That is holding you back in life, and this video explains why.
Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life.
A dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can
have pleasure in your spare time.
Rather, look for a situation in which your work gives you
as much pleasure as your spare time.
Those are the words
of Pablo Picasso and I couldn't agree with them more.
We live in a society today that promotes and pushes this idea
of a vacation mindset of seeking pleasure, of seeking leisure
outside of your work life.
And it's completely backwards.
And that's what you need to find in your life.
Break away from this seeking leisure, looking forward
to vacation, trying to get an escape.
It's a Saturday right now, I'm at the office here in Vancouver,
filming this video.
A lot of people think I'm crazy.
I love what I do, I'm invested in this.
This energizes me.
And most people out there are just unwinding, taking
time off, getting the R&R.
And I think that's a backwards way
to live your life.
That is my opinion, that is completely backwards
way to live your life, that is the common way to live your life.
But I encourage you to seek something that doesn't feel
like work for you.
To seek something that you can invest your
full heart and soul into.
And not look for this divide of "It's
5 o'clock, I gotta go home" or "It's the weekend, I gotta
do things I like now".
I bought into that, I bought
into that lie myself for years!
I worked my ass off for years
doing stuff I wasn't invested in, on doing stuff I wasn't passionate
about to a point where I could finally go and live in Thailand
on the beach.
A dream I was pursuing, the four hour work week.
This vacation mindset: retire early, retire young.
I did it.
I speak from experience here.
And yes, it was fun, it was exciting.
But after a little while
the high wore off, and it became empty.
It became meaningless.
I actually started to get depressed.
And I started asking myself questions: why is this?
I worked so hard for so many years to achieve this,
I'm here in Thailand.
Most people would say I'm leaving the dream.
Yet I'm empty.
And I went deep within myself and asked myself
these questions: what went wrong?
I bought into a lie!
Here I am, achieving everything I thought I wanted, and it's empty.
And I realized it's a sense of contribution you need to be making.
It's a sense of doing something that you're naturally pulled towards
and it's so enjoyable for you that the idea, the question of taking
time off is not even within your mindset.
Now don't get me wrong, of course it's good to take time off,
go on vacation, explore the world, do new things.
But I believe we are way too far on this side, of like having this
divide in our lives where we compartmentalize our work life,
our home life, our enjoyable times in life, our retirement, right?
"Working towards retirement".
That's old school mentality, alright?
Get away from that!
Get away from this 9 to 5, you're done work.
What doesn't feel like work?
What doesn't feel like work?
That's the question you need to ask yourself,
that's what you need to start doing.
You wanna blur the lines between….
(background screams)
There's a crazy person outside, I don't know if you hear them.
Anyways, you wanna blur the lines between work and play.
There is so many benefits to this, not only it will give you
an immediate advantage in whatever your chosen vocation is,
because you don't have this divide, and this….
(more background screams)
Not only are you not gonna be miserable from most of your
waking hours which you're at work, but you won't be in this
constant seeking mode, taking time off and pleasure
because you've completely integrated that in your life,
you've blurred the lines of work and play.
There is no divide.
That's what you want to get to.
It puts you at an immediate advantage over anyone else in
your chosen vocation because you're not restricted to this
boundary that you've set for yourself, where you have to take
the time off, and you only have this limited focus on what you're
doing for work and the rest of the time you're doing what you
really enjoy.
What you really enjoy?
Who's making the rules here?
Who made the rules "from 9 to 5", "weekends off",…
It's an old school mindset, don't fall for that.
I'm gonna go out in a bit, there's a friend from Seattle
visiting me here in Vancouver, I'm gonna go have lunch with him
I'm gonna have a good time, I'm gonna have some time off.
But I'm going to be coming back here after, and doing more videos
because I love to do it, and I would rather do nothing else with my weekend.
Find that thing for you guys, it's so important.
Please subscribe if you liked this video,
give it a thumbs up if you liked this video.
Leave a comment, I wanna know where you're at in your life
and how this relates to you.
Do you disagree with me?
Do you agree with me?
Let's start a discussion here,
I'm cool with having feedback and talking with you guys
I wanna know what your thoughts are.
We'll see you in the next video.
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