Hey cruisers welcome back to our Alaska series we're so happy to have you here
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so if you did not watch our video last week you're busted no I'm just kidding
you need to go back and watch our embarkation Day video before you watch
this one or you're going to think that there's stuff missing from my Alaska
bags so here's the skinny we are going on a 10 night Alaska cruise not a
7-night cruise so I'm going to be packing a lot of extra stuff more than
you normally see when we're packing for a 7-night cruise we are also driving to
port so I'm not going to be concerned about baggage fees I am NOT packing
conservatively I'm not packing light if you're looking for a packing light video
this is not for you I'm embracing the over-packer
that I am on this trip so enjoy it alright let's get to the meat of our
packing goodness here so what do you guys think can I get all of this stuff
in these two bags this is a jumbo hard side it comes in cosmetics it luggage
bags there are eight cosmetics out there for this is it luggage I got this years
ago at a discount store and I loved it so that's bag number one and bag number
two is pretty much the same thing I can't even lift it it's so heavy it's a
ricardo from a set that I got at Costco so that is what we're going to attempt
to do now keep in mind we're going to use compression bags on this cruise so
all of this outerwear that you see right here is going to be packed into
compression bags and the air is going to be removed so we're going to do our best
to shrink everything down where necessary so we've talked about the bags
we've talked about the duration of our cruise now I'm going to show you what I
am packing what my son is packing what my husband is packing now the stuff in
the packing cubes is not going to come out because I want you guys to stay
tuned and watch our what I wore or outfitted a day as a lot of you like to
call it when we get on our cruise I'm going to be showing you every single
outfit probably with the exception of my pajamas every day on our cruise so if
you want to see what's in the bags wait for that otherwise I'm going to show you
what's on hangers okay so let's get started we are going to start with my
clothes this particular packing cube has
all of my they're basically like activewear clothes so I have exercise
pants I have exercise tops I have lightweight label clothing in
here in Alaska because it is such a casual destination I find that what I
tend to do is start my day inactive where whether or not I'm working out or
not it's going to be this type of thing sports bras you know yoga pants things
like that with my sneakers and those may or may not make it through the day so
that's a lot of what you see here and I'm going to go ahead and move some of
this stuff aside as we wrap it up next up on my list is our big huge bag with
all the miscellany in it we'll get a close-up for you this bag I kind of need
to open so that you can see what's inside of it but this is the remainder
of the toiletries that you guys did not get to see in last week's embarkation
Day bag so what we have here is little stuff so that we can see it this here is
all my shampoos and conditioners for this trip more miscellaneous toiletry
items like lotions face wash sunscreen eye makeup remover shaving cream for my
husband extra deodorant and stuff like that and this here is mostly lotions for
face body day night you name it I also have a thermos here because my husband
likes hot coffee from the espresso shop in the morning and this is how I
transport it back to the stateroom this is a jewelry roll it has all of my
jewelry for our upcoming cruise which is wonderful this little bag here has all
of my hair stuff in it so the types of things we're going to see in here are
going to be rubber bands bobby pins and different types of hair products that I
use in my cruise this is my little laundry bag we do always do laundry on
board usually it helps us to pack a little bit lighter but also Alaska is a
destination where your stuff just gets more dirty your jeans will get dirt on
them if you go on an active excursion you may even need to wash your jackets
once or twice at least that's been our experience so I take a little bit of my
favorite laundry products here whether that's detergent whitener will light
whatever it may be it's in here loads and loads of extra hand sanitizing wipes
here and my new pop-up hamper that I got at Bed Bath & Beyond and it
and to be pink so this is kind of a little utility bag and we're going to go
ahead and zip this one up and put it off to the side and then I'm going to show
you what's next in my packing cube as you can see I got the green packing
cubes this time so this last bag here I'm not going to open this hold my jeans
all of my t-shirts both short sleeve and long sleeve and my warm weather extras a
sweatshirt or two I have scarf hats and gloves in this bag so this is the
bulkiest stuff that I have and this could end up in a compression bag later
but probably not because I don't want my suitcase to get too heavy so we'll move
this inside I think we're going to run out of room here okay now I'd like to
show you a little bit about what my husband is packed we've kept him out of
packing cubes so far so that I can show you just a teeny tiny bit more what
you're looking at in this stack here he has one pair of shorts
very few shorts needed for Alaska even if it's warm so we have a hat a nice
North Face baseball cap one pair of shorts one pair of athletic pants and
then he have a lot of different pairs of pants and jeans here from Chino type
pants two cords and jeans all right moving on to stack number two we have
his formal wear ties he actually has several bow ties that he's going to try
out on this particular cruise we don't know which ones yet so I'll show you in
a moment what he's going to be wearing those with and then all he really needs
in the way of cold-weather gear is a beanie my husband does not take a scarf
he does not take gloves he's a man he just uses a beanie next up lots of socks
casual daytime socks evening socks and then his underwear are here and the rest
of this is t-shirts short sleeve long sleeve enough for that particular
duration of voyage so that's my husband's folded stuff we're going to
get to all the hanging stuff in just a moment for myself my son and my husband
next up is my next packing cube apparently I skipped one sorry guys I'm
clearly the one who has the most stuff this particular bag has my swimwear
socks and my pajamas underwear and bras did not forget my undergarments to the
undergarment police whoo video after video leave a comment and say where's
your undies I promise there
here there here alright so that is my last packing cube and yes I know I'm a
massive over-packer you guys I'm aware of that I have no shame it's okay with
me and I hope it's okay with you so let's move to my son my son has a
beautiful set of packing cubes this this time from Shaq pack one of our favorite
early sets of packing cubes this is his socks underwear and pajamas in this
little cube here next up are all of his t-shirts long-sleeve short-sleeve
sweatshirts and everything on the top of his body and then in this bag I have his
jeans and all of his little pants and things like that so all that casual wear
will be on his little body and in that laundry repeatedly so let's take a look
now at the exciting stuff all the stuff that we left on hangers to show you guys
I'm going to go ahead and start from the front and work back so we're going to be
looking at my outerwear first we're going to be starting with a fleece that
I got from REI garage this was on clearance for like $20 this is a
Columbia size small that I will be layering under my waterproof layer next
up I have a beautiful Columbia fleece that's very sick and I'm sure my husband
is cringing right now thinking oh yeah that's going in a compression bag babe
but anyway I got this with a Columbia outlet if you watched our carnival
miracle vlogs you saw shopping there and this is one of the things I got back in
May now for the most important item anyone could possibly pack in my opinion
on an Alaskan cruise and that is your waterproof layer this is a Columbia a
little raincoat this is a size small also got this at REI garage on sale they
have wonderful things there so this is what it looks like it is hooded and I
can it's pretty lightweight so I can definitely layer things under I love
green it's one of my favorite colors and I was so happy to find that on sale it's
been a long time I think I've had it for six months but I love green I know it's
bold but you guys are going to be seeing a lot of that in the vlogs
then for glacier days and really really cold days I have this Columbia Omni heat
fleece jacket as you can see this is about mid thigh length comes right above
the knee I will probably be wearing this on our cruise with ugg boots and
leggings on glacier day so watch for that in our out
of the day series okay on to my evening wear I packed about seven night outfits
for 10 days I plan to recycle them don't think that
I'm going to need ten so that is where I was relatively conservative I have a
good old fashioned Express off-the-shoulder black cotton dress that
you've seen a million times before I have a new dress that I got in the
Macy's juniors department am i doing okay on staying in frame here honey okay
this is going to be four dinners I have my first of two formal night dresses
this is a Michael Kors cross front very simple sheath dress it is floor-length
so you'll be seeing that I also have a new cocktail dress I believe this is
from i NC at Macy's this is a petite medium it's a real roughly kind of dress
that goes off of one shoulder really excited to wear that super bright I have
a jumpsuit from IMC that I'm excited about here - this is a petite medium and
as you can see it's pants and they will kind of be off the shoulder I'm excited
about this one it's something new and then you've seen this dress before just
a nice little Nordstrom Rack casual dress and a forever 21
casual dress for evenings and my seventh dinner outfit I believe this is number
seven it's just a little old Navy kind of casual cottony dress with a little
1/2 sweater over the top so those are all of my evening clothes we're going to
go ahead and talk about shoes at the very end of this video what we're going
to do rather than me picking up shoes for everyone is we're just going to kind
of lay them out and I'll explain to you what we're going to wear the shoes for
so if you think I'm skipping that stage we'll the end all right let me show you
what we're packing for my little son we have first his pants for formal nights a
pair of grey and black we have two shirts for formal night that both need
to be ironed which we will do on board as you can see he has one with a regular
tie and one with a bow tie to match his daddy and then we have a bunch of
different shirts that he's going to be wearing to dinner so we have a Lucky
Brand little casual shirt all of them are collared little something from
Gymboree and I'm sure the one he's most excited about is a little stormtrooper
shirt for also from Gymboree and this anchors on it he's going to
kill me when he sees this he hates not clothes but that's okay and then we have
another collared shirt here that one's probably from Ross another Gymboree
henley style shirt and this little polo here so those are all of the clothes
that he's going to wear to dinner he's going to pair those with jeans and cords
and little pants that are already packed away all right next up are my son's
outer layers we are going with a bunch of warm stuff now this is his
Quicksilver sweatshirt little hoodie this is his rain layer from Gymboree and
a matching fleece to keep him warm underneath that and inside of his
packing cubes of course we're going to have hat and gloves for him this is
another rain layer for him I'm not sure if I'm packing this yet we may not need
to so I'll decide a little bit later and a couple of pieces that we got at the
Columbia outlet this is a nice little fleece thin kind of lightweight jacket
and a little Columbia vest it's so cute you guys it's reversible has fleece on
the inside and even a logo so that wraps it up for my son there is one item I
forgot to tell you guys was in these packing cubes and that is a set of
binoculars I know that we did not talk about binoculars last week and you're
all probably wondering where they are they're in the packing cubes now we're
going to take a look at my husband's evening shirts and his formal nightwear
and his outerwear so here we go he has a total of four nice dress shirts that he
is going to be wearing now some of the shirts that he has folded are also
dressy enough for evenings but these are his main shirts so he has two basic
white shirts that will probably wear with bowties show you a little bit more
about how he's going to pair those and then these two printed collared shirts
here that we just got at discount stores most likely like Ross or CJ Maxx have
great deals on shirts now he has this vest that he is going to pair with this
beautiful sport coat and a pair of slacks which are nicely hanging here
both of these from clearance at Macy's I'm not kidding you you guys we got this
beautiful jacket for something like 23 dollars on clearance and it fits him
beautifully super lightweight my husband does not always pack sport coats for
formal night on a cruise but in Alaska where it's a little bit cooler he's
going to be doing that and again he'll be pairing them with bowties
and/or a regular tie no you already saw these earlier but I wanted to show you
one more time okay last but not least in the apparel my
husband's outerwear layers so he has this packable puffy vest which is
extremely lightweight he has his Columbia rain layer which is
just a standard Columbia jacket and he has his awesome splurge item which is
this beautiful gues leather jacket that he's going to wear to keep him warm so
he's not going to take any hoodies or anything like that and again all of his
pants are here that we'll be pairing all that with so I think we've covered
everything I'm looking around making sure we didn't forget everything and we
did it's the shoes so let's talk about shoes we're going to show you right now
what everybody is going to be wearing in the way of shoes let's start with my son
he is only going to be taking three pair of shoes on this cruise he is going to
be taking his flip-flops which he loves to wear he's going to be taking his Nike
sneakers and a little pair of Gymboree wind tips if you will that he's going to
wear for dinners and formal nights so only three pair of shoes for him and you
can get a good look at those right now next up my husband's shoes my husband is
going to be taking a nice standard pair of black dress shoes and then he's going
to be taking a couple pairs of casual shoes he may throw in a set of
flip-flops as well but he also likes a pair of slippers which we'll show you
right here and last but not least my shoes we're saving that for the for the
end because this is one area you guys wear I'm totally over doing it on this
Cruise and I know it so I'm going to be packing a pair of UGG boots for this
cruise I'm also taking a pair of Sperry duck boots but I'm really excited about
four active excursions when I'm going to be in a situation where I need something
waterproof I will also be packing my Nike sneakers and the two pairs of shoes
that I plan to wear for the evenings are these Nine West nude wedges which will
go with every single one of my dresses but on the two formal nights I will be
wearing these silver wedge pump so what did you guys think of our packing series
hope you liked it be sure to stay tuned for the upcoming Alaskan videos that we
have for you we are going to be putting all of
this into action in the outfit of the day videos also known as what I wore on
my princess cruise so stay tuned for that be sure to follow us on social
media we post tons of fun photos from our cruises we alert you on all of our
new videos that are coming up and all the great news that we have going on in
our lives we're @cruisetipstv for all of those
thank you all so much for watching and until next time we'll see on the high
seas bye
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