Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily Time Sep 24 2017

Will this work? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Sit up straight.

It's on.

Wait. I want to watch it too.


It's working now.

Let me say hi first. Hello.

I am Kim Jonghyun of Pledis.

Also, I am the leader of NU'EST, JR.

Nice to meet you. If I maximize the screen, I won't be able to read the comments.

Sorry. I forgot how to use it since it's been awhile.


It's been awhile since I was on V LIVE last time.

I am here alone today.

So I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time.

Why am I nervous?

I am here today to tell you about

what we are up to now.

After PRODUCE 101,

I always wanted to say thank you to our fans.

That's why I came on V LIVE today.

Thank you so much for your love.

Please continue to support us.

Do I look nice now?

We just had the concert so my hair is a bit...

It's a bit messy.


Thank you for saying I look nice.

I have good news to tell you.

After PRODUCE101...

Was it after the show?

After the show,

our album was sold out.

Thank you so much for

listening to our music.

We wanted to make good songs for our fans.

So we included many of these songs in our album.

We were so happy that many people liked the song.

I have good news again.

It is that "Hello" and "Daybreak" climbed the chart again.

So those people who didn't know us became more familiar to our songs.

I am very happy. It was all possible because of our fans.

I was so happy to see our songs climb the chart again. Thank you so much.

I wanted to express my gratitude towards you.

I thought a lot about how to express my gratitude towards you.

It wasn't enough to just thank you in words.

You gave us so much love and support.

I love you!

For those who are curious about what I am up to.

It's been 2 weeks since PRODUCE 101 ended.

Let me tell you what I am up to since the show ended.

If you ask me questions, I will read them out.

After PRODUCE 101,

I went to my hometown, Gangwon Province.

I went home and had some time of refreshing.

My parents cooked good food for me.

They told me I did a great job.

It made me feel better.

Also, I prepared for PRODUCE 101 concert too.

And since I want to write good songs for you.


In order to do that, I was working on the lyrics.

I bet you wanted to know this.

"Did you eat"? Yes, I ate.

I ate.

My favorite food is...

My favorite food?

Other than tomatoes... The raw one...

Other than tomatoes, I eat almost everything.

I am not a picky eater.

"Please upload your selfie after V LIVE".

I did practice to take a better selfie.

But sometimes practice doesn't make perfect.

I tried but it didn't work out nicely.

Please kindly understand even if my selfies don't look nice.

"What is your favorite performance from PRODUCE 101"?

I liked them all.

For "Sorry Sorry", I was able to work with good members.

It turned out really nice. I liked it.

Malaysia fans, hello.

"What is your favorite hair color?

I like my

black hair the best. My natural hair color.

Chinese fans, hello.

Leader... Many people want to know this.

Did I become the leader naturally?

How should I explain this?

I got the sticker out of nowhere.

So I did my best.

I am good at cooking.

I am good at making some dishes.

I am good at making omelette rice.

I made rice cake soup one time.

So I can make it if I have the recipe.

If I have a recipe, I can make anything.

I am not good at making potato dishes.

My mom is good at making the potato pancake.

I didn't get to eat it this time.

Have I tried Kimchee stew made by Ren?

Ren cooked ramen for me...

Ren is not good at cooking.


"If you make it for me, I will enjoy the soup even if it will make me a year older".

No way.

No way. I don't know what to answer you.

Did I watch Wartortle Bus?

I didn't see it in person.

I saw the pictures.

People sent me the pictures of it.

Many people I know watched the show.


"You look nice with the cardigan".

My fans gave me this for my birthday.

V LIVE is off. Did I press something?

How do I turn it back on? I don't see the comments.

I can't see the comments.

Hold on.

V Channel.

Found it. Found it.

It's okay.

"Say you will make me sound angry".


You are making me sound angry.

Oh my.

"What is your favorite movie"?

My favorite movies are...

I have unique preferences. So I like zombie movies.

So I like "Resident Evil"... Can I say this?

I am not sure because it's been awhile since I came on V LIVE.

I like "Resident Evil". But I didn't watch the last one.

"Share your feelings about your songs climbing back up the chart".

Very happy. Thank you. Climbing back up the chart!

The songs climbed the chart again...

How should I say this? Climbed the chart again...

I can't believe it...

And I have over 2 million hearts now.

It's my first time. Very excited.

"Which songs do you listen to nowadays"?


I just listen to many songs on the chart.

And... That's all.

"If you use Analog Paris, your selfie will look nice".

Analog Paris? Is that filters?

I will think about... I mean...

If I remember it later, I will use it.

Many people are asking me to wink?

Really? I didn't see it.

"Please mimic Wartortle".


Isn't this it? "Wartortle"?

I can mimic Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur". Like this.

I don't know about Wartortle.

"Please make the 3 combo hearts".

Super hot...

I wasn't sure if I should do this or not.

But I ended up doing it.

"Why did you name your ID Pocky for the Instagram account"?

I know many of you are curious about this. I saw some comments about it.

My Instagram ID has Pocky in it.

When I made the Instagram account,

I had to make my ID.

And I had Pocky next to me.

So I typed it.

And I added JR after it to tell others it's my ID.

So my Instagram ID is "PockyJR".

My ID for SNS. Sorry.

That's how I made my SNS ID.

I shouldn't say it.

Yes, you are right. The name of the snack.

"How did you feel when your suspenders came off? You looked so cute".

Yesterday, when we had the concert,

my suspenders slipped off.

I was a bit shocked.


I was thinking to myself. Should I put it back on or not?

I didn't have time to put it back on so I took it off.

I was shocked too.

High school seniors, fighting!

I know it's hard. Cheer up.

There are over 100,000 viewers now.

Is it my first time? Yes, it is.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The rabbit hairband...

Fans are uploading the pictures already.

Did you come to the concert?

I wore the rabbit hairband today.

My fan gave it to me so I wore it.

"It's Monday tomorrow".

Those who have to go to work, fighting!

My hand size? Can I measure it?

I've never measured it before.

How can I measure it?

It's this big.

Someone asked me to sing "Sleep Talking".

How long has it been? It's been 3 years...

Well... Let's pass it.

"Did you drink when you uploaded the comments on the cafe"?

No, I didn't drink.

I had many typos because...

Because I was using my phone...

I have small hands but I still had typos.

I had many typos...

So I had to make corrections.

I bet you want to know what the other members are up to.

As I told you earlier, since we want to make good music for you...

The other members are working hard for our songs.

No worries.

"How much can you drink"?

For me...

Should I say how much soju I can drink?

Well... But you know how

it depends on your condition.

I used to drink before but

now I can't drink.

"Why don't you like tomatoes"?

When I was young, my sisters were eating cherry tomatoes.

They were eating cherry tomatoes and it looked really good.

So I ate one too.

You know how it's juicy...

I didn't like the taste of it.

So I got sick eating it.

Since then, I never ate it.

You want me to do the rap part for "One Kiss"?

The rap part for "One Kiss".

The lyrics is...

The lyrics is...

"Love Paint"...

Please wait.

Let me look it up.

There is a great music application.

"One Kiss".

The lyrics is the message to our fans.

Hold on.

"One Kiss" from "Re:BIRTH"... No?

It's from "Q is".

Let me check out the lyrics.

After the update...

Hold on.

Why isn't it working?


Nice voice.

Let me rap for you.

I should play the song.

It's been awhile...


I have over 6 million hearts.

While I was rapping, I got over 6 million hearts.

I love you. Thank you.

"Are you bad at using machines"? No, I am good at it.

You know how when you get nervous,

you mess things up.

"Please make a 3 line poem with One Kiss".

I can't do this...

I should've done it faster. I missed the right timing. Let's just move on.

Someone asked me to say, "Haha".

I said it because I was shy.

"Please act cute for us if you get more than 10 million hearts".

If I get over 10 million hearts, I will act cute for you.

I will think about what to do until I get 10 million hearts.

I wish I can get more than 10 million hearts.

"Which cologne do you use"?

I don't use cologne that much.

I use whatever I get as a gift.

I don't use it daily.

I use it on special days only.

When I go to someone's wedding...

But I don't use it daily.

Those who have exams tomorrow, fighting!

You have exams tomorrow? Is it exam season already?

Yes, it is exam season.

I bet it's hard. Fighting!

Yes, I sweat a lot.

Many people think JR stands for Jonghyun Rap.

It stands for Junior Royal.

It means a little royal.

When I made the debut,

I wanted to perform

and be successful like a royal man.

Yes, my profile picture on my SNS account is me.

That's when I had blonde hair.

When we released our first album, "Re:BIRTH".

It's the album jacket picture.

That's when I made the Instagram account.

After we released the album, "Re:BIRTH"...

I made the account on January 1st in the new year.

With Minhyun.

Boogie tonight?

What is that?

Boogie tonight? I can't remember what it is.

"Your lips are red. What did you put it on"?

Since I was very sweaty from the concert,

I had to fix my make-up. I have some lip gloss on it.

I have good news again...

We have over 80,000 members for our Daum fan cafe.

Thank you so much.

I am so happy.

I am very happy nowadays because of our fans.

"What is your favorite NU'EST song"?

There are many.


"Lend Me Your Shoulder" which I wrote the most part of the rap is one of them.

And the song which I sang duet with Minhyun for the first time.


And "Love Without Love" which

I think has the most beautiful lyrics.

I like that song too.

You can do well.

"How can you jump so high"?

I use all my energy when I jump.

I use all my energy when I jump.

Many people want to know how we came up with

the team name "National Sons". In a nutshell,


We were like, "Hurry up, we have to decide the team name today".

GuanLin was...

GuanLin suggested the name, "National Sons".

And we chose it.

Other members are working on our songs now.

I have things to do after V LIVE too.

I have to do things after the show.


I am sending many hearts today. I love you.

It's been awhile.

"Your name is on the most searched word". What is that mean?


"Which one do you like more? Dog or cat"?

Dog or cat...

I like them both.

I like cats.

I like dogs and cats.

If I have to choose one for a pet...

If I

I think I will choose a cat.

"How did you feel when you heard the fans cheering for you"?

It was awesome.

My body trembled starting from my feet.

I was very nervous too.

But I couldn't show that I was nervous.

I didn't show that I was nervous but I was always nervous for the performance.

Yes, we still live at the dorm.

I have 9 million hearts.

If I get a little more...

"Your eyelashes are really nice".

Thank you.

"Which one do you like more? Older sister or younger sister"?


I always wanted a younger sister.

Since I have two older sisters.

If I had a younger sister,

I would be very nice to her and I would care for her.

So I wanted a younger sister.

Of course, I like my older sisters.

Yes, I like them.

"Who do you share a room with at the dorm"?

At our dorm...

I share a room with Minki

And others have their own room.

We have 4 rooms.

I bet you want to know

how we assigned the rooms. Nobody asked yet but I'm sure someone will ask.

Let me tell you.

In the past, two people shared a room and three people shared a room.

For about 5 years...

It's been more than 5 years... Since for 6 to 7 years, we shared the rooms,

We wanted our own room.

Because we have different sleeping schedule...

If someone had to write a song, others couldn't sleep at night.

So we always wanted our own room. One day, our company got us 4 bedroom house.

So we were very excited.

We were going to play rock, paper, scissors to decide...

Minki... I always shared a room with Minki.

Minki said, "Let's just share a room". So we are sharing a room now.

So the rest of the members have their own room.

I have over 10 million hearts.

I can check it real-time. So cool.

Acting cute.

Here we go.

1, 2, 3.

It's hot.

"Please do the Shoulder Gangster".

Minki is good at this.

The first impression of the other members... When I first met them...

When I first met them, I was 16 years old. It's a long time ago.

My hair is messy here.

When I first met them, I was 16 years old.

When I joined PLEDIS,

there was no male trainees.

I was the only male trainee for about 1 year.

Then, the other members joined the company. I was very happy.

I was happy to have friends at the company.

Before that, there were only female trainees who were older than me.

So I was shy at times.

I felt happy when other male trainees joined the company.

Post-it picture.

Someone want me to talk about the Wartortle picture.


I had to hurry.

I am good at drawing... Just joking.

I am good at drawing if I have the picture in front of me.

I am not good at drawing using my imagination.

I am good at drawing while looking at the picture.

One day, I will draw a picture

and upload it for you.

"After PRODUCE 101, Minhyun cried a lot. What did you talk about after the show"?

At that time?

I was happy.

We joined the show to win it.

We all joined the show with the same goal.

We all worked hard.

And Minhyun was chosen.

I was proud of him because

the citizen producers liked him.

I was happy.

Minhyun cried a lot.

So I was joking and said, "At least one of us made it".

"You looked great with the comma hair". Thank you.

The hair color...

I want to keep my black hair.

I don't know what will happen though...

I don't have a driver's license.

There are over 200,000 viewers.

This is the number of viewers.

The number next to the play button.

Thank you for watching me.


No, I...

"I like your blue hair".

But the color comes off easily.

So I had to dye my hair very often. It damaged my hair.

Yes, I do have bad memories of it.

I won't dye my hair for awhile.

"Why don't you fold your pinkies when you dance"?

I don't fold my pinkies when I dance?

I didn't know.

I think it's my habit.

I just keep it straight when I dance.

Just like how some people keep it straight when they drink water.

When they hold a cup...

I was going to stay on for 30 minutes.

But I was on for more than 30 minutes.

I should've come on V LIVE eariler.

But I had to prepare for the concert.

Also, I was preparing for many things.

So it took me two weeks to come on V LIVE.

Thank you so much for your love.

Please continue to love us.

"Don't go". We will come back.

Next time, I won't come alone.

I bet you want to see the others.

I will come with them.

I will bring at least one of them.

I will try to come on V LIVE often.


Thank you for cheering for me at the concert.

Now, I have 12 million hearts.

Thank you for 12 million hearts.

Thank you, 218,566 viewers...

218,598 viewers. Thank you for watching my V LIVE.

I will do my best to pay back your love for me.

Time went by so fast

as I was reading the questions.

It's been more than 30 minutes but I didn't know.

Now, I have to go work on my song.

I will wrap up the show now.

Thank you for your love. Thank you for cheering for me.

I love you.


Thank you.

I can't wink.

Good night.

Hope you have a good day at work tomorrow. Good luck on your exam.

Hope you have a great Monday tomorrow.

Everyone, fighting for Monday.


My face looks nice.

For more infomation >> NU'EST V time JR Diary - Duration: 37:33.


[FMV] Girls' Generation (소녀시대) - One Last Time 도둑놈 도둑님 - Duration: 3:32.

You don't respond when I ask how you're doing

Your expression toward me has lost its scent

Moments with silence spreading pass by me

That word contained in your eyes

My breath shortens, I don't want to hear it

Stop the time, don't open your lips

Don't make me lose you now, yeah

You and I, unfamiliar in front of the goodbye

Remember the me you loved

You can't let it flow away

For me, One Last Time

For you, One Last Time

My heart was always a beat slower

If you wanted change, I wanted to stay the same

The two steps that were side by side are out of step

I want to hold on to it, your heart that's ending

Tears fall, I'm scared we'll become distant

Stop the time, while holding my hand tightly

Let me stay inside of your embrace

You and I, unfamiliar in front of the goodbye

Remember the me you loved

You can't let it flow away

For me, One Last Time

One Last Time

One Last Time

Even if you don't say it, I know

Heart that has worn thin, day that will collapse

It will fall again, before you forget all of me

Prepare once again

You and I inside of the season that has ended

Even if we embrace, it will run out

Many days and nights we were together

Don't forget all of it

You and I have stopped before the goodbye

I take in your appearance carefully for the last time

So I can keep it for a long time

Wait, One Last Time

(So give me one) One Last Time

(So give me one) One Last Time

(Give me one) One Last Time

One Last Time

For more infomation >> [FMV] Girls' Generation (소녀시대) - One Last Time 도둑놈 도둑님 - Duration: 3:32.


(grey's anatomy) meredith & derek | this is the last time - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> (grey's anatomy) meredith & derek | this is the last time - Duration: 2:38.


Frankreich 2017 - #3 // Beach-Time & Beziers - Duration: 12:25.

For more infomation >> Frankreich 2017 - #3 // Beach-Time & Beziers - Duration: 12:25.


Siel-chan - cover Hey! Say! JUMP - H.our time ~Happy 10th Anniversary~ - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Siel-chan - cover Hey! Say! JUMP - H.our time ~Happy 10th Anniversary~ - Duration: 6:43.


every time video brinquedo's "what's up" was racist. idk. i didn't watch the whole thing - Duration: 1:10.

Chingling (Japanese: リーシャン Lisyan) is a Psychic-type baby Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.

It evolves into Chimecho when leveled up with high friendship during the night.

Chingling is a yellow, spherical Pokémon similar to a bell. It has stubby arms and legs, as well as beady, black eyes.

On either side of its mouth is a large, black spot.

Inside its mouth is a red orb, which creates a ringing sound as the Pokémon moves.

Additionally, the orb can be vibrated to create high frequency, long lasting cries to deafen its opponents.

The sounds produced can be too high for people to hear. Atop its body is ring-like growth with a striped rope through the middle.

The rope is red-and-white with short tassels on the ends.

Three Chingling appeared in The Bells Are Singing! under Francesca's ownership. They formed part of Francesca's magic trick but had trouble keeping them under control.

When Team Rocket captured the Chingling, James found himself growing fond of them as he remembered his Chimecho.

A Chingling appeared in Battling a Cute Drama! under the ownership of Marilyn. Marilyn's Chingling had a battle against Brock's Croagunk but despite a type advantage lost.

For more infomation >> every time video brinquedo's "what's up" was racist. idk. i didn't watch the whole thing - Duration: 1:10.


Hand Express Breast Milk Breastfeeding Fast Time Breastfeeding PainFul Breastfeeding - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Hand Express Breast Milk Breastfeeding Fast Time Breastfeeding PainFul Breastfeeding - Duration: 3:37.


[BTS Min Yoongi FF ] Time Machine { Preview } [FR + EN SUB] - Duration: 0:56.

I know that I shouldn't do this

She has to die

But I can't stand seeing him like this

I have to do this

For them

For more infomation >> [BTS Min Yoongi FF ] Time Machine { Preview } [FR + EN SUB] - Duration: 0:56.


The Secret to Expectation and Surrender (At The Same Time) with the Law of Attraction - Duration: 6:59.

in this video I'm gonna show you the delicate balance between expectation to

also not mean attached to the outcome and how right when we get to the middle

of that everything begins to change

welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their

consciousness now in this video I'm going to be sharing I will be sharing

with you the power of expectation and the paradox of how we can expect

something to happen but not be attached to the outcome at the same time what I'm

gonna show you are some practical tools towards really being able to surrender

to way more expansive energy within you that will transform the way you see the

world and the way that you really learn how to trust the process now a lot of

the information on this channel has been about the law of attraction but what I

want to do is I want to begin going deeper than just the law of attraction I

want to explain how there's a consciousness within you that when you

expand yourself beyond just the ego mind just the Eagle perspective there is so

much more available to you and there's really so much more of what you can

attain now let's look at it from this when it comes to understanding the ego

realize that what we can create from our ego at a certain level our ego is

necessary in order for us to have a physical experience in order for us to

determine what our likes are and what our dislikes are so it's still a

necessary component the issue is when we become identified with the ego and

thinking that our ego has to do everything

that's when resistance many times will come up because what we do is we put

everything on our back we say I can't think this one negative thought and then

we build resistance around it we think I can't do this or it's I have to do

everything to do with it it's about understanding the balance of doing

everything you can in the present moment so also being present to the moment but

not being attached to how things happen now what happens is when we let go and

we start to trust the process we expand ourselves out and then the universe

whatever lay we want to give it can start to actually

work for us there is a huge difference when you start to do this now let me

give you an example if I were to tell you that I was gonna take you to Mexico

next week you didn't have anything to worry about I was gonna take you to

Mexico now then I would say hey we're gonna leave on this day and we're gonna

go now the idea is that if I were to say that and you were to start worrying

about it you were just keep overanalyzing and keep thinking about it

you would build up negative resistance there and it wouldn't be necessary now

what if the idea where you were to just trust the process in the same way you

would trust if I were to tell you our to take you to Mexico neck or somebody you

know would to take you because you know maybe idealistically that you know

realistically that's not gonna happen but who knows maybe one day but the idea

is that if someone that you trust and know were to tell you that you would

trust the process and you would just say okay but many times what we do is we put

it out there that we want something that we expect something to happen but then

we start going over the details and we start looking at how everything's going

to happen and we muddled up that energy we muddled up that focus now what we can

learn to do is to simply trust the process and knowing that we must do the

best we can do in the present moment but there's a larger scale of energy now the

way I'm going to do this is I'm going to show another example and I show this

chart all the time it's going to be the benchmark for a lot of the things I

explained because it's about elevating the states of consciousness look at this

chart of emotion and understand that when we are in the egotistical or the

self image part of manifestation so we're focused on our self image that is

mainly what we could call the third chakra right that is the willpower that

we have that is the identification there's a certain level of success that

we can have from manifesting from that point of view and having those

perspectives but we get into a completely new paradigm when we decide

to observe it we decide to willingness and observe it neutrality we decide to

let it go and we start coming from a point of love we start coming from a

point of service to others we start coming from this high

perspective this higher perspective of when were in more of the consciousness

of love that is where there is so much more power because then it's not about

what our ego can do it's about what we can do it's about a more expanded

perception where we realize that it's not just about us it's also about what

we can give this is a higher level paradigm and in order to see from this

higher level paradigm what we must be able to do is to trust the process now

how do we go about trusting the process it comes from the perspectives that we

have it comes from the underlying basis for the way we see the law of attraction

process is it all about us thinking and us putting our energy into what we want

and what we want to create well it's part of it and the thing is is people

will end the beginning of the process of learning the law of attraction they will

get really good results because prior everything was on autopilot and we

weren't aware of it but now that we are aware of it we can take ourselves to the

next level by trusting the process and having the perspective that what we can

do is just expect but not be attached to how that comes any time that we are

focused on the details anytime we are seeing everything in our life as parts

that's where things begin to get segregative and that's where the muddled

up comes up so what we can learn to do is to trust the process all we simply

have to do is we have to focus on the whole rather than the part we have to

focus on defining things in our life as integrative as a part of the process and

the more that we do that the more that we feel like we can trust the process

imagine that somebody that you trust and that always follows through told you

that something's gonna happen that kind of trust that you would have because

they've always said that they're gonna do something they always do it that same

kind of trust you can have when you declare and expect something to happen

but you don't need to get in there and muddle it up by trying to understand

every component of it get out of the intellectual mind and into the heart

that's where we evolve ourselves from the ego of the willpower and the third

chakra up to the heart that's where a lot of the power is and that's where we

really begin to see massive results so with that being said I

hope you guys enjoyed this video feel free to like this video if you liked it

subscribe if you haven't already also hit that little notification gear right

next to the button that you see right there so that you can see my daily vids

and other than that I will see you guys on the next bit peace much love

and namaste

For more infomation >> The Secret to Expectation and Surrender (At The Same Time) with the Law of Attraction - Duration: 6:59.


Time For A Road Trip - Duration: 3:10.

I dunno Joel.

I'm kinda getting sick of this place.

What do ya mean?

I dunno, we're here everyday, mate.

Don't ya feel like you just gettin' away?

Ah, whatever. Don't worry about it.

Nah I get you, man.

Yeah, oh well, it's never going to change, is it?

You know what?


Let's go.

Let's go where?

Come with me.

What're you talkin' about, mate? Come with you? What, wh--

Let's go.

Let's go where?!

Haydo, just trust me on this one. Let's go.


Where are we going, mate?

Mate, trust me on this one.

Mate, put your bloody belt on.


Alright, you ready?

Where are we going?!

*laughs* Oh, trust me on this.

*sighs* Whatever.

Mate, close your eyes.

"Close your eyes"... *sighs*

Trust me.

*GPS: The route is being calculated.*

🎵 cheesy music 🎵

Whaddya think?

We'll see, mate, we'll see.

So, whaddya think?

I dunno, mate, it's too easy now, ya know?

Alright, mate...

Let's go.

Go where, mate?

Mate, trust me on this one.

For more infomation >> Time For A Road Trip - Duration: 3:10.


VIPMED TIME 23.09.2017 - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> VIPMED TIME 23.09.2017 - Duration: 11:33.


Faith Time: Communities of Transformation - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Faith Time: Communities of Transformation - Duration: 4:10.



hie guys

Sub me and like my channel

For more infomation >> FARMING IN CLASH OF CLANS AFTER A LONG TIME. - Duration: 18:36.


Quitting My Job to Be a Full Time Artist · The Under-Painting #4 · semiskimmedmin - Duration: 38:20.

Okay so it is Saturday it is half 12:00 and last week was a year exactly since I

quit my job in order to pursue a career in art full time. It was the biggest leap

of faith of my life so far and a decision that has come with a lot of

lessons to learn along the way. So now that I'm here, I wanted to share with you

how I came to that decision how it's been working out for me, you know, how I

knew I was ready, how I fared financially and also just sort of how I structure my

life, my day-to-day, my budget now that I'm self-employed. So it's gonna be a

long one; grab your snacks get a drink ready- I don't have any Capri-Sun

today but I do have an Innocent Smoothie just for kids- grab your sketchbook

or anything else you're working on and let's talk art together.

So if you're new to this series, The Underpainting is a little segment where we chat about

different art issues while we hang out together just kind of peel back the

layers of work and mystery that go into crafting a creative life and make sense

of everything that goes on behind the scenes. I am today drawing a couple of

drawings in my sketchbook; I am drawing the house that I grew up- in I thought I

would draw this house but then I don't want anyone finding me- and I'm also, if

we have time, gonna draw and watercolour a house that I found just having a wander

through Google Maps Street View. Just had a little wander through the East Sussex

countryside looking for a nice little cottage to draw so if we have time I'll

do that as well. I'm gonna be using one of my Pitt artist pens in the size

small and if I get around to using the watercolours I'll be using my WH Smith

watercolours in my portable painter palette but you'll see that once we get

to it. And as always all the tools will be listed below in case you want to

check those out. The reason I'm doing this is actually; I've decided to open up

my commissions for the first time in probably like two years, purely doing

drawings of buildings. So like if someone wants their house to be drawn or like what I'm

doing the house they grew up in stuff like that I have set that up now on my

shop so you can check it out. I will have that linked below if you want a custom

drawing of a building of your choice and they'll be in either

just ink like I'll be doing on this one or in watercolour. Different size options.

Have a look below, see if it's something you'd be interested in.

Right so today's topic is something that I get asked about a lot. I get a lot of

emails from like high school students or people just finishing uni, people who are

interested in pursuing a career in art but don't really know where to begin

with that. What are their next steps might be and you know how you get to be

earning money from making art. So my journey to where I am now has not been a

straightforward one, it's not the kind of thing I feel I can give like a

step-by-step guide of how to get there but what I can do is at least just share

my experience, my story and you know if it helps anyone then that would be great.

So last year, 13th of September, was my last day at work. I had spent the last

like three and a half years working at a supermarket. And like sometimes I stocked

the shelves, sometimes I worked on the tills

but my main job was actually to check the dates on every single short-life

item in the shop. So things like sausages, cartons of milk, profiteroles... I would

have to go up and down every single aisle, up and down every single shelf,

going through individual items checking the dates on them. And obviously it was

in the fridge section so it was freezing. Very repetitive as well. I'd be doing

that for like four to eight hours a day and then the next day I would come in

and check the exact same items I had checked the day before. It sounds pretty

awful. It sounds quite grim but the thing about me is I do quite enjoy repetitive

actions. I like- I don't know- I quite like the monotony of things like that. I like

being able to come into a job, come into work every day and know what I

have to do that day I don't really have to talk to anyone I can just sort of

grab my tools and get on with it. I'm kind of a paradox of a creative

person I think just because like if I wasn't an artist I would love to either

work on like a factory assembly line doing the same thing over and over and

over or I've always always always wanted to work in like a sorting office in a

post office. Like if I wasn't an artist that's like my dream job. But

I did, you know, grow up with the idea that I wanted to be an artist from a very very young

age. I loved drawing and I was always kind of told that I was good at it so I

thought that that would be something I could just do as a job forever. My main

dream as a child was to write and illustrate children's books and because

I loved drawing and I loved reading it just seemed like the ideal combo for me

to put those two together and write little stories and be able to draw

along. I really loved people like Quentin Blake who did the illustrations for

Roald Dahl's books also I can't remember who did the Jacqueline Wilson

illustrations but those were quite a staple of my childhood. I think anyone

that read Jacqueline Wilson books will remember the illustrations that went

along with them. But as I got older that idea, that dream, kind of faded. Not for

any particular reason, just just kind of moved on from it. Like when I was about

13 I started watching CSI and I suddenly wanted to be a forensic scientist and I

was properly obsessed. That went on for quite a while. I don't think I genuinely

wanted to be a forensic scientist I was more interested in like living a really

snazzy life in Miami with hot co-stars. And then after that, my next

thing was that I wanted to be an interpreter. I really loved learning

languages I really love listening to languages and I thought that would be a

great great career path. I was about 16 at that time and that

is a time- I don't know how it works like around the world- but that's a time like

here in the UK where we start doing our GCSEs. So we choose our GCSE topics, GCSE

subjects, in order to move on to our A-level subjects in order to go to

university and then obviously to get a degree and get a job. So it was a time

where people were starting to think about what path they were going to take

and being an interpreter was something that I was quite happy with as an idea. I

genuinely do enjoy languages and learning them. So I did well. I got A's in

my A-levels for English, Spanish and art and a B in French just because

that was the one time in my life that I decided to spoil my hundred percent

attendance rate and start skipping classes. So could have done better but

overall I did really well in school got the grades that I needed to get into my

first choice of University which was King's College London. And there I

started to study english and spanish for my degree. So i was on track in life. Like

the whole sort of ideal plan that you have when you're going through school

and stuff, I was definitely on track to get to where I wanted to be. And I was

also still kind of drawing here and there. I guess like once you start drawing at

school you know for coursework and stuff, it kind of takes away the fun of things.

So not drawing as much as usual but still doing a lot for coursework and

also had quite an interest in like deviantART at the time. So I would go on

there and sort of get inspired out of nowhere and want to draw.

It's the kind of thing where you see something great, you see people doing these really cool

drawings and things and you just want to do something similar. You want to do

something just as cool and put that out there and have other people see that. So

that was sort of the extent of the art that I was doing at the time. So yeah, I

got into Kings, it was a great uni, met a lot of nice people. But...

overall, yeah, I like I hated it. I genuinely hated it. If I have to think

of like a rock bottom in my life that would definitely be it. Because all of a

sudden, all the things that I had been working for, all the plans that I had

made every step of the way; doing well in these exams to do well in these exams to

get into this uni to get my degree and get my job... it all kind of fell apart and

I was stuck there thinking like 'I don't want this, I'm not interested in

this, I don't want to be here'. And it was a very kind of 'who am I?'

time. And like 'what do I want, what am I gonna do'. I felt very lost.

Very uncomfortable in my own life and just kind of started having my lowest

days. I think at the same time my anxiety was probably at its worst but at the

time I didn't really know what anxiety was. So it was all just a bit of a mess.

Also at the same time I had been working at a train station a little coffee kiosk

on the platform. If you've ever been to Brockley Station platform 2 on the

overground there is a coffee kiosk on the platform and I used to work there.

6:00 a.m. every day making coffee for the grumpy- so grumpy- rush-hour commuters.

Lots of free coffee though so it was kind of worth it. But yeah because at the

time they were working on changing the East London line to the overground

there was a lot of engineering works which meant that the station was closed

a lot of the time which eventually led to me having to be let go from that job.

Which was a shame but also not that deep. Like it really wasn't a position that I

saw myself staying in for very long anyway.

I also around that time had got my license and bought my first car and

realised that I hated driving. Driving filled me with so much dread. I would get

behind the steering wheel of my car. I'd be shaking and I'd feel

sick and I wouldn't want to drive anywhere. So my car was just sitting

outside my house most of the time while I was paying insurance and road tax and

all that kind of nonsense that goes with owning a car. So I was at a stage where

all these things that I had been building towards; getting into uni, having

a job, having a car... I felt like a proper person and it all just kind of flatlined.

Kind of all at once. And I found myself just kind of drifting and floating in

this... not liking where I was but not knowing where I wanted to be. And so

still not really knowing what my next step was and not knowing what I was

going to like move on to I decided that whatever happened I didn't want to be

where I was at. So without a plan or anything, without like a plan B, I just

dropped out of uni. Stopped going. And that was hard.

And my parents understandably were a bit, you know, I think we were all shocked.

Because I had always been very good and very reliable and I just always had it

together and did well. So I think, you know, I was kind of shocked and confused

about what was going on obviously my parents were as well and I understand

now that had I said you know 'okay I'm not working anymore, I'm selling my car

and dropping out of uni but I have a plan', I guarantee they would have been

behind me 100% especially if I had said I want to be an artist, I want

to do art. Because they probably would have said like 'oh great, yeah finally,

we've been saying that you should do that like your whole life'. But

obviously because I didn't do that and they could just sort of see me drifting

and floundering it was a hard time, very tense time. But at the same time there

was a lot of there was a lot of support and understanding. You know, they put up

with quite a lot of crap from me in that time where I was lost and confused. So

for the next few months- maybe up to a year- I lived off my student loan which

was still coming in. I spent a lot of that on a trip to Greece and a laptop

and a DSLR camera because that was a time where everyone was kind of into

'photography'. And buying that DSLR camera when I had that money was one of the

best things I could have done for myself. It's one of those things that really

helped for things to fall into place without me realising it at the

time. So I also spent a lot of time and money- a lot of money- on nights out at

that time. So I was 18 or 19, and had no job, I had a lot of free time and I was

just kind of drifting. So that was kind of one of like the worst times in my

life but also weirdly one of the best times. Like I felt like absolute garbage,

I felt like completely worthless and completely lost, but at the same time it

was nice to finally have a moment- the first time ever- where there was no

structure and no commitments. I was just completely free. And somewhere along the

way, I started drawing again just for fun. I was surrounded at that time by a lot

of creative people. A lot of my nights out were spent at lots of local live music

events, lock-ins in pubs, open mic nights and jam sessions and stuff like that.

Being around those people just kind of reminded me that that kind of life

exists there are people out there who are creative and who do that as their

thing and they share it with other people. So I desperately wanted to be a

part of that again because I remembered that I used to be that kind of person.

So I was drawing again and, in the time that I hadn't been focused on drawing,

things like Instagram and Pinterest had popped up. So there was

this huge new bank of inspiration for me just just waiting to be discovered. And

so, like with deviantART, I was seeing all these things. I loved seeing like an

artist's full body of work, the things that you don't normally see, that

behind-the-scenes. Seeing real people living life as artists and you know

creating these amazing pieces and putting them out there. And, as I said,

like with deviantART I loved seeing that and I wanted to be part of it, so I

started posting art on my own personal Instagram and then eventually I moved on

to a separate one- I think mainly because I find sharing my art with my friends

quite cringe and I don't really-... I mean I'm still really bad at showing them

things I draw. And I just wanted to keep it private, I kind of wanted to build up

a following before I shared it with anyone, because it was weirdly

embarrassing for me. And the more I got into it the more I realised that these

other people that I'm seeing and admiring are really making a living out

of this especially using their online presence so I quite naturally got into

looking at like branding and marketing. I watched a lot of YouTube videos on like

search engine optimization things like that- mainly out of curiosity but then I

would end up applying that to everything I did afterwards. And the timeline of

things is kind of unclear for me but at some point I decided to set up a YouTube

channel, again because it was something that I was consuming so heavily that I

just wanted to be part of it, I wanted to be even more deeply into it and there's

no better way than making your own channel. Now obviously at that point none

of it was making money. I obviously had hoped that it would make money but when

you're first starting out I think that's-... it just takes a long long time to start

seeing any real return on it. So eventually my student loan money finally

ran out. I sold my car that money ran out as well, so

I ended up getting a job at a local supermarket; just the Sainsbury's

down the road from me. And on the day of my induction it was me,

a guy called Sam and a girl called Sonya. Sonya left pretty soon after we all

started but me and Sam became really good friends because we were kind of in

a similar position where we just needed this job as a temporary thing. We were

both trying to work on our own passions in the background so he-... so obviously I

was working on trying to build a career as an artist, he was trying to work on

setting himself up as a personal trainer. So his dream was to, you know, open a

studio or have his own space have a sort of portfolio of clients that he could be

training here and there and earn his money from that, so we connected on that

level and ended up working there for quite some time. I was kind of working on

building my art career but I really didn't fully commit to it. I think it's very

much in my nature to be lazy and not put 100% into anything so it took me a lot

longer than it should have done for me to start seeing any sort of progress of

things in that aspect.

The great thing about things like YouTube is that they

do sort of generate their own growth so things were growing for me quite

steadily, quite slowly. I remember the first sort of hundred subscribers was such a

struggle. And then the first thousand. Those sorts of milestones really

took a long time but there was a steady kind of growth in the background. I think

within maybe a year year and a half, I started to see money from it. The

threshold to get a paycheck from Youtube is sixty pounds, so I started

earning like sixty pounds a month from YouTube which obviously wasn't enough

for me to be full-time but in the meantime I had been enjoying my work at

Sainsbury's. I liked being out of the house it was

something to sort of help me build up more people skills I guess, and just gave

me a much thicker skin. Because when you're working in retail you definitely

need that. People do not treat you like a human being. But I met a lot of great

people, I made a lot of friends there and it was definitely a nice chapter of my

life. But eventually I did kind of get to a point where I had had enough. I'd been

there for like two and a half years, I hadn't anticipated on being there for

that long, and I just thought 'okay it's time to kick my butt into gear and start

working on a plan to get me out of here'. So that's when I sat down and sort of

wrote out a quite detailed financial plan, a sort of guide to what I need to,

do how much money I need to be making, how I can make that money through my art

in order to be able to leave. I've always- I'd say since I was about 18- I've

had to pay rent for living at home and by that point, because I was probably 20

20ish, it was... while it was reasonable, it was something that I

needed to have a job to be able to pay. I needed to be earning a substantial

amount of money. So my main goal was to be able to be earning that much money to

where I could pay my bills; my phone bills stuff like that, and the rent to

be living in my house. And then anything else, I didn't really need. Like I just

needed to be able to survive. So I wrote down that number and thought about what

parts-... how much my making now from my art and how can I make that more in order to

add up to what I need. So I thought about you know how much I'm making from

YouTube, how can I make more... I could put out more videos stuff like that. Just

literally wrote down this whole plan and had the amount of money at the top that

I needed to be earning and sort of broke that down into, you

know, ideal goals of where those funds could be coming from purely from art. But

obviously it isn't as easy as that. You can't just write a plan and then it

falls into place. So things did kind of stall after that. I

again didn't put in as much work as I should have done. I had written out this

plan but didn't really follow it. And also it was a very idealised plan you

know like in the best circumstances that's how much I would be making. One

piece of advice I will give, if you are planning on leaving your job in order to

pursue self-employment, try to save at least three months worth of essential

money; so rent money anything you need to pay and can't sort of live without, food

money... save three months worth of that and then you're in a better position to

leave. I wouldn't just leave having had like a month savings or anything like

that. Just just because you never know what unforeseen circumstances might pop

up and what you might need that money for and you don't want to be just stuck

without any funds whatsoever. So I was saving in the background which

definitely helped me a bit later on. It just didn't really click fully for me

and then another year passed really quickly and I had been there for three

plus years. And Sam, my friend, left. He handed in his resignation. He had built

up his personal training business enough to a point where he could leave. He had

made it. And I was stupidly proud of him and I still am. So a week after he left, I

handed in my resignation- I handed in my notice to leave within a month- and I

wasn't ready but I think that at that point I needed to do that, because I was

too comfortable in that job and I was never gonna push myself. I just know with

me, I was never going to push myself until things got kind of desperate. So I

put myself in the position where I was gonna have to work harder on my art

because I wasn't gonna be earning money elsewhere.

So obviously thankfully I had been saving. I don't think I would have left

if I didn't have the savings that I built up for a few months of survival. I

actually had quite an eventful summer that year. That was the year I went to

Spain and we had a great holiday but it was quite a disastrous holiday. A lot of

things went wrong and there were a lot of unforeseen expenses so a lot of that

money that I had saved to survive off comfortably had to be spent on all sorts

that I won't really go into because it's a long story.

By this point I was however earning a few hundred a month from YouTube so

again that was just enough really to pay my rent. Anything else would come out of

my savings so just you know things like food and shampoo and travel that

was all slowly eating away at my savings. But all in all I was staying afloat at

that point because I had I would say... about 50 to 80 thousand subscribers I

was getting more sponsorship deals and those are a godsend just in terms of

getting a cheque. Essentially just getting a proper sum of money for still

doing what you love, still doing your usual thing but you're getting a little

boost, a little financial boost from it. So those very few sponsorships I did

made it possible for me to keep going with things, would really bring me back

from the edge of complete like financial ruin. I also spent a lot of time in my

overdraft so essentially spending money that I didn't

have, pretty much building a small debt. I think it got to the limit eventually but

in the back of my mind I did know that if it got to the point where I was

completely broke and I had nothing left there was still going to be a job

waiting for me at my old workplace. When I left

Sainsbury's the manager told me that if I wanted to come back then I could, so

that was always there as a backup but at the same time I knew whatever

happened I wasn't going back there. There's no way. But there was always the

back-up plan of 'if it doesn't work out I'm just gonna have to get another job'.

You know I'm not gonna get myself into a position that I can't come back from, I'm

not gonna build up a huge amount of debt. Also that's why it's taken me this long

to sort of announce on this channel even that I quit my job, because as far as you

guys knew I was working. I think quite a few people here are new so they might

not even know that but the people that have been with me for a while will

remembered me talking about my job at the old supermarket and I didn't sort of

announce that I had left, that I've become full-time, because it really

wasn't like 'this is it now, I'm ready, were doing it'. It was like 'I'm gonna try

this and see if it works and it might not work so I'm not going to tell anyone

yet'. So my next challenge was sort of becoming a good boss. Being my own boss

and you know making sure that I got work done. Being consistent and motivated and...

within the first couple of months after I left my job, that was around September

October time, I think I spent at least a month not doing anything. I completely

lost all focus all motivation and I could tell myself I really need to do

stuff because I am hemorrhaging money right now and I'm in control of earning

the money... but it just didn't materialise in that way. So that is when I actually

started my '30 ways to fill a sketchbook' series. I again had to sit myself down

with a notepad- that's the only way for me to sort of sort things out in my

head- and I wrote out different ways that I could challenge myself to be more

consistent. It was a way that I could get myself into a rhythm of filming, of

editing, of drawing regularly. And even though I had a few hiccups along the way

in terms of recording as often as I wanted to it ended up being just what I

needed to get me back into a swing of things. Really challenged me to get some

solid content out there and sort of figure out who I was as an artist and

also as a youtuber. I forgot to mention as well; way, way back I did start selling

my original artwork and prints, maybe within like the first year of starting

to take art seriously. However I did value things quite low just because well,

A- because I was working at the time I didn't really need that money and also I

didn't value my work very highly at that time. But if you are someone that you see

yourself as an artist and you see your work being worth a lot then I definitely

think you should charge a lot. I think it says a lot more about you as an

artist, it gives you more credibility. So I was making like 10 pounds a month from

my actual art, a lot of my money came from YouTube back then. At this point I

was making a lot more money from prints and selling original pieces of artwork, I

had a lot more confidence in my work and therefore I felt happier charging more.

And the more I do develop as an artist, the more confident I feel about you know

charging people for the time that it took and the materials that went into it

and also the whole thought process behind it and also after the '30 ways

to fill a sketchbook' series, I gained a lot of subscribers , which

gained a lot of more traffic to my youtube channel, which in turn meant more

earnings from Adsense and stuff. It also led to a lot more of a following in

general, so a lot more people that were willing to

check out my work and buy my work so they all kind of grew and grew and grew

Very slowly. But it all fed into each other and I eventually got to a point

where financially I was doing better than I had been doing at my job- my 'job'

job- and that was probably just a few months ago. And doing better financially

meant that I was now in a position to save. Which is so so important when you

are self-employed because you don't get things like holiday pay so if you need a

week off you're not getting paid for that. You don't get any sick leave which

means you know if you're in bed for a week or even a month with something

that's all time that you will be essentially losing money because you're

not able to create the things that you put out in order to sell them.

So having money saved is very, very important. So as soon as you can start

saving I would definitely recommend it. I now have two separate bank accounts, so

one where I get paid for everything like YouTube and prints and originals things

like that; that all goes into one place and from that I pay myself a wage so

that that money goes on our supplies and anything else, postage and packaging

things like that, and then the rest of that is- and whatever I make in a month

depends on how well I do as a company- that obviously is money that I'll

spend on food and you know personal things.


So it's been a very slow and steady process but it's been almost a snowball

It's been- the growth has been kind of exponential. So the longer you do it, the

bigger things will grow, the more money will come in and the easier it kind of

becomes to be able to see yourself as an artist. I think now looking ahead at what

I want to make of this career, you know as a future, I've been thinking a lot

more about that recently for the same reason that I made this video; that I'm

feeling a lot more confident in my art and my career as an artist. So looking

ahead I love - I love the idea of doing things like this, I love breaking down my

experiences and the lessons that I've learned and being able to share that as

almost a guide for people who were in a position like me of you know self-doubt

or just being unsure. So moving forward I would love to be able to do that in all

sorts of ways. To finish off with some advice I would first say if you are in

school and you know that you want to be an artist, it's still important to focus

on your studies for now. That's one of the things I get emailed about the most,

where someone is saying that you know their parents are telling them to focus

on their maths homework and they just want to draw. Focus on your studies now

because you have all the time in the world to work on your art. It's really

important to build up that strong work ethic that comes from being at school

and doing things you don't necessarily want to do. It's really important to just

build the skills that you can at that time so you're not looking back and

thinking I wish I could work out percentages because now I need to do my

taxes. You never know how those things that you learn then, when you have the

chance, are going to translate into your life in the future. You never know what

position that might put you in above other people as an artist.

So build as much knowledge as you can. Do your best. It's not about doing well

necessarily. It's about doing your best, putting in your all, and committing to

the things that you have to at those times. You can do art in your free time.

You know I remember being at school and there was always time for it, as stressed

as I was, you know I could either go on myspace after school- because that was a

thing back then not YouTube- or I could do some drawing. So there is always at

least a little bit of time for it. Another piece of advice kind of

following on from that is to create as much as you can. And do it for you.

We- especially when were younger- I think it's important to express yourself the

best you can because there's so much outside influence. Do the things that you

want to do, draw what you want to draw, create as much as possible and really

explore different ideas and explore your style and see who you are as an artist

and be open to trying new things and changing and just letting it flow.

There's no pressure to be a certain type of artist, there's no pressure to do

things in a certain style. Do you and just enjoy it. Another thing I would say

is, if you know that being an artist is what you want to do in your life and

this applies to anyone any age, start taking the steps to figure out how you

can make that a possibility. So look into different professions that artists

can go into whether that's design or animation, think about what you want to

do as an artist and then look at people that have done it what they - what steps

they took to get there, what schools did they go to, what did they study.

Things like that. Just be take a very sensible and clinical look at the path

you want to take and just really consider all your options. And if you're

not sure if you want to be an artist, if you do art as a hobby and you don't know

if it's something that you do want to make a career out of, that's absolutely

fine. Just you know - keep your options open. You can become an artist at age 14,

you can become an artist at age 84. It really doesn't matter. Just create art.. If

you want to create art and if you want to make money from it then follow that

path but if not and then continue to just enjoy it as a hobby.

Right and my final piece of advice would be; don't wait until you're ready, because

you will never be ready and jumping in at the deep end is the thing that made

the biggest difference for me. Obviously you want to be in a position where you

have a safety net but you don't need to build a fort around you where nothing

can go wrong and you've got all bases covered. You need to dive in and make

mistakes in order to learn and see what works and what doesn't. Right so that's

all I have to say on this for today but I would love to hear about your

experiences or your goals in the comments below.

Big thanks to all of you for watching and for staying tuned to the end. As I've

said before, without you, this show would not be possible; the time it, takes the

equipment I use, the tools I use- it would all be non-existent. Special thanks to my

Patrons whose support makes all the difference. If you are interested in

supporting me on Patreon I'll have that linked below.

There you can see high-resolution images of each and every sketchbook page that I

do as and when they happen, as well as behind the scenes pictures of what I'm

up to I also do a weekly real-time sketchbook

Q&A so you can have your question answered while you watch me draw in real

time, and the occasional bonus video in there as well. I'm also going to have the

time-lapse of this and this page as well for you to see the full process

altogether. So it's

We would love to have you over there.

For now this Under-Painting is over. Thank you so much for joining me

and I will see you in the next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Quitting My Job to Be a Full Time Artist · The Under-Painting #4 · semiskimmedmin - Duration: 38:20.


1st Time Mountain Climbing & Incredible View of Seoul ⛰ - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> 1st Time Mountain Climbing & Incredible View of Seoul ⛰ - Duration: 10:03.



*Rubius gives his classic salutation.*

We're finally back in my house!

Ah, how much I missed this. My chair, my microphone...

First of all, I'm letting you know I'm ill

I got sick, you can tell by my face

I've been sick these past days, so if I have a weird look

or if I sound weird

I'm not high

well actually

I took a lot of pills to do this video *all legal*

Anyway, I don't care If I'm sick because

I felt like making a video properly, in my room, sitting down

So that's what we are going to do, baby.

Well, let's cut the crap

Let's get to what's important, the video ok?


I bought... these disgusting jelly beans

I don't know If you can see them. And what we are going to do is every time I lose

in this game, each time I fail at Higher or Lower

I will have to eat one of the jelly beans

I don't know if you remember, some of them are disgusting, taste like vomit

or snot or whatever. Others are sort of OK

with a strawberry taste, only destiny will help us

on this mission. Ok, so we're here. Our first level

of Higher or Lower. If you remember, it's a game

in which you have to guess what thing is more popular

Than the other thing, right?

Based on their monthly Google searches basically

And here we have Lebron James

vs Red Hot Chili Peppers

Which one is more popular? Lebron James or Red Hot Chili Peppers

I think Lebron James is quite

more popular, at least nowadays

Red Hot Chili Peppers had their moment. They are still popular but

but we are choosing lower.

Alright, alright, that was close!

Red Hot Chili Peppers vs (lol) Liposuction

I mean, wtf?

I guess there's a lot of people who search "liposuction" on Google

but I don't think that's more popular than Red Hot Chili Peppers

Good, good, we are doing a good job

Liposuction vs Sponge Bob

This is too easy--WOAH.

It has less than I thought

Sponge Bob vs driving lessons

Alright. Good good good...

Holy shit, alright. Driving lessons versus...

The refugee crisis

I'd say this is more popular --WHAAAA~

Fine. Okay.


let's see if we get lucky here, at least.

Oh, god. It smells horrible! I swear!

What the shit, dude?

Wilson, help me choosing. Smell this.

(I don't think he digs it either, eh?)

Okay, so I'll choose a random one. No looking.


This is a lemon green, lemon green one

I'm not sure if you're spotting it.

This one may be foul

It may taste like kiwi, like a monkey's ass...

Let's put it in

What the hell, man?

It tastes...

tastes like dirt, dude

As if it was grass

But it's tolerable, it's tolerable. Moving on.

Next round! Pepsi against Bahrain

This appears to be a city

Being honest, I've never heard of it

And Pepsi is Pepsi, I mean, c'mon

Right to the limit, dude! By a thousand!

Okay. Bahrain against the Great Dane

I think that's how they're called

I think a city would be more searched for than...

It's the freaking same, what's happening?

Malcolm X

This is a pretty important character in U.S. history, so I suppose...

At school they'll keep talking about him

So there will be people searching stuff...

Okay. Malcolm X against Maradona. Heads up!

Maradona is way slimmer in here, oh my

It's got to be higher


But Maradonna is a damn legend!

F*** it.

Whatever God wants

Oh, no

This one seems pretty bad, dude

Oh, fuck. It's got, like, grime, dude

Red stuff

This fucking shit smells awful

I am shedding tears, man

Whatever God wants

(Rubius has a near-death experience)

[Flavor vomit, confirmed]

It was a vomit one, dude

And I got stick and eggs there

I'm still feeling that stuff dancing in my mouth

Fuck, man

We really started strong!

Haven't had a tasty one yet

2/2, bro

Kuala Lumpur, against "revenge porn"

What the pussy is that? Revenge porn?

No, excuse me

That damn puke smell emerged out of my mouth again

Okay, "revenge porn". I don't know what the heck that is but alright.

Porn related stuff surely get lots of searches, so higher


Screw it

Oh, god. This one has that green look too.

This one's green but I don't know if it's "grass" green

Kiwi, fellas! Kiwi!


It'll take away that other shitty taste out of my mouth

Moving on...

Budvar against H&M. I mean, c'mon guys.

16 million. OK.


Why are you giving O'Neal this H&M picture?

This is totally broken

Anyways, I don't think that many people search for him. See?

Alright. Shaquille O'Neal vs. Jay Z.

There it is (x4)


That's me!

Okay. Jay Z... is a historical rapper

Against the Rubius, a pretty well-known guy, heh

Wtf, This is awesome, man

But I'm not sure I'll be higher than Jay Z

No way.

"El Rubius". Idk if there's that many people searching, like, while using spaces.

I mean, my name gets searched for "elrubiusomg", "Elrubius"

just "rubius". So, people searching for "el rubius"... idk man

I'm going for "lower"

74,000! Well, there's plenty of people looking for me!

I mean, "Malala". I have to be higher than Malala :v

I'm screwed, man

Who the hell is Malala???

*Mimicks haters*

I'm taking this one

This one has such a bad look.

It's white, white like... Oh f*ck.

What's this, man?!

What the hell is this, man?

Bad milk! You have to be shitting me!

It does taste like bad milk


Malala has ruined my life!

Malala has ruined my entire life!

Okay. Inside Out from Pixar against Saving Privgngrasbj

Saving Private Ryan

I believe Inside Out gets more searches since it's modern

So gross! The taste I'm having of rotten egg here...

Saving Private Ryan against pet insurance

Screw this, dude

I'm suffering, ya hear?

No, no! Not another white one.

This one has small dots or something

It might be tasty

It's as if it was tasty but not at the same time

Like so but not

It's good, it's good. At least it's better than that freaking rotten milk, gross one, okay?

What's this? Let's see

Coconut flavor that is

I don't know where that coconut flavor is, honestly

I seriously don't get how they make these awful flavors

They make someone vomit into a bucket to produce these beans afterwards? Or...

"Moscow Mule" against "iTunes". I mean, Moscow Mule...

seems like a beverage

and iTunes is, like, great.

iTunes that is.

11 million, man!


RIP Harambe. You'll always be in our hearts.

Harambe was last year's biggest meme so,

but iTunes is iTunes, dude.

Harambe. Please!


Well, it had so many! Freaking Harambe, dude.

You've ruined my life, you dick.

Fine, I don't know if my life has been ruined yet. Let's see...

I'm grabbing here, the last jelly bean

Oh, no. Another white one.

This one's white but without the little bits

so it might be that damn, gross, expired milk one :(

I almost puke. Look at my eyes!

Fucking Harambe, you son of a bitch

Alright, let's leave it here. I hope you liked the video,

give it a like with flow if you wish to see more videos with this shit

Or with anything else

I deserve a like for making a sick video

So, anyway, I hope you liked this video. I'll see you on the next one.

I'll be seeing you very soon! Behave well! Ciao.

Like for more of these challenges! :D Courage to Mexico's little creatures <3

New song by Oliver Heldens in the description!

For more infomation >> BEAN BOOZLED CHALLENGE EACH TIME I LOSE - Duration: 12:14.


FIFA 18 TIME! - Duration: 2:29.


I'm calling to quit my Gynecologist education.

I've learned a lot, but if there is something that I have learnt it's that

you have to prioritize in life

and something bigger has emerged.

Yes, thank you!


I quit

It's been an honor working for you

It really has

But new challenges are waiting around the corner.

So I want to thank you for my time here.

And wish you the best.


Have you bought food?

115 packed nudles & 230 Pringles.


Have you bought liquid?

25 packs of Redbull.


And you got the new FIFA?

Yes sir!



That's FIFA 17


Last years FIFA

No Filip it is 2017 this year.


So you wanna be Barcelona as usual?

I quit my work.

Yea, that was not smart.

FIFA 18 is the new FIFA!

How could you even buy FIFA 17?

You have FIFA 17 at home?!

But it was so cheap!

Guess why Viktor ?!

2 weeks later

Imagine how much fun we will have?


F**king piece of sh*t game!

The settings are wrong!

Can you please stop blaming the settings?

We have had the same settings since FIFA 02 Viktor.

And how come you have to pause to go to the toilet everytime I attack?

I have a very small bladder!

And you know that!

You are so full of shit Filip

Yea but you are the worst loser in Sweden!

You are my worst friend in the whole world!

In the whole world?

In the whole world Filip.

But Viktor we don't have any other friends?

No because you suck so much at FIFA!

I won over you, you spotty monkey face!

I will never hang with you again.

You want revenge?



If you liked this video give it a thumbs up


You are in the way

You have chosen how we shall celebrate 20 000 subscribers.

You voted

And it was a crossbar challenge!

So it's time for me to kick Filips ass

On my channel

It will be up soon

We will try to invite som other youtubers in it as well

So it will be up on my channel

And right now you can go in and watch my Vlog

From the Allsång this summer

I filmed a bit backstage

with Tomas Di Leva, Bert Karlsson...

Nanne Grönwall

David Lindgren and the rest

So check it out!

Subscribe to my channel

Subscribe to this chanel!

And goodbye!

For more infomation >> FIFA 18 TIME! - Duration: 2:29.


Khoon Kharaba World TV Premiere On This Date & Time in Hindi | Aadhi, Nikki Galrani, UTV Action - Duration: 1:20.

World TV Premiere On 30th September at 12:00 pm on UTV Action

For more infomation >> Khoon Kharaba World TV Premiere On This Date & Time in Hindi | Aadhi, Nikki Galrani, UTV Action - Duration: 1:20.


【TimTam】 My First Time To See TimTam Sold in Australia! So Tasty [CC Available]| Kinoshita Yuka - Duration: 2:49.

hello its kinoshita yuka from yuru-chan(nel)

today !


actually i bought this from australia as a souvenir

it's a snack


TimTam !

as you know, timtam always comes in a long packs

but this is my first time to see it in this pack

i thought that is different than the normal one

that's why i bought it

there is 3 kinds

it called, timtam bites

triple explosion... i don't know what is written here

is it good as a souvenir !?

this is what inside

all the kinds

this is the original timtam

and this timtam mint slice

this is my first time to see it

and this ?

it's written that is "Crown"

with caramel ?


the font is so small

i think with caramel crown

Hay !

let's try it

because tim tam is so delicious, finding various kinds of it...

made me so happy

this is my first time to see it

i don't think that there is something like that in japan

let's start with the original

because it's the original

this is the first

Ah !


it's the phone

Occasionally the phone of kinoshita ring

hay !

there is 2 !






ah ! it's so delicious this timtam

and i think it's better than the ordinary Timtam

and it's crispy as well

yes !

next ! with caramel flavor

this is how it looks like

like the previous one

oooooh !

here is the caramel !

in one bite

the taste of caramel sauce is mixed with the chocolate in the mouth

so delicious !

when i eat and fill my mouth i feel like i'm eating too much

next this !


this is how it looks inside


it's the mint

mint timtam

i can say only that is mint timtam

tasty !

there is a lot of chocolates with mint flavor and ice cream as well

and there is as well toothpaste with mint flavor

the same thing

hay ! it's not that big deal

hay ! this is timtam that i bought from australia as a souvenir

timtam bites selection

you too, wouldn't but this as well ?

if you went to australia

to another time, bye bye !

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