Do you want to add author photo to your
WordPress website? Well stick around and
I'll show you how you can do that. By
default most WordPress themes bring in
Gravatar to the dashboard to the
author's dashboard and what Gravatar is,
is you can go to and sign
up for it and you can add different
email addresses and different images or
profile images to go with that email
and that is great for a lot of people but
sometimes you want to add your own local
profile image or allow local authors to
add their profile image to your
WordPress website. Well to do that let's
go to our WordPress dashboard I'm going
to go into full screen here. We'll go over to
Plugins, Add New and we're searching for
a plugin called WP User Avatar this is
the one we want to use so let's install
that and once it's installed let's go
ahead and activate it as well.
Now that's activated you see this area
over here we can go under settings to
set it up and by default it'll show the
avatar for author or above but here you
can allow it to do contributors and
subscribers as well. You can also disable
Gravatar completely and only use local
avatars without this checked it will
actually use both if someone has a
Gravatar coming in from the Gravatar
site it will only use that otherwise it will
use the local avatar. Scrolling down a
bit you can see that these are the
default avatars that you can use if
someone doesn't have an image anywhere
or you can upload your own. Once you save
changes now we can go in under a user,
go under profile and you see here's the
original where it pulls in from Gravatar
and scrolling down you have this area
where they can choose an image we can
click choose image for instance we have
different images here that we can select
and now that will be the new avatar for
the profile. Now when we go to the site
anything that has this profile
will bring in that avatar. Did you learn
something from today's video? If so
subscribe to our YouTube channel
and we'll send more helpful tips to help
you manage your WordPress website and
thanks for watching
For more infomation >> How to Add an Author Photo in WordPress - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
How We Onboard and Manage New Hires [Updated Process] - Duration: 3:13.
I did a video a few months ago when we first hired
our sales team about how we manage them,
check that out below.
In this video, I wanna update,
because we just hired a new sales guy, Billy.
And I wanna talk about how we're onboarding him,
and the learnings from onboarding the last sales team.
So the first thing I set up with Billy
are Daily One on Ones.
For Billy and with our account manager Lael,
what was extremely important was having daily check-ins,
15, 20 minute calls where we just talk about
what's going on what they're doing in their day,
and I answer any questions.
Similar to how our one on one's are structured
which I'll talk about in a second.
So on these daily check-ins, normally I'll call Billy
or when Lael was getting on boarded as our account manager,
I'll call him and we'll have a 15 to 20 minute talk
sometimes it's less, sometimes it's a little longer,
about what they're doing, how they're playing their day out,
and if they have any questions
I'll answer them at that time.
I'm also on chat and all those other channels,
but this call is where I do most of my
communication with the employee in the first couple weeks.
A few months ago, somebody called my management style
Laissez-Faire which basically means
I'm pretty hands off as long as people get their work done,
I don't really care about micro-managing them.
Robert, my co-founder is very different,
he's very hands on, he runs these dashboards
and all the stuff that I've shown you in previous videos.
But I'm more of a hands off guy as long as you
are getting the work done it's fine,
and we'll talk about that and get them ramped up
in these first two weeks.
Point two is set clear goals.
For Lael the account manager we hired,
his goal was to meet with all accounts
in the first two weeks and get a read on how we're doing.
For Billy his goal is 8 to 12 meetings
a week with new business clients for experiment 27.
Very simple goal, that somebody working
a decent number of hours that should be able to pull off.
Once he starts booking those meetings consistently,
that's the lead measure,
as I've talked about in a bunch of other videos,
but the lag measure is going to be closes.
So eventually he'll have a close goal
let's say it's four or five clients every month
that he's supposed to close.
And then finally once the employee's onboarded
I move to weekly check-ins.
We have a sales meeting on Mondays
and I did a video on how we run that sales meeting,
we're still basically running it the same way,
and when Billy's fully onboarded,
it'll be me, Robert, and Billy in that sales meeting
talking about how everything is going at the company.
One thing that I found extremely important
when it comes to sales teams,
it's very important to actually check their work.
Something that I haven't been too good at in the past.
And it leads to slight under performance.
Robert's amazing at this, that's why he runs production,
right now our guys are always on point.
But when I was more hands on running sales,
our guys did start to lag a little bit
in terms of their production and it was because
of that lack of hands on sales management.
So what I'm actually gonna do,
or what I'm planning to do is hire a
Senior Sales guy on a consulting bases.
And if that experiment works,
I'll let you know how it goes on this channel.
That's how we're onboarding Billy,
that's how we onboarded out account manager Lael.
Do you have any other questions on management,
or onboarding new employees?
If you do, leave them down in the comments
I would love to answer them.
Like this video to encourage
this type of content on YouTube.
And subscribe for more B2B sales training.
If you need marketing support for your digital agency,
check out
I'm Alex Berman, thanks.
How To Install SportsMania Addon on Kodi | Great Sports Kodi Addon 2017 - Duration: 3:38.
Tutorial how to install sportsmania addon on kodi
Click Add-ons
Then click on Box icon ( Add-on browser )
Continue click Install from zip file
You can dowload this zip file in description of this video
Now, continue click on Install from repository
Select The mania services Repo
Click Add-ons
Click on SportsMania & wait for this addon installed
Wait for sportsmania addon update...
To use this addon, you need a sportsmania premium account
How To Publish A Book On Amazon - Duration: 12:08.
Welcome to hero TV! Today we've got
Michelle McCullough and I've asked her
to talk to us about how to publish a
book on Amazon because I've just watched
you do that. It was amazing to see. So I'm
excited to have you share that with Hero TV!
Hello! I'm so excited to share with you
some simple tips and tricks about
publishing your book on Amazon. But
before hand, I want to say
congratulations! As someone who has self
coalition also worked with a traditional
publisher, I know how much work goes into
creating a book, whether it's fiction or
nonfiction. So I'm excited for you as you
go to this next step in the process. Now
I'm going to assume that if you're
watching this videos, that you've already
written your book and that you're ready
to get published on Amazon. If that's not
the case, you might want to take some
time to finish your book or finish
working through that last individual
pieces. Getting an editor, whatever else
you need so that you truly can be ready
to publish your book. Now, there are lots
of different options and publishing
directly on Amazon, but I'm going to
share with you two main specific ways.
The first is through createspace if you
have a specific book that you want to
publish. Now I'm talking about physical
publishing. This works for both fiction
and on fiction books, but you can
physically publish using a service
called create space. And I just go to, I will create a
login, I actually use the very same one
that I used actually buy books on Amazon
so that I don't have to remember to. And
then I login to create space. In there,
there's a whole bunch of different tools
and abilities but there's a great button
called, "getting started" and if you click
on the getting started button, they'll
walk you through every step of the
process to publish your book through
Amazon. Now, through the create space
process, they're going to ask you to
either upload a book, or you'll be able
to design your own front cover. You'll
also be able to upload your manuscript
but the one thing that you might need to
know before you start this process, is
there is a specific file type that
Amazon requires for you to upload your
book to create space or also through
Kindle when we talk about that in just a
minute. If you don't have that file, it's
pretty easy to create using the most
recent versions of whatever word
processor you're using, but if you're
struggling with that and you need help
transitioning that, just ask your friends.
One of your friends for sure has it or
you can use an outside third-party
service, maybe through upwork. Where you
can go in and do that file transfer but
it will not take very long. I got caught
on that for a little while and then I
realized it wasn't that
hard but it should be easy. But just know
that you might not be able to upload a
doc to create space.
Now, as you go
through that process that helps you
every step of the way from creating the
categories that you'll best use so that
people can find your book, through
creating the description for your book
and also for you up to create your own
pricing. There are a few different
options and while I won't go through all
of the options for pricing on your books,
I'll let you decide what's best for you.
My best recommendation in this category
is to do a little bit of research on
Amazon with other books that are similar
to yours in either your fiction genre, or
in your nonfiction categories and see if
you can be comparable based on the
number of pages that you have, the type
of content that you're providing, or the
type of book that you're creating. Now as
you go through this process that start to
sound a little bit like a checklist but
stay with me because I'm also going to
share with you how to make the most out
of selling your book through Amazon. But
once your book is up through create
space, you have the option to print your
own copies, have them come to you, or
they'll just sell them online for you.
Now the Kindle process is pretty similar.
You can go through KDP which they call,
"Kindle direct publishing". Which will give
you the option to both, do both the
printed version, and the Kindle version
at the same time. Some people do 100%
Kindle, some people do 100% physical book,
some people do both. And so you do have
that option through Amazon you'll just
need to specify how that works. Now for
me, I have one book that is a hundred
percent Kindle and I have other books
that are physical as well. I didn't use
create space to publish them in that
case I used Amazon to publish via Kindle
but then I printed through a different
third-party source and then I sell to
Amazon and they sell them that way so
that's also an option. But create space
is super easy. I have done one create
space book that was with a mix and
multitude of authors and so it's been
fun to walk through that process. Now
part of publishing on Amazon is
committing to the long term marketing
process. Which is really where I get
super jazzed. And now that I've produced
my third book through Amazon, I have some
special tips that I'm going to share
with you to make the best of your
experience to being a published
author on Amazon. The first thing that I
want to share with you, is that while it
can be really exciting to get caught up
in the launch
period of your book, know that your book
will live long after your launch. So take
time to create a long term strategy that
will work best for you in your book. If
you plan to create multiple books on a
similar subject, you'll just create a
system for completing that. But that also
might be part of your launch. If you're a
fiction author who's going to have a
trilogy, make sure that you're including
that as part of your overall strategy.
But now I want to share with you some of
my favorite tips in marketing your book
when it's ready to hit go. Now, number
one, just like anything else, I think it's
important for you to create a marketing
plan to publish your book. Sit down and
figure out what you want to accomplish.
How many books do you want to sell? is
being a number one Amazon bestseller in
your category important to you? well that
might take some strategy and planning. So
don't do yourself a disservice.
Where with one of my books after 30 days,
I thought to myself, I should have done
that a different way. But I learned
through that process and so now I'm
going to share with you so that you
don't feel like your first launch was a
Now, as you create that plan also
consider other people who can help you
and who can interact with you and who
can help promote your book. I recommend
providing some individual copies that
you can do media releases for those who
are willing to review your book upfront.
Nobody likes to feel like a guinea pig
and everybody wants to know if your book
is really good, even your best friends
want to know if your book is really good.
So find some people to read the book for
you and review it in advance,
so that you have some little clips that you
can use as part of your marketing. Either
in physical form, in digital form, or even
as part of a book trailer.
Now some people produce multi-million
dollar book trailers and some people
will just create a little SlideShare for
their book. That can be fun. Truth be told,
I have never done a book trailer. I
probably should have, but I didn't. I did
one informational video about my book
coming out but it wasn't really a book
trailer. But that can be really easy to
do now. You can create your own book
trailer utilizing your phone and maybe
even getting some help through a
third-party source that will help you
put those final pieces together. So a
book trailer can also work. And utilizing
some of those reviews in your book
trailer can be really helpful. But
whether you do the book trailer or not,
just create
content strategy that you can use up
front. So, instead of just saying "buy my
book", tell people why they should buy
your book. Tell people a little about the
story. Or if it's nonfiction, tell them
the kinds of things they will learn by
reading your book. Just like marketing a
business or product or even a service,
you need to create a narrative around
the book that you're producing. And if
it's a story then that becomes a little
bit easier than if it's a nonfiction. But
tell people the story of the book. How it
got started? why it's important? and what
it will do for them? Well, many people
will claim that they're avid readers,
because they are. There are so many books
sitting on their bookshelf. And if
they're anything like me, they've got ten
sitting on their nightstand waiting for
their attention. So what you need to do
is you need to give them the reasons of,
why your book needs to be there next
read. And you can do that through reviews
but you can also do that by sharing with
them, why it's important for them to read
it next. That's all part of the marketing
process as you move forward with your
book. Now, also, here are some little
secrets that I learned
not until I produced my third book with
a publisher. Amazon loves reviews. Now you
probably already knew that. You probably
watch some other videos on this but I
found some magical thresholds that
Amazon tends to use. The first threshold
is 25. If you can get 25 reviews within
the first two weeks of your book being
released and published, well then they
see that that book might have the
potential to become a best-seller. Either
short-term, or long-term. The second
threshold is a hundred. And 100 reviews
are hard for individual publishers. Even
if you have thousands of people read
your book, it's really hard to get a
hundred people to come back and leave a
review. But if you can create a system
for that over time, you'll find that it
will give you the best benefits. I found
that once I hit the 25 review mark on my
most recent book, Amazon increased the
way that they promote my book to people
who had never even heard of me. And
once you hint into the hundred range,
while your book whether it hits a
best-seller or not,
Amazon sees it as a viable book because
they know that reviews are only a
percentage of sales. So make those your
goal and create in advance the strategy
and structure that you'll get
there. Do you want to personally reach
out and invite a hundred people to
review your book for you? or do you want
to hope that your readers will just come
on and grab it? Whatever it is, create a
system or strategy. Now I never recommend
that you pay for reviews, I never
recommend that you ask people to give
you a review at a specific level. In fact,
I'm really careful in my language. If
somebody reaches out to me and says that
they love my book, I'll respond with a
gracious message that says, "thank you so
much I would love for you to share your
experience with other people on Amazon
so that they can make the best buying
decision for them" And I actually say the
words. I'm not asking for a five-star
review. I want your honest feedback so
that every person with their individual
likes and views as they read your review,
will make the best decision for them. So
while I love creating a whole strategy
around reviews just make sure you do it
in a in a good and ethical way because
you would hate to get reported and have
Amazon pull your book all the way.
But that said, reviews can be the fuel that
make your book last well beyond your
initial launch period. Now we didn't talk
about the beginning and we probably
should have. But what is the goal for
your book? For some people, they want
their book to make the millions of
dollars just on sales. For other people,
they want their book to be part of their
platform or something else they do. For
others, it's because they're going to
build a long term fiction authorship
like JK Rowling or someone else that you
love and have followed for many years.
Whatever that is, the purpose for
your book exists as the biggest part
that walks you through every step of the
publishing process. Know your endgame.
Well, I had one book that was out there
purely for income. One of my books serves
purely to get me clients, another one of
my books serves purely at the center to
help me get speaking engagements. And
while I know that the content is great
and I would never write a book subpar
just for another purpose, but if I clear
on that purpose it makes it a lot easier
for me to go through the publishing and
the marketing process. So again, I'll
leave with how I began. Congratulations
as you walk through this and while you
might get a few bumps on the road, stay
because book authorship is really
exciting. And watching your book grow and
help and change and entertain others is
rewarding. So I wish you all the best in
this process as you publish your book on
Amazon and hope you'll keep us posted
and let us know. Feel free to leave in
the comments below a little bit about
your book that's either in process are
completed because we'd love to celebrate
and cheer you on there. Have a great day!
Thanks for watching Hero TV today and
thanks Michelle for sharing your wisdom
with us and experience. This is the book.
This is the one that she just launched.
I'll put some details in the description
below so you can check it out. Remember
to live on purpose,
Be the hero
What was the second one?
Make a difference
and be the hero!
How to make money from adsene account - Duration: 2:45.
hello Namaste
Today I am going to teach you how to earn money from youtube
You hear people earn many amount of money from online
If you have and video in youtube and you have a 1000 views then only youtube pay you 1 dollor
If you want to earn money fast in youtube then you must have adsense account
At first you have to go in google adsense and sign up and press create a account and click there
After that this page is open in here you have to place your real name, real address and real contact number
After complete this page google send you a verification code in your phone no you have to summit that code after this page
To approved your adsense account it's take 3 days to 1 week you have to wait until the account approved
After approved your adsense account you have to go your youtube channel
click creator studio
Edit the video
You can see monetization option there your have to click to enable
In down there is add option tick in those add option and click in save bottom
After complete this youtube give you add in your video from that add you can earn lots of money
Only increasing views you cannot earn more money by this add you can earn money
Make a adsense account and don't try to make 2 adsense account from your one email id
If make 2 adsense id then google will disable your adsense account
If you want to make then use other family member details for new gmail account and make adsense account
never try to make 2 adsense account from your own id
Otherwise adsense disable your account
Like this you can put add in your channel and you can earn money
Thank you
If you Like this vedio plese like my like and comment in it
Please Subscribe my channel
How To Earn Money Online $5-20 A Day (With proof )!!! Live Payment 2017 - Duration: 3:11.
HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS 10 (EASILY) - Duration: 1:44.
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Searching For How to Quit Smoking ? Drink This Tea And You Will Stop Smoking In 72 Hours - Duration: 1:42.
Quitting smoking is a difficult job despite the different treatmentS being offered as
a solution.
Smoking is so bad for our health that every smoker wants to quit the habit due to different
reasons – some see saving some money as motivation, while others want to be healthier.
Smoking significantly increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, heart disease, cataract
and cancer, as well as other serious health problems.
Once you stop smoking, the changes will be shortly visible on your body.
Your skin's quality and appearance will be much improved, and your teeth and nails
won't be stained like before.
Although quitting is a tough and time-consuming process, there's one natural remedy which
can help you get rid of it effectively.
Here's how to prepare it:
Lemon essential oil Eucalyptus essential oil
Black pepper PREPARATION
Mix the essential oils in equal amounts, then add a pinch of black pepper and mix again.
Now, soak a cotton ball in the mixture and put it under your nose, whenever you feel
the need for a cigarette.
Inhale the vapors deeply until the urge disappears.
Using the remedy regularly will help you stop smoking in only a few days – continue using
it until you no longer have the desire to smoke.
One of the many problems that make quitting smoking difficult is anxiety, which may lead
to frustration, irritability and depression.
Luckily, the amazing remedy can help you stay relaxed and reduce the symptoms of anxiety,
which will help you stop smoking easier.
How To Do Hard Reset Of Lenovo K6 Power || Full setup after Reset || Lenovo k6 power - Duration: 6:09.
In this video we are going to hard reset lenovo k6 power
Remember that before reset your battery should be above 30℅
Elvis Presley - Anyway You Want Me ( That's How I Will Be) [ CC] - Duration: 2:17.
I'll be a strong as a mountain,
Or weak as a willow tree,
Anyway you want me,
Well, that's how I will be.
I'll be as tame as a baby,
Or wild as the raging sea,
Anyway you want me,
Well,that's how I will be.
In your hands my heart is clay,
To take and hold as you may.
I'm what you make me, you've only to take me,
And in your arms I will stay-ay-ay
I'll be a fool or a wise man,
My darling you hold the key,
Yes, anyway you want me,
Well,that's how I will be,
I will be.
Cách chế tạo đồ chơi con quay Spinner có đèn LED - How to make Toy LED Hand Spinner - Top Video - Duration: 5:41.
Custard Recipe | How To Make Custard Pudding With Custard Powder | Plain Custard Recipe - Duration: 2:55.
How To Find Your Passion! (Learn What You Enjoy Doing) - Duration: 4:08.
Hey everybody.
In this video, as you can see, I am at the park and the park is actually a place that
I grew up in.
Speaking of the park and this is where I grew up, as a kid I thought everything was set
in stone.
I thought my first friends were going to be my best friends for life.
I thought my first interest was going to be my only interest for life, which was like
sports, basketball, soccer.
I thought that my happiness would never change, but, I was wrong.
So anyways, this video is going to be about finding your life passion.
What does it actually take to find that life passion of yours that you know you deeply,
deeply want.
What are the benefits of having a life passion and knowing it and being able to apply it
to your daily life?
Well, the basic first benefit is just being able to feel peace of mind and calmness in
that you do know your passion and you can apply it.
The next is that you can feel that you are doing something with your life that, you are
not wasting your life, you know.
A lot of the time we get this illusion that other people are doing more than us so we
are kind of behind and we should hurry up and copy them or something.
No, that's never the answer.
Being unoriginal is never the answer.
You are always going to want to do stuff from your heart.
Don't ride another person's wave, so to speak.
Ride your own wave.
Anyways to find out what you are truly passionate about, it starts with seeing what you do in
your personal free time.
If you actually gave yourself a whole day to do whatever you actually want, complete
freedom, what would it be that you do?
Would it be hanging out with your friends at the coffee shop?
Maybe you would go ride rollercoasters.
Maybe it would be stay at home and read books.
Whatever it is that you would truly do out of your heart, that is what's closest to your
passion, and once you can figure that out, if it is not your passion exactly, then there
is going to be a whole field to explore.
For example, if your passion turns out to be cooking, if that's what you would enjoy,
going to the store, getting stuff for food, you know cooking a meal, then, you might want
to go in the field of being a cook or something, maybe owning a restaurant.
If you prefer just staying at home and reading, that is your passion.
It's what you are interested in.
You can't fake it.
A passion is not something you can just manifest to be your passion.
It has to be your true passion.
My true passion is this, making self help videos.
I also like spirituality and stuff like that.
So yeah, once you find out what you truly enjoy doing freely, it's not going to be anymore
about forcing anything.
You are going to start doing that which comes naturally to you.
And, once you do that, do it more and more and more.
That would be my advice to you so that you can actually start getting more and more fruits
out of actually doing what you love.
And the last bit of advice, don't be afraid of what you truly enjoy.
And, don't let anybody tell you that it's not a passion.
Whatever you like is your passion.
How Bad Do You Want To Awaken? (Robert Adams Satsang) - Duration: 1:34:02.
How to Lower Lead Levels with Diet- Breakfast, Whole Grains, Milk, Tofu? - Duration: 5:45.
How To Scuba-Dive Like a the Bronx - Duration: 3:14.
But sometimes I feel like a mad scientist when I'm mixing gases, you know?
Put a little oxygen in, put a little helium in, putting this in, putting that in.
Should I give you the Captain Morgan look?
There's a three foot mound of snow ... Not even snow.
Now it's ice out in front.
I would need a crew of like ten people to chop through this thing and I'm sure the YMCA
is doing the same thing.
My name is Mike Carew.
I'm the owner and operator of Captain Mike's Diving.
We've been here in City Island for 25, 26 years and I've been asked all the time, "You
have a scuba diving shop in New York.
City Island in the Bronx?"
You know?
Is it a disadvantage being up here other than being in the Caribbean?
And actually the answer I'm going to say is no.
A lot of people don't think about diving when they think about New York.
They only think about the rivers around Manhattan.
They forget about the tributaries off in the suburbs.
We go out in the ocean, we'll get 50 foot visibility.
We've got lobsters, fish.
We've got a lot of different things.
People don't realize what we have in New York here.
I've found bottles that date back to the 1700's.
We're finding plates, dishes, pieces of ship.
And we're looking for that treasure.
City Island is like a quaint New England village in New York.
It was settled in the 1600's with the Dutch.
It's been a clamming/fishing village as far back as then.
It's a nautical island and a nautical community.
I've grown up around the water at an early age.
I've always had a fascination with the water.
People found out I was a diver and started asking me to look for their lost objects,
their watches, their keys, their outboard motors.
It was a great sport and it actually really became a career.
I dove for the New York City police department for over 10 years.
I've dove most of the areas of New York City.
Some of the jobs I've went on, you didn't know what you were getting into.
You get the call, "You're going to go on a job."
You're jumping out of a helicopter at three o'clock in the morning, going into an area
you've never been before, and your mission is to make that rescue, make that job happen.
You'd show up and you have multiple victims you're trying to get out of the water.
They're scared, it's night, the water's cold and you have multiple people climbing on you,
trying to get out of the water.
That's another thing.
We don't wait for weather.
Weather doesn't wait for us.
We've got to go when the call comes in and you've got to be able to perform that task.
Once you learn how to dive up here, you can dive anywhere in the world.
This is where we live, this is what we do.
All right?
It would be like saying, "Why don't you live in Florida?"
I'm a New Yorker, and here I am.
I'm here to show you diving in New York.
How To Draw House and Paint with Water Color - Learn Rainbow Colors Pages for Kids - KIDS TOYS - Duration: 7:01.
HOW TO | Stretch Natural Hair with Curlformers - Duration: 5:13.
Hey guys it's Mz Kegz and I'm back
with another video. And I'm currently
doing a series on the different ways
that I stretch my natural hair. The
reason I started my natural hair,
just short and simple, maintenance. It
makes styling of my hair easier. If you
want a further explanation of
why I stretch my hair, just click on the
link and you'll definitely get that.
So here's a quick texture shot of my
hair. I have type 4 hair which is a mix
of A, B and C. I would say my hair is more
prominently B, for sure. By the title you
already know I'm using curlformers to
stretch my hair. Disclaimer I'm using
bootleg curlformers because you know a
girl is cheap and she's a student and
you can't afford expensive curlformers.
At the time when I bought them curlformer
were definitely a big trend in
the natural community, so
the real curlformers were like around
$100 but I got mine on Amazon the
bootleg version which was like $40 but
they're probably cheaper now. As you can
see conformers are very long, do not
let the shape fool you because when you
uncoil it they go up to a great length.
Taking the hook pushes through the
bottom of the curlformer.
Taking a small section of your hair moisturize and just
detangle it so it's prepped for the curlformer
and it is easy to pull through.
Now you want to twist the root this
allows all your strands to become
compacted together making it easier for
the hook to lock onto your hair. Once it
is hooked on you want to push up the
curlformer itself so that the gap of the
hook is closed once the gap is closed
and secure take your other hand and pull
out from the bottom of the curlformer of
the latch hook. I'm going to note be
cautious not to twist your roots too
tight or it will hurt when you go to
sleep or when it is letting them air dry,
as you can see my roots are secure but
they're not tight so it's easy for my
hair to move with the curlformers.
Now I do this all over my head and then
I could either let it air-dry, I usually
do this at night so I have to sleep on
the curlformers. To get that blow out
look you want to separate each curl, then
taking a hair clip
you hold the separated curls in a
stretch state. You take a strand, you
separate it and then you clip it in
place with a hair clip. Again take a
strand, separate it then clip it in place
with a hair clip. When taking out curlformers
you do not just pull it, that will rip out
your hair. You have to go to the top of
the curlformer by the root and pop it
open then you uncoil the curl and then
you drag. So pop it and coil, drag. Pop it
and coil, drag. As you can see the curlformers
give you an appearance of a
Shirley Temple type curl which I'm not
really a fan of but you could definitely
manipulate this and create a good style.
If you would like to see a style tell me
maybe I could do it but let's move on.
Then after I'm done taking them all out
I go through my hair with oil and
separate even further depending on the
style that I want to do.
Then I Bantu Knot my hair so it could be
stretched even further.
Here is the final results as you can see my hair is
definitely stretched out compared to my
I hope you enjoyed this video please
check out my last video regarding ways I
stretch my hair using a blow dryer if
that interests you. PLEASE LIKE THIS
VIDEO, SHARE, COMMENT below and I'll see
you guys next time, bye.
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