pieces of excitement you have a handkerchief - Duration: 9:33.


😲Beer Yoga Is Popping Up All Over The World, Have You Ever Got The Bottle To Try It? - Duration: 2:48.

you can now combine one of your greatest vices with your greatest virtues thanks

to a new fitness trend that is going global beer yoga the concept is simple

you move through a series of yoga poses while enjoying a nice beer as well as

adding some weight to your practice you'll have the added challenge of

keeping a beer bottle on your head while trying a balancing asana yoga and beer

may not seem like the most natural combination but the German duo behind

the concept Emily anahulu of beer yoga insist they

take it seriously they are to Berlin yoga teachers that decided to combine

their yogi lifestyle with their love of drinking beer and say spiritual

philosophy can be a natural fit with the pleasure you get from drinking beer

helping you achieve the next level of consciousness despite some people

criticizing the classes as a gimmick and as being unhealthy the pair defends the

beer yoga classes on their website both are centuries-old therapies for

body mind and soul they said the joy of drinking beer and the mindfulness of

yoga complement each other and make for an energizing experience it seems the

rest of the world is beginning to catch on the idea came to Emily and Nicola

after seeing it done at Burning Man and they began teaching beer yoga classes in

Germany in 2015 they have also traveled to Australia to

teach and now there are separate classes in Bangkok if you're planning on getting

drunk you might have to wait until after the class is over generally you only

have one beer bottle to work with during your class and the bottle can even work

as an extra weight to help you strengthen your poses though beer yoga

classes are really more for fun than any serious effort to get fit while beer

yoga isn't running any public beer yoga classes at the moment you can contact

them for a private lesson or try it out in Bangkok with brew yoga while you hula

toll they are open to doing classes abroad they have no concrete plans to

open a second base outside of Germany at the moment despite this it appears the

idea has taken on a life of its own so keep an eye on new beer yoga locations

popping up near you

For more infomation >> 😲Beer Yoga Is Popping Up All Over The World, Have You Ever Got The Bottle To Try It? - Duration: 2:48.


Should I Tell My Boss If I Have a Medical Emergency or Get Hurt? - Duration: 1:29.

In the event that it's an emergency where it's something instant.

Where say, you need an ambulance, you need to be transported to the hospital.

If that happens on the job, odds are your employer's already aware that that's happening.

But you do want to make sure you let your supervisor know.

It can be done by a spouse.

It can be done by a co-worker.

But someone needs to take the time to let whoever the supervisor is know that you've

been hurt and are being transported to the hospital.

You can certainly take an ambulance.

You don't have to wait for somebody to bring a private car.

And get your employer involved.

You just need to make sure that they're aware so they can start the proper paperwork.

So, that that first visit to the hospital gets paid for by the insurance company.

And not out of your pocket.

The first thing you should always do is make sure your employer knows.

You want to make sure that they are aware of it.

So, that you don't have any problems in the future with notice.

That's one of the main problems.

A lot of people think, I've gotten hurt on the job.

But, I don't want to tell my employer because I don't want to get in trouble.

But if you don't tell your employer, and then you go to the doctor and it is something serious,

when you go back to tell your employer—at that point, it makes it look like you found

out something serious is wrong and now you want to put it on workers compensation.

Whereas, if you tell your employer first and let it go through the proper channels, you're

going to avoid that first problem with the insurance company.

To speak with a workers compensation attorney about your claim, you can call 1-888-WE-FIGHT.

Or you can visit us on the web at

For more infomation >> Should I Tell My Boss If I Have a Medical Emergency or Get Hurt? - Duration: 1:29.


Here's My Canada: We Have Lots of Sports - Duration: 0:26.

We like Canada because there has a lot of sports,

and it is a pretty place.


because we spend most of our lives



I love Canada! No out loud!

I love Canada!

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