For more infomation >> Funeral Will Be Friday For Semaj Crosby, Joliet Baby Found Dead - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
IF YOU LAUGH....YOU WILL LOSS... :-) || B V F Y T || Dharanikumar - Duration: 1:56.
you laugh you lose it is good boy
for the last it rolls back in WOOOOW
best sketter in this world
oh man this dog is hate me forever
after seeing this you can't make scar a dog.........
thanks for watching friends please
subscribe my channel have a nice day bye
Unseasonably warm highs to continue in many parts - Duration: 1:42.
Good morning.
The last day of April wrapped up with record-breaking warm temperatures in many regions and it's
forecast to be as hot and sunny as yesterday while lows are starting out in the low to
mid teens.
Lows in the capital and Gwangju started out at 13 degrees Celsius while Busan saw a low
of 15 degrees and sunny skies will be featured all day.
Eastern parts of the country, including Daegu and Busan will have relatively lower highs
getting up to 25 degrees in Daegu and 22 in Busan while the capital will be as hot as
yesterday getting up to 28 degrees this afternoon with high UV levels across the nation.
Unseasonably hot temperatures will continue till Thursday.
There will be nationwide rain on Friday, which is Children's Day in Korea, and that will
bring down the highs to seasonal averages.
That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.
Phil Says He Will Not Drop Any Babies | Season 3 Ep. 16 | THE LAST MAN ON EARTH - Duration: 1:12.
Demonstration number two.
Some people in this room--
Again, just say me.
Have wrongly labeled me a klutz.
What, are you afraid I'm gonna drop the baby?
Because the only place I'm going to drop
this baby is off at college.
The delivery.
Carol, would you please do the honors?
There's a simple switch on the side of the machine.
You'll find it turns on the machine.
Turn it off.
Nailed it. Oh!
Oh, I already asked for the machine to be turned off,
so that one does not count.
CATS Crash Arena Turbo Stars Hack - GEMS & COINS! (2017 Updated) - Duration: 2:07.
CATS Crash Arena Turbo Stars Hack
Kensington Palace confirms Prince George and Princess Charlotte will play roles in Pippa's wedding - Duration: 3:06.
Kensington Palace confirms Prince George and Princess Charlotte will play roles in Pippa's
wedding Pippa Middleton and James Matthews are set
to tie the knot on May 20 in a ceremony at St Mark's Church in Englefield, Berkshire
-- and since it's not far off now, more details are starting to emerge about the big day.
Last week, we learned that her bachelorette party (or hen party) took place the same weekend
as Prince William's infamous ski trip in March (yes, that's where Duchess Kate was).
We also saw Kate leaving Pippa's house after a "bridal party summit" last Thursday, one
week after she and William dined with their future brother-in-law's family.
So, it's safe to say that preparations are well underway at this point if not already
set in stone.
Pippa Middleton and James Matthews are set to tie the knot on May 20 in a ceremony at
St Mark's Church in Englefield, Berkshire -- and since it's not far off now, more details
are starting to emerge about the big day.
Last week, we learned that her bachelorette party (or hen party) took place the same weekend
as Prince William's infamous ski trip in March (yes, that's where Duchess Kate was).
We also saw Kate leaving Pippa's house after a "bridal party summit" last Thursday, one
week after she and William dined with their future brother-in-law's family.
So, it's safe to say that preparations are well underway at this point if not already
set in stone.
This week, royal correspondent Richard Palmer is dishing juicy details about the guest list
and we're pretty sure the best news yet has been revealed.
Prince George will be page boy and Princess Charlotte will be a bridesmaid.
We can't wait to see how adorable the both of them look.
In other guest news, it looks like those rumors about Meghan Markle not being on the list
are true (no ring, no bring, it seems!).
After all, reports that Pippa "banned" her brother-in-law's model girlfriend from the
wedding surfaced last week, too.
As suspected, though, Duchess Kate, Prince William and Prince Harry will all be in attendance.
As we learned late last year, Kate will not be a bridesmaid as to not draw attention away
from the bride but we'll be waiting on baited breath to see her gown regardless, of course.
Still no word on the type of dress Pippa will don, but don't worry, we have some ideas.
Watch the video below to see what we'd love to see her wear:
thanks for watching.
please subscribe my channel.
Bad Dog Finn | Pan-Tastic - Duration: 2:10.
Finn: Good the kids are distracted
Hmm... Candle I am NOT doing that again.
Wait... What is that heavenly smell? Is that... Bacon fat! It will be mine
Now just to get up on to the stove...
Oh come to Papa!
*Eating sounds* Oh so good *More eating sounds*
These kids are so STUPID they don't even know I'm here. I'm glad the parents aren't home.
Food... More fooood...
*Eat so fast he's practically inhaling the food*
*Even MORE eating sounds*
Finn: Uh oh, one of them is coming
Uh... I'm just... checking this to... uhm... make sure you guys weren't going to... Get food poisoning! Yeah...
Ugh no, it's you. Don't touch me.
And he's touching me. And he's singing.
No stop. No. I don't even know what your saying. Just please leave. Let me eat in peace. Just don't send the girl in here please. She's annoying too.
I'm just going to ignore you and eat my bacon. Okay? Okay.
Just give me that pan and be quiet. I don't like you.
No! The girl came! WHY! Now there are two of them! Must! Eat! Food!
No. No.
I am a rock! I am unmovable!!
I just got pulled off by a ten year old girl...
I seems as if my mission has been delayed. Until later my precious bacon, until later.
*Stalks off to closet*
Thank you for watching!! Please share this with people you know, that would be extremely helpful!
P.S. The bacon was gone the next morning
Elizabeth Warren Just Said She Wants To Cut Open Republicans! This Video Will RUIN Her… - Duration: 1:39.
Elizabeth Warren Just Said She Wants To Cut Open Republicans!
This Video Will RUIN Her…
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) made a joke last week that she hoped that Republicans
would donate their bodies to science so that she could "cut them open."
"I Hope they leave their bodies to science.
I would like to cut them open," Elizabeth Warren said in Chicago.
"God, What planet do they live on?" said Warren.
Then she said that she wanted to cut open their bodies.
What planet is she living on where she thinks this is okay.
We the people of the United States are tired of the democratic party.
They are the party of losers and they need to get voted out of office.
SHARE this and help ruin Elizabeth Warren's career!
This woman will not be able to run for dog catcher after this video gets out.
(h/t Free Beacon)
Thanks for reading, patriots!
Will we learn languages in the future? (vlog in English, Eng & Fr subtitles) - Duration: 5:23.
Hello and welcome to Learn English with Jojo.
This is a vlog in clear English meant to be watched for the first time without subtitles,
the second time with subtitles in English, and the third time with subtitles in French
and if you aren't a native French speaker, then hopefully someone has written subtitles
for your language.
But I can't write in any other language.
So today's video is going to be about whether in the future, people will still want to learn
languages, or whether they will learn languages.
And the reason I started to think about this subject is because when I was doing a little
bit of research for my video about Duolingo Chat Bots, I noticed that on the Duolingo
website, they say that the Chat Pots... chat bets...
Chat Bots are powered by artificial intelligence and that got me starting to think about artificial
intelligence and foreign languages and how that will start to work in the future.
So in the future...
I'm not sure how far into the future... could be ten years, twenty years, fifty years, a
hundred years... we will have languages automatically translated for us whether that be in something
like google glasses, and there are subtitles at the bottom of the glasses, or there will
be a chip implanted into our brains and sounds will come in.
Let's say I'm in China, Chinese would come into my chip and then it would be automatically
translated into English and I would only hear English.
That seems pretty far into the future.
The more likely would be the type of Google Glasses in my opinion.
And if you don't believe me, just take a look at the new technologies that we already have.
For example, Google Translate's ability to... for you to take a photo, or just put your
phone's camera onto foreign language text, and it will translate for you automatically.
Now that's... that's not amazing because as we know, Google Translate isn't amazing right
now in and of itself, but it has been continuing to get better and I can imagine a day where
Google Translate will be virtually perfect if it has...
I don't know... if it improves at the rate that it has been improving.
Google translate has only been around for ten years and it's already this good so can
you imagine ten years from now, twenty years from now?
But in the future, maybe not so long from now it won't be necessary to learn new languages.
So my question is: will people continue to learn new languages in that imagined future
and the answer that I've come up with is yes, but fewer people.
People who are truly passionate about languages (like people like me!
I'm passionate about languages!) will continue to learn languages but I think a majority
of people learn languages for practical purposes: for business, for moving to another country,
for a job, I don't know.
yeah and they don't learn languages just for the love of speaking to other people from
other countries or for the love of language itself.
Usually those are secondary reasons for learning a new language.
So people who's primary motivation are that?
They won't need to anymore so they won't learn it.
But yeah, another reason I wanted to make this video was to ask you what you think.
Do you think people will still learn languages in the future, or do you think this era we
live in where learning a language is very helpful will stop and people will only speak
one language and...
I think it's a shame, I think our world view is expanded by learning another language,
by being immersed in another countr... counture... culture.
By being immersed in another culture.
Ok that's it.
I hope you liked this video.
If you did like it, please give it a thumbs up and tell your friends about it and subscribe
to my channel and all that good stuff.
If you see a mistake in the French subtitles, please let me know because again, I write
them myself.
And... yeah have a good day and continue learning that second, third, fourth, fifth language.
The catastrophe in Russia will be already accurate, RF, Vladimir Putin - Duration: 2:26.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will attend Pippa Middleton's wedding together after all - Duration: 2:04.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will attend Pippa Middleton's wedding together after all
One month ago, rumors swirled that Prince Harry's girlfriend, Meghan Markle, would likely
not be attending Pippa Middleton's wedding to James Matthews as Harry's date -- due to
a "no ring, no bring" policy.
After all, Pippa's soon-to-be brother-in-law's girlfriend was reportedly "banned" for the
same reason.
People have also speculated that Markle wasn't invited because she'd draw too much attention,
but she may be on the guest list after all sort of.
According to People, the "Suits" actress will accompany Harry to the evening reception on
May 20, but you won't see her at the ceremony earlier in the day.
As the magazine puts it, "... Protocol prohibits unmarried and un-engaged partners to attend
the event, but they are more likely to attend the big bash afterwards, which tends to be
less formal."Could this mean that a wedding of their own is on the horizon?
The 32-year-old royal was spotted visiting his lady love in Toronto last week, ahead
of Easter weekend, so the two appear to be committed to spending as much time together
as possible.
We digress, though.
Let's focus on Pippa's big day for now.
We found out last week that Prince George and Princess Charlotte will be page boy and
bridesmaid, respectively so if she's worried about anyone stealing her thunder (though
we do highly doubt that was ever the case), Markle may be the least of her worries.
While we're left wondering what Markle will wear to the bash, take a peek at her style
transformation through the years: thanks for watching.
please subscribe my channel.
Knowing the will of God for YOU - Duration: 7:10.
If we are born again children of God and
God is our Father, then we will know the
will of our Father for us. We will know
what He requires of us, and as obedient
children of God we will obey Him, we will
do what He requires of us. How can we
become children of God? The only way that
we can become children of God is that we
must obey Jesus Christ. We must obey the
gospel of Jesus Christ, the words that he
spoke as they were also recorded in
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we obey
the words of Jesus then He will reveal
Himself to us. If we truly believe in
Jesus then we will obey Him and He will
reveal Himself to us. Jesus said:"The one
who loves Me, is the one who obeys My
commands, and Me and My Father will come
and dwell with him, and I will reveal
Myself to him, I will disclose Myself to
him. Jesus also said:"If you love Me, keep
my Commandments." He said:"Why do you call
me Lord, Lord and do not what I say? If we
do not obey the gospel of Jesus then we
do not love Him and He will not reveal
Himself to us we will not know Him for
we will not be born again and we will
not be children of God.
We will not know the will of God, we will
be a fumbling in darkness. Those who are
being led by the Spirit of God, they are
the children of God. God gives His Spirit
in those who obey Jesus Christ, those who
repent of their sin,
and of going after their own mind and
obey the commands of Jesus Christ. If we
do not turn away from following our own
mind, listening to other people, how can
we trust and follow Jesus? How can we be
led by the Holy Spirit?
The words of Jesus his commands are
recorded in the Bible, in the scriptures, (the gospels)
but we must obey them in order to get to
know Jesus.
Many believe that they will have
salvation by studying the Bible and
applying biblical principles, that is not
what Jesus said. Jesus said:"Follow Me."
He said:"Obey my words and I will reveal
Myself to you." You will be born again of
the Spirit of God and you will hear from
God. If we do not hear from God and He is
not our Father, or either we are not
interested in what He is saying, or we
are disobedient children. We cannot be
pleasing to God if we do not know and do
His will. Jesus explained to us how God
wants us to live. That is His commands,
His words as recorded in the Gospels, but
we can only do the will of God if we
hear from Him. He is the Living God and
He speaks. Jesus said:"My sheep hear My
voice, they listen and they follow Me."
The question is: Do we love Jesus? Do we
trust Him? Do we obey His words? Do we
live according to His commands? Have we
repented of sin and repented of our own
ideas our own mind, and are we seeking
the mind of Christ?
Are we seeking the will of God? Are we
seeking to hear from Jesus? Are we
seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit
or do we follow our own mind? Do we
follow after our own desires? Have we
designed our own religion? Do we go to
the Church of our choice and do we just
practice religion, or have we become
children of God? Do we know our Father?
Do we know His voice? Do we do that which
is pleasing to Him?
If we don't it is in vain that we call
ourselves children of God, because we are
in darkness, we don't know Jesus, we don't
know God. Most believers don't know God.
They just believe what they do not know.
God did not send us a Bible, He sent us
the Holy Spirit, His Holy Spirit He gives
in those who obey the words of Jesus, who
repent and are baptized and who seek to
follow Him. Ddo we know the will of God
for our life, his purpose for me or for
Do we seek His will every day and do we
do it, or are we following after our own
desires, our own mind, the wisdom of other
people? Are we truly seeking the will of
our Father and are we doing it. We can only
be pleasing to our Heavenly Father to
Jesus Christ, if we know His will
and do His will. Are we doing that which
is pleasing to Him. May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.
I am here to introduce you to Jesus
Christ so that you can know Hm and
follow Him and have eternal life.
Subscribe to my channel to learn more
about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
hey guys welcome and thank you for
watching my video
okay we won't explain what am I going to
do for the next week's for my 10-week
volumizes challenge I had two reasons
what am I trying to do this
the floor is energy because I show the
one to make real content for you guys to
make it especially easy for most people
who doesn't know how to start one to eat
what exercise to do in the gym I truly
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shape fast in such a short period at
least ten weeks
I have researched a lot in the past and
I have learned a lot of techniques that
will help me to improve my muscle tissue
and to to gain shape by doing safe
things without some really making my
body get into a high high level of
stress and I want to show you guys that
is possible to build muscle tissue and
to get shred at the same time I have
done in the past okay I know it's not
meant to tell you how it's going to work
so I will calculate a what I beat and I
will turn my workout sessions so you
guys can do it in the next place this is
a really different training session so a
usual of techniques which are the
opposites superset 57 portions I use all
of these things to make my workout
sessions say I don't choose believe and
live right super super heavy work I
cannot believe the way so I raised
myself only trying to be done so I want
to luckily instead of that I use a lot
of techniques in this way I can make
really struggling muscles without having
to use a lot a lot of weight thank you
guys what do we like this how to stop
them in the world I will be uploading
mr. Lewis mr. Harmon Twitter here in
YouTube please like and subscribe and
take some coordinates the next videos
that I will I will try to make the best
for you like good logo
BREAKING Hannity And O'Reilly Will Be Working Together In An New Network - News - Duration: 4:26.
How To Use Coke And Pepsi As Fertilizer कोको कोला और पेप्सी का खाद के रूप मे इस्तेमाल कैसे करे - Duration: 4:51.
Hello,Welcome At Near To Organic
First I Would Like To Congrats
As You like gardening
And You Do Gardening
Today We Will Discuss
How To Use Cold Drinks like
Coco Cola Pepsi or any other
Cold Drink as a Fertilizer
Today We Will Talk
How Can We Use
Coco Cola or Pepsi as a Fertilizer
If You Do Not Have Either
You Can Use Any Other Cold Drink
What Happens When
You Add Cold Drink To Compost
Which is Beneficial
To Us in Gardening
Every Cold Drink is
Slightly Acidic in Nature With Sweetness
When You Mix Cold Drink
in Compost
Due To Acidic Nature of Cold Drinks
The Organic Matter in Compost
Will Release in Soil Easily
And Due To Sweetness
Many Micro Organism
Are Attracted Towards Soil
Together This Helps in
Growth of Plants
Come Lets Watch
How Cold Drinks
Can Be Used As a Fertilizer
Take Coco Cola or Pepsi
Add 2 Part Water
Into 1 Part Cola
You Can Pour Directly into
Plant Pot After Mixing
This Will Help in
Releasing Organic Matter into soil
And Due To Sweetness
Micro Organism Will Develop in Soil
and Good Growth Will Induce in Plants
And Plants Will Produce
Good Flowers And Fruits
For Getting Similar Interesting
Gardening Tips
Gardening Ideas
Small Space Gardening Tips
Kitchen Gardening Tips Earlier
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10 Phrasal Verbs That Will Impress Native English Speakers - Duration: 9:10.
hi there I'm Drew Badger the world's
first English Fluency Guide and I help
people develop English fluency and
speaking confidence in simple easy steps
to become a successful speaker you must
develop all seven of the essential
English fluency habits one of these
habits is the ability to use
conversational spoken English so you
sound natural like a native English
speaker and not like a robot so in this
video we'll look at 10 phrasal verbs
that will help you sound much more
natural use these instead the first one
is to sum up typically people will say
in summary which is something that's
perfectly fine to use but to sum up is
much more casual and conversational if
you're giving an example and saying
maybe I have one two or three things
that someone needs to do like I'm giving
a business presentation and i want to
say well at the end of this presentation
in summary you should do this or in
summary here's my conclusion but i can
just say more casually in conversation
alee whether i'm in a business situation
or in a casual friendly situation to sum
up so let's say i'm even just on a trail
hiking with some friends of mine and I
say okay guys we're going to go here and
here and here so to sum up we're going
to take a three-hour hike and visit
three different destinations to sum up
listen carefully to how this blends sum
up sum up to sum up to sum up next to
catch on to catch on to catch on is the
same thing as saying become popular
typically people will talk about
something becoming popular like maybe a
new business model or a new kind of food
some kind of food is catching on
becoming popular is perfectly fine
English that you can use but you will
sound much more natural and
conversational if you can say that
something is catching on to catch on
listen carefully again to how this
blends to cat Shawn I've noticed that a
new mobile game is catching on with kids
lately catch on catch on next you can
talk about dealing with something to
deal with to deal with whenever you have
a problem and maybe you're trying to
solve that problem
or it's something that really you can't
solve and you just have to wait for the
end of that thing to happen you are
dealing with that problem so a typical
more advanced way of expressing this in
again conversational English people do
use this as well is to endure so if you
are enduring something it just means you
have to have to solve that problem or
wait for something like you're in during
a rainstorm because you're out golfing
and you really want to play but now you
have to wait for the rain to pass so
your enduring something but you can talk
about dealing with it as opposed to
saying endure if you want to sound much
more casual and conversational so if
someone contacts you and you want to say
you're busy because you have another
thing that you're dealing with at the
moment you can use deal with so I'm
sorry I can't help you right now I have
to deal with another problem I have to
deal with another problem to deal with
next in a similar way you can talk about
figuring something out to figure out to
figure out to figure out is another
great phrasal verb and this just means
to solve something or try to understand
a problem typically you will have
something and again you can use to solve
a problem maybe we are in a business
meeting and people will talk about well
there is a problem we have to solve or
in a more casual and conversational wave
and say well this is something we must
figure out figure out so I'm having a
problem at work and we don't really know
how to figure it out so we are trying to
figure out the problem or again we're
trying to find the solution or to solve
something but more casually and
conversationally to figure something out
to figure out next to get away with to
get away with listen carefully to how
this blends get away with get away with
get away with get away with when you get
away with something you're cheating or
tricking the system in some way so maybe
you are maybe taking a test and the
other students in your class or have
actually studied and they're doing well
and you're sitting and taking the test
but you're using a little note that
tells you all of the answers and if the
teacher does not catch you then you get
away with
eating so you can get away with if you
think physically about a person that's
maybe walking with something and then
they leave an area they are trying to
get away with so they are leaving with
something so in this case they're
leaving with a good score so you can
always take a physical idea from a
phrasal verb and take it to a more
figurative idea of in the case like this
to cheat on something to get away with
next is to bring up to bring up when you
bring something up you're introducing or
mentioning something typically in a
conversation like a friend of mine
brought up an idea about how we can
market something at the business meeting
but if you think about the physical
origin of this think about yourself
maybe standing in an ocean and you put
your hand down under the water to bring
up something that's under the water so
maybe something is sitting on the bottom
of the ocean and you pick it up you are
bringing something up I brought up an
interesting point at the meeting today I
brought up an interesting point at the
meeting today next to give up and listen
carefully to how this blends to give up
to give up to give up when you give up
it just means you quit and again it's
perfectly fine to say that you're
quitting when maybe you don't want to
play a game anymore like you're in the
middle of playing a game of Monopoly or
a game of soccer and you're losing very
badly you can just say okay I give up I
give up and again it just means that
you're quitting something you don't want
to do it anymore and you can give up
anything maybe you could give up in a
business situation you could give up
trying to acquire another company or you
could give up a particular business
venture or even a particular strategy
maybe that you're trying to do for your
company but you could give up and to say
okay we're not going to do that anymore
so we're going to stop doing this thing
and maybe find something else so it's
the same thing as saying to quit but
again it sounds much more native and
conversational to give up to give up
next to put off to put off listen
carefully again to how this blends
because the T becomes more of a d sound
hood Dolph put off put off when you put
something off it means you're delaying
that thing if you think about physically
taking something in your hand that's
sitting on a table and moving it to
another location you're putting it off
to the side or putting it off in a
different place in the same way maybe
you're doing your homework and you're
feeling lazy you don't want to do it so
you're going to put off your homework or
put something off for another date so
maybe we have a picnic we're going to
put it off we're going to delay that
thing and have it at another time to put
something off so you always have to come
back to that thing again it's maybe
something you would do if you're
procrastinating which means that you're
waiting you don't want to do something
now typically something you don't want
to do like your homework or your taxes
or exercising or whatever but you will
come back and do that thing later so
you're putting it off until another time
to put off next if you want to talk
about canceling something this is to
call something off we called off the
meeting we called off the appointment we
called off any situation where we
decided just not to have it so if you
put something off it means again you're
delaying that activity until another
time but if you want to call something
off this means that you're deciding to
cancel it so maybe you thought you were
going to have a meeting but it was
called off because of weather or maybe
the sporting event was called off due to
a thunderstorm so again instead of
delaying it you're canceling it
completely to call something off to call
something off and finally just a fun one
i thought i would throw in here and this
is to make out to make out people will
typically talk about making out with
someone maybe you're kissing that person
but it's very passionate and maybe
you're touching a little bit more than
just kissing or maybe even a lot more
depending on the person but this is
instead of using the word kiss so if you
want to talk with your friends and say
oh I kissed somebody this is instead
talking about making out so you're
really talking about the same thing as
kissing but this is a way that native
speakers would actually describe it I
made out with someone I was making out
with someone well that's the end of this
lesson I hope you have enjoyed it be
sure to like this video and subscribe to
the English anyone
youtube channel so you can receive
notifications when we release new videos
finally watch this important video to
learn about all seven of the essential
English fluency habits or click on the
link in this video or on the link in the
description below this video to take our
free English fluency quiz it will tell
you exactly what to do right now to
start seeing real improvement in your
English fluency and speaking confidence
sherlock | we will be happy - Duration: 1:44.
BREAKING: Hannity And O'Reilly Will Be Working Together In An New Network – You Won't Believe Where - Duration: 3:59.
On the heels of major shakeups at the Fox News Network, an alternative conservative
network is being actively discussed amongst conservative fat cats.
A well-placed source close to the proposal tells Mediaite that serious discussions are
underway to create an alternative conservative cable network on the belief that the Fox News
Network is moving too far to the left.
The source, who is engaged in the talks, says a meeting is planned for today with two prominent
high-powered television executives, some underperforming conservative networks and people who have
an interest and the ability to fund a new network.
The potential aim?
Putting "the old band" back together.
There are certainly plenty of (out-of-work?) conservative powerhouses to pick from that
could star on a new network, and perhaps even some executives from within Fox News who might
be lured by the new opportunity.
Could the new channel include stars like the ousted Bill O'Reilly, who didn't waste
much time hitting the podcast waves after he was fired amid a sexual harassment scandal?
Could Tomi Lahren, the conservative mega star, who was recently sidelined at The Blaze also
take on a prominent role?
The exact "who" won't be clear until the deal is more defined but the source says
the pitch is that the network could immediately reach at least 85 million homes.
This news comes on the heels of a long profile in last weekend's New York Times which paints
a picture of a changing Fox News Network with Murdoch's sons, James and Lachlan, CEO and
co-chairman of parent company 21st Century Fox, at the helm.
The piece struck fear into the minds of some Fox News' hardcore conservatives with talk
of the sons wanting to rid the company "of the old-guard culture on which their father
built his empire" and bringing "a warmer and fuzzier workplace" that would move away
from an "anti-politically correct environment."
On Thursday, New York Magazine's Gabe Sherman, a constant thorn in the side of Fox News,
reported that "sweeping management changes" may be coming to the network as well.
Sherman's report cited three anonymous sources that contend that the network's co-President
Bill Shine recently asked the Murdoch sons to release a statement in support of him amid
the roiling lawsuits and scandals.
Both Fox News and 21 Century Fox have vigorously denied that Shine made such a request but
the report by Sherman prompted a rather mysterious tweet about the "total end of the FNC as
we know it" by the network's biggest remaining star, Sean Hannity:
"I just don't see Fox News and Sean having a long relationship.
If Sean becomes available, you have 100 percent turnover in primetime and a huge opportunity,"
a television executive, who didn't want to be identified, but is involved in some
of the talks, told Mediaite.
"I'm working on it (the new conservative channel) hot and heavy," the source said.
"It's live, it's real."
The new channel could come to fruition within the next 10 to 12 months, the executive said.
It is no surprise that a savvy investor would see the turmoil within Fox News as a major
As The Times piece noted, analysts estimate that Fox News produced 25 percent of 21st
Century Fox's operating income last year or a whopping $6.6 billion.
Conservative news remains a cash cow for investors, but the media landscape is quickly changing
with younger viewers "cutting the cord" and turning to alternative over-the-top live
streaming platforms like Hulu, Amazon, Roku and YouTube TV.
Could a conservative alternative channel with some big names have an edge on the 20-year-old
conservative network?
Stay tuned.
Our source is convinced it can happen.
What do you think about this? plese share this news and let us know what
you think!
5 Unsolved Mysteries of Space that will Blow Your Mind - Duration: 11:37.
5 Space Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved
It is no secret that space is full of mysteries.
Our civilization has barely gone past our own planet's moon, and only one of our probes
has ever left the solar system.
Almost everything we know about deep space has been pieced together from falling objects
and views from telescopes.
I am Mister Mysterious and today I'll be your guide through some of the most interesting
mysteries of the universe.
We will take a look at five of the most intriguing unexplained phenomena.
FIVE: Jupiter's Great Red Spot
The most powerful hurricanes ever recorded in our planet's history spanned over 1,000
miles with winds gusting up to 200 miles per hour.
That is wide enough to stretch across nearly all U.S. states east of Texas.
However, even that kind of storm is dwarfed by the Great Red Spot, a gigantic storm on
Jupiter's surface.
With winds peaking at about 400 miles per hour, the Great Red Spot has been swirling
wildly over Jupiter's skies for several centuries.
The earliest record of this phenomenon dates back to the 1600s, but it is still unclear
what's behind the Great Red Spot.
However, there is a reason for this.
Jupiter is a thousand times as big as Earth and it consists mostly of gas.
A liquid ocean of hydrogen surrounds its core, and the atmosphere consists of hydrogen and
That translates into no solid ground like we have on our planet.
On top of that, Jupiter's clouds obstruct clear observations of its lower atmosphere.
Thanks to orbiting probes and telescopes studying this massive planet, we know plenty about
Jupiter's upper atmosphere and its chemical elements.
However, scientists don't know exactly how or even whether these chemicals react to give
colors like those in the Great Red Spot.
After all, this planet is very different from ours and it would be interesting to know the
reason why and how this big red storm manages to exist for over 400 years now.
FOUR: Dark Energy
A mysterious quantity known as dark energy makes up nearly three-fourths of the universe,
yet scientists are unsure not only what it is but how it operates.
The only thing we today know is that dark energy exists.
In 1929, American astronomer Edwin Hubble studied exploding stars known as supernovae
to determine that the universe is expanding.
Since then, scientists and astronomers have sought to determine just how fast.
In the 1990s, two independent teams of astrophysicists discovered that the expansion of the universe
isn't slowing down.
Instead, it is speeding up.
This means that something must be counteracting gravity and that something is called "dark
Knowing how dark energy affects the spreading universe only tells scientists so much.
The properties of the unknown quantity are still a mystery.
The leading theory, however, considers dark energy a property of space.
Albert Einstein was the first to understand that space was not simply empty.
However, even this great scientist admitted that it'll take some time until we develop
technologies that will unlock this mystery.
In addition, dark energy shouldn't be confused with dark matter.
Like dark energy, dark matter continues to confound scientists.
While dark energy is a force that accounts for the expanding universe, dark matter explains
how groups of objects function together.
THREE: The Great Attractor
There is an incredibly strange place in the universe that seems to attract planets and
Unfortunately, it's on the other side of the Milky Way and we can't see it.
This is why scientists are trying to uncover what could be doing all this attracting.
Our galaxy and other nearby galaxies are being pulled toward a specific region of space.
It's about 150 million light years away and we are calling it the Great Attractor.
It lies in a direction of the sky known as the "Zone of Avoidance".
It is in the general direction of the center of our galaxy, where there's so much gas
and dust that we can't see it clearly.
What we know is that our galaxy and other nearby galaxies are moving toward the Great
Attractor, which means that something is causing this reaction.
That means either there must be something massive out there, or it's due to something
even more strange and mysterious.
Even though we predict that something massive is pulling our galaxy, it seems like there
is something even bigger out there since even the Great Attractor is being attracted by
something called the Shapley Supercluster.
All we know today is that the Great Attractor is not really a thing, but a place: the focal
point of our patch of the universe.
Naturally, some of you might conclude that our planet will be destroyed by the Great
Attractor at some point.
However, this won't happen and that is because of dark energy and its unknown influence that
prevents our galaxy from being destroyed.
So, despite its ominous name, dark matter is not that dangerous after all.
TWO: Black Holes
A black hole in space is what forms when a star of massive size collapses.
One of the main characteristics of a black hole is the tremendous power of its gravitational
The pull is so strong that nothing can escape it, not even light.
If a star moves close to a black hole, it will be absorbed and will not reemerge.
The existence of black holes was first suggested in the late eighteenth century.
However, it wasn't until 1967 that American physicist John Wheeler referred to this collapse
mass as a black hole.
Interestingly enough, we cannot see a black hole since it's invisible.
The presence of a black hole may only be detected by the influence it has on the objects around
it since it attracts them.
Needless to say, we don't know what happens when a black hole absorbs a star.
We are not sure if that star reappears somewhere else in the universe, or if it gets destroyed.
What we know is that black holes can become very big in time after absorbing a number
of objects.
In fact, the supermassive black hole is located in the center of our galaxy.
One thing is sure.
Black holes are incredibly hard to find and study.
For example, the Cygnus X-1 is a body in space that has been studied since the early 1960s.
Even after 50 years, we believe that we have found a black hole, but we are not 100 percent
As said before, this is not an object that can be observed in the same way a star or
a planet can be.
ONE: The Mysterious Pyramid on Ceres
In 2015, we received new images from a mysterious dwarf planet called . The stunning images
were taken by the Dawn Spacecraft which was sent to the asteroid belt between Mars and
This historical achievement resulted in landing the spacecraft on Ceres.
This is how we learned about two of the most enigmatic features found on this planet.
Those are its mysterious bright spots and a pyramidal-shaped structure.
The "Alien Pyramid", as it has been dubbed by some, is in fact called Ahuna Mons.
From Earth, this structure looked like a pyramid on the surface of the dwarf planet.
As the Dawn Spacecraft circled Ceres at much lower altitudes, the exact shape of this pyramid
came into focus.
Today, we know that Ahuna Mons looks like a dome with smooth, steep walls.
Scientists say that on its steepest side, Ahuna Mons rises 4 miles in height.
However, this structure is still a great mystery.
Around 400 miles northwest of Ahuna Mons lies the now-famous Occator Crater with its enigmatic
and mysterious bright lights.
Scientists are currently claiming that the mysterious bright lights are caused by a type
of magnesium sulfate.
A different type of magnesium sulfate can be found on Earth, and it's called Epsom
UFO-logists have a very different opinion.
They claim that the Occator Crater is filled with anomalous structures that are anything
but natural formations.
Several UFO-logists are saying that several buildings can be seen next to the bright and
sparkly spots.
Regardless of what the truth is, researchers have not been able to explain the mysterious
shapes and bright spots.
What do you think about these mysteries?
Feel free to share your opinions in the comments section below.
If you find it interesting, share and like this video.
Also, be sure to subscribe because you don't want to miss what is coming next.
As always, thank you for watching.
Breaking The Whole Mexico Wall Will Be Paid By One Person, It's Incredible Details - Duration: 2:36.
Breaking The Whole Mexico Wall Will Be Paid By One Person, It's Incredible [Details]
Wealthy liberals, who rely on cheap illegal labor from Mexico to support their lavish
lifestyles, have been doing everything they can to prevent President Donald Trump from
carrying out his campaign promise of building the border wall with Mexico.
These liberals have been working behind the scenes to manipulate "Never Trump" Republicans
to work with them in blocking the wall, and recently cheered as efforts to fund the wall
in the federal budget stalled.
Unfortunately for these Democrats and their traitorous Republican enablers, a funding
source has just been found.
The wall is estimated to cost between $12-$15 billion to build, and Republican Senator Ted
Cruz says the United States already has that money.
Reported Breitbart, "Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill calling for the use of $14
billion seized from cartel drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman to be used to pay for
the President's border wall between the U.S. and Mexico."
Said Tex Cruz in a statement about his plan, "Fourteen billion dollars will go a long
way toward building a wall that will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow
of drugs, weapons, and individuals across our southern border.
Ensuring the safety and security of Texans is one of my top priorities."
He added, "The U.S.
Government is currently seeking the criminal forfeiture of more than $14 billion in drug
proceeds and illicit profits from El Chapo, the former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel
who was recently extradited to the U.S. to face criminal prosecution for numerous alleged
drug-related crimes, including conspiracy to commit murder and money laundering."
Do you think we should use El Chapo's money?
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