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Maroon 5 – What Lovers Do (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. SZA - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Globo Esporte 30-08-2017 Noticias do Vasco - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Do You Think the NFL Should Get Rid of Preseason? | MSG Networks - Duration: 1:38.We're entering Week 4 in the NFL preseason
and already we've had a ridiculous amount of injuries to players that are actually pretty meaningful
Julian Edelman out for the season with a torn ACL
Spencer Ware out with the torn PCL
Kevin Meredith the Bears number one receiver out for the season.
My problem with this is that all of these injuries are happening during completely meaningless games.
And my solution here is I think the coaches and the players should get together and just decide
the veterans are just not going to partake in the preseason because the NFL is not going to cut any games, too much money involved.
What do you guys think? Just cut it completely right?
Why even have it? Because the The NFL would never go for that. The TV deals done for those four weeks alone.
And there's also these crazy rules how they can't even come together as a team
in the practice facility till like June
And so I think that's another huge cause of the injuries
because they're going full-tilt a lot of them are going full-tilt in the preseason to make the team.
I mean unless you just make it year round fight to the death. You know.
Gladiator style?
Yeah, more violence I think would up the TV ratings you know.
As the new commissioner of the NFL, I'd say, "add knives." Are you are you gonna cage the football fields, and there's no way out? Yes!
It's like the the old George Carlin bit remember, when said if we talked about what a war football is
We should make it a real war and I mean leave the injured on the field. Just jump over them.
JAK STÁHNOUT HACKY DO MINECRAFTU?! TUTORIÁL - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
I do not believe in luck. I believe in Dedication. Inspiration from Gilgit Baltistan. - Duration: 3:31."I do not believe in luck.
I believe in Dedication, Honesty, and determination.
I started my education in a govt primary school located in my village Goharabad Gilgit Baltistan.
Till class third, I studied in Urdu medium.
After this, I moved to a private English medium school.
But unfortunately that was too difficult for me to get enrolled in English medium.
Because I was even not aware of English Letters(Alphabets).
So told my teachers and parents I will continue my studies in Urdu medium that will be best
for me.
I got admission in DJ middle School Gitch that is 5km away from my home.
It takes almost 2 hours to reach school by foot.
We used to study and memorize lectures while going to school and coming back to home.
All around it takes 3.30 hours walking distance..
It took 5 years of my life to complete my study duration in DJ school Gitch.
When I passed Class 8th A higher secondary school Was constructed In Gahkuch.
It is considered as the best Institute for quality education.
But it was not easy to get admission in this School.
I Really worked day and night to clear the test of This institute.
As my family background was not financially good at that time.
Even my parents resisted to help me in this regard.
But I was Very much crazy to get admission in this school.
So one of my brothers helped me out and came with me to get its admission Form.
I filled this form.
enrolled in admission test Cleared it and selected for an interview.
I got admission in this school and stood among the Top 25 Students out of thousand candidates.
I spent 5 years in this institute from pre-9th to Fsc Part II.
This institute became a blessing for me.
It was really hard to study here in the Beginning for me.
Because all subjects were in English medium.
My first year in this school was very hard.
Anyhow, I really worked hard and sustained here.
This school has a rule.
If you couldn't meet their criteria they kick you out.
But Alhamdullilah I sustained here and I stood among top three students in this whole duration.
I got 7th postion In all Over Gilgit Baltistan in Matriculation and 4th position in HSSC.
Then I got selected for NTHP IBA Karachi.
But I was interested in Chemical Engineering so I applied for Nomination for Engineering
Seats got selected for Dawood University of engineering and technology.
I Got scholarships London Foundation Scholarships and Dawood Treasurer for High achievement
in Exams.
I became the first female chemical engineer from gilgit Baltistan.
Recently I won Chinese Govt scholarship for Ms in chemical Engineer and the only Chemical
engineer and the only girl from Gilgit Baltistan.
I was working as operation Analyst in Yunus textiles Mills in Karachi.
the company Awarded me Award of Excellence on fulfilling their targets and Goals.
Habibie Recreational Park: Tangga 1000 - Things to do in Batam #1 - Duration: 11:20.-------------------------------------------
How to figure out what to do with your life - #realtalkwithrobbie episode 2 - Duration: 13:04.- I like sports.
I could do something in sports.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
In what capacity?
- You know, like the general manager of a baseball team.
- Yeah, well, that could be tough to get.
- The problem I have with some of these personality
assessments like the Meyers-Briggs or the strengths finders
and other assessments is that they don't answer
the million dollar question,
and the million dollar question is: Now what?
Now, what do I do with my life?
No, seriously, what should I do with my life?
Okay, I took the Meyers-Briggs.
Okay, now what?
Does that mean because I like other people
that I should become a salesperson?
Does that mean that because I'm a connector,
that I should become a recruiter?
Does that mean that I should become a doctor
because I enjoy giving forward?
What does that mean?
What action should I take with my life and so,
over the course of this video,
I'm going to give you some of my secrets and
the questions that I ask to the people that
I'm having coffee with and I've done hundreds of these
and I've gotten really good at honing down what
the real issues are and what's holding people
from taking the next step.
- Okay, sports, movies.
What about a talk show host?
- Talk show host?
That's good.
- I think I'd be good at that.
I talk to people all the time.
Someone even told me once they thought
I'd be a good talk show host.
- Really?
- Yeah, a couple of people.
- Number one is the dream job doesn't exist,
so stop following it.
I know you're trying to combine two skills into one
but let's be real.
What you're looking for,
especially if you're watching this video,
it doesn't really exist in real life and
by going after that,
I think you're really setting yourself backwards.
So, when I'm doing a coaching session,
when I'm talking to somebody,
the first thing that I do and the first question I ask is,
"What is your dream situation?"
Not your dream job, but what is your dream situation?
So, I'll give you an example of what that means.
For me, I am very clear on what I want my life to be like.
I want to live and work out of Thailand.
I want to be able to do it on my own terms and
I want it to involve writing and possibly digital marketing
or a combination of both.
I know that's what I want to do.
I already did an experiment, an experiment last year,
where I took a six month trip with my wife and
my two-year-old daughter at the time and I said to myself,
"This is something that I can do."
So, for me, my dream situation is how do I do that?
I have to be independent.
I have to be able to make good money outside of Thailand
and I have to be able to, obviously, do this all remotely.
I worked backwards from my savings.
I work backwards from my career.
How do I achieve that goal?
So, like, I am very clear.
I don't want to build a huge digital agency.
I am very clear that I don't want to build a big company.
I don't want to build a start-up and,
because I've been able to experience that first hand,
I know what I don't want and this has helped me
determine what my dream situation is.
Tip Number Two:
Accept the fact that nobody's going to hire you
if you have no social proof in the job
that you're applying for.
If you're a project manager and you've been doing
project management for 10 years and you want to become
a product marketer or a digital marketer
and you don't have experience in this, or social proof,
not experience but social proof that you're good
at digital marketing then you're never gonna get that job
through applying online or any of the traditional means.
Nobody's going to give you a chance to hire you
at something you might be good at.
It's not the way that this economy works and
it's not the way that this hiring system works.
Nobody's going to give you a chance to hire you
at something that they think you might be good at
unless they are your aunt or your uncle and
sometimes I'd argue that that doesn't always work either.
So, the question is now how do you actually actually build
social proof in something you don't have experience in?
Especially if you're at this crossroads of your life
where you're thinking,
"Well, I've been doing project management.
"I don't want to see a project plan for the rest of my life.
"How do I actually get out of that field and
"do something else but I also don't want to start over."
How do you actually get social proof of something?
That's for a different video but it really comes down
to hustle and understanding that you can get this experience
on your own as a freelancer or as a side hustle.
The internet is a crazy place where you can learn anything
and it's less about learning and reading.
It's about doing.
So, I talk to so many people and ask
"How do you learn new skills?"
And like, "Well, I read a lot of books."
Nah, like, reading is good but if you're trying to build
a new skill set, reading isn't going to help.
I'm a big fan of reading books but I know that when
I need to learn something new,
or I need to make a transition from one career to another,
that I have to make that leap and
the only reason I can do that is to teach myself or
to learn these new skills, build that experience.
- Maybe I could be like an announcer, like a color man.
You know how I always make those
interesting comments during the game?
- Yeah, yeah, you make good comments.
- So, what about that?
- Well, you know, they tend to give those jobs
to ex-ballplayers and people that are, you know,
in broadcasting.
- So, the next tip is, especially if you're trying to make
this transition from one career to another and
you're trying to figure out what to do next with your life,
the one thing you have to understand is
to make that transition,
you only really have to convince one person.
You have to convince one person to give you that job title
and a job that you can do for a few years and
you can put on your LinkedIn and your resume and it says,
hey, I can actually do this.
I actually have social proof that I'm good at what I'm doing
and you can point to case studies
and it's an easier discussion.
If you find yourself having to sell yourself,
then it doesn't really work.
Every interview that I've been part of where
I'm having to sell myself and the conversation isn't smooth,
I never get that job, almost never.
So, understand that people want to hire people that
they know are good at what they do but understand that
if you convince one person, you don't have to convince
an entire company or an entire industry.
You just have to convince one person to give you that chance
and again, how you actually do that
is for a different video,
but just stop trying to boil the ocean
and apply for jobs online,
especially if your resume and LinkedIn don't match
exactly what you're applying for.
If it's for something else or
you want to explore something else,
then you're going to have to convince one person who has
the ability to give you a legit job that they pay you for
and to help you take it to the next level.
Understand this.
Nobody's going to hire you for something that
you think you might be good at.
If you don't know what you're good at,
they for sure what you're good at
and so your value proposition needs to be very, very clear.
I like to play Devil's Advocate and ask them
a set of extreme questions that help them change
their perspective on how good or bad their situation is
or really, what their options are in choosing
what to do next with their life and their career.
I'll give you an example.
I spoke with someone who has 10 years of project management
experience from a great company but
can't stand the job anymore,
just can't look at another project plan,
can't stand looking at the people that he works with
because he's just not into project management
but he's good at it and he recognizes that
he can't get hired for anything else
outside of project management.
So, we start talking and the first thing I did is
I started with his dream situation and
after a few questions, we got on the topic of Los Angeles.
He wants to live in Los Angeles because he likes surfing,
he likes the weather, he likes the people,
and he likes the food.
Okay, so he has this option to actually transfer to L.A.,
so I said, great.
That's already a great thing.
What's the worst case scenario?
Let's say the worst case scenario is you get fired.
You're in L.A., okay, great.
What happens now?
He goes,
"Well, if I get fired, I have 10 years of
"project management experience.
"I already have offers from different companies.
"I have good confidence that I can get
"another job pretty quickly."
Okay, although you don't want to do project management,
we're playing the Extremes Game and you can always go back
to the things that you're good at.
What happens if you can't get a project management job?
What happens now?
He goes,
"Well, I've been saving up a lot of money.
"I can live in L.A. for a pretty long time
"on the money that I've saved up."
Okay, that doesn't seem so bad.
You've already made some great long-term decisions.
Let's just say that you got fired from your job
as a project manager in L.A. and you run out of savings.
Do you become homeless?
Do you have a wife and kids?
He says no, so okay great.
I said,
"What's the worst case scenario?"
He goes,
"Well, if that happens, I can always move in with
"my aunt and my uncle who live in Redondo Beach
"and they have a big house that I can stay in."
That's your worst case scenario?
Your worst case scenario is you live with your wealthy aunt
and your uncle in Redondo Beach who miss seeing you anyway?
That's the worst thing that can happen
if everything else fails?
Now, I understand it's not ideal to live
with your aunt and your uncle but if you play
the Extremes Game, nine times out of 10,
it's really not that bad and you've psyched yourself
out of making that next step decision because
you're so worried about what's going to happen next.
Play the Extremes Game.
Play the Devil's Advocate.
Sit down with your family or your friends and say,
"What is the absolute worst case scenario?
"What happens?"
- How do you get that, though?
Where do you start?
- Well, that's where it gets tricky.
- You can't just walk into a building and say,
"I wanna be a talk show host."
- I wouldn't think so.
- It's all politics.
- Last tip is follow your effort, not your passions.
I can't stand when somebody gets up on stage, or on video,
and says, "Follow your passions."
I think it's, quite possibly,
one of the worst advice out there that you could give,
because my passion is to travel the world
and take pictures of my food and post them on Instagram.
That's literally my passion but, unfortunately,
I won't get paid for that.
So, when I quit my job in 2012,
it was the first time I've never had a paycheck.
What I naturally did, subconsciously,
is I went to connect with other people,
so I took a lot of coffee meetings.
I took 250 coffee meetings in 400 days.
Next thing I did was I started writing every day.
I never wrote in my entire life until I quit my job.
These two things,
along with helping people advance their careers,
these are the things that I spent
a lot of time and effort on,
even when I wasn't making money on it.
Now, I make money because of that,
but that's naturally where I progressed.
So, if someone told me that I can make $200,000 a year
selling potatoes online while I live in Thailand,
I'm gonna be the best damn potato salesman that ever existed
Of course, I'm not passionate about potatoes.
I could care less about potatoes.
But, I recognize that I'm good at it and
I can make money doing it.
So, when people say follow your passions,
I think it's advice that's often misguided and
you need to follow your effort.
If you quit your job,
what are the things that you would do naturally?
If you won the Lotto,
what are the things that you would do naturally
without anyone telling you that you have to do that?
So, follow your effort, become good at those things,
and once you make money,
you can start making riskier decisions with your career
and then you become really good at
other things that you want to try out.
Once you establish social proof that you're good at it,
then you can go ahead and convince one person
to help you make that leap into a different career.
That's how it works.
So, if you're trying to figure out
what do I do next with my life,
stop reading, stop taking personality assessment tests.
Again, they work a little bit but they don't tell you
what to do next with your life and
if you follow your effort, you build social proof,
you understand that you can build opportunities
in areas that you don't have direct experience in
or that your resume doesn't say directly.
That's the way that I live my life,
that's the way that I've advanced my career
and if you do that,
I think you'll have a lot of success in your life.
Want to Keep Your Best Employees? Do This - Duration: 0:47.The leadership team at my company
strongly believes in promoting from within for a variety of reasons.
Number one: It's a retention tool.
If people aren't getting promoted they're gonna wonder
where else they can go to get the experience,
the money and the responsibility that you're not giving them.
Number two: It's an attraction tool.
When you want to hire people they want to know
that there's a career path for them that's gonna take them on next level.
And then number three: Is if you're going to expand
beyond your core business geographically or service line,
you have to be able to have a leadership in the next ranks.
However, the only way to really promote from within effectively
is to have a great training program
so you incorporate the mission
to promote from within with the actual process
of how you're gonna do a training and develop it,
then you can accomplish some great things and create your own leaders.
Pablo, titular do time Sub-15 do Paraná Clube - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
#AskSpitzer - How do people decide what Spitzer should look at? - Duration: 1:04.Hi.
My name is Janice Lee and I'm a staff astronomer here at IPAC.
My question is: "how does Spitzer figure out what it's going to observe?"
The answer is it's like a competition, so astronomers from all over the world send in
proposals to ask that Spitzer make certain observations, and they describe how those
observations will help them make new discoveries.
Then other groups of astronomers - selected based on their expertise and their background
- get together, read the proposals, study them and debate on which proposals are the
best ones, and the ones that should be observed by Spitzer.
And this is also the way that other Great Observatories and in fact other observatories
in the ground select the places on the sky that their telescopes should look at.
What to do if you find false records about yourself online - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Titanic - Respostas do Abismo (Parte 2) - Duration: 55:36.-------------------------------------------
Dil Dhadakne Do - Sanmukha Priya | 27 August Episode, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs 2017 - Duration: 3:37.Dil Dhadakne Do - Sanmukha Priya | 27 August Episode, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs 2017
Do Not Worry - Duration: 6:13.Jesus Christ commands us not to worry, not to be concerned about tomorrow
because we cannot change anything by worrying. He says that our Heavenly
Father knows what we need and He will freely give it to us, He will supply in
all our needs because He takes care of the birds of the heavens, He will also
take care of His children. Jesus gives peace beyond all understanding
to those who obey Him, but as it is written: There is no peace for the sinner.
The sinner has a reason to worry even though he is a believer. Jesus said
He will never leave us, He will never forsake us, but He also said that if we
deny Him, He will certainly also deny us. If we make God our refuge, if we live for
the kingdom of God and we obey the commands of Jesus then we can pray with
confidence and we can trust the Lord and know that He will answer our prayer,
that He will take care of us. But if we disobey Him and we live selfishly for
ourselves, if we have no business with God, if we don't care for Jesus Christ
and for His kingdom then we have reason to be worried. It is only when we are in
obedience to Jesus, in Christ, that He gives us peace beyond all understanding,
no matter what our circumstances are, because He is in control. They once came
to Jesus and told Hm about a tower that fell on people, the Tower of Siloam, and
they were killed, and Jesus said to them:"If you do not
repent you will perish likewise." There is no peace for the sinner, no peace for the
person who disobeys Jesus Christ, he has reason to worry not only about his
current situation and what is happening in the world, the uncertainties, the
anxiety that is destroying so many people. It is because of sin, it is
because of not obeying Jesus. They do not have Jesus and therefor they do not have
peace. If we obey Jesus then we have no reason to worry, then we can have
confidence, and His peace will be in us and with us. If we sin and disobey Him
that peace will leave us. Do you want that peace that Jesus gives, that peace
beyond all understanding? Then obey Him obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, live in
obedience to Him. Repent and be baptized in water, obey His commands, live holy and
righteous and Jesus Christ will give His peace in you. He will give his Holy
Spirit in you, He will reveal Himself to you and you will be in peace even though
this whole world is falling to pieces, because God is in control. But He looks
after those who take Him seriously, those who are for Him. If God is for us, who can
be against us, but if we are against God then we are without the protection of
God. Jesus said that He will never leave us He will never forsake us, but if we
deny Him, He will certainly also deny us. If we do not take Him seriously and we
do not obey Him, in our day of trouble, we will call on Him and He will not answer,
because when He called we did not answer, we were not interested in Him.
If we deny Jesus, He will certainly also deny us but if we seek to please Him, if
we live for Him and for His kingdom, then we can rest at ease, we can be at peace,
because He fills us with His peace that passes all understanding, then we need
not worry. Are you worried? Are you concerned about
tomorrow, about the future, about what is happening in the world, about what could
happen? Obey the gospel of Jesus Christ and He will give you peace beyond all
understanding. He will give you peace that you cannot find anywhere else
because He takes care of those who trust Him and who obey Him. May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus
Christ so that you can know Him and follow Him and have eternal life.
Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
jonas/mahdi | what you do - Duration: 1:01.Jonas and Mahdi
Imagine if they are in a relationship
DO TRZECH RAZY SZTUKA | Koszut's Riffs 004 - Duration: 8:29.Shit
I recorded no sound
Today's episode is being recorded three times
because I haven't turned on my microphone twice
have fun
Welcome to the fourth episode of Koszut's Riffs
I'm recording it for the third time
because I didn't turn the microphone on
that's how today's beat looks like
by the way
i've got a new cup!
I had to brag
the song begins
with this riff
it's funny 'cause I'm doing this for the third time
but ok
let's go
it kinda reminds me of
System of a Down
yup, and then
comes the 2nd guitar
and that's actually the riff
with which I started this whole theme
and it goes like
that's how it ends
it sounds a bit like Dani California
that last bit
umm it was somewhere out there
but that's how it sounded
and then the snare comes in
I'm not the best in composing drums
but that's what came to my mind
this image of a march
and then, look out
here comes the
here come the organs
I'll show you my organs
these are my organs
it starts with..
it's these chords
however, I played them like this
it's the same chords
yup, and thats..
you can't see me
and that's what the left hand plays
on the organs
the bass part
yup, and it goes round and round
and that's
all of the instruments used here
but I also tried to make a different version of this song
sounding more like rock
it turned out like this
check it yourself
yup, that's how it looks like
I played it like this
decide for yourself, tell me which version you liked better
Thanks for watching, and see you in the next episode
Nightcrawler - THE PLEASURE OF RECEIVING "LIKES" | 2 min between fiction and reality - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
Episode 10 Self Love? How to "Do" Self-Love the Easy Way - Duration: 3:01.(soft upbeat music)
- Hi, I'm Joanna Shakti, the soul love mentor.
Does the thought of self-love frustrate you,
confuse you, even piss you off?
It was the bane of my existence for so many years.
There was a guy in college who literally said
I am not going to date you because you don't love yourself.
And then five years later, I find myself divorced
from a different guy.
But a big part of the reason we were divorced
was because he could never have loved me enough
for me to actually feel loved.
The hole where love should have been
was so empty.
So let's talk about three different ways
you can turn up self-love in your life right now.
So before we talk about self-love itself, let me say this.
When we don't love ourselves, we abandon ourselves,
and that, my friend, leads to the number one destroyer
of relationships, the number one cause
of breakups and divorce.
So let's look at self-love and the red flags
for self-abandonment.
Know thyself.
You need to know what truly makes you happy.
You need to know and communicate your needs,
wants, desires, boundaries, turn-ons.
And if you don't know those, that's a big
self-abandonment red flag.
Next, accept thyself.
You have to accept all of you, warts and all,
strengths and weaknesses,
perfections and imperfections, your beauty and your mess.
And if you are judging you, if you are beating
yourself up, if you are trying to hide or deny parts of you,
those are all big red flags of self-abandonment
and that you need to turn up the self-love.
To thine own self be true.
Thank you, Shakespeare.
That's a good one.
What that means is treat yourself well.
Speak kindly to you.
Share your truth.
Take care of you.
And honor your boundaries.
That's love for you.
(soft upbeat music)
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