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How does genetics point to design? (Creation Magazine LIVE! 6-18) - Duration: 28:31.Modern technology is revealing more and more about our genetic make up.
How does genetics point to design?
This week on Creation Magazine LIVE!
Welcome to Creation Magazine LIVE!
My name is Richard Fangrad.
and I'm Calvin Smith.
This week on Creation Magazine LIVE our topic is how does genetics point to design?
Well the field of genetics and evolution, they have kind of been in conflict, they've been enemies from the beginning of both concepts.
Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, and Charles Darwin, the father of modern evolution,
were contemporaries.
At the same time that Darwin was claiming that creatures could change into other creatures,
Mendel was showing that even individual characteristics remain constant.
Right, while Darwin's ideas were based on erroneous and untested ideas about inheritance,
Mendel's conclusions were based on experimentation.
Only by ignoring the total implications of modern genetics has it been possible to maintain
the fiction of evolution.
To help us understand biology based on creation rather than evolution, let's sample some
of the evidence from genetics, arranged under the four supposed sources of variation which
are: environment, recombination, mutation, and creation. We'll have a look at those four.
OK let's start with environment.
This refers to all of the external factors which influence a creature during its lifetime.
For example, one person may have darker skin than another simply because they're exposed
to more sunshine for example. OK, all right.
Another may have larger muscles because he exercises more.
Such environmentally-caused variations generally have no importance to the history of life,
because of course they cease to exist when their owners die; those traits aren't passed on.
In the middle 1800s, some scientists like Lamarck for example, believed that variations caused by
the environment could be inherited.
Charles Darwin accepted this fallacy, and it no doubt made it easier for him to believe
that one creature could change into another.
He thus explained the origin of the giraffe's long neck in part through, "the inherited
effects of increased use of parts".
In seasons of limited food supply, Darwin reasoned that giraffes would stretch their necks
for the high leaves, supposedly resulting in longer necks being passed on to their offspring.
And now we know of course that that doesn't work at all.
Right. Well let's look at recombination.
This basically involves shuffling genes and is the reason that children resemble their
parents very closely but are not exactly like one another.
The discovery of the principles of recombination was Gregor Mendel's great contribution to
the science of genetics.
Mendel showed that while traits might be hidden for a generation they were not usually lost,
and when, what seemed to be new traits appeared, it was because their genetic factors had been
there all along.
Right. Recombination makes it possible for there to be limited variation within the created kinds.
But it is limited because virtually all of the variations are produced by a reshuffling
of the genes that are already there.
Yes, for example, from 1800, plant breeders tried to increase the sugar content of the
sugar beet.
And they were very successful.
Over some 75 years of selective breeding it was possible to increase the sugar content
from 6 percent to 17 percent.
But there the improvement stopped, and further selection didn't increase the sugar content. Why?
Because all of the genes for sugar production had been gathered into a single variety and
no further increase was possible.
Its like Darwin's finches he observed on the Galápagos islands.
In this single group, we can see wide variation in appearance and in life-style among these birds.
Now Darwin provided what is likely a correct interpretation, Darwin was right about a number of things, of how the finches came to
be the way they are.
A few individuals he said were probably blown to the islands from the mainland, the South American mainland,
and today's finches are descendants of those pioneers.
Absolutely. Probably what happened. Yes.
However, while Darwin saw the finches as an example of evolution, we can now recognize
they're merely as the result of recombination within a single created kind.
The pioneer finches brought with them enough genetic variability to be sorted into
the varieties we see today.
That's not evolution of course because it doesn't involve the creation of new genetic information. I don't know how many times...And that's the key...we need to repeat this.
If you are going to turn a microbe into a man you have to add new genetic information for forms, functions and features that didn't exist before, not separating
genetic information already in existence. And that's what science never shows. Right.
Now when we get back we'll continue to talk about another source of variation in living
things, mutation. And we'll do that when we get back...
Does the human Y chromosome suggest that men are headed for extinction?
In 2003, an Oxford University geneticist claimed that the human Y chromosome was "crumbling
before our very eyes" and that the demise of men was imminent.
Since this time, other researchers have pointed out that these doomsday predictions were overstated.
For instance, the Y chromosome has a unique mechanism for correcting harmful mutations.
Nevertheless, the Y chromosome certainly shows signs of overall decay, as do the other chromosomes.
Human genetic decay is a real phenomenon, but it flies in the face of evolutionary ideas.
According to evolutionists, all the complex coded information in our genomes supposedly
arose through a slow accumulation of random changes called mutations.
However, what we see with the Y chromosome is that such natural processes consistently
degrade the genetic instructions, as opposed to creating them.
Since the time of Adam, we live in a decaying world, just as the Bible says.
To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website
Well if you've just tuned in, this week we are talking about genetics and how it demonstrates
design in living things.
We've been talking about various mechanisms for variation in living things and as we said before the break, mutations are next. Let's get into mutations.
OK, well first of all, what are mutations right? Good place to start, let's start there.
Mutations are mistakes in the genetic copying process.
Every living cell has intricate molecular machinery designed for accurately copying DNA, that's the genetic molecule.
So as this copying process takes place, mistakes do occur, we live in a sin cursed world, things don't replicate perfectly,
and even though they happen they don't happen very often.
Once in every 10,000–100,000 copies, a gene will contain a mistake. A spelling mistake.
Now the cell has machinery, amazing machinery for error correcting these mistakes, but some mutations still slip through.
What kinds of changes are produced by mutations?
Some have no effect at all, or produce a small change, a change that may have no appreciable
effect on the creature.
But many mutations have a significant effect on their owners.
Now based on the creation model, what kind of effect would we expect from random mutations,
from genetic mistakes?
Well we'd expect virtually all of those that make a difference to be harmful, to
make the creatures that possess them less successful than before.
And this prediction is borne out pretty convincingly.
And here are some examples that are going to help illustrate this.
Geneticists began breeding the fruit fly for example, soon after the turn
of the century, and since 1910 when the first mutation was reported, some 3,000 mutations
have been identified.
All of the mutations are harmful or neutral; none of them produce a more successful fruit
fly—exactly as predicted by the creation model. Right, now when we say most of them would be harmful, even the ones that are neutral in these flies
or in any organism, as they continue to gather, eventually they will become negative in the sense that you are just degrading the entire bit of information.
Right, the information coded there is being degraded by these mutations even if it's not borne out in the physical structures...It's like rust on a car, eventually it's going to
get you. So is there then, are we saying there is no such thing as a beneficial mutation?
Well yes, there is.
A beneficial mutation is simply one that makes it possible for its possessors to contribute
more offspring to the future generations than ones that don't have that mutation. So how does that work? Well
for example Darwin, he called attention to wingless beetles on the island of Madeira.
For if you have a beetle living on a windy island, wings can be a definite disadvantage, because creatures
in flight, they are more likely to be blown into the sea. Blown off into the ocean.
Yes, so mutations producing a loss of flight could be beneficial, could be helpful.
And the example of the sightless cave fish would be a similar example.
Eyes are quite vulnerable to injury, and so a creature that lives in a pitch dark environment would
benefit from mutations that would replace the eye with maybe a scar-like tissue, reducing that vulnerability to injury and disease.
In the world of light, having no eyes would be a big handicap, but is no disadvantage
in a dark cave.
While these mutations produce a drastic and beneficial change, it is important to notice
that always it involves less genetic information and never a gain.
We don't observe the reverse occurring, namely wings or eyes being produced on creatures
which never had the genetic information for them in the first place.
So Natural selection is the obvious fact that some varieties of creatures are going to be
more successful than others, it's pretty basic, and so they will contribute more offspring to future generations.
A favorite example of natural section is the peppered moth in England, years ago.
As far as anyone knows, the moth has always existed in two basic varieties, speckled and
solid black.
Right, and in pre-industrial England, many of the tree trunks were light in colour and this
provided a camouflage for the speckled variety, this is the story, and the birds tended to prey more heavily
on the black variety.
Moth collections showed many more speckled than black ones.
When the Industrial Age came to England, pollution darkened the tree trunks, so the black variety
was hidden, and the speckled variety was conspicuous.
Soon there were many more black moths than speckled.
Now by the way...And that was in textbooks for many years as hey, look, this is evolution happening... and this research that we're talking about here actually is very
dubious at best, studies showed that moths don't even rest on trees during the day and there's a lot of fabrication going on, but we'll save that for another day.
So as populations encounter changes in the environment, such as the examples just described or as
the result of migration into a new area, natural selection favours the combinations of traits
which will make the creatures more successful in that new environment.
This might be considered as the positive role of natural selection.
The negative role of natural selection is seen in eliminating or minimizing harmful
mutations in a population when they occur.
When we get back we'll cover the one source of variation we haven't talked about yet;
and that's of course; Creation.
When we return…
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Welcome back. On this week's episode we are talking about how does the study of genetics point to design? That's our topic today.
Now the one source of variation we haven't talked about yet is of course Creation.
And the reason we're going to talk about it is that the first three sources of variation
we discussed are woefully inadequate to account for the diversity of life we see on earth today.
Right, now an essential feature of the creation model is God having placed considerable genetic
variety in each created kind at the beginning.
Only then can we explain the possible origin of horses, donkeys, and zebras for example from the same
kind; of lions, tigers, and leopards from the same kind; and some 118 or more varieties of the
domestic dogs, as well as the wild dogs, jackals, foxes, wolves, dingos, coyotes, that type of thing, from the same kind.
Right. You've got a whole bunch of information, you split it up and you get different varieties of the same kind.
It all makes sense. Yes, and as each kind obeyed the Creator's command to be fruitful and multiply, the chance
processes of recombination and the more purposeful process of natural selection caused each kind
to subdivide into the vast array that we see them today.
The way to understand variation and speciation is through the removal and rearrangement of
genetic information within the original genomes created with an excess of genetic elements. Lots of traits there originally.
These genomes initially contained all of the mechanisms required to quickly respond and adapt to changing environments. Programmed adaptation type of
a thing. They provided organisms with the tools needed to invade many distinct, different niches of environment and so on, and were ideal
for the swift colonization of all corners of the world.
These multifunctional genomes, and I think we've used this analogy before, it can kind of be compared to a Swiss army knife.
A Swiss knife contains a lot of different functions and they are not immediately necessary in a particular
environment; but some of them are extremely handy in the mountains, others in the woods,
still others maybe for opening bottles and cans, or tools for making a fire.
So depending on where you are, you may require different sets of functions. And animals can be like that too.
In a similar way, depending on where the organism lives, it demands different functions from its genome.
The environment then determines what part of the non-essential genome is under constraint
and it is only this part that will be conserved.
Now if we can cross-breed a zebra and a horse (to produce a 'zorse'), a lion and a tiger
(a liger or tigon), or a false killer whale and a dolphin (a wholphin), what does this
tell us about the original kinds of animals that God created?
Well, it means that the animals that can hybridize descended from the same created kind.
If two animals or two plants can hybridize then they must belong to the same original
created kind.
If the hybridizing species are from different genera in a family, it suggests that the whole
family might have come from the one created kind originally.
If the genera are in different families within an order, it suggests that maybe the whole
order may be derived from the original created kind. We can reason in that particular way.
So God created all kinds, or basic types, of creatures and plants with the ability to produce
variety in their offspring.
These varieties come from recombinations of the existing genetic information created in
the beginning, through the marvellous reproductive method created by God.
Since the Fall, some variations also occurred through degenerative changes caused by mutations.
The variations allow for the descendants of the created kinds to adapt to different environments
and 'fill the earth', as God commanded. Its brilliant engineering actually.
If genera represent the created kinds, then Noah took less than, here's how it relates to Noah's Flood, took less than 20,000 land animals on
the Ark; far fewer if kinds originally gave rise to the families that we talk about today.
From these kinds came many 'daughter species', which generally each have less information
(and are thus more specialized) than the parent population on the Ark.
Properly understood, adaptation by natural selection (which gets rid of information)
does not involve the addition of new complex DNA information.
Thus, students should not be taught that it demonstrates 'evolution happening', as
if it showed the process by which fish could eventually turn into people.
Understanding what God has told us in Genesis provides a sound foundation for thinking about
the classification of living things and how the great diversity we see around us today has come about.
When we get back we're going to talk about a specific example that support what we've been talking about here.
Evolutionists have long proposed that almost all our DNA—98%— is junk; that it has no function whatsoever. They said this because evolution needs lots of junk DNA for three reasons.
Firstly, there are far too many mutations, which would cause our extinction, but if nearly all of them occurred in junk DNA, then they are less of a problem.
Secondly, if mutations---accidental changes---created us, then accidents cannot create DNA with 100% function; this would be unbelievable.
Thirdly, if mutations created us, they must have occurred in lots of DNA that had no function, to allow lots of experimentation without damaging the existing functions.
However modern science reveals that nearly all of our DNA actually has a function, and this is a huge problem for evolution.
Creationist scientists doubted the junk DNA idea all along, although because we live in a fallen world, they expected to find some damaged DNA that might appear to be junk—but not much.
To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website
Welcome, our subject this week is how does genetics point to design?
We've explained that the creation model says that, rather than, simple creatures with
limited amounts of genetic information being built up slowly with more and more sophisticated
variants over millions of years, rather, God started creatures out with an amazing amount
of variability, genetic information there, so that they could adapt to whatever environments they encountered down the road.
We've got a specific example here to show just that.
The multiple genomes of Arabidopsis.
In 2007, Science reported on the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, a flowering plant of
the mustard family with a small genome that is suitable for extensive genetic studies.
This report was of particular interest because it showed the genomes of 19 individual plants
collected from 19 individual strands, ranging from sub-arctic regions to the tropics.
Now according to a commentary summarizing the results of this painstaking analysis
" … about four percent of the reference genome either looks very different in the
wild varieties, or cannot be found at all.
Almost every tenth gene was so defective that it could not fulfill its normal function anymore!
Results such as these raise fundamental questions.
For one, they qualify the value of the model genomes sequenced so far.
'There isn't such a thing as the genome of a species,' says Weigel.
He adds, 'The insight that the DNA sequence of a single individual is by far not sufficient
to understand the genetic potential of a species also fuels current efforts in human genetics."
Now that's amazing because what he's saying is look, there is no such thing as a genome of a single species. What they're finding all over the world, these same
plants are adapted to different environments but the degraded remains of genetic information that could allow it to survive in different environment remains
in there. But because it's not being used, mutations accumulate and it's just degrading, but it did originally have the information so that plant could have been here
and this plant could have been there. It's just amazing.
Yes and continuing on they even said this; "That even in a minimal genome every tenth
gene is dispensable has been a great surprise", admits Weigel.'
Wow. Now among the 19 strands of Arabidopsis we find there's dramatic genetic differences.
We observe genetic losses as well as genetic novelties.
Although the dispensability of genes is easy to understand with respect to genetic redundancy,
the observed novelties are much harder to conceive unless we accept that all observed
novelties are not novelties at all but genetic tools that have resided in the genome since
the day Arabidopsis was created.
The genetic 'novelties' may simply reflect environmental constraints that have helped
preserve these genetic tools.
There is indeed 'no such thing as the genome of a species', because what we observe today
are the rearranged and adapted genomes that were all derived from an original genome that contained
all the genetic tools we find scattered throughout the population.
The 'great surprise' is only a great surprise with respect to the Darwinian paradigm.
With a pluripotent Arabidopsis genome in mind, the data are not surprising at all.
It is in accord with what we might expect from the perspective of a rapid re-population
of the earth after the Flood. Yes, there we go.
Modern Arabidopsis genomes look as if they were derived from much larger genomes containing
all kinds of excess genetic elements—both coding and non-coding, so repetitive sequences—that
can easily be lost, shuffled or duplicated.
The 'dispensable genes' outlined here can be understood as genetic redundancies
originally present in the genomes that over time steadily fell apart, as you mentioned there in those
nineteen individuals, because the environment didn't select for them.
Yes the study strongly suggests that isolated strands of plants originated as a result of
loss of genetic redundancies, duplication and rearrangement of genetic elements.
The dispensability of the genes of Arabidopsis could have been predicted because
most of the genes still present in the individual genomes are redundant.
These observations strongly favour this abundant genome hypothesis, if you will, that creationists put forward.
So, known examples of rapid speciation in modern times are in perfect accord with the Bible—just
variation within the created kinds—all known examples of modern-day speciation involve
a loss or reshuffling of existing genetic information.
And if speciation is not evidence for evolution, reversing it obviously has nothing to do with
undoing evolution.
If all it takes to cause two species to become one is a reshuffling of genes, then a gene
reshuffle presumably caused the original species to split into isolated species.
Since this involves no new information, it can't legitimately be used as evidence that
yeasts can become yaks, you know, if you give it enough time.
And we'll be back in just one moment...
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Well welcome back, this is the 'In the News' section here on Creation Magazine LIVE! and this article here we are about to read from is called Scientists observe wasps
evolving into new species. And this is going to relate directly to what we were talking about earlier. And it also speaks to once again how
in the news and so often people are exposed to the concept of evolution saying look, we're observing evolution! Now so often you see these conflicting
reports; 'We've observed evolution', 'Evolution hasn't been observed'. So it just goes to show that what they're talking about here is speciation involving natural
selection and genetic mutation but not evolution...Which we agree with its what we've always agreed with, we write papers on it and a lot more papers recently.
So this isn't observing evolution. Not evolution at all. So they say, "Scientists have documented three species of wasps turning into three new species, an unusual
close-up view of rapid evolution in action. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team found that evolutionary changes in
one species of fruit fly triggered a cascade of evolutionary changes in three species of wasps that are predators of the fruit fly.
As a result, not only did the fruit fly evolve into a new species, but so did each of the wasps. The speciation process took a mere 160 years. The research sheds
light not only on how some new life-forms originate, but also how quickly it can happen. 'We tend to think of evolution occurring over millions of years,'
said Scott Egan, evolutionary biologist at Rice University and co-author of the study. 'What jumped out at me is that [a new species] can emerge in contemporary time.'"
Let's just stop there and comment a little bit. They're surprised that speciation can happen quickly, not a surprise to us at all, in fact it's predicted by the creation
model. Right. And even Old Earth Creationists have accused Young Earth Creationists of believing in even more rapid evolution than even the evolutionists do
because they say if you went from two of every, seven of some creatures on the Ark and now we've got all these different species, you guys believe in rapid evolution!
Well number one, speciation is not evolution, we've talked about that. It's not evolution, there's this terminology, we need to properly define terms.
And the folks in this article they are talking about, this is "an unusual close-up view of rapid evolution in action". Its rapid speciation. Speciation.
But that's not evolution. These wasps didn't turn into anything other than wasps and these fruit flies didn't turn into anything other than fruit flies.
It's a re-shuffling, a recombination of genetic material, exactly what we were explaining earlier on this show, this isn't evolution in action.
Let's continue, "Speciation typically occurs when biological variations between individuals in a species allow some of them to live in a different environment.
If they thrive there, it drives divergence from the original pool, and a new species is born. But can such speciation in one group of organisms also trigger
speciation in another group of organisms? The latest study is among the first to document that it does." So that is fascinating.
Yes, and once again it just shows that science actually supports the creation model. We'll see you next time on Creation Magazine LIVE!
How to use Instagram Stories To Promote Your Business - Duration: 11:04.we all know Instagram is huge for growing and promoting our business but
are you currently using Instagram stories to promote your business how do
you even start using Instagram stories to promote your business and are you
doing it right in today's video I'm bringing a guest
expert in to show you exactly how you can use Instagram stories to start
marketing your business hey guys my name is Trena if you are new here and welcome
to another episode of just the tips in today's video we're talking about
Instagram and more specifically Instagram stories and how you can use
stories to grow and promote your business so I'm not the expert on
Instagram here so I'm gonna give it over to Chris to give you her best tips for
using Instagram stories in your business hey guys i'm chris from sweaty wisdom
and i'm here today to tell you my top 5 tips for using instagram stories to
market your business so instagram stories maybe you've noticed those tiny
little profile pictures and circles floating right up at the top of your
feed when you open the Instagram app maybe you've even played with them a
little bit taking a really cool selfie of your face and putting a filter on it
or taking a boomerang of your dog playing fetch with you regardless of
your level of experience with Instagram stories I'm here today to tell you why
you should be using them right now to start marketing your business on
Instagram so let's get right into it why are they important and why you should be
using them so you've probably noticed if you have an Instagram for business page
that the algorithms have updated recently to make it a lot more like
Facebook meaning that every time something is posted Instagram is taking
the temperature to see if they think that you would like that item of content
so they're taking that time as your based on what you've engaged with in the
past so if you're a business your content is less likely to be seen in the
feed organically by your consumer ok and there's really no guarantee there
anymore what's super great about Instagram stories is that they're not in
the feet at all so you've seen I'm floating right there
above so anyone can interact with them they're not dependent on the algorithm
what else is really great about Instagram stories is they expire so you
can get a little bit more messy be a little more imperfect with them because
after 24 hours they're gone another really great thing about Instagram
stories that they provide a direct connection to your target audience
so you can talk right to them and have them respond directly back to you
without going through the comments they'll just reply and it'll go straight
to your direct messages and then on the flip side that works out really great
for you because you can watch your audience's stories and then you can
reply to those and again they're gonna go directly into their direct messages
in my experience nine times out of ten when you reply to somebody's story again
it's gonna go in their direct messages and not just into a notification in
their feed when you reply to a story nine times out of ten you're gonna get a
response message within five minutes if not one minute a really great
opportunity there for one-on-one connection with your audience there's
some really great tagging options too so you can geotag your posts say you're a
business in Grand Rapids Michigan you can do a little sticker on your story
that will take her in outfits Michigan and add your story to the story for that
location so someone coming in town for vacation can go to the Grand Rapids
story watch it and see your content super cool let's hop into my top five
tips now that we know why they're so important number one tip we all know
that it is great content to go live with your audience
Instagram stories provide an awesome opportunity to go alive but before you
go live make sure that you tease your live event in your feed so make a post
saying hey guys I'm going live today at noon I'm gonna talk about how you can
use insert and stories to market your business um and then ask them what
questions do you want answered what are your feelings on that stuff whatever you
want from them you can ask them for it beforehand and what's really great about
that is that when you start a if there's always mmm five minutes ish
in the beginning where it's just you hanging out with yourself
um um and that can feel really awkward so it's really good to kind of
pre-populate some of your content by reaching out ahead of time and asking
people for questions if you're doing a Q&A whatever it is that you want to talk
about that day okay so go alive but be sure to tease it first and ask for a
little bit of content ahead of time my next tip number two ask questions give
them a way to respond so we'd also call this a CTA or a call to action you want
to tell your audience exactly what you want them to do one example of this
would be I'm printing new t-shirts this week here are three different designs
tell me which one is your favorite by replying to this story okay so you are
asking them a question and then you're telling them exactly how you want them
to interact with you to give you their opinion which is by replying to your
story again super cool because then you're gonna have a one-on-one channel
started with them really great way to connect with your audience and get
direct consumer feedback number three set up a really great story you're not
really comfortable with getting behind the camera another great way to kind of
ease into it is by using text to tell a story you can either go right into your
Instagram and just start typing on a background and that'll just set you up
in really normal classic Arial font you can play around with the size the color
all that sort of stuff or if you have a designer on staff you can have them whip
up something really cool in Photoshop export it as an image file and then
upload that right to your feed but let's talk about the structure of the story
that we want to tell so I found a really great way to tell a story on Instagram
stories is to set it up in three frames a question and answer and a
call-to-action so like a call and answer almost I'll give you an example so the
other week I knew that I was going to make myself do my first Instagram live
on Wednesday so on Monday I posted a story that said hey guys
happy Monday I'm feeling so excited nervous caffeinated want to know I stuff
like the hook and then the next one in the answer I said it's because I'm doing
my first live session on Wednesday this week none in the next one which is where
I included my call to action I said let me know what you want me to talk about
IMS on give me some content to start with by replying directly to my story
okay and I got a ton of replies to that so right away you're getting content and
you know that it's what your audience wants to hear number four take them
behind the scenes so this is adding to that like VIP super special customer
feeling so you can take them behind the scenes by teasing upcoming promotions by
telling them about special offers that are available only to them or even by
teasing new products okay so this is gonna make them feel like they're
special customer like they're getting in on something but not everybody is in on
and really deepen your connection and develop a sense of trust with them and
the final tip number five the most important and potentially the hardest to
execute is don't be too perfect and don't stress too much the really great
thing about Instagram stories is that they're gonna be gone they're not gonna
live there forever so you can be your the vulnerable imperfect self and not
have to worry about it screwing up your very glossy beautiful looking feed
lately there's some this influx of Fitness instagramers or fitness bloggers
who post their Instagram shot of them like flexing their muscles in the gym
and then next to that they post their real-life shot pull are loving these I'm
loving these because you get to see the perfect version and then you need to see
a reality so I kind of think of Instagram stories the same way where
your feed is like that glossy varnished beautiful perfect looking presentation
if your business it probably will be that way especially and your stories can
be the in life I'm a I'm an actual person this is
what I like this is what my office looks like this is what I had for lunch you
just get an opportunity to drop the veil and be your real self and when you do so
when you come at it in an authentic way that's gonna really resonate with people
and they're gonna feel more connected with you and then they'll be more likely
to engage with your content in the future which is what we really want here
is to drive engagement an engagement is what is going to convert your clients
it's what's going to make your business really go to the next level so to recap
my top five tips number one go live but make sure that you tease it first number
two ask them questions and tell them exactly how you would like them to
respond number three set up a really great story
using the structure of question-answer call to action number four take them
behind the scenes give them that VIP treatment and number five the hardest to
execute but the most important one is don't be too perfect and don't stress
out too much about it because 24 hours from now they're gonna be all gone so I
hope you guys found this really beneficial that you feel excited
inspired and ready to start using Instagram stories to market your
business if you're feeling ready to hop in right now I'd love to offer you a
free download for five days of content inspiration to get you started using
Instagram stories really effectively for your business thanks so much for having
me Trina I hope you guys found this beneficial and I will talk to you soon
thank you so much Chris I'm definitely gonna take that advice as I move forward
using Instagram stories in my business I'm gonna leave all Chris's information
down below her website her Instagram so make sure you check her out and you
support her by following her if you found this video helpful go ahead and
give it a thumbs up you share it on any of those social media buttons down below
and leave us a comment which was your favorite tip make sure you subscribe to
my channel by clicking that circle picture of me right there I'm posting
new videos every single week to help you use video in youtube in your business
strategy thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video bye
HOW DOES HE DO THIS! - Duration: 10:48.-------------------------------------------
How to make a persistent Kali Linux USB Drive! - Duration: 3:41.Today we see how to install Kali Linux on USB permanently, and then we will also partition
our memory so that we do not lose information when it is plugged in.
You will need two software, a description link, such as: YUMI and MiniToolPartizionWizard.
The first one will allow us to alloce our OS disk in our pendrive.
The second software will be used to partition the pendrive.
This is a very important method, because it is not necessary to allocate the operating
system to the hard disk and partition the hard disk, but you can also take advantage
of partitioning only the USB without minimally touching the hard disk.
How to make Piggy Bank with combination lock - DIY Piggy Bank - Duration: 5:09.How to make Piggy Bank
How To Use NorPro Carrot Curler. Great Inexpensive Kitchen Garnish Tool! - Duration: 2:07.Welcome to my kitchen.
My name is Gala
Today I am going to share with you how I use this great tool to make
garnishes in my kitchen.
It works as a pencil sharpener
Place carrot inside and rotate clock wise
It is so easy to make continuous ribbon
The ribbon come out so fine as you can see
It is so simple
in less than 1 minute
we can create the beautiful flower
The tool has a curly knife, so it is 2 tools in one
I am going to use curly knife for my next flower
The stripes what we can left
we can use also for garnish food
just cut on small pieces and sprinkle on top (example at the end of video)
For more detail about the technique visit my website
Welcome to visit my website!
Link bellow in description
Ribbons from different vegetables
I like to use to serve salads
or to make holder (serving little bowl for salad)
To place flower on flat surface
I like to make holder
from same vegetable or other , on the photo I used parsnip
Because it gives stability to our flower
Carrot, salary and cream cheese
is so good combination!
It is so beautiful way to impress family and friends! Thank you for watching!
Music is playing
[Tutorial] How to post an Instagram photo on PC for Free - Duration: 0:46.🎵 Lost - BTS
Ctrl +Shift + I
Click the switch device button and select your fav device
How To Increase Your Hair Growth 10 Times Faster Overnight | Home Remedy Zone - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
How to use android apps on pc how to setup nox app player [2017-2018] - Duration: 5:50.plz subcribe me
How to do a Backbend - Duration: 2:52.Hi, my name is Rita Slanina, I'm a former, high level competitive gymnast.
I've coached, I was also USGF and Safety/CPR Certified.
Today I'm going to show you how to do a backbend in three easy steps.
Let's get ready by laying on your back.
Heels close to your bottom and your knees toward the sky.
Place your hands with palms up toward the sky.
Then using your fingertips to guide your palms to the floor next to your ears.
Your fingertips should almost touch your shoulders.
Your hand and feet placement help give you a sturdy base for your bridge.
Third and final step, using your hands and feet to push into the ground and push your
tummy toward the sky and hold for as long as you can.
You're doing a backbend!
Repeat this as many times as necessary until you figure it out and you get it right.
Practice makes perfect!And if you're feeling adventurous, try to go up on your toes while
in the bridge.
This will be useful later on...
Invention Stories: How Sick Cows Led to a Blockbuster Drug | Joe's Big Idea | NPR - Duration: 1:44.It's the 1930s... and farmers in the Midwest had a big problem.
Their cows were bleeding to death internally. And no one knew why.
The animals that were getting sick fed on sweet clover hay.
The outbreaks were the worst when the weather got damp and the hay got wet and moldy.
On a winter day, a desperate farmer showed up at Karl Paul Link's lab.
He brought a can of cow's blood that wouldn't clot.
The scientists figured out that there's a substance in the hay called coumarin
That turns into a powerful blood thinner when it reacts with the fungus spoiling the hay.
Scientists made different versions of the blood thinner.
No. 42 happened to be very potent.
They wondered what 42 would be good for.
Then they had an idea.
"Maybe if we give it to rats, it'll cause rats to bleed to death and die."
It works.
42 becomes a popular rat poison.
Then they had a crazy thought.
Maybe their rat poison had a medical use.
Maybe it would prevent new blood clots in people who'd had a stroke or heart attack.
They tested it on patients.
And it worked.
So that's how a substance in spoiled hay led to a rat poison and then one of the most
widely prescribed drugs ever.
How to DONATE TIME and Goods: Disaster Relief for Hurricane Harvey Victims 2017 - Duration: 8:47.they say we are on Grand road trying to see if we can get to my daughter but she
we can't get to her house this is Grant Road and cycling what
grant rule enjoy and as long as the eye can see
lay down that we can't even get to it is over
completely buddy Andrea give y'all some tips on when you are donating to the
shelters or to the rest to the places where people go to seek assistance or
help always remember there is somebody that has to sort this stuff this stuff
has to be taken out of the bags and put into separate sections and separate
groupings categories and so on so please remember the good thing there are a few
things to remember when you want to donate and help out for victims of the
storm here Harvey storm or whatever storm or any kind of
services you want to help with the first thing you need to do is if you want to
donate please please please sort the items into categories children's boys
girls women's men's teenage sizes larger sizes try to sort them but when you sort
them do not put them into the same bag do not put everything we'll try not to
because I know you're trying to help try not to put shoes and clothes for all the
groupings in one bag because all of this stuff has to be sorted into separate
bags into separate sections into separate sizes to be given out to the
different people who come in for assistance when we get people into
sinners they're going to be needing things for different folks so they're
going to have to go to a table for the kids they don't have to go to another
table for the women's and another table for the men's or another room or another
section so try to keep that in mind when you want to bring your donations help us
help you by sorting or pre sorting all the items that you want to give and
label very clearly what is in each bag preferably use clear bags or white bags
not the big black bags they are very difficult to sort with we can't write on
those and not having paper to write on those bags we have to find paper we
already have Shelby so the white bags and clear bags are easier to label when
we're trying to sort out each one okay so work more to come in a few
okay I'll show you in say hello shaking you okay Cheyenne has a few little
comments to help you guys know how to donate your gun to me definitely do so
but if you can please separate it by what gender if you can separate it by
what type of clothes like the pants in one bag but men's pants women's pants
underwear and socks with my new underwear and socks please toiletries
everything just separate it and label it if you can label it into white bags cuz
it's easier for us to label the white bags if you see we can write directly on
the bags and knock on the black bags so toiletries you say and new socks and new
underwear not used okay thank you alright so that is so far what we're
doing I just dropped over here to try to help and I'm glad I was able to come so
we're trying to do our part you guys just remember these little tips when
you're trying to help out all the locations in the city of Houston try to
find out who the leader is or who's running the show when you come in don't
think you're just gonna drop off your leftovers from that you're trying to
donate to do it because it takes people to separate their stuff
okay thank you she said that's right all right thank you
okay let me explain it is like this church here this is in northwest Houston
not far from highway 290 and it is now becoming a staging area for the Red
Cross and I wanted to make sure that I give you guys a couple of things to
consider when you are donating and when you come in the fun dream on the Jones
Road in northwest Houston and I'll put the information on here because I'm
recording this so that I can upload it on both my Facebook and YouTube and at
the best I can to get as much notification out but if you are in the
outer skirts of Houston in the Cypress area of town Jones Road Cypress area
1916 out here then it's called the fund
research but if the refinery and the link is on in the description so you
guys are see but basically keep in mind to do just interview with a couple other
people here and I'm just trying to do what I can to help out I wish I could do
more but they are just now it is about 6 o'clock but in one hour they're going to
start receiving people here the beds are already being set up
upstairs is here clothing water all ton of trees
everything that you could mean it looks really pretty out here for people's
homes or devastated including my own child so you know it just helps to help
so don't think that you can't help they need people to help organize and work 24
seven foot until people can get back into their homes and being they're gonna
start working out pulling together clues don't forget you have to have a tackle
the manatee which my daughter-in-law works with in Montgomery County and
stuff like that so you guys just keep in mind folks me carpet removed walls
removed furniture pulled out of their house if you can get where you need to
get help folks to clean clear and prepare to get their homes back in order
once the water begins to receive I'm thanking God for a nice evening so that
people can actually do what they can here
but just throwing supplies out is not all that needs to be done so get
yourself together put on your jeans put on some pants and some shoes that you
don't mind getting wet and come and roll your sleeves up and get to work so I can
say thank you for joining me Andrea out
Boom Beach Captain Everspark Universal Remote How To Use - Tutorial - Strategy - Step By Step - Duration: 8:53.Yo, what's going on guys?
This is Susant, brining to you another video of boom beach strategy.
First of all a little disclaimer to all, that this video is specially for my Task force
members, because the topic is not new which I am going to discuss now.
I am going to show you, how to use Captain Everspark's universal remote to hack.
This Hack strategy is always very useful in operations.
And even it is very much useful for low level players, who are in a Task force which is
doing Stronghold or higher operations.
In my task force, as I am a low level player I mostly try to give my best contribution,
and for this Captain Everspark's universal remote is the best weapon to value up my existence.
If you are concerned about your existence in High profiled Task force you must acquire
the skills of using Captain everspark's Universal Remote and hacking tactics.
So, you guys have seen that I've just boosted the Masterpiece of Gunboat energy and the
the Troop Damage.
I boosted because, I have to clear my map and gather some huge resources.
Here I am going to hit on the operation,
But, before going on operation, let me literate you about the basic hacking strategy.
How you can hack, 2 or 3 buildings one by one using smoke and flare simultaneously.
I'll be showing three strategies.
So, here it is.
I am going to remove these 3 rocket launchers which are standing here and there.
So this will be the process.
Landing captain everspark under the smoke,
press hack button,
it will target the nearest one randomly
flare on the 1st target, let the smoke expires,
it will be hacked,
re-smoke on her immediately,
tap the button,
flare on the 2nd target,
keep covering her with smoke,
wait till the smoke expires
and let the 2nd building hack,
again smoke immediately
and tap the button,
flare on the 3rd target,
wait for the smoke to expire, and it's done.
This was the basic way you can use captain everspark's universal remote.
You can hack 3 to 4 buildings one by one
by using smoke and flare
And now I will show how to hack some buildings which stand very near and attached with each
Like these 3 morters.
In this case, we can save many smokes and flares.
For this, we have to mark these 2 Morters with artillery, thus spark hack them automatically
without flare instruction.
So, landing her safe under smoke very near to those targets.
Tap on hack button, flare on the other building which is not marked and then continue tapping
the hack button.
As those buildings are in the range of captain spark and already weaken, they became hacked
Also there were not so many threats near to Captain spark, so it has been done in this
way easily.
But when there are lot of defenses surrounding the Captain spark and you have to hack 3 or 4 buildings
in the middle of defense, then the strategy will be little different and difficult.
You have to use re-smoke once and then double tap technique.
Here it is.
I am going to remove this three boom cannons.
I have just marked 2 boom canons.
Now placing captain spark near to them.
Tapping the hack button, flaring on the boom cannon which is not marked.
Let the smoke expires, let it be hacked, re-smoke immediately, tap the hack button, it will
target one of the boom cannon as they were marked and keep continue tapping the button
to hack the 3rd one.
That's it.
By the way, we can't use double tap without covering her with smoke after the 1st one,
as there are many defensive buildings standing surrounding her.
Let me show you guys, what will happen if we try to use double tap without using re-smoke
standing between lot of defenses.
Here it goes.
I am going to do same things, but not the re-smoke technique.
I will continue tapping the button until all the three boom cannons been hacked.
Yes, I tried, but no, it is not possible.
She couldn't hack the 3rd one.
To hack the 3rd one, she needs 3 seconds,
but defenses standing surrounding her need less than
3 seconds to kill her.
Like snipers tower needs 1.4 seconds time to hit her.
So now let me show you guys how I make an effective attack in the operation, how I've
removed those 3 Rocket Launchers using Captain Everspark's universal remote.
I just marked 2 structures out of three, thus Captain Everspark automatically target those
rocket launchers, when I hit the hack button.
Firstly I will hack the other one, which is not marked.
So I have to place her near to them.
I will be trying to use less smoke to save gbe.
This much of gap between smokes is not so much harmful, when there is no flamethrower
or machinegun on the way.
I just pressed the hack button, so you can see that she targeted the nearest and weakest
But now I flared on the other one.
Covering her again with smoke immediately.
Now I will keep pressing the hack button until those 2 Rocket Launchers been hacked.
Guys, here we can't use the double tap without using re-smoke, because there a lot of defensive
buildings are standing surrounding her.
To hack 3 structures in a shot, she needs 3 seconds, which can be harmful standing infront
of so many snipers towers.
If she would stand on the shore side, I could tap continuously until all the structures
So this is the process how you can use captain everspark's universal remote in the operation
very wisely.
Guys, re-smoking technique looks easy when you see someone is doing smoothly, but actually
it is not, many attacks fail due to the mismatch of time sense.
For the perfect timing of re-smoking, you need a lot of practice, for sure.
The best practice you can do on your Task force Friends' base without losing any gold.
Request your teammates to challenge and start practicing.
So this is it guys, I have done.
Hopefully, I have successfully made you little bit literate about the hack technique, and
it will be useful for you to survive in high level operations.
Thanks for watching.
If you find this video useful for you or for your friends, please do like, share it with
your friends and subscribe my channel to support me, if you have not done yet.
Also see you guys very soon in the next episode with another strategic video, till then keep
it tuned right here.
And like always, have an awesome day to all, peace out.
How To Make A Typography Poster Design | Satori Graphics - Duration: how to make a typography poster design a tutorial brought to you by Satori graphics
what up that people welcome back to the home of graphic
design content or right here on YouTube satori graphics today we're going to be
using both illustrator and Photoshop it is how to make a typography poster
design tutorial I'm launching my giveaway this coming Friday and on
Friday I'm going to upload a video where I'm gonna explain to the details of how
you can enter so make sure you catch star video in a new document in
Illustrator we need to type our typography first and foremost the star
poster design today so access the type window like so this is the typeface I'm
using here but you can of course use whatever you want
I will drop a link in the description below or the font L made in this poster
design there's going to be 12 letters you can do the less if you want to but
the feel of the whole design twelve letters work best
instead of simply typing out everything in one text box I'm using the old option
key here for duplicate each letter this way we can align everything a lot easier
and the typography poster design when you have your first three letters
finished select them all and then open up the align window
here we're going to align them as well as set equal distance between them
with the letter still selected hit command or control G to group them we
can head up to object and grip duplicate the group with three more times with the
option key we're then need to line all of the Gribbs and send equal distance
between them making our table ography poster layout perfectly aligned ed each
letter individually you can ungroup them all here is my typography layout which
says a toy design we can play around the letters if they are still not perfectly
take the rectangle tool and select a stroke we will draw a border around the
typography in Illustrator
you can set your stroke to whatever value you want to but I'm gonna use 30
for my typography poster design
once happy select the border and then I'll learn the stroke I'm going to
duplicate a typography design with the alt/option key and use the pipette to
select white from the canvas
in the next part of this tutorial on how to make a topography poster design we're
going to be moving things over to photoshop
so I went back and lead to my border and I made a thicker one instead select all
of your design and then hit command C to copy air or if you're using Windows ctrl
C the Nova and Photoshop open your image I have a link for this specific image
download in the description below you need to now hit command V your ctrl V to
paste in place now this looks fairly good as a poster
design but we can make it a lot better I will take the pipette tool here and grab
a color from the background in with the rectangle tool place a shape over the
entire canvas in Photoshop go to layer below the topography layer and then
lower the opacity something like 25
then in a typography layer said the blend mode to overlay like so you can
play around with the blend modes but for this type of approach the design I
personally prefer to use overlay if you double click the square layer you can
use the prepare tool and change its color experimenting with what you think
looks best I prefer to sample colors from the background itself so the entire
design ties in together and there you have it how to make a topography poster
design route to you by Satori graphics if you did enjoy this tutorial leave a
like and a comment on your way out will say share it to somebody else and
subscribe for for weekly graphic design uploads so until next time is on your
future today is
como HACER una Maqueta del EMBARAZO gratis How to make a model of PREGNANCY - Duration: 27:14.-------------------------------------------
How To Get Better Water - Duration: 5:38.-------------------------------------------
How to play NBA 2k18 on NBA 2k16 - Duration: 10:02.In this video we will be showing you guys how to play nba 2k18 on nba 2k16
Press Y, then click search by gamertag and write: Khalili MIY
The name of the roster is: 2017-18 roster starting lineup
Its called starting lineup because we only changed the starters, not all the bench players
Now, we will be showing you guys a gameplay!
Hope you enjoyed this video, don't forget to leave a like and subscribe
How to grow Bermuda Grass | Easy tips how to Plant Grass in summer - Duration: 3:27.Preparing the Location for Bermuda Grass
How to grow bermuda grass
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