Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily US Sep 25 2017


It's what this country is made of.

A helping hand.

A shoulder to lean on.

Us is all of us.

Different looks.

Different voices.


One sacred bond.

But right now, that bond is fraying.

Where do we find common ground?

How do we get us?

The Y fills the gaps and bridges our divides.

It's a place where we can become us again.

Now, more than ever, the Y needs your support.

Because where there's a Y,

there's an us.

For a better us, donate to your local Y today.

For more infomation >> The Y: US (:90) - Duration: 1:31.


India is Crying in US General Assembly Speech Against Pakistan - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> India is Crying in US General Assembly Speech Against Pakistan - Duration: 4:09.


White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:36.

The Trump administration expands its travel ban to citizens from more nations including

North Korea and Venezuela.

Meaning from mid-October on, they will be completely banned from entering the United


Connie Kim explains further.

Eight countries will be facing new entry restrictions to the U.S. under a proclamation signed by

President Trump on Sunday.

The White House is slapping travel bans on citizens from North Korea, Venezuela and Chad

expanding the initial list of travel restrictions on Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

Restrictions on citizens from Sudan have been lifted.

The restrictions vary from full travel bans on nationals from countries like Syria and

North Korea to more targeted restrictions for Venezuela.

The proclamation reads that Trump as the president must protect the security and interests of

the United States and its people.

The announcement comes on the day President Trump's temporary ban on visitors from six

Muslim-majority countries was set to expire.

The new list has extra significance as it has broadened the restrictions to socialist

countries like North Korea and Venezuela.

While an administration official acknowledged the small number of North Koreans traveling

to the U.S.,… the proclamation said North Korea does not cooperate with the American

government in any respect and fails to satisfy all information-sharing requirements.

The new restrictions are slated to take effect on October 18th.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on October 10th on whether the current ban

discriminates against Muslims in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:36.


Rap Live with us (503) 606-6201 Discord Call ILEICES#2238 - Duration: 1:13:54.

For more infomation >> Rap Live with us (503) 606-6201 Discord Call ILEICES#2238 - Duration: 1:13:54.


THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 22 Clip - "He did it for us!" - Duration: 1:52.

You find it that hard to trust Mr. Kang?

I'm disappointed in all of you.

Think about everything he's done for us.

Who's disappointed?

Get your head on straight. You're being used.

Yeah. He could've manipulated both you and Suah.

If he really cared about you,

he would've said something when the scandal broke out.

He did it for us!

Mr. Kang couldn't tell the truth

because of me and Suah.



She was sick.

No way...

How could that happen...

We feel terrible.

Suji, are you okay?

I'm fine.

No, I'm trying to be fine.

We're so sorry.

Talking about things we knew nothing about...

Why didn't you just tell us?

If you had...

For more infomation >> THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 22 Clip - "He did it for us!" - Duration: 1:52.


North Korea stages mass rally denouncing United States - Duration: 1:49.

Following another escalation in the ongoing war of words between United States and North

Korea,... Pyongyang has staged a mass rally in support the country's leader.

This follows President Trump's speech at the UN,... where he vowed to totally destroy North

Korea... if it threatens the U.S. or its allies.

Yu Joonhee reports.

Tens of thousands of North Korean citizens... took to the streets of Pyongyang over the

weekend,.. armed with banners and slogans denouncing the United States.

A number of speeches were delivered by senior regime officials during the hour-long event,...

where they reiterated Kim Jong-un's message from the previous day.

In a rare statement given by the reclusive leader,... Kim vowed to take powerful countermeasures,...

in response to President Trump's recent address to the UN General Assembly.

Following that speech, where he labeled Kim as a "rocket man" on a suicide mission,...

Trump dialed up the rhetoric once more over the weekend,... warning that North Korea "won't

be around much longer"... if stays on its current path.

The U.S. Air Force flew two B-1B Lancers above waters east of North Korea over the weekend,...

demonstrating its range of military options against the regime's threats.

It was, according to the Pentagon, the farthest north of the DMZ that *any U.S. fighter jet

or a bomber has flown in the 21st century.

Pyongyang's propaganda machine,... took little time to deliver a counter-punch... releasing

photoshopped images... of the same type of U.S. aircraft being shot down by North Korean


Another falsified video... showed the American aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson exploding

into flames,... after being attacked by a North Korean submarine.

Observers fear the escalating rhetoric between North Korea and the U.S.,... is pushing the

two countries closer to the brink of military conflict.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea stages mass rally denouncing United States - Duration: 1:49.


CNN 10 | September 25, 2017 | A debate of athletes and the U.S. national anthem | Daily Listening - Duration: 10:02.

Thanks for watching.

It's kickoff and new week of explaining worldwide news.

I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.

There's a chance taking place in Germany's government.

For the first time in almost 60 years, a right wing nationalist party has won seats in the

nation's parliament.

What won't change?

The country's leader.

Chancellor Angela Merkel will keep her job.

She was reelected to a fourth term.

But Sunday's election wasn't good news for her or her majority alliance in parliament

and here's why.

In 2015, more than 1 million migrants and

refugees entered Germany.

Not all Germans supported Chancellor Merkel's decision to welcome them.

And Alternative for Germany, a relatively new political party, made opposition to immigration

part of its platform.

The party is also opposed

to Islam, saying the religion, quote, does not belong to Germany.

It calls Muslims a danger to the country and it opposes same sex marriage.

Last year, a series of terrorist attacks in Germany increased support for Alternative

for Germany and it's projected to have won 13 percent of

Sunday's nationwide vote.

That would make it the third biggest faction in Germany's parliament.

All the other parties say they will not work with Alternative for Germany to form a coalition,

an alliance of different parties working together, and

analysts say it's not certain how the party will influence German politics, but they'll

be closely watched since Germany has Europe's largest economy

and significant influence worldwide.

Hurricane Maria has weakened to a category 2 storm, but it's still spinning in the

Atlantic and it could possibly affect the North Carolina coast on

Wednesday morning.

From there, it's expected to head out over the ocean.

Maria has affected millions throughout the Caribbean and much of Puerto Rico, a U.S.

island territory where 10 people were killed is still without


Recovery in a place whose economy was already in bad shape could take years.


NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Here we are more than three days after Hurricane Maria

made landfall and parts of Puerto Rico are under more than

2 feet of water.

This has been a storm of epic proportions, the worst storm that Puerto Rico has seen

in nearly 100 years.

Catastrophic damage to the infrastructure, gas stations under water, hospitals ruined.

Communications is nearly non-existent.

It was earlier

that I spoke to the governor of the island, Ricardo Rossello, and I asked him about the

recovery efforts.

RICARDO ROSSELLO, GOVERNOR OF PUERTO RICO: This was something that we had anticipated,

a category five hurricane.

This is no slouch.

It essentially

wiped out all of the telecommunications.

We're trying to re-establish them.

We're trying to use alternate means so that you can communicate with

your loved ones, and we won't risk until all of those loved ones in the Diaspora or

anywhere in Puerto Rico can find a way to communicate with

those over here.

VALENCIA: The cost of this storm is going to be in the billions.

I spoke to the governor and I asked him how much he thought the estimated cost of

the storm would be.

He said at least $7 billion to $8 billion for this island to recover.

It was earlier I spoke to a FEMA official and I asked him, how long do you guys think

you're going to be around here?

He said, we're not going to be

around here for weeks, not months.

It's going to be years.

Nick Valencia, CNN, San Juan, Puerto Rico.



BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Iranian television yesterday showed the launch

of a new medium range ballistic missile, the

Khoramshahr, just days after U.S. President Donald Trump warned that Iran's missile

program could lead him to scrap the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by

the Obama administration.

State media quoted the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's aerospace division

as saying, the missile, the Khoramshahr, has a range of 2,000

kilometers or 1,250 miles and is capable of carrying multiple warheads.

A missile with such a range could reach Israel, as well as U.S. military

bases in the Middle East.

It's important to note however that Iran in the past has launched missiles with a greater


Iranian insists that its missile program is strictly

for defensive purposes and that its missiles are not designed to carry nuclear warheads.

Significantly, its missile program is not covered by the 2015 nuclear deal, which was

negotiated with the five permanent members of the U.N. Security

Council, plus Germany.

President Trump, who's repeatedly threatened to scrap the nuclear deal in the past, has

warned that he believes that Iran in the future could fit its

missiles with nuclear warheads.

Responding to the American president, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaking at the U.N.

General Assembly said in his words it will be a great

pity of this agreement were to be destroyed by rogue newcomers to world politics.

I'm Ben Wedeman, CNN, reporting from Tokyo.


AZUZ: There were 13 National Football League games played yesterday across America and

one in London U.K.

And a lot of attention centered in events

before the games.

What would the athletes do during the national anthem?

The debate over this flared up last year when Colin Kaepernick, who was then a backup quarterback

for the San Francisco 49ers, refused to stand for

the anthem, saying, quote, I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a

country that oppresses black people and people of color.

Some people supported Kaepernick and some athletes followed his lead.

Critics called his protest disrespectful and most athletes continued the

tradition of standing for the anthem.

But the debate over this continues in the NFL's new season.

And over the weekend, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted, quote: If a player wants the

privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or

other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our great American flag or country,

and should stand for the national anthem.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested that players exercise their right to free

speech off the field, but that there should be a role

that they stand for the anthem.

But NFL commissioner Roger Goodell called the president's comments divisive and said

they showed a lack of respect for the NFL, the game and players

and the good they do in their communities.

So, what happened on the field?

There were a number of different responses yesterday.

Players were seen kneeling and locking arms together, or

standing and locking arms together.

Some stood with their hands over their hearts and others didn't take the field at all

until after the anthem was


Jumping in the pool for our next sports report, in competitive swimming, the butterfly stroke

is the one that requires the most upper body strength.

And even if the swimmer already has that, it's still challenging to learn.

So, imagine what that was like for Abbas Karimi, a swimmer who is born

without arms but who's making headlines for winning championships.


REPORTER: From the deck, Abbas Karimi hangs on to the wall like any other swimmer, waiting

for instruction from his master swim coach, Dennis Baker.

DENNIS BAKER, SWIM COACH: Dolphin kick, back to here, do a flip turn.

The team immediately fell in love with him.

REPORTER: It's easy to see why.

ABBAS KARIMI, SWIMMER: Swimming is like a way of my life.

REPORTER: The 20-year-old swimmer was born without arms in war torn Kabul, Afghanistan.

KARIMI: Always bombs exploding and lots of people are dying.

REPORTER: Despite ongoing instability, he led an active life, wrestling at a young age

until he jumped into the pool for the very first time.

KARIMI: First they say that you can't swim without arms.

I was scared of water.

REPORTER: A watching lifeguard encouraged him to keep swimming.

KARIMI: Day by day, I train by myself.

REPORTER: Until one day, he left his lifejacket behind and caught the eye of an Afghan swim


KARIMI: He noticed that I can be something in swimming.

And he taught me a couple of techniques.

REPORTER: He swam in the country's first Paralympic swim meet and took home gold.

KARIMI: When I'm swimming, it's showing myself and showing other people who I am.

REPORTER: But he was, an adolescent with a visible disability.

He knew he needed a better life and he wasn't going to find it in the Middle East.

KARIMI: They disrespected disabled people and they just see disabled people as a hopeless

thing, you know, that can't do anything, you know?


REPORTER: With the help of his older brother, he made the toughest decision of his life,

leave his family behind.

He flew to Iran and fled to

Turkey illegally as a refugee, a dangerous journey to United Nations headquarters.

KARIMI: But I did it just because to save my life.

REPORTER: Now, Karimi is preparing for the biggest competition yet, Para Swimming World

Championships in Mexico City.

KARIMI: I'm exciting.

I'm nervous, and I was stressing (ph), but I'm training hard and it will pay off.


AZUZ: 1989, that was the year this show launched.

It was called "CNN NEWSROOM" then.

It was also when this iconic device was released, or at

least the smaller version of it.

This is a giant Nintendo Game Boy.

In fact, it's the Guinness World Record holder for the biggest Game Boy, measuring

two feet wide, more than two and

a half feet tall and almost eight inches deep.

You got to use your whole hand to press a button and it's actually run by a regular

sized Game Boy.

The man who built the Game Boy, the big Game Boy, made a big Game Boy out of playing off

his childhood pastime.

He got from A to B to LCD, by

spending a month building it 8-bit by bit or block by block, setting a record which

undoubtedly Tetris worth all the effort.

I'm Carl Azuz and my batteries have run down.

We hope you'll press "start" again tomorrow.

For more infomation >> CNN 10 | September 25, 2017 | A debate of athletes and the U.S. national anthem | Daily Listening - Duration: 10:02.


White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:41.

The White House has expanded its travel ban to citizens from North Korea, Venezuela and

Chad as well as five other countries on the previous blacklist.

It means North Korean nationals will be completely banned from entering the United States when

the ban takes effect.

Connie Kim has our top story.

Eight countries will be facing new entry restrictions to the U.S. under a proclamation signed by

President Trump on Sunday.

The White House is slapping travel bans on citizens from North Korea, Venezuela and Chad

expanding the initial list of travel restrictions on Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

Restrictions on citizens from Sudan have been lifted.

The restrictions vary from full travel bans on nationals from countries like Syria and

North Korea to more targeted restrictions for Venezuela.

The proclamation reads that Trump as the president must protect the security and interests of

the United States and its people.

The announcement comes on the day President Trump's temporary ban on visitors from six

Muslim-majority countries was set to expire.

The new list has extra significance as it has broadened the restrictions to socialist

countries like North Korea and Venezuela.

While an administration official acknowledged the small number of North Koreans traveling

to the U.S.,… the proclamation said North Korea does not cooperate with the American

government in any respect and fails to satisfy all information-sharing requirements.

The new restrictions are slated to take effect on October 18th.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on October 10th on whether the current ban

discriminates against Muslims in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:41.


US Military Power 2017 Demonstration - Exercise Bright Star - Duration: 2:10.

US Military Power 2017 Demonstration - Exercise Bright Star

For more infomation >> US Military Power 2017 Demonstration - Exercise Bright Star - Duration: 2:10.


Sterling K. Brown Talks About Season Premiere Of 'This Is Us' (And His Abs) | TODAY - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Sterling K. Brown Talks About Season Premiere Of 'This Is Us' (And His Abs) | TODAY - Duration: 4:38.


Can you tell us about your experience with HSCT treatment? - Duration: 3:39.

So about that, maybe you can tell us a little bit more about your experience with the

treatment itself, how it felt for you, how are the side effects?

The treatment, outside the clinical trial, because the clinical trial does involve a

lot more effort and time and commitment, but in general

I went into the hospital for three weeks.

Before that, I'd probably need to be around the hospital for a week or two to get the

stem cells out of the blood, but then they harvest

the stem cells and then freeze them.

I was in the hospital for about three weeks, the first

week could have been, had chemotherapy every day and kind of chilling.

And then you get transplanted, it smells like corn, weirdly, it smells

like corn.

And then more side effects start happening.

For me, yeah, I got sick, I puked a few times, but nothing crazy.

I did actually pass out once.

I lost all control, pretty much, of my bodily functions, unfortunately, for a

few days.

That was a real kind of challenge, especially when you go to the bathroom and

you don't want to, and then the nurse cleans you up and then, like then, yeah, you're

in a mess and then she's got to clean up everything

all over again.

So that was a challenge.

For about three days I couldn't get out of bed, and

then once I started to recover – this is about the eighth, sixth or eighth day, something

in that range – I started to use my walker and going

around the hospital.

It's sobering when you're going round the hospital, because there are

other people in there going through transplants -

lymphoma, this is really common - and it was sobering to see other people and I didn't

know what they were ill with.

And then after the treatment then I had to stay within about – this

was after three weeks – I had to be within minutes of the hospital for the next two weeks,

because if an infection sets in, it can kill you really, really fast.

The doctor said you've got to stay right nearby and if you've got any

problems, come in, not be by yourself.

So someone was with me the entire time, which made it

a little challenging for grocery shopping, stuff like


But after that, I didn't have many side effects, the biggest side effects from the

treatment long term, there is a risk of blood transfusions in my future and I am sterile.

And then I also need to take Viagra now, I am

completely knocked out by this transplant.

But yeah, not too bad.

For more infomation >> Can you tell us about your experience with HSCT treatment? - Duration: 3:39.


BREAKING: Russia Presents Satellite Proof of US Troops Collaborating with ISIS in Deir ez Zor, Syria - Duration: 1:27.

The Russian Ministry of Defense just released several satellite images form ISIS-held areas shoowing coordinated actions of U.S. military and ISIS forces in the ISIS held areas of the Deir Ezzor Governorate from 08th to 12th September

Without resistance from ISIS militants the US special forces are present and moving towards the town of Deir Ezzor.

On ISIS terrirtory, recorded a large number of American Hummer vehicles, which are in service with the America's US forces.

The shots clearly show the US SOF units located at strongholds that had been equipped by the ISIS terrorists.

Though there is no evidence of assault, struggle or any US-led coalition airstrikes to drive out the militants.

Moreover, American troops are feeling safe in ISIS-held territory. Despite that the US strongholds being located in the ISIS areas, no screening patrol has been organized at them.

In the same time, SDF troops are moving along the east bank of the Euphrates river towards border with Iraq.

Fierce artillery is fired against Syrian army from the areas where are stationed US special forces and ISIS.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Russia Presents Satellite Proof of US Troops Collaborating with ISIS in Deir ez Zor, Syria - Duration: 1:27.


Melania Trump thanks U.S Invictus team on her first solo international trip - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump thanks U.S Invictus team on her first solo international trip - Duration: 3:49.


Mahesh Babu Spyder Movie Collections Started With US Premieres With Million | Filmy Frames - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mahesh Babu Spyder Movie Collections Started With US Premieres With Million | Filmy Frames - Duration: 1:07.


North Korea hints at NUCLEAR SUICIDE attacks on US as it vows all-out war - Duration: 5:03.

North Korea hints at NUCLEAR SUICIDE attacks on US as it vows all-out war

Kim Jong-un's communist party has said is getting ready to turn the North Korean people into "bullets and bombs".

The phrase – which is usually taken to refer to suicide bombers – was used in a speech to tens of thousands of North Korean citizens attending a mass rally against the US in capital Pyongyang.

Other regimes have employed suicide attacks to overcome more powerful enemies – such as Iran's shock victory over Iraq in the 1980s. SUICIDE SQUAD: North Korean soldiers carrying packs with nuclear radiation symbols on them.

Islamic terrorists have used suicide bombers to take on the US and Britain. North Korean soldiers were spotted marching with packs marked with nuclear radiation warning symbols.

A suggestion at the time – that the Hermit Kingdom was preparing a unit strapped with nuclear bombs – appears to be coming true.

Kim Myong Chol Extraordinary pictures showed Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang packed with pious North Koreans shouting slogans and waving banners yesterday. A parade of top officials addressed the crowd – threatening all-out war with the US.

One senior party leader vowed to beat "mad" Donald Trump with "nuclear fists" – to rapturous applause.

NUCLEAR FIST: A poster at the rally shows missiles destroying the US Congress.

According to state news agency KCNA, Kim Myong Chol, department director of the Presidium of the Supreme Peoples Assembly, said: "We will beat mad Trump with nuclear fists of justice so that the US warmongers would not let out rubbish again and not run amuck before the DPRK [North Korea], and all the service personnel and people will become bullets and bombs to bring to an end the century-old confrontation with the US, with our exciting victory.

" One banner spotted in the crowd said "let us be guns and rifles defending the respected supreme leader Kim Jong-un with our lives" – suggesting ordinary citizens were prepared to die in suicide attacks.

North Korea and the US appear at their closest to war for decades. The US and Britain fought a bloody conflict with Kim's grandad 67 years ago and no peace was ever agreed, meaning both sides are still technically at war.

China backed its communist ally in that war – and security experts fear a new conflict would quickly spiral into an apocalyptic World War 3. The difference is this time North Korea and China now both have nuclear weapons.

The hermit state appears to determined to restart the bloodshed – and its officials vowed to win a "final victory" against the US with an "all-out charge".

Sin Yong Chol, director of the Political Bureau of the Cabinet, told the crowd in Pyongyang there would be a "volcano-like eruption of the faith and will of the entire army and all the people to certainly give vent to the pent-up wrath through the all-out charge against the wolf-like US imperialists, kingpin of aggression and war".

Again using the language of sacrifice, he called on the brainwashed masses to bring about a "final victory" by bravely taking part in a "do-or-die battle against the US".

The war of words between North Korea and the US seems to have been ramped up since Trump's speech to the United Nations General Assembly, in which the firebrand president threatened to "totally destroy" the North.

The regime said this was a "declaration of war" and foreign minister Ri Yong Ho told the UN a nuclear strike on the US was now "inevitable".

For more infomation >> North Korea hints at NUCLEAR SUICIDE attacks on US as it vows all-out war - Duration: 5:03.


North Korea threatens to bring 'tragic end to US' after Trump stokes World War 3 fears - Duration: 3:23.

North Korea threatens to bring 'tragic end to US' after Trump stokes World War 3 fears

Pyongyang vowed not to stand by while makes harsh statements against the regime after the US President threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea. Last week Trump used his UN speech to warn that the United States would defend itself and its allies.

He said: "If it is forced to defend ourselves or our allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy .". The United Nations speech also outlined the most serious round of sanctions against the North Korean regime yet.

Now the rogue state have claimed they will "seriously review taking the strongest-ever response measure" after the President's speech and a controversial "show of strength" from the US military.

US bombers flew closer to North Korea than any other American jet has in the 21st century while flying over international waters on Saturday, the Pentagon said.

Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said: "This mission is a demonstration of US resolve and a clear message that the President has many military options to defeat any threat.

"We are prepared to use the full range of military capabilities to defend the US homeland and our allies." Tensions have intensified since Mr Trump's speech in which he labelled Mr Jong-un "Rocket Man".

The dictator responded by saying he may consider a hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific ocean. Mr Trump then appeared to threaten regime change in the isolated communist country when he said Kim Jong-un would not "be around much longer".

In a statement North Korea's warmongering Peace Committee said: If the US misunderstands our power and willingness and pushes ahead with a reckless military option, it will lead to the most tragic end for the American empire".

The statement also warned: (North Korea) will seriously review taking the strongest-ever response measure and our top leaderships bombshell declaration to deal with the US dotard with fire should not be overlooked." It follows an explosive statement from the young dictator himself last week.

Kim Jong-un said: "Now that Trump has denied the existence of and insulted me and my country in front of the eyes of the world and made the most ferocious declaration of a war in history that he would destroy the DPRK.".

For more infomation >> North Korea threatens to bring 'tragic end to US' after Trump stokes World War 3 fears - Duration: 3:23.


Idris Elba & Kate Winslet on The Mountain Between Us (2017 Movie) | HBO Screening Room - Duration: 3:41.

BEN BASS: Throughout your lifetime

you will encounter thousands of people,

but all it takes is a stranger to change your life forever.

You should look out. It's breathtaking.

-(ALARM BEEPING) -Oh, my God!

(ECHOING) Hello! Anybody!

Hi, my name's Idris Elba,

and I'm here with the wonderful Kate Winslet,

and director Hany Abu-Assad.

This is HBO's The Screening Room,

and we're here to show you a scene from our movie,

The Mountain Between Us.

The film is actually about two strangers.

Their airplane crashed.

They have to get to know each other

in order to survive,

so it's a journey of finding each other,

and finding yourself in order to find what's important in your life.

Plane, plane! I need the flare!

Flare, quick!

-Alex, give me the flare gun. -ALEX MARTIN: Here, here!

Take it. No, wait, wait. It's empty.


-Ben! -I need the flare.


There. Hurry!


Down here! Down here!

-BASS: They can't hear you. -MARTIN: I know.

When we did the gag with the--

it was a mistake, wasn't it?

I think I didn't have the flare in the gun.

-Yes, I think that's right. -I shot it,

and you was like, "No, no, you need it."

-No, you need the flare. Yeah, yeah. -We need the flare,

and it was something that happened that was sort of improvisation.

We're down to the rule of three.

We can go three weeks without food,

three days without water, three minutes without air.

She's quite a brave woman.

She's instinctively quite determined.

She's naturally very self-sufficient.

And she takes pride in being that way.

She is the most severely injured of the two

during the plane crash.

So, actually in this moment that we see right now,

this is the first time that she has left

the capsule of the plane since the crash.

Let me help! Let me help.

BASS: You want to help? You can't help.

You stay off the leg, it'll help you,

and it'll definitely help me.

Ben is, you know, he's a neurosurgeon

and probably hasn't ever been in anything as extreme as this up until this moment.

It's a survival story, but it's actually a romance.

This combination is very unusual

because they have a different structure.

So, this is a challenge, and I love challenge.

That location is real, 11,000 feet up.

First you can't really breathe. There's a lack of oxygen.

And it's really cold. (LAUGHS)

The element of the unknown and being so out there

in these extreme circumstances,

we just could never predict or dictate

what was really going to happen.

The elements is the third character in this film.

There's Ben and Alex, and there is the elements.

And often Hany would say

"The place I really wanted to shoot this,

it's not gonna work.

But I found somewhere much better."

And then lo and behold, it's totally virgin territory.

And so, there are moments when Idris and I are going,

"Shit we just don't know what's gonna happen down there."

And then a scene would emerge

after some strange mini-avalanche

that we'd find ourselves in the midst of.

It's a two-hander between two actors

that really peel back the onion on emotion

and truth and love.

And it's a human story, and I really wanted to search for the truth

with another actor that could jump in

just as deep as me.

Thank you for watching HBO Screening Room.

For more infomation >> Idris Elba & Kate Winslet on The Mountain Between Us (2017 Movie) | HBO Screening Room - Duration: 3:41.


White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:48.

Our starting point this afternoon are the Trump administration's new travel restrictions.

The White House has expanded its travel ban to citizens from North Korea, Venezuela and

Chad as well as five other countries on the previous blacklist.

It means North Korean nationals will be completely banned from entering the United States when

the ban takes effect.

Connie Kim has more.

Eight countries will be facing new entry restrictions to the U.S. under a proclamation signed by

President Trump on Sunday.

The White House is slapping travel bans on citizens from North Korea, Venezuela and Chad

expanding the initial list of travel restrictions on Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

Restrictions on citizens from Sudan have been lifted.

The restrictions vary from full travel bans on nationals from countries like Syria and

North Korea to more targeted restrictions for Venezuela.

The proclamation reads that Trump as the president must protect the security and interests of

the United States and its people.

The announcement comes on the day President Trump's temporary ban on visitors from six

Muslim-majority countries was set to expire.

The new list has extra significance as it has broadened the restrictions to socialist

countries like North Korea and Venezuela.

While an administration official acknowledged the small number of North Koreans traveling

to the U.S.,… the proclamation said North Korea does not cooperate with the American

government in any respect and fails to satisfy all information-sharing requirements.

The new restrictions are slated to take effect on October 18th.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on October 10th on whether the current ban

discriminates against Muslims in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Connie Kim, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> White House issues updated travel ban; N. Koreans will be completely banned from entering U.S. - Duration: 1:48.


U.S. bombers fly north of DMZ in show of force - Duration: 0:52.

The U.S. Air Force flew two B-1B Lancers above waters east of North Korea over the weekend,...

demonstrating its range of military options against the regime's threats.

It was, according to the Pentagon, the farthest north of the DMZ that *any U.S. fighter jet

or a bomber has flown in the 21st century.

Calling the regime's weapons program a "grave threat," Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said

the mission was a demonstration of U.S. resolve,... adding that Washington is prepared to use

the full range of military capabilities to defend its homeland and its allies.

South Korea's presidential office said the latest deployment was closely coordinated

between Seoul and Washington,... referring to it as one of the most effective countermeasures

against North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.

For more infomation >> U.S. bombers fly north of DMZ in show of force - Duration: 0:52.


Go Us - Duration: 0:16.

- [Announcer] They said we couldn't make delicious queso

from only real ingredients.

We blocked some of those people on social media,

then we did it.

Go us.

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