Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily we Sep 25 2017

Graphic designers, publishers,

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Welcome to Markzware. We help.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Markzware - We Help - #graphicdesign #print #prepress - New Website Video Intro - Duration: 1:49.


We Are J.P. Morgan | Corporate & Investment Bank | J.P. Morgan - Duration: 1:26.

From London to New York, Sydney to Santiago,

our global team starts every day with one goal in mind – to serve our clients.

We help corporations and institutions grow their businesses,

and help clients invest and manage risk in trading markets around the world.

We raise capital, lend money, extend liquidity and provide strategic advice.

We help governments build infrastructure, fund schools and finance hospitals,

and we deliver market-leading research and insight to issuers and investors.

We bring global capabilities to local markets,

and develop smart, strategic solutions that help clients and communities thrive.

We are diverse and dynamic, collaborative and innovative, trusted advisors and thought leaders.

We are the corporate and investment bank, we are J.P. Morgan.

For more infomation >> We Are J.P. Morgan | Corporate & Investment Bank | J.P. Morgan - Duration: 1:26.


ArtPrize artist: 'We're always on the move' - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> ArtPrize artist: 'We're always on the move' - Duration: 2:22.


North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory' - Duration: 3:26.

North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory'

WAR OF WORDS: North Korea branded Donald Trump a silly old man who failed to evolve.

Kim Jong-un's state media launched another brutal tirade against the US President after calling him a "barking dog" at the UN. War fears loom between Washington and Pyongyang as both sides threaten conflict over Kim's quest for ICBMs.

North Korea released a statement badged up as from their "Youth League" which the tore into the Trump.

The state media made jokes about Trump being on the "golf range" and called on him to "come to his senses" Chillingly, it promised North Korea would "write the final page of the shameful end of the US".

Kim has lashed out against Trump after his fierce appearance at the UN. The US President threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea in his debut speech before world leaders in New York.

His statement raised the ire of furious North Korea, which doubled down on threats of nuclear war.

DONALD TRUMP: The US President has slammed North Korea this year over Kims quest for ICBMs.

NORTH KOREA: Kim Jong-un promised to unleash his tremendous might on the US.

In a statement carried by Pyongyang's state news agency, it said: "We repeatedly warned him to come to his senses and even showed off the tremendous might of [North] Korea with the ICBM launch and detonation of H-bomb.

But the silly old man who failed to evolve into a human, was hard of hearing. So we proved that a stick fits a rabid dog and fire should be responded with fire.".

North Korea has reportedly placed their military onto "war footing" on the border with South Korea.

The KCNA said: Trump fond of barking as he pleases is not a politician but a boss of gangsters and a rabid dog, not human." They added "our generation will write the final page of the shameful end of the US" and added they would bring about the final victory in the showdown with the US".

North Korea has sparked global fury with repeated missile launches capped off by the detonation of an H-bomb. Kim dubbed Trump "deranged" and promised to continue his nations nuclear weapons programme.

Daily Star Online revealed how war between the US and North Korea would unfold in the Korean Peninsula.

For more infomation >> North Korea SLAMS Donald Trump: 'He is a silly old man, and we will have FINAL victory' - Duration: 3:26.


What We Stand For - Mile Hi Church - Social Justice - Duration: 4:00.

And this particular year we got ever-so-clear about the power of our teaching for personal

transformation, and also the power of our teaching for social transformation.

And that there are certain congruent stands that are congruent with our teaching.

And that if we're about our teaching we can't not be about these stands.

And we've boiled them down to three to keep it simple.

And the first one is multi-spiritual engagement.

And it's the realization that there are kernels and threads of truth in all the great faiths,

and yet no faith has all the truth.

So we stand for the cooperation, the collaboration of faiths and the diminishing of absolutism

and exclusivism, which is a toxin in our world.

(applause) And that we can build bridges among the faiths, and collaborate on projects.

And that blessing all faiths and knowing our oneness--this is congruent with who we are.

And I'm so proud of the wonderful work of Rev. Shannon and the I AM Ministry team passionate

for doing this.

We're making great progress and I look forward to that going forward.

Secondly, we're about environmental responsibility.

Because, as we know, there's only one life, that life is God.

It's the essence, the love, the energetic in all of life, then the earth is sacred too.

It's not just passive, inert stuff, it's alive, it's spirit.

This earth is Gaia, Mother Earth, it's alive, and we who are conscious can grow in being

stewards of that earth plane.

And I'm proud of some of the things we're doing here, our new efforts on recycling and


And we want to learn more and do more in that.

But we must do this because this is a sacred arena, this earth.

And we must become wise enough as humanity to take care of it, because if we don't then

things erode greatly and quickly--where will we be?

And what are we giving our children?

What are we giving our children?

So we stand for that.

And then thirdly, we stand for non-violence and human dignity for all.

We believe that all people, all faiths, all ethnic diversities deserve to live safely,

securely, and to express that which is unique and natural to them.

Now, Mile Hi has been about this for a long time.

20 years ago we brought in the Season for Non-Violence to Denver, and have for those

20 years been pioneering those wonderful efforts and will continue to do so.

We've also stood for non-discrimination against our brothers and sisters, the LGBTQ community,

and women's rights, and the rights of people of color.

You see these things are intrinsic to our spirituality.

They are not political...although they may get politicized, they are not political.

They are extensions of spiritual life shared in the community of humankind.

And I invite you, as you feel guided, to make that a part of your vision.

And to join us as you leave this sanctuary and our classes and all the things we do here,

knowing you're an emissary of that bigger vision.

That you can go out and you can stand for that, in your own beautiful way.

Not making anybody wrong, but as you stand for those things--or whatever you're called


But also presence-ing love.

Presence-ing a sense of respect and honoring of the sacred, of the Namaste consciousness

in all whom you meet.

That's what we're up to.

For more infomation >> What We Stand For - Mile Hi Church - Social Justice - Duration: 4:00.


How We Got Our First Client in 30 Days With NO Portfolio - Duration: 3:30.

- Today I wanna talk about how to get

your first client for free.

It's something that we've covered

in a few other videos.

But today I wanna tell the story

of how we got our first client

for a new project that we're working on,

an animation company.

So me and my little brother are working on a side hustle

where we do animation for entertainment projects.

So, short comedy videos, that sort of thing.

Using Adobe Character Creator.

And we were running into an issue

that a lot of agencies run into

when they first start, which is,

we didn't have any clients, we didn't have any portfolio.

Neither of us had really used Character Animator before.

And yet now, we're trying to support ourselves with it.

However, with none of that, we signed our first client

about a month after starting.

And we're building the portfolio; we're building it up.

And today I wanna talk about how we got that first client.

So the first thing that we did,

is get ourselves on a regiment of creating content.

Me and Jacob committed to creating three videos

every single week, no matter what.

Animated, comedy videos, two three-minute videos

and one 15 second video.

And the reason why we chose those two types,

are three minute videos tend to work best

on subreddits like r/videos

and other forums where people like those

type of long comedy videos.

And the 15 second videos work best when you're meming them.

So you send somebody a 15 second or 30 second video

they get a quick laugh and they're more likely to share it.

It's also good for YouTube haiku,

which is another subreddit.

So those are the two types of videos we're working on.

And for the first three weeks,

we just focused on creating content.

We learned Character Animator,

we learned how to draw characters in Illustrator.

We learned how to create these stories

and write scripts, and record stuff.

And while I don't think it's funny stuff,

especially in retrospect, I know we'll get better at it.

We were consistently creating content.

And right now we're at 23 videos on the channel.

So all of a sudden, now we have a portfolio.

Creating three pieces of content a week is a portfolio.

23 videos is a decent amount to show

that we know Character Animator,

that we can do work for people.

As an entertainment company, entertainment animation,

one of our main target markets

are comedians that would have pilots in production

or have production companies, that sort of thing.

So what we started to do, and not for this reason,

we started to do this as kind of like a troll,

as kind of a joke on them, is feature these celebrities

in our videos as characters.

So we came out to L.A., and we actually came across

one of the guys that was featured in one of these videos,

just standing in a bar.

And we literally walked up to him cold,

and pulled out this video on our phone,

and said, "Hey we have to show this to you,

"and just let us know if you like it or not.

"We kinda roasted you in it."

We were going pretty hard against him

in the video as well.

But he watched the video, he liked the animation style

and he hired us on the spot.

We did contract negotiations over email.

That was basically it, and that was our third day in L.A.

So three weeks of creating content in Dallas,

coming out to L.A., and showing that custom content

to somebody that was featured in one of our videos,

is all it took.

So now not only do we have a portfolio,

once that show's released, we'll have a real name

tied to our content, all within one month.

If you wanna hear more about this side agency,

let me know down in the comments.

I'll bring it more into these video series

as it evolves a little bit more.

If you found this video valuable, be sure to like it

to encourage this type of content on YouTube.

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For more infomation >> How We Got Our First Client in 30 Days With NO Portfolio - Duration: 3:30.


Eurosong, as we see it! Serbia - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Eurosong, as we see it! Serbia - Duration: 0:37.


Hughton: 'We need to make AMEX a tough place to come' - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hughton: 'We need to make AMEX a tough place to come' - Duration: 1:10.


Why We Need Less Debt, and Fast! - Duration: 2:04.

'The national debt crosses the $20 trillion mark.'

It was big news when our national debt recently passed the $20 trillion mark.

What's less understood is exactly why having such a massive debt is a bad thing.

The sheer size of the existing debt is deeply worrying to economists on both the left and the right,

who agree that when debt reaches 90 percent of GDP

it means painfully slow growth, creating what's called a "debt overhang."

A group of progressive economists affiliated with the University of Massachusetts

predicted in 2013 that a debt burden at that level

would result in an annual growth rate of just 2.2 percent,

which means economic stagnation and anemic job growth.

So when will our debt load cross the 90 percent threshold?

It's actually been at more than 100 percent of GDP for years now.

Periods of slow growth associated with debt overhangs almost always last more than a decade

and sometimes stretch out over a quarter century.

That means that in 25 years, the overall economy will be about 75 percent the size it would have been

if the government had only gotten the debt in check.

Countries like New Zealand, Canada, and Germany have demonstrated

that when governments reduce debt good things happen.

U.S. spending, by contrast, has been above 20 percent of GDP for years,

which is well above the historical average.

No wonder the Congressional Budget Office predicts

that the economy will grow less than 2 percent annually over the next decade.

Compare that to growth rates of more than 3 percent for much of the post-World War II period.

Barack Obama, and George W. Bush

were leaders who lacked the integrity to do what's best for the country

by keeping spending and debt in line.

President Donald Trump also shows no interest

in explaining to the public how runaway debt chokes off the future.

That's a failure which we'll all be paying for for a very long time to come.

'I am the king of debt, I do love debt.'

For more infomation >> Why We Need Less Debt, and Fast! - Duration: 2:04.


Врагами. We became enemies. Ma Tian Yu & Li Yi Feng - Duration: 2:39.

Spectators cheer and clap their hands

Our brightest star on the red carpet

Why should we leave?


Just "sorry" and that's all?


The telephone conversation

The thoughts are spontaneous

People are all weird

Your voice is monotonous

feelings are shattered wounded. Who are we... - You're one step away from in order to ruin him career

for each other now?

We became enemies

Just leave it!

What is going on between us

Do not tell with words


And what happened between us

Do not tell with words

Cold feelings

Cold morning

Do you like it

Love is at a distance

My non-influence

It hurts, but I can manage

There is a time to retreat

There is a time to forget everything

But we do not hurry

We stand on opposite sides

of a Huge Wall

Look at who we are for each other now

We became enemies

What is going on between us

Do not tell with words


And what happened between us

Do not tell with words


What is going on between us

Do not tell with words


I love you

I miss...

For more infomation >> Врагами. We became enemies. Ma Tian Yu & Li Yi Feng - Duration: 2:39.


We almost got split up - Duration: 14:15.




For more infomation >> We almost got split up - Duration: 14:15.


DIY Dole Whip Taste Test || We Tried 4 Popular Recipes...Here's our Review! - Duration: 7:19.

Hey everybody it's Julia and Ben with Konkin Can Do and today we're hacking recipes.

What recipe?

Dole Whip from Disneyland.

So we have looked all over the internet and I've noticed there are tons of recipes that

are all completely different, but they all claim to taste exactly like the Dole Whip

from the parks.

We're going to put them to the test.

We're going to whip them up, Ha!

And see what we think compared to Disney Dole Whip.

And it probably will take you as much to do it at home as it would to get it there because

you're going to be in line for 45 minutes.

Just saying.

Should we tell them the secret?

No, that comes later.

We'll tell you the secret at the end of the video if you're going to the Disney parks.

So this recipe comes directly from Dole's website, and so you'd think it's going to

be pretty good considering it's called Dole Whip.

Well I certainly hope so.

The ingredients you need for this recipe are frozen banana, frozen pineapple juice, powdered

sugar and coconut milk.

So we're going to whip this up and see how it tastes.

It kinda just tastes like banana.

Yeah, like someone got confused and thought that banana was a pineapple.

This is definitely not the Disneyland Dole Whip.

Or good.

Konkin disapproved.


This try, we're going to use the recipe on epicurious.

What we have here is, frozen banana, frozen pineapple, canned coconut milk, and a pinch

of salt.

Just a pinch.

Get outta here.



Let's whip it up.

It's pretty good.

I'd have to say that it's still to banana tasting for me.

Like, the Disneyland dole whip it doesn't taste like banana at all.


The consistency is right I would say.


It's good.

Yeah, I would say, it's good.


If you were to make this as a dessert, absolutely, if you want to pass it off as Dole Whip from

Disneyland, not happening.


Still eating.

Konkin Can Do approved for a tasty, light, recipe, but not Disneyland Dole Whip.

It's approved-ish.


We took this recipe from Gemma at Bigger Bolder Bakers, she's another YouTuber and she has

some fantastic stuff.

Check her out.

I almost feel like it's too good to be true because there are only two ingredients.

Two good to be true!

I know!

But, you know what, she's got some fantastic recipes so We're giving it a go.

All you need for this one is frozen pineapple and coconut milk.

So, let's giver.

Whip it up.

Whip it good.

It's good.


It's quite tasty.

In my mind it's still not the real deal because it's not sweet enough.

The consistency is a little more slushy and slurpy than it is that creamy dole whip.

Quite tart, but it's pineapple, not banana.

And if you're counting your calories, I have to say it's a very tasty dessert.

If it was a little creamier and had a little more sweetness it'd be in business.

Good but not quite.

This recipe comes from Tastemade.

We have three ingredients.

We have frozen pineapple, sweetened condensed milk and finally, milk.

But the true dole whip in Disneyland does not use dairy, so we'll have to see how this


Let's whip it up.

You know what, I am a big fan of sweetened and condensed milk, but nah.

I don't like the way it goes with the pineapple.

They needed the sweetness but the sweetened condensed milk is the wrong flavour for sweetness.

I have to say, sorry Tastemade, you did not hack the Disneyland Dole Whip recipe.

And you broke the rules and put dairy in it.

So we tried four recipes and my favourite of the bunch was the recipe from Gemma at

Bigger Bolder Bakers.

It was nice and simple, there were only two ingredients and in my opinion it was the closest.

What do you think?

Well I definitely agree.

It was the one that I liked the most.

I definitely think it was more of a nice pineapple dessert as opposed to a substitute for dole


Maybe Disney's just holding on to their secret, I don't know.

Quick tip for making any of these.

They need to be served right away and do not if you do make any of these with banana in

them, they will go brown.

If you have a food processor, I highly recommend using that to whip it up.

We said there was going to be a tip on how to get yourselves some dole whip when you

get to Disneyland.

It's actually two parts here for you guys.

Part one.

If there's a huge line in adventure land for dole whip outside of the tiki room, you can

actually go into the tiki room waiting area and there is a much shorter line there.

But the best tip of all is you can actually get alcoholic dole whips.

Head over to the Disneyland resort and the coffee house is right beside the lobby of

the hotel and they actually serve spiked dole whip.


So we've been to Disneyland twice together and did not know of this so we are going to

be checking it out and let you know how amazing it is cause you know it's going to be freaking


If you can come up with a recipe that is as good as the dole whip in Disneyland.

Let us know.

Yes please.

Hey, thanks for watching.

Just remember to subscribe, like, leave a comment or do nothing.

Whatever, it doesn't matter, we totally love you regardless.




What the hell was that?

I don't know.

It's the sugar.

Yeah well we've had a fair amount.

It's the pineapple.


Alright guys, We've gotta go.

All the best.

Things are getting crazy around here.


For more infomation >> DIY Dole Whip Taste Test || We Tried 4 Popular Recipes...Here's our Review! - Duration: 7:19.


[CC]with 2012 Roses Kyoto tachibana:Meeting In The Air / We Shall Rise :Kim Collingsworth 7:17 - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> [CC]with 2012 Roses Kyoto tachibana:Meeting In The Air / We Shall Rise :Kim Collingsworth 7:17 - Duration: 8:22.


We did it Kathleen - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> We did it Kathleen - Duration: 0:41.


YOU'LL FLOAT TOO | IT VR Experience (HTC Vive Virtual Reality) - Duration: 9:40.

*WAPOOSH* Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!

My name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the IT: FLOAT VR experience.

I saw that there was a, a 360 video version of like an IT thing

that you could do, but I thought you needed like a phone to do it.

I thought you needed like the Samsung gear VR or some sort of like...

Google cardboard VR headset to actually be able to watch this I didn't know,

But there's an app on Steam called Jaunt

that has a bunch of videos in it you can see a whole list of them all here

But the one I'm interested in is this one. The IT one. I want I wanna. I wanna do this one.

I don't think it's terribly long. I don't think it's gonna be like

20 minutes or anything like that. It's not actually a game

You just kind of stand there and experience stuff, but I loved the movie IT. I saw it the day

it came out here in England, and it was so good. I really really liked it

It's not nothing groundbreaking and nothing terribly new

But it was just so well made

and I've fucking - it didn't scare me

The movie itself wasn't scary because I was too fascinated by the clown

Everytime he showed up. I was just sitting there like woohoo! Yay! Scares!

And everybody else is freaking out, and I was just sitting there bouncing up and down, so let's get in and watch this thing, err

Experience IT like you've never imagined before in IT: FLOAT- A Cinematic VR Experience. Meet Pennywise and enter the sewers of Derry and

Meet Pennywise and enter the sewers of Derry and

*Georgie impression* You'll float too! You'll float too!

*Pennywise impression* We all float down here.

Okay. Let's do this. Oh god. That's a lot of Warner Brothers logos

Ooo, nice music!


Derry public works.

Oh God. Oh God. *giggle*

Oh, this is cool!

*Pennywise impression* Hiya Georgie!

Georgie: Nooooooo!


*Pennywise impression* What a nice boat.

Huh...oh is that Richie's picture?

Aw this is cool!

Ah no!


There he is!

Pennywise: This your boat? Jack: No.

Pennywise: It's a nice boat...

Pennywise: I'm PENNYwise the DANCING clown!

Jack: *giggles*

Pennywise: Now we aren't strangers are we?

Pennywise: Aren't you gonna come say hello? Jack: Hi!

Pennywise: *laughing*

Oh, I love him he's so fucking cool!

*Pennywise laugh impression*

I can't do the laugh cause I'm looking all over the place


Okay, oh god, there's no dodging it!

Okay, bye, we're in "T"

This is a bad idea...

*Mouse squeaking*


Ewhuh, gross!

Pennywise: Hey!

Oh hi!

Pennywise: You want a balloon?

Yeeees PLEASE!

Can it say "I love Derry" on it?

Ah it does! Hahaha!

Oh god, no! Jesus fuckin Christ! Oh ho ho ho no...

Geez he was right fucking there! I didn't like that!


Georgie: I lost it Billy, I lost it...Don't be mad. It just opened up...

*Musicbox playing*

Oh God...

Okay God, I feel like I'm going cross-eyed.


Georgie: If you come with me, you'll float too, you'll float too (keeps repeating)

I don't want to float!

Georgie (in an angry, deep voice): You'll float too, you'll float too...

Oh, that's creepy

Come on Georgie. Georgie: I wanna go home...

Yeah, we can go home!

(Georgie is mumbling something)

Did you say "Ah, bitch"?! *giggles*

Georgie: You can make it all better.

Aw no oh no... Georgie: Just take me home



Oh oh


Come back, I want to be besties!

Oh you and your fucking balloons.

That's a lot of balloons.

Oh shit I'm floating.


Uh oh...

Oh, I can't look at him!


Okay, that's close enough.

That's close enough!

Pennywise: We all float down here.

Pennywise: You'll float too...*laughs*

Oh shit, oh shit!

Oh shit!

UAAAAH I don't like it!

Oh god, oh god.

Pennywise: *laughing*


Pennywise: *screams* Jack: FUCK!

Pennywise: You'll float down here.

Jack: *giggles*

Oh was that it? Oh that was awesome!

Ohh, that was cool!

The Black Mass experience. I don't want that...

You're not Pennywise the dancing clown.

Oh god, I love them! This - I'd love to play a character like that in a movie it must be so much fucking fun!

*Pennywise impression* Is a hi there Georgie! What a nice boat, do you want it back?

Ah, so fucking cool.

Okay, well I'm gonna leave this video here

I know that wasn't terribly long, but that's after making me like incredibly dizzy

It's weird cause normally VR experiences are kind of built around the headset

but this was kind of a just a 360 video that was adapted to each headset and because

Because you're not in control of anything and you're just kind of following along a path

And everything kind of comes up in front of your face, but it's not in an actual 3D space

It's kind of just levels that make it look like it's 3D

And it makes you go kind of cross-eyed looking at certain things and then the camera moves

It makes you feel like you're all dizzy, and you're gonna fall over kind of stuff. We're really cool. I would love to see

Just more horror games in general in VR and not - not horror games that like

Resort to all the cheap tactics that everything always does

Just like a really good solid triple-A VR horror game would be really really nice

It's- It sucks cuz it still feels like people haven't grafsd- grasped VR properly, and I really really want to do it

It's such a cool opportunity to go do unique stuff

But I guess the player base isn't there because these headsets are expensive and let's face it not everyone can get them or afford them

and not everyone's actually gonna play them and

I get that. It's hard to make a big-budget game when you're probably not gonna make your money back on the sales, but

Man, it would it would just be cool to have a really good one or at least adapt an older one in to, well

Maybe that what wouldn't work, so well either. I just want more games and horror games

I feel like are perfect for VR because you're in that scenario, and you can't escape it you're like you're there

you- you can't turn around and like do any way to get rid of the creatures to close your eyes you can take off the

headset I guess, but then you're gonna die

like in horror games

Normally, it's- it's a bit of a disconnect

You know you're in a game

But when you have the headset on it's a bit harder to differentiate what's going on and stuff being right up in your face like

Watching that Pennywise thing probably wouldn't have been that scary on its own

Probably wasn't that scary to any of you watching at home, and as I said I wasn't even scared of the movie

But to see him make rush at you and be like right up like that is

Fucking scary and to make him feel like a fully-formed being is just really weird really good as I said

I really loved that movie

I want to go watch it again for a second time

But I have a lot going on and I don't have time to go to the cinema again, but god

I just love the acting in that movie. I love Bill Skarsgård even though everyone's call him Bill Scarsguard

But he's a Swedish dude, and he's really really good as Pennywise. I love it

Give me give me lots of Anti vibes

With some of the stuff going on. Hey, maybe we'll use some of this for inspiration, who knows! But anyway

Thank you guys so much for watching this video. If you liked it



High fives all around. *wapoosh, wapoosh*

Thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes

in the next video!

*outro music playing*

*Pennywise impression* You'll float too!

For more infomation >> YOU'LL FLOAT TOO | IT VR Experience (HTC Vive Virtual Reality) - Duration: 9:40.


Where Do We Go Next? Building the Deep Space Gateway - Duration: 10:13.

NASA is working on developing a space station in a cis-lunar orbit that will serve as the

jumping off point to exploring the Solar System; it's known as the Deep Space Gateway.

Introduction: I don't have to tell you that the vision

of human space exploration in the Solar System has kind of stalled.

Half a century ago, humans set foot on the Moon, and we haven't been back since.

Instead, we've thoroughly explored every cubic meter of low Earth orbit, going around

and around the Earth.

In fact, back in 2016, the International Space Station celebrated 100,000 orbits around the


The space shuttle was the last US vehicle capable of taking humans up into orbit, and

it was retired back in 2011.

So things look pretty bleak for sending humans out to explore the Solar System.

Earlier this year, however, NASA announced their next great step in their human space

exploration efforts: the Deep Space Gateway.

And if all goes well, we'll see humans living and working farther from Earth, and for longer

periods than ever before.

After the space shuttle program was wrapped up, NASA had a bunch of challenges facing


Perhaps the greatest of these, was what to do with the enormous workforce that built

and maintained the space shuttle fleet.

Thousands were laid off, and moved to other aerospace jobs and other industries, but the

space agency worked to develop the next big launch system after the shuttle.

Originally there were the Ares rockets, as part of the Constellation Program, but these

were canceled and replaced with the Space Launch System.

We've done a whole episode on the SLS, but the short version is that this new rocket

will be capable of lifting more cargo into orbit than any rocket ever.

The first version, known as the Block 1 will be capable of lofting 70,000 kg into low-Earth

orbit, while the upcoming Block 2 will be able to carry 130,000 kg into LEO - more than

the mighty Saturn V rocket.

What are you going to do with a rocket this powerful?

Launch new space telescopes, robotic missions to the outer Solar System, and put humans

into space, of course.

In addition to the SLS, NASA is also working on a new capsule, known as the Orion Crew


This Apollo-esque capsule will be capable of carrying a crew of 4 astronauts out beyond

low-Earth orbit, and returning them safely back to Earth.

But if you can send astronauts out beyond low-Earth orbit, where will they go?

The Deep Space Gateway.

Address the question: The plan is to put a brand new space station

into a cis-lunar orbit.

Specifically, it's known as a near-rectilinear halo orbit.

It won't actually be orbiting the Moon, but it'll be on an orbit that allows it

to serve as a stepping stone to the Moon.

Sort of a bridge between Lagrange points.

This station will range in distance from 1,500 to 70,000 km from the Moon in a way that keeps

it relatively easy to reach.

From the outside, it'll look like a smaller version of the International Space Station,

with a group of 4 pressurized modules connected together: a power module, habitation module,

cargo logistics pod, and an EVA module.

Space inside the Gateway will be cramped, with astronauts needing to share their living

quarters, reconfiguring the space as necessary.

Seriously, the ISS is going to feel like a luxury hotel after spending time in the Gateway.

The station will be solar powered, with arrays providing 40 kW of energy.

It'll also have 12 kW ion thrusters which will be used for station keeping, as well

as traditional hydrazine thrusters.

The first habitation module will be capable of supplying the astronauts for 30-60 days,

but a later cargo logistics pod will extend the length of missions.

Right now, there are a group of contractors being considered to build the Deep Space Gateway.

The designs I'm showing you come from Lockheed Martin, but things could change.

The goal of the Deep Space Gateway will be to keep humans alive in space outside the

Earth's protective magnetosphere for at least a year, studying the effects of deep

space on the human body.

But in the long term, the Gateway will serve as a stepping stone to Mars.

The astronauts will assemble the future Deep Space Transport, a spacecraft that will carry

humans to the Red Planet.

But more on that later.

On the International Space Station, astronauts are protected by the Earth's magnetosphere

from solar radiation and cosmic rays.

But on board the Deep Space Gateway, there'll be no such protection.

Instead, the station will need to be reinforced with radiation protection.

At the same time, the region actually has less space junk, so it won't need to same

kind of micrometeorite protection.

In addition to being a science platform, the DSG will serve as a base of operations for

exploring the Moon.

In the near term, NASA is planning new lander and rover missions to the Moon.

The Gateway could serve as a dock for missions blasting off from the Moon, where astronauts

could unload science samples, and refurbish a rover for another mission down on the lunar


Another intriguing idea is that the Deep Space Gateway could be used as a place to study

samples from Mars without a risk of contaminating Earth.

Under the current planetary contamination guidelines, samples from Mars need to be sterilized

before they can be brought to Earth.

It's hard to search for life in your samples, when you need to kill all life in your samples.

But I'm sure the astronauts would be willing to take the risk of catching Martian flu for

a chance to discover there's life on Mars.

Patreon Bumper Now that I've explained with the Deep Space

Gateway is and how it'll work, it's time to wonder when the whole thing is going to

get built, and what happens next.

I'll tackle that in a second, but first I'd like to thank:

Dave Tapley Ken Lapre

Silvina Mema

And the rest of our 762 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to

Bend their minds: When will we actually see the Deep Space Gateway?

Not for a few years, sadly.

Building the Gateway is going to require a few launches of the SLS, and there are already

a bunch of missions queued up to use this new launcher.

The first launch of SLS will be an uncrewed test with an Orion capsule, sometime in 2019,

known as EM-1.

This will be followed by the launch of the Europa Clipper mission, also in 2019.

Once those missions are out of the way, the first crewed launch with SLS blasts off some

time between 2021 and 2023.

Designated as EM-2, this is when the construction of the Deep Space Gateway begins.

4 astronauts will spend 3 weeks beyond low Earth orbit, delivering the first module to

the Deep Space Gateway: the Solar Power Electric Bus.

In 2024, EM-3 will have another crew of 4 blast off with the Deep Space Gateway's

Habitation Module.

EM-4 should lift off by 2025 with the Logistics module.

Finally, some time around 2026, mission EM-5 will deliver the station's Airlock module.

What comes next?

After the Deep Space Gateway, there'll be the Deep Space Transport.

If you've seen The Martian, think of the Hermes spacecraft that ferries the crew to

and from Mars.

The details are thin right now, but if all goes well, the pieces of the Transport will

launch to the Gateway by 2027.

The various components will be assembled by the astronauts over the course of several

launches, and once completed, the Deep Space Transport would make a series of 1-3 year

missions to and from Mars.

It'll carry a crew of a six astronauts in a large habitation module and keep them alive

for the journey.

The first mission could head out in 2033, with a human flyby of Mars.

Side note, wouldn't it be heartbreaking to get that close to Mars, and not actually

be able to set foot on the surface?

Anyway, future missions to Mars will include landings, and perhaps a visit to the SpaceX

luxury Martian hotel where the astronauts can relax and apologize to each other for

what they did when they all got space madness.

But this is so far in the future, it's pretty hard to even wrap my mind around it yet.

Conclusion: Of course, these are all long term plans.

And as I've mentioned in previous episodes, long term plans have a tendency of getting


Who knows if the Deep Space Gateway actually get constructed, or if NASA will shift its

support to private missions to Mars.

We'll just have to stay tuned.

Ask for Comments: How do you feel about the Deep Space Gateway,

and NASA's current plans to explore the Solar System?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Next Episode: In our next episode we'll talk about globular

star clusters.

Enormous groups of stars, relics from the early Universe, and one of the coolest things

to see in a telescope.

Suggested Playlist Time for your playlist, all about the Deep

Space Gateway.

First, Beyond Science walks around a mockup of the Deep Space Gateway.

A video from Boeing about their hardware which will take us to Mars.

Digital Benny builds the Deep Space Gateway in Kerbal Space Program.

A live interview with NASA administrator from Deep Astronomy, and finally, a lecture about

NASA's path to Mars.

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go Next? Building the Deep Space Gateway - Duration: 10:13.


About - The English We Speak - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> About - The English We Speak - Duration: 1:51.


WE MET ON TINDER (4265 miles apart?!) - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> WE MET ON TINDER (4265 miles apart?!) - Duration: 13:19.


Move that WEDDING CAKE cuz we're gonna... | Family Feud - Duration: 1:20.




























































For more infomation >> Move that WEDDING CAKE cuz we're gonna... | Family Feud - Duration: 1:20.


Can we keep the Feasts without a priest? | UNLEARN - Duration: 9:07.

Can we keep the Feasts without a priest?

It's time to UNLEARN the lies.


Hey, welcome to UNLEARN.

My name is Lex, and I'd like to invite you to join us each week as we UNLEARN the lies

and dig deeper into the truth of God's Word.

Now, let's get started.

I have heard people argue that we cannot keep the Feasts because we have no Levites and

no Temple, therefore we cannot offer the sacrifices required at the Feasts.

They say things like, "we can only practice the Feasts" and they argue that no one can

keep the Feasts because there is no Temple and no priests.

I used to say that same thing, but I was wrong.

We are the only ones who can truly keep the Feasts because we are the only ones have a

High Priest who serves in the heavenly Tabernacle.

He is greater than all other priests and His sacrifices and offerings are the only ones

that can truly redeem us.

"Also there were many priests, because they were prevented by death from continuing.

But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood.

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He

always lives to make intercession for them.

For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate

from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens; who does not need daily, as those

high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the people's,

for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself."

- Hebrews 7:23-27

It is true that we have no earthly priests and no earthly Temple, so we cannot offer

the sacrifices here anymore, but we do have a High Priest who serves in the Heavenly Tabernacle.

If you say that we have no Priest and no Temple then you are forgetting about Yeshua, our

Great High Priest and redeemer.

The tells us that the Priesthood was changed, and we no longer go through the Levites for


Listen to what the book of Hebrews says about our new High Priest and how He serves on the

day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).

"Now when these things had been thus prepared, the priests always went into the first part

of the tabernacle, performing the services.

But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which

he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance; the Holy Spirit

indicating this, that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the

first tabernacle was still standing.

It was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which

cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience - concerned

only with foods and drinks, various washings, and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time

of reformation.

But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more

perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.

Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy

Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.

For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean,

sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who

through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience

from dead works to serve the living God?

And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the

redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called

may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance."

- Hebrews 9:6-15

So, when we keep the Feasts, we can do so with full confidence that we have a Great

High Priest who intercedes for us before the throne of God.

We have a perfect High Priest who offers the perfect sacrifice of His own blood.

We can also rest assured that we have a better covenant through Yeshua because of this.

"Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest,

who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister

of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man.

For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices.

Therefore it is necessary that this One also have something to offer.

For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer

the gifts according to the law; who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things,

as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle.

For He said, "See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the


But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better

covenant, which was established on better promises.

For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a


- Hebrews 8:1-7

the Bible also tells us that Yeshua does not need to offer the Yom Kippur sacrifices every

year, but that He only needed to offer it once for all.

So, when we keep the Feast of Yom Kippur, there is no longer any need for yearly sacrifices,

and we need only place our faith in His atoning sacrifice.

"And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding

of blood there is no remission.

Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified

with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true,

but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; not that He should

offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood

of another - He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but

now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself."

- Hebrews 9:22-26

the Bible tells us that one of the reasons why Yeshua came as a man was so that He could

sympathize with us and have compassion on us.

This is part of what qualified Him to become our High Priest.

"For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining

to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.

He can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray, since he himself is also

subject to weakness.

Because of this he is required as for the people, so also for himself, to offer sacrifices

for sins."

- Hebrews 5:1-3

"Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful

and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins

of the people."

- Hebrews 2:17

He knows the challenges and temptations we face, and He is able to sympathize with our


That is why we are able to come to the Father through Him to obtain grace and mercy.

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus

the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in

all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find

grace to help in time of need."

- Hebrews 4:14-16

However, we cannot approach Him with pride and arrogance, we must approach with humility

and a repentant heart.

We must come seeking grace and mercy, not demanding anything from Him.

When you stand before the King, you must fall on your face.

We must humble ourselves, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways.

If Yeshua has done the work of salvation and offered up the only sacrifice that is needed,

then what is left for us to sacrifice on the Feast days?

We are told to offer up a sacrifice of praise to God.

"Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the

fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name."

- Hebrews 13:1

We are also told to offer up our bodies as a living sacrifice.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies

a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service."

- Romans 12:1

This means our life is not our own.

If we have offered it up to Him, then we must do His will and not our own.

If our body is offered up to Him, then we must do what is pleasing to Him.

No longer living like heathen, but rather, living holy and sanctified lives dedicated

to His service.


Thanks for watching.

If you found this video helpful then share it with your friends and family so they can

UNLEARN the lies with us.

If you want to see more videos like this one, subscribe to my channel.

I want to say a special thank you to those who support this ministry.

We truly appreciate your prayers and generosity.

Thank you so much.

And remember, the truth will set you free.

See you next time.

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