We Are Friends & Blahkoø X Kinxq - June Girl (feat. NYMOU) - Duration: 3:30.We Are Friends & Blahkoø X Kinxq - June Girl (feat. NYMOU)
WE CARE FOR ROHINGYA (AKSI DAMAI) - Duration: 4:08.*Nasheed*
Electrophotonic analysis in medicine is something that�s been gaining more attention from
scientists and researchers from all over the world.
It�s one case -of many -that demonstrates how humanity is continually moving toward
a scientific understanding of what is considered Ancient Eastern Mysticism.
We see similarities between science and mysticism quite often these days, especially when it
comes to quantum physics and neuroscience.
You can read more about that in the below linked articles:
Dalai Lama: Spirituality Without Quantum Physics is an Incomplete Picture of Reality
Leading Neuroscientists/Buddhists Agree � Consciousness Is Everywhere
In the mid-nineties, Konstantin Korotkov, Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics
at Saint-Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and
Optics, developed a scientific device based on the ancient Chinese system of energy meridians.
It�s for measuring the bio-energy of living organisms, as well as the environment.
The device provides a painless evaluation that can highlight potential health (physiological
and psycho-emotional) abnormalities, it�s called the GDV. (1)
his Is How Powerful The Mind Body Connection Really Is
It does this by using a completely painless electrical current applied to the fingertips,
which takes less than one millisecond.
How the body responds is measured in the form of an �electron cloud� that�s composed
of light energy photons.
The glow of this discharge is invisible to the human eye, (humans can only see one percent
of the entire electromagnetic spectrum) and is captured by an optical CCD camera system
and then translated into a digital computer.
For more information on this device, please examine references (2),(1) and (3).
In the GDV software programs, the glow from the different sectors of the finger images
is projected onto the shape of a human body in correspondence with the location of the
different organs and systems.
As a result, energy field images are produced that allow for intuitive analysis of the physiological
level of human body functioning.
It has been approved and received registration as a routine medical diagnostic device by
the Russian Ministry of Health upon recommendation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
According to eastern metaphysical theories of Ayurvedic Indian medicine, there are seven
�Chakras� or integrated energy centers that are considered to be correlated with
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
These energy Chakras are positioned or embedded into the spinal column at various locations
beginning with the coccyx, rising all the way to the crown of the head.
�Each Chakra is considered to resonate at a different frequency level.
With new BioWell software, it is now possible to quantitatively estimate the energy of Chakras
and graphically display their level of activation, and indicate whether this level of activation
is above or below the level found from large numbers of subjects.� Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande
Below are the results from a case study done by Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande, a professor emeritus
at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville, which had
over 100 participants in attendance.
Please keep in mind that clinical studies of more than 10,000 patient cases with various
health challenges have also been well documented in Russia
The aligned Chakras indicate that the subject was calm, relaxed and nourished from their
participation in the case study, which involved information on meditation, breathing practices,
love, kindness and intention.
You can also observe a smoothing of the energy field before and after the case study work
Results like this were consistent with a number of volunteers.
�Each individual sector or portion of the fingertip is connected energetically with
specific organs and organ systems such as the respiratory system.
When the data of the 10 individual BIO-grams are collated and interpolated, an image of
the entire full body energy field is created.
An example of the full body energy field from both a healthy and unhealthy/emotionally unbalanced
individual are shown below.
The gaps, reduced emissions and out of balance Chakras for the unhealthy individual are quite
obvious.� Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande (1)
In this case, a healthy and balanced emotional state is correlated with truthfulness, honesty,
steadfastness, equanimity, unconditional love, compassion, gratitude, the ability to discern
truth from falsehood, spontaneous affection, and the capacity to remain calm despite what�s
Scorpion - We Have To Save Him - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
'We will deter North Korea's most dangerous threats' – US says pressure is high - Duration: 3:53.'We will deter North Korea's most dangerous threats' – US says pressure is high
US Defence Secretary Mattis, who is on a two-day visit to India to strengthen military ties, said a United Nations resolution had increased pressure on the hermit nation.
He also said diplomatic efforts to tackle the crisis are continuing, but added the US would be able to tackle any attacks from n. Mr Mattis said: "We continue to maintain the diplomatically led efforts in the United Nations.
"You have seen unanimous UN security council resolutions passed that have increased the pressure on the North and at the same time we maintain the capability to deter 's most dangerous threats.".
Earlier today Russia warned of "catastrophic consequences" if a military conflict broke out on the Korean peninsula. Russia hit out at America after US bomber jets were dispatched to South Korea, and slammed the approach as a "dead end".
China echoed Russias concerns, and said war on the peninsula would have no winners.
The concerns come after President Trump was accused of declaring war on the secretive kingdom after he tweeted that North Korea "won't be around much longer". North Koreas Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho responded by saying: Last weekend Trump claimed that our leadership wouldnt be around much longer and declared a war on our country.
Since the United States declared war on our country, we will have every right to make all self-defensive counter measures, including the right to shoot down the United States strategic bombers at any time even when they are not yet inside the aerospace border of our country".
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said yesterday that the US has not declared war on North Korea, adding: Frankly, the suggestion of that is absurd.
She also said that it was "never appropriate" to shoot down another country's aircraft in international waters.
Last week, in his first speech to the UN General Assembly, Mr Trump vowed to totally destroy North Korea if it continued to threaten the US and its allies.
This follows a war of words between Washington and Pyongyang where described Mr Kim and "rocket man", and he in turn called The Donald a mentally deranged person full of megalomania". Tensions between the two nations have been increasing over the last number of weeks, and intensified when Pyongyang conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test on 3 September.
It has also threatened to test a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific. Earlier this month, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted its ninth round of sanctions on Pyongyang in response to the nuclear test.
We are number one but its STP - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
jon & arya; we bleed the same - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
GoFly Prize: We Will Make People Fly - Duration: 0:45.This is a story about flying.
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Come join us as we take to the skies
Pallet Rack Shelving - New | Used Pallet Rack Shelving - Duration: 1:28.Welcome to Warehouse Equipment Company, a distributor of new and used material handling
and warehouse equipment.
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"We want to win!" - Franck Ribéry optimistic before PSG clash - Duration: 1:50.Bayern landed in Paris not too long ago and now here I am with Franck Ribéry at the team hotel
for a quick chat.
Franck, Munich is your home these days, so what is it like
for you to come back here to the capital of your home country
to play a Champions League game?
You received a great reception;
I heard some chants of "Kaiser Franck".
How does it feel?
It's always nice to come back home.
The people here are really friendly,
but we have a very important game ahead of us tomorrow in Paris.
We have to put in a good performance.
What kind of match are you anticipating
– lots of attacking
and goals perhaps?
These are two great teams with a lot of great players who like to attack
and will no doubt try to score plenty of goals.
But I think we have to play with a clear mind, as well as lots of character and personality.
We needn't feel any fear, as we have a quality team with a lot of great players.
We can beat Paris Saint-Germain here!
Do you think tomorrow's result will decide who wins the group?
I don't think so.
There are several games left.
However, it would of course be great to get the win here tomorrow!
What is your goal –
take a point, or is it all about the win?
We want to win.
We want those three points!
I hope we can get them tomorrow.
A draw here in Paris would be a very positive result though.
We'll keep our fingers crossed.
Thanks a lot, Franck Ribéry.
Matthew West - The Beautiful Things We Miss (Song Story) - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
DUMB JOBS WE'VE HAD #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:31.From foot-fetish modeling, to rock collecting, the Planet Dolan crew reenact some of the best true stories
from our subreddit about the dumbest jobs we've ever had. I'm Doopie, and today I'll be your narrator.
10 - Tejedatots (Nixxiom) When Nixxiom was in ninth grade,
he got a job collecting rocks for a local weirdo.
How much he earned depended on how heavy the rocks were. If he found a 12-pound rock, he'd get $12.
But if he found a 12-ounce one, he'd only get 20 cents.
Nixxiom never asked why the man who hired him wanted these rocks, but he later found out
the man liked throwing them off a bridge at cars.
Eventually, police found out what he was doing and the man got arrested.
Great news for drivers, but a bummer for Nixxiom's wallet.
9 - DJSkely (Zaraganba)
When's Zaraganba was 14, his mom gave him a job at a local hockey arena. When the teams finished practice,
Zaraganba had to skate over and collect the pucks before the Zamboni cleaned the ice.
Zaraganba was paid over $100 for just two minutes of work. In a couple of months, he was able to save up
thousands of dollars, which he proceeded to blow on videogames and dates with his girlfriend.
Best. Job. Ever!
8 - thotxx (Melissa)
Melissa worked as a professional foot fetish model for
a whole year. Every session, she went to a public park where she was photographed stomping on things,
getting her feet tickled, and squishing things between her toes.
Melissa found this a little strange, since she didn't have a foot fetish herself, but it was definitely the
easiest money she ever made.
7 - billyboy92365 (Sweetcommando)
When Sweetcommando was in the army, he had a drill sergeant who gave him a series of
the dumbest jobs ever.
One time, the Sergeant happened to catch Sweetcommando just standing around
with nothing to do.
He decided Sweetcommando needed to be occupied, so he gave him some stupid tasks that he had
to do for a whole month.
Every day, Sweetcommando had to sweep out the sandpit, vacuum the parking lots, and organize
a huge pile of rocks by size and color.
By the end of the day, Sweetcommando would feel absolutely exhausted, even though he didn't really do anything.
He quickly learned never to let a drill sergeant see him standing around.
6 - _Shritpo_ (Tolop)
When Tolop was seven, he got paid a dollar a day to give a girl in his class a strand of his hair.
This girl was obsessed with Tolop's luscious hair and liked flossing her teeth with it...
Tolop wasn't comfortable being this girl's personal hair dealer, but he went along with it because he liked the
extra pocket money.
5 - laserpointer565 (Pandora)
Pandora's weirdest job was walking her neighbor's dogs up Main Street.
It seemed like a perfectly normal job, but there was a catch.
The neighbor wanted both Pandora and the chihuahuas to wear bright pink tutus the entire walk.
She said she would pay Pandora extra if she went along with the strange condition.
Every day, strangers would honk at Pandora as they drove up Main Street.
Neighbors who are washing their cars and mowing their lawns would drop everything to ask Pandora
what she was doing.
Every time, Pandora would awkwardly answer
*sighs* ...My job...
4 - smokiedabandit (Hellbent)
When Hellbent was 16, his job involved driving to different places trying to buy cigarettes.
He'd go to every tobacco shop in town to see if he could get them to sell to a minor.
If they did, the store would get a huge fine or face being shut down.
Hellbent loved it because he basically got paid to hang out, cause trouble, and smoke.
3 - plumbranchs (Cid)
Cid once worked at a dirty, rundown movie theater that was full of homeless squatters.
None of the staff did any cleaning, which meant Cid had to do it all when he came in twice a week.
Every shift, Cid had to wipe down filthy counters and carry the whole week's worth of garbage to the trash.
His least favorite task was by far, cleaning out the little sanitary boxes from the women's restrooms.
Those made him want to gag...
One night, Cid was cleaning the theater after a packed Johnny Depp movie.
He bent down to pick up an empty popcorn bag and discovered it was full of someone's pee.
As soon as he picked it up, the bag broke and pee went all over everything.
Cid had to mop up rows and rows of pee, and wear pee-soaked clothes for the rest of his shift
because his boss wouldn't let him go home and change.
That was the night Cid decided he needed to change careers.
2 - Amy_gamer_girl (Snewpee)
Snewpee's first job was also her dumbest.
She worked at a massive golf course, but only had one responsibility.
All day long, she had to stand at hole number 7 to see if anyone got a hole-in-one. That's it.
Snewpee had this incredibly stimulating job for three whole years, and in all that time,
no one ever got a hole-in-one.
1 - Doopie
Be prepared, this one's a doozie...
So, one time I was really hurting for cash and decided to get a job.
Literally, anywhere would do. I finally snagged a job at a car wash. Sounds fun, right?
They told me the job was hard, and people were constantly quitting, but I figured
"Hey, I'm tough. I can handle anything."
I was terribly mistaken. I basically had to stand on the street for ten hours a day, dancing while holding a sign
as cars passed and mocked me. Every three hours,
I got a break, but the breaks were never long enough to justify the time dancing in the Florida heat...
That's 90+ degree weather every day, for 10 hours.
My phone pretty much died midday every shift, but I was getting sick of the songs I was playing anyway.
Even with the millions of songs and podcasts in the universe, it still got repetitive; to the point where I
wanted to throw up.
I know that sounds really dramatic, but I'm so serious.
Time went by horribly slow, and even with SPF 100 sunscreen, which is the highest sunscreen, and
a hat, I was coming home with blistering sunburns all over, where even water hurt when touching my skin.
I also had cardboard burns on my hands and legs, where the cardboard kept rubbing against me.
I quit after three weeks.
That was two years ago, and I still have tan lines. So mad respect for those people on the corners
spinning the signs, mad respects.
HUGE thanks to the folks over on our Planet Dolan subreddit for submitting their stories.
We have another question for you.
What's the dumbest reason you've ever got in trouble?
Let us know in the Reddit page linked below, and you might be featured in a future countdown.
This video was made possible by our fans over on Patreon. Thanks for your support, guys.
Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you soon!
Steve Void & Syence ‒ We Won't Leave You (Kuur Remix) - Duration: 3:41.Steve Void & Syence ‒ We Won't Leave You (Kuur Remix)
WE'RE IN TURKEY!! TÜRKİYE'DE!!🇹🇷 BODRUM AQUALAND - Turkish Travel Vlog | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 7:55.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 DINOSAURS We're GLAD ARE EXTINCT - Duration: 7:45.Hey YouTube, Jim here!
Welcome to Top10Archive!
When Jurassic Park released – or Jurassic World, if you're in the younger crowd – we
fantasized what a world with dinosaurs would be like.
Sure, it may be cool to have a baby triceratops running around, but what about the monstrosities
that once ruled lands as their own?
Beasts like the ten dinosaurs in this Archive that we're more than glad didn't resist
As we get started, if you haven't already done so and so you never miss another Top10Archive
video, subscribe to the channel and click the bell so you're automatically notified
every time we upload a new video.
If at the end you found this video interesting, then give it a like and leave a comment, perhaps
about the dino you're glad is extinct, because we're always looking to engage in interesting
conversations with you.
Coelophysis bauri This mid-sized dino from the Late Triassic
may look harmless enough from a distance, but as you get closer you start to see all
the ways it could ruin your day.
It may have only weighed approximately 50 lbs (22 kg), but Coelophysis was a 10' (3
m)-long agile speedster with 100 razor-sharp teeth and three hooked talons perfect for
ripping through flesh.
Don't let its small size fool you, though; Coelophysis would be able to do some serious
damage to an average human adult, especially as they were known to congregate in large
Eocarcharia Though the Eocarcharia was far from being
a "land shark," its name literally means "dawn shark," and that's not just some
silly, nonsensical x nickname.
It refers to its rather formidable rows of teeth that are quite similar to those of a
Does it get any worse than a bipedal beast sporting the same implements a shark uses
to rip through flesh?
Yeah, it does.
Researchers also believe the Eocarcharia's bony growth above its eyes was used to head-butt
whatever got in its way.
Masiakasaurus We probably don't have to spend too much
time pointing out precisely what about the Masiakasaurus lands it on this list of prehistoric
nightmares, but in case you happened to miss it… look at those chompers!
The uncomfortable dentistry of this 6' (2 m)-long theropod was likely used to catch
small prey, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt if you somehow found yourself on the
wrong end of them.
Toning down the horrific image of this extinct creature is the fact that it was named after
Dire Straits frontman, Mark Knopfler.
Mapusaurus Oh, it's just a 39' (12 m)-long carnivore
that either hunted in an organized pack or used its numbers to mob its prey.
Psh, that's nothing.
No, that's a lie.
The thought of a flesh-eating, oversized theropod with the potential hunting skills of a pack
of wolves is by far one of the scariest concepts to appear on this list.
The Mapusaurus roamed during the Late Cretaceous period, leaving its footprints all over Argentina
as it stalked a larger meal.
With its serrated teeth, the dino was believed to have inflicted multiple bite wounds on
its target to leave it to die of blood loss or infection.
Dracorex Yes, the fact that its name was inspired by
the wizarding world of Harry Potter may be one of its more frightening features, but
this herbivorous Pachycephalosauridae has more going for it that has us delighted it's
long been extinct.
First off, its skeleton looks like a skeletal dragon just waiting to be resurrected.
Of course, we also can't imagine what it would be like to accidentally set this creature
off and be on the receiving end of that spiked domed mess it calls a head.
Based on the skull located in the Hell Creek Formation of South Dakota, the "dragon king
of Hogwarts" was believed to get up to around 8' (2.4m)-long.
Utahraptor Jurassic Park may have popularized the Velociraptor,
but it did so in an untrue light.
In the words of the great Dr. Alan Grant, they were "genetically engineered theme
park monsters" - but don't take a breath just yet.
While the Velociraptor may not have been the towering carnivore depicted in the movies,
the related Utahraptor could grow to 23' (7 m)-long and weigh around 1,100 lbs (500
Just like the Velociraptor, the Utahraptor also features that terrifying curved claw
on its foot, which could reach a length of 9.5" (24 cm).
Whether this raptor hunted in packs is still up for debate, not that one on its own wouldn't
be scary enough.
Carnotaurus Nicknamed the "Meat-Eating Bull," – as
if that's any comfort – the Carnotaurus was a unique creature that went through life
with shorter arms than the T-Rex.
That's bound to aggravate anyone, but the Carnotaurus made up for its shortcomings by
being one of, if not the, fastest theropods over 2,000 lbs (907 kg).
Explaining being called a "bull" is a pair of horns directly over its eyes, which
also give it a devilish appearance.
Either used as a display feature or for more physical and practical purposes like stabbing
its prey, the Carnotaurus' horns are a distinct feature of this 26' (8 m)-long, agile beast.
Tyrannosaurus Rex The Tyrant King may not be the largest theropod
to watch out for, but it would certainly be towering enough to have you quivering in your
At up to 40' (12 m)-long and 20' (6 m)-tall, its size isn't even its most terrifying
feature - as a study released in May of 2017 determined that good 'ole Rexy's 7"
(17 cm)-long teeth could generate up to 431,000 pounds per square inch (2,974 megapascals)
of pressure.
Giganotosaurus What's to fear about the Giganotosaurus?
It's right there in the name.
It's giganotic!
Er, gigantic!
While not the largest theropod, the Giganotosaurus was akin to an oversized T-Rex, growing up
to 45' (13 m) in length.
Narrow rows of identical teeth were best used for slicing through skin and leaving large
Anything that may have survived an initial Giganotosaurus attack would likely bleed out.
To make matters worse, the giant theropod was believed to have terrorized the late Cretaceous
period by hunting in packs.
Spinosaurus The debate over whether Spinosaurus or T-Rex
would win in a fight will likely go on for quite some time, but there's no denying
some of the more dangerous features of the sailed theropod.
For one, Spinosaurus fossils show that the long-snouted carnivore could grow up to 50'
(15 m)-long, dwarfing the mighty Rex by 10' (3 m).
Spinosaurus also had the benefit of long, strong arms that sported three hooked claws
perfect for tearing into flesh.
Let's also not forget that on top of its monstrous size, long talons, and very toothy,
elongated snout, the Spino stalked within deeper waters like some sort of giant, mutated,
bipedal crocodile.
Thanks for watching!
Remember to subscribe and click the bell to be notified automatically when we upload the
next new video.
If you found this video informative, maybe a little scary, or know of other dinos you're
glad aren't around anymore, or just have a good idea for a future Top10Archive video,
leave a comment because we're always interested in what you have to say.
Puerto Rico Governor: We Need More Help | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 7:01.-------------------------------------------
Why We Need Less Debt, and Fast! - Duration: 2:04.'The national debt crosses the $20 trillion mark.'
It was big news when our national debt recently passed the $20 trillion mark.
What's less understood is exactly why having such a massive debt is a bad thing.
The sheer size of the existing debt is deeply worrying to economists on both the left and the right,
who agree that when debt reaches 90 percent of GDP
it means painfully slow growth, creating what's called a "debt overhang."
A group of progressive economists affiliated with the University of Massachusetts
predicted in 2013 that a debt burden at that level
would result in an annual growth rate of just 2.2 percent,
which means economic stagnation and anemic job growth.
So when will our debt load cross the 90 percent threshold?
It's actually been at more than 100 percent of GDP for years now.
Periods of slow growth associated with debt overhangs almost always last more than a decade
and sometimes stretch out over a quarter century.
That means that in 25 years, the overall economy will be about 75 percent the size it would have been
if the government had only gotten the debt in check.
Countries like New Zealand, Canada, and Germany have demonstrated
that when governments reduce debt good things happen.
U.S. spending, by contrast, has been above 20 percent of GDP for years,
which is well above the historical average.
No wonder the Congressional Budget Office predicts
that the economy will grow less than 2 percent annually over the next decade.
Compare that to growth rates of more than 3 percent for much of the post-World War II period.
Barack Obama, and George W. Bush
were leaders who lacked the integrity to do what's best for the country
by keeping spending and debt in line.
President Donald Trump also shows no interest
in explaining to the public how runaway debt chokes off the future.
That's a failure which we'll all be paying for for a very long time to come.
'I am the king of debt, I do love debt.'
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