5 Reasons Why You Should Watch 'American Gods' Tonight On Starz.
"The only thing that scares me, is being forgotten." ~ Mr. Wednesday, American Gods
American Gods premieres tonight on Starz, and if you have any interest in history, mythology, fantasy and horror you should tune in.
The TV series, based on the Neil Gaiman novel, is a weird, slow burn pocked with moments of extreme violence and bizarre visuals. It's fantasy Americana and from what I've seen, it's one you won't want to miss.
The story follows Shadow Moon (Ricky Whittle) a recent ex-con and child of hippies as he leaves prison, only to find his world turned upside down. He runs into the mysterious Mr. Wednesday (Ian McShane) and the two embark on a great adventure into America's forgotten heartland and unseen places.
It's not your average TV show or your average fantasy, and I won't spoil it any more with summary than this barebones premise. Instead, here's a handful of reasons why you should tune in tonight.
American Gods is a road trip movie unlike any other. Fans of Logan might want to take note here. That film eschewed super-hero movie conventions, coupling Western themes and road trip adventure rather than grand, flashy special effects and time travel.
American Gods is a road trip fantasy, scrawled out across the green fields of the Midwest. Its magic is not exactly mundane, but it casts aside genre tropes and plucks its mystery from the pages of history and custom.
Indeed, American Gods is less urban fantasy than rural fantasy. Our heroes avoid freeways. Their journey takes them down the back roads of middle America. "You've seen one highway, you've seen them all," Mr. Wednesday snaps at Shadow as they drive. "No highways!" Stops in cities are fleeting. We are always simply Somewhere in America. And it turns out there's a magic to these lost and distant places.
American Gods is a story about immigrants.Unlike most stories of immigrants, American Gods is less a story of individual people and more a story of the customs, history and, of course, gods of the immigrants, slaves and explorers who came to America.
"This is the only country in the world that wonders what it is," Mr. Wednesday muses. Perhaps that's because American is made up of so many disparate pieces, so many stories and beliefs.
So we're introduced to various histories and immigrants, from stranded vikings to African slaves aboard a slaver's ship to Middle-Eastern cabbies. Many of these stories are introduced through short vignettes that take place alongside the main story rather than within it.
In American Gods we see these beliefs in the flesh, as dwindling manifestations of once powerful conviction. The old gods, come to America, once-hot flames now merely embers in the smoldering pit of modern America.
American Gods asks us to question our faith in technology.Fantasy and science-fiction are often lumped into the same genre, but in many ways they're completely at odds. The former is concerned with belief, magic, the unknown and inexplicable.
The latter is obsessed with technology, science, and the tangible. In some ways, this is what American Gods is attempting to examine, this division between faith and science.
None of this is to say that fantasy and science fiction can't work toward the same thematic ends. Indeed, science-fiction often warns of the dangers of technology gone awry, of unchecked human meddling and the thirst for power.
Science fiction as cautionary tale is a close neighbor to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, which itself was a parable about unchecked power in the industrial age.
American Gods is the story of a war brewing between the Old Gods---those forgotten immigrant gods---and the New Gods: Media, Technology, Money. The things people used to worship and the things they worship now.
These cheap newcomers and golden calves, big-screen TVs and social media stand in stark contrast to the brooding, mysterious and unfathomable old gods, whose power stems from blind obeisance and hard faith, or sometimes simply need.
American Gods is the kind of show that happily throws our cell phone out the window. What does it mean to believe, anyways? What does it mean to reason?
American Gods embraces the absurd.American Gods is a weird show. It's a fantasy set in modern America, that drifts between dreams and reality, airports and bone orchards, as easily as shadows between shade. The visual effects are outlandish rather than realistic, and Shadow's dreams often look like fantastical television sets.
There's a twisted gaudiness to it that may not click with everyone. Personally, I found the art direction grew on me over time, as did much about American Gods. The magic here is real, but not of the sorcerous variety, and the show achieves many of its oddest moments by embracing the absurd.
The same often goes for the dialogue. We, as viewers, see more than Shadow does, privy as we are to the short vignettes and other perspectives. But we're still in Shadow's shoes, as confused and baffled as he is much of the time.
Dialogue between the show's cast of mysterious characters is often opaque enough to leave us guessing. Especially if you're a newcomer to the story (and haven't read the book) you might find yourself wondering what exactly is going on.
That's okay. You're supposed to be confused. Thankfully we have a great cast of actors and some splendid writing to help us along the way.
In some ways American Gods improves over the book.It's been a while since I read American Gods. I chose to not re-read the book prior to watching the show so that I'd be less likely to constantly compare the two. I find that I enjoy an adaptation better if not every piece of the story is etched clearly in my memory.
As Shadow says at one point, "The very best thing about memory is it's mostly about forgetting." Then, too, I'm not quite sure I want to re-read the book.
I may be crucified for this, but I was never a huge fan of the novel American Gods. It had some very clever ideas, and I absolutely loved the con-jobs, which are a big part of the book and the TV show, but beyond that it left me a little cold.
It was a little too dry, a little too slow, and often felt like it was trying a little too hard to cobble together a story that often didn't quite add up. In some ways, though my memory remains foggy, I feel like the show actually improves over the book.
Perhaps it's merely that the tapestry becomes more colorful onscreen, or that the characters feel more life-like, but there's a richness here that was missing in Gaiman's prose.
Perhaps, too, the book's not-airtight-premise simply works better as a TV show. We'll have to see how the rest of it plays out.
Oh, and it's going to be controversial. A few of the sex scenes are going to ruffle feathers. I'm very curious to see how the show is received, especially in terms of its approach to various racial and cultural groups.
American Gods airs tonight at 9pm Eastern Time. Look for my review of the Season Premiere afterwards.
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For more infomation >> American Gods Revew/American Gods Book/ American Gods TV Show - Duration: 11:10.-------------------------------------------
Reince Priebus Just Leaked Trump's New Plan on TV and Scared the Media $hitless - Duration: 2:16.
Reince Priebus Just Leaked Trump's New Plan on TV and Scared the Media $hitless
Reince Priebus has gone and done it now.
Today he went on TV with a message from President Trump and threatened the media with their
WORST nightmare.
When ABC host Johnathan Karl asked Priebus about Trump's threat to hold the media accountable,
the Chief of Staff dropped a bombshell.
He said Donald Trump may change the Libel Laws so you can SUE the Lying Media.
Priebus told Karl, "I think it's something we have looked at, and how that gets executed
or whether that goes anywhere is a different story."
It's not only for their lies about Trump, either.
Priebus thinks it's time we crack down on the use of "anonymous sources" to push
political agendas.
"I think this is a frustration of unnamed sources of things that the FBI has told me
personally is complete BS, written in a newspaper article, in my office, one on one, 'this,
here, is not true."
That's a man with a mission right there.
Oh, and just in case y'all forgot Trump's pledge back during the campaign, it went a
little something like this…
Hey, I work in the media and I have seen how dangerous some of these guys are.
Sure, the free press NEEDS protection, but these big guys combine those laws with armies
of lawyers to make themselves untouchable.
If you think it's time we hold them to account, then help spread Reince Priebus and Trump's
message and let's make it happen.
Domestic Violence in Mercy Aigbe's Marriage, Her Instagram Post Hints How True. | Pulse TV - Duration: 1:54.
Is Mercy Aigbe Going Through Domestic Violence in Her Marriage?
Our findings show that Mercy Aigbe posted on her Instagram that real men don't hit their
wives while her husband, Lanre Gentry replied insinuating that promiscuity could lead a
woman being beaten.
According to Linda Ikeji's blog, Mercy Aigbe has been enduring domestic violence for a
long time in her marriage but it has gotten worse lately.
Mercy Aigbe and her husband were reportedly in a nasty fight last week that left the actress
with severe injuries and she's still receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital in Lagos.
This is not the first time domestic violence allegations have trailed Mercy Aigbe's marriage.
In 2013, it was reported that Mercy Aigbe was beaten up by her husband at a public event.
The event allegedly happened on Sunday April 7,2013 at recorded TV Show for Oodua Amounmaworan
John Hancock And Samuel Adams Decide To Stay In The Future | Season 1 Ep. 7 | MAKING HISTORY - Duration: 1:04.
Chris, can you take the boys here back to 1775?
We have to go fix the freezer.
Bag us, Daddy.
Hey, I might be able to use your help
with something at work.
I mean, you guys signed the Declaration of Independence.
The what, now?
The-- the Declaration of Independence.
In our line of work, we sign a lot of signs.
- Go through a lot of quills. - Mhm.
Not enough pigeons in the pond.
I'd love to hear everything you
could tell me about your time.
Any chance you two would want to stay a couple days?
Well, we have our own important business
to attend to in the past.
We're building a wall between Massachusetts and Connecticut.
And we're going to force Connecticut to pay for it.
I have a ton of beer.
We're staying in the future!
Linda Is Finally In Charge Of The Bake Sale | Season 7 Ep. 19 | BOB'S BURGERS - Duration: 1:43.
[panting] Did you get it?
Did you get it?
[laughs] I got it!
Woo! Yes!
What are you--
what are you guys talking about?
The bake sale, the Wagstaff School bake sale.
What am I talking about?
Oh, right.
You-- you-- you know about that?
Yeah, Linda told me about it.
She ran it three years ago, and Colleen Caviello tagged
it to make Linda look bad.
Yeah, she went behind my back and told
everyone to bring banana bread, so we
had nothing but banana bread.
Oh, right.
I looked like an idiot.
You did.
And ever since then, Colleen's taken
it over and run the bake sale like it's
her own exclusive club.
But now, it's Linda's turn again.
Yeah, Mr. Frond called last night.
I'm going to show Mean Colleen Cavi-smello how it's done.
So wait, wait, whoa, whoa.
Back up.
You new last night? - Yeah.
And you didn't call me?
That's fine.
I was up thinking about it.
But that's fine.
Oh, yeah.
[phone rings]
Bob's Burgers.
This is Linda.
Mr. Frond!
You must be calling about the bake sale.
I was thinking we could do a theme
like masquerade or Vegas, baby!
Oh, no.
One of us will be right there.
Louise is in big trouble, and one of us
has to go down to the office.
Oh, OK.
Yeah, me.
I just got the bake sale.
I am not going to lose it because one of our kids
is a delinquent. - Right.
You've worked too hard, Linda.
You've come too far.
Do not lose this!
- OK, OK, I'm not. - Don't lose it!
- I'm not. - Where's your keys?
Do you have everything? - Oh, my keys.
My keys. Oh, I got them.
They're in my purse. - OK, wait, wait, wait.
Let me fix you hair. - I've got to go.
I got to go. - OK.
OK, go!
Lucifer's Relationship With Mom | Season 2 | LUCIFER - Duration: 1:15.
Previously on Lucifer.
Someone's escaped from Hell.
Who escaped Hell?
If she's not coming to kill, me then
I don't know what she's doing.
That's truly terrifying.
Help me.
What does Father want?
I think he wants me to bring our jailbird back.
I told you that you could stay here until I've figured out how
to reconcile my deal with Dad--
and now I have.
You shall remain right here on Earth, amongst the creatures
you so despise, as one of them.
We shouldn't be here.
The only place I've ever felt wanted or respected--
Is here, with humanity?
Mom and I are going to find a way to get back to the Silver
City, one way or another.
We're going home, son.
And Chloe is the key.
This is your father's doing.
He put her in your path.
So, none of it was real?
I mean, how can I trust anything-- anyone--
now that I know he might be behind it all?
Well, you can trust me.
Can I, Mom?
You're as bad a she is.
I'm tired of being a pawn.
I'm done.
t.v show Vs reality Part 1 - Duration: 4:38.
Mr. Penguin!
Optakt mod Aalborg Freja - FCD-TV - Duration: 1:28.
Silicon Valley' Star Amanda Crew Gets A Penis Pic From A Stranger | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:32.
IT'S 3:00!
Mahojiano na Sam Kitojo - Sehemu ya 2-Taswira za Filamu na TV - Duration: 4:53.
Dillo con parole mie -Ep 5 Bisogni By Crispa Tv - Duration: 5:01.
Erica And Gail Share A Kiss | Season 3 Ep. 16 | THE LAST MAN ON EARTH - Duration: 0:58.
GAIL: Big day.
ERICA: The day.
GAIL: Are you excited?
ERICA: I'm so happy.
GAIL: Oh yeah, I am too.
What are you thinking about?
ERICA: Someone very special to me.
GAIL: I wonder who that could be.
ERICA: Oh Gail.
You're my rock.
GAIL: And you're my roll.
Lucifer's Relationship With Uriel | Season 2 | LUCIFER - Duration: 1:16.
Previously on Lucifer
So, you're the devil, and you've left Hell behind to take
a vacation in Los Angeles?
Well, where else would I go?
What does Father want?
I think he wants me to bring our jailbird back.
You made a deal to return Mom to hell.
In exchange, Chloe's life was spared.
What if dad decides to take back his side of the deal?
Hello, brother.
You have 24 hours, or I'll finish what
I started with your detective.
I'm letting Uriel take me back to Hell.
There is always another way.
That's Azrael's blade.
You're not planning on taking Mom back to Hell.
That weapon will wipe her out of existence entirely.
No, Heaven, no Hell, just--
Because you made it so difficult,
now I'm gonna take out Mom and the detective.
Where's Uriel?
What have I done?
Why do you feel guilty?
Uriel didn't just die.
I killed him.
I need you to be honest with me about who you are.
No more lies.
Very well.
이달의소녀탐구 #106 (LOOΠΔ TV #106) - Duration: 0:44.
(Spring is right around the corner in Busan)
(HaSeul&ViVi are doing a photo shoot with flowers)
HaSeul : I thought Busan is warmer than Seoul. But why is it so cold..?
ViVi : It's colder than I thought it would be!
(But HaSeul&ViVi does their best despite the cold weather)
HaSeul : The shooting is ended
HaSeul : so I'm going back to the car to rest
HaSeul : Don't you envy me?
HaSeul : Now, it's time to go to the other place
HaSeul : Shall we go?
HaSeul : Let's go?
ViVi : Yes!?
ViVi : Go~
'Do you know where you're going?'
HaSeul : No
ViVi : I don't know~
If this man is playing on the wings, the audience will get on their feet.
The man that always follows his gut, ladies and gentlemen: Justin Kluivert!
You have already made your debut for Ajax, but now you're gonna make your debut for Touzani TV.
And all of my guests bring a prize, so what did you bring for our viewers?
- You can win a pair of my beautiful shoes.
Those shoes are sick. I think I'm gonna keep them for myself.
So how can you win them? Follow Justin on Instagram, I'll post the link in the description...
subscribe to this channel and post a comment saying why you want to win these fantastic boots.
Thanks to the small screen of the camera, all I can think about is how ugly I am next to you.
How many times have you already been proposed to?
- No, no, not that many.
Not that many?
- I'm still young.
When I watch you play, you make me think of Dortmund's Dembélé.
You can dribble with your left and with your right foot.
Or, no, wait a second. Dembélé makes me think of you.
We're on a playground...
Who were you back in the days?
Kids always like to be someone on the playground...
a professional footballer.
- Cristiano Ronaldo.
I can do magic.
I will give you the voice of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Can you believe it?
- I don't believe you.
That's what I wanted to hear.
I'm gonna show you a few photos of players when they were still very young...
even younger than you are now.
And you have to guess who they are.
First one.
- Rooney.
Nice. Nice.
Second one.
- Messi, I immediately saw it.
You did?
And I thought I picked hard ones.
- No, this was easy.
Okay, but if you know this one, you're a real boss.
A real boss.
These two were still pretty simple, right?
- Balotelli.
How can you immediately see that?
Some people piss on trees...
we're gonna kick a ball in a tree. That's today's challenge.
If you kick the ball in the tree, the loser has to get it out...
so you have to climb, climb, climb, climb.
Rock, paper, scissors to see who's starting.
I am going first.
So, if I kick the ball in the tree, Justin has to climb, climb, climb, climb.
- High.
Everything high.
- One shot.
And I was acting tough and all.
Climb, climb, climb, climb. - Climb, climb, climb, climb.
I suck at climbing, to be honest with you.
I really thought I was going to win.
- Touzani TV in the tree.
Where's the ball? - Over there.
- Somewhere in the jungle.
- Make sure it doesn't break.
- You're falling.
Do not try this at home.
- Now everybody is going to do that.
- Almost, almost.
- Keep shaking.
Shake that ass. Shake! Shake!
King Kong!
Okay, that was today's video with Justin Kluivert.
Did you like it? Don't forget the thumbs up...
Leave a comment saying why you want to win Justin's football boots...
and don't forget to follow him on Instagram, I'll post the link in the description.
See you! Later! Ciao!
- Now you only need to get down.
How do I get down?
- Your foot is stuck, man.
My right foot is stuck.
LG B7 2017 OLED TV Professional Expert Review - Duration: 13:01.
In this video, I'm going to do a professional, scientific review of the LG B7 TV, and I guarantee
you'll learn something you don't already know about the Korean brand's 2017 OLED televisions.
Keep watching.
Hello everyone, this is Vincent Teoh from HDTVTest here...
I'm a professional TV reviewer and calibrator.
In this channel, we do scientific TV reviews like this, video interviews, settings tips
and tricks, and also the odd unboxing video, so if you're new to this channel, I would
appreciate you subscribing by clicking this button right here.
Let's get on with the review, starting with the design of the LG OLED55B7.
Because OLED TVs don't require a separate backlight unit, they can be made very slim,
and that's the case with the LG B7.
The black bezel is encased in a brushed silver metallic trim which extends around the back.
The bottom half of the rear chassis is finished in white, and becomes thicker to accommodate
the TV's processing, power circuit, connection ports and speakers.
To increase the picture immersion for users, LG has removed the logo that's normally
found on the bottom of the screen, and put it on the metallic crescent stand instead.
All the connections are located on the left side of the display, including four HDMI 2.0b
inputs with HDCP 2.2.
After setting up the LG OLED55B7V, we went straight into the service menu to find out
more details about the television.
As you can hopefully see for yourself, the B7 uses an inhouse M16P chipset which is the
same one found on the step-up E7 and W7... the company is telling the truth when it says
all of its 2017 OLEDs use the same SoC or System on Chip.
What this means is that even a £3000 B7 or C7 should deliver essentially identical picture
quality to the £8000 flagship W series, although there may be slight variation from one unit
to another.
But such variations will occur even within the same model range anyway.
Continuing our exploration of the service menu of the LG B7, we can see that the default
compensation cycle is exactly the same as that on 2016 models...
four hours of accumulated operation for a routine compensation cycle, and 2000
hours for a major one.
In case you're wondering, compensation cycles are implemented on OLED TVs to correct uniformity
issues, and are very effective in clearing up image retention.
If you've looked at my previous video where I was given 6 hours to test the E7 and W7
in San Francisco, you'll know that LG's 2017 OLEDs have cleaner and clearer above-black
handling than 2016 sets.
The LG OLED55B7 is no different.
When we watched a dark sequence in Skyfall towards the end of the movie where Javier
Bardem is approaching the chapel, the darker shades in the sky were noticeably less noisy
and pixellated than 2016 OLEDs.
If you've been troubled by excessive noise, macroblocking and pixellation in very dark
scenes especially when watching low bit-rate content on the 2016 LG OLEDs such as the B6,
C6 or E6, then you'll be pleased to know that this has improved a lot on the B7, C7, E7, G7 and
In my opinion, this is the single biggest reason that would tempt me to buy a 2017 LG
OLED over a 2016 one.
Near-black uniformity is very slightly improved over 2016 models.
On our B7 retail unit which was supplied by a shop, there's no vignetting whatsoever when
we put up 1% to 4% above-black full-field patterns to check in a pitch-black room.
Last year's LG B6 tend to exhibit some minor vignetting especially on the right side
of the screen.
However, there's little improvement in terms of thin streaks of vertical banding just above
black, although we rarely saw them in real-life viewing.
I'm not sure if you've spotted the blob surrounding the text at the bottom left of the screen,
but that's a mechanism to blunt the high-contrast, sharp edges on static logos and texts to combat
image retention.
Don't be alarmed if you see it on your TV... it's normal, it's been on the LG OLED TVs for as long as we
can remember, but perhaps more noticeable on 2017 models because of increased brightness.
Which brings us to the next area of improvement: bright scenes will generally look brighter
on the B7 compared with the B6, because LG engineers have reduced the ABL or Automatic
Brightness Limiter on their 2017 OLEDs.
Let me explain what ABL or Automatic Brightness Limiter is.
On self-emissive displays such as CRTs, plasmas and now OLEDs, a bright, full-screen image
will draw a lot of power, since every pixel has to be driven quite hard.
To control power consumption and to stop components overheating, ABL is implemented to dim the
screen when how bright the overall picture is exceeds a certain threshold.
My esteemed colleague at HDTVTest, David Mackenzie, has authored an ABL test pattern which you
can see here being displayed on the LG B7.
The test pattern consists of an expanding black circle, then an expanding white circle.
As the amount of white increases on screen, you can actually see the exact moment the
ABL kicks in, the moment when the white dims down to become light grey.
Now here's the amazing thing about LG's 2017 OLED TVs including the OLED55B7.
the engineers have designed them such that if peak white was calibrated to 150 nits,
there is no ABL at all!
As you can clearly see from the same test pattern here.
Why is this important?
It's all to do with contrast which can be crudely defined as white divided by black,
and contrast is the number one determinant of picture quality according to the ISF or
Imaging Science Foundation.
Now, we all know that all OLED TVs are capable of 0 cd/m2 blacks, so the most straightforward
way to get a higher contrast is by brightening the picture.
To be fair, this increase in perceived contrast is not very visible in movies, which is why
many publications understate the importance of reduced ABL.
The Average Picture Level or APL in movies is usually below 10%, especially when the
top and bottom black bars are taken into account.
Even the brightest known title, The Art of Flight which is a documentary about snowboarding,
has only been calculated to have an APL of 32%.
Where the less aggressive ABL on the 2017 LG OLEDs will become noticeable is on computer
pages or bright splash screens, as you can see from the title menu of the excellent AVSHD
test disc displayed on a 2017 OLED beside a 2016 one.
Similarly, Apple adverts and ice hockey matches will look punchier, with the whites not turning
Excessive adjustment of the [Colour Management System] or CMS can still introduce posterisation
artefacts, as you can see from this test pattern from the Spears and Munsil Blu-ray.
Luckily, on our retail sample which is NOT provided for review by LG, calibrating the
greyscale to an accurate level allowed the colours to fall into place quite nicely, so
we didn't need to touch the CMS at all.
When we watched some football in 1080i on the LG B7, we were surprised to see some repeatable
deinterlacing artefacts during slower passages of play, even with [TruMotion] switched off.
I've captured it on video, but due to compression it's going to be very difficult for you to
see in real time, so I'm going to slow the relevant part down.
Here's the first instance with [TruMotion] set to "Off", the ball is floating in the
air, wait for it, wait for it, boom, the ball splits into 3, with one artefact appearing
in front of the ball, and another appearing behind.
Next, let's check out the same footage with [TruMotion] off, and this time [Real Cinema]
off too.
Wait for it, wait for it, and bang.
The same deinterlacing artefact appears.
We troubleshooted with lots of different settings, and the only methods to eradicate the artefact
is by 1) by engaging [Game] mode.
Here's the footage - the ball is totally smooth as it travels through the air.
Also, if we send a 720p instead of 1080i signal, there's also no artefact, since the deinterlacing
is done by the set top box, not by the TV.
We think what's happening is that the LG B7 is confused by slower passages of play, and
misapplying film mode deinterlacing when it shouldn't.
The easiest way to avoid such artefacts is by sending a progressive rather than interlaced
video signal to the TV.
On a 10% window and with white point calibrated to D65 industry standard, peak brightness
measured 750 nits in HDR mode on our LG OLED55B7V retail sample.
We know LG has been claiming 1000 nits at two or three percent window in HDR vivid mode,
but the highest we could measure from our 55-inch B7 was 880 nits even under these conditions.
Maybe 1000 nits is only achievable on 65-inch models, or on selected panels.
We'll see.
LG's tone-mapping algorithm for its 2017 OLED TVs including the B7 tries to retain as much
specular highlight detail as possible within the constraints of its 750-nit peak brightness,
so the overall HDR image can look slightly darker, especially in 4K Blu-rays that are
mastered to 4000 nits.
We found it necessary to engage Active HDR - which is LG's technology to simulate dynamic
metadata from static metadata - to keep the picture bright enough.
Input lag measured 21 miliseconds in [Game] mode on the LG OLED55B7, but there's an even
better way to get the best of all worlds.
If you relabel the HDMI input as "PC", the input lag is also 21 miliseconds, and you
get the bonus of full 4:4:4 chroma, and you can still benefit from the accurate calibrated
colours in the [ISF Expert] modes.
Unfortunately this trick doesn't work in HDR - input lag was very high at around 104 miliseconds
even with the HDMI input relabelled to PC.
However, switching to HDR game mode dropped the input lag down to 21 miliseconds too,
and at least the [Colour Gamut] is not fixed to "Wide" so you can get more natural-looking
A few other publications have concluded that the 2017 LG OLEDs offer only minor improvements
over the 2016 sets, and advise people to get the 2016 models mostly on the basis of value
for money.
I respectfully disagree, but that's because I'm a video enthusiast with a discerning pair
of eyes.
If you ask me to put an arbitrary percentage of improvement on the LG B7 over the B6, let's
see, cleaner near-black handling with clearer shadow detail, let's put it conservatively
at 10%; less ABL for a brighter picture with higher perceived contrast, 5%; slightly better
upscaling, 3%; lower input lag with the potential for accurate colours and full 4:4:4 chroma
in SDR, 5%; the availability of two-point [White Balance] controls for more accurate
HDR colours, 5%; better HDR tone-mapping, 5%; improved anti-reflective filter that no
longer suffers from a magenta tint when hit by light, 2%.
When you add all these up together, we're talking about a 35% improvement over 2016
sets - of course it's just a random number I plucked out of the air, but don't let anyone
tell you the improvements are minor.
The Panasonic and Sony OLED TVs may beat the LG at certain things, but it will be extremely
close, and they are going to be more expensive.
The B7, any 2017 LG OLED in fact, will end up being one of the best TVs you can buy this
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Bob Asks Teddy To Help Him With The Restaurant | Season 7 Ep. 19 | BOB'S BURGERS - Duration: 1:32.
I like those outfits.
I put on spandex once.
I could get it off for a week.
Uh huh.
Went to the ER.
The doctor said if I was even five minutes later,
I would have lost a foot.
That was a fun Easter.
There you go.
Sorry for the wait.
Hey, can we get another round of beer, too?
And more fries, like a buttload.
That will just be a minute.
I'm by myself right now, I mean, my wife should be here.
I have a wife, she's just not here.
She's real though.
This is making me sound like I don't have a wife.
He does, he definitely does.
And I do too.
Teddy, stop it.
Yeah, her name is Karen McGillicuddy.
Oh god.
Hi, have a seat.
I'll be right with you.
Where is Linda.
Oh God, help me.
Teddy, I could actually use a hand.
Yeah, you won't regret this.
You will not regret it.
Oh boy.
Oh boy.
I am in.
I am ready.
Give me a think to put on.
Oh, use Linda's.
I'm already regretting this.
But I think you have to take the orders while I make everything.
I will not let you down, Bobby.
Hello and welcome to Bob's Burgers.
My name's Teddy and I'll be your server today.
Can I start you with some appetizers?
Any dietary restrictions I should know
about before we get going here? - Teddy.
Too much?
- Yes, dial it back. - I'll try.
Any birthdays?
Anyone celebrating a birthday?
Louis Gets In-School Suspension | Season 7 Ep. 19 | BOB'S BURGERS - Duration: 2:11.
Are you familiar with in-school suspension, Linda?
Uh, is it like you're suspended,
but you stay at school?
Mmm, not exactly.
It's-- yes, that's basically it.
We found that regular suspension was like a day
off for the children, whereas in school suspension is
more punitive and educational.
You sit alone in a room supervised by me
and write an essay on what they did wrong.
What did Louise do wrong?
She pulled down a boy's pants, exposing his underpants.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I only did it because Timmy and Scott
O'Brien took Pocket-Sized Rudy's lunch
and wouldn't give it back.
He's so little.
He needs to eat.
And no one else was helping.
Oh, knowing the O'Brien brothers, that's probably true,
Louise. But--
Thank you.
Am I a hero?
I don't know.
But Wagstaff has a zero tolerance pantsing policy.
We're part of a national program called
No Pants Pulled Off Behinds.
Your actions were not appropriate.
Well, sounds like she was trying to help another kid.
I was!
Linda, zero tolerance means zero
tolerance, not some tolerance.
Are we not on the same page?
Oh, no.
Same page, absolutely.
We're going to be working together on that bake sale,
and now, this whole thing happens.
You know?
A crazy world.
Mmm, yes, the bake sale.
It's nice that you stuck up for the little guy, Louise.
But what you did was wrong, real wrong.
Thanks, Mom.
I just need you to sign this permission slip acknowledging
Louise will spend the rest of the day
in in-school suspension and that you will
come pick her up after school.
That's what you get for sticking your neck
out and doing the right thing.
I'm just going to keep my head down and mind my own business.
I completely forgot.
I have to take my mother to the podiatrist.
She has six in-grown toenails on one foot.
[heaves] Oh, she sounds nice.
Anyway, we can ask Ms Schnur to supervise Louise.
I'm sure she'll agree.
Please, Miss Schnur.
I wouldn't ask if it weren't an emergency.
I'm busy today.
I'm looking up how every celebrity looks without makeup.
Come on.
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