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I look at Rick and Morty ( videos and more) - Duration: 5:05.There's an old proverb that goes "Too many cooks spoil the broth".
And whilst it rings true for a lot of things it's never been clearer for an ever growing
portion of the Rick and Morty fanbase.
I'm very lucky and happy to say I caught Rick and Morty midway through Season one.
It's one of those shows that instantly clicked because it knew what it was doing when it
came down to it's cinematic universe.
This is only one of a multitude of reasons why the show has been widely successful and
believe me when I say it has rightfully earned it's fame and success.
There is a lot of terrible content out there right now and when it comes to animation aimed
primarily at young adults, none gets it quite as right as Rick and Morty.
When you have anything that grows in popularity from where it first began, you'll tend to
pick up 2 types of fans.
Those who appreciate it for what it tries to convey and the reasons it goes about doing
what it does and then well you have those who can only be described as jumping-on-the-bandwagon-so-hard-it-broke-the-fucking-tires-causing-the-owner-to-get-really-mad-at-your-decision-making-itus!
Allow me to explain.
Rick and Morty works best at least in my opinion when it is left to it's own devices.
Any show does.
Because everyone works and operates differently when you get to the stage of being one of
the most popular adult animated comedies on TV, you will end up picking up a lot of audience.
And that's good, because successful shows need to get the airtime that they deserve.
But at the same time you run the risk of things starting to fall apart for others who just
wants the show to be itself.
For example, in the Season 3 episode 9, there's a touching montage featuring Beth and Rick
and with all the heavy and genuinely touching moments for the first time you see any sort
of intimacy between the two characters you'd think the show would treat it differently
to what we actually got which is Get Schwifty 2.0
Yes that's right, they literally used a song with the lead chorus of "I got a doo
doo in my butt and I don't know what to do".
It seems to me that this great show keeps being unsure on if it wants to be bloody brilliant
and a walking meme all the time.
Now I'm not saying that people can't make memes out of Rick and morty, in fact It's
probably accounted for some of the show's major successes, But for a show with an alcoholic
grandfather, a divorced marriage and the fallout of 2 kids trying to cope in a dysfunctional
environment, it does for me tend to fall onto the someone farted, cue the flashing applause
I mean take Pickle Rick.
Isn't the premise of Rick running away from his problems so brilliantly dark?
Like the lengths he would go to to not have to face the fact he's a broken individual
is probably one of the best things i've seen in TV lately.
But then you have the fans who are here for the meme and to them all they see is "HAHAHA
Nothing is more evident at those who are there for the memes as to those who use the app where you literally have thousands of kids lipsyncing to things whilst cosplaying
as Rick and morty.
Oh but wait a second we like rick and morty!
Who cares that this video has nothing to do with the show and is some sort of pop culture
reference to something entirely unreleated, Rick and morty is funny guys!
I don't think Rick and Morty is at the stage where it could be but part of me feels a little
uneasy that because of it's scale of fans that it is in great danger of becoming something
that is a shell of itself.
If you have the time go back and watch Season 1 and think that this is a time before it
got wild popularity and there were no memes and videos around.
To me Season 1 hits a lot harder then Season 3 has done.
That's not to say I haven't enjoyed Season 3 though, I still look forward to and make
a point of watching Rick and Morty and I'll continue to do so until it becomes a product
of those who just want it to be a meme.
Because memes become old and stale, just like dat boi jeff.
(I can't believe I just made that joke holy shit)
I know I'm often in the minority here so I'd love to hear how you think Rick and
Morty is progressing.
Do you think Season 3 stacks up well?
Do you think it's on the decline or incline?
I certainly know my stance on the matter because whoever coined the proverb too many cooks
spoil the broth was probably onto something.
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Look at him climb up the baby this time!
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Doctors Answer The Most Googled Sex Questions - Duration: 6:57.- If you feel like you're really small maybe you are.
(bass music)
- I'm Dr. Lisa Masterson,
and I'm an obstetrician and gynecologist.
- My name is Dr. Kia Michel from Comprehensive Urology.
I'm a urologist.
- I deal with everything women and men as it involves
relationships and sex and fertility.
- Today we're going to answer
Google's most popular sex questions.
(smooth jazz)
It depends by what you mean by that.
So you can certainly have peeling on the outside,
you can have peeling on the inside.
- It might be discharge, it might be shedding layers.
That's something you definitely want to see a doctor about.
- If you haven't, you also want to make sure
that there's no history of diabetes
or you're developing diabetes.
- That could be a reaction to a lotion or a soap,
sort of a toxic irritant, but it does need to be checked out
because nobody wants to walk around with a peeling vagina.
If the lips are swollen then that's definitely
not a good thing because you're walking around
with something that's uncomfortable and protruding.
- So the inflammation can come about because of trauma.
Vigorous intercourse or penetration
or vigorous even external rubbing.
- It could Bartholin's cyst or a Bartholin's abcess.
Those things need to be drained by a doctor.
If your vagina or the lips again are swollen,
something you need to see your doctor about.
(alert music)
- What happened before the penis started bleeding?
- If you have an STD that could be another issue.
- You can kinda break up the penis
into several different segments.
One if the urethra.
If there's blood coming out of there
then there's been some trauma to the urethra itself.
If the urine itself is bloody
you've got to make sure that
there's something more serious that's not happening,
and then there's the external penile skin.
You're not going to have too many issues
why the penis is bleeding apart from some form of trauma.
Sometimes self-inflicted, sometimes with a partner,
sometimes by a foreign object.
Why is my penis small?
That's one of the most commonly asked
questions that we have.
- I know every guy has a thing about their penis,
and really they want to know how
a woman's going to react to it.
- Turns out that most men are roughly about the same size
in terms of length which is about six inches.
We all see these pictures in the porn magazines,
and that may be outside of normal.
- Most men fit within that average
of roughly about six inches.
So if you feel like you're small,
you may not be as small as you think.
You may be very very much normal, very average.
- It's like breasts come in different
shapes and sizes, so do penises.
(inquisitive music)
Oh my god, women have such issues with having sex
on their period, and it may be their partner.
Some are squeamish, some don't want
it to look like a crime scene afterwards.
- If that's something you're comfortable
with and your partner is, sure.
- It can be the time where women have the most orgasms
because they're well-lubricated, they're relaxed,
all those hormones are let down,
and people should welcome and be good with it,
and then put down a lot of towels.
- you can still get pregnant so be careful.
If you're going to do that you still need
to use some form of protection.
- That's kind of a judgment call,
and I think it's really up to the person.
You have to decide what's comfortable for you,
and I think that's really the answer.
- For most women who have a urinary tract infection
if you have intercourse it hurts a lot more, so wait.
- So there's also called honeymoon cystitis
which is actually a bladder infection
you may get on your honeymoon if you have sex
for the first time, and I will tell you,
because I had it, you cannot have sex.
- Nothing's that urgent.
If you can just give yourself a few days of antibiotics,
make sure the infection's completely riddled of,
you're in a much much better place.
- Any infections you want to get cleared up
before you have intercourse.
I would imagine what you mean by that
is that you're hymen stayed intact,
and typically it breaks during intercourse
for the first time, but that doesn't necessarily have to be.
- It's also possible that the partner
was so small that that didn't occur,
but that's very very rare for that to happen.
- The hymenal ring can actually
even burst without intercourse.
So it doesn't really matter if it's there or not.
It's okay as long as it's not causing you discomfort.
(synth music)
Okay, so you had sex and now you're peeing blood.
That's not a good thing.
- Most likely you have a urinary tract infection
which causes a lot of inflammation inside the bladder.
Go to your physician very quickly, get your urine analysis,
and your cultures done,
and only thereafter take some antibiotics.
That should help you quite a bit.
- You should call your doctor
because there is the plan B that you can take.
- Depending on where you are in your last menstrual period,
how many times you've actually missed the pill,
it could still be an important factor.
- And you can actually do this with your own pills
and sort of double up, but call your doctor
to have them tell you how to do it.
It could just be from sex.
Sometimes there's a reaction between the semen
and the vaginal fluids, and a lot of times
that can cause a specific odor.
- Probably there's an infection in there.
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas,
those are the most common infections
that we see in women that cause these types of changes.
- It could just be from all that friction
going on down there, and it could be something else.
It could be that they gave you a bacterial infection.
So it's just important to get checked out
if you do have some odor that
you're concerned about that doesn't go away.
Maybe they didn't hit all your right buttons.
Everybody has a button,
and it may not be a button down there.
It may be on the face, it may be by the ear.
- There's so many different factors
that go into being able to achieve a good orgasm.
Have you been drinking a lot?
Have you taken any drugs?
Have you done anything else that can potentially
change your sensuality or your sensation?
- You just have to keep going at it, keep experimenting.
You should feel something.
That's the idea is that it should be enjoyable.
It should be connection.
If you don't actually feel anything.
Like say you cut your finger
and you don't actually feel anything
you definitely want to talk to your doctor
about that because maybe there's some nerve damage
or something that's going on that needs to be corrected.
That you so much for your questions.
They were absolutely awesome.
People need to know what they're bodies like
and not be afraid to talk about it.
- Just remember while Google and the internet
are fantastic resources for so many different things,
make sure that the questions that you have,
you sit down with a healthcare professional
and you speak with them.
- Get your diva on, or your guy diva on too.
It's so so important to love yourself
before you invite anybody else to love you.
- Be safe, be careful, and understand what your needs are.
Know about your partner, and have fun.
(electronic music)
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