(Laptop Crash [bleep]) OOPS, my DEETA crashed.
I lost my DEETA but I had a DEEEETA
DEEEETA is not enough! You need DEEETA!
Think beyond DEEEETA. Think (((DEEEEETA)))
Despacito but the lyrics are in alphabetical order - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
No one but you / Никто кроме тебя - 3 episode - Duration: 22:07.I'm glad I'll come back to Jiu-Jitsu in a few days! I can't stand it any longer, man! - Are your shoulder better? - Yeah, it's better...
It wasn't serious... And, I'm really feeling like wrestling, man! What about you? When will you join me there?
- I don't know. I've looked at my school schedule, but I must confess I don't wanna feel ashamed there...
Because, I'll get there and you guys will be experts on it and I'll look like a fool! - It's easy, man! - Easy for you, because you've been practicing it for a long time!
- Come here! I'm gonna teach you some blows! - Watch out! Don't break my body! - I won't... Lay down here.
- Like this? - Come a bit more to this side.
Now... Raise your legs, close your defense... - Like this? - Yes!
Here is your attack, right?
- Henrique, what's that?...
- Mrs. Conceição... This is not what you're thinking... I'm just teaching a Jiu-Jitsu blow to Henrique...
- My flair is right: Very weird things are taking place at this house!...
Alexandre, I can't find this normal! Two men wrestling, embraced in the bedroom... - Oh, mom... What's the problem?
João practices Jiu-Jitsu. Maybe he's teaching Henrique some blows... - But, as far as I know, this is not a wrestling ring and your cousin is not a Tarzan!
And this João? Can't he go to other place? Now he's here every other day!?!
- Mom, Henrique must have some friends. You don't want him to get to your age, being an expert only in breaking dishes, right?
- Henrique's friends are the doctors, the ones from college! Not the boxe fighters! - Jiu-Jitsu!... - Jiu-Ji...
Look, don't you think you can fool me with those strange words!... I've got my eye on your cousin!
- Don't worry, mom. I've talked to him. I already told him to bring here his college colleagues. He'll make you a surprise one of these days. You'll see!
- Come on, Dulce. Eat something. You haven't eaten anything all day. - I don't feel like eating. I just want the tea, thank you.
- Daughter, you have to feed yourself, otherwise you'll get sick. - Do you want me to prepare you something, daughter?
- But, what are you guys doing? She's not sick!
- But eating something would be good for her, right? - Mom, cheer up! - She just needs to react! How's it gonna be, Dulce? Will you be depressed or will you react?
- Oh, don't you come to me like that too! - But, can't you understand that Luísa's goal is exactly that: To put you down? - Did you hear the awful things she told me?
- Of course I did! And you're starting to play her game! - I have no reasons to be happy! At all! - But, who spoke about "Being happy"? I'm only saying: "Go ahead"!
- Oh, girls: Don't start it! - If you let yourself be affected like that, you're admitting that Luísa is right! We are what we do with our lives! Therefore, you have two options:
You can either react and keep on your battle! Or you can stay there crying and feeling pity for yourself.
But, remember: We always pay for our attitudes, so don't you come to us complaining later!
- Leave me alone! It looks like suddenly I became everybody's target! I wanna be alone!
- And then, you guys say that I'm the one who needs to go to the therapist! - Oh, Jaime! - Ok... I can't open my mouth!
- João, take Jaime there inside for a little bit, please. - Sure! Let's go, Jaime! - I could predict this! It looks like the problem is always me!
- My mind is going is circles, but I can't understand this attitude from Luísa! This can only be due to the divorce! She's disturbed!
- Luísa has always been disturbed! - She's an evil person! But, some people don't wanna see that!
- What crossed your mind for you to make all of this? - Mom, didn't you sleep? - I spent the night working! - Wow! Who's birthday is this for?
- Nobody's. - Then, what are these desserts for? - You're looking at my business! - "Business"?... Oh, I see: Like father, like daughter!
- Watch me making money with this! - What do you mean? What will happen with the desserts? - I'm gonna sell them! - Sell them?
- Yes! - To whom? - To whoever wanna buy them! I've been depending on the others all my life. Now, that's over! I'm gonna make my own money to be independent!
- But, have you talk to somebody about the desserts? Are you sure people will buy them? - There's no doubt: You came out from depression to get into madness!
- "Madness" why? Because I've decided to have a path in my life? I know very well that I can't go to the streets looking for a job, because I don't have any experience.
But, if there's something I know how to do very well, is cooking! Everybody says that my desserts are great! Therefore, they might be a sucess at restaurants!
Today and for now, I'm gonna deliver them as a try out! Let's wait and see, then! And now, let me pass, because I'm gonna put my products in the market!
And wish me luck, guys! - I'll help you! - Thank you, João! Yes, help me! This one here...
- You finally came to try out Jiu-Jitsu! - I just hope I won't end up making a fool of myself! - No, way! You'll like it! You're in good shape, you've got good muscles...
What would you be ashamed about? - About everything! I know nothing about Jiu-Jitsu! - Don't freak out, man! Everything's gonna go well! I just don't know where Nuno is.
He always comes. If he's not coming, something serious may have happened. He's like me... - I know: a Jiu-Jitsu fanatic!
- Not "fanatic"... You mean "lover"!... Oh, the coach is here. The class will start! Let's go!
So, man? Did you enjoy the class? - Yes! I wasn't that bad, was I? - Of course not! Now, you could start doing this every day! - I can't, man: I have the college classes.
Oh, I forgot my shampoo... Did you bring yours? - Sure! Take it! - Thank you.
- Think well, man: If you liked the class, you could enroll yourself here... We would fight together...
- Yeah, I liked, but I don't have much free time and it's a bit violent to do this every day.
I just came to try it out and to please you. You were being so persistent! - It's up to you. - Now it's your turn to get some time to introduce me to some girls, man!
Until now, I've met none of your female friends! When will you introduce me to your female friends?
- One of these days. - Blondes or brunettes. I don't care! They just have to be pretty and sexy! - Ok... - João...
- Tell me. - What's your problem, man? Don't you look at me? I'm talking to you. - I'm getting dressed up, man! - I'm talking to you for ages and you don't even look at me.
What's your problem? Haven't you ever seen a naked man? - You're asking for girls. So, I'm thinking to see if I can recall of any. Do you even want me to look at you?
If you upset me a lot, I'll get you a toothless old lady! - The toothless old ladies are for you! - And the one-eyed ones are for you!
Hello! - Hello! - Sorry, I'm late. I went to take a coffee with Henrique.
- Pedro, do you mind to wash the dishes, while I'll go to the grocery? I'm gonna need this bowl to put the mousse.
- But, what's going on here? - It's your mom: Now, she turned into a confectioner! - Pedro, what's the problem? It's a job like any other!
- Why are you so disturbed? Just because mom got a job and you didn't? - Ana, don't start it! - So, that means you'll keep on doing sweets for the restaurant? Great, mom!
- And this is only the beginning! Soon, Mrs. Dulce's desserts will be known all over the country!
- Great! - Some people, get down to business! Other, just complain about life! - Look, do you think I'm unemployed because I want to?
- Can you two stop that fight? - Damn! You look like kids, always picking on each other! - João, serve yourself and eat. And you two, stop fighting! I can't stand it! I won't be long.
- Mom, is feeling useful. Why don't you encourage her, instead of being discouraging her? This can even be the beginning of a good business!
- That's true, dad! Mom, cooks so well, that she may end up making a lot of money with this! - Sure, you guys must know a lot about life, right?
Well, for your information, there's nothing worse than creating illusions, like you're doing to your mother.
Because, when one creates an illusion and then sees the reality... One gets down... Loses hope... And gives up on everything...
- Hello, mom! - Hi.
Alexandre... You won't believe about what I'm gonna tell you. - What happened? Don't we have any more dishes for dinner? - It's Henrique!
- Oh, mom... What's the gossip of the day? - I do tell you he's acting weird, but you don't wanna believe me, right?
Today, I went to clean his room... And...
...I found this!
- Mom, this...
...It's a Jockstrap: A genitals protector! - Oh, my God! But, to protect genitals from whom?
Oh, don't you tell me that your cousin got in trouble... With some girl! - What a nonsense, mom. This is used by...
...Sportsmen and dancers... To protect... The so called "thing"!... - Oh, well, well, well...
- Aunt! - Yes! - How many times have I told you not to clean my bedroom? - Oh, son... But, it was so dusty, that one couldn't see the color of the furniture!
- I told you: I'll clean it! Don't worry! - Well, once you're studying to be a doctor, you should know that dust has those bugs who are bad for health... - Yes, yes... The...
Mites!... - Yeah, that's it: Mites! Actually, they were so many, that I guess your bedroom was their summer camp!
- But, aunt... I've got my disorganization very well organized! You go there and clean it all, and then I can't find anything there! - Oh!...
My mom found something on your bedroom...
Is this what you were looking for? - Henrique, you won't try to convince me that you use this... In your medical classes, right?
So, Henrique... Are you gonna answer or not? - Yes! - Then, speak! Where do you use that?
- It's to protect my... - I already know that part! - We wanna know where and why do you use this.
- Speak, Henrique! - It's for sports, aunt! - But, what sports? You're studying medicine! - But, I go to the gym at the college!
Damn! You look like you're cops! - And you look like you're a criminal! You're always mysterious!...
Then, do you want us to be suspicious about who? About the parakeet that we don't have? - I don't like when people mess with my things! That's all!
Invasion of privacy it's a crime! Did you guys know?
- Oh, this boy is getting more and more mysterious!... I really have a bad feeling!...
- Yeah... But, lies never go too far... Sooner or later, the truth will emerge!
- Did you spend all night in the kitchen? - I had to finish making the sweets! But, they look delicious, don't you think?
- Oh, this is going well, I can see. - You'll have to help me delivering the sweets to the restaurant! - You must be joking, right?
- Humm... It smells so good! Am I dreaming or today's breakfast is something special? - Your breakfast is going to be a nightmare! I didn't had time to prepare anything.
But, don't worry: I'll clean the kitchen when I come back. - Are you going out leaving the kitchen in such a pandemonium?
- If eating cookie cake for breakfast is a nightmare, don't wake me up, please! - No, no! Take your hands off! - Come on! Don't even think about it. - Good morning!
- Good morning! - This smell of sweets early in the morning makes me nauseous. - I'll have to deliver the fudge separately. It can't be at the flan's top, while it's still hot.
- Mom, there's no milk.
- Cheesecake! May I have a slice? - I already told you: no! - Can someone tell me where the milk is? - If there's no milk in the fridge, it's because I've used it all.
Today, you guys will have to take breakfast on the street, at neighbor's house or wherever you want! I still have to change clothes to make the delivers at the restaurants!
- Mom is freaking out! She didn't use to be like this. What happened to her? - I don't know what happened. But, will things change in this house? I'm sure of that!
- Yeah, I'm also sure about that. But, things will change for worse!
- Henrique, what are you doing here? - I came to meet you and to have some company on the boat.
- Really? It will take me some more time... I have to take a shower. - No problem, man! I'll wait for you.
- Then, go to the bar. I'm gonna meet you there. - But, hurry up! Don't take half an hour, like a girl! They take 3 years to come out from the shower!
- I'm not like you. - No! I'm like that, only when I'm with someone. Otherwise, I'm really fast! Come on: Be fast! I'll be waiting for you at the bar, ok? - Ok!
- I don't know what's happening with Nuno. He enjoys Jiu-Jitsu so much, but he doesn't show up for so long. - Do you know those two girls over there?
- No, I've never seen they're here. - Besides being pretty, they're flirting with us! The one on the right side is exactly as I like!
- Are we leaving? - "Leaving"? Are you freaking out, man?!? I haven't finished my juice and she just smiled at me! Let's go there and sit on their table!
- I'm not going anywhere, man! Do you wanna lose this chance? We have two beautiful girls looking at us! You're acting weird today!
- I'm not going there! I don't know them from any place! Maybe they're fooling us. You'll get there and then, they'll dump you!
- You're too demoralized [discredited] for my taste! Let's see which one of us is right!
Hello! What's up? May I sit here with you girls? - Sure! - So, do you girls come here often? - Yes...
- No. He's nice, but today is not a good day for him.
- Well, man: I'm gonna leave! - Stay a little bit! We've got time! - No, I've got some stuff to do! I can't stay here.
- Don't be like that! Stay for a little bit! - Are you deaf, man? I won't stay here! Ok, then: Ciao! - João!...
What's wrong with you? What's your problem? - I don't wanna stay there! That's all! - One of the girls is interested in you!
- I couldn't care less about the girl! Screw her! Are you staying? I'm leaving! - What's your problem? Don't you like women?
Where have you met your ex-girlfriends?
- I haven't met them. I never had a girlfriend, Henrique. - Are you kidding me? You never had a girl? - That's right...
- Why, man? Do you have any problem?
- João got home very weird... Something has happened... It smells me like girlfriend...
- Well, instead of being there making the tenth chocolate mousse, why don't you go and talk to your son yourself? - And why don't you go?
It looks like he only has his mother! Besides... That's... A men's conversation...
- I don't see why... If João's problem is a woman, nothing better than another woman to help him solving the problem!
Oh, God... We'll never understand what's going on in a woman's head! - We're complicated, but you guys are so predictable, that it's even annoying!
Your son is in his bedroom and he's needing you! You could play the father figure for at least five minutes! You can go back to doing nothing, after that!
- Is it written somewhere that the fathers are the ones who have to go to the sons when they have problems? If João has a problem, he can come to talk to us!
- Pedro, João is sad, in his bedroom... - Sadness is a part of life. João has to learn dealing with it on his own. We can't protect him always and forever!
- I got it... You don't wanna bother... Then, you'll complain that your children don't respect you!
- Mom, there's no use in telling you that I'm not upset, because you won't leave me here alone... So, I'm gonna answer your question!
"João, why are you upset"??? Yes, mom: I'm upset!
Today I found out that Santa Claus doesn't exist and Easter bunny got retired. Are you happy, now?... Now, let me be here alone.
- All of that to tell me that you had a fight with your girlfriend? - "Girlfriend"?... Only if she's the invisible woman!
- João... You may disguise it as you want to... But, you can't fool me... Oh, dear: it's natural for people to suffer due to love.
Besides that, you're so handsome... And there's a lot of girls out there...
- Yes, mom: And the sky is blue, has stars, the meadows are green, the little birds sing in the spring... - João, João, João!... I can see clearly that you like someone.
...And you don't have to be ashamed of that!
To fall in love, is part of life!...
So, do you like someone or not?
- I don't know, mom... I guess so, but I'm not sure... - You see? Was it that hard to say it out loud?
You have to learn how to speak about your sadness, João...
Because... It's bad for us to keep our sadness inside ourselves... It's bad... Ok? Good...
I won't upset you anymore, now... I'll leave you alone...
João... Whenever you need me... I'm here!...
João... - Mom, not again! - Relax! I didn't come to disturb you. But, you have a guest in the living room.
- I don't wanna talk to anybody! Make some excuse! - João, it's a friend of yours! - A friend? What friend?
- Oh, it's you! - João, I need to talk to you! It's important.
- Well... I'm going to the kitchen, so you guys can make yourselves comfortable.
- I guess there's something we need to make clear. That's why I came. - What do you want? - To talk to you, man! I've told you! But, quietly!...
- I've nothing to say to you. - Stop that! Are we friends or not? - I thought so!
- Stop being a fool! We're friends and I wanna talk to you! - What for? For you to upset me? This afternoon was enough! - João, please!...
- Hurry up! I've got more things to do! - You seem like a kid! I wanna talk to you! If you don't want to, just tell me! Stop all the drama!
- Not here... Let's talk in my bedroom...
jotaro oras steely dan but its poorly made minecraft parody - Duration: 0:41.Ask for forgiveness from Enyaba, the woman you killed.
We never had any intention of forgiving you in the first place.
D-Dio paid me in advance... I-I'll give you that.
You truly are the lowest scum in history.
You can't pay back what you owe
with money.
Duke Energy rates to rise, but charges for scrapped nuclear plant will stop - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Canon EOS 6D Mark II Lots of improvements but lacks 4K video recording | Should You Buy This Camera? - Duration: 6:34.Welcome To Today News Youtube Channel.
Today I Will Talk About.
Canon EOS 6D Mark II: Lots of improvements but lacks 4K video recording
The Canon EOS 6D Mark II is an entry-level full-frame DSLR camera in the Japanese imaging
giant's growing photography arsenal.
As its Mark II moniker suggests, this is the successor to the original 6D that was launched
nearly five years ago - an eternity in technological terms.
The 6D Mark II has plenty of improvements, including a 26.2- megapixel full-frame image
sensor (up from the original's 20.2 megapixels) and the latest Digic 7 image processor (a
two-generation improvement from 6D's Digic 5).
As a result, shooting speed has improved to 6.5 frames per sec (fps), up from the original's
While 6D has a fixed 3-inch 1.04-million-dot display, the Mark II comes with a 270-degree
rotatable 3-inch touchscreen display of the same resolution.
Great for composing shots in creative angles.
One of the weaknesses of the 6D has been its sluggish autofocusing (AF) speed, especially
during video recording, and meagre 19 AF points.
Canon rectified that with the Mark II, which boasts 45 AF points and includes the company's
much-touted Dual Pixel AF technology, which allows for quick AF during Live view image
capture and video recording.
But, being the entry-level full-frame DSLR camera with a much more affordable price than
its other full-frame peers, some features found in Canon's mid-range full-frame DSLR
EOS 5D Mark IV are missing here.
I can understand having fewer AF points (than 5D Mark IV's 61), no dual memory card slots
and smaller display.
But the omission of 4K video recording is almost scandalous, considering that even high-end
smartphones are capable of shooting 4K videos.
Build-wise, though, the 6D Mark II feels really sturdy, almost as solid as the 5D Mark IV.
Its rubberised grip lets you hold the camera comfortably when shooting.
Button layout is impeccable.
Those who have used top-end Canon DSLR cameras, such as the 5D Mark IV or 7D Mark II, will
be totally at home with the 6D Mark II's handling and controls.
The responsive touchscreen display also makes changing settings easier and quicker, as you
can tap directly at the options instead of moving the dials.
The only downer is that the 6D still does not have the joystick multi-controller of
high-end EOS DSLR cameras, which lets you move the AF point.
The Mark II's start-up and shutdown operations are almost instantaneous.
Shutter lag is negligible.
Using an SD card with a 94MB per sec writing speed, the camera was able to capture 17 RAW
images in 2.6sec.
Shooting speed is as advertised - 6.5fps.
In this review, I used the camera with a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L II USM lens.
In bright sunlight, the AF was instantaneous.
In dim lighting, it took less than a second to lock onto a focus.
The AF performance during video recording is quite stellar.
When panning from one scene to another, it took less than 2sec to automatically lock
onto a focus in most cases.
Its predecessor usually took more than 3sec to do so or even gave up.
Image quality is excellent with sharp and good level of details.
Colour rendition is superb and accurate.
Image noise is non-existent at ISO 3,200.
And you have to go up to ISO 25,600 to notice significant noise artefacts and loss of details.
Its full high-definition video quality is sharp but its microphone readily picks up
a fair bit of ambient and wind audio.
Battery life is superb at 1,200 still images on a full charge.
If you are travelling, you probably can go for five days before needing to recharge the
As it also uses the same battery as 5D Mark IV, the 6D Mark II can be a great back-up
DSLR camera for professional photographers who use the 5D Mark IV.
They can just slot the battery from a malfunctioned 5D Mark IV into the 6D Mark II.
•Verdict: The Canon EOS 6D Mark II is a superb entry-level full-frame DSLR with autofocusing
and excellent image quality.
The only downer is the lack of 4K video recording.
Thanks For Watching
Weather Improves, But Harvey Flooding Remains - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
TWL is back! (But not here...) - Duration: 1:00.TWL is back… kinda… and not here.
As of today, there's a brand new channel by Wendover Productions and its called Half
as Interesting.
The videos are about half as long and probably about half as good as the ones here.
It's essentially the continuation of the old TWL series without the restriction of
only picking topics from that wikipedia list.
There's no more waiting because the first video is up now and it's about what's
the longest continuous drivable distance on earth.
Videos will be going up there weekly every Thursday at 10:30 am eastern.
Wendover Productions will remain just as it always has, the only difference is that you
can listen to more and more of this voice over there.
I'd really appreciate it if you go over there are subscribe to at least give it a
try for a few episodes.
I've been putting a lot of work into developing that channel and hopefully it will end up
being something great.
What Trump Just Released All But Guarantees He Will Get Re Elected In 2020 - Duration: 12:17.What Trump Just Released All But Guarantees He Will Get Re-Elected In 2020
This will get President Trump a second term.
All he has to do when the liberals attack, like they are now off what he did and did
not say about Virginia, is show is record.
When 2020 comes, no matter who he will take on, all he has to do is tout his record.
The American people know why we voted for Trump and we know he has been following through
on his promises as best he can.
The Democrats have fooled middle America too many times with fake promises while they lined
their pockets.
All Trump has to do when it gets tight and the election will be tight, is remind voters
of his record.
It is a devastating message and a guaranteed winner for one simple reason.
Trump has a basically stolen a key part of the Democrats economic message.
Key because they are the swing voters in the swing states.
They are key to the election and the Democrats lost them.
All Trump has to do to win is remind the unions and other long-time Democratic power bases
of his record versus the Democrats and he wins easily.
"Democrats obstructing.
The media attacking our president.
Career politicians standing in the way of success, but President Trump's plan is working,"
the newly released ad says.
It is working for all to see.
"One million jobs created, more Americans working than ever before, unemployment: lowest
since 2001, the stock market: all time record high, the strongest military in decades.
The president's enemies don't want him to succeed, but Americans are saying 'let
president Trump do his
absolutely devastating.
Sun returns to storm-ravaged Houston, but 'worst is not yet over' - Duration: 9:22.MILES O'BRIEN: Harvey is back on land tonight, and finally moving on.
In its wake, officials in Texas and Louisiana are beginning to calculate the toll, at least
21 confirmed deaths, 32,000 people in shelters and tens of thousands of homes damaged or
William Brangham begins our coverage.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: After five days of record rain, nearly 52 inches, the skies stopped
pouring, and the Houston area finally saw sunlight again.
Better still, officials announced nearly all waterways have now crested and should start
going down.
Jeff Lindner is with the Harris County Flood Control District that includes the city.
JEFF LINDNER, Harris County Flood Control: The water levels are going down.
And that's for the first time in several days.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: But the danger here is obviously far from over.
Police today confirmed that six family members drowned when their van was swept away in a
And officials are still monitoring levees that are straining under enormous the load.
If those barriers were to fail, even more homes would go under.
Meanwhile, the rescues continue.
The Coast Guard kept searching in Houston.
Overnight, volunteers and others joined in to help people stranded in lakes that used
to be neighborhoods.
MAN: Well, you have just been saying everything on the news, and it's just close to home,
and, you know, that's just a thing Texans do.
I mean, we just got to go out and lend a hand.
I just can't sit at home knowing that people need help.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Early estimates say more than 48,000 homes have been damaged.
The city's convention center is full to the rafters, and now two more so-called mega-shelters
have opened their doors, including TV Pastor Joel Osteen's church that can hold 16,000
He'd been criticized for not taking in storm victims earlier.
Many have harrowing stories to tell.
At a mosque-turned-shelter in Stafford, Texas, today, one woman recounted her family's escape.
WOMAN: We just felt like, oh, my God, if we don't get out now, it might be like impossible.
Like, the water is getting everywhere.
And you could see people holding their bag, like, trying to get to the front of the street,
just so someone could come pick them up, because it's really hard to move in cars.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: In response, the state has activated 14,000 National Guard troops.
Another 10,000 are coming in from other states.
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner says his city urgently needs more federal help as well.
SYLVESTER TURNER, Mayor of Houston, Texas: Right now, there are many people who are angry.
They are frustrated, OK?
And they want help.
And that's why I'm saying to our federal partners and that's why I'm saying to FEMA, people
are angry and they're frustrated, they're wet, they're out of their homes, OK?
And they want assistance yesterday.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Meanwhile, the storm itself made landfall again this morning, early, near
Cameron, Louisiana, and slowly pushed north.
But even as it weakened, it dropped more rain on the Texas-Louisiana border region.
Parts of Southwest Louisiana are now coping with flooding.
And Port Arthur, Texas, was all but cut off by surging water, after 20 inches of rain
fell in a matter of hours.
Overnight, a civic center shelter was overrun with gushing water that sent people climbing
up into the bleachers.
Evacuee Beulah Johnson narrated the scene in a video posted on social media.
BEULAH JOHNSON, Flood Victim: We came here for a safe place to get away from high flooding
in our house, to get away from being trapped in our house.
And we end up being trapped here.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Elsewhere in Port Arthur, the nation's largest oil refinery closed.
Twenty miles away, in Beaumont, Texas, a toddler suffering from hypothermia was found clinging
to her drowned mother after they were swept from their vehicle last night.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott warned today that the toll both in deaths and damage is likely
to go much higher.
GREG ABBOTT (R), Texas: The worst is not yet over for Southeast Texas, as far as the rain
is concerned.
There will be ongoing challenges both during the time that rain continues to fall, as well
as for approximately four days to a week to come.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm William Brangham in Houston, Texas.
MILES O'BRIEN: That sad story of a mother's ultimate sacrifice is just part of what is
unfolding now as Beaumont bears the brunt of the storm.
As Beaumont takes the brunt of the storm, it is taking a physical and emotional toll
on first-responders, as Haley Morrow of the Beaumont Police Department told me when we
spoke a little while ago.
Officer Morrow, thank you very much for being with us.
I know you're very busy.
First off, that horrible story of a mother who perished saving her child, tell us what
details you have on that.
HALEY MORROW, Beaumont Police Department: Well, we were dispatched out in reference
to a water rescue.
And when officers and first-responders arrived, they found the woman and her child floating
about half-a-mile away from where they were swept into a canal and their vehicle flooded
The first-responders are on Zodiac boats right now going out and do these high-water rescues.
And so they were able to follow the water and they saw this sweet little baby, pink
backpack, sticking up out of the water, and she was clinging to the back of her mother,
who was floating along.
And she was hypothermic.
But she's OK and she's expected to make a full recovery.
But, unfortunately, CPR was attempted, but we weren't able to save the mom.
MILES O'BRIEN: I know you wear a uniform and a badge, but you're a mom, too.
What's it like to have to deal with something like that?
HALEY MORROW: I am -- to be honest with you, receiving that news even just as a first-responder,
as a mother, it's devastating.
And, you know, it's a true testament to the will and the sacrifices that parents, not
just parents and mothers go through in what they will sacrifice which, in this case, Colette
sacrificed her life to save her child.
And so we're so sad about the circumstance.
The silver lining is that the sweet baby is alive and will make a full recovery.
She's with family.
We have been in undated with questions about the baby.
She's 3 years old -- about her status and who she's with and if she need to be adopted.
But she's with family.
Of course, they're dealing with a very, very grief-stricken time and we're trying to support
them as much as possible.
Please let us know if there's any way we can help.
Give us the big picture, if you could, the extent of the flooding in Beaumont right now.
HALEY MORROW: Well, right now, we are having major flooding, unprecedented flooding in
this area.
All of the major interstate and state highways are flooded getting to our city.
Our service roads and many of our major thoroughfares inside the city are flooded.
We have nonstop high-water rescues going on right now.
They're trying to get me accurate numbers, but, of course, they're just so swamped.
We know we have done at least, but probably much more, 700 high-water rescues.
And we do have two confirmed fatalities, one being the story that we just talked about,
and then we had another fatality this morning.
So, it's devastating.
And our first-responders have all experienced some type of devastation.
Some are just -- are facing their own damage to their home, and they're on extremely exhausting
And they just keep persevering and going out and saving people.
MILES O'BRIEN: First-responder are citizens, too, and many of them go out and do this work
when their own homes are damaged.
And you are married to another police officer.
You said you're a mom.
What is that like trying to put your personal life aside, your own concerns for others?
HALEY MORROW: Well, I'm not only a police wife, a police officer.
My father is a Beaumont police officer, as is my brother, and my sister is a 911 operations
So, in situations like this, my mother is the one who keeps the children, and we get
her evacuated when we need to.
And so it's hard.
It's really hard for our first-responders who have had to leave their families and their
homes that are taking water to come in and do their job.
And, you know, that's on their mind.
But when they get here, they're so strong and they just continue to go out and do the
And that's what we're here for.
We are the first-responders.
And we want to always remind the citizens that we're coming, we're going to come and
save them, and we just pray that our families are OK, too.
And I know those first-responders would love any prayers and good thoughts that anyone
wants to send their way.
MILES O'BRIEN: Officer Haley Morrow, the public information officer for Beaumont Police Department,
we wish you well.
HALEY MORROW: Thank you.
MILES O'BRIEN: Online, you can hear my full conversation with Haley Morrow, where she
warns about the spread of misleading and false information on social media, and how that
hampers their efforts.
Homeless Vet Dies Alone – But Watch What Happens At His Funeral - Duration: 2:54.Subscribe to our channel for more : http://bit.ly/2lB6QeW Visit our website : http://newzmagazine.com/.
Homeless vet dies alone – but watch what happens at his funeral
You can never really know another person's story and what journey they have been on in
their life.
We often make judgements about people too quickly and fail to see the bigger picture.
Take homeless people and their stories.
I can admit the countless times I have seen a homeless man or woman on the street and
thought to myself that they must be drug addicts begging for money to score more drugs.
But the truth is that I am yet to actually stop and make conversation with someone living
rough to ask them who they are and what their story is.
One man actually did just that though, and what he learned about the homeless person
he spoke to changed everything.
His name was John Beard.
But if you had crossed paths with him in the later stages of his life in his town of St
Louis, Missouri, he would have just been another homeless guy on the street.
But in fact, once upon a time, he was known as Sergeant Beard — a four medal honoree
who served the US Air Force in Vietnam between 1968 and 1971.
Like many veterans who returned from Vietnam, adjusting to life back home was difficult
and John ended up on the streets.
To make matters worse, the ex-sergeant became very sick during his lifetime as well.
According to Fox2 Now, his doctors had said that agent orange exposure from his time in
Vietnam had given him stage four brain and lung cancer.
Sadly at 67, John passed away alone, with no one by his side.
One man who had taken the time to get to know the man before he passed away was Calvin Whitaker,
who happened to own a funeral home in St. Louis.
When Calvin heard of John's death he knew exactly what he had to do.
He wanted the man to have the honorable funeral that any military veteran deserves, with respect
and dignity.
So the funeral home owner planned to give John a funeral and ceremony worthy of a man
who'd dedicated his life to his country.
That's when a most remarkable thing happened.
News about John and his death traveled around the town and country, leading to perfect strangers
and members of the local community to gather up on the road to honor him.
They even arranged to have a military parade in place and an escort from the Patriot Guard
to Jefferson Barracks.
Sergeant John Beard might have not had any family to send him off, but he sure was honored
by his community.
He might have been forgotten once but he was sure remembered on his funeral.
May he rest in peace.
This sad but beautiful story shows us how important it is to appreciate and not judge
others, and that together we can accomplish amazing things.
Please consider sharing this story to honor all veterans out there!
Melania Trump may have changed her shoes, but it was still just a fashion moment - Duration: 2:26.Melania Trump is the kind of woman who travels to a flood-ravaged state in a pair of black
snakeskin stilettos.
Heels this high are not practical.
But Trump is not the kind of woman who has to be practical.
Heels this high are not comfortable.
Comfort is not the point.
Neither hers, nor yours.
Trump is the kind of woman who knows that when she walks from the White House to Marine
One there will be photographers.
On the morning she traveled to Texas, that meant stilettos with a pair of cropped black
trousers and an Army-green bomber jacket.
And she looked great.
It's an image that would have been at home in any fashion magazine.
But it was also an image that suggested that Trump is the kind of woman who refuses to
pretend that her feet will, at any point, ever be immersed in cold, bacteria-infested
Texas water.
She is the kind of woman who may listen empathetically to your pain, but she knows that you know
that she is not going to experience it.
So why pretend?
Well, sometimes pretense is everything.
It's the reason for the first lady to go to Texas at all: To symbolize care and concern
and camaraderie.
And for her trip to Texas, the first lady offered up a fashion moment instead of an
expression of empathy.
Observers were baffled by her shoes in particular.
It's not the brand or the cost that matter: It's the heels.
She defies gravity in them.
She floats above it all.
Her ensemble implied that people's personal stories would be ferried to her after they
had been vetted and tidied up.
There was no suggestion that Trump would be flat-footed in the muck, hearing their truth
in tearful confusion.
By the time she landed in Texas she had changed.
She was wearing sneakers.
She also was wearing a black baseball cap that said "FLOTUS," a defense against
any possibility that for just a split second she might seem regular.
She is not like you, or you, or you, it says.
She is the first lady.
Still, her Corpus Christi ensemble was more akin to what one might have expected her to
wear for the Hurricane Harvey briefing.
It was in sync with the president's khakis and boots.
It was optically optimal.
But the chance to tell an uninterrupted narrative of care and concern had already been missed.
This was just a costume change for another fashion moment.
President Donald Trump Outlines Tax Reform, But Gives No Specifics | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Arsenal's Alexandre Lacazette scores unreal goal in training – but fans SLAM Arsene Wenger - Duration: 2:16.Arsenal's Alexandre Lacazette scores unreal goal in training – but fans SLAM Arsene Wenger
The £52.6m forward sealed a deal to the Emirates last month and hit the ground running, scoring (after just two minutes) on his debut against Leicester.
But Wenger chose to leave him on the bench against Liverpool, a decision which was questioned following their shocking 4-0 defeat.
And Lacazette showed just what the Gunners were missing with an outrageous training ground goal for the national team yesterday (August 29). Footage posted by Equipe de France shows the 26-year-old dribbling past Antoine Griezmann into the box.
He then spots keeper Steve Mandanda off his line and goes for an outrageous chip.
It sails over his head and lands perfectly into the bottom right of the net. Arsenal fans were understandably impressed at the finish, but used it to criticise Wenger's decision to bench the striker at the weekend.
"Stick him on the bench! #wengerlogic," one commented.
Another wrote: "And he started Welbeck over him! Literally the guy who flukes assists by falling over while trying to shoot. The banter is epic." And a third added: "Nice of Wenger to rest him for International duty.
Thats the end of our news for today. thanks for watching, please comment and subscribe for me to keep up with the news everyday. I really appreciate it, thanks!.
She Is 50 Years Old But Her Feet Look Like A 20 Year Old Girl. Find Out How You Do It! - Duration: 1:23.She Is 50 Years Old But Her Feet Look Like A 20 Year Old Girl.
Find Out How You Do It!
Many people have cracked feet, especially during the summer.
It looks ugly but the worst part is that it can be a very painful condition.
The feet become rough due to dead skin cells and decreased elasticity.
In order to soften your feet, you must remove the dead skin after a shower with a pumice
And then apply some moisturize that will nourish the skin.
Coconut oil is a great remedy for the skin of your feet so you can apply some coconut
oil on them.
Another remedy that you can prepare is a bath from olive oil, lemon flower, and rosemary.
You will have healthy and beautiful feet.
Medicinal alcohol (250 ml.) Aspirin (300 mg.)
Crush the tablets until they are powder and put them in the alcohol.
Leave this for 1-2 days.
How to use it
Soak a gauze and apply it on the affected area.
Put a plastic bag over the feet and leave it for the night.
The next morning wash the feet well and apply some moisturizer or some glycerin.
With this remedies, your feet will look much better.
Health & Lose Weight Fast Tips
Trumps Texas trip had flaws, but showing up matters MSNBC - Duration: 10:00.-------------------------------------------
Nothing but Lies: Fighting Fake News - Duration: 26:41.At that moment I was at work
transcribing some interviews for my newspaper
At the same time I was in a group chat on Facebook
where there was a discussion about what we should do with the Russian propaganda
and that huge amount of fakes which has appeared recently.
And then I just wrote a couple of lines offering to create a site
where we could collect fake news about Ukraine and debunk them
Everybody has agreed with this idea. And StopFake is the result.
We got a great response from the audience.
We were really impressed by the reaction
because we wrote a small article on the Internet saying that we had created a site
which refuted fake information about events in Ukraine, Crimean annexation.
And already in two hours there were thirteen thousand reposts of this item.
Next day we were popular!
A lot of people wrote to us
offered their help, sent links to fake news.
People thanked us a lot for what we did.
At first there were a lot of volunteers interested in this project
then it turned out that everyone had their own job,
everybody was busy and had to earn money,
so people kept leaving us.
There were moments when we just gathered
and worried if the project had a chance for the future at all.
And of course we did our best to make things work.
Trump wins praise in Texas, but keeps empathy at bay 31/08/2017 - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
Netflix Hasn't Even Begun Filming This Show But The Cast Will Turn You Into An Instant Fan - Duration: 0:44.Netflix Hasn't Even Begun Filming This Show But The Cast Will Turn You Into An Instant Fan
Netflix will be creating its first ever Korean variety show with Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Kwang Soo, and Park Min Young. Not many details have been released yet, but so far, some of the best variety show producers will be directing it….
…including producers Jang Hyuk Jae and Cho Hyo Jin, the masterminds behind X-Man, Family Outing, and Running Man. According to insiders, there will be 7 stars on the show, and once theyve been cast, theyll start filming the show next month.
In a recent conversation with Ilgan Sports, PD Cho Hyo Jin revealed that it would be unlike current variety shows. There will be a total of 10 episodes, with the entire show planned to be available on Netflix starting next spring.
North Korea's missiles can be stopped – but not by 'fire and fury' - Duration: 4:45.North Korea's missiles can be stopped – but not by 'fire and fury'
North Korea's provocative launch of a missile over Japanese territory is a brutal reminder of Japan's strategic vulnerability and the limited options for its prime minister, Shinzo Abe, in combating the growing nuclear and ballistic threat from Pyongyang.
Abe's characterisation of the launch as an "unprecedentedly grave and serious threat" captures both the tension of the situation and the intense irritation and frustration of the Japanese government.
For the Japanese public, who have only twice before (in 1998 and 2009) had to confront the deeply unsettling experience of North Korean missiles overflying their territory, the latest threat ratchets up the sense of anxiety.
In recent weeks, the Abe administration has warned of missiles carrying chemical weapons striking Japanese cities, and issued civil defence and evacuation guidelines to local authorities.
To ordinary Japanese, North Korea represents a clear and present danger and an implacable and unpredictable adversary – a threat underlined not only by its expanding WMD capability but also by Pyongyang's role in the 1970s and 80s in abducting scores of Japanese civilians and then refusing to reveal their fate.
Fear of the North will intensify the pressure on Abe as he faces a sharp slump in his domestic approval ratings following a series of damaging corruption scandals. Yet there are limits to what he can do.
Japan is a staunch backer of the new round of tougher UN sanctions, and only in the past few days has unveiled its own expanded sanctions – targeting secondary trade between Chinese and Namibian organisations and the North.
But it is doubtful that these sanctions will deter Pyongyang from continuing with its missile tests, and at best they may end up imposing pain on ordinary North Koreans rather than its military. Military options for Tokyo are also of questionable value.
Japan's Patriot weapons system is designed to stop missiles aimed at Japanese cities in their final descent, rather than flying over the country – perhaps a reason why no decision was taken to shoot down today's missile.
Even if Tokyo had the weapons, a failure to bring down the target would undermine the country's limited deterrent capability – further emboldening the North Koreans.
Some Japanese politicians and defence planners have recently argued that Japan should acquire cruise missiles and the satellite technology to strike at the North's missile launchers, either pre-emptively or in the early stages of a potential attack.
However, such a move is at best a long-term solution, taking years, requiring substantial financial investment, and of questionable constitutional legitimacy. This leaves Abe with the diplomatic route – probably the most promising. Japan of course has been here before.
In 2002 and 2004, prime minister Junichiro Koizumi took the bold step of visiting Pyongyang for direct talks with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il, the father of Kim Jong-un.
The 2002 Pyongyang Declaration offered the prospect of a normalised relationship, with Japan offering substantial economic aid in return for the resolution of the abduction issue and an end to the North's missile testing.
In the aftermath of today's test, Abe has made it clear that there is no room for dialogue with the North (a recognition of the political realities both in Japan and in other capitals).
Ultimately, however, talking will need to be part of any long-term solution, perhaps once the North feels secure in its nuclear deterrent capabilities – the insurance card that will guarantee its long-term survival, and the most obvious reason for its single-minded determination to keep testing.
At this point, Kim may believe that his secondary goal of promoting economic development can be achieved by trading a missile testing moratorium for a relaxation of international sanctions.
There are then some carrots that could be offered to the North (both by Japan and potentially other nations) to encourage it to change course.
The problem for now is that the sticks that are being deployed, whether economic sanctions or Donald Trump's rhetorical threat of "fire and fury" (apparently discounted by Kim, who has shown himself willing to call the US president's bluff), are not working.
Military brinkmanship and Trump's attempt to draw strategic "red lines" over US territory, such as Guam, are not stopping the North from improving its missile and nuclear capabilities.
Japan will need to work closely with the US and South Korea to explore new options for dealing with the North: reiterating the economic benefits to the North from diplomatic normalisation, but also stressing the increased isolation that will arise from further provocations – perhaps via efforts by the international community to delegitimise Kim's leadership and the sovereignty and independent status of the North Korea state.
It may prove unsuccessful, but threatening the long-term survival of the Kim dynasty may be the best last-course option to force Pyongyang's leadership to rethink.
• Dr John Nilsson-Wright is a senior research fellow for the Asia Programme at Chatham House and senior lecturer in Japanese politics and international relations at the University of Cambridge.
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