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How To - Enable and Disable Bluetooth - Duration: 0:55.To enable Bluetooth in Windows 7, open the Start menu and type "Bluetooth" into the search box.
Select "Change Bluetooth Settings" from the search results to open the Bluetooth Settings window.
Place a check next to "Allow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer."
Make sure there is not a check next to "Turn off the Bluetooth adapter."
To disable Bluetooth, remove the check next to "Allow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer."
For Windows 8 or Windows 10, open the Start menu, type "Bluetooth Settings",
and select Bluetooth Settings from the search results.
Under the 'Manage Bluetooth Devices" section, click the toggle switch to enable Bluetooth.
Click the toggle switch again to disable Bluetooth.
John Macarthur: 3 PRACTICAL WAYS TO PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. (How to Pray: Prayer Sermon Jam) - Duration: 5:01.Pray at all times.
What does that mean?
Hello praying Christian community, today I am going to share with you 3 practical ways
to pray without ceasing that I learned from Pastor John Macarthur and we are starting
right now.
Pray at all times.
What does that mean?
Just exactly what it says.
There doesn't need to be an explanation of that.
Jesus said in Luke 21:36, "Watch and pray always."
The early Apostles said in Acts 6:4, "We will give ourselves continually to prayer."
It was said about Cornelius in Acts chapter 10 that he prayed to God always.
Paul in Romans 12:12 says, "Continue diligently in prayer."
In Colossians 4:2, "Continue in prayer."
Philippians 4:6, "Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God."
And famous, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without...what?...ceasing."
Pray without ceasing.
Paul did that.
Second Timothy 1:3, "Without ceasing...he says...I have remembrance of you in my prayers
night and day."
The idea here is constancy.
Now this stretches us beyond just some recited prayer.
This cannot mean some focused isolated prayer experience.
We're talking about a life pattern.
We're talking about a consciousness of God's presence at all times that leaves my heart
open fully to Him.
That's what this is all about.
To be so God-conscious that you see and experience everything with reference to Him.
You see all events in life as related to God.
If you see something good, what is your immediate response to what is good?
It is to offer God thanks and praise and adoration.
You see evil, you see sin, what is your response?
You ask Him to make it right.
You confess it.
You pray for the sinner.
You grieve that God is dishonored, that His name is reproached.
--You ask God to vindicate Himself and to bring righteousness where there is only iniquity.
You see trouble.
You see people in distress.
What is your initial response?
To go to God and ask that God will somehow be honored in the distress and bring a deliverance
that can glorify His name.
It's simply living your life in that kind of dominant God-consciousness so that God
is the filter through which every experience passes.
David said that, "I have set the Lord always before me.
I have set the Lord always before me."
Everything in life is filtered through that God-enhanced vision.
There's no waking moment then that prayer cannot rise.
It isn't a time that wait for, it's a life that you live.
It's a God-conscious life.
It's not just finding a list of requests and going over it, although that's part
of it.
It's not just having a prescribed prayer time, although that's certainly part of
it...private place.
It's much more than that.
It's that every single thing in your life is something to talk to God about, everything...everything.
Question of the day How do you pray without ceasing?
Post it in the comment below and remember that some of the best insights come from you
the praying christians community, so definitely connect with everybody in the comments section.
And If you liked this video, hit that thumbs up and share this with somebody else that
might be interested in this topic and if you new to this channel consider subscribing.
Until then Keep Praying and see you next friday.
How to make a toy boat mini for kids - plastic bottle boats using an electric motor - Duration: 9:05.How to make a toy boat mini for kids
How to make a toy boat mini for kids
How to make a toy boat mini for kids
How to make a toy boat mini for kids
How To Install Kodi on Windows 10 - Duration: 3:05.hey everyone welcome back to security
gladiators in today's video you're going
to learn exactly how to install Kodi on
Windows 10 this is going to be the first
step in your kodi experience so be sure
to watch the whole video ok so first
thing you need to do is open up your web
browser I'm using Chrome however you can
use any web browser that you like and
head over to the address bar or you can
type it here on Google which would be
otherwise it's Kodi
dot TV as you can see yeah so click on
Cody click downloads
scroll down the bottom click on Windows
for Windows 10 and click on installer
this one yeah give it a second and it
should start downloading automatically
which it has it should be nearly done
all right once that's downloaded open up
to show in folder you might have saved
it to your desktop or like myself here
down in downloads right click and click
on run as administrator then all you
need to do is follow along basically
just hit next every time agree to the
license hit next next next
and this will install Cody I'm gonna
fast-forward this a little bit so you
don't have to sit here and watch this
the whole time
alright that's basically it that's Cody
installed I'll just click on run Cody
and hit finish I'll allow access and
there you have it there's Cody installed
on Windows 10 but just remember in order
to watch all the TV and movies in the
world you'll need to install the best
add-ons which are down here and to learn
how to do that just subscribe to our
Channel and be sure to watch out of
other videos that are coming up with how
to install Exodus on Cody thanks again
for watching security guards
How to Use Screen Write on the Note8 | SBTV - Duration: 1:22.>> Reid Estreicher: Hey guys, I'm Reid, that's the Note8 and this is Samsung Business television.
[intro music]
>> Reid Estreicher: Hey guys, do you ever wish that you could annotate directly under
the screen of your smartphone?
Well so do I.
So, I'm going to show you how to use Screen Write with your S Pen.
So Screen Write offers you the ability to annotate directly on your screen to urgent
memos or even documents while you're on the go.
Let me show you the steps.
Make sure the phone is unlocked.
Pull out your S Pen, navigate to the page or document.
Select your Air Command icon.
Select Screen Write and at this point, you just would start writing.
Here, you can change features such as pen type and color, or even the thickness of the
line that you choose to write in.
Save the image and it'll show up automatically in your gallery or you can share the image.
All right, that's it.
Pretty awesome stuff.
Hope you guys learned something, I know I did.
Thank you so much for tuning in.
Check us out next time and as always, we will see you on
the internet.
You need more information?
Go to
[closing music]
How Microsoft transformed Marks & Spencer with Unified Communications services - Duration: 1:16:29.-------------------------------------------
The Game of Life and How to Play it. In Urdu/Hindi - Duration: to achieve success in life
幸せの定義? How Do You Define Happiness? [🇫🇷フランス弾丸旅行vlog 2 My vlog in France🇫🇷] - Duration: 10:03.'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are
Did you film this???
I was invited to Imane's place. (She was in my videos last year)
Salut! Welcom back!
Thanks. We're near Metro "Nation"
Yea, more like "Père Lachaise"
Ok, well thank you for inviting me.
Sure, no problem.
We are gonna party.
We call that "Decanter"
"Decanter" or "Decanteur"?
"Decanter" could be "Decanteur"..
Anyways, we have that because we are having a french party.
You do like this
How do you wash a decanter?
-It is so hard. -You have to scrabble.
I thought so.
You have to buy a special brush.
Do you know any character from "Final Fantasy"??
-"Sasuke"?? -Nooo
He is from "Naruto".
-Try. -What was it??
-Did you really play the game? -"Sasha"?
-Sasha? -She's from Pokemon
I've never played Final Fantasy to be honest.
-Fils de fil? -Who?
Qui veut une fille???
-Luffy? -Nooon!
-He is from "One Piece".
Why did you told me that?? He told me to say it!
-Son Goku is from "Dragon Ball" -We know that.
You forgot ?
What ?
-Where should I press to record? -It's filming already.
-Ouch. -Attention, You've been drinking
(I can play the piano when I'm drunk enough XD)
-Can't anymore. -Can you play one more?
-No -NO?
I'm too drunk to play..
-Salut! -What we were talking about?
What we do? What we say?
-I don't know. -What is the theme?
Can we talk about "Happiness"?
-Happiness? -To be happy.
You know, I asked the same question to my nephew who's 3 years old.
-What did he say? -He said happiness is "Tchin Tchin"
What does is mean?
To have a toast! He's only 3!
-To drink.
He knows but I don't know what is the happiness. Do you know?
-Happiness? -Yea
I don't know but I think that it's something simple.
That's why her nephew said "Tchin Tchin"
-To have drink -It's simple.
-With friends. -Yea
With someone you love.
With good friends, you mean?
Yea, that's happy and do what you like.
By that definition, we are happy right now!
-Because we are... -Yea!
We are eating and drinking wine.
-Eating cheese. -Yea, we are happy!
-It's the happiness in french style, wine and cheese. -Merci
Vive la France.
Is it by mistake or design? I feel so alone on the Friday nights
Can you make it feel like home, If I tell you you're mine?
Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough And the road gets tough I don't know why
Keep making me laugh Let's go get high The road is long,
We carry on Try to have fun in the meantime
Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
So choose your last words, This is the last time
Cause you and I, We were born to die
I forgot the lyrics!
It's like I told you, honey
Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough And the road gets tough I don't know why
Keep making me laugh Let's go get high
The road is long, We carry on Try to have fun in the meantime
Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
So choose your last words, This is the last time
Cause you and I, We were born to die
Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Don't make me sad, Don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough And the road gets tough I don't know why
Keep making me laugh Let's go get high
The road is long, We carry on Try to have fun in the meantime
Come take a walk on the wild side Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
So choose your last words, This is the last time
Cause you and I, We were born to die
Clap clap clap!
You are amazing..
I know I know ( I forgot the lyrics..)
(And she did too XD)
She's so beautiful And I tell her everyday.
There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause, you're amazing Just the way you are
The way you are, the way you are
'Cause, you're amazing Just the way you are
Did you film this???
How to Speed up a Windows Folder - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
CSR2 HOW TO WIN EVERY LIVE RACE AT $200K PER RACE (turn CC on ) - Duration: 14:26.In this video I will show you how to win every live race you enter. I will also show you how to get your opponent to accept 200K max bets 90% of the time and win millions of dollars in a short amount of time.
Using this method, I have gone on win streaks of 20+ races earning 200K a race and making $1,000,000 every 10 minutes give or take depending on how many racers challenge me.
All you need is a Ferrari F12 Berlinetta upgraded with stage 5 tires and transmission, stage 4+ engine, turbo, and stage 3 body and intake.
The exact upgrades you have fitted do not matter as much as the tune. The most important upgrades to have fitted are stage 5 tires and transmission, and 2, 3, or 4 body.
I've used many different upgrade combos and successfully won every live race at $200k per race so the upgrades aren't extremely important.
Now for the most important part, the tune. You want to tune it to the highest possible evo score, then slide tires to 100 grip and final ride anywhere from 2.0-3.0.
You can see here that I have a 14.267 dyno, but with this tune, I can beat that by about 1.5 seconds which is what allows me to win every live race.
Pay close attention to the take off and shift times and the time that I use my nitrous, Play the video at half speed to see the exact times for take off, shifting and nitrous.
Ill test run one more time so you can get a better idea of when to take off, shift and use nitrous.
You're gonna want to lose your first race on purpose and try to race close to your dyno instead of beating it. This will give you an idea of how fast the racers in the lobby are.
I see that he just raced a 13.994, and I know that I can race around a 12.7 so I know that I'm in the right lobby.
Now you want to change your name to something like 200K per Race or MAX BETS ONLY and wait for someone to challenge you.
This is the best way to get racers to accept max bets because the see your name so most of the time, only racers who are willing to bet that much will challenge you
The rest of the video is just videos of me winning multiple races in a row with high stakes.
You can win 20+ races before losing any, but eventually the lobby will get too hard. When this happens, go downgrade or upgrade your car and retune the same way
Then go into a lobby and lose a few races on purpose, then exit lobby and reenter. Do this until you find a lobby racing times that you know you can beat.
Once you've found one, you will be good for about another 20-25 races and can earn $5,000,000 in a short amount of time if you only race players who accept your 200k bets
Thank you for watching. Comment below if you would like me to teach you how to do this with a different car
Best Money Making Business 2017 - How to Make Money - Duration:
How Arizonans can help those in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
How to draw A Village House / Hut step by step ( very easy ) - Duration: 11:31.Subscribe to the channel and choose what you want to watch further
How to Tag YouTube VideosII Get More Views YouTube2017 - Duration: 5:50.
i am pardeep kumar
8 Recipes Food Cake Dessert | How to Make Recipes Chocolate Chesse ah Home|Recipes Dessert Season 14 - Duration: 10:14.Thank You For Watching Channel Recipes Food Cake Dessert!
Thank You For Watching! Please LIKE - COMMENT - SUBSCRIBE to Channel Recipes Food Cake Dessert!
Please LIKE - COMMENT - SUBSCRIBE to Channel Recipes Food Cake Dessert to see more interesting new Videos!
How To Become Financially Independent - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
Russian pronunciation – How to improve it at home - Duration: 4:40.hello everyone! Daria here and today we're going to talk about how to improve
your Russian pronunciation. You know that in language schools and in colleges and
with teachers you always have that "repeat after me" section but thousands of
people learn the Russian language by themselves, so they don't have anyone to
practice with, and today I'm going to help you! So why don't you organize this
whole "repeat after me" section yourself today you have everything you need available
online: it can be a movie, better to be a Russian movie because articulation
is important too, so all those dubs, leave them alone and use
some authentic Russian material or maybe it can be an interview with some Russian
celebrity, but movies work much better because you see the context there
there is some real situation so it's easier for you to follow and also movies have
subtitles I mean Russian subtitles. With interviews
automatic YouTube subtitles, they are far from being perfect so let's work with
movies today. What I want you to do is pick a short dialogue, short scene
from any Russian movie and just like in the language class you pause after each
sentence and you repeat. You repeat and try to copy the intonation, the emotion
try to copy it 100% if you don't understand what they say first read the
subs and then translate, then watch it again and then many many times repeat
until you copy them perfectly so let me show you the example. We're gonna work
with the movie Moscow does not believe in tears just like this
Оооо какие люди, и без охраны! Не расстраивайся ты, Катерина! А я не расстраиваюсь!
Два балла, надо же, два балла, а?
Два балла, надо же, два балла, а? You her that conversational manner there?
Я все равно поступлю. А кто спорит?
So, like that. You hear? All those intonations. It's very important to learn how to copy them, I don't offer you to watch
the entire movie like that, of course not. Just a short scene and you work with it
because it's an exercise, it's not watching the movie
it's the intonation and repetition exercise that will help you to improve
your pronunciation. Another important thing you should pay
your attention to, is that the character you choose should be someone that you
can associate yourself with. I mean that for example if you are some middle-aged
man you certainly don't want to repeat intonations after some teenaged high school girl so you know what I mean you should choose some movie that
has some character that is like you in some way. And that was it for today, below
this video I will leave a couple of links to the Russian movies with subs so
you can find something to practice with. And I hope you enjoyed, if you did, don't
forget to put like there, so I know that you enjoy these Russian language
learning tips. And thank you very much for watching I hope to see you in my
next video. Bye bye!
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