Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily t'shirt Sep 24 2017

What's up team, Slay4Joy here!

In this video I'll show you some more Tracer tips and tricks

That are useful to know And worth practicing

The first thing I'm gonna show you Is what I call "recall punch"

I saw it on Mistakes's stream He was top 1 on EU servers

For a good period of time In season 5

And he's a Tracer main So, what you do here is

You blink in –melee –recall It might not look very useful at first

But it's a great way to finish low-health targets

with minimum risk And as a Tracer, you'll probably

find yourself lacking those 30dmg Very often

Let me show It again in slow motion You blink in

melee and recall instantly after that

The second one is a mind trick blink You blink behind the target

Quickly turn and click your mouse And then you blink to the side and finish

the clip To trick your opponent you have to blink

just a little to the side when blinking behind to control the direction he will move his

mouse when turning

Then when you shoot him you make him think That you're committing, and in some cases

make him use some useful ability But you're not there anymore, you're further

to the side In which he already turned

Not only it's hard to make 270 turn He will probably be confused because

You won't be where he'll expect And also, after blinking to the side

It's easier to finish the target because it will be moving in a more predictable

manner and not trying to strafe dodge your shots

And as I always say: always know where you're blinking

A lot of Tracers confuse themselves with their own blinks

And then miss their shots and don't get any advantage

From using them So you have to practice more

to become a real blink machine That'd be all with the video!

I hope you'll find a good use for the tricks I mentioned!

Subscribe to my channel for more Overwatch guides!

And don't forget to comment your thoughts and leave likes!

See you next time Goodbye!

For more infomation >> [LEARN OVERWATCH] Tracer Tricks You Didn't Know About - Duration: 2:08.


What's new in Android 8.0 Oreo? | You Don't Know TOP 🖐 5 Hidden Features of Android Oreo - Duration: 4:45.

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For more infomation >> What's new in Android 8.0 Oreo? | You Don't Know TOP 🖐 5 Hidden Features of Android Oreo - Duration: 4:45.


[HD][VOSTFR] G soul - Can't - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> [HD][VOSTFR] G soul - Can't - Duration: 3:38.


VWの「R計画」着々と…新型SUV T-ROC にも310馬力スポーツ仕様 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> VWの「R計画」着々と…新型SUV T-ROC にも310馬力スポーツ仕様 - Duration: 1:45.


Don't Quit, Part 1 - Duration: 28:35.


JERRY: Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jerry

Savelle and I believe, praise God, if you will give me the

next few moments, we'll share some things with you from the

Word of God that will inspire your faith. You know, if you've

been going through some tests and trials, some adversity, some

challenges, then I believe that we have a word for you today.

That word is simply this: Don't quit. Don't give up. God has not

overlooked your faith. If you stay in faith, it's just a

matter of time your circumstances are going to

change. That's the promise from God's Word. I want to read to

you Galatians chapter six beginning in verse nine. "Let us

not be weary in well-doing. For in due season, we shall reap if

we faint not." You know, there are many scriptures that talk

about not fainting, not giving up, not quitting. That's one of

the things that Satan endeavors to do. He tries to talk people

into quitting. I'm here to talk you into winning, praise God. I

want to encourage you to stand your ground, don't give up. Just

because the devil says there's no way, that's not the truth.

Jesus is the way and if you'll keep standing on the Word of

God, he will show up in your behalf. Now, today, I'm very

happy and very pleased to share with you one of the messages

that I've preached in the recent Southwest Believers Convention

sponsored by Kenneth Copeland Ministries right here in Fort

Worth, powerful meeting. I believe the anointing of God has

been captured on these broadcasts. I count it a joy to

be able to share them with you. I know not all of you were able

to attend, but praise God, you're going to hear some things

today that I believe is going to encourage you, energize your

faith, and talk you into winning. Here it is. The lesson

I'm sharing is called Don't Quit. I want to talk to you this

week about conquering the temptation to quit. Thomas

Edison once said, "Many of life's failures are people who

did not realize how close they were to success when they gave

up." I'm going to read it again. "Many of life's failures are

people who did not realize how close they were to success when

they gave up." Billy Graham felt like quitting after he preached

his very first sermon. He had four sermons prepared and he was

so nervous that he preached all four of them in under 10

minutes. Can you imagine what the world would have missed out

on if Brother Graham had said, "You know, I just don't think

I'm cut out for this." George Foreman, the former two-time

heavyweight champion of the world, once said, "I know from

experience that you should never give up no matter what." I'll

say it again. "I know from experience that you should never

give up no matter what." My favorite quotes are found from

the Bible. Micah chapter seven and verse eight, "Rejoice not

against my, O my enemy. For when I fall, I shall arise." You

might get knocked down by the enemy, but it's not over. God

will never say it's over until you win. Hallelujah. If you get

knocked down, get up. The Bible says in Proverbs 24:16, "A

righteous man falleth seven times but riseth again." All you

got to do to beat the devil, if you get knocked down seven

times, get up eight. Amen? Never give up. Never give up. Never

give up. Never quit. Look at your neighbor and say, "Never

give up and never quit." Mark chapter nine verse 23, "All

things are possible to him that believeth." How many things?

"All things are possible to him that believeth." Philippians

chapter four and verse 13, the New International Version, "I

can do all things through him who gives me strength." This

tells us that you can do whatever you set your faith to

do. I'll say it again. You can do whatever you set your faith

to do. Life is full of twists and turns and it's easy to

become weary and finally come to a place where you're no longer

willing to keep on keeping on. Quitting's easy. That's why so

many people do it. Amen. There's a lot of people that used to

come to these conventions. They quit. A lot of preachers I used

to preach for, they quit. Amen. Quitting's easy. A lot of people

do it, but you're not one of them. Look at your neighbor and

say, "I am not one of them." Say, "Quitting is not an option

for me." If I can only say one thing this week, thank God I

have the privilege of saying several things, but if I could

only say one thing to you this week, this would be it: Don't

ever quit. Amen. Tell somebody, "Don't ever quit." If you give

up, then you will never know what you could have

accomplished. Always keep in the forefront of your mind that all

things are possible to them that believe. Are you a believer?

Then persevere. Are you a believer? Then don't look back.

Are you a believer? Then make the quality decision that

quitting is no longer an option and that failure is

unacceptable. Years ago, I was preaching in Hot Springs,

Arkansas. I was preaching out in a pasture. They had built a

makeshift platform and people were sitting out in lawn chairs

out in the pasture. In fact, while I was preaching, a cow

walked between me and the congregation. At the invitation,

a German Shepherd came up, praise God. I prayed him

through. Praise God. He's going to heaven. Hallelujah. You know,

this was the setting I'm talking about. Before they turned it

over to me, they had a small group, a band that was singing.

The praise and worship team were on this makeshift platform. It

was about three feet off the ground, three or four feet. They

put the drummer on the ground over beside the platform. There

wasn't enough room to put the drums and everything else up

there. They turned it over to me and I started preaching and I

got so excited, I wasn't sure if I'd ever have the opportunity to

preach a second time, so I preached everything I knew,

Kenneth Copeland knew, Kenneth Hagin knew, Oral Roberts knew,

and T L Osborn knew all in one sermon. Hallelujah. I'm running

back and forth across that platform and I got too close to

the edge and I fell off into the bass drum. My bottom is in the

bass drum. My arms and legs are sticking out. Everybody got up

to see where I went. I'm off in the corner sitting in the bass

drum. I said, "Lord, what do I do?" He said, "Get up quick. Do

it now. Don't ask any more questions." I said, "But, Lord,

I fell in the bass drum." He said, "Do a Micah 7:8. When I

fall, I shall arise." I said, "What do I tell the people?" He

said, "Don't even mention the fall. Just get up, take up where

you left off, just act like this is the way you preach all the

time." I got up, got back on the platform, and just took off

where I left off and, you know, had a great service. At the end

of the service, there was a lady who came up to me and said,

"Brother Jerry, how come you done fall off the platform?" I

said, "It was an accident." I said, "But did you see that

recovery? Wasn't that a nice recovery?" She said, "Do you

fall often?" I said, "No, did you see the recovery?" She said,

"Is there something wrong with you? Do you need prayer?" I

said, "Lady, I don't want to talk about the fall. Did you see

the getting up?" A lot of people spend their whole lives talking

about the fall. I fell. We fell. Don't talk about the fall. Talk

about the getting up. Hallelujah. Can you say amen?

You know, if you walk out of this building today over back to

your hotel and you trip and fall on the curb, what are you going

to do? If I did that, I would get up so quick and hope to God

you didn't see me fall. You don't just lay there for the

rest of your life. If I fell out there on the way back to the

hotel and somebody came by and said, "Brother Jerry, are you

all right?" "Well, I think I am." "Well, would you like me to

help you up?" "Oh, no. You don't understand. I fell." "Well, yes,

we saw you fall but you said you're all right. Let me help

you up." "Well, you know, God may be teaching

me something down here." That's stupid.

Pinch your neighbor and say, "That's stupid!" No,

when I fall, I shall arise, Hallelujah! Amen.

Make failure unacceptable. I was preaching down in Jesse's church

and he told me, "You know, I'm going to be preaching about

failure is not an option." I thought, boy we're really

connecting here. We're on the same wave. So Jesse's going to

be talking about failure's not an option and I'm going to be

talking about quitting is unacceptable. Hallelujah, amen!

Overcome the temptation to quit. Everybody has the temptation

from time to time. I came to the Lord in 1969. I owned an

automotive business. I was paint and body man. I restored classic

cars, my dad and I built hot rods and raced cars. When

Kenneth Copeland came 1969, he'd only been in the ministry two

years when I first met him. I didn't want to go to the

services, Carolyn went every service. He was there for a

week. I didn't want to hear any more preaching. I knew I had the

call of God of my life, and I knew if I got under conviction,

I'd have to yield to it and I didn't want to. So I stayed out

of churches most of the time, but Carolyn kept talking about

Kenneth Copeland. She'd been filled with the Holy Ghost since

she was eight years old. She'd been going to full Gospel

churches ever since she was a little girl. She would tell me

every night when I'd come home from work, "Jerry, I want you to

go and listen to this Kenneth Copeland." She said, "He's not

like all the rest." I said, "Well, what makes him different

from all the rest?" Because I thought all they wanted was my

money and my chicken. Carolyn, she fed all the preachers that

came to town. If she didn't feed them, her mother did. I got this

idea in my head that all they wanted was our chicken and our

money. So I wasn't going, because I'd already heard all

that I wanted to hear. She kept saying, "But he's not like the

rest." I said, "What makes him different?" She said, "I've been

hearing the Gospel preached all my life, but I have never heard

it preached like this man does." Finally she said this, "If you

will go tonight, and you don't like him, I will never ask you

to go to another service." I thought, "Now that's the deal

I've been waiting for. Do you promise if I don't like him,

you'll never ask me to go again?" She said, "I promise

I'll never ask you to go to another service if you don't

like him." Well, I started not liking him before I ever went,

because if I don't like him, I don't have to go again. Then I

said, "Now who is this Kenneth Copeland you're so thrilled

about?" She said, "Well, he's from Fort Worth, Texas, and he

used to work with Oral Roberts." I said, "Well, I know who

Kenneth Copeland is." She said, "How would you know who Kenneth

Copeland is? You don't go to church." I said, "Well, there

was a Kenneth Copeland, back in 1957, who had a hit record on

the radio called, 'Pledge of Love'." She said, "It's not the

same man." I said, "Well, why couldn't it be?" She said, "It's

just not. He's not a rock and roll singer." I said, "Well I

didn't say he's a rock and roll singer now, but can't rock and

roll singers get saved?" She said, "Yes, but it's not him."

So now, I'm going for two reasons. Number one, if I don't

like him, I'll never have to go again. Number two, I'd like to

be right one time. I had determined I'm going to get up

and ask him before I leave that meeting, "Are you the same guy

that had that hit record on the radio?" So Carolyn said,

"Please don't embarrass me." I said, "I'm not going to

embarrass you, but I'm going to ask him before the service is

over, before we leave." So we went, and there was a lot of

guys sitting on the platform. I said, "Now which one is this

Kenneth Copeland?" She pointed him out. Then when they turned

the service over to him, he began to preach the same message

he preached this morning. Amen. Same scriptures, same message

that he preached this morning in this service. Amen. Mark

11:23-24, the word of faith he called it. So he started out

preaching about the word of faith and so far, I'm not really

into it. I'm just waiting for him to start begging for the

offering. Then that's when I decide I don't like him, then I

get to leave and I never have to go again. But right in the

middle of his sermon, he just said, "I don't know why I'm

saying this, but somebody needs to hear it. Back in 1957, I had

a hit record on the radio called 'The Pledge of Love'. My mama

prayed me out of that rock and roll business and I'm preaching

the Gospel today. I don't know why I said that, but somebody

needed to hear it." He had that right. I was the one who needed

to hear that. When he said that, all of a sudden he got my

attention. For the remaining 45 minutes, I heard The Gospel like

I'd never heard it before and I couldn't run from my calling,

and I couldn't run from God not another day. Praise God, I

surrendered my life the next morning, February 11th, 3:00 in

the morning, I surrendered my life to The Gospel, to the

calling of God on my life, and praise God, I'm proud to say

that out of Kenneth Copeland's 50 years, Jerry Savelle has been

with him 48 of them, Hallelujah, amen!. You know what? He's still

my favorite preacher, praise God. I told him after he

finished this morning, "That's the message that changed my

life." Amen, changed my life. Prior to that, prior to making

that decision, quitting was a way of life for me. I was a

quitter. I'd get under pressure and I'd look for the path of

least resistance. After I graduated from high school in

1964, I was just going to go into the automotive business. My

dad had taught me the trade, and that's what I wanted to do. I

wanted to work on cars. My dad said, "Son, go to college. Get

an education. This is a hard way to make a living. If you still

feel the same way after you get an education, then you can come

back and always work on cars. So I went to college, not because I

wanted to, but because my dad wanted me to. So I'd been an

athlete growing up, I played baseball all my young life. I

was a left-hand pitcher, south paw pitcher. Even though my mic

went out, I don't quit. I played baseball all my young life, all

the way up to a farm league team. So I thought, "Well, if

I'm going to go to college, I might as well go to play

baseball." But when I got to college, I found out I had to

take courses that had nothing to do with throwing a baseball. I

hated them. Psychology, Algebra, all kind of stupid courses that

had nothing to do with throwing a baseball. So I remember my

first day at Louisiana Tech, when I walked in my first class,

the professor said, "Everybody look around at one another." So

we looked at one another. He said, "Get a real close look at

the person on your left and the person on your right." So we did

and I thought, "What is this all about?" Then he said, "The

reason I'm having you do that is before this semester is up, some

of you will quit." My first day, he said some of us will quit.

You know, two weeks before the first semester was up, he was

right. I quit. I drove my '57 Chevrolet back home, went to

Holmes Pontiac where my dad was the body shop foreman. My dad

said, "Son, what are you doing home in the middle of the week?"

I said, "Dad, I quit." He said, "You quit? Why'd you quit?" I

said, "Well, Dad, they want me to take courses that have

nothing to do with throwing a baseball and I don't want to do

that. I just want to work on cars. Can you give me a job?"

Two weeks later ... Now this is 1964, September, October,

somewhere along in there. The Vietnam War is on hot and heavy.

Two weeks after I quit college, I got a letter in the mail. It

started with "Greetings, Report to your nearest recruiting

office." I showed them. I got back in college. I didn't want

to go to Vietnam, but I went to a different college where they

didn't know my reputation as a quitter. Then, Carolyn and I

got married in 1966 and I'm still going

to college. I think about three semesters

into this, I'm having to work during the day on cars

and go to school at night. I finally decided that, man, this

is too much. I just went full-time working on

automobiles. I went to work ... first of all. My dad had moved

over to the Buick dealership and I went to work for my dad. He

was the body shop foreman and I went to work in the Buick

dealership doing paint and body work. The Buick dealership

supplied us with brown uniforms. Here it had Hullet

Buick, here it had Jerry. I was Jerry. About six weeks later, I

got up one morning for breakfast and I had on a green uniform.

Hardin Lincoln Mercury, Jerry. I was Jerry. My

wife said, "Didn't you have on a brown uniform yesterday?" I

said, "Yes." She said, "Well, what are you doing in that green

uniform?" I said, "I quit yesterday. I now work for

Hardin Lincoln Mercury." About two months

later, I came in with a blue uniform. Chevyland, Jerry. I was

Jerry. She said, "Didn't you have on a green uniform

yesterday?" I said yes. She said, "Why do you have on a blue

uniform on today?" I said, "I quit." If they made me mad, I

quit. If they didn't do me right, I quit. I just looking

for a way to quit all the time. Quit, quit, quit. That was my

lifestyle. And finally when I surrendered my life to the Lord

after Brother Copeland preached the word of faith to me ... the

first scripture I ever read, John says, "If ye continue in my

Word, you will be my disciples indeed, and you'll know the

truth, and the truth will make you free." And that little word

continue, jumped out of the Bible into my heart, and the

Lord said, "This is the missing ingredient in your life. You

have always been a great starter, but you've never been a

great finisher. And if you don't develop the art of continuing,

you will never be the minister I want you

to be, the husband I want you to be, the

father I want you to be. You have to settle it once and for

all, that quit from this day forward, is no longer an option

in your life. And I think it's very interesting that my theme

has been for 48 years now, isn't that amazing? God would take a

quitter and make his theme, don't quit? And I'm thrilled to

be able to say to you that for 48 years now, quit has never

been a part of my life or my existence, praise God. Amen. And

I discovered that if you don't quit, praise God, you inherit

the blessings. Can you say Amen? CONGREGATION: Amen.

JERRY: Amen. Say this with me, quitting is no longer an

option. CONGREGATION: Quitting is no longer an option.

JERRY: And failure is unacceptable. CONGREGATION: And

failure is unacceptable. JERRY: Now I learned a long time ago,

when you're under the greatest pressure to quit, that's always

an indication Satan just fired his best shot. If this one

doesn't get you, he's finished and you win, hallelujah. So if

you're under great pressure to give up today, then that's a

good indication Satan has just fired his best shot. You're

almost there. Your breakthrough is on the horizon. Don't give up

now. Don't quit now. What you've been believing for is about to

come forth and manifest in the name of Jesus, and I think you

ought to give God praise in advance, hallelujah. Amen.

ANNOUNCER: Mark 4:28 says, "For the Earth bringeth forth fruit

of herself. First the blade, then the ear, after that the

full corn in the ear." After the seed has been planted in faith,

what happens next? In the powerful four-CD teaching, The

Law of Progression, Jerry Savelle outlines the spiritual

law of progression and how to stay strong when you're not

seeing instant or overnight results. You will learn about

how the Word of God is an incorruptible seed we plant in

our hearts, and the cycle of growth for that seed outlined in

Mark chapter four. In his classic illustration on a seed

planted in faith, Jerry Savelle shares how living a life of

faith goes against the world's way of life, like paddling

upstream in a canoe. Don't wait any longer. Call or go online

now to and request the powerful,

four-CD teaching, the law of progression. Get ready to

laugh, learn, and live the blessed way that God has

always intended for you to live. Call today.


MALE: You know, I always loved going to the

Believers Conventions. I've been going to these things since

I was about 12-years-old and I'm about 47. It's amazing. Also, I

love Jerry Savelle, as you see behind me. What an incredible

faithful man. You know the Bible says, the faithful person shall

abound in the blessing. So you know watching him be so loyal to

KCM over the years, it shows he's healthy, he's

wealthy, he's wise. I promise you the stuff that God has done

for Jerry and Creflo and all these people. He's not

a respecter of persons, he wants to do it for you. You just

got to keep hearing more of the Word, and coming to these

meetings. It makes a big difference. That's how our life

was changed, and I promise you, your life will be changed.

FEMALE: One thing that sums up Jerry's ministry for me, and I

love so much about his ministry, is favor. You know, I see the

favor of God is so much upon his life and pretty much every day I

believe God and I claim the favor of God. But hearing Jerry

and seeing the level of favor he experiences in his life has also

made me ... created an awareness and then built up my faith in

that area. MALE: The impact that he's made on my life is to

really stretch my faith, specifically to believe for

favor. And especially, like this year's message, the faithful

shall flourish and thrive in the courts of their God. That just,

has blessed my life so much and impacted my life, my ministry

and the business that I work at. So, it's been an awesome time

and I appreciate all that you guys do. Thank you. MALE:

I've always enjoyed listening to brother Jerry. Especially about

the favor of God and how it surrounds us like a shield, and

how the blessing of God is upon our people. That's

just so amazing and it's impacted my life so much.

JERRY: Wasn't that a great testimony? Listen,

I want to encourage you to send us your testimony.

If this ministry has helped you gain a victory, it's

caused you to overcome, it's caused you to experience

a breakthrough, I want to hear about it. And from

time to time, we'll have an opportunity to share them across

the broadcast so that other people can be inspired and dare

to stand on the Word and believe God for their breakthrough as

well. Here's another one from Carolyn. "I had been sowing into

your aviation fund, and believing God for a car. Praise

God, I got it. Thank you so much for being an inspiration to me."

We rejoice with you Carolyn, and I thank God that he has come

through for you just like he's done for me, many, many times.

There's other testimonies but our time is short today, and

I'll wait and share them on another broadcast. Let me also

remind you, once again, that our special product offer is

entitled, The Law of Progression. Four CDs. Now I've

taught this many years ago, but it's so relevant for today. And

it talks about, not quitting, not giving up. You know, the

Lord gave me an illustration many years ago about how living

by faith is like going upstream in a canoe. This is one of our

most requested series. People love the canoe story and it's on

this series so I want to encourage you to place your

order right now. We'll send it to you just as quickly as

possible. Thank you for joining me today, I

look forward to seeing you again next week. And

remember, your faith will overcome the world.


For more infomation >> Don't Quit, Part 1 - Duration: 28:35.


True Detective | S01E06 | Don't Lie To Me | The Letters of Telios De Lorca | eng. subs - Duration: 4:35.

We're closed.

You always hit the bottle this early in the day, Reverend?

Who are you?

You don't remember me?


I came to see you at your revival tent,

January of '95.

Looks like you gave that up.


You were still with the Tuttle ministry then.

What do you know about a Tuttle organization

that was set up to

finance rural schools?

It was called Wellspring.

It was an Evangelical initiative to provide religious education

as an alternative to public school

in the rural communities.

Yeah, part of the reason there was so many dropouts in the state, a lot of kids had to

bus an hour or more.

You know about that school on Pelican Island?

I don't know it specific,

but there was one in 1988.

Accusations of children being interfered with.

I never found anything on that.

It was-- it was kept internal, I think.

Maybe it was nothing, maybe people was paid.

It's got nothing to do with me, mind you.

I was going to school in Baton Rouge.

Gossip around the seminary, but we didn't give credence to rumors.

Why'd you leave?



Don't lie to me.

Why'd you leave?

Part of our lay duties was custodial.

One night, cleaned the senior minister's library.

I knocked over a very old volume,

"The Letters of Telios DeLorca."

Twelfth-century Franciscan mystic, very obscure.

When I picked up the book,

this little folder falls out.

Little folder of pictures.

Pictures of children.


Looked like they was sleeping.

And what'd you do?

I took it over to the morals officer,

Deacon Farrar.

He was close to Tuttle, vice president of the college.

He didn't do nothin'?

No, he seemed..

He got angry that I brought it to him.

He even intimated that

maybe I was confessing to something.

I mean, I had to prove to him that I wasn't.

He promised to look into it.

I'd left by the time Wellspring shut down.

Why'd you quit the revival, hmm?

Oh, our last two tents was vandalized.

I lost heart.

Little too much of this.

All my life, I wanted to be nearer to God.

But the only nearness..


For more infomation >> True Detective | S01E06 | Don't Lie To Me | The Letters of Telios De Lorca | eng. subs - Duration: 4:35.


The T-Berry Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 2:14.


For more infomation >> The T-Berry Tiny House by Full Moon Tiny Shelters | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 2:14.


Don't Break My Heart | Official Trailer [HD] 2017 Nigerian Movie - Duration: 1:48.

what am I don't deserve all this hurt I devoted everything to this union my

money my see I am sick and tired of this your highness again I have this TV you

can never ever find any other so what blame your mistress how many times ever

want you to stay with this my billing is on everything on me how much I said I

want you sometimes men you to be called to especially by a party

a very friend to the manager apparent to the man this you frustrated be like this

and sick and tired of dispatch I need a divorce

why would you want to end this union hey all the sacrifice that I made for you

because of you

For more infomation >> Don't Break My Heart | Official Trailer [HD] 2017 Nigerian Movie - Duration: 1:48.


Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know - Duration: 3:21.

Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know

For more infomation >> Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know - Duration: 3:21.


The hidden dangers of birth control pills doctors don't want you - Duration: 4:48.

The hidden dangers of birth control pills doctors don�t want you to know

Many young women�s first trip to the gynecologist is prompted by a desire to take birth control

pills, whether they are trying to avoid getting pregnant or hoping to alleviate the symptoms

of premenstrual syndrome.

Perhaps they know someone who takes �the pill,� or a well-meaning parent or boyfriend

has encouraged them to go on birth control.

Most doctors are all too willing to hand them a prescription simply because they asked for

it, and they often leave the doctor�s office with a few sample packs in hand so they can

get started right away.

Unfortunately, there is usually little mention of side effects apart from an obligatory blood

pressure check.

Birth control pills might be a convenient way of avoiding pregnancy, but they are not

without their risks.

Many women falsely believe that because they are used so widely, they must be safe, and

they often don�t learn about the side effects until it�s too late.

You might not get pregnant when you take the pill, but you could end up with a lot of other

very unwanted effects.

Some of the effects that women might notice right away after starting the pill aren�t

that different from pregnancy, including weight gain, tenderness in the breasts, mood swings,

nausea, and a decrease in libido.

That�s only the beginning.

Over time, the list of side effects grows to include yeast overgrowth and infection,

irregular bleeding, higher blood pressure, spotting between periods, fluid retention

and lower bone density.

Contraceptive pills can also raise your risk of liver and gall bladder diseases and lead

to liver tumors and gallstones.

Birth control pills more than double your risk of stroke

One of the biggest risks associated with birth control pills, however, is their ability to

increase the risk of blood clotting in your veins, a risk that climbs as you take it for

longer periods or take higher doses.

Pills containing progestin are particularly risky.

Thrombosis symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid pulse and nausea, and if

it goes undetected, it could lead to a fatal stroke.

In fact, the American Stroke Association reports that women who take birth control pills, even

the low-estrogen variety that some women believe are less harmful, are twice as likely to suffer

a stroke than those who do not take the pill, and the risk is even higher if they have other

risk factors, like being overweight or smoking.

Another reason to avoid these nasty pills is the fact that studies have found that taking

them for five years more than doubles your risk of getting a brain tumor.

If the thought of brain cancer isn�t enough to scare you off, what about the fact that

studies have found a connection between the use of oral contraceptives and cervical cancer

as well as breast cancer?

Safer alternatives to birth control pills

Being proactive about avoiding unwanted pregnancy is commendable, and no one wants to discourage

women from doing so.

However, there are other ways to avoid getting pregnant that will not risk your health.

Many people have had success using natural family planning, keeping track of their cycles

so they can avoid having sex around ovulation.

Paying attention to cervical mucus and using the temperature method are also safe and effective


Condoms, when used properly, can also help prevent pregnancy, as can diaphragms.

If you�re taking, or considering taking, birth control for PCOS or menstruation regulation,

a naturopath can help you find natural solutions that will work instead, such as vitamin D,

omega-3 fatty acids, and inositol.

Why take a chance when so many safer alternatives exist?

For more infomation >> The hidden dangers of birth control pills doctors don't want you - Duration: 4:48.



like this

did you take the camera ?


the plane starting up

when he puts on the gloves, it's a bad sign

yeah, it's not good when he puts on the gloves


armlock !

ready, you recording ?

I want to thanks all the people who came, all the people who follow us

the people who couldn't come

videos are good, meetings are better

you see us for real, you see that we're just as happy as you

that's beautiful

let's go for the first ride clio ... clio 2, clio 3 ! Clio 3 cup ! Ready the track, it's gonna be fun

what do we do ? A rock-paper-scissor to decide who goes first ?


best out of one !

so it's one two three and...

yeah that's it

1, 2, 3 !

1, 2, 3 !

1, 2, 3 !

1, 2, 3 !

asshole !

go ahead


take place

The noise she makes ! Impressive !

You can't imagine that with a video

okay, how much horsepower ?


how much kg ?

1T and 100kg (24025 pounds)

A ton and a hundred kg ? Damn that's light

It's a karting, a good karting

so ?

woah, violent !

but it holds the road so well

I trust it

bitume is getting shredded in that clio

we do a lot of things in chamblay: car, bike...

100 bikes on the track to introduce it

nice uh ?

see how well he sticks to the road, how safe you feel ?

he goes this close to the lines


dry ?

want a push ?

nice !

that was so nice

Wait, no, I gotta push you, you can't come

dude just run dry on the track

wait, I take you by...

Oh yeah, the pegs

try to go straight

that was so good !

wait don't move

The bums ! Coming here without even having gas !

that was awesome

well it's crazy


it's awesome, so pleasing

meeting all of you

meetings like these feel so good


THANKSTO (circuit de chambley = chambley's track Moto-école=bike school La famille= the family) And you, thank you my community

For more infomation >> I INVITE YOU AT THE RACETRACK ! SUPERMOT' & MEET ! - Duration: 8:42.


8 Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Were Happening - Duration: 6:10.

Despite all the hype most film franchises get these days, some sequels still manage

to fly under the radar.

From cult classics to modern thrillers, here's everything you need to know about these upcoming


The Accountant 2

Anybody remember The Accountant?

Starring Ben Affleck as a money man on the autism spectrum who handles the financials

for mobsters and terrorists — when he's not killing people, that is — this little

thriller slipped under the radar when it hit theaters in 2016, only grossing $86 million

domestically on a $44 million budget.

And as for the critics, they were pretty much divided straight down the middle, giving the

film a 51 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

In other words, this wasn't a movie screaming for a sequel, but Warner Bros. evidently saw

potential for a part two.

According to Deadline, Ben Affleck is eyeing a return as savant sniper Christian Wolff,

and he's not the only actor who could come back for a second installment.

It appears Jon Bernthal might reprise the role of Brax, and Warner Bros. is rounding

up original director Gavin O'Connor and original screenwriter Bill Dubuque.

At the moment, there are no details about the plot, but if nothing else, we know Ben

Affleck will cook a few books and shoot a bunch of bad guys.

The Strangers 2

When The Strangers was released in 2008, this home invasion thriller absolutely killed it

at the box office.

The horror flick was made for a measly $9 million and earned $82 million worldwide.

It seems like making part two would've been the immediate next move, but due to some behind-the-scenes

differences, the sequel never got a chance to terrorize audiences…until now.

Nearly a decade later, it looks like those creepy masked killers are coming back for

more blood.

The script—which was written over eight years ago—is by original screenwriter Bryan

Bertino, and Johannes Roberts of 47 Meters Down is set to direct.

According to Deadline, The Strangers 2 will start off with a family on a road trip who

decide to spend the night in a trailer park.

Guess who shows up to welcome them into the community?

The Craft 2

In May 2015, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Sony was set to remake The Craft, the

black magic cult classic from 1996.

Except it's not quite a "remake" — the filmmakers are taking the Jurassic World approach, setting

the film in the same universe but 20 years after the first film.

Leigh Janiak of Honeymoon will be directing, and she also co-wrote the original draft of

the screenplay.

As for actresses, we don't know yet who's joining the high school coven, but since this

thing is going to be sequel, here's hoping the original cast will bring back some of

the old magic by showing up in supporting roles.

"You girls watch out for those weirdos."

"We are the weirdos, mister."

Labyrinth 2

The trippy Jim Henson fantasy Labyrinth has a diehard following, so making a sequel to

Henson's final film would be a pretty intimidating task, but Fede Alvarez is up to the challenge.

Alvarez is best known for directing Don't Breathe and the Evil Dead remake, and he's

also co-writing the script.

At the moment, there aren't any plot details, other than the fact this film will take place

in the same crazy universe.

But rest assured, Labyrinth fans, there won't be another actor filling in for David Bowie.

It's impossible for anyone to replace Ziggy Stardust, so Jareth the Goblin King will not

appear in the upcoming sequel.

Coming to America 2

There's a reason that some people have called Coming to America Eddie Murphy's "last great


The 1988 comedy about an African prince traveling to the US in search of a wife made a killing

at the box office, and it finally looks like Murphy might be ready for a sequel.

In March 2017, Eddie Murphy's Twitter account teased a sequel, but the tweet was quickly

taken down…along with Murphy's Twitter account.

After the surprise announcement, it was revealed that Murphy doesn't actually run the Eddie

Murphy Twitter page.

However, TMZ claimed that Murphy really is interested in Coming to America 2.

The gossip site says he's currently working on the story, despite the social media mixup.

It's all an odd turn of events, as Murphy previously said the sequel was never going

to happen.

Evidently, the film just stirred up too many lawsuits.

But if audiences respond to Prince Akeem today like they did back in 1988, Murphy will probably

be able to comfortably cover any legal expenses.

Body Cross

David Cronenberg's mafia movie Eastern Promises doesn't seem like the kind of picture that

would have a part two, but a blood-soaked sequel has been in the works for quite some


In 2012, Cronenberg told The Playlist he "really wanted to see Nikolai go back to Russia" where

he would dig even deeper into the ink-stained underworld.

Unfortunately, there was no further word on whether or not the movie would ever get made.

Until January 2017, that is, when casting site My Entertainment World reported that

the Eastern Promises sequel—titled Body Cross—was set to begin filming in March


The database also gave a little plot description, claiming that the story picks up right after

the events of the first film.

We're Wolves

Written, directed by, and starring Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement, the mockumentary What

We Do in the Shadows tells the story of three vampire roommates just trying to get by in

the 21st century.

Since then, Waititi has gone on to direct Thor: Ragnarok, but despite his new job with

the MCU, Waititi is still eyeing a return to the world of the undead.

In January 2016, Waititi told Crave Online that his Shadows sequel, We're Wolves, will

focus on the werewolf pack from the first movie.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't swear."


"We're werewolves, not swearwolves."

However, he also explained that making We're Wolves is going to take a while.

Speaking with IGN, the director said he was working on the story with Jemaine Clement,

but "the Jemaine and Taika works is a very long and slow machine….We put an idea in

one end, and it takes about six years to come out the other end.

And sometimes it doesn't even come out."

Hopefully, this is one idea that makes it out.


Directed by Italian filmmaker Stefano Sollima, Soldado could potentially one-up the critically

acclaimed Sicario, as Sollima claims the sequel "will be much more cinematic than Sicario


Screenwriter Taylor Sheridan is also pretty psyched, claiming Soldado is "ten times more

unsentimental [than Sicario], more vicious, and really reflective."

Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro are returning as the mysterious government agents, and evidently,

things are going to get a lot bloodier this time around.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> 8 Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Were Happening - Duration: 6:10.


The one annoying friend you can't argue with!! - Duration: 1:18.

Abey earth flat hai

earth gol hai

kaise gol hai, haan!!

C#*tiye bachpan mein science nahi padha kya?

abey tu abhi mera logic sun, mera logic sun

theek hai

earth flat hota, ummm

gol hota toh pani

aise niche nahi gir jata

flat hai

pani waisa hi rehta hai



acha ek baat bata

sawal puchta hu main tereko

theek hai

ek aisa word bata

jo age se or piche se same ho


jaise malayalam



are BULB huana!!

bulb kaise b@nc#od

bulb ka ulta karega

BLUB ho jayega

arey, ba-la-b



For more infomation >> The one annoying friend you can't argue with!! - Duration: 1:18.


Lisa Can't Stand Watching BLACKPINK's Music Video For This Reason - Duration: 2:11.

Lisa Can't Stand Watching BLACKPINK's Music Video For This Reason

BLACKPINKs Lisa admitted she couldnt watch their music video for As if its Your Last for one reason.

In a recent radio program, BLACKPINK were asked how many times they had watched their own music video.

Jisoo revealed she watched it over 20 times to help fans raise the view count.

I think I watched it around 20 times.

I strongly want to help with raising the view count, so I tend to watch it more. — BLACKPINKs Jisoo.

Jennie said her mother always has the music video running in the background, so shes constantly watching it while home.

My mother turns the music video on at all times, so whenever Im at home, Im pretty much forced to watch it.

I think I watch it at least once a day every day. — BLACKPINKs Jennie.

Rosé revealed she watched it around 6 times, while Lisa said she couldnt really watch it because it was so embarrassing.

Image Source: Amino Apps.

In this music video, I just felt really awkward so I couldnt really watch it.


How many times have you watched it?.

For more infomation >> Lisa Can't Stand Watching BLACKPINK's Music Video For This Reason - Duration: 2:11.


(News)Study shows four in five women can't orgasm from penetrative sex - Duration: 4:32.

Study shows four in five women can't orgasm from penetrative sex

Chances are you think you're pretty good at sex, and your clever partner probably makes all the right sounds in all the right places so your ego gets a boost. Yup, there's a fair chance she's faking it.

A study from the United States has revealed four in five women — 81. 6 per cent, to be precise — actually don't orgasm from penetrative sex.

That's not to say women don't enjoy the missionary position; just that in most cases, it's not going to get her rocks off. It's a huge contrast to men, who typically orgasm 95 per cent of the time.

The research, conducted by Indiana University's School of Public Health and published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, aimed to fill the gap between public understanding of female orgasms and actual science.

"The study results challenge the mistaken, but common, notion that there are universal 'sex moves that work' for everyone," said author Brian Dodge.

"On the other hand, the data also make clear that there are certain styles of touch that are more commonly preferred by women, emphasising the value of studying sexual pleasure — and not just sexual problems".

About four in five women actually don't orgasm from penetrative sex.

Researchers spoke to a representative sample of 1055 women between the ages of 18 and 94, and recorded their preferences for the pressure, shape and pattern of touch that has the highest chance of causing an orgasm.

Data proved that just 18. 4 per cent of women were able to orgasm from penetrative sex, whereas almost three quarters revealed they much preferred clitoral stimulation.

Sexologist Dr Nikki Goldstein told news. com. au it's important to consider the findings in relation to our society's religious and cultural values.

"I believe the fact that 80 per cent of women prefer having clitoral orgasms doesn't mean they can't have a (vaginal) orgasm, just that one is easier than the other," she said.

"We are a penetrative society. It stems from religion, that sex is primarily to procreate, and thats the way to do it.

"Therefore, we're brought up with the idea that sex means a penis into a vagina, but those views don't necessarily coincide with our anatomy. "Do we educate women? Yes, but we also need to educate men.

She said the reality is sex is so much more than just intercourse.

Theres a lot science is yet to reveal about the female sexual body. "Men's egos are attached to their ability to give a woman an orgasm.

Theres a few things wrong with that, because women need to be in charge of their sexual pleasure as well, but some guys are getting things wrong in the first place.

"The clitoris makes it easier to have orgasms, but it also takes away from the penis. Men are, of course, really attached to their penises. "We need to educate both genders as to what orgasms mean for women.

However, thought she said studies such as this may effect change for a small percentage of the population, she doesn't expect mainstream bedroom habits to change any time soon. "It will come from those who are open-minded enough to consider this information.

"At want point do we say we're all having good sex? For our lives, we'll all be on a hamster wheel looking for sexual pleasure. "There's a lot we're yet to discover about the female body.

Listen to Dr Nikki's Sex and Life podcast here.

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