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How To Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your Business - Duration: 5:47.hi guys I'm Amie Tollefsrud from rebelle nutrition today I'm going to be sharing
my top ten tips for using Instagram stories to grow your online business and
turn your Instagram followers into dedicated clients students and fans so
when it comes to Instagram stories you might have a few questions like how do
some people seem to have such a natural presence on camera and actually make you
want to keep tuning in every single day or how do people actually come up with
things to talk about everyday that are actually interesting or how do I stop
feeling like an idiot when I'm in public talking to myself what if people stare
so if you've had any of these thoughts yourself you are definitely in the right
place and I'm going to answer each of these questions today so here are my top
10 tips for using Instagram stories to grow your online business number one
insta story daily so even if you think that what you're doing is boring and
mundane it likely won't seem that way to your audience just make sure to switch
things up aim for about five to twenty 15-second stories every single day and
also be sure to do a combination of video boomerang and photos to keep
things interesting also don't be afraid to show your face number two ask your
audience for their feedback so just like in any relationship you don't only talk
about yourself all the time at least I hope you don't you know you ask the
other person for their feedback how they are what their struggles are what's new
in their life same goes for Instagram stories you can always say things like
DM me or tell me what you think about X number three provide value so don't just
insta story to say that you did it you actually want to provide some sort of
value and every single thing that you share so whether this is healthy eating
tips or your favorite deodorant or a lesson that you maybe learned recently
so number four is fuck perfection so if you're into storing every single day you
know the raw the make up lists the imperfect parts of your life are going
to come out in the open and really this is the beauty of the platform you know
people connect with the real and vulnerability and authenticity really
leads to trust from your audience so use your Instagram feed as a place to be
curated and branded but allow for the imperfect the real parts of yourself to
show on Instagram stories and don't worry about making them too curated
number five stop comparing so stop trying to be like that one mega blogger
you follow to constantly get set free shit in the mail okay and if you find
that your insta story watching is interfering with your own definitely
stop watching other people's and only do your own post until you can kind of
reconnect with your own voice and your own message I always say to try and aim
for about 50% consumption of other people's social media versus 50% of
creating your home so number six is to use hashtags in your Instagram stories
so this is a great way to get your stories seen by people that don't
already follow you but don't go crazy with these for the sake of looking
spammy I would definitely recommend sticking to one per story number seven
this is another new feature that has the same benefit of hashtags you're actually
now able to tag the location that you're in by swiping up on the screen and
adding in your location before posting this is just another way for people in
your area who might not already be following you to find you number eight
is send people to the link in your profile so you always want to give
engaged followers a next step ie click the link in my profile to watch my new
youtube video or join my email list or grab my freebie or join my facebook
group important note make sure the link is current and definitely use a bit ly
links to shorten it if you need I'll also attach a free video tutorial
for you guys that I made on how to optimize your Instagram profile so grab
that in the links below number nine tell a story so it's great
to show what you're doing every single day but start viewing yourself as an
actual storyteller for example how would you talk to your friend if they were
with you inside the coffee shop or at the store you know you would talk about
things that are happening in your life things you're going through your
struggles how your car broke down etc etc number 10 don't be afraid to promote
yourself so if you're providing value engagement and inspiration to your
audience on a daily basis don't be afraid to promote yourself you want
people who love watching your stories to know that you have an amazing product or
service that would change their life but on the same token be very careful about
going rogue on insta stories for weeks at a time and then magically showing up
once you have something to sell this looks kind of money-hungry but if you
are doing Instagram stories every single day like I'm recommending this won't
apply to you right okay so those are my 10 tips but I do have one more bonus tip
for you guys and that is to make a running list of content ideas so if
you're like me you think of ideas all the time except for right when you are
about to hit report so for this reason I've started using the Notes app on my
iPhone to create a running list of Instagram story ideas that I have on my
way that way if I'm ever totally out of ideas I can just go into my notes and
grab one from the vault okay guys be sure to grab my free video
tutorial on how to optimize your insta bio below a link to it and if you
enjoyed these Instagram story tips please give this video a thumbs up hit
subscribe and be sure to tag me in your next insta story you got this
Michael Phelps announces second child on the way via Instagram - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
vérifier compte instagram 2017 nice - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
7 Instagram Marketing Strategies For Business - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
Weekly Yoyo Update - Q&A with Jake Elliott, Adam gets very sad, Instagram Contest - 8-30-17 - Duration: 4:45.Adam: Welcome back to another Weekly Yoyo Update, I'm Adam Bottiglia, and on this
week's update we will be answering your questions from the last month.
We are pleased to have World Yoyo Champion Jake Elliott here to help us out.
Jake: Happy to be here, Adam.
Adam: AlexLianTV asks What inspired you to start yoyoing?
Jake: Well, when I was little, you know, like 4 or 5, I guess I really enjoyed anything
with string, so my parents got me a yoyo.
Adam: Is that what started you on the path to competitive yoyoing?
Jake: No, that came later.
When I was in 7th grade I read an article in the Scholastic Magazine about some YoYoJam
yoyo in Science Class, and it seemed really cool.
So I went home and dug out my Fast 201 that my parents got me previously, and started
Adam: Changyu XIU asks: Who is your favorite competitive 5a player?
Jake: Well that's an easy one Adam.
Adam: Now before you answer, I think he means excluding yourself.
Jake: Pass
Adam: Excuse me?
Jake: I'm passing on this question Adam.
Adam: I didn't know we could do that…
Kubrix1222 asks, Jake, Have you been to the gym?
You're looking buff.
Jake: Oh, well, Thanks for noticing.
You know, I have been running a lot recently, and doing yoga for a little while.
All yoyoers should do yoga.
Adam: Cool.
Martin Rosen asks, Jake, what is your favorite trick in 1a and 5a?
Jake: In 1a it's definitely my whip combo,
Adam: You mean the one with the slack, and the strings?
Jake: I know the one your thinking of, it's not that.
Adam: Oh, I know which one, the one with the hands and the pinching.
Jake: That's the one.
Adam: Oh, that's a great trick.
And for 5a.
Jake: That trick I missed in worlds 2016.
Adam: That is an excellent trick.
Jake: It is, especially when can I hit it.
Adam: Definitely.
FightingPanda wants to know, Jake, Can you put this question last?
Jake: No, No I can't, Fighting Panda.
Adam: Great answer.
Finally, and this was a really common question this week: Why weren't you at world's
this year?
Jake: You know between Takeshi and Takuma 5a is a really competitive devision, and I'm
not going to compete unless I can really give it my all…
Adam: You know Jake, sorry to cut in on you, I was really surprised by how many people
asked this question, because, you are aware, I wasn't at world's either.
And you know how many people asked me the same questions?
Jake: I don't know, how many?
Adam: None.
Jake: Really?
Adam: Yeah.
And I have to say, it kind of hurt my feelings.
Jake: I'm not sure why it would make you feel that way?
Adam: Well you know, there is all these people, and they want to go to the contest, and they
want to meet you and and hang out with you and spend time with you, but I don't think
they noticed that I wasn't there.
Jake: I think they only noticed I wasn't there because I didn't compete.
I don't think it is because anyone wanted to hang out with me or anything like that.
Adam: And I know, all of you nice commenters are going to comment in this video, "I missed
you at World's, Adam".
But its too late.
Jake: I really don't think it's that…
Adam: Chris, what are they going to win this week?
Jake: But I…
Chris: Uhhhh, alright…
Thanks Adam, congrats to the winner of last weeks contest @oneofthenine823, check your
Instagram DM's to claim your prize.
As always, we will be showing some of our favorite entries at the end of this broadcast.
This weeks contest is going to be a bit different, instead of having you guys do a trick, we
want you to tell us why we should send a yoyo to you, a family member, friend, friends,
everybody at your yoyo club, or anybody you know.
No sob stories, funny answers score more points.
Use the hashtag #YoTricksFreeContest.
Official rules for entry can be found on YoYoTricks.com/instacontest We will announce the winners, thats right,
This is Christopher Chunn signing off for the Weekly YoYo Update, reminding you to Work
Hard Throw hard.
We'll see you next time.
Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Videos || Tasty and Easy Dessert Recipes from Instagram - Duration: 10:50.Thank you for watching!
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Best Instagram Food Tutorials Compilation 2017 || How to Make Delicious Family Breakfast - Duration: 10:12.Thank you for watching!
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Best Instagram Food Tutorials Compilation 2017 || Caramel Apple Upside-Down Cake - Duration: 10:36.Thank you for watching!
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Topless Instagram vixen places emojis over nipples for sinful shoot - Duration: 2:34.Topless Instagram vixen places emojis over nipples for sinful shoot
TOPLESS TITILLATION: Taylor peeled off her clothing for a seductive shoot.
The Instagram model – who goes by the name Chinese Kitty – is set to break hearts on VH1s Love and Hip Hop Miami, and shes getting a head start on self promotion.
The 22-year-old stripped to her knickers for a sizzling topless shoot. In the sinfully sexy photos, Taylors only tool for nipple coverage were some strategically placed flower emojis.
First wearing a pair of bedazzled black briefs, Taylor allowed her jet black locks to fall on her chest as she sat upright on a leather sofa.
With her knickers acting as her only item of clothing, Taylor obviously chose the skimpiest she could find.
EMOJIS AS UNDIES: Taylor used emojis to make her photo Insta-safe. The bombshells undies sat high on her trim waist and exposed her thigh brows. Up top, Taylor exposed her bare boobs while seductively biting down on her finger.
Doing little to hide her bulging assets, the New York native made her photo Instagram-safe and applied emojis to hide her nipples.
BOOTYLICIOUS: Taylor has 1. 6 million Instagram followers.
Taylor rocked a sultry smokey eye and wet-look locks as she smouldered at the camera. Baby girl chillen [sic], she captioned the photo. Unsurprisingly, Taylor is a hit on social media with a whopping 1.6 million Instagram followers.
SCANDALOUS: You can rely on Taylor to wear the skimpiest clothing. And as you can imagine her comment section is packed with adoring (and sometimes X-rated) comments. Why do you play with our emotions like this? one fan asked.
If I could Id press the like button button 1000 times, another chimed in. While a third added: Who ever had the chance to take this picture is lucky..
Selena Gomez's Record Label Acts Fast On Alleged Instagram Hacking Incident - Duration: 3:56.Selena Gomez's Record Label Acts Fast On Alleged Instagram Hacking Incident
Selena Gomezs Instagram was hacked. On Monday, the Hands to Myself singers Instagram account shared nude photos of her ex Justin Bieber.
The post that has since been deleted featured three paparazzi snapshots of the Sorry crooner flashing his manhood. The caption read LOOK AT THIS [explicit] A LIL SHRIMPY, TMZ reported. Thankfully, her record label took immediate action.
We deactivated with Instagram to ensure its secure before relaunching! Hang tight, Kristen Stubbs, the Digital Marketing Director at Interscope Records, announced on Twitter in response to fans who have been asking about Gomezs Instagram.
According to her, it was Gomezs record label that was behind the temporary takedown of the pop stars Instagram account after it appeared to have been hacked.
A number of Gomezs fans were thankful for the quick action taken by Interscope Records. Thank you! user named Mia commented.
YALL ARE QUICK THANK YOU, another follower named Nancy wrote. Sami_Justin also appreciated the quick response. Good. it could have gone worst, she wrote.
Gomezs Instagram is already up and the controversial post has since been deleted. In 2016, the Fetish songstress became the most-followed celebrity on Instagram after beating her ex Bieber and BFF Taylor Swift, Entertainment Tonight reported.
The actress admitted that the experience was overwhelming and it was addicting.
As soon as I became the most-followed person on Instagram, I sort of freaked out, Gomez told Vogue. It had become so consuming to me. Its what I woke up to and went to sleep to.
I was an addict, and it felt like I was seeing things I didnt want to see, like it was putting things in my head that I didnt want to care about.
I always end up feeling like [explicit] when I look at Instagram. Which is why Im kind of under the radar, ghosting it a bit..
Since then, Gomez opted to share less on the social media site. There was even a time when she uninstalled the app from her phone.
In fact, she admitted that she deletes her account at least once a week due to the negativity that comes with it, which she finds too much for her.
You cant avoid it sometimes. I delete the app from my phone at least once a week, Gomez once told New York Times. You fixate on the [negative] ones.
Theyre not like Youre ugly. Its like they want to cut your soul. Imagine all the insecurities that you already feel about yourself and having someone write a paragraph pointing out every little thing – even if its just physical..
Melania Trump ivanka trump ivanka trump twitter ivanka trump instagram - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Best Instagram Food Tutorials Compilation 2017 || Delicious Summertime Fruit Cocktails #2 - Duration: 9:28.Thank you for watching!
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Best Instagram Tutorials #1 | Top 20 Easy Halloween Makeup Tutorials Compilation 2017 | Part 3 - Duration: 10:28.Thanks for watching
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Selena Gomez's Instagram account is shut down after hackers post full-frontal NAKED pictures - Duration: 2:29.Selena Gomez's Instagram account is shut down after hackers post full-frontal NAKED pictures
Selena Gomez has had her Instagram account hacked. The 25-year-old singers page was seized on Monday and several full-frontal naked photos of ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, 23, were posted shortly after.
The pop stars account was swiftly shut down and her team have now regained control of it. The songstress is the most-followed person on the photo sharing site with 125 million followers.
The nude photos of Bieber were those taken by paparazzi when the Sorry hitmaker was vacationing in Bora Bora in 2015 - the former couple werent together at the time.
The offenders who posted the images included their own Instagram handles in the caption which read LOOK AT THIS N***A LIL SHRIMPY before claiming they run da scene.
According to TMZ, the Instagram users tagged in the post appear to be random trolls with only a handful of photos between them.
Members of Gomezs team took to Twitter with updates on the situation before the Bad Liar singers account was fully restored.
Justin previously opened up about feeling violated by the photos taken of him when he was enjoying a tropical vacation, stripping off on a private terrace.
Like, I feel like I can't step outside and feel like I can go outside naked, he told Access Hollywood in 2015. Like, you should feel comfortable in your own space… especially that far away.
Selena dated Bieber on and off from 2010 to 2015. Shes now moved on with Bella Hadids ex-boyfriend The Weeknd, 27, who she has been dating since the start of the year - just weeks after the supermodel, 20, split from him.
Both Selena and The Weeknd were a no-show at Sunday nights MTV Video Music Awards at The Forum, even though they were thought to be attending.
According to TMZ, the Starboy hitmaker just didnt feel like attending, despite being announced as a performer by organizers. The Weeknd - real name Abel Makkonen Tesfaye - was also nominated for four awards at the annual ceremony.
A source told TMZ: The Weeknd has been on the road for a prolonged period of time and just didnt feel up to his VMAs gig.
In his mind, he booked the gig a while ago, before concert fatigue set in, and he just felt differently in the days before the show. Hes about to hit the road again and there wont be a break until December.
Selena Gomez Instagram hacked: Justin Bieber nudes leak online - Duration: 2:31.Selena Gomez Instagram hacked: Justin Bieber nudes leak online
SUPERSTAR: Justin is one of the biggest singers in the world. On Sunday night Justins ex Selena Gomez left fans lost for words after her Instagram account was hacked and shared naked images of the singer on holiday in Bora Bora.
While the images have since been removed and Selenas account secured one more, fans quickly screenshotted the page and shared the images online.
Justins naked snaps first hit the web in 2015, with the Friends hit-maker openly discussing the scandal on US TV.
FORMER FLING: Selena used to date Justin.
SHOCK: Selenas account was hacked on Monday night. Chatting on the Ellen Show, Justin said: I just didnt see the paparazzi. I wasnt really looking out for them either.
They were definitely in a boat. He continued: A couple of days later Scooter [his manager] hit me up and was like yo, I hate to tell you this but your penis is on the internet..
HEARTTHROB: Justin previously posted this snap online.
I was like what? The first thing I saw was the censored one and I was like Oh my goodness I dont know what this is going to look like and then it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be.
it wasnt terrible. Since then Bieber has become a regular at flashing the flesh.
JOKER: Justin shared this bathtime snap.
From bottom-baring Instagram snaps to his infamous skinny dipping snaps in 2016, weve seen as much of Justins body as we have of his own. Seeing the nudes churning around the web, Justins dad bizarrely gushed over his sons manhood.
@justinbieber What do you feed that thing? he wrote followed by #proud daddy..
Best Instagram & Facebook Food Recipes 2017 || Healthy and Quick Breakfast Recipes #2 - Duration: 10:14.Thank you for watching!
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Best Instagram Food Tutorials Compilation 2017 || Homemade Pineapple Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:56.Thank you for watching!
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VIRAL MAKEUP VIDEOS ON INSTAGRAM 2017 || BEST MAKEUP TUTORIALS - Duration: 9:47.Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))
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